Islam Unit Test
"struggle." Some Muslims consider Jihad to be the 6th pillar of Islam. It is either the obligation to fight evil or the obligation to spread the word of Islam.
House of Wisdom Bayt al-hikmah
In Baghdad. Diverse scholars sharing knowledge. Birth of scientific method. STEM studies. Muslims embrace Aristotle, Plato, Hindu mathematics, translate writings of the Greeks. Arabic is language of learning.
Where is Islam practiced today?
Islam is the second largest religion in the world. It is practiced everywhere, but the Dar al-Islam is the primary territory in which Islam can be practiced freely.
What are the geographic and cultural origins of Islam?
Islam originated in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) when Muhammad had his revelations from Allah and started sharing his faith with others. The region had been generally polytheistic.
How did Islamic states establish themselves as regional and international superpowers?
Islam spanned 3 continents and had extensive trade and commerce. They had advanced ideas about medicine and other scientific disciplines well ahead of the West. Used geographical expansion to also spread Islamic faith.
When, where, and how did this belief system disseminate?
Islam spread geographically during the Umayyad Dynasty when the strong Arab military expanded their territory. The religion spread most when the military was weaker and people converted by interest rather than force. Natural dissemination through trade and commerce connecting Asia, Europe, and Africa.
Sharia Law
Islamic holy law. The Sharia was developed after the death of Muhammad. It goes beyond the extent of the 5 pillars in describing the proper behavior of Muslims.
Islamic house of worship
Jizya is a head tax on all non-muslims in the Dar al-Islam.
What do these innovations tell us about their societies?
Lack of conflict between science and faith. Charity is important. Diversity contributes to richer community.
**House of Wisdom (Bayt al-Hikmah)
Located in Baghdad. It is an academic center for scholars of any faith or ethnicity. They worked together to solve the STEM problems of the Dar-al-Islam. Destroyed by the Monguls in 1258CE.
Means submission, submission to Allah. Worldwide religion which believes that Allah is the one true deity and Muhammad is his prophet
The Seal of the Prophets
Muhammad. He is the final prophet and his word is the last message from Allah.
One who has submitted to the Islamic faith
Caliph (Khalif)
Religious leader (deputy)
Shia believe he should become leader following Muhammad's death because he is a direct descendant.
Sufis are mystics. Sufi is a sect of Islam that is less than 1% of all Muslims. They are missionaries. Emphasize personal relationship with Allah rather than formal religious practices. Try to convert by teaching rather than conquering.
Abu Barkr
Sunni believe he should become leader following Muhammad's death because he was elected as best for the job.
Umayyad dynasty
The Umayyad dynasty from 661-750 CE focussed on territorial expansion of the Dar al-Islam using their Arab military. They were a centralized government who favored Arabs from merchant or military families. Their Greed caused a rebellion in 750 CE.
What divided people within the Muslim community?
The first divide was after Muhammad's death when the Sun and the Shia disagreed about who should serve as Khalif. (Election of Abu Barkr vs hereditary passing to Ali). There is further divide among those who believe that there is a 6th pillar of Islam, Jihad = struggle.
The Quran
The holy book of Islam
The sect of Muslims who believe that Abu Barkr was the rightful choice to serve as Caliph following Muhammad's death. Sunni make up 85% of Muslims
The sect of Muslims who believe that the Caliph should have been a descendent of Muhammad and that the ruler of the Umma should passed on hereditarily. They believe Ali (Muhammad's cousin) should have been Caliph. They make up 15% of Muslims.
Sunni Shia split
The split happens upon Muhammad's death when Sunni and Shia disagree about who should lead. 85% become Sunni.
How did different Islamic empires impose order and rule their territory?
Umayyad had a centralized government in Damascus. For them the capital makes the rules. Favored Arabs from military or merchant families and focused on wealth. Abbassid dynasty had decentralized, regional government. Focus on the best talent for each position.
Umma means community of the faithful. Umma is the group of Muhammad's followers originally exiled to Medina.
What united people within Dar al-Islam?
United by their faith and continued believe in Allah. Territorially, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca allows Muslims from all over the world to connect. The Umayyad/Abbassid civil war did a lot to unite Suni and Shia communities over common interests.
a less important text which accounts Muhammad's deeds and sayings. The Hadith focusses on Muhammad while the Quran focusses on Allah
Abba al-abbas
allied with Shia and with other minority groups within Umayyad dynasty. They were not benefitting from Umayyad, so moved to Baghdad for fresh start and participated in rebellion.
capital city in central Syria used by Umayyad (did not keep capital Mecca). Has a great Mosque
What innovations and ideas did the Islamic empires create, cultivate, disseminate?
cataract removal by hollow needles, early monotheistic religion, Europe learned about paper from Islamic empires, advanced medical ideas (airborne illness, different hospital wings), treat mental illness, charity with soup kitchens, translated numerous texts and documents, created the scientific method, algebra, science behind cameras, no conflict between science and faith
conflict between or within branches of the same religion
division/branch within a religion
fear of Islam or the people who practice Islam, usually irrational and usually leading to prejudice or discrimination
the Arabic word for school
the one true deity according to Islam
House of Wisdom Charity
First soup kitchens connected to Mosques. Strong trade economies promote charitable giving.
Hijra is Muhammad's forced migration from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE.
Holy pilgrimage to Mecca. Hajj to Mecca became a devotional. Hajj symbolizes unity and equality Borders opened for Hajj, helps trade and commerce, connects Europe (Spain) to Asia (China and India). First Hajj by Muhammad in 622 CE. One of the 5 pillars of Islam.
A prophet recognized by the Quran. He is believed to be the ancestor of other prophets such as Muhammad himself.
A prophet. Muhammad received messages or revelations from Allah delivered through the arch angel Gabriel instructing him to explain his faith to others. Muhammad is considered the final prophet or the seal of the prophets.
A religious belief in a single God or other deity
People of the Book
A term Muslims use to describe all the groups of people that Allah has revealed himself to: this includes Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
What is in the Quran?
A work of poetry. Communicates Muhammad's understanding of Allah and his relationship to the world. The Quran is the definitive authority for Islamic religious doctrine and social organization.
Abbassid capital city. Built from 8th century by best thinkers, best artists, best philosophers. Architectural wonder. Destroyed by "monguls" in 1258. STEM challenges still go to Baghdad
What are the basic beliefs and practices of Islam?
Allah is the one true deity and Muhammad is his prophet. Practices are centered around the 5 pillars of Islam (Praying 5 times daily facing Mecca, Pilgrimage to Mecca 1xlife, charity 12.5% of income to poor, fasting during holidays, and reciting profession of faith).
Any teacher of the will of God
House of Wisdom Literature
Arab world teaches Europe to make and use paper. Create books. Women and men worked as scribes to write and copy texts. Every one studies Quran. Islamic civilization spreads through sharing of texts.
Dar al-Islam
Arabic term meaning the House of Islam. Refers to the cities, countries, states, etc under Islamic rule
The Awakening
Arabic word for conquest means "opening"
House of Wisdom
Baghdad during 7th and 8th centuries. 200 years after death of Muhammad, Islam spreading across three continents. Magnet for intellectuals. No contradiction between faith and science. Need to be fluent in all languages, cultures.
City in Saudi Arabia. Birthplace of Muhammad and of Islam.
City of Prophet. When Muhammad was forced to leave Mecca, he and his followers resettled in the nearby city of Yathriv, which they renamed Medina. In Saudi Arabia
The 5 pillars of Islam
Created based on the revelations Muhammad had from Allah in addition to his personal beliefs. The 5 pillars serve as a cohesive set of obligations for all of the Umma. 1. Shahada - faith 2. Salah - prayer 3. Zakat - charity 4. Sawm - fasting 5. Hajj - pilgrimage to Mecca
Cube shaped building. Inside is large black rock thought to be the dwelling of a powerful deity. It is the last shrine left in Mecca following Muhammad's destruction of pagan shrines.
House of Wisdom Science
Developed theory of air borne illness. Treated mental illness. Anatomy studies used for next 600 years. Human eye studies led to camera development. Separate people with different kinds of illnesses. Germ theory, use of hollow needles 1000 years before Europe. No contradiction between religion and science.
How did Islamic states establish themselves as regional and international superpowers?
1. Loyalty of faith community, 2. strong military, 3. organized dynasties, 4. acceptance of cultures
3 things the Islamic empire and the Dar al-Islam used to help shape the world 600-1300 CE
1. Trade, 2. Territorial conquering and expansion, 3. academic achievements and inventions
Abbassid dynasty
750-1258 CE. Seized power from Umayyad in civil war. Less focus on military. More focus on developing a strong government in the newly conquered lands.