IST 402 Exam 1

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Computer as a tool

"a computer system can be the instrument that is used to commit a crime" (Online Fraud)

Computer is incidental to the crime

"the computer plays a minor role in the offense"

Computer as a target

"the perpetrator attacks a computer system by breaking into it or by bombarding it from outside" (hacking, DDoS attacks)


The use and abuse of a credit card number or the identity associated with that account

Cybercrime Markets: Customer Service

Two important factors that help ensure that buyers will be satisfied with sellers' products and services are: their speediness in responding to customers' requests/messages, and the quality of the product

Boot sector

A region of any sort of storage media or the hard disk of a computer that can hold code which is loaded into memory by a computer's firmware.

Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)

A trade organization that supports the recording industry and those businesses that create, manufacture, or distribute legally sold and recorded music within the U.S.A.

Miller v. California (1973)

A worker may be deemed obscene, and therefore not protected by the First Amendment right to free speech

Child pornography

Defined as the depiction of "the sexual or sexualized physical abuse of children under 16 years of age or who appear to be less than 16 that would offend a reasonable adult"

Warez Doodz

Hackers in the early 1980s began to subvert protections on software in order to share programs with others.

Physical abusers

Have direct physical contact with children and are similar to groomers in that they may or may not access child porn and may have cultivated a relationship with their victim online

Hacker spaces

Have emerged over the past decade as a way for individuals with knowledge of technology to come together in order to share what they know with others.


High-end call girls that comprises the highest echelon of sex workers and are thought to make much higher wages than other sex workers

Boot Sector Viruses

Installs their code into the boot sector of either a form of storage media (i.e., flash drive) or the hard disk of the targeted computer

Digital Immigrant

an individual who grew up in the analog media era and who generally has more trouble adapting to new digital technologies, despite perhaps a desire to use and understand them


are behaviors that may not be illegal but go against local norms or values

Morris worm

created by Robert Tappan Morris in 1988 - designed to measure the size of the Internet, but errors in the code caused it to spread out of control - led to the creation of the first Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)

UK Computer Misuse Act (1990)

criminalizes unauthorized access to computer material and unauthorized modification of computer material - does not allow for direct cases against malware writers

Massage parlors

he larger proportion of sex workers operate behind closed doors in homes, apartments, and businesses where the risk of arrest is substantially lower.

419 scams

reference Nigerian legal statutes used to prosecute fraud - Advance fee email schemes

MuTation Engine

(MtE) (1991): A polymorphic generator that not only encrypted the virus but randomized the routine used so that it varied with each replication.


(malicious software) is a term used to encapsulate the range of destructive programs that can be used to harm computer systems, gain access to sensitive information, or engage in different forms of cybercrime.

Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)

A charitable organization focused on reducing the amount of child porn available and exploitation materials hosted worldwide and criminally obscene adult content in the UK.


A blended threat combining multiple elements of existing malware together - Botnet operators can use their infected systems to engage in various types of attacks, Distributed Denial of Service Attacks (DDoS)


A form of fraud perpetrated in part by email in which individuals attempt to obtain sensitive financial information from victims to engage in identity theft and fraud

What is a hack

A hack typically involves the modification or alteration of computer hardware or software to enable technology to be used in a new way, whether for legitimate or illegitimate purposes

International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC)

A non-profit agency that is focused on building partnerships in a global context to better investigate child exploitation cases and build the legal capacity of nations so that there is consistency in laws to prosecute these offenses.

National Crime Agency (NCA)

Addresses serious and organized crime in the UK, including cybercrime, fraud, and other Internet crimes

Creation of the video cassette

Allowed for consumers to record content using inexpensive recording cameras that put images on to blank tapes rather than film stock

Hacker Subculture: Technology

An individual's connection to technology and their sense of ownership over the tools of their "craft" increases their ability to hack, n order to establish such a connection, hackers must develop a deep appreciation of computers and be willing to explore and apply their knowledge in new ways, Hackers interest in technology begins at an early age, Identifying peers on and off-line who share their passion for technology helps maintain their interests and is also useful in the development of their skills and ability.

Entities that Combat Malware

Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization (AMTSO) was formed in 2008 in order to improve the process of malware identification and product testing, the design of software and methodologies for analysis, and to identify standards and practices that can be implemented across the security industry


Any criminal action perpetrated primarily through the use of a computer

Trojan Horses

Appear to be a downloadable file or attachment that individuals would be inclined to open (e.g., "Receipt of Purchase), however, when the file is opened it executes some portion of its code and delivers its payload on the system. Utilizes social engineering techniques to entice users to open their files.

Non-secure collectors

Are technologically savvy and use peer-to-peer file-sharing programs and other more secured sources to access content. They have greater social connections that engender access to child porn though they take no real steps to protect whatever content they collect.

Hook-up apps


Attempting to find children to molest

Violent Crimes Against Children International Task Force (VCACITF)

Began in 2004 and is now the largest global task force in the world that investigates child exploitation cases.

Technology as a Communications Medium

CMCs make it easy for offenders to connect with one another, The ability to connect in online environments has enabled the formation of virtual subcultures


Cases involving contracts, property, and personal injuries

National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB)

Collects information on various forms of fraud and aggregates this data along with reports from business and industry sources into a large database called the NFIB Know Fraud system


Communicating and sharing ideas with like-minded persons

Capture the Flag

Competitions are a way to show hackers mastery of technology and occur at cons like DefCon where hackers compete to hack one another while also defending their resources from others.

Street prostitutes

Comprise 10-20% of all sex workers and are often racial minorities who receive very low wages and face significantly higher rates of arrest

Financial Coalition Against Child Pornography (FCACP)

Comprises 35 financial institutions and ISPs which operate jointly to handle complaints of child porn and disrupt the businesses that are engaged in the sale of or profit generation from this content.


Computer Mediated Communication

Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT)

Coordinates responses to multinational investigations.

Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

Covers all schools that teach students from kindergarten through twelfth grade, and the Neighborhood Children's Internet Protection Act (NCIPA) which encompasses public libraries

Berne Convention

Created in 1886 in response to concerns about how IP should be handled and protected internationally.


Criminal acquisitions that can occur online

Truth in Domain Names Act of 2003

Criminalized the use of misleading domain names to draw Internet users to websites hosting sexually explicit or obscene content

Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today Act (or PROTECT Act) of 2003

Criminalized virtual child porn and extended the legal definition to include "a digital image, computer image, or computer-generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaged in sexually explicit content."


Customers of prostitutes viewed sex and sex workers as a commodity - encounters can't occur without payment

Criminal Law

Deals with the violation of a statute, The majority of criminal cases happen at the state level, addresses an individual's wrongs against society

Ransomware/ Scareware

Demands that the operator of the infected system pay in order to have their system's functionality restored, Similar to a trojan in that it spreads through downloadable files or websites, Once activated, the payload of the malware may encrypt the user files or modify the boot record in order to restrict user access, The payload may also include messages that are displayed to the victim indicating that their computer has been used for illegal activities (e.g., child porn) and has been shut down by law enforcement or that the computer's OS has been corrupted


Designed to educate children and adults about threats to youth safety.

Operation Predator

Designed to facilitate the investigation of child exploitation both in the USA and abroad

Operation Rescue Me

Designed to identify victims of child exploitation.


Distributed Denial of Service Attack

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Drivers' licenses, passports, debit/credit cards etc.

Carding Markets

Enable individuals to engage efficiently in credit card fraud and identity theft with minimal effort and limited technical knowledge or skill.


Engaging in inappropriate communication with children

North American Many-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)

Established in 1978 arguing that it was implausible that anyone under a certain age can't understand or truly express their desire for an emotional or romantic relationship

Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996

Extended existing laws regarding child porn by establishing a new definition for it


Flaws in either computer hardware or software, Vulnerabilities provide a point of compromise and are present in nearly all technologies

Obscene Publications Act (OPA) 1959

For England and Wales indicates that any article may be obscene if its effect on the audience member who reads, views, or hears it is to "deprave and corrupt."

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Formed in 1967 that provides a global forum for IP services, policy, information and cooperation. It was integrated into the UN in 1974.

Copyright, trademark, or patent

Forms of legal protection for IP that provide exclusive use of an idea or design to a specific person or company, the right to control how it may be used, and legal entitlement to payment for its use for a limited period of time.

Cybercrime Markets

Forums and IRC channels help to establish a marketplace between sellers advertising their products openly for purchase and buyers interested in seeking such products.


Go one step beyond abusers as they document abuse in which others engage.

Aaron Swartz

Good guy, downloaded too many articles???? Founded reddit, founded Demand Progress, PACER, JSTOR


Groups which have their own values, norms, and traditions that set them apart from and/or in opposition to the dominant culture

Rule 34

If it exists, there is pornographic content of it

Civil Law

If you are suing or being sued, Disputes between private individuals, Damages are paid by the guilty party; no prison/jail time


In the U.S., the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) is the primary federal law used to prosecute in hacking cases

Information Technology Act of 2000

India criminalized sexual offenses involving a person under the age of 18 through this amendment

Copyright Protections

Individuals are given copyright protections from the time a work is created, though they must register their copyright with the government to ensure that they are given all necessary protection under the law.


Individuals cross boundaries of computer systems into areas where ownership has already been established

Sexual fetishes

Individuals experience sexual arousal or enhancement of a romantic encounter based on the integration of physical objects or certain situations

Drop services

Individuals pursue electronics and other goods electronically using stolen cards, have them shipped to intermediaries who pawn the items, and then wire the cash to interested parties

Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008

Individuals who publish or sell obscene articles for economic gain and are found guilty of violating the OPA may be fined and imprisoned for between three and five years under a recent enhancement of sentences

What is a Hacker

Individuals with a profound interest in computers and technology, Use this knowledge to access computer systems with or without authorization from the system owner

Exploit Packs

Installed on web servers in order to attack individuals visiting a website, Individuals who visit a website hosted on the infected server will have their browser silently attacked, Once the infection payload is executed, the attacker can then send additional malware to the system to gain further control over the system

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is a critical term to understand when discussing digital piracy - An original idea that involves some form of creative expression when put into a fixed medium that becomes a tangible property viewable by others

Violent Crimes Against Children (VCAC)

Investigates a range of sexual offenses and criminal activities that affect youth ranging from child porn to sex trafficking to kidnapping

Child Protections Operations (CPO) Team

Investigates and coordinates the response to child exploitation cases both domestically and internationally.

U.S. Postal Inspection Service

Investigates child exploitation cases since child porn and obscene content was distributed directly via postal mail prior to the development of the Internet

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

It is the largest investigative agency within the Department of Homeland Security that investigates the flow of people, money, drugs, guns, fraudulent items, and other items across U.S. national boundaries


Johns referred to sex workers on the basis of where they worked, whether in streets, strip clubs, or advertised online using abbreviations to indicate that the worker is a street-walking prostitute.

Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC)

Joint effort of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Ontario Provincial Police, and the Competition Bureau

Child Exploitation Task Forces (CETFs)

Joint operations of federal, state, and local law enforcement officers.

Andrew Auernheimer

Kinda a tool, did the stuff with the phone company

Obscene Publications Act (OPE)

Made it illegal to sell, possess, or publish obscene material although not clearly defined in the law - Law enforcement could also search, seize, and destroy any content found - Similar legal structures emerged in Europe and the Americas to help minimize the perceived corrupting influence of such content on the masses


Make up the final category and are responsible for sharing the content used by offenders in any of the previous categories. They may be poorly/well connected to others based on the type of content they share and are much more careful to secure their activities from law enforcement. They are also likely not to have direct contact with child victims and instead operate as a middleman to make content available.

Copyright Act of 1976

Makes it a federal crime for someone to willfully infringe an existing copyright for: commercial advantage, private gain, or by reproducing one or more copies of a copyrighted work with a value of more than $1000 during a 180-day period (can lead to misdemeanor charges)

Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998

Makes it a federal crime to possess, transfer, or use a means of identification of another person without authorization with the intent to commit or aid in the commission of illegal activity at the local, state, or federal level.

Dating websites,

Extreme pornography

Materials produced for the purpose of sexual arousal which depict acts that "threaten a person's life; acts which result in or are likely to result in serious injury to a person's anus, breasts or genitals; bestiality; or necrophilia"


Methods via computers and/or Internet

Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG)

Not-for-profit global consortium of researchers, computer security professionals, financial industry members, and law enforcement to document the scope of phishing attacks and provide policy recommendations to government and industry groups worldwide


Oldest form of malware, an neither be activated nor execute its payload without some user intervention

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)

One of the key non-profit organizations in the U.S. that deals with missing children and child exploitation.

Secure collectors

Only access child porn via secured/private networks and deliberately categorize and index their collections. They also exchange content with others as a means to gain access to secured child porn-sharing groups and networks.

Wifey and Hubby

Operated their own pornographic website selling content they produce since 1998

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)

Operates to protect the IP of their artists and creative producers.


People can send photos/videos of themselves in provocative outfits or engage in sexually suggestive activities with great ease through text messaging

Revenge porn

People often post content they receive from an intimate partner after a relationship sours or by hacking someone's phone/email account in order to acquire pictures and embarrass the sender

Cam whores

Performers who engage in text-based conversations with individuals viewing them in streaming-video feeds and take requests for specific behaviors or sexual acts


Personal Identification Numbers


Phone hacking became popular in the counterculture as an expression of discontent against the phone companies


Piece of code, that takes advantage of the vulnerability to gain control of a system


Pirated files that were initially distributed through password-protected Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs), which allowed for individuals to gain status by providing access to new or hard-to-find files.


Search actively for child porn through various browsers as they have generally few connections to others to facilitate access to content and take no steps to conceal their activities

Cybercrime Markets: Price

Prices on the online market are subject to scrutiny, Discounts and deals are offered to attract prospective customers,Price serves as an important first step in establishing a relationship between buyers and sellers

Work-at-home schemes

Promise recipients substantial earnings for just a few hours of work per day.


Provides an electronic resource for individuals to report suspected incidents of child abuse, child porn, and sexual exploitation

Punishment Under the CFAA

Punishments for these acts vary based largely on the harm caused by the incident, For acts of trespass designed to obtain national security information (Sect. (a)(1)) the punishment is a minimum sentence of 10-20 years, While simply accessing a computer and obtaining information of value (Sect. (a)(2)) varies from one year in prison and/or a fine, up to 10 years if the offender has either multiple charges brought against them or if they engaged in the offense for commercial or private gain, Individuals who trespass on government-controlled computers (Sect. (a)(3)) can receive both a fine and imprisonment for not more than one year, though if it is part of another offense it may be up to 10 years.

Child sexual abuse material

Refer to what is otherwise considered child pornography on the basis that since children are unable to give consent, and are being harmed physically and emotionally, the phrase pornography is reductive and unfair to the victims

Dark Web

Referencing the portion of the Internet operating on the specialized encrypted software platform Tor.


Refers to a sex worker's appearance and how it had degraded over time in the sex trade.

Girlfriend experience (GFE)

Refers to prostitutes who could make the experience feel like a consensual relationship with no money involved.

Action Fraud

Reporting service that enables citizens and businesses to file reports of fraud online or via phone and obtain information about how to better protect themselves from being victimized

Endangered Child Alert Program (ECAP)

Seeks to identify the adults featured in some child exploitation content so that they may be brought to justice

Advance fee email schemes

Sender requests a small amount of money up front from the recipient in order to share a larger sum of money later

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

Serve a pivotal role in the identification of attempts to smuggle in cash and currency as well as use or transfer fraudulent documents

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Serves as a key reporting mechanism for consumer complaints of identity crimes through both an online and telephone-based reporting mechanism.

Illegal content

Sex between animals and humans, rape/physical harm, and images featuring children and minors


Sex with animals,


Sex with the dead


Sharing allows for concurrent uploads and downloads of media through multiple sources


Software tools built with the purpose of committing online scams and stealing information from consumers and businesses

Identity fraud

Someone else's personal information is used by another individual in order to obtain money, credit, goods, or services, and may be used to enable other forms of fraud, such as mortgage fraud.

Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

Staffed by both FBI agents and professional staff with expertise in the prevention, detection, and investigation of cybercrime and also partners with industry representatives and local/state/federal law enforcement agencies to understand the scope of various forms of online fraud.


Taking PII out of mailboxes and trash cans or during the commission of a robbery/burglary

Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC)

Task forces provide a mechanism for coordination between local, state, and federal law enforcement as well as prosecutors.


The Government


The accused / Private party

identity Theft

The attempted or successful misuse of an existing account, such as a debit or credit card account, the misuse of personal information to open a new account or the misuse of personal information for other fraudulent purposes, such as obtaining government benefits or providing false information to police during a crime or traffic stop


The changes that a piece of malware causes to a computer system are affected

Technology as a Target

The computers and mobile devices we use every day can be targeted by offenders to cause harm to information or people


The criminal acquisition of money or property from victims through the use of deception or cheating

Technology as Evidence

The devices we use produce digital evidence of our activities, Digital evidence can be used to support criminal investigations of virtually any offense, online or offline

Laws Dealing with Malware

The fifth statue of the U.S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) involves the use of malware, making it illegal to: knowingly cause the transmission of a program, information, code, or command and thereby intentionally cause damage to a protected computer - intentionally access a protected computer without authorization and thereby recklessly cause damage - intentionally access a protected computer without authorization and thereby cause damage or loss

Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation Act

The first U.S. law criminalizing child porn and was enacted in 1977 - makes it illegal for anyone under the age of 16 to participate in the visual production of sexually explicit materials, however, this definition was extended to the age of 18 in 1986

Protection of Children Act 1978 (PCA)

The first attempt to legislate against child porn making it illegal to obtain, make, distribute, or possess an indecent image of anyone under the age of 18.

Canadian National Child Exploitation Coordination Centre (NCECC)

The focal point of contact for online exploitation cases that cross jurisdictional boundaries within Canada or internationally

Digital Piracy

The illegal copying of digital media (e.g., computer software, digital sound and video recordings, etc.) without the explicit permission of the copyright holder

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) - Child porn terms

The importation/distribution of child porn and obscene content through U.S. borders, electronic or otherwise, are an investigative priority for ICE agents.


The practice of paying for sex

The Fappening / Celebgate

The release of illegally acquired photos and videos of multiple celebrities on August 31, 2014


The representation of sexual situations and content for the purposes of sexual arousal and stimulation - Legal in the U.S. and most Western nations so long as the participants (or those depicted) are of legal age

Romance Scams

The scammer attempts to develop an emotional relationship that will culminate in the scammer traveling to victim

Pump and Dump Stock Schemes

The scammer's objective is to artificially "pump up" the price by enticing individuals to purchase the stock. The scammer then sells "dumps" their investment in the stock in order to garner a profit before the value drops

Hacker Subculture: Secrecy

The use of nicknames or handles provide hackers with a way to represent themselves in the digital world, Many handles are ideal concepts or a projection of the hacker's attitudes, Allows hackers to conceal their real identity, Some hackers also attempt to segment themselves and to shield their activities from the general public through the use of closed web forums and private message boards.

Hacker Subculture: Knowledge

There are a range of terms used to reference a hackers' skill and level of knowledge

Stored communications

This statute makes it an offense to either intentionally: access without authorization a facility through which an electronic communication is provided; or exceed an authorization to access such a facility and then obtain, alter, or prevent authorized access to a wire or electronic communication while it is in electronic storage

.xxx domain

Top-level domain that provides a voluntary option for individuals to host pornographic content online.


Trafficking child porn

Child Victim Identification (CVIP)

Trawls through images of child porn in order to determine the identity and location of child victims

United Kingdom's Computer Misuse Act of 1990

Unauthorized access to computer material, Unauthorized access to a computer system with intent to commit or facilitate the commission of a serious crime, Unauthorized modification of computer material

Age Verification Services (AVS):

Upon entry into the website verify the age of an individual via a valid credit card/driver's license

COPINE (Combatting Paedophile Information Networks in Europe) Scale

Used to categorize sexual content on the basis of the harm involved in erotica and pornographic content involving children.

Child love

Used to describe what they perceive to be a perfectly normal relationship between adult and child, which doesn't have to always involve sexual activity.

"Cash out" services

Used to obtain physical money from electronic accounts by hijacking these accounts to engage in electronic fund transfers established by a hacker

Private fantasy

User creates their own materials so that they can use it for personal reasons later.


View child porn accidentally, but save the content deliberately for later use

Macro Viruses

Virus writers create a program using the macro programming languages associated with specific applications and embed the code into the appropriate file (e.g., PowerPoint presentation).

Types of Malware

Viruses, trojan horses, worms, blended threats

BigDoggie and Punternet

Websites where individuals can post reviews of their experiences with sex workers

Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU)

Works as an independent group designed to handle serious forms of IP crime in London


Worms are malware that uses system memory to spread, self-replicate, and deteriorate system functionality, spread autonomously, takes up memory space and network resources, They do not deliver a payload

Code-Red worm

affected any web server using Microsoft's IIS web server software - spread rapidly around the world - caused a Denial of Service (DoS) attack due to its constant replication and spreading attempts

Convention on Cybercrime (CoC)

deals with child porn under Article 9 requiring member states to make it illegal to produce, distribute, offer, procure, or possess child pornography via computer or media storage

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998

designed to directly affect media piracy online through further revisions to the Copyright Act- extended protection to various music and performances that have been recorded in some fashion - makes it illegal to circumvent any protective technologies placed on copyrighted works - makes it illegal to tamper with copyright management software or protections - can be extended beyond computer software

Cybercrime Markets: Trust

forums utilize checks to ensure that products are reliable and trustworthy, guarantor programs serve as a specialized payment mechanism to deal with individuals who may or may not be trustworthy, positive feedback/reviews made within forums help to demonstrate the trustworthiness of the individual

No Electronic Theft (NET) Act of 1997

increased penalties for the duplication of copyrighted materials, recognizes infringement when an individual receives or expects to receive a copyrighted work, including through electronic means, regardless of whether they received commercial/financial gain - introduced sanctions for the reproduction/distribution of one or more copies of "phonorecords" making it possible to legally pursue music piracy


may not access child porn, but if they do they're more likely to share it with their intended target to normalize the notion of a sexual activity. They are dependent on the steps their victims take in order to minimize their risk of getting caught


involves the use of digital technology or CMCs to cause harm and force social change based on ideological or political beliefs

Trojan Horses Functions

keystroke logging, access to sensitive files, use of the webcam or other system tools, use of the infection system for attacks against other systems, send additional forms of malware to the system to engage in secondary infections.

The Pirate Bay (TPB)

maintains indexed torrent files for music, software, video games, and newly released movies.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

nvestigate and seize imported goods that infringe existing intellectual property rights

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

prosecutes active investigations against piracy groups

Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) or Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs)

provides reporting mechanisms for vulnerabilities and threats to systems as well as security tools to help patch and protect systems - serves to analyze and track threats as they evolve for virtually any branch of government and civilian networks - act as a focal point for the coordination of information concerning cyber attacks that threaten critical infrastructure

"Secret Shopper" scheme

the sender or fake company indicates that they are seeking people to shop at specific retailers to review the store's procedures and customer service - once "hired," the recipient is given a check/money to purchase certain goods and keep a portion of the check for compensation - once the products are bought and a review of them is made, they are asked to ship the products to a specified location

Carnegie Mellon Report

ver 80 percent of images on the Internet involved sexually explicit content, which led to tremendous coverage in major news outlets about the threat of cyberporn.

Cybercrimes occure

when a perpetrator uses special knowledge of cyberspace to commit a crime

Digital Natives

young people who have grown up using the internet and social networking

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