italian unification

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The Crimean War (1854-56)

Broke out in 1854, France and Britian were allied against russia. While there was no real reason for Piedmont to join the war Victor Emmanuel lll saw it as an opportunity to make powerful friends with France and Britain to weaken the power that controlled most of italy. At the end of the war Piedmont did not get any territorial gain, but had made allies with strong powers.


A secret revolutionary society working to unify Italy in the 1820s. Their goals were built off a liberal and patriotic basis, although they had no real political agenda. They focused on those who were unhappy with the repressive political issues in italy following 1815. They took part in important actions to try and unify italy, like the failed 1820 revolution. Their overall goal was to defeat tyranny and establish a constitutional government. Secret services as such shows that nationalism and unification were ideas early on in the process of Italian unifcation. The effect of this is the spread of nationalism and hope for unification.

Treaty of Plombieres

A treaty made between France and Piedmont that stated if attacked by Austria France would help Italy. If won Italy would gain Lombardy, Venice and some papal lands. And the French would gain Savoy and Nice. Britain and Prussia decided to stay neutral. Cavour's goal was to ensure that Austria call war first with italy so that they were the aggressor. To incite this he ordered Piedmonts small military to mobilize, this was a gamble because he was not sure if the French would really come to their aid in this war. Austria called war in 1859 marking the second war of Italian unification. This allowed for the assistance of france to help Italy get rid of the powerful hold austria had over Italy.

Giuseppe Mazzini

An italian nationalist who called for the unification of the entire being of italy instead of just certain regions. He believed that this would lead to larger unifications of europe and then the world. He was a man of action who was always planning uprisings and revolutions in hopes of unifying Italy. His outspoken criticism of the church naturally angered the authorities. He was a member of the secret nationalist society known as "Carbonari" He believed that this type of unification could only be reached through revolutions. After the failures of the carboni he created his own nationalist group called young italy. It openly called for a unified Italy. during the 1848 revolutions he fought, although the revolutions failed at this time it promoted a nationalist ideology among italy and helped instill a want for unification through the Italian people. He appealed to the intellects of italy, this also helped spread ideas that would later lead to the unification of italy.

Expedition of a Thousand

Garibaldi gathered a group of 1000 soldiers and set off for the island of Sicily in May of 1860. Waiting until the french patrol boats left the port Garibaldi moved his ships in with the british ones waiting at the port. Once there the French could not fire on them in fear of damaging British boats and starting an international conflict. He lead a whirlwind campaign along the island becoming known as "Expedition of the Thousand" By the end of May he had succeeded in capturing the capital of Sicily, Palermo. This allowed for the unification of Italy by separating Italian states from the other powerful holds the other European countries had a hold on.

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Joined young italy and became known as a political activist for the unification of Italy. He fought alongside Mazzini in the 1848 revolutions. He was responsible for incorporating Sicily and Napels into the unified Italy. His work towards a unified Italy allowed for all of Italy to be unified not just separate regions.

Austrian Resentment

Just like Germany Italy did not like austrian authority. Because of this hatred of Austrian power Italy did not join the new found wave of Nationalism in 1815. Because they did not want to be under Austrian influence they favored separate states versus a politically unified germany. This sets Italy a little further back then germany in their goals of unification. It won't come until later that the ideas of nationalism begin to spread and people want a unified Italy.

King Charles Albert

King of Piedmont in 1831, he had liberal sympathies but he liked a strong monarchy. Introduced the Statuto ( constitution), it was very liberal. In 1840s he supported nationalists and declared war w/Austria in 1848. He was defeated at the Battle of Novara in 1849 so he abdicated right after. By having these liberal ideologies he influenced his people to want a unified Italy, although he lost the war he still instilled in them the will to fight for one unified state, this would lead to a increase in nationalism and fight for unification.

Victor Emmanuel II

King of Piedmont in 1849. He was more concerned with his personal life then the government, but supported cavour in the hopes of expanding Piedmont. He took a leadership role in unifying italy and became the first king of italy in 1861. Through his leadership he showed that Piedmont was not a radical state this pleased other countries like Great Britain and France. By showing these other European countries that Piedmont was not a radical state fighting for unification it allowed for the other countries to not take action against italian unification later setting the stage for it to become a possibility.

Daniele Manin

Leader of the republicans whose desire for the union of Italy was stronger than their desire for a republican government. He was imprisoned in 1848 after presenting the idea of venetian leadership. He was made president of the venetian republic, and was then after banished after austria took power.

Young Italy

Mazzini established Young Italy in 1831 to spread his message among Italians and to strengthen the spirit of nationalism. He attracted the young people of Italy and influenced them to fight for the cause of unification. Mazzini believed that a popular uprising would lead to a unified Italy. Mainly middle class. Started in Italy and then Mazzini started it in marseille, after this it spread throughout italy and some of europe, staying mostly in the middle class. This lead to the spread of nationalist ideals promoting a unified italy and creating a path of revolutions and beliefs to unify.

Mazzini's principles for a Unified Italy

Mazzini was republican by principles and opposed the monarchial institutions and emphasized upon the natural rights of the citizens and the end of all forms of exploitation. He highlighted the common elements of diverse local cultures and this led Italians perceiving themselves as a part of one national culture. He also inforced the thought of sacrifice for the cause of creating a unified italy. This lead to a republic government once italy was formed, it also lead to wars that would then result in Italian unification.

Pope Pius IX

Pope during unification of Italy who opposed creation of federation of Italian states. When elected he adopted more liberal ideals and a liberal constitution. He wanted to improve education and railways. Although as he started liberal it did not stay that way, after the 1848 revolutions in italy the pope was driven out of rome. After this he became a conservative and favored more traditional ideals. He opposed nationalism and liberalism. By first having these liberal views it allowed for the italian people to start the idea of unification, although once he changed his tune it would have been very influential since majority of italy all worshiped the roman catholic church.

Camilio Benso, Count of Cavour

Prime minister from 1852-1861. He was a monarchist, but favored limited power through parliament. He became the first prime minister of the italian state in 1861. He strengthened Piedmont through expanding railways, making trade agreements with foreign countries, and curbing the power of the church. His goal was to expand his own state, although he was forced to accept the unification of all of italy.

Kingdom of Italy 1861

The Kingdom of Italy was first proclaimed after the joining of the expanded kingdom of Piedmont with Garibaldi's southern Italian states in 1861. The only remaining lands left to be gained were Venetia (Austrian controlled) and Rome (French protected) Through a series of wars, the unification was completed in 1870 when Rome became the new capital of Italy. This was the first step in unifying all of the italian states, allowing for future actions to happen.

1849 Roman Republic

The defense of the short-lived Roman Republic made Giuseppe Garibaldi a hero of Italian nationalists. The republic was overthrown by French forces, and the pope restored to power. However, defeat in Rome only strengthened the long-term cause of Italian unification. This fight over rome proved how well the Italians could fight based on the idea of unification. This event further motivated their cause for unification.

Regional Differences in Italian States

The northern Italian states had more advanced industries and and because of this were more successful economically. While in the southern states their economy focused mainly on agriculture. On top of the difference in economics the northern region of Italy was populated by educated middle class workers and the south had illiterate farmers and even had one of the highest rates of of illiteracy in all of western europe. All across the country people spoke different dialects, so no one spoke the exact same language. These major differences would halt the following of nationalism because they do not feel connected by one language or a common culture.

1848 Revolutions in Sicily

The revolutions of 1848 failed, austria still retained its controlling powered France showed its strength in the face of revolutionary change Italy remained divided, even though they failed the nationalist feeling did not die. Through the revolutions italy learned that to become unified they needed to: gain allies, reinsure their people of the cause, regain the support of the people for the republicans, the pope was powerful and they needed to deal with rome carefully. By learning all these things Italy could set a path to unification.

Brigands War

The war was a reaction to the quickly changing political and social reforms, Cavour inplemented 53 decrees in just 2 days. Since the south was very different from the north socially and economically, they were unreceptive to the change. The Brigades were a big mix of people who all had the same goal, to stop the northern invasion. They failed because the were diorginized, were all fighting for different things and were too small. They could never beat the big army the Piedmont used to fight them. this shows that there was still great divide in Italy and not everyone was so passionate about unifying the steps to form one country.

Garibaldi's Campaign of 1861

This was the expedition of 1000. By 1860 Garibaldi had established a reputation as a successful military leader. He was totally committed to the cause of Italian unification. He became impatient with the cautious, diplomatic tactics of Piedmont's prime minister, Count Cavour, and was ready to act on his own initiative to help unite Italy. A revolt in Sicily, beginning on April 4, 1860, caused Garibaldi to make the decision to begin with an attack on the Bourbon kingdom in the south. By doing this it united the south and north of Italy setting the stage for the official unification of Italy.


an ideological and literary movement that helped to arouse the national consciousness of the Italian people, and it led to a series of political events that freed the Italian states from foreign domination and united them politically. In simple terms it is the struggle for unification in Italy. A term that describes the events to come.

Massimo d'Azeglio

became prime minister of Piedmont after the 1848 revolutions, he believed that the sate should take the lead in unification because they were the only italian state that was strong enough to possibly beat austria he invited cavour to join the government. By getting cavour into the government it allowed cavour to help unify germany, without d'azeglio he may never have gotten into government and unification may not have been possible.

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