itdc acronyms

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What is One-to-one relationship?

1:1 is a relationship where one entity is related to only one other entity.

What is One-to-many relationship?

1:M is a relationship where one entity can have multiple related entities.

What is First normal form?

1NF is the first step in database normalization.

What is Second normal form?

2NF is the second step in database normalization.

What is Third normal form?

3NF is the third step in database normalization.

What does EFT stand for?

Electronic funds transfer.

What does EER stand for?

Enhanced (or extended) entity-relationship.

What does EAI stand for?

Enterprise application integration.

What does EDW stand for?

Enterprise data warehouse.

What does EII stand for?

Enterprise information integration.

What does ERP stand for?

Enterprise resource planning.

What does ERD stand for?

Entity-relationship diagram.

What does E-R stand for?


What does AWS stand for?

Amazon Web Services.

What does ANSI stand for?

American National Standards Institute.

What does API stand for?

Application programming interface.

What does ACID stand for?

Atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable.

What does ATM stand for?

Automated teller machine.

What does BSON stand for?

Binary JSON.

What does BCNF stand for?

Boyce-Codd Normal Form.

What does BI&A stand for?

Business intelligence and analytics.

What does BPM stand for?

Business performance management.

What does CDO stand for?

Chief data officer.

What does COSO stand for?

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations.

What does CRAN stand for?

Comprehensive R Archive Network.

What does CASE stand for?

Computer-aided software engineering.

What does COBIT stand for?

Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology.

What does CIF stand for?

Corporate information factory.

What does DB2 stand for?

Data Base 2.

What does DES stand for?

Data Encryption Standard.

What does DA stand for?

Data administrator.

What does DCL stand for?

Data control language.

What does DDL stand for?

Data definition language.

What does DML stand for?

Data manipulation language.

What does DWA stand for?

Data warehouse administrator.

What does DOLAP stand for?

Database OLAP.

What does DBA stand for?

Database administrator.

What does DBMS stand for?

Database management system.

What does DBaaS stand for?


What does DSS stand for?

Decision support system.

What does XML stand for?

Extensible Markup Language.

What does ETL stand for?


What does FIPS stand for?

Federal Information Processing Standard.

What does HDFS stand for?

Hadoop Distributed File System.

What does HIPAA stand for?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

What does HOLAP stand for?

Hybrid OLAP.

What does ISACA stand for?

Information Systems Audit and Control Association.

What does IT stand for?

Information Technology.

What does IaaS stand for?


What does INCITS stand for?

International Committee for Information Technology Standards.

What does ISO stand for?

International Organization for Standardization.

What does IIS stand for?

Internet Information Server.

What does JDBC stand for?

Java Database Connectivity.

What does JSP stand for?

Java Server Pages.

What does JSON stand for?

JavaScript Object Notation.

What does M:N stand for?


What does MPP stand for?

Massively parallel processing.

What does MDM stand for?

Master data management.

What does MVC stand for?


What does MOLAP stand for?

Multidimensional OLAP.

What does NIST stand for?

National Institute of Standards and Technology.

What does NoSQL stand for?

Not only SQL.

What does OLAP stand for?

Online analytical processing.

What does OLTP stand for?

Online transaction processing.

What does ODBC stand for?

Open database connectivity.

What does ODS stand for?

Operational data store.

What does PSM stand for?

Persistent Stored Modules.

What does P3P stand for?

Platform for Privacy Preferences.

What does PaaS stand for?


What does PMML stand for?

Predictive Model Markup Language.

What does QBE stand for?


What does RAD stand for?

Rapid application development.

What does RDBMS stand for?

Relational DBMS.

What does ROLAP stand for?

Relational OLAP.

What does ROI stand for?

Return on investment.

What does SOX stand for?

Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

What does SSL stand for?

Secure Sockets Layer.

What does SEC stand for?

Securities and Exchange Commission.

What does SLA stand for?

Service Level Agreement.

What does SCD stand for?

Slowly changing dimension.

What does SaaS stand for?


What does SQL stand for?

Structured Query Language.

What does SDLC stand for?

Systems development life cycle.

What does TDWI stand for?

The Data Warehousing Institute.

What does TQM stand for?

Total quality management.

What does UDT stand for?

User-defined data type.

What does W3C stand for?

World Wide Web Consortium.

What does YARN stand for?

Yet Another Resource Negotiator.

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