ITSC 1307 Linux Competency 1 Review Quiz Material

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A textual interface is also known as:

A pseudographical interface

su and sudo are utilities which

Allow the user to gain root privileges.

What is a multitasking operating system?

Allows each user to run more than one job at a time.

When logging in to Linux, the last login data was not from your login, what is wrong?

An unauthorized user has logged into your account using your username and password.

Which is a common Linux shell?

Bourne Again Shell

On the Linux command line, the default line kill key is:

CONTROL-U but sometimes CONTROL-X is used.

The command to suspend the execution of a program is:


The acronym CLI means

Command-Line Interface

The diff file1 file2 command can be used to:

Compares file1 and file2 line-by-line and displays differences between them as a series of commands that can be used to convert file1 to file2, or vice versa

The command: 'gzip myfile' produces what outcome?

Compresses myfile and produces myfile.gz; myfile is no longer a valid file name.

The C Programming Language was developed by

Dennis Ritchie

The zcat command is used to:

Display files compressed with the compress or gzip command

What is the purpose of the echo command?

Displaying the contents of operating system variables and displaying text. The command echo is used to display variables and constants on the screen.

File Security in Linux is provided by

File Access Permissions

The most essential thing that a beginner needs to know before operating in Linux is:

How to log in and log out

Which of the following is a common method for connecting and logging in to a Linux system.

LAN, internet and stand-alone are all common methods of connecting to a UNIX system.

Application programmer s interface (API) consists of

Language libraries and the system call interface

Linux was developed by

Linus Torvalds

Linux was written in

Linux was written in the C programming language

Linux is A software system dirived from MS Windows. A operating system originally written by engineers at IBM. A version of Unix System V. None of the above

None of the above Linux is a Unix like operating system which has become the backbone of the internet.

What is a portable operating system?

One that runs on many different machines

Telnet is not secure utility because:

Passwords are sent over the network in cleartext.

POSIX stands for

Portable Operating System Interface

What does the uniq command do?

Removes duplicate lines from a sorted file.

The purpose of the 'mv configure configure.bak' command is to:

Rename the configure file to configure.bak.

Currently, the most challenging issue in operating system design?


A user who is not working with root priviledges may not list the files in:

The /lost+found directory

The Language libraries and system call interface are commonly called:

The Application Programmer s Interface

A complete collection of Linux guides, HOWTOs, FAQs, man pages, and Linux Magazines is available through the

The Linux Documentation Project

The X Window System was developed at


The command to display the first five lines of the sample file in the current directory is:

The head command displays 10 lines by default. To display a specific number of lines use a numeric option. For this question it is: head -5 sample

When you enter echo $0 and press return in response to a shell prompt, the shell displays:

The name of the shell you are working with.

What does the command: 'remove all' do?

There is not a remove command in Linux.

T or F: The Kernel performs file operations.


BSD and System V are examples of:


You can log out on UNIX system by

You can log out with <Cntrl D>

Ordinarily, if you type xy on the Linux command line, what happens?

You get an error message saying that no such command can be found

A Linux Shell Prompt is characterized by:

a character which indicates that the shelll is waiting for a command.

What is a link file? A logical connection between multiple computers on a network a means to access a file by two or more names. A physical connection to an external device All of the above None of the above

a means to access a file by two or more names.

The command: ls -a will display:

all files including hidden files.

An operating system A. Manages hardware resources in a computer system B. Manages software resources in a computer system C. Deals with complex hardware resources in a computer system and provides the user a virtual image of the machine that is much easier to deal with than the physical machine D. All of the above E. None of the above

all of the above

What command displays the contents of a file on the screen?


The following command can be used to copy the sample file into the example file.

cp sample example

When examining the output of the command: ' ls -F' entries followed by a "/" are:


What command will assist you in determining the contents of a file?


The command to compress a file, called mysort, is:

gzip mysort

The Linux kernel

is responsible for allocating the computer's resources and scheduling user jobs

Which is the following is not another accepted name for named pipes:


What is the command to display a list of files in a directory with each file's owner and attributes?

ls -l

Which of the following is an example of a pipe?

ls | wc

The command to deny messages from other users of the system you are logged into is:

mesg n

Command options are specified with:

one or more letters preceded by a hyphen, for example: ls -al.

A Linux pipeline

passes the output of one program to another program as input.

What command allows you to change your password?


What option puts the rm command in interactive mode requiring you to confirm the deletion?

rm -i

While logged into a Linux system, the write utility

sends a message to another user who is logged into the system.

The command to display the last 10 lines of a file is:

tail sample

What utility packs and unpacks archives?


The man utility is used:

to display the pages in the system documentation of a command.

What command displays system load and duration information?


What command will locate a utility and display the full path name to it?


An operating system? Manages hardware resources in a computer system Manages software resources in a computer system Deals with complex hardware resources in a computer system and provides the user a virtual image of the machine that is much easier to deal with than the physical machine All of the above None of the above

All of the above

Application users interface (AUI) consists of? The command shell Built-in and external commands Application software All of the above None of the above

All of the above

What is a CUI? A. The acronym for character user interface. B. Keyboard/Text Screen Oriented Interface C. A command line interface. All of the above None of the above

All of the above

What is a file? the text for a report an image an executable program All of the above None of the above

All of the above

What is a GUI? A Graphical User Interface Is implemented in Linux by X Windows Allows a point a click style of interaction All of the above

All of the above :GUI is the graphical user interface implemented in LInux by X Windows and provides a point and click environment.

The command: 'grep bb sample' displays which of the following:

Displays all lines in sample with bb embedded in them; it searches for bb in sample, displaying all of the lines in which it finds the string.

What is the purpose of the "ls" command?

Displays files, directories and other entries in a directory.

How is the info utility used?

To display for complete and up to date information on GNU utilities than does the man command.

The data stored in the /etc/motd file is used:

To display the Message of the Day.

How do you use the apropos command?

To search for a keyword in the short description of the man pages.

A virtual machine

appears to the user and to the software running on it as a complete physical machine.

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