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When I worked on my grandparents' farm one summer, I spent a lot of time caring for animals—feeding chickens and pigs, milking cows, and grooming horses. I decided to become a vegetarian. As a vegetarian, I eat lots of fruit, vegetables, grains, and dairy products. At first, I thought it would be hard to eat enough food to feel full, but that hasn't been the case. Beans and cheese are my main sources of protein now, and they keep me full for hours. I'm so thankful that I can express my love of animals—all animals—by not eating them.

add transitions

Cloning has come a long way since a sheep named Dolly was successfully cloned in 1996. Now it is becoming possible to use cloning for a variety of purposes. For example, cloning technology could be used to grow stem cells from which replacement organs, such as hearts and livers, could be grown. If a person became ill and needed an organ transplant, cloning could provide the answer. With advances in technology, even cloning humans has become a distinct possibility. Scientists, bioethicists, and governments are all exploring this, even though it is clearly unnatural and unethical.

avoid subjective statements

The Western Australian pitcher plant is a carnivorous plant native to southwestern Australia. The pitcher is a perennial herb. It is approximately eight inches high. Growing in swampy or sandy soils, it obtains needed nutrients from insects and other small prey. The pitcher plant has carnivorous leaves. The leaves act as traps, or pitchers. The pitchers produce enzymes for digesting prey. Prized among collectors, the plant is considered a vulnerable species.

by combining sentences

In Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, Pip, a young orphan, is sent by his sister to the home of Miss Havisham, a wealthy, eccentric woman. There he meets Estella, a beautiful girl whom he falls hopelessly in love with. On one visit to Miss Havisham's, Pip encounters a boy who challenges him to a fight; wanting to impress Estella, he hits the boy. "I never have been so surprised in my life as I was when I let out the first blow and saw him lying on his back, looking up at me with a bloody nose", Pip recounts. Estella seems delighted and says to Pip "Come here! You may kiss me if you like".

by punctuating correctly

A 2013 study by Arizona State University's W. P. Carey School of Business examined the relationship between customers and companies in the United States. According to the study, customer satisfaction remains low. Customer satisfaction levels are on par with those reported in the 1970s. One issue is that customers often have to wait a long time to speak to a company representative about their complaint. Even when they finally do manage talk to someone, they may get neither the desired results nor an apology.

combine sentences w similar info

Before I took a photography class, I always shot photos using the camera's automatic mode. In the class, though, I learned how important it is to take control of things like exposure to make photos look how you want them to look. The instructor also taught us how to change the aperture and choose the correct f-stop number. Now I know how to control shutter speed and ISO to capture clear, beautiful photos under any lighting conditions. My photos have never been better!

define tech terms

For several reasons, plagiarism is a major issue in schools today. Part of the problem is that many students don't even know what plagiarism means exactly. For teachers, it can be a challenge to spot plagiarism. As a result, several Internet services have been created to help teachers detect copied material by showing the sources of passages that aren't original. Students need to know that any act of using another person's ideas or words without giving credit to that person is plagiarism. They must understand how serious the consequences can be. People who plagiarize may have their reputation and credibility destroyed, and they may be in violation of copyright laws. It is important for students and teachers to work together to prevent plagiarism.

discuss one topic before moving on to another

If you're ever in New York State, you should see Albany, the state capitol. When I visited last summer, I was impressed by the museums, the historic mansions and colonial homes, and other cites. The surrounding area also provides plenty of options for outdoor recreation. Nearby lakes and rivers, not to mention the majestic Adirondack Mountains, offer hiking, fishing, and canoeing opportunities.

fix misused words

Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 horror masterpiece The Birds is based on Daphne du Maurier's novella of the same name. In the film version, a quiet town in northern California is terrorized by birds, however, the book is set in Cornwall, England. Du Maurier was unhappy with the movie, which didn't stick to her original storyline, characters, or setting. Most people, though, still think of the film as a classic, in fact, the American Film Institute ranks it as the seventh most thrilling American film of the twentieth century.

fix run on

Raise the minimum driving age from sixteen? I don't think so. Driving a vehicle is important for teens. A life-changing experience. Being able to drive teaches teens responsibility and decision-making skills. Many teens have jobs or sports practices after school. Need to drive themselves to these places. If the driving age were raised, there would be problems for teens. More difficult to get around. Fewer chances for responsibility. No to raising the driving age!

fix sentence fragments

People around the world have always encountered frogs and toads in various bodies of water. Unfortunately, pollution and disease is killing many of the world's frogs. For example, a fungus may be responsible for the extinction of several species in Australia and has been found in forty-four species there. Other fungi and viruses have eliminated frogs in the United States as well. The effect of pollutants are also severe. Substances like fertilizers and heavy metals are responsible for the deaths of many frogs in Europe and Canada.

fix subject verb agreement

An elephant's trunk has many purposes, including breathing, smelling, drinking, lifting, and communicating. It contains about one hundred thousand different muscles. Elephants have a very long gestation period: a female is pregnant for nearly twenty-two months before giving birth. Newborn calves weigh as much as two hundred pounds. Sadly, thousands of elephants are killed every year for their ivory tusks. Even though the ivory trade is illegal, it has not been completely stopped. As a result, elephants are endangered.

focus on one idea

Shade-grown coffee is better for the environment than coffee grown in full sun. Coffee naturally grows in shade. However, in the 1990s, farmers began cultivating hybrid coffee plants that grew in full sun because they produced higher yields. These sun-loving plants have harmed the environment in many ways. Now there are huge full-sun coffee plantations where small, shady farms once stood.

include evidence

In the second half of the story, the man finally recognizes the power of nature. He tries to build a fire because of the extremely cold temperature. He is able to start a fire, so he thinks he will survive. However, melting ice from the branches above extinguishes the fire. His half-frozen fingers are too stiff to move, so he clutches desperately to relight the fire. Despite having plenty of matches, he realizes that he won't be able to make it.

include more analysis

Skiing is the most exhilarating sport in the world. I learned to ski when I was three years old and started to ski competitively when I was nine. The beginning of a ski race is the most tense. I hear the sound of the start gates opening and feel the air as I start down the course. Then I am rushing down the hill. When the finish line is in sight, I push myself harder. When I win, I feel triumphant!

include more figurative language

One concern in sports is the risk of concussion, or brain injury. If you hit your head on the field, how do you know whether you have a concussion? Some possible signs are feeling dizzy or headachy for more than a few minutes, having blurred vision, and barfing or feeling like barfing. You might also have trouble thinking or concentrating, feel spaced out or unusually blubbery, or jabber in a way that doesn't make sense. If you have any of these symptoms, see a doctor right away.

informal language

Many people don't recycle because throwing things away is easier, even though doing so can be damaging to the environment. People are lazy and selfish, always wanting what is good for themselves, not necessarily what is good for society. As a result, many people do not take the steps that are required to recycle different materials. For example, some towns require residents to sort items before leaving them at the curbside; this causes some to skip recycling altogether, even though doing so is unethical.

maintain an objective tone

Nearly out of breath, the door at the top of the stairs swings open, and I find myself on the main observation deck on the eighty-sixth floor of the Empire State Building. What a view there is! Looking down from this impressive landmark, New York City is displayed before me in every direction. To the southwest, the Statue of Liberty stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. This deck is one of the world's most famous movie sets, and it's also where my father proposed to my mother in 1995.

misplaced modifiers

When I said that I wanted to take a cooking class, I didn't know what I was getting into. I love cooking, but I'm very shy and hate being in the spotlight. The first time the teacher asked me to do a culinary technique, my hands were sweating profusely. As I held the heavy utility knife in my sweaty hand, it fell to the floor. The class had just started, and I had already made a terrible first impression! My face was red, but I got the knife, put it in the sink, took a clean one, and cut the slab of raw bluefin tuna into paper-thin pieces. Everyone in the class—even the instructor—gave me a round of applause.

precise verbs

Automobile companies should be required to manufacture more fuel-efficient vehicles. This shift would help the environment by lowering the demand for crude oil and lowering the level of pollutants released into the atmosphere. If fuel-efficient cars were manufactured, the economy would improve, too. As people lowered their expenses for gas, they would be able to increase spending on other products. Also, manufacturing these cars would drive technology forward: other new products would likely be manufactured, too.

reduce repetitive language

Just about every channel on television today offers some kind of reality TV show. These reality TV shows can often be entertaining and addictive to watch, but they are hardly ever really showing "reality." Participants on reality TV shows often follow a script, and the reality TV shows are often based around artificial scenarios that create conflict. In addition, when people are being filmed, they often act differently from the way they would if they weren't being observed.

reduce repetitive language

Wearing a bicycle helmet is the best way to protect yourself against fatal head injuries. Several studies have shown that riders who wore helmets had a reduction in their risk of head and brain injuries. More and better bike lanes in our cities would help protect cyclists from danger. Children especially benefit from wearing helmets, since they experience the majority of bicycling accidents that cause serious head injuries.

remove 2nd main idea

I discovered my passion shortly after my freshman year. That summer, at my parents' suggestion, I attended a weeklong seminar sponsored by a local university. Although I was nervous about being the only high school student, I stretched myself and learned a lot. Through the seminar, I mastered the basics of reporting and feature writing. The following summer, I took a creative writing workshop and completed several short stories. In my school's creative writing class this year, I am sharing my stories with others and receiving helpful critiques to improve my craft.

state main idea

The Hubble Space Telescope, named for twentieth-century American astronomer Edwin Hubble, is an awesome telescope. NASA began building the telescope in 1977 after Congress gave the go-ahead on the project. In 1990, the space shuttle Discovery crew finally positioned the telescope some 370 miles above Earth. Unfortunately, a defect caused it to produce fuzzy images, but ever since repairs were made by astronauts from the space shuttle Endeavour in 1993, it has taken some pretty great pictures.

use formal language

The belly produces acid to break down food. In patients who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease, more commonly known as GERD or acid reflux, the acid moves backward into the eating tube. Most often, GERD occurs because the lower esophageal sphincter, the thing at the junction of the eating tube and the belly, doesn't close the way it should or opens at the wrong time.

use more technical terms

If you want to improve your life, consider exercise. Exercise does more than just help to build stamina and strength. It can help you control your weight. It can also reduce your chances of getting a serious illness, helping ward off a variety of conditions, such as arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, loss of muscle mass, osteoporosis (bone loss), stroke, and type 2 diabetes. It can improve your mood by releasing endorphins and lowering stress levels, decreasing the likelihood of depression and anxiety. Exercise can even help you sleep better. For these reasons, people should aim to exercise every day.

varying beginning of sentences

Like all penguins, king penguins are mainly black and white, but they have distinctive touches of color. Adult king penguins have black feathers on their backs. Their chests are white. They have orange feathers on their ears and throats. Along the bottom part of the bill, adults also have an orange streak. Juveniles of the species look much like the adults. However, their black feathers may be tipped with gray. Yellow feathers appear on their ears. Their lower necks have grayish white color. Chicks have brown downy feathers until they molt. They molt at about eleven months of age.

varying sentence length

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