Japan Today Exam 1
. The four little dragon in east Asia includes *all but_____.
. The four little dragon in east Asia includes *all but_____. -Malyasia
The Japanese Miracle
A term for the remarkable economic growth Japan experienced after its devastation in World War II. The growth is credited to a combination of American investment immediately after the war and government regulation of the economy. Japan began to rebuild by focusing on areas it had excelled in the prewar period, such as textiles. Japan entered the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 1964. MITI chose which industries to develop and what mix of incentives to use to promote growth, including tax breaks, subsidies, low interest loans, credit allocation, etc. But these policies also promoted corruption and inefficiencies. Industrial policies worked effectively in electric power, steel, shipbuilding, auto and electronics. But it worked less well in chemicals, plastics, aircraft and computer software. Agriculture and construction received high level of protection. The developmental state model dubbed Japan, Inc. as that the bureaucracy rules while the politicians reign. Japan Inc. is made up of politicians, bureaucrats and businesses. One alternative explanation focuses on Japanese culture as the distinctive feature responsible for the miracle. It centers on how the Japanese values shaped its postwar institutions, especially the family, morality, loyalty, hierarchy, and cooperation - values rooted in Confucianism. These affect lifetime employment, tranquil labor relations, seniority wage scale, and high savings rates. But culture cannot fully explain the economic miracle. Examples of Japanese firms sacrificing profit for national interest does not exist.
Abe Shinzo
Abe has served two non-consecutive terms as PM. He first came to office immediately following Koizumi, as his handpicked successor. He was relatively young and assumed office with a high level of public support. He also had a strong media presence. In his first term, Abe championed revising the Constitution as well as taking a hard stance against North Korea following its nuclear testing. He also focused on pensions and health care. In the end, Abe served less than a year due to the LDP's poor performance in the upper house election and the outbreak of financial scandals. Abe was re-elected in 2012 in the LDP landslide victory. While Abe still supports revising the Constitution, his focus is on economic reform. His reform platform is dubbed "Abenomics". It has three arrows, including fiscal stimulus, monetary easing, and structural reform. The short-term goal is to combat deflation by increasing domestic demand and stimulating GDP growth. In the long term, structural reform aims to increase Japan's competitiveness.
Among the Four Classes which are considered the lowest during the feudal era? (Before Meiji Reform)
Among the Four Classes which are considered the lowest during the feudal era? (Before Meiji Reform) -Merchants
Meiji Restoration (1868)
Answer for Exam: Meiji Restoration (1868) -1868 -Feudal system abolished with the samurai -Americans forcibly opened up Japan causing this restoration -Industrial state and Centralized Power -Constitution, Parliamentary system of government, nation army, universal education. -Emperor became the the true head of the state again The Meiji Restoration in 1868 was a response to Americans opening up japan to international trade, the Meiji created an industrial state with a centralized power. This reform abolished the feudal system and all feudal class privilege's and shifted japan into the modern era with a constitution, parliamentary system of government, a nation army, and universal education. Rapid industrialization happened because of this shift to modernize japan. As well as to make sure Japan kept up/get ahead of the western nations putting pressure on them. With the abolishment of samurai and the shogun, the feudal system was replaced with the old imperial system with the emperor as the true figure head of the nation. The Japanese dynasty after the 1850s. In response to the Americans forcibly opening up Japan to international trade, the Meji created an industrial state with centralized power. Results: The Meiji Restoration transformed Japan. The government became centralized around the figure of the emperor, and the political system now allowed people to pursue new opportunities. Japan also underwent rapid industrialization. Purpose: The Meiji Restoration was a coup d'état resulting in the dissolution of Japan's feudal system of government. In its place, the imperial system was restored, as many members of the ruling samurai class wanted to unite the country under a new, centralized government. Three Effects: The abolition of the feudal system and all feudal class privileges. The enacting of a constitution and formalization of a parliamentary system of government. The formation of a national army. The adoption of universal education
Answer for Exam: Samurai -1200s-1868 -Military Nobility and officer caste -Stood at the top of the feudal hierarchy followed by peasants, artisans, and merchants. -Well paid retainers of the daimyo -Followed Bushido which focused on loyalty and duty Samurai were the military nobility and officers caste of medieval and early japan from the 12th century until they were abolished in 1868. They were well paid retainers of the daimyo and stood atop of the feudal hierarchy followed by peasants, artisans, and lastly merchants. They followed Bushido, a code for Japanese warriors that drew from Confucianism which places great important on loyalty and duty above all else. Samurai were the hereditary military nobility and officer caste of medieval and early modern Japan from the late 12th century until their abolition in 1876. They were the well-paid retainers of the daimyo. They had high prestige and special privileges such as wearing two swords and Kiri-sute gomen. Samurai stood at the top of the hierarchy followed by peasants, artisans and merchants. Bushido is a code of conduct that emerged in Japan from the Samurai, or Japanese warriors, who spread their ideals throughout society. They drew inspiration from Confucianism, which is a relatively conservative philosophy and system of beliefs that places a great deal of importance on loyalty and duty.
Tokugawa Shogunate
Answer for Exam: Tokugawa Shogunate -1603 to 1868 -last period of traditional Japan (edo period) -Internal peace, political stability, isolation, high levels of education, and economic growth -Founded by Tokugawa Ieyasu -Building blocks towards the moderation of Japan -Created a bureaucracy to coordinate with the classes and feudal domains -More unified but not centrailzed The Tokugawa Shogunate was the military government of Japan between 1603 to 1868, better known as the Edo period. This was the final period of traditional Japan, which had internal peace, political stability, isolation, decently high levels of education and economic growth under the Shogunate founded by Tokugawa Ieyasu. This period also started the foundation towards making Japan into a more Modern country by being more unified then most traditional societies (not highly centralized though), and the creation of Bureaucracy within japan to coordinate activates between the classes and feudal domains. Because Bureaucracy is based on impersonal rules as opposed to personal ties, succession issues did not plague the Tokugawa Shogunate. The Tokugawa Shogunate was the military government of Japan during the Edo period from 1603 to 1868. Tokugawa period, also called Edo period, (1603-1867), the final period of traditional Japan, a time of internal peace, political stability, isolation, relatively high levels of education and economic growth under the shogunate (military dictatorship) founded by Tokugawa Ieyasu. The transition from tradition to modernity definitely began in this period. While Tokugawa was not highly centralized, it was more unified than most traditional societies. One important policy was the system of alternate attendance that pressure the lords to produce excess crops and handicrafts. It also allowed for greater influence by the shogun. The other innovation was the creation of a bureaucracy to coordinate activities between the classes and feudal domains. Significantly, a bureaucracy is a distinctly modern innovation based on impersonal rules as opposed to personal ties. As a result, succession issues did not plague the Tokugawa shogunate.
Prime Minister in Japan
Conventional wisdom suggests that Japanese PMs are given limited formal powers and are therefore inherently weak. Under the 1955 system, the focus tended to be on the political bosses, the so-called "shadow shoguns". A consideration of both formal and informal powers, however, reveals a more complicated picture. In most systems, the PM's term is not fixed. Cabinet ministers remain members of the parliament. The fact that the PM is selected by the legislature guards against divided government. In contrast, the president and the cabinet are referred to as the executive branch, not the government. The Japanese PM must attend a Diet session when requested. Reforms in 1999 and 2001 increased the resources that support the PM. The size of the cabinet was decreased to 14 to facilitate the ease of decision making. The role of bureaucracy was also reduced and now politicians respond to Diet member concerns. This prompted PMs to select ministers with more expertise. The greatest constraint on PM under the 1955 system was the LDP and its factional structure. In general, the largest faction decided the PM. PMs often found themselves as party managers. Opposition control of the upper house and coalition governments also constrain PMs. The New Japan Inc. assert that interest groups and business led the agenda with politicians and bureaucrats responding with their own goals and priorities. PMs' informal powers include certain resources emerging from experience as well as personal attributes. They often allow leaders to overcome the institutional constraints. Many resources are related to personal ties. Popularity and public relations can also be important. Previous experience can provide policy expertise in building support. In Japan, a leader's resources are often related to their seniority. Senior leaders are more likely to have served in the party and Diet positions and therefore had time to develop connections with ministries, industries, and opposition leaders. Access to backroom dealing also comes with seniority and is quite significant in the Japanese case. Current PM is Fumio Kishida.
1st Essay Question
Describe in detail the major features of Japan history and culture in which help built Japan as the 1st non-western developed country? -Learned from other countries, but still keep its own culture/identity -Hardworking -Focus on Education Side note: Developed before US occupation (look at Alternative explanations for rapid growth on slides)
The Japanese Diet
Exam Answer: Article 41 of the Constitution maintains that the Diet "shall be the highest organ of state power". It is modeled on the British parliamentary system. It contains two chambers. The lower house has a maximum four-year term. The upper house has a six-year term with half elected every three years. Since the JSP took control of the upper house in 1989, "twisted Diets" have become more common. A party that wins a majority in the lower house still has incentives to form a coalition if it does not have a majority in the upper house. Like other parliamentary systems, most legislation considered in the Diet is proposed by the cabinet.
The Bubble Economy
Exam Answer: Japan's economy from 1985 to 1990 is referred as the "bubble economy". The Japanese stock index increased fivefold from 1980 to 1990. It tripled from 1985 to 1990 alone. Land prices rose until 1991. Land prices in several urban areas more than tripled during the 1980s. The bubble burst when stock prices plummeted on the first day of stock exchange in 1990, reacting to the Bank of Japan's increase of interest rate, which was too late and too much. In reality some mixture of structure and policy contributed to the bubble economy. At the same time, the prolonged period of low interest rates made it easy to acquire land and stocks. The low interest rates encouraged the speculative bubble. Japan's economy from 1985 to 1990 is referred as the "bubble economy". The Japanese stock index increased fivefold from 1980 to 1990. It tripled from 1985 to 1990 alone. Land prices rose until 1991. Land prices in several urban areas more than tripled during the 1980s. Social inequalities caused by rise of land prices made policymakers to pressure urban landowners to sell land for office buildings. An excess of office buildings eventually emerged. During this time of excess, trade tensions with the US reached their height. The bubble burst when stock prices plummeted on the first day of stock exchange in 1990, reacting to the Bank of Japan's increase of interest rate, which was too late and too much. In reality some mixture of structure and policy contributed to the bubble economy. Those who emphasize structural causes focus on bank deregulation. With more competition, banks began to seek other customers such as Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), land and property investments, which were much riskier. At the same time, the prolonged period of low interest rates made it easy to acquire land and stocks. The low interest rate policy initially came in response to the yen appreciation brought on by the Plaza Agreement. Officials allowed the low interest rates to prevent inflation. The low interest rates encouraged the speculative bubble.
Japanese Emperor
Exam Answer: The Emperor of Japan is the monarch and the head of the Imperial Family of Japan. Under the Constitution of Japan, he is defined as the symbol of the Japanese state and the unity of the Japanese people, and his position is derived from "the will of the people with whom resides sovereign power". Imperial Household Law governs the line of imperial succession. The emperor is immune from prosecution by the Supreme Court of Japan. He is also the head of the Shinto religion. In Japanese, the emperor is called Tennō, literally "Emperor of Kami" or "Heavenly Sovereign". The Japanese Shinto religion holds him to be the direct descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu. The emperor is also the head of all national Japanese orders, decorations, medals, and awards.
The Iron Triangle
Exam Answer: The three-way alliance among legislators, bureaucrats, and interest groups to make or preserve policies that benefit their respective interests. "Iron triangle", the relationship of the Japan's Liberal Democratic Party, the business sector (keiretsu), and the bureaucracy in post-World War II Japan More generally, any self-reinforcing power structure, whether intentional or accidental, formal or informal
Exam Answer: (Most of the below information tbh) The Liberal Democratic Party, frequently abbreviated to LDP is a conservative political party in Japan. The LDP has been in power almost continuously since its foundation in 1955—a period called the 1955 System—except between 1993 and 1994, and again from 2009 to 2012. In the 2012 election, it regained control of the government. After the 2021 and 2022 elections it holds 261 seats in the House of Representatives and 119 seats in the House of Councilors, and in coalition with Komeito since 1999, a governing majority in both houses. The LDP is often described as a big tent conservative party, with several different ideological factions ranging from moderates to right-wing nationalists. The party's history and internal composition have been characterized by intense factionalism ever since its emergence in 1955, with its parliamentary members currently split among six factions, each of which vies for influence in the party and the government. The incumbent Prime Minister and party President, Fumio Kishida, is the leader of the party's Kōchikai faction.
1947 Constitution
Exam Answer: 1947 Constitution -Addressed the weakness of Meiji constitution -Written by American civilian officials under Allied occupation -Some women helped write up the constitution which provided them with more rights -Supervised by Douglas Macarthur -Provided a parliamentary system of government and guaranteed certain rights -Emperor lost all power and just has a symbolic role -Article 9 renounces japans rights to wage war and maintain military forces. The 1947 constitution addresses the weaknesses in the Meiji Constitution. It was written primarily by American civilian officials working under the Allied occupation of japan supervised by Douglas MacArthur. Japanese scholars were able to reviewed and modified it to a degree before its adoption on May 3, 1947. The new constitution provided for a parliamentary system of government and guaranteed certain fundamental rights (some women were involved in the making of it which gave women more rights). Also the Emperor went from having supreme political power to a "symbol of the state" with only a ceremonial role. The new constitution was best known for Article 9, by which Japan renounces its right to wage war and maintain military forces. The 1947 Constitution addresses the weaknesses in the Meiji Constitution. The Constitution of Japan is the constitution of Japan and the supreme law in the state. Written primarily by American civilian officials working under the Allied Occupation of Japan supervised by Douglas MacArthur, the constitution replaced the Meiji Constitution of 1890 when it came into effect on 3 May 1947. Japanese scholars reviewed and modified it before adoption. The constitution provides for a parliamentary system of government and guarantees certain fundamental rights (some women were involved in the write up so it help provide right for women also). In contrast to the Meiji Constitution, which invested the Emperor of Japan with supreme political power, under the new charter the emperor was reduced to "the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people" and exercises only a ceremonial role acting under the sovereignty of the people. The Constitution is best known for Article 9, by which Japan renounces its right to wage war and maintain military forces..
Civil Society (Japan)
Exam Answer: Civil Society (Japan) -Group Focused -Organizations played a big part -Most formal organizations were recognized by the state (public interest organizations and non profit) -Anther category of organizations not recognized by the state (business, Labor, and political association focused) -State has a huge control of civil society organizations, controls incentives and constraints -Small groups are more favored the bigger ones (Neighbor associations vs Greenpeace) -Smaller groups more active at local level. Activates include maintaining roads, recycling, education and festivals. During world War II, they played a critical role in promoting the war effort by distribution of rations, tax collection and fire fighting. Civil Society within japan is very group focused, because of this, organizations play a big part of its civil society. In Japan, the most formal civil society organizations are recognized by the state, including public interest corporations and non-profit organizations. There are also another category of organizations not recognized by the state that deals more with business, Labor and political associations. The state has a huge control of the civil society organizations and controls their incentives and constraints. Small groups like neighborhood associations are favored a lot more then large professional groups. Since the smaller groups are more favored the civil organizations are more on the smaller size and are active more on the local level. Their activates include maintaining roads, recycling, education and festivals. During world War II, they played a critical role in promoting the war effort by distribution of rations, tax collection and fire fighting. Civil Society organizations include economic associations, cultural groups, informational and educational groups, interest groups, issue-oriented groups and civil groups. Examples of issue-oriented groups are environmental groups and women's rights organizations. In Japan, the most formal Civil Society organizations are recognized by the state, including public interest corporations and NPOs. A second category contains social establishments not recognized by the state, such as business, labor and political associations. While small in comparison to the US, the largest category of Civil Society organizations is those recognized by the state. The state shapes CS organizations. It controls the "rules of the game", including incentives and constraints. Small groups like neighborhood associations get most favorable incentives from the state. Large professional groups like Greenpeace have much more difficulties. CS organizations in Japan are known for their small size. So they are more active at local level. Neighborhood associations are most common civic organizations in Japan. Most Japanese are their members. Their activities include maintaining roads, recycling, education and festivals. During WWII, they played a critical role in promoting the war effort by distribution of rations, tax collection and fire fighting. Today they are not instruments of the state, but represent opportunities for service to the community.
Exam Answer: Confucianism -Ancient Chinese belief, focuses on personal ethics and morality -Neo-Confucianism was adopted in the Tokugawa period by the shogunate to help control their people -Neo0confucianism is characterized as humanistic and rationalistic, with the belief that the universe could be understood through human reason, and it was up to man to create harmonious relationship between the universe and the individual. -Contributed to the development of the Bushido code Confucianism is an ancient Chinese belief system, which focuses on the importance of personal ethics and morality. During the Tokugawa period a version of Confucianism called Neo-Confucianism was adopted by the Shogunate to help control there people. The overall philosophy of Neo-Confucianism can be characterized as humanistic and rationalistic, with the belief that the universe could be understood through human reason, and that it was up to man to create a harmonious relationship between the universe and the individual. Confucianism/Neo-Confucianism contributed to the development of the Bushido for the samurai. Confucianism, is a system of thought and behavior originating in ancient China. Variously described as tradition, a philosophy, a religion, a humanistic or rationalistic religion, a way of governing, or simply a way of life. Confucianism is an ancient Chinese belief system, which focuses on the importance of personal ethics and morality. Neo-Confucianism in the Tokugawa period contributed to the development of the bushido (code of warriors). The emphasis of Neo-Confucianism on the study of Chinese classics furthered a sense of history among the Japanese and led in turn to a renewed interest in the Japanese classics and a revival of Shintō studies. The philosophy can be characterized as humanistic and rationalistic, with the belief that the universe could be understood through human reason, and that it was up to man to create a harmonious relationship between the universe and the individual. The 17th-century Tokugawa shogunate adopted Neo-Confucianism as the principle of controlling people and Confucian philosophy took hold. Neo-Confucians such as Hayashi Razan and Arai Hakuseki were instrumental in the formulation of Japan's dominant early modern political philosophy.
Electoral system in Japan
Exam Answer: Electoral system in Japan -From 1947 to 1993 japan used Single non-transferable (SNTV) and mixed member proportional representation (MMPR) elector system. (Bias to larger parties) -Only LDP was able to win 2 seats per district -In 1994 a new system was implanted in the lower house that combined single member district (SMD) and proportional representation (PR) system. Voters cast 2 votes one for candidate and one for party (compromise between the larger and smaller parties) From 1947 to 1993 Japan used and Single non-transferable votes and Mixed member proportional representation elector system. This system has a moderate bias to larger parties though, only the LDP was capable of winning at least two seats per district. A new electoral system for the lower house was implemented in 1994 that combined Single member district and the proportional representation systems. Voters cast two votes, one for a candidate and one for party. This in system is similar to the German system, and is a compromise between the large and smaller parties. It used an Single non-transferable vote (SNTV)/ Mixed-member proportional representation (MMD) electoral system from 1947 to 1993. This system has a moderate bias to larger parties, as LDP was the only party capable of winning at least two seats per district on average. A new electoral system for the lower house was implemented in 1994. A voting system that combined SMDs and PR system. Voters cast two votes, one for a candidate and one for a party. Who run in single-member district (SMDs) can also appear on the proportional representation (PR) party list. Some party list rankings are linked to performance in the SMD contests. The new system is similar to the German system of personalized PR, though not as proportional. The combined system is a compromise between large and small parties.
Export-led Strategy
Exam Answer: Export-led Strategy An export-led growth strategy is one where a country seeks economic development by opening itself up to international trade. Japan lacks many raw materials needed for industry and energy, such as oil, coal, iron ore, copper, aluminum and wood. Japan must import most of these goods. In order to pay for these imports, Japan must export a variety of manufactured goods to other countries.
Impact of Occupation
Exam Answer: Impact of Occupation -Began in 1945 right after WW2 -Occupational officials focused on Denazification, Demilitarization, Democratization, and Decartelization. -Early occupation polices focused on deconcentrating zaibatsu -Passed and oversaw anti-monopoly Law -Policy Labeled "priority production" focused resources on coal, steel, electricity and government officials. -Promoted Labor unions to hold industry accountable -Relaxed restrictions on shared stockholding and mergers, allowed for the emergence of postwar industrial conglomerates called keiretsu. The US occupation of japan begin in 1945. The occupational official in Japan prioritized the four Ds: Denazification, Demilitarization, Democratization, and decartelization. Early occupation polices focused on deconcentrating zaibatsu (Zaibatsu is a Japanese term referring to industrial and financial vertically integrated business conglomerates in the Empire of Japan, whose influence and size allowed control over significant parts of the Japanese economy from the Meiji period until the end of World War II). They also passed and oversaw an anti-monopoly law. A government policy labeled "priority production" focused resources on coal, steel, electricity and government officials. The occupation promoted the formation of labor unions that could hold industry accountable. The restrictions on shared stockholding and mergers were relaxed also, which allowed for the emergence of postwar industrial conglomerates called keiretsu. The Allied occupation began on August 28, 1945. The 1947 Constitution addresses the weaknesses in the Meiji Constitution. While the political settlement was relatively smooth, the economic settlement was delayed until the outbreak of the Cold War. Occupational officials in Japan and Germany prioritized the so-called four Ds: denazification, demilitarization, democratization, and decartelization. Early occupation policies focused on deconcentrating zaibatsu (Zaibatsu is a Japanese term referring to industrial and financial vertically integrated business conglomerates in the Empire of Japan, whose influence and size allowed control over significant parts of the Japanese economy from the Meiji period until the end of World War II.). Occupation officials oversaw the passage of an anti-monopoly law. A government policy labeled "priority production" focused resources on coal, steel, electricity, and government officials . The legacy of close government-business relations typical of priority production would endure after the end of the Occupation. Other postwar reforms targeted farmers, labor and education. The land reform sought to eliminate land tenancy. The Occupation also promoted the formation of labor unions that could hold industry accountable. To promote education the Occupation oversaw the extension of compulsory education from 6 to 9 years. The Occupation also relaxed the restrictions on shared stockholdings and mergers, which allowed for the emergence of postwar industrial conglomerates labeled keiretsu. Keiretsu relationships tend to be more horizontal, open and internally competitive.
Japanese Bureaucracy
Exam Answer: Japanese Bureaucracy -Consider most powerful in the world because of peoples loyalty -Policy making, information gathering, implementation of the policy -Civil servants chose by nation exam, only best pass category 1 Exam. -general track and senior track (only from most prestigious universities) -1955 system there were 22 ministries with the most powerful being the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and Ministry of Finance (MOF). -After Administrative reforms in the 1990s it was reduced to 10 ministries with the MITI becoming the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Japanese Bureaucracy is consider one of the most powerful in the world because of the peoples strong focus of loyalty. It is responsible for policy making, information gathering, and implementation of the policy. Civil servants are chosen by nation exam with only the best passing the category 1 exam. For civil servants there are two different categories: general track, and senior track (which only people from prestigious universities can go to the senior track). Under the 1955 system there were 22 ministries, the most powerful of which were Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and Ministry of Finance(MOF). After administrative reforms in the 1990s, the number of ministries was reduced to 10. MITI turned into Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Bureaucracy in Japan is considered one of the most powerful in the world. In the postwar period the bureaucracy maintained its position while other institutions faced purges. It is responsible for policymaking, information gathering, and implementation of the policy. It has played a particularly important role in the annual national budgets. Civil servants are chosen by national exam. Only the best pass the category I exam. There are two categories: the general track and the senior track. Those on the senior track come from only the most prestigious universities. Under the 1955 system there were 22 ministries, the most powerful of which were Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and Ministry of Finance(MOF). After administrative reforms in the 1990s, the number of ministries was reduced to 10. MITI turned into Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
Japanese Courts
Exam Answer: Japanese Courts Japan has a unitary court system with no independent prefectural level courts. There are four levels of courts: Summary courts decide civil matters involving claims less than 900,000 yen and minimal criminal cases, district and family courts are the second level, the eight high courts is the next level (The High Court has the jurisdiction to hear appeals to judgments rendered by district courts in the first instance and family courts. This excludes cases under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Appeals to criminal cases go directly to high courts, but civil case appeals are first handled by district courts.), and the supreme court is the highest level of court (which is predominantly an appellate court granted the power of judicial review in Article 81 of the Constitution. The Supreme Court consists of a chief justice and 14 associate justices. Supreme Court appointments are shielded from partisan influence by drawing from the most prestigious professional legal organizations.). Japan has a unitary court system, drawing heavily on the German tradition. There are no independent prefectural level courts similar to the state judiciary system in the US. There are four levels of courts: -Summary courts decide civil matters involving claims less than 900,000 yen and minimal criminal cases. -District and family courts are the second level. -The next level is composed of eight high courts. The High Court has the jurisdiction to hear appeals to judgments rendered by district courts in the first instance and family courts. This excludes cases under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Appeals to criminal cases go directly to high courts, but civil case appeals are first handled by district courts. The Tokyo High Court has exclusive original jurisdiction over cases that involve quasi-judicial agencies, including the ability to rescind decisions in cases made by such agencies -The top level is the Supreme Court, which is predominantly an appellate court granted the power of judicial review in Article 81 of the Constitution. The Supreme Court consists of a chief justice and 14 associate justices. Supreme Court appointments are shielded from partisan influence by drawing from the most prestigious professional legal organizations.
One and a Half Party System
Exam Answer: One and a Half Party System To win a majority, a party needs to win two seats per district on average, which only the LDP could afford. The JSP could not afford to run multiple candidates in every district and were thus unable to challenge the LDP majority. As a result, the electoral system created a "one and a half party system". As the JSP weakened and new parties emerged, a one-party predominant system emerged. The Japanese party system has moved from a one and a half party system in the 1950-60s to a one party predominant system with multi-partyism from the 1970s to 1990s.
Exam Answer: Shintoism -Originates from japan -Optimistic faith, humans thought to be fundamentally good and evil is caused by evil spirits -Rituals were used to keep away evil spirits, pray to the Kami -Indigenous religion and a nature religion -No central authority in control and a lot of diversity among practitioners. Shinto (originates from japan) is an optimistic faith, as humans are thought to be fundamentally good, and evil is believed to be caused by evil spirits. Consequently, the purpose of most Shinto rituals is to keep away evil spirits by purification, prayers and offerings to the kami. Classified as an East Asian religion by scholars of religion, its practitioners often regard it as Japan's indigenous religion and as a nature religion. Shinto has no central authority in control and much diversity exists among practitioners. Shinto is an optimistic faith, as humans are thought to be fundamentally good, and evil is believed to be caused by evil spirits. Consequently, the purpose of most Shinto rituals is to keep away evil spirits by purification, prayers and offerings to the kami. Shinto or Shintoism is a religion that originated in Japan. Classified as an East Asian religion by scholars of religion, its practitioners often regard it as Japan's indigenous religion and as a nature religion. Scholars sometimes call its practitioners Shintoists, although adherents rarely use that term themselves. Shinto has no central authority in control and much diversity exists among practitioners.
Exam Answer: Shogun -Military leader -First used in the Heian period, when bestowed upon a general after a successful campaign. -Minamoto Yorimoto was the first Shogun -Technically appointed by the Emperor, but they controlled the majority of the power -Worked closely with civil servants who would administer programs such as taxes and trade. Shogun, in Japanese history, a military ruler. The title was first used during the Heian period, when it was occasionally bestowed on a general after a successful campaign. Minamoto Yorimoto was the first Shogun of Japan. Shoguns were hereditary military leaders who were technically appointed by the emperor. However, real power rested with the shoguns themselves, who worked closely with other classes in Japanese society. Shoguns worked with civil servants, who would administer programs such as taxes and trade.
The US-Japan Security Treaty
Exam Answer: The US-Japan Security Treaty -Two treaties the original in 1951 and the revised one in 1960 -Permits the presence of U.S. military bases on Japanese soil, and commits the two nations to defend each other if one or the other is attacked "in the territories under the administration of Japan. -Original 1951 treaty was very one sided against Japan. Had provisions allowing U.S. to use forces based in Japan throughout East Asia without prior consultation with japan, no explicit promise to defend Japan if they were attacked, clause allowing U.S. troops to intervene in Japan domestic disputes -The 1960 treaty revised a lot of these issues and fixed/removed them for greater mutuality between the two nations. The US-Japan Security Treaty is a treaty signed near the end of the US occupation of Japan after (1945-1952). It permits the presence of U.S. military bases on Japanese soil, and commits the two nations to defend each other if one or the other is attacked "in the territories under the administration of Japan." The original 1951 treaty though had contained a provision permitting the US to use forces based in Japan throughout East Asia without prior consultation with Japan, made no explicit promise to defend japan if they were attacked, and even contained a clause allowing US troops to intervene in Japanese domestic disputes. In 1960 the treaty was significantly revised to have greater mutuality between the two nations. All of the unfair clauses and provision were revoked or fixed. U.S.-Japan Security Treaty is a treaty that permits the presence of U.S. military bases on Japanese soil, and commits the two nations to defend each other if one or the other is attacked "in the territories under the administration of Japan." The current treaty, which took effect on June 23, 1960, revised and replaced an earlier version of the treaty, which had been signed in 1951 in conjunction with the signing of the San Francisco Peace Treaty that terminated World War II in Asia as well as the U.S.-led Occupation of Japan (1945-1952). The revision of the treaty in 1960 was a highly contentious process in Japan, and widespread opposition to its passage led to the massive Anpo protests, which were the largest popular protests in Japan's history. The 1960 treaty significantly revised the U.S.-Japan security agreement in the direction of greater mutuality between the two nations. The original 1951 treaty had contained a provision permitting the United States to use forces based in Japan throughout East Asia without prior consultation with Japan, made no explicit promise to defend Japan if Japan were attacked, and even contained a clause allowing U.S. troops to intervene in Japanese domestic disputes. These defects were remedied in the revised version of the treaty in 1960. The amended treaty included articles delineating mutual defense obligations and requiring the US, before mobilizing its forces, to inform Japan in advance. It also removed the article permitting U.S. interference in Japanese domestic affairs.
East Asian Model
Exam answer: East Asian Model -Created by the Japanese to modernize and build the economy with the little land they had -State led development -Export led strategy -Group oriented capitalism -Picked specific industries in the private sector to simulate growth East Asian model created by Japan focuses on modernization trough State led development, Export led strategy, and Group oriented capitalism. The government invests in certain sectors of the economy in order to stimulate the growth of specific industries in the private sector. Key aspects of the model include state control of finance, direct support for state owned enterprises in strategic sectors of the economy or the creation of privately owned national champions, high dependence on the export market for growth and a high rate of savings. Japan as a late developer creates a new model of modernization, which resulted in an economic superpower and set an example for many other countries, including China. Features of Japanese Model: 1) State-led development 2) Export-led strategy 3) Group-oriented capitalism The East Asian model pioneered by Japan, is a plan for economic growth whereby the government invests in certain sectors of the economy in order to stimulate the growth of specific industries in the private sector. It generally refers to the model of development pursued in East Asian economies such as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. It has also been used by some to describe the contemporary economic system in Mainland China after The main shared approach of East Asian economies is the role of the government. For East Asian governments have recognized the limitations of markets in allocation of scarce resources in the economy, thus the governments have used interventions to promote economic development. Where key aspects of the East Asian model include state control of finance, direct support for state-owned enterprises in strategic sectors of the economy or the creation of privately owned national champions, high dependence on the export market for growth and a high rate of savings. East Asian model of capitalism refers to the high rate of savings and investments, high educational standards, assiduity and export-oriented policy.
Ozawa Ichiro
Ichirō Ozawa is a Japanese politician and has been a member of the House of Representatives since 1969, representing the Iwate 3rd district. He is often dubbed the "Shadow Shōgun" due to his back-room influence. He was initially a member of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), serving as its secretary general from 1989 to 1991. He left the LDP in 1993 and subsequently served as head of a number of other political parties, first by co-founding the Japan Renewal Party with Tsutomu Hata, which formed a short-lived coalition government with several other parties opposed to the LDP. Ozawa later served as president of the opposition New Frontier Party from 1995 to 1997, president of the Liberal Party from 1998 to 2003 (which was part of a coalition government with the LDP of Keizō Obuchi from 1999 to 2000), president of the opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) from 2006 to 2009 and secretary-general of the DPJ in government from 2009 to 2010. In July 2012 he left the DPJ with around fifty followers to found the People's Life First party in a protest against the DPJ's plan to raise the Japanese consumption tax. Ozawa's party merged with the newly founded Tomorrow Party of Japan of Shiga governor Yukiko Kada prior to the 2012 general election, in which the party performed poorly. Ozawa and his followers then left to form the Life Party.
In reality most Japan believed in how many Religions?
In reality most Japan believed in how many Religions? -2 (Buddhism, Shintoism)
In the U.S. The individual are the basic union of Society. What are the basic union of Japanese Society?
In the U.S. The individual are the basic union of Society. What are the basic union of Japanese Society? -Groups
Most farmers tend to support?
Most farmers tend to support? -LDP
The Best university in Japan is _______.
The Best university in Japan is _______. -Tokyo
The Chinese character used in Japanese language is called _______.
The Chinese character used in Japanese language is called _______. -Kanji
The DPJ was originally former members of _______.
The DPJ was originally former members of _______. -All the above (Small parties, LDP, JSP)
The DSP was created in 1960s when______.
The DSP was created in 1960s when______. -The right wing of the socialist party split up
The Komoito government party is a ______ party.
The Komoito government party is a ______ party. -Buddhist
The Meiji reform took place in what year?
The Meiji reform took place in what year? -1868
The best Japanese University graduates go to the _____ Sector.
The best Japanese University graduates go to the _____ Sector. -Government
The core of Japanese *something community is________?
The core of Japanese *something community is________? -Loyalty
The economic bubble burst around what year?
The economic bubble burst around what year? -1990
The most important reason why JSP could get a lot of votes, although *something win the nation election before 1993?
The most important reason why JSP could get a lot of votes, although *something win the nation election before 1993? -Protest the LDP so they voted for the JSP
Today the Japanese upper house is elected through?
Today the Japanese upper house is elected through? -Both B and C (Prefectural District and PR?)
Until now, the 1940 Japanese constitution has been modified how many times?
Until now, the 1940 Japanese constitution has been modified how many times? -Not even once
Which of the following upper house has the strongest power?
Which of the following upper house has the strongest power? -U.S.
Who was the most powerful in Japan before the Meiji reform?
Who was the most powerful in Japan before the Meiji reform? -Shogun
Why can Japan have the longest unbroken Imperial line in the world history?
Why can Japan have the longest unbroken Imperial line in the world history? -Both B and C (Never invaded, emperor didn't have to much power)
2nd Essay Question
Why could Japan turn itself from an isolated agricultural country to the once 2nd largest economic power in the world? What was the important turning point -Meji Reform (explain it) -Created Japanese model -Strong Government Intervention (Bureaucracy)