JD Final Exam

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The War on Drugs began under which President? A. Nixon B. Carter C. Regan D. George H. W. Bush E. Obama

A. Nixon

According to the Monitoring the Future study, what substance is most frequently used by high school students? A. marijuana B. methamphetimine C. alcohol D. barbituates

A. marijuana

A government survey shows seniors in U.S. high schools are now smoking _____________ more than ______________. A. tobacco, marijuana B. methamphetamine, marijuana C. marijuana, tobacco D. crack cocaine, marijuana

A. tobacco, marijuana

___________________ is an approach to drug use that takes a public health angle and acknowledges that illegal and legal drug use are always going to occur, so they need to be addressed in a way that minimizes the harm associated with use. A. Demand reduction B. Harm reduction C. Dependence reduction D. Tolerance reduction E. None of the above

B. Harm reduction

Juvenile drug courts focus on a(n) ________________ model. A. rehabilitation B. abstinence C. punishment D. oversight E. deterrence

B. abstinence

The process by which it is determined whether a juvenile is safe in his or her home with his or her guardians or parents is called ___________________. A. delinquency process B. dependency process C. neglected process D. dispositional process E. home assessment process

B. dependency process

Ecstasy has been identified as being a beneficial supplement to ______________. A. reentry B. psychotherapy C. detoxification D. MDMA E. RAVES

B. psychotherapy

What is the main criminal justice approach for dealing with juvenile drug use? A. treatment B. rehabilitation C. prohibition D. juvenile drug courts

B. rehabilitation

Drug use among African Americans has been linked to _______________. A. institutional bias B. secondary deviance C. perceived discrimination D. homophobia E. All of the above

C. perceived discrimination

What percentage of the U.S. population had contact with the police in 2015? A. 2% B. 12% C. 17% D. 21% E. 53%

D. 21%

Which of the following roles of policing is most likely to generate a case for a juvenile in dependency courts? A. law enforcement B. order maintenance C. social control D. service E. supervising

D. service

Some current research argues that _______________ still exists and that, much like the experiences of girls at the beginning of the 1900s, currently girls are still held to gender norms and a higher standard of morality, with harsher outcomes especially for status offenses. A. maternalism B. paternalism C. endogamy D. formalism E. institutionalism

E. institutionalism

Describe the gender gap in math and reading, according to the textbook.

Girls have higher reading score than boys at all ages. Girls have higher math scores from 9-13, but at 17, boys have higher math scores than girls.

What is term in the juvenile justice system is the equivalent to a "trail" in the criminal justice system?


2) How do public schools compare to private and/or Catholic schools in mathematics and reading proficiency?

Public schools have lower reading and math proficiency than private schools

What did Leavy and Maloney find when comparing media coverage of the Columbine and Red Lake high school shootings?

Red Lake high school shootings received less media

The textbook describes five philosophical justifications for punishment. List three of these justifications. (I am looking for the specific terminology used in the textbook. In other words, I am asking for three words, not a description.)

Retribution, Individual deterrence, Restoration

According to the textbook, today's teens report that their most frequent type of communication with their peers is:

Youtube, Instagram and Snapchat

_________________ are court-issued restraining orders prohibiting members if enjoined criminal street gangs from activities that can be defined as public nuisances. a) Civil gang injunctions b) Gang involvement consent decrees c) Class G suppression clauses d) Public nuisances injunctions c) Residential restriction clauses

a) Civil gang injunctions

A number of US Supreme Court cases in the 2000's have alluded to the need to protect the youth from cruel and unusual punishment, and the court has considered the ongoing development of the teenage brain in these decisions. a. true b. false

a. True

A trauma-informed policing model provides developmentally appropriate violence responses hat help youth reestablish a sense of security. a. true b. violence

a. True

According to research documented in the textbook, white police officers were found to exercise more authority when interacting with juveniles than when interacting with adults. A. True B. False

a. True

According to the textbook, boys and girls have been found to sext the same amount. a) True b) False

a. True

According to the textbook, boys are more likely than girls to be exposed to physical abuse in the family. a. True b. False

a. True

According to the textbook, juvenile officers require much more training than general police officers. A. True B. False

a. True

According to the textbook, schools with school resource officers have over four times the arrests for disorderly conduct as schools that do not employ a school resource officer. A. True B. False

a. True

According to the textbook, there is no single definition of what constitutes a gang that is used by law enforcement officers and social scientists a. True b. False

a. True

According to the textbook, throughout the 1970s, 1880s, and 1990s, juvenile delinquents were viewed as scary and threatening people who needed to be treated more like adults. a. True b. False

a. True

According to the textbook, whites are more likely than any other racial group to initiate contact with the police. A. True B. False

a. True

As described in the textbook, adolescent unmarried births are considered a form of delinquency for which girls are monitored and socially controlled. a. True b. False

a. True

As explained in the textbook, being suspended or expelled from school is considered the first stage in the so-called "school-to-prison pipeline"? a) True b) False

a. True

As explained in the textbook, research reveals that being friends with boys tends to increase the likelihood that girls will be involved in delinquency. a) True b) False

a. True

Being friends with boys tends to increase the likelihood that girls will be involved in delinquency. a. true b. false

a. True

Boys are more likely than girls to experience police use of force. A. True B. False

a. True

Compared to other children in the United States, foster children are more likely to be absent from school, receive disciplinary referrals, and perform below grade level. a. True b. False

a. True

Contrary to conventional wisdom, violent behavior is just as likely in female gangs as it is in male gangs. a. True b. False

a. True

Dropping out is correlated to the likelihood to engage in delinquent behavior, and delinquent behavior, and delinquent behavior is correlated to the likelihood to drop out. a. true b. false.

a. True

Due to the multiple stressors that LGBT youth face, they are more likely than heterosexual teens to engage in high-risk drug use. a. true b. false

a. True

Foster youth are more likely to be absent from school than non foster youth. a. true. b. false.

a. True

Gender, race class and age have an impact on how juveniles experience family relationships. a. true b. false

a. True

Harmful legal products are everyday products that are used or consumed in an effort to to get intoxicated or high. a. true b. false

a. True

In 2015, whites were the most proficient in math and reading across all racial and ethnic groups. a. true b. false

a. True

In a number of states, schools may use spanking as a punishment option. a) True b) False

a. True

In several states, including Ohio and Massachusetts, youth who have gotten caught sexting have been threatened with prosecution under child pornography laws. a) True b) False

a. True

In some jurisdictions, the intake officer and the probation officer may be one in the same. A. True B. False

a. True

Juveniles are treated differently than adults during police interactions. a. true b. false

a. True

LGB teens are one of the largest subgroups of teens to runaway. a. true b. false.

a. True

One of the primary reasons for youth consumption of drugs is the pursuit of pleasure. A. True B. False

a. True

Over 80% of all cases referred to the juvenile court are referred by the police. A. True B. False

a. True

Police community relations often benefit from police training that addresses disproportionate minority contact, juvenile development, and communication. a. true b. false

a. True

Police have 3 roles that often conflict when dealing with juveniles. a. true b. false

a. True

Police usually have the discretion to choose informal or formal procedures to address a juveniles alleged delinquency. a. true b. false

a. True

Research demonstrates that African American teen girls living in cities with violence sometimes engage in relational isolation, a situated survival strategy. a. true b. false

a. True

Research demonstrates that youth housed in adult prisons and jails are more likely to be sexually assaulted than they would be in juvenile detention facilities. a. True b. False

a. True

Research has demonstrated that, to be successful, drug related programs need to be sensitive to racial and ethnic differences and community norms and consider the community characteristics of the youth being served. a. true b. false

a. True

Retribution was a popular justification for juvenile punishment until the invention of adolescents. a. true b. false

a. True

Sending a virus-infected file is considered a direct form of cyberbullying. a) True b) False

a. True

Situational factors have been found to predict police use of force against youth. a. true b. false

a. True

Some sociolegal scholars advocate abolishing the juvenile court altogether. a. True b. False

a. True

The concept of restoration is that punishment should ideally be the least restrictive form necessary and that it should be used to bring some sort healing or closure to the people affected by an act of delinquency or harm. a. true b. false

a. True

The last three decades of the 20th century were characterized by measures to get tough on delinquency by harshly punishing youth. a. true b. false

a. True

The prediction of a "super-predator" explosion contributed to the panic over young men of color and their increased placement in institutions. a. true b. false

a. True

The reasons why people used alcohol and drugs historically mirror the primary reasons people use them today. a. true b. false

a. True

The school to prison pipeline is the argument that for some students, school becomes a preparation ground for prison. a. true b. false

a. True

The so-called Warren Court era of the U.S. Supreme Court is known for creating more due process rights for juvenile offenders. a. True b. False

a. True

The teen years are considered the "most friendship intense" years of a persons life. a. true b. false

a. True

The unmarried birth rate in the United States has been increasing since the 1980s, especially among adolescents. a. True b. False

a. True

There is a greater percentage of U.S. children in two-parent households than any other type of household. a. True b. False

a. True

To understand gang formation, it is important to understand large-scale issues such as immigration, migration, economic marginalization, racism and sexism. a. true b. false

a. True

Total number of homicides on campus has been increasing since 1992. a. true b. false

a. True

When a father is incarcerated, significant majority of children are cared for by the other parent. a. true b. false

a. True

Young club drug users often study drug use and plan their use of drugs ahead of time. a. true b. false

a. True

Young people today live their lives in front of electronic devices, big and little, which allow them to communicate in ways that were not possible in previous generations a. true b. false

a. True

Youth in western industrialized countries today have grown in a setting in which substance use is a normal part of daily life. a. true b. false

a. True

Youth of color, girls, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth often have challenging interactions with law enforcement officers. a. true b. false

a. True

academic achievement has been decreasing in the United States since 1971. a. true b. false

a. True

black children have the highest rates of maltreatment. a. true b. false

a. True

girls who run away from home are more likely to report sexual abuse than are boys who run away from home. a. true b. false

a. True

neglect is the most likely form of maltreatment that children experience. a. true b. false

a. True

Which age group of children have the highest rates of maltreatment? a. less than 1 year old b. between 1 and 5 years old c. between 6 and 10 years old d. over 10 years old

a. less than 1 year old

According to data presented in the textbook, Hispanic students in grades 9 - 12 are more likely than their white counterparts to report being threatened or injured with a weapon on school property. a) True b) False

b. False

An egalitarian household is one in which both partners earn the same amount of money. a. true b. false

b. False

Based on research regarding family conflict and delinquency, juveniles who experience conflict with their parents are less likely to engage in delinquency than those who experience conflict with their siblings. a. True b. False

b. False

Campaigns that encourage teens to stay away from using drugs are no longer being utilized. A. True B. False

b. False

Children who experience rejection by their peers who have a decreased risk of engaging in delinquency. a. true b. false

b. False

Civil gang injunctions are used to help gang-involved youth find jobs and shelter and form strong social connections. a. true b. false

b. False

During the due process revolution of the 1960's, youth were given the right to a trial by jury in juvenile court proceedings. a. true b. false

b. False

If young people willingly go to a police station to be questioned, they are usually considered to be in police custody. a. true b. false

b. False

Juvenile drug courts in the United States are based on a harm reduction model similar to their counterparts around the world. a. true b. false

b. False

Research has demonstrated that juveniles who get the assistance of lawyers in their cases typically receive harsher sentences than those with the same sentences who did not. a. True b. False

b. False

Schools with SRO's have fewer arrests for disorderly conduct than schools without them. a. true b. false

b. False

Teens have the same cognitive and reasoning abilities as adults. a. true b. false

b. False

The data on police contacts for youth show that preteens have more interactions with police than young adults. a. true b. false

b. False

The educational system is primarily budgeted for at the federal level. a. true b. false

b. False

The patterns of drug and alcohol usage in the United States among youth are the same across all racial and ethnic groups. a. true b. false

b. False

The socialization hypothesis of delinquency states that the amount of time that youth spend with friends away from parents, teachers, and other authority figures influences them to engage in delinquency. a. true b. false

b. False

There is one definition of what a gang that is used by law enforcement officers and social scientists. a. true b. false

b. False

When reformers started the first juvenile court, they used the same terms and concepts for the process as adult court in order to show that juveniles were equal to adults in their eyes. a. true b. false

b. False

Youth who engage in serious substance use and have problems with it are less likely to engage in serious juvenile delinquency than those who do not. a. true b. false

b. False

Zero-tolerance policies first focused on youth who brought firearms to campus. a. true b. false

b. False

blacks are most likely to be threatened or injured with a weapon or on school property. a. true b. false

b. False

family structure is a stronger predictor of delinquency the family process. a. true b. false

b. False

girls show higher reading scores than boys at all ages and during all years. a. true b. false

b. False

older children are more likely to be maltreated than younger children. a. true b. false

b. False

parental incarceration affects all children equally. a. true b. false

b. False

Which landmark court case in the United States surprised the international community as it joined the ranks of most nations in the world in forbidding the death penalty for those who committed their acts of crime while juveniles? First world nations, forbids or recommends the death penalty for juveniles a. Graham vs Florida b. Roper vs Simmons c. Miller vs Alabama d. Jackson vs Hobbs e. None of the above.

b. Roper vs Simmons

Which of the following Supreme Court cases/decisions limits students' constitutional rights to freedom of speech at school? a. Brown v. Board of Education b. Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District c. Ingraham v. Wright d. Goss v. Lopez e. Safford Unified School District v. Redding

b. Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District

Children who live in _______________ areas and go to schools with inadequate resources and funding tend to be prescribed ______________ for the stated purpose of improving their academic performance even if it is not clear that they have ADHD or another disorder. a. high-income, depressants b. low-income, stimulants c. high-income, stimulants d. low-income, depressants

b. low-income, stimulants

The data collected by the __________________ are considered the best estimate of law enforcement's cataloging of gang activity in the United States. a) LADP's Gang Enforcement Unit b) Department of Justice's General Social Survey c) National Gang Center (NGC) d) GSS (Gangsta Social Survey e) National Institute of Policing

c) National Gang Center (NGC)

The textbook estimates that almost ___________ of high school students in the United States drop out of school or do not graduate on time. a. 1 in 17 b. 1 in 10 c. 1 in 5 d. 1 in 3 e. half

c. 1 in 5

Considering racial/ethnic differences in child maltreatment, which of the following groups has the highest rate of maltreatment? a. white children b. Latino children c. black children d. Asian children e. American Indian and Alaskan Native children

c. black children

Recent research shows that marriage rates are ___________ and divorce rates are __________. a. decreasing, increasing b. increasing, decreasing c. decreasing, decreasing d. increasing, increasing

c. decreasing, decreasing

While estimates suggest that boys and girls are __________ likely to run away, _________ are more likely to be punished and/or arrested for running away. a. equally, boys b. less, girls c. equally, girls d. more, boys e. less, boys

c. equally, girls

As explained in the textbook, the idea behind ________________ is that others will observe a person who is punished and that person's crime becomes an example of what not to do. a. specific deterrence b. individual deterrence c. general deterrence d. public deterrence e. micro-to-macro deterrence

c. general deterrence

Which of the following racial/ethnic groups in the United States has the highest birth rate for adolescents aged 15-17? a. Whites b. Blacks c. Latinas d. Native Americans e. Asians and Pacific Islanders

d. Native Americans

Research regarding girls' involvement in gang activity has found: a. girls in gangs were more violent that their female and male non-gang peers. b. girls tend to serve as sources of intelligence for male gangs and as transporters of drugs and weapons. c. girls tend to exit gang life earlier than boys. d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

According to the textbook, most gangs in the United States are located in: a. rural counties. b. relatively small cities (i.e., cities with a population of 35,000 to 50,000). c. suburban counties. d. larger cities. e. vertical ghettos.

d. larger cities.

According to the textbook, _____________ is the most common form of child maltreatment. a. sexual abuse b. psychological maltreatment c. physical abuse d. neglect e. emotional abuse and neglect

d. neglect

The juvenile justice system was originally designed to ______________ juveniles. a. punish b. treatment c. incarcerate d. rehabilitate e. educate

d. rehabilitate

Regarding family process (i.e., interactions in the family) and gender, research shows that: a. girls are monitored more than boys. b. Attachment to mothers seems to be more important than attachment to fathers. c. family socialization is a gendered process. d. While both boys and girls experience a certain level of strain in the family, there were gender differences in how they dealt that that stain. e. All of the above.

e. All of the above.

According to the textbook, the notion of a "superpredator" became widely recognized as: a. a way to profile poor youth in America. b. a way to differentiate "good" and "bad" intercity youth. c. youth who were likely to kill without remorse. d. young gang members. e. a "code word for young black males."

e. a "code word for young black males."

The federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDP Act) of 1974, and its subsequent reauthorizations, mandates which of the following requirements for the juvenile justice system? a. the deinstitutionalization of status offenders b. adult jail and lockup removal c. sight and sound separation d. a reduction of disproportionate minority confinement e. all of the above

e. all of the above

According to the textbook children of incarcerated parents are likely to experience: a. truancy. b. sadness and depression. c. behavioral issues. d. shame. e. all of the above.

e. all of the above.

Research regarding gender differences in school bonding has revealed that girls were most impacted by their relationship with: a) their teammates. b) their coaches. c) their school counselors. d) their teachers. e) their school's administration staff.

their teachers.

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