Jeopardy questions/clicker questions

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How many bones is the pelvic girdle formed by?


The femoral head articulates with what?

The acetabulum of the coxal bone

The ulnar notch is on the distal portion of the radius and articulates with what?

The head of the ulna

The lateral femoral condyle articulates with what?

The lateral tibial condyle

Which muscle does not cause plantar flexion?

Tibialis anterior

The humeral trochlea articulates with what?

Trochlear notch of the ulna

The head of the ulna articulates with the ______ of the radius

Ulnar notch of the radius

Which of the following is a function of the pectoral girdle?

Attachment site for muscles that move the humerus

What muscles cause flexion of the elbow?

Brachioradialis, biceps brachii, and brachialis

The radial head articulates with what depression of the humerus?


The pubic symphysis is an example of a

Cartilaginous joint

The ____ compresses/purses the lips

Depressor anguli oris and buccinator

What muscles cause depression of the mandible

Digastric and mylohyoid

What muscle would not cause lateral rotation of thigh at hip?

Gluteus medius

What muscle is involved with medial rotation at hip?

Gluteus minimus

A person falls on the lateral side of his thigh. Which of the following bone features are most likely to have fractured?

Greater trochanter of the femur

Which bones are located in the arm?


The muscle that abducts the wrist has an origin on the ____ and an insertion on the ___

Humerus, ulna and radius

What three bones form the os coxae?

Ilium, ischium, and pubis

What is the tissue that forms the joint between the two bones of the forearm and the leg called?

Interosseous membrane

The patella articulates with which femoral bone feature?

Patellar surface

What muscles cause protraction of pectoral girdle?

Pectoralis minor

What muscle is involved in flexion of thigh at the hip?

Psoas major and iliacus

This joint is where the axial and appendicular skeletons meet in the lower limb and serves to transmit the weight of the torso onto the

Sacroiliac joint

What is the most medial portion of the clavicle?

Sternal end

What muscles cause medial rotation of the shoulder?

Subscapularis and pectoralis major

What causes rotation of the torso?

External oblique, internal oblique, iliocostalis, and longissimus

This bone feature is an attachment site for muscles/ligaments that cross the elbow joint

Medial epicondyle of the humerus

What do the rhomboids do?

Retract the scapula

Which muscle causes flexion of the neck?

Sternocleidomastoid and scalenes

Which muscle DOES NOT cause movement of the neck?


What muscles are involved in supination and pronation of the forearm?

Supinator and pronator teres

This bone feature on the tibia is a sharp ridge that is responsible for causing pain when a shin is hit

Anterior tibial margin

The olecranon articulates with the olecranon fossa when the elbow is ______ and the coronoid process articulates with the coronoid process when the elbow is ______

Extended, flexed

What action does the latissimus dorsi perform?

Extends and adducs the arm

What muscles cause extension of the wrists?

Extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor carpi radialis

Which muscle is used to straighten out your toes?

Extensor digitorum longus and extensor hallucis longus

How many bones form the knee joint?


How many carpals are there?


What muscle causes adduction at hip?


What muscle causes extension of the knee?

Quadriceps femoris

What muscles causes abduction of thigh at hip?

The gluteal muscles

How many phalanges are there in one hand?


How many bones is the pectoral girdle formed by?


How many bones form the elbow joint?


How many tarsals are there?


The ___ helps you frown while the ___ constricts the opening surrounding the eye

Depressor anguli oris, orbicularis oculi

What muscles cause lateral flexion of the torso?

External oblique, internal oblique and quadratus lumborum

What bone feature articulates with the humerus head?

Glenoid fossa of the scapula

What does the capitulum articulate with?

Head of the radius

What muscles cause elevation of the corner of the mouth and draws it laterally?

Levator labii superioris

Your friend falls and lands with all of his weight on the medial aspect of his foot just distal to the heel bone and proximal to the metatarsal, what tarsal is most likely broken?

Medial cuneiform

What bone feature is located on the distal portion of the tibia and articulates with the calcaneus to form part of the ankle joint.

Medial malleolus

Which muscle raises the eyebrows?


What is the origin and insertion of the gluteus minimus?

Origin: coxal bone Insertion: femur

What bone forms the pelvic girdle?

Os coxae (hip bone)

What movement is required to stand on pointe?

Plantar flexion of the ankle

A patient cannot abduct the wrist. Which two bones are most likely affected and what kind of joint of they form?

Radius and scaphoid, form ellipsoid joint

What muscles flex the torso?

Rectus abdominis and psoas major

What muscle causes flexion of the hip?

Rectus femoris

What carpal bones articulate with the forearm?

Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum

The _______ joint in the upper limb is more mobile than the ________ joint in the lower limb

Shoulder, hip

Which bone feature will the medial condyle of the femur articulate with?

The medial condyle of the tibia

During the cross bridge cycle, calcium binds to what to initiate contraction?


A muscle in the posterior compartment of the leg could possibly cause what?

plantar flexion at the ankle

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