Jeopardy Set 4

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Komodo National Park & the Sangiran early man site


Until 1949 a Dutch colony, now the world's most populous island nation


This dark fluid is secreted by cuttlefish & other cephalopods


Hmm... he dedicated his 1820 poem "The Witch of Atlas" to his wife Mary

(Percy Bysshe) Shelley

Craps roll known as "ace-deuce"

1 & 2

In this U.S. presidential election year, Israel gained independence


Vicennial means occurring once every this many years


TV secret agent Maxwell Smart's beautiful agent wife: XCIX


I like to paddle mine on the ocean

A Canoe (Ocean)

Chad or Superior

A Lake

Industrial chimney attached to a factory

A Smokestack

In 1887 Ethiopia's Menelik II founded this city in the Entoto Mountains

Addis Ababa

A fuss in Quito

Ado (In Ecuador)

Less than 5,000 square miles in area, The Gambia is the smallest independent mainland country on this continent


Of the 7 continents


This scathingly personal drama portrayed Marilyn Monroe as a singer named Maggie

After The Fall

This star of "The Jazz Singer" spent much of WWII in the field entertaining troops

Al Jolson

It's the fancy way of saying the white of an egg


In the U.S. Southwest: ABQ


An epilogue

An Afterword

"The Cherry Orchard"

Anton Chekhov

1/15 + 1/45 = this


From Greek for "The Best", it's the elite, or government by them


Eat spears of this green vegetable, but not the same-named fern, which is a houseplant


Self-examination; literally, "a looking into oneself"


1956: "They're here already! You're next! You're next!"

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers

It's an A.D.A.; Jill Hennessy played one on TV

Assistant District Attorney

This bouncy wirehaired fox terrier shared the spotlight with William Powell & Myrna Loy in "The Thin Man" series


Patented in 1965, this stadium ground covering was first used commercially on a large scale in Texas


Asmara, Addis Ababa, Aswan


He led the Titans into battle against the gods & had to shoulder the responsibility


At 1,07


The Aussie doubles team of Woodbridge & Woodforde, AKA The Woodies, have twice won this Melbourne event

Australian Open

German is its official national language; Croatian, Slovene & Hungarian are each official in one of its states


The Winston Cup

Auto Racing

Encarta says in 1900 NYC, Chicago & Boston, 1,170 of these were powered by steam, 800 by electricity & 400 by gas


You'll find this geological attraction about 280 miles from Alice Springs

Ayers Rock

Before moving to the U.S., this "Fountainhead" author worked as a guide in a Leningrad museum

Ayn Rand

His .87 ERA is third on the all-time World Series list (min. 25 innings); his 15 home runs are second

Babe Ruth

Lush trappings & jungle perils dogged Bob & Bing's heels when they took the "Road to" this Indonesian island


This island to the east of Java is world famous for its dancing


The bulletproof shields used by police depts. are called this type of shield, from the Greek for "to throw"


One of Elvis' favorite snacks was a sandwich of peanut butter & this fruit "mashed and mixed"


This Mattel doll became an astronaut in 1965, perhaps inspiring the young Sally Ride


Though a tenor now, Placido Domingo began singing in this vocal range below tenor


In finding the area of a parallelogram, a=bh, b standing for this


Major teams in this sport include the Hiroshima Toyo Carp, the Nankai Hawks & the Hankyu Braves


The name of this deep voice range is also used to describe a violin, a clef & a tuba


Dynamic duo who fight for champagne wishes & caviar dreams

Batman & Robin Leach

"You sank my aircraft carrier!"


This bay between Spain & Brittany is named for the Basques who live on the shore there

Bay Of Biscay

In 1905 the Germans swept the Nobel science prizes; this aspirin maker won the chemistry prize


Considered a national dish, feijoada comes from the Portuguese word for this legume


It comes after "merci", a lot (8)


This TV series inspired an album featuring Ron Perlman reading Shakespeare's sonnets

Beauty And The Beast

Ashton Kutcher co-created this series that paired up hotties & nerds

Beauty And The Geek

This 1880 classic by Lew Wallace was one of the first novels to feature Jesus as a character


In 1791, one year after his death, part of this American's autobiography was published in Paris as "Memoires"

Benjamin Franklin

1989: "Wind Beneath My Wings"

Bette Midler

After 5 years as Dylan McKay, Luke Perry left the cast of this show in 1995

Beverly Hills 90210

King Jigme Singye Wangchuck rules this Himalayan country between India & Tibet


Isaac Asimov won a 1977 Hugo Award for this novelette about a robot named Andrew who lives to be 200 years old

Bicentennial Man

The penny-farthing was an old-fashioned one of these


"Little ___ Book"


In "A Streetcar Named Desire", she's Stanley Kowalski's sister-in-law

Blanche Dubois

In campaign issues of 1856, this sanguinary adjective preceded "Kansas" & "Sumner"


The adjective "blithe" is closely related to this word meaning "ecstasy"


A group of nations acting together, like the old Soviet one


New Orleans Square restaurant, or a hit song for Linda Ronstadt & Roy Orbison

Blue Bayou

Parts of this 1961 rock & roll movie were filmed on location in Oahu & Kauai

Blue Hawaii

On Oct. 2, 1968 this Cardinal pitcher struck out 17 Detroit Tigers, a new World Series record

Bob Gibson

Eddie Eagan, the only person to win golds in Summer & Winter Games, won in these 2 sports both beginning with "B"

Bobsledding & Boxing

No. 36, this co. got "a $30 billion contract to supply refueling aircraft to the Air Force, beating European rival Airbus"


French for "puffed out", it describes a hairstyle popular in the '60s


Henry IV was the first king of France in this family's dynasty


This large knife bears the name of a man who died at the Alamo

Bowie Knife

They can be demi-, underwire or push-up


Liz Bra


Connecticut's largest city, its Mountain Grove Cemetery has a life-size statue of Tom Thumb


"...Baby One More Time" (1998)

Britney Spears

Mary Chapin Carpenter sang in a coffeehouse while earning her B.A. from this Providence, R.I. university


Sepia & mahogany are tones of this color


"Born to Run", "Born in the U.S.A."

Bruce Springsteen

About 96 percent of Mongols are of this religion


Seen here, this "beastly" one-time Army scout & Pony Express rider later ran his own Wild West Show

Buffalo Bill Cody

Ghee is a clarified form of this


The velocity of light in a vacuum


This 16th C. explorer whose name means "head of a cow" led a small band of men from Florida to Mexico

Cabeza De Vaca

In 1756 the Nawab of Bengal had the British East India Company garrison “holed up†in this city


The Egyptians were the first civilization to switch from a lunar-based one to a solar-based one


Longer but narrower than a king-sized bed is this state's "king"


Marilyn Monroe


"Negative" this therapy tries to cleanse the body using negatively charged particles


Before we part, ah present to you this alliterative paper item with all mah pertinent social information

Calling Card

William Laud, an archbishop of this who opposed the Puritans, was beheaded on Tower Hill in 1645


Although the JFK Space Center was once located here, then Cape Kennedy, it was moved to Merritt Island in 1964

Cape Canaveral

As head of Hewlett-Packard, she led the fight for HP's merger with Compaq

Carly Fiorina

In Act II of this Bizet opera, Escamillo sings the "Toreador's Song"


"Mr. Rains is properly slippery and crafty as a minion of Vichy perfidy" in this drama


This "insect" of a company calls itself the world's leading maker of construction & mining equipment


Ukraine was fully absorbed into the Russian Empire during the 1762-1796 reign of this empress

Catherine The Great

This aromatic herb of the genus Nepeta will drive your feline crazy


He's the 3-headed hound of Hades


27-year-old Reza Pahlevi has expressed a desire to be this country's monarch


In 2006 this country's President Ahmadinejad admitted it was enriching uranium


This French "Flowers of Evil" author translated Poe's tales into French

Charles Baudelaire

Pull into this port city & you'll find Fort Sumter guarding its harbor


"The House Without a Key" was the first case solved by this Chinese detective

Charlie Chan

Rita Hayworth makes a short, sultry appearance in the 1935 film about this Asian detective “in Egyptâ€

Charlie Chan

The 6 Earl Derr Biggers novels about this Chinese-American detective were first serialized in the Post

Charlie Chan

In the 1950s Ernesto Guevara de la Serna began going by this name


Stoichiometry is defined as the study of the quantities involved in these chemical events

Chemical Reactions

Receiving the 2002 Billboard Lifetime Achievement Award she might have thought, "If I could turn back time..."


Sakura cheese from Hokkaido is a soft cheese flavored with leaves from this fruit tree


Historic landmarks in this city include Hull House & the Marshall Field Company Store


The Ferris wheel made its first rounds in 1893 at the World's Columbian Exposition in this city


Valentine's Day events in this U.S. city include a 1929 massacre & the 1920 founding of the League of Women Voters


Mary McAleese is president of this country also called Eire


The Battle of the Boyne, the Easter Rising


High levels of this metal, at. #77, in rocks near dinosaur fossils led to the asteroid theory of their demise


Spontaneous nose inversion, foot attack & this "fowl" 10-letter skin disease whose incubation period averages 2-3 weeks

Chicken Pox

A piece of custom-made equipment called the Phoenix played a key role in an October event in this country


This synonym for an imaginary thing came from a mythical monster with a lion's head, goat's body & dragon's tail


About 94% of this country's population belongs to the Han nationality


In 1974 farmers digging for water found an army of clay warriors "protecting" an emperor's tomb in this country


It's the country someone with sinophobia would be least apt to visit


The New Year's Day of this calendar can fall between our January 20 & February 20

Chinese Calendar

Game using a 6-pointed star board, marbles & holes

Chinese Checkers

This element, atomic no. 17, is used as a bleach


In 1978 the U.S. banned use of these, called CFCs for short, as propellants in most spray cans


The answer is yes if a dish of foie hache asks, "What am I," this?

Chopped Liver

After munching on moo goo gai pan, Heloise uses these as stakes for indoor potted plants


This Florida-born women's great who retired in 1989 wrote the World Book Encyclopedia article on tennis

Chris Evert

This movie Robin debuted as Jessica Lange's son in "Men Don't Leave" & appeared with her again in "Blue Sky"

Chris O'donnell

A 1980s process to make huge bottles safely allowed Rosalynn Carter to do this with a 7-gal. "sovereign" on Jan. 15, 1988

Christen A Ship ('Break It Across A Ship' Accepted)

He played the rebellious J.D, in "Heathers"

Christian Slater

December decoration dubbed "arbor natalicia"

Christmas Tree

This dried inner bark of a tropical tree is used to spice up teas & cooked fruit


This enchantress changes Ulysses' men into pigs but on the plus side, does warn the man about the sirens


"Oh, Rosebud! I thought you said something else. That was his sled. That all you need? I'm kinda busy"

Citizen Kane

Currently, he's the only African American on the Supreme Court

Clarence Thomas

The word for this shoe with a wooden sole can also mean "to obstruct"


The introduction of Dolly the Sheep to the world kicked off a debate on the ethics of this in February 1997


The Breakfast ____ Dread


It's said this soft drink's name is the most recognized commercial symbol in the world


These Londoners turned the simple word "wife" into the rhyming "trouble-and-strife"


The Buffalo Bill Museum in this small Wyoming city also displays some of Annie Oakley's possessions


The French gave an Idaho tribe this name meaning "heart like an awl"

Coeur D'alene

It might come back to you that this Civil War movie was based on a novel by Charles Frazier

Cold Mountain

Moore, McCullough, Dewhurst


Historians don't know who fired first in Lexington, but later that day, the King's troops shot first in this town


The term "con man" is short for this

Confidence Man

This company's canvas All Star basketball shoe goes all the way back to 1917


Also the surface of bulletin boards, this material makes warm, sound-insulating flooring


In the 1870s a Nashville univ. was renamed for this shipping & railroad magnate who donated $1 million

Cornelius Vanderbilt

This Ivy League school is the land grant college of New York State


The 1st Cornish Rex was a mutant kitten named Kallibunker who was born in this English duchy in 1950


This outermost layer of the sun produces the solar wind


This French island in the Mediterranean was once ruled by the Bank of San Giorgio in Genoa


His crazy schemes have included a bra for men & a coffee-table coffee-table book

Cosmo Kramer

The magazine is a mix of lifestyles & sex; the cocktail of the same name is a mix of vodka, cointreau, lime & cranberry juice


Extending northeast from Bath, these limestone hills were home to a thriving wool trade


Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin called the bill "An important tool against" these criminals


The TV show "Forensic Files" from this cable network examines crimes from an investigative point of view

Court Tv

The 5 main animal styles of kung fu are the tiger, leopard, snake, dragon & this long-legged bird


Located in Oregon, it's the deepest lake in North America

Crater Lake

The Entomology Club at Iowa State Univ. put these chirping insects into Chocolate Chirpie Chip Cookies


In this 1866 Dostoevsky novel, a student named Raskolnikov murders an old woman pawnbroker & her sister

Crime And Punishment

This word for a close friend or an old chum comes from the Greek word for time

Crony (From The Greek God Cronus)

Cut a baguette, brush with olive oil & bake until golden; now you've got this appetizer, Italian for "little toasts"


Water does this to become snow, & thoughts do it to become an idea


This word for any style of cooking is from the French for "kitchen"


Guiderius & Arviragus, who pretend to be Polydore & Cadwal, are sons of this title king of Britain


In 1951 "Harvey"'s Jimmy Stewart lost by a nose to best actor Jose Ferrer in this title role

Cyrano De Bergerac

This double talk art style arose in part from the despair following WWI


These arachnids differ from true spiders by the extreme length & thinness of their legs

Daddy Longlegs

Crazy, like a certain cartoon duck (5)


A Butterfinger Blizzard or a Peanut Buster Parfait

Dairy Queen

Jerry Lewis was the devil himself in this Broadway revival about baseball star Joe Hardy

Damn Yankees

The "Rebellion" he led in 1786 showed many that the Articles didn't include a strong enough central government

Daniel Shays

Defoe's dogs

Daniel's Spaniels

In a 1978 movie musical: Greased Lightning

Danny Zuko (John Travolta)

From 1827 to 1831 & 1833 to 1835, this frontiersman represented Tennessee in Congress

Davy Crockett

A song by the Bonzo Dog Band gave this "I Will Possess Your Heart" group its grisly name

Death Cab For Cutie

In the late 1300s Margaret of this European country took control of Sweden and Norway


The Carrington Mansion on "Dynasty" was in this city, where most of the action took place


The instantaneous rate of change of a function; or not original, adapted from others


This 10-letter term used by doctors for any number of skin inflammations is from the Greek word for "skin"


This character became the heroine of the dramatic ballet "The Moor's Pavane"


As opposed to nocturnal, it means active during the day


Wyatt was working as a railroad detective when John Shanssey introduced him to this sometime dentist

Doc Holliday

Cervantes at your service; long knight's journey into day; Rocinante is the horse he rode in on

Don Quixote

Published in Spain in 1605, this classic of world literature was an instant hit

Don Quixote

At Bunker Hill, the colonists can't obey this command because the British have sunglasses on

Don't Fire Until You See The Whites Of Their Eyes!

Patriotic flags of the American Revolution depicted a coiled timber rattlesnake & this motto

Don't Tread On Me

Issued from 1849 to 1933, it's a U.S. gold coin that was worth $20; it's also 3 under par on a hole in golf

Double Eagle

We had to mention this movie in which Ashley Judd turns being framed for murder to her advantage

Double Jeopardy

1989: Matt Dillon as a junkie who with his crew robs pharmacies to support their habits

Drugstore Cowboy

Keith Moon


A dark underground prison cell in a castle



Earl Warren

Primo can mean this, the opposite of tardi


It's the densest of the planets in our solar system & the only one not named for a deity


Don't jump up & down on your bed to the point that it causes one of these seismic shakings of the Earth's crust


Of a North, East, South & West Side, the 1 Chicago doesn't have


This Christian holiday can fall as early as March 22 or as late as April 25


In this 1969 film Peter Fonda helps a young Jack Nicholson loosen up

Easy Rider

You can see the royal crown of Scotland in a castle in this Scottish city, but you can't try it on


Jan. 1, 1996 was Holiday Inn's deadline for all its properties to open room doors with these

Electronic Key Cards

In March 2011 he gave his first televised speech in 22 years on the throne, saying he hoped things would get better

Emperor Akihito Of Japan

The home Lassie went back to in the 1940 novel "Lassie Come Home" was in this country


To deliberately speak ambiguously in order to mislead


Machines are forbidden in this remote land, the subject of an 1872 satire by Samuel Butler


The woman seen here triumphed on Oscar night for her role as this woman

Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts)

His "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman" spans 100 years from the Civil War to the civil rights movement

Ernest J. Gaines

He was the Greek equivalent of Cupid, the Roman god of love


1981: "You go in, find the President and bring him out in 24 hours and you're a free man"

Escape From New York

It was Charlie Sheen's original last name; his older brother still uses it


The National Woman's Christian Temperance Union is headquartered in this Illinois city


The book of the Bible where manna is first mentioned


He served as president during the 73rd-79th Congresses

F.D. Roosevelt

“You Can't Lose Me†is something she might sing to fellow country star Tim McGraw; they married in 1996

Faith Hill

Hadrian is said to have made martyrs of these 3 legendary sisters, also a trio of virtues

Faith, Hope & Charity

The press corps called this Scottie "The Informer"; when they saw him they knew FDR was near


I'm off to London to see the spring 2011 collections shown as part of this "week"


The Brown Hornet was the favorite superhero of this 1970s animated TV group of pals

Fat Albert & The Cosby Kids

Episodes of this British sitcom included "The Hotel Inspectors" & "Basil the Rat"

Fawlty Towers

In "Mommie Dearest" Diana Scarwid was Christina Crawford & this actress played Christina's mom

Faye Dunaway (Who Played Joan Crawford)

This bodily feature makes birds different from all other animals


The musical "Nine" is an adaptation of this Italian director's movie "8 1/2"

Federico Fellini

An associate of equal rank; you may be a "jolly good" one


It was created in 1979 but traces its beginnings to 1803, when Congress allocated aid to fire-stricken Portsmouth, N.H.


This Chinese method arranges furniture & artifacts within a space for the smoothest energy flow

Feng Shui

Columbus' personal flag bore the initials F & Y, which stood for these 2

Ferdinand & Isabella

September 11, 1917: Sarrat, Philippines

Ferdinand Marcos

Ulf von Euler won in 1970; dad Hans von Euler-Chelpin won for his work on the role of enzymes in this process in sugar


Pierre de Beaumarchais wrote "The Marriage of" this wily valet of Count Almaviva of Andalusia


Smooth move in a bridge game (7)


Many children have grappled with the riddle of why this superhero wears red suspenders


Had a whale of a time in 1851; Pequod problems; call him this narrator


Rose’s maiden name, it became the middle name of one of her sons


Before becoming a successful poet, Robert Burns worked in the linen industry as a dresser of this plant fiber


Yes, my friend, this fictional filly's name means "little girl" in Swedish


Of the U.S. state quarters that feature sail-powered craft, the state depicting the oldest ship


Iran, Iraq, Israel




3 basic types of this ingredient are all-purpose, cake & bread


Numeric phrase that begins the Gettysburg Address

Four Score And Seven Years Ago

The type of bed seen here, or the title of a Broadway play that starred Hume Cronyn & Jessica Tandy


Spain management (1939-75)


His last No. 1 solo hit, "Strangers in the Night", was adapted from the movie "A Man Could Get Killed"

Frank Sinatra

This Mary Shelley tale is told through the letters of an Arctic explorer named Walton


Harvard University (class of 1904)

Franklin Roosevelt

This orator spoke publicly of his days as a slave to an 1841 anti-slavery meeting in Nantucket

Frederick Douglass

Now France's only mainland New World possession, for years it was a penal colony that included Devil's Island

French Guiana

This isthmus was explored by Columbus in 1502 & crossed by Balboa in September 1513

Isthmus Of Panama

1 of the 2 cities whose Bee is among the top 100 U.S. newspapers in circulation

Fresno & Sacramento

For Jews, the sabbath starts on the evening of this day


It's the alternate title of "The Shoop Shoop Song"

It's In His Kiss

"Six Characters in Search of an Author" was written in this language


Quakers is the popular name for members of the Religious Society of these


It means serving as a foundation or basis; reading is said to be this, too


Peltex products

Fur Coats

Fearing their vengeful wrath, the Greeks called them Eumenides, which means "The Kindly Ones"


This Texas county shares its name with a Gulf of Mexico port city & a hit song by Glen Campbell


This term for a group of elk also applies to sharks (the ones in "West Side Story")


An opening to board a ship, or an exclamation meaning "Move, I'm coming through!"


John Singer Sargent didn't find those red stones for January strange

Garnets (Strange)

This drink spun off G2, for athletes' off-the-field hydration


(Sofia of the Clue Crew at the Johnson Space Center in Houston) This capsule sent into space in 1965 weighs 8000 pounds, only about 2,500 more than a 1965 Lincoln Continental




Created by Walt Morey, this "docile" bear lives in the Alaskan wilderness

Gentle Ben

Tom Cruise, for "Jerry Maguire"; Geoffrey Rush, for "Shine"; Ralph Fiennes, for "The English Patient"

Geoffrey Rush

Yeats described this "Arms And The Man" playwright as "An athiest who trembles in the haunted corridor"

George Bernard Shaw

Danny Ocean, 2001, 2004, 2007

George Clooney

This "Seinfeld" character described himself as a "Short, stocky, slow-witted bald man"

George Costanza

In 1994 he was named AP Male Athlete of the Year -- 20 years after losing his his heavyweight title to Muhammad Ali

George Foreman

This composer's political satire "Of Thee I Sing" was the first musical comedy to win a Pulitzer Prize

George Gershwin

In 1970 he became the first Beatle to have a solo No. 1 hit

George Harrison ("My Sweet Lord")

This record producer was known as the "Fifth Beatle"

George Martin

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength", wrote this Brit in a 1949 novel

George Orwell

This man, who introduced A.C. current in the U.S., wouldn't recommend putting any appliance in your mouth

George Westinghouse

In 1870 this "Goober State" became the last to be permanently readmitted to the Union


A member of the Warren Commission, he co-wrote "Portrait of the Assassin", a book about Lee Harvey Oswald

Gerald Ford

In 1569 this Flemish geographer developed a map of the world in which Greenland looks bigger than Africa

Gerardus Mercator

Bremen, Kiel, Worms


In 1990 this country named a new capital city


October 3 is a day of unity celebration in this reunified European country


Popular Thuringer rotwurst from this country has been given geographic protection by the EU


Jell-O is a jiggly dessert: this priming material that has a glue base is used to prepare a canvas for paint


A 1992 film was titled "Dr." these small laughs


Who could forget this funny lady as Lisa Loopner & Baba Wawa

Gilda Radner

The slits right behind a shark's head are simply these


This '50s wrestler whose name advertised his good looks used to toss bobby pins to his fans

Gorgeous George

Adams wished for one "Of laws, and not of man", but felt that "fear is the foundation of most"


Of concern to students: GPA

Grade Point Average

To allow


From an Italian word for "grape stalk", it's brandy distilled from the remains of grapes after pressing


(Sarah of the Clue Crew riding in a Blue Angels jet) On takeoff, for a high-performance climb, pilots can experience six times the force of this


The 4 basic forces that exist in nature are strong, weak, etectromagnetic & this one


This Montana city is known as "The Electric City"; must be those hydroelectric power generators

Great Falls

Don't worry--Cricket Cola isn't flavored with crickets but with this "colorful" tea

Green Tea

In describing the effect of global warming, the Earth is often compared to this structure seen here


7 years after Darwin published his natural selection theory, this man published his laws of genetics

Gregor Mendel

Although some modern renditions are baked, traditional johnny cakes are cooked on these flat surfaces


Many believe that this hamlet in the play "Our Town" represented Peterborough, New Hampshire

Grover's Corners

For 2008 this Central American country passed China in the number of babies adopted by Americans


This Italian established wireless communication across the English Channel in 1899

Guglielmo Marconi

Might be Ben Kenobi's favorite: SIN GENUS


The Aland Islands are usually regarded as the dividing line between the Baltic Sea & this large gulf

Gulf Of Bothnia

Lemuel is the first name of this doctor & adventurer who set off on his travels in 1699


This country is the only one in South America to belong to the Commonwealth of Nations

Guyana (Formerly British Guyana)

No doubt you know that this No Doubt singer has sons named Kingston & Zuma

Gwen Stefani

Add this letter to Mars & you get a fen

H (Marsh)

Burns called this food item, sheep's heart & liver minced with suet, "great chieftain O' the pudding-race!"


Seen here, this sacred site began as a Christian church in A.D. 537, was later a mosque & is now a museum

Hagia Sophia

Jean Jacques Dessalines, brought to this island country as a slave, declared its independence in 1804


(Wrestling) Hold illustrated here:


Inducted in 1982, this Brave has the most RBIs of anyone in the Hall with 2,297

Hank Aaron

In 1066 he became the last Saxon king to rule England

Harold Ii

This crime drama with Robert Wagner & Stefanie Powers was created by Sidney Sheldon

Hart To Hart

(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the stage of the Neil Simon Theater in NYC) This actor who's just divine as Tracy's mom in "Hairspray" wrote & starred in the play "Torch Song Trilogy"

Harvey Fierstein

The title of this Jack Lord show refers to a certain state's entry into the Union

Hawaii Five-O

Very young rabbits get the alfalfa type of this cut, dried fodder; then they graduate to timothy


It's the main reason why 19-year-old Anne Elliot's family won't let her marry Frederick Wentworth

He Doesn't Have Enough Money

The 2 body parts the term cephalopod refers to

Head & Foot

The second law of thermodynamics says that this will of its own accord only move to a colder object


39 members of this doomsday cult in California committed suicide in March

Heaven's Gate

The Muslim calendar reckons time from this event

Hegira (Muhammad's Flight)

In Greek Myth this most beautiful woman was not so much born as hatched


"Good Morning, Starshine, the Earth says" this


From 1845 to 1847 he lived in a cabin he built on the shore of Walden Pond

Henry David Thoreau

"The Portrait of a Lady"

Henry James

This King Henry's marriage to Elizabeth of York in 1486 helped bring the Wars of the Roses to an end

Henry Vii

...the Church of England broke with the Roman Catholic Church

Henry Viii

Dr. Ruth has shown up in commercials for this shampoo line from Clairol

Herbal Essences

A noted thief, this messenger of the gods probably wouldn't be welcome at a certain B.H. silk tie store


I need a messenger-god to pick up some scarves at this store at 24, Faubourg Saint-Honore


At the time of Jesus’ birth, he was the king of Judea


This "great" guy got a gig as governor of Galilee in 47 B.C.; a few years later, he was king of Judea

Herod The Great

In the 1880s he developed Crystal A Caramels; a product under his own name came out in 1900


Dick Fosbury of Oregon State University was the first to use the Fosbury Flop in this track & field event

High Jump

Marian the Librarian could have used this warning

Hill Ahead

Her background includes studying law at Yale & over a decade as first lady of Arkansas

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Important literary works in the Eastern variety of this language of India are written in Awadhi


On Feb. 3, 1930 I presided over the founding of the Vietnamese Communist Party

Ho Chi Minh

In 1994 she was nominated as a supporting actress for "The Firm" & won as best actress for "The Piano"

Holly Hunter

While Prince of Wales, Edward VII vistied this German spa town & brought back a hat


Shock researcher Walter Cannon coined this word for an organism's ability to maintain internal equilibrium


The state capital out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean


"The Commodore" is one of the tales of this C.S. Forester hero

Horatio Hornblower

If you're getting ready for some dressage at an equestrian event, you're probably into these animals


These very tight short shorts were popular in the early 1970s

Hot Pants

The Splittin' Image & the Peeping Bomb were among the models in this "fiery" Mattel toy car line introduced in 1968

Hot Wheels

It's often typed in before www


In a classic of American fiction, these 2 boys get a $6,000 reward each after finding money that Injun Joe hid in a cave

Huckleberry Finn & Tom Sawyer

In 1953 he produced the first issue of Playboy for $10,000

Hugh Hefner

By a unanimous vote in 1948, the U.N. adopted a "Universal Declaration of" these

Human Rights

Founded in 1978, the group called this "watch" is a smaller U.S. counterpart to Amnesty International

Human Rights Watch

Seeking nymphet to be light of my life, fire of my loins. Must answer to "Lolita"

Humbert Humbert

For men they're 42 inches high at the 110-meter distance, 36 inches high at 400 meters


The National Weather Service says in the Atlantic, this perilous season begins on June 1 & ends Nov. 30

Hurricane Season

As an intern Nora Ephron had one exchange with JFK, as he left for this Mass. "Port", but couldn't hear what he said

Hyannis Port

It's the element whose atomic weight is closest to its atomic number


More than 95% of all known compounds contain this element


Title of disco queen Gloria Gaynor's 1997 autobiography, or the title of her biggest hit

I Will Survive

A student at Sandhurst, he later served in British military intel. before creating his British superspy

Ian Fleming

This Scandinavian's "John Gabriel Borkman" takes place on a winter night in a snowstorm


Related to the word "glacier", verglas is a thin coating of this on a rock


In January in Michigan people set up shanties on Houghton Lake for a festival devoted to this sport

Ice Fishing

Fearing German occupation, U.S. forces took control of this north Atlantic island nation on July 7


Peter Roskam won the seat held for 32 years by this state's Henry Hyde


You can tour numerous Frank Lloyd Wright buildings in Oak Park in this state


At the instigation of Rep. John Minor Botts, Tyler was the first pres. to have this type of resolution aimed at him


A special connection; you may have one with a powerful person


In the 1986 film "Blue Velvet", Dean Stockwell peerforms a lip-synched rendition of this Roy Orbison hit

In Dreams

Literally "into the middle of things", it's how you describe a story that begins in the middle of the action

In Medias Res

It's the precarious location of the Rock-a-bye Baby's cradle

In The Tree Top

In Ranchi in this country, once food has been placed on your thali, it's jutha & you can't offer to share it


Jainism, with 4 1/2 million adherents, was founded in this country by Mahavira, "the Great Hero"


After the African freshwater cichlid lays its eggs, it picks them up & incubates them in this

Its Mouth

20th century violin virtuosi include Isaac Stern & this Israel native whose name is a form of Isaac

Itzhak Perlman

Sullivan, of Gilbert & Sullivan, wrote an opera based on this Walter Scott character


Now figureheads, Andorra's co-princes are Bishop Joan Enric Vives & this leader

Jacques Chirac

In this 1957 film Elvis played Vince Everett, an ex-con who develops a recording career

Jailhouse Rock

Jerk chicken is a specialty of this Caribbean island, the home of reggae music


He followed "Go Tell it on the Mountain" with "Giovanni's Room"

James Baldwin

He prefaced his famed cookbook with instructions for boiling water

James Beard

While Elvis has the most charted singles, this "Soul Brother No. 1" is No. 2

James Brown

His "Legends Of Hollywood" stamp is a dandy; in fact, it shows him from "Yankee Doodle Dandy"

James Cagney

Tho this man wrote the novel, R. Chandler & B. Wilder wrote the screenplay for "Double Indemnity"

James Cain

...who, for the 1992 election, coined the phrase "It's the economy, stupid"

James Carville

As minister to Mexico, he was authorized by President Pierce to buy border land for the railroads

James Gadsden

He was one of Guy Fawkes' main intended victims in the Gunpowder Plot

James I

The Goodspeed, Sarah Constant & Discovery brought the first people to this settlement


"Today" we'll tell you this in "Skywriting" this TV personality told of her struggle with bipolar disorder

Jane Pauley

Autumn brings Choyo-No-Sekku or Chrysanthemum Day in this country


French gentil, meaning "nice", gave us this word for a stylish angle at which you might wear your hat


In a 1980 TV movie, Arnold played Mickey Hargitay, the bodybuilding husband of this late actress

Jayne Mansfield

Tom Cruise played this sports agent whose only remaining client was football player Rod Tidwell

Jerry Maguire

Landing the role of Sue Storm in "Fantastic Four" allowed this California girl to meet Cash Warren

Jessica Alba

It has no historic connection with the Hebrews; its name may be an alteration of jaw

Jew's Harp

From 1937 to 1940 his father was U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain


He gave his "Philadelphia Story" Oscar to his dad, who kept it in the window of the family hardware store

Jimmy Stewart

A surrealist like Dali, this artist who died in 1983 has a foundation in Barcelona named for him

Joan Mirã³

First name of this Stooge who joined the act in 1955

Joe (Besser)

In 1881, on receiving a doctorate, this last of the "3 B's" composed the "Academic Festival Overture"

Johannes Brahms

First name shared by playwrights Webster, Dryden & Singe


He lived to see his son become president as well, but died during his son's term in office

John Adams

In "The Ballad Of" these 2, they were getting "married in Gibraltar"; you know it ain't easy

John And Yoko (Ono)

In November 1988 this former leader of CCR was acquitted of plagiarizing -- himself

John Fogerty

This Quaker poet wrote, "For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: 'It might have been!'"

John Greenleaf Whittier

In "Endymion" he wrote, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever"

John Keats

Through 1997 he had composed the scores to 7 of the top 10 money-making movies of all time

John Williams

"There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood, where lived a country boy named..."

Johnny B. Goode

Matthew 1:19 shows him as a just man by his refusal to divorce & humiliate the pregnant Mary


In 1891 he helped found & became the first chairman of the British Institute of Preventive Medicine

Joseph Lister (\"Father Of Antiseptic Surgery\")

The symbol "J" as a unit of energy honors this physicist


Change one letter in "A-Rod" (Alex Rodriguez) to get this nickname of Francisco Rodriguez, for his strikeouts


"Awkward Moments of the Year": Mike Myers' Hurricane Relief Show appearance with this hip-hopper

Kanye West

Sudan's national museum is in this capital city


"Be Somebody" & "Sex On Fire" are songs off 2008's "Only by the Night" from this band

Kings Of Leon

Hurt could have used a cell phone in this 1985 film set in a South American prison

Kiss Of The Spider Woman

Established in 1919, this Amsterdam-based airline is the world's oldest still under its original name




This "Kool" rapper's album "How Ya Like Me Now" began a rivalry with LL Cool J

Kool Moe Dee

During World War II, he served in the German army occupying Greece

Kurt Waldheim

During each of the 7 days of this African-American celebration, a candle is lit to represent its 7 principles


Japan's imperial capital for over 1,000 years, its name is an anagram of Tokyo


The S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald

Lake Superior

Literally meaning "superior one", it's Tibetan for a Buddhist monk of Tibet or Mongolia


It's the enlisted Marine rank between private & corporal

Lance Corporal

From the Latin for "stonecutter", it's the cutting, polishing & engraving of gemstones


In "the First Four Years", the last book in the "Little House" series, she begins married life with Almanzo

Laura Ingalls Wilder

"Hickey, pickety, my black hen," she does this "for gentlemen"

Lays Eggs

This North Vietnamese diplomat turned down the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating a cease-fire

Le Duc Tho

The saliva of these worms prevents blood from clotting with an anticoagulant called hirudin


If in a hurry, grab a prewashed salad mix, perhaps with the red leaf & green leaf types of this


From October 1804 to April 1805 this pair camped in N.D. with the Mandan Indians before heading west to Oregon

Lewis And Clark

Be careful what you write about another person; if it's defamatory & untrue, it's this crime


Yum! The Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream Co. here in Madison has a black ice cream named for this black candy


Vaduz Castle overlooks the town of Vaduz in this principality


Britain's 200-year-old Rumford Medal is given for discoveries about heat or this form of energy


Nadine Gordimer


As a toddler she appeared at the end of mom's 1949 movie "In the Good Old Summertime"

Liza Minelli

On a Disney Channel series Hilary was occasionally very animated as this title character

Lizzie Mcguire

Last name of actress Shelley & politician Huey


Great Peconic & Napeague Bays are at the tip of this New York island

Long Island

John Osborne's "L.B.I.A."

Look Back In Anger

It's what you're actually doing if you're just out of school & "pounding the pavement"

Looking For Work

In 1780 & '81 this general commanded Britain's forces in the southern colonies

Lord Cornwallis

Known by the brand name Rogaine, the drug minoxidil is used to treat this "losing" condition

Loss Of Hair

Following the unusual death of his wife, his daughters became the mothers of the Moabites & the Ammonites


When faced with Sodom's destruction, he asked God if he & his family could escape to Zoar, a nearby city


Of Houis, Douis, or Louis, the royal leader of the Eighth Crusade


Each September the city of Lafayette in this southern state is home to Festivals Acadiens


Puppy _____ bug


This Manhattan area, once a haven for Jewish immigrants, was called Loisada when Spanish speakers moved in

Lower East Side

She had never held public office before she was elected governor of Alabama in 1966

Lurleen Wallace

One-seventh of the "Deadly Sins" (4)


"The Confessions Tour" (2007)


MLS, which includes the Colorado Rapids & San Jose Earthquakes, stands for this

Major League Soccer

It's the easternmost of Canada's Prairie Provinces


This prosecutor of O.J. Simpson is now a legal correspondent for "Entertainment Tonight"

Marcia Clark

Mongolians cool off with airag, a slightly fermented version of this alliterative liquid

Mare's Milk

Born in NYC on Dec. 2, 1923, this soprano made her debut at the Athens Opera at age 17

Maria Callas

The 1st female med school grad in Italy, she revolutionized methods of teaching young children

Maria Montessori

Her "Never Too Far" video sure "Glitter"ed

Mariah Carey

Horace Bixby, who was nicknamed "The Lightning Pilot", taught this famous author how to pilot a riverboat

Mark Twain

Swamp gas, which is basically methane, is also called this "gas", a synonym for swamp

Marsh Gas

The rat kangaroo


Dominant mammals of the Mesozoic Era, this animal order today includes wombats & wallabies


This style & decorating maven said she's moving from Westport, Conn., after complaining about the neighbors

Martha Stewart

She's the saint, though some call her a sinner, from whom Jesus cast out 7 demons

Mary Magdalene

Chim-Chim Cheree! This film featuring chimney sweeps swept up 13 Oscar nominations

Mary Poppins

Another name for a costume ball; it's also in the title of a George Benson hit


An advanced degree: MFA

Master Of Fine Arts

The Fermat Prize in this field is awarded for contributions to "statements of variational principles"


A singing sofa & a chorus of frogs are featured in "L'Enfant et les Sortileges" by this "Bolero" composer

Maurice Ravel

"Bang bang" his "silver hammer came down upon her head"

Maxwell's Silver Hammer

In Hollywood, this 5-letter word of possibility (per the L.A. Times)


The average is also called the arithmetic this


Vincente Minnelli directed Judy Garland in this Missouri-set musical in 1944 & married her the following year

Meet Me In St. Louis

As this 2000 Ben Stiller movie showed, you can toilet train a cat

Meet The Parents

Citlaltepetl on the border of the states of Veracruz & Puebla


In 1999 Richard Dreyfuss played this '30s Jewish founder of Murder, Inc.

Meyer Lansky

Mickey & Minnie (4)


This basketball star is the only man picked AP's Athlete of the Year 3 years in a row: 1991, 1992 & 1993

Michael Jordan

"Grease 2", "Amazon Women on the Moon", "The Fabulous Baker Boys"

Michelle Pfeiffer

1978 winner seen here in a 1985 film:

Mikhail Baryshnikov

The NBA's Bucks


"Prospero"us girl: in drama




The year 2007 becomes this in Roman numerals


This Boston first baseman barely won the American League's 1995 MVP award over Cleveland's Albert Belle

Mo Vaughn

This lustrous fiber is derived from the coat of the Angora goat


From a Nahuatl word meaning "chili sauce", it contains chocolate & is often served over chicken


Dad's "Other half"


In Esperanto this day is lundo


Although Glacier Bay National Park is in Alaska, Glacier National Park is in this state


Part of Paris whose name comes from the French for "Martyr's Hill"


The U.S. Ranger spacecrafts were designed to crash-land on this heavenly body


In 1987 jazz vocalist Al Jarreau had a pop hit with the theme from this Cybill Shepherd-Bruce Willis series


NASA's passive seismic experiment detected thousands of lunar seismic events, called these


It's a mixture of lime & cement with other substances used to bond bricks together when building


At the burning bush, God told him he was "the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob"


In Exodus his wife is identified as Zipporah


The computer in the movie "Alien" & French Chef Julia

Mother & Child

It "Becomes Electra"


This comedy features a woman named Hero & a hero named Benedick, but it isn't "Much"

Much Ado About Nothing

(Hi, I'm Catherine Crier) This Court TV biography series shares its name with the suspect photos police show victims


Crimes "in the Rue Morgue" (7)


This '80s 1st lady said "A woman is like a teabag. It's only when she's in hot water that you realize how strong she is."

Nancy Reagan

(Jimmy of the Clue Crew in Paris) The Arc de Triomphe is inscribed with the names & dates of this man's victories


Charles Bryan, brother of William Jennings, was governor of this state from 1931 to 1935


Dr. Doogie Howser

Neil Patrick Harris

In 1958 he was elected Governor of New York; he was reelected 3 times

Nelson Rockefeller

A western state: "Snow Covered"


John V. Lindsay was mayor of this city in the turbulent '60s & '70s, first as a Republican & then as a Democrat

New York

"And its torment won't be through till you let me spend my life making love to you" then

Night And Day

It was the surname of Cuban-born composer Joaquin & his writer-daughter Anais


This band's 1993 "In Utero" album vowed, "Frances Farmer will have her revenge on Seattle"


The super's cousin parked his Xterra from this company in my space again--at least it's smaller than his old Armada


In 1972's "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail", Thompson chronicled the campaigns of these 2 opponents

Nixon & Mcgovern

When the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima

No One

It precedes "Knows Anything" in writer William Goldman's 3-word statement about Hollywood


Nancy Walker & Efrem Zimbalist Jr. starred in a 1956 revival of "Fallen Angels", a comedy by this sophisticated Brit

Noel Coward

Best New Artist winners include John Legend, Maroon 5 & this jazzy singer of "Don't Know Why"

Norah Jones

Robert Frost's 1914 collection: "_____ of Boston"


Olav V was crowned this Scandinavian country's king in 1957 & reigned there for 34 years


It precedes "nothing gained"

Nothing Ventured

The U.S. presidential election takes place in this month


In 1905 German scientist Alfred Einhorn created this first injectable local anesthetic used in dentistry


NERVA was a U.S. project to develop a rocket propelled by this type of "n"ergy

Nuclear Energy

In 1963 Maria Goeppert Mayer received a Nobel Prize in Physics for her "shell model" of this part of an atom


Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus...


The unattractive & self-seeking Mildred Rogers enslaves Philip Carey in this Somerset Maugham book

Of Human Bondage

Home of over 52,000 Buckeyes

Ohio State University

The orphan stared, in shock--Sikes & Fagin stood smiling at the door. they'd escaped! & now, they were mad

Oliver Twist

Juha Tiainen, Joaquim Cruz & Rowdy Gaines all won these in the summer of 1984

Olympic Gold Medals

Powered by your car's battery, this system from GM lets you summon emergency help


It was formed in 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia & Venezuela

Opec (Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

Abierto--that's Spanish (4)


An O.S. can be an operating system as well as this type of software like Firefox, GIMP & Thunderbird

Open Source

In March 1839 the Chinese seized over 20,000 chests of this from British merchants in Guangzhou, causing war


Fred Allen gets 2 zingers, including "California's a wonderful place to live--if you happen to be" this fruit


Citrus drink franchise owned by the conqueror of Gaul

Orange Julius Caesar

The space occupied by the musicians is called this "pit"

Orchestra Pit

With the help of a teenager, French forces ended the long, bloody siege of this city in May 1429


Resembling the totalitarian future described in "1984"


From its incorporation in 1813 until 1901, this New York village was known as Sing-Sing


In a "Got Milk" ad, Jennifer Love Hewitt says she hates this bone condition, so she has fat free milk with every meal


Title character played by former Alvin Ailey dancer Desmond Richardson in a 1997 ballet


This 1985 film about Isak Dinesen was based on her own memoirs

Out Of Africa

Snowy, Screech, Northern Spotted


Historically, and in Robert Browning's poem, it was the profession of Andrea Del Sarte


Rawalpindi was selected as this country's interim capital while Islamabad was under construction


Traditionally, hotel lobbies have these "potted" trees for detectives to hide behind


As a teen in B.C., she said her goal was "to be a California beach bum"--she got her wish on "Baywatch"

Pamela Anderson

In 1923 this Mexican bandit & several of his men were ambushed while driving

Pancho Villa

From the Greek for "all seeing", it's the type of camera that took the photo seen here


Put pulped cellulose fiber mixed with water & fillers into a Fourdrinier machine & it comes out as this


To prepare potatoes a la Hongroise, you need this Hungarian spice


O, G, N, 2 As, P, R: A model of excellence


Mr. Blackwell, 2004: "From cyber disgrace to red carpet chills" with this hotel heiress

Paris Hilton

Cyclotrons & synchrotrons are 2 types of these machines used to increase the speeds of subatomic nuclei

Particle Accelerators

Perhaps a much-sought northwest one, it's a corridor or pathway enclosed on both sides


A Frenchman created this process that kills microorganisms in milk by heating it


It's a society in which the father is the tribal head & descent is traced through the male line


Picasso's 1907 work "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" was inspired by this artist's series of nudes called "Bathers"

Paul Cã©Zanne

In 1891 he held an auction of his paintings to finance his move to Tahiti

Paul Gauguin

This artist sold about 30 of his paintings in 1891 to finance a trip to Tahiti

Paul Gauguin

...this member of the Beatles died in a car accident & was replaced with a double named William Campbell

Paul Mccartney

4-letter term for an otter's skin, the demand for which once almost made them extinct


On the Liberty Bell, this state's name is missing one of its "N"s


Saintly middle name of "Exorcist" author William Blatty


His 1974 bestseller "Jaws" led to a new interest in & a new respect for sharks as well

Peter Benchley

Lorraine Bracco played Tony's therapist & this director-actor played Elliot Kupferberg, her therapist

Peter Bogdanovich

On Dec. 5, 1776 this fraternity for students of academic distinction was founded at William & Mary

Phi Beta Kappa

University of Pennsylvania


He won National Book Awards for "Goodbye, Columbus" & "Sabbath's Theater"

Philip Roth

The island of Mindanao is a Muslim center in this mainly Roman Catholic country


The name of this climbing plant often found on poles is Greek for "lover of trees"


Rebuilding Precolumbian irrigation canals in 1867 helped "resurrect" this future Arizona capital


This mythological bird was reborn from a worm which emerged from its funeral ashes


Oceanic bacteria may convert sunlight to energy with this process, like plants


In the 19th century the ivory imported from Africa into Ivoryton, Connecticut was exported mainly as these

Piano Keys

Cubist: Picasso, Pollock or Pellegrini


A cross between tennis & ping-pong, this sport was named for a dog, not a gherkin

Pickle Ball

Editors suggested a club of hunters for a series, but Dickens changed the setting to this club of eccentrics

Pickwick Club ("Pickwick Papers")

This name refers to any depiction of the Virgin holding the dead Christ, not just Michelangelo's sculpture


1 quart equals 2 of these


Mutineers first inhabited this south Pacific island in 1790

Pitcairn Island

Three Rivers Stadium is located where 3 rivers meet in this city


The largest of these party faves was 34 ft., 10 in. high & 13 ft., 10 in. in diameter & yes, you can beat that with a stick!


From the Latin for "I shall please", it's a fake drug given in place of a real one


The name of these tiny organisms at the bottom of the oceanic food chain comes from the Greek for "wandering"


The 1606-07 Zebrzydowski Rebellion was an uprising of nobles against this country's king


The most common cause of hay fever in the U.S. is this substance from ragweed


The chukka hat is worn by players in this sport & is so-named for the periods of the game called chukkers


This "Rape of the Lock" poet was struck with a childhood illness that never allowed him to grow over 4'6"


Sidney Poitier movie opera that preceded Mamie Eisenhower as first lady

Porgy And Bess Truman

It's a 2-word term for a government project or appropriation that yields rich patronage benefits

Pork Barrel

President Bush likes to eat these pigskin treats with Tabasco sauce

Pork Rinds

Bassanio found this lady lawyer's picture inside a leaden casket


This early James Joyce literary portrait was going to be "Stephen Hero"

Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man

With sardines, perhaps a white Vinho Verde from this nation that fishes for them


Shirley MacLaine welcomes Meryl to rehab in this comedy written by Carrie Fisher

Postcards From The Edge

In 1945 Truman conferred with Stalin & with British leaders Churchill & Attlee at this Berlin suburb


Proverb about repeating a task until it becomes flawless that turns into a Bronson Pinchot sitcom

Practice Makes Perfect Strangers

A statue of Czech theologian Jan Hus stands in front of this capital's Old Town Hall


The makers of "grandiose" & "pompous" unveil this 11-letter adjective, "pre" for short


Charles Floyd, known by this nickname, was killed in a shootout with FBI agents in 1934

Pretty Boy Floyd

This firm that tabulates Oscar balloting has had Coopers on the end of its name since a 1998 merger

Price Waterhouse

This, too much self-esteem, is a no-no


Proceeds from the sale of her rose, seen here, are donated to her memorial fund in England

Princess Diana

PGP, a popular e-mail encryption program, stands for "Pretty Good" this


"The Four Seasons" is this type of "music" that doesn't go with a TV show but expresses a non-musical idea

Programmed Music

This famous ham from Parma is often designated cotto for cooked & crudo for raw


Of teens in this Christian group, belief shapes the daily life of 40% of Episcopalians & over 70% of Baptists


This particles studied by astroparticle physics are the only ones in the nuclei of hyrdogen atoms


If you "Get A Piece of the Rock" you'll have this company's insurance


From the Latin for "boxer", it's a synonym for boxing


It's the sarcastic, 2-syllable version of a common polite word of request


Robert Frost


Like young canines, baby rats are known by this one-syllable term


It's a horn-shaped nose, no pants & no problem for this pyramid-hopping '80s arcade favorite


1 less than a cinquefoil


Autumn, Brooke, Calissa & Dahlia Jepp, born Aug. 12, 2007 in Great Falls, Montana


Bordering Vermont to the north is Canada, specifically this province


In 1961 this current queen earned a doctorate in law from the University of Leiden

Queen Beatrix

A monarch, 1603: "All my possessions for a moment of time"

Queen Elizabeth I

Fittingly, this woman holds a Tudor rose in the portrait by Nicholas Hilliard seen here

Queen Elizabeth I

It can mean to extinguish a fire, or to satisfy one's thirst


"I Believe I Can Fly"

R. Kelly

As the first, it jump-started John Updike's series of novels about Harry Angstrom

Rabbit, Run

Term for the process of putting all your billiard balls in a triangle to set them for a break


In buildings, Norway variety of this animal tends to live on lower floors while black kind lives upstairs


Richard Nixon awarded former Marine & Navy man John Ford this rank

Rear Admiral

It's the lowest rank of admiral in the U.S. navy

Rear Admiral (Lower Half)

Financially, you want to avoid this color ink -- that means a deficit


The Molly Pitcher Inn is a delightful waterfront hotel in this New Jersey town

Red Bank

God bless America! According to an FBI report, they're the 3 most popular car colors for thieves

Red, White & Blue

This Kellogg's cereal has been "talking" since 1927

Rice Krispies

This Scot's affair with a servant lass named Elizabeth produced a child in 1785

Robert Burns

On Oct. 10, 2002 this 85-year-old West Virginian made an impassioned Senate speech against the Iraq resolution

Robert Byrd

This author was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1850 & died in Samoa in 1894

Robert Louis Stevenson

A bridge in Pittsburgh is named for this Puerto Rican outfielder

Roberto Clemente

Shaw wrote, "A government which" does this "to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul"

Robs Peter

Paul Newman, 1956

Rocky Graziano

In 1859 Moldavia & Walachia united to form this country with Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza as its ruler


The church of Trinita Del Monti soars high above the Spanish Steps in this city


The quirky drama "Picket Fences" was set in this town in Wisconsin, not in Italy


"Frost/Nixon", "Parenthood"

Ron Howard

On the Love-Letters series, the bud of this flower is the "O" in the word love


At Epcot, the Garden Grill Restaurant does this, giving diners a "moving" view of the ride below


A favorite drink in colonial New England was "Blackstrap", a mixture of molasses & this potent potable


Choreographer Michel Fokine


Medieval rabbi Moses Maimonides was court doctor to this Muslim warrior & sultan of Egypt


Tabitha & Adam

Samantha Stevens/Elizabeth Montgomery

For a great hot fudge sundae, hotfoot it over to the soda fountain in this city's Ghirardelli Square

San Francisco

In dictionaries, this language is often abbreviated Skt.


It hosted the 1972 Winter Olympics & lends its name to one of Japan's oldest brands of beer


"Health, History, Horses" is the motto of this city in upstate New York

Saratoga Springs

The latitude line crosses this island that's packed in just south of Corsica


After Dennis Miller caught Adam's act at the Improv in L.A., he was invited to join this show in NYC

Saturday Night Live

NASA was agog at images of this planet's unique auroral features sent by Cassini in 2008


Photos published in June 1999 show its largest moon, Titan, may have liquid seas


Words meaning "academy" & "court" merge to form this place where me & Julio hung out


September 1, 1991: This young virtuoso becomes a spokesman for National Piano Month


The No. 2 man for the No. 2 man, he was Dick Cheney's chief of staff until he was indicted

Scooter Libby

It's the only Zodiac sign represented by an animal with a stinging tail


A ghillie is a shoe that originated in this U.K. country


Vladivostok is the most important port on this north Pacific sea

Sea Of Japan



U.S. firms operating in the investment field have to answer to the SEC, this group

Securities And Exchange Commission

The 4th Amendment guarantees the right of the people "against unreasonable searches and" these


These antonyms that follow names are abbreviated "Sr." & "Jr."

Senior & Junior

It was 40 years ago, not today, that this album came out

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Filmed in 1984, but not released until 1987, "Ghost Fever" starred this man, TV's George Jefferson

Sherman Hemsley

This Japanese violinist known for his "method" of teaching kids music took his last bow at age 99 in 1998

Shinichi Suzuki

Kagura, one of the oldest forms of Japanese theater, had priestesses dancing at this religion's shrines


(Hi, I'm Malik Rose) Rule 4, Section 14 says that while an opponent's doing this, I can't run past him, wave my arms or talk trash to him

Shooting A Free Throw

Henry Perky turned out his first batch of this cereal in 1892; in 1928 Nabisco bought his company

Shredded Wheat

In "The Merchant of Venice", Jessica is his daughter


Proverbially, a sow's ear isn't the source to construct a purse made of this soft fabric


Whether mortal or venial, you should confess them in penance


In 1581, a year after circumnavigating the Earth, this explorer became mayor of Plymouth, England

Sir Francis Drake

This Englishman is considered the most original and influential thinker in the history of science

Sir Isaac Newton

Richard Middlemas gets crushed by an elephant in "The Surgeon's Daughter", an 1827 tale by this Edinburgher

Sir Walter Scott

The name of this dog star, the brightest star in the night sky, is Greek for "scorching"


SIRI: They use satellites to bring you your tunes

Sirius (Satellite Radio)

Twins Tia & Tamera Mowry play this title pair, pair

Sister, Sister

In "Red River Valley", cowboys sing, "come and" do this "if you love me"

Sit By My Side

Characters die in this order: Ruth, Keith, David, Rico, Brenda & Claire

Six Feet Under

Episodes of this HBO series began with someone's death; one was a jogger killed by a mountain lion

Six Feet Under

10-letter word describing a woman's dress without arm coverings


The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia


In 1979 the World Health Organization marked the disappearance of this viral disease from the Earth


"When you're smiling, the whole world" does this

Smiles With You

A snide, simpering, self-satisfied smile


"Yogi Bear Show" lion who might "Exit Stage Left"


Precipitation below 32 degrees Fahrenheit


Foot warmer


Plato's "Phaedo" describes this man's final days, including his death by poison


A wealth seeker, or a military adventurer for hire

Soldier Of Fortune

The authorship of Ecclesiastes is attributed to this "son of David, king in Jerusalem"


The boto, also known as the Amazon dolphin or porpoise, is native to this continent

South America

In the 2005 Orange Bowl, this university's Trojans trampled the Sooners, 55-19

Southern California

Iberia Airlines


This major language of the Canary Islands is spoken with what has been called a slight Andalusian accent


Your striking resemblance to Kirk Douglas has convinced us to star you in the ballet about this gladiator


In this game, the soda container stopped rotating & faces kiss me already!

Spin The Bottle

In days of olde, it was the training level between page & knight


Once Scotland's ecclesiastical capital, this city is also a golfing Mecca

St. Andrews

Gertrude, or her beer mug (5)


A steady flow, as "of consciousness"


Haydn's "Farewell" Symphony was written this period in his work that translates into "storm & stress"

Sturm Und Drang

This company's Impreza could very well be your Legacy


This -ia can be a disparaging term for an area away from the city center, populated by bourgeois lawn mower riders


Ernest Lehman wrote, "The muted sounds of the city and the rich, sweet smell of" this... lulled "my senses"


The tentacles of cephalopods bear these, also a name for P.T. Barnum's customers


This revolutionary leader returned to Guangzhou to launch a new movement against the premier of China

Sun Yat-Sen

In 1935, in one of this red-caped hero's first adventures, he finds the real killer of Jack Kennedy


In 1973, after a 23-year reign, this country's King Gustav VI died at age 90


When found before "potato", it's not a potato; before "meats", not meats; & before "bread", not bread


Little, unimportant things that you'd whisper in your beloved's ear

Sweet Nothings

When this bird of the family Apodidae slows down, it often nests in a chimney


Author Johann Wyss wrote an early national anthem for this country


1969: "Stand By Your Man"

Tammy Wynette

A straight line that touches the outside of a circle at only one point is called this


"Paper Moon": Madeline Kahn, Ryan O'Neal, Tatum O'Neal

Tatum O'neal

End-of-the-work-week acronym who won an Oscar as Salieri

Tgif. Murray Abraham

Virginia's father Sir Leslie Stephen was earlier married to a daughter of this "Vanity Fair" author


"The straw that broke" this creature's "back"

The Camel

"Home is where" this "is"

The Heart

Their family "Compound" is 6 acres of waterfront property on Nantucket Sound

The Kennedys


The Merry Wives Of Windsor

It carries the motto "All the news that's fit to print"

The New York Times

As Earth wobbles slowly on its axis, this moves in a "Chandler Circle" with a diameter of about 1 to 70 feet

The North Pole

In issues of French Vogue you read a lot about people on le tapis rouge, this

The Red Carpet

In Chicago in 1885, William Jenney rose to new heights when he built the first structure called this

The Skyscraper

Richie Aprile, Junior, Big Pussy

The Sopranos

The title of this novel about Mississippi's Compson family comes from a line in Act V of "Macbeth"

The Sound And The Fury


The Tiber

In creating Ethan for this book, Steinbeck was thinking of "Richard III"

The Winter Of Our Discontent

Autolycus is a lovable rogue in this Shakespeare play

The Winter's Tale

Chinua Achebe's first novel, about the leader of an Igbo community, is called these "Fall Apart", a line from Yeats


This inventor had the bright idea to plant hundreds of palms in Fort Myers, now known as "The City of Palms"

Thomas Edison

"Author of the Declaration of American Independence..."

Thomas Jefferson

In 1786, 10 years after writing the Declaration of Independence, his writing hand became crippled after an accident

Thomas Jefferson

A set of stout canes would help Edward, who was blinded in the fire at this former home


This breed's 3 main bloodlines go back to the Darley Arabian, the Godolphin Arabian & the Byerly Turk


The largest member of the cat family


In March 2002 he became the first PGA player to win 3 different events 3 consecutive times

Tiger Woods

Earlier composers used these large drums in pairs; modern composers may use 3 or more


On this cartoon series, you'll find such characters as Plucky Duck, Dizzy Devil & Buster Bunny

Tiny Toon Adventures

Leonardo DiCaprio will sketch you in the nude to emulate this 1997 film


To defer

To Postpone

Because of a fracture plane across their lower vertebra, lizards have this ability, aka autotomy, to escape danger

To Shed Their Tail

In 1987 Greyhound Lines bought this Dallas-based competitor


Arab ships called dhows are lateen rigged, meaning their sails are roughly this shape


Varieties of this fish include brown, rainbow & cutthroat


In the fifth year of his reign, Ramses III of Egypt routed invaders known as "The Sea Peoples"

Trout (In Egypt Routed)

For heartburn these are a must

Tums (For Must)

Tom Selleck won an athletic scholarship to this "Trojan" school & played on its basketball team

University Of Southern California

Panne, cut & crushed are types of this thick pile fabric


Titian or Vivaldi, heritage-wise


Better-known name for dionaea muscipula, a carnivorous plant native to the coastal regions of the Carolinas

Venus Flytrap

These married dancers popularized the Castle Polka

Vernon & Irene Castle

4-letter synonym for wescot


You can visit this volcano that overlooks the Bay of Naples, reaching the rim of the crater's mouth


The Sigmund Freud Museum (complete with his consulting room)


A Bill of Rights motion by George Mason, author of this state's Declaration of Rights, was rejected


Kalkin is an avatar-to-come of this Hindu deity


At over 15.5 miles high, the Martian mountain known as Olympus Mons is the largest of these in our solar system


One of the contributors to Diderot's encyclopedia was this "Candide" man


...Diana Spencer married a Windsor prince, while fashion designer Diane Halfin married a prince of this family

Von Furstenberg

The Roman numeral for 5 & the chemical symbol for tungsten (remember its other name!)


In "The Road To Wellville", Anthony Hopkins plays this developer of corn flakes

W.K. Kellogg

In this 1997 film a Washington spin doctor & a Hollywood producer team up to stage a phony war

Wag The Dog

It's what the tail does if things are backwards

Wag The Dog

Edinburgh, Scotland 1505; Swansea, this country 2331


1987: " good! Greed is right! Greed works!"

Wall Street

This theme park celebrated its 25th anniversary with a new "IllumiNations 25" extravaganza at Epcot

Walt Disney World

He decided against a general medical practice & chose a military career, entering the Army Medical Corps in 1875

Walter Reed

The great-grandson of a slave, he was the first black mayor of Washington, D.C.

Walter Washington

"Green Coca-Cola Bottles" (1962) & other pieces of pop art are part of this science


The Indiana city that shares its name with this world capital is the seat of Kosciusko County


To decrease, as opposed to "wax"

Washington And Nebraska

Bob Dole is among the famous residents of this apartment complex


Pardeeville, Wisconsin hosts a yearly competition for the eating & seed-spitting of this fruit


Icarus could have told you it's not a good idea to fly if your wings are held together with this


Unfortunately for window dressers, many early mannequins were made of this & didn't last in the heat of summer


In 1975 this outlaw released "Dreaming My Dreams" & his wife Jessi Colter released "I'm Not Lisa"

Waylon Jennings

This upstate N.Y. academy's team has won back-to-back National Collegeiate Boxing Association titles

West Point

Yes, "deer", in the '50s Pat Boone was famous for wearing these pale oxfords

White Bucks

This 1906 novel was intended as a companion piece to "The Call of the Wild"

White Fang

From a phenomenon on the back of the hand, it's used of a tense person on a plane or a roller coaster


To make this German-named dish, pound your veal cutlet, salt & pepper it, dip it in egg & bread crumbs & fry


Jack McFarland, Karen Walker (not the title characters)

Will & Grace

She dedicated "O Pioneers!" to her fellow novelist Sarah Orne Jewett

Willa Cather

Chief justices: Earl Warren, Warren Burger...

William Rehnquist

T.J. Hooker

William Shatner

Part of this Rossini opera takes place on the shores of Lake Lucerne

William Tell

Malcolm III, also called Canmore, or Big Head, promised loyalty to this conqueror in 1072

William The Conqueror

This Norman lord was probably promised the English crown in 1051, but only took it 15 years later

William The Conqueror

In 1699 Virginia's capital was moved from Jamestown to this town


This governor of a Southern state asks his aide to dig up dirt on Judge Irwin, a man of integrity

Willie Stark

Evonne Goolagong won this premier tournament twice, the first time in July 1971



Wind (The Fourth Letter)

Recycle old keys by hanging them from a tree branch to make one of these tinkling devices

Wind Chime

Boreas, Zephyrus, Notus, Eurus


The figure on a Mercury dime is actually Liberty wearing these on her head, like Mercury


This impressive condor measurement can be over 10 feet


The royal navy has a traditional toast for each day of the week; Saturday's is to these, may they never meet

Wives And Girlfriends

The Times obit on Harold Bell said he drew the original sketches of this "Give a hoot, don't pollute" bird

Woodsy Owl

In 1976 Mamet taught at the School of Drama at this Ivy League university whose alumni include Meryl Streep


This disease transmiited by the Aedes Aegypti mosquto was brought to America on slave ships

Yellow Fever

For many years, Aden, this country's second-largest city, was a British Crown Colony


In an Isaac Bashevis Singer story, she becomes a "Yeshiva Boy"


When he gets a wild blue idea, Rodney goes off there

Yonder (Rodney)

The logo of this French yogurt brand features a red & orange flower


It was Richard III's "house"


In this country, Serbo-Croatian is written in the Cyrillic alphabet & Croato-Serbian is written in the Roman alphabet


Though it also produces lead, it's basically this metal "or zwim" for Alaska's Red Dog Mine


2 of the 5 specific places "Travelin' Man" Ricky Nelson had traveled to according to the song

(2 Of) Mexico, Alaska, Berlin, Hong Kong, And Waikiki, Hawaii

He wrote a 10-play cycle of the black experience, each covering a decade; "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom" was set in the '20s

(August) Wilson

Married name of the 1932 multi-Olympic medal winner seen here

(Babe Didrikson) Zaharias

Feb. 20, 2006: This late "Feminine Mystique" writer "honored with second-class postage stamp"

(Betty) Friedan

From 1984 to 1993, he was Canada's Prime Minister

(Brian) Mulroney

"For a greatness of beauty I have never experienced anything like New Mexico", wrote this Brit. author & Taos resident

(D.H.) Lawrence

In May 2010 this former Dean of Harvard Law was nominated to succeed Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens

(Elena) Kagan

In February 1999 Roger Ebert lost his TV partner when this critic passed away

(Gene) Siskel

Long before his famous raid, he was the first pilot to fly across the U.S. in less than a day

(James) Doolittle

In June 1960 this future baroness established a camp at the Gombe Stream Game Reserve to study chimps

(Jane) Goodall

In 1950 he became an assistant coach for Penn State football; in '66, he took over as head coach

(Joe) Paterno

This author of "A Modest Proposal" & several satirical poems was deafened due to Meniere's disease

(Jonathan) Swift

If you know that this journalist was born in Mako, Hungary in 1847, you deserve a "Prize"

(Joseph) Pulitzer

The last "Stars & Bars" flag of the Confederacy had this many stars; it must have been unlucky


In "Cavalleria Rusticana", an ear gets bitten when Alfio challenges Turiddu to their fateful one of these

A Duel

It's basically a big kettle with a close-fitting lid, used to cook pot roasts & stews

A Dutch Oven

The more fabulous name for the round, dark areas of grass caused by fungi

A Fairy Circle (Or A Fairy Ring)

A male singing voice artificially producing tones above its normal range

A Falsetto

Fractional term for a bottle of liquor that holds 750 milliliters

A Fifth

Where you'll find a hearth

A Fireplace

Stick this point where a river divides into branches in him, he's done

A Fork

This type of composition whose name is from the Latin for "flight" features multiple melodies in counterpoint

A Fugue

Ymir, the first being of the Norse pantheon, wasn't human, but rather one of these, like Goliath

A Giant

To have a map of the entire Earth that has the least distortion, you have to buy one of these objects

A Globe

It really gets me that una capra is one of these farm animals

A Goat

Cape Hatteras is known as this cemetery synonym "of the Atlantic"

A Graveyard

The Sphynx cat is often referred to as this, also following "Mexican" in a dog breed name

A Hairless (Cat)

Slang for a construction worker

A Hardhat

If a 19th century woman wore a poke, she had one of these with a projectng brim

A Hat (A Bonnet)

...ace, another term for this golf feat

A Hole In One

Lasers make possible this 3-dimensional representation of an object in light

A Hologram

It's a bony growth on certain animals & an instrument that really blows

A Horn

A typical "song" by this long-flippered whale can last between 5 & 35 minutes & can have up to 7 themes

A Humpback Whale

This type of private establishment admits only members & their guests

A Key Club

As in Lough Allen or Lough Corrib, a lough in Irish is one of these geographic features

A Lake

Mario Puzo wrote that one of these men "with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns"

A Lawyer

An adult volunteer in charge of a Girl Scout troop is called this--take me to yours!

A Leader

The calcaneofibular one of these bands of tissue attaches your fibula to your heel bone

A Ligament

Pennsylvania must be all aglow with this state insect, also called a firefly

A Lightning Bug

Each bronchus in the body leads to 1 of these organs, filled with millions of alveoli; how did I nick one during an eye exam?

A Lung

The blue species of this spear-nosed sport fish can weigh 1,000 pounds or more

A Marlin

It's the cocktail that James Bond like "shaken and not stirred"

A Martini

Spanish for "table" & common in the southwest, it's a broad, flat-topped elevation with clifflike sides

A Mesa

This synonym for shy is derived from abash, meaning to embarrass


(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Paris) A military parade goes down the Champs-Elysees from the Arc de Triomphe on this day, which the French call National Day

Bastille Day

Bertram Thomas was the first European to cross the Rub Al-Khali, the "Empty Quarter" of this peninsula

Arabian Peninsula

If it's Youm Al-Tsoulatsa in Yemen, you're speaking this language


While walking through Scarborough, we rested under the shade of this green place

Arbor (Sc(Arbor)Ough)

A mathematician: 287-212 B.C.


Lots of chaps wear chaps in the Gaucho Parade in Salta in this country


Patagonia / Aye lads, this country make way / Loot Buenos Aires


The story of this woman who wrote "The Story of Civilization" with husband Will began in Russia in 1898

Ariel Durant

This controversial military man's brief retirement ended when he was recalled by Israel's army in October 1973

Ariel Sharon

The world's most powerful solar telescope is near Tucson in this state


Among the eight wives of this clarinetist were Lana Turner, Evelyn Keyes & Ava Gardner

Artie Shaw

Unlike Luke, Acts specifies that this event took place 40 days after Jesus' resurrection


Heimdall guarded the Bifrost Rainbow Bridge which led to this realm, the home of Valhalla


It's the first day of Lent, when the residue of burnt palm fronds is applied to the forehead

Ash Wednesday

In 2005 Alberto Gonzalez succeeded him as Attorney General


Jessica's sis, she "collapses & is rushed to Tokyo hospital. Concert goers stay & listen to the rest of the tape"

Ashlee Simpson

Botany Bay is on the southeast coast of this country & Geographe Bay is on the southwest coast


This term refers to printing beyond the edges & trimming back the sheet; first aid isn't required


To make a purchase on this department store's website, you click the "Add to Brown Bag" button


Booking a suspect means entering his or her information into the daily record called the "police" this

Blotter (Log Accepted)

Some of these smallest blood vessels are so tiny that only one blood cell can pass through at a time


Hans Conried voiced this villain in a 1953 Disney classic

Captain Hook

As governor of New South Wales in 1806, he tried to suppress the "bountiful" rum trafficking

Captain William Bligh

One atomic mass unit equals 1/12 the mass of an atom of the most common isotope of this element


Cameras caught Faith Hill shouting "What?" after this American Idol beat her as top female vocalist at the 2006 CMA awards

Carrie Underwood

The 2008 Blu-ray release of this all-time classic comes with a passport holder, for your flight to Lisbon


Use your "head": this Japanese word for "group leader" was also the name of a '70s Jeep pickup truck


The top choice for sweetening food or medicine, the Hymettus type from Attica was famous


It's a "no-brainer" to tell us that in 1984 this Cars video won MTV's first Video of the Year award

You Might Think

1 of the 3 men who've been the farthest from Earth; they were all on Apollo 13

(1 Of) Fred Haise, James Lovell Or John Swigart

2 of the 4 states whose borders meet up at the "Four Corners" monument

(2 Of) Colorado & New Mexico (Or Arizona & Utah)

2 of the 4 months without a U.S. federal holiday

(2 Of) March, April, June & August

Fossil resin "forever"

(5) Amber

False face festivity

(9) Masqurade

See Jane. See Jane marry Lord Guildford Dudley at age 15 in 1553. See Jane have a rough 1554. Heads up, Jane. Heads up

(Lady) Jane Grey

Sadly, this author who hammered out the Mike Hammer novels passed away in 2006

(Mickey) Spillane

This German-Jewish philosopher was the grandfather of composer Felix

(Moses) Mendelssohn

In 1938 he said, "There has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honor"

(Neville) Chamberlain

He first ran for the Senate in the 1970s & has become Utah's longest-serving senator

(Orrin) Hatch

He was nominated for a 1994 Oscar for directing "Pulp Fiction"

(Quentin) Tarantino

Harmless king snakes, such as the one seen here, are often mistaken for this venomous snake:

(Red) Coral Snake

I'd "Walk the Line" back to Nashville to see this Oscar winner cheer at her alma mater, Harpeth Hall

(Reese) Witherspoon

Don't find it "Strange" we'd ask about him, JFK & LBJ's Secretary of Defense

(Robert Strange) Mcnamara

This man who figured out the movement of particles in a liquid gave the cell nucleus its name

(Robert) Brown

2006: "We have to put a barrier between us & the snakes"

(Samuel) Jackson

At the 2010 Olympics, this Pittsburgh Penguin & Nova Scotia native scored the gold medal-winning goal for Canada

(Sidney) Crosby

Allan Cordunder in "Topsy-Turvy" (Hint: Jim Broadbent played his partner W.S.)

(Sir Arthur) Sullivan

The National Civil Rights Museum has an exhibit about the enrollment of James Meredith at this school in 1962

(The University Of) Mississippi

That limited edition artwork "Lamplight Bridge" by this painter really sets off your couch

(Thomas) Kinkade

"Turner & Hooch" (just Turner, please)

(Tom) Hanks

While imprisoned in the tower of London, this Elizabethan courtier began writing a "History of the World"

(Walter) Raleigh

From 1970 to 1999 he held the record for career victories as a jockey

(Willie) Shoemaker

For a few years in the 1890s, this future prime minister was heir presumptive to the Dukedom of Marlborough

(Winston) Churchill

Racing fans know this date is a racehorse's official birthdate


Whether it's "C", "D" or "AA", an alkaline battery supplies this many volts


The man seen here died in 1996, 7 weeks after celebrating this birthday:

100Th (George Burns)

A top-grossing animated film of 1961, a live-action remake was released in 1996

101 Dalmatians

The Screaming Eagles are this number airborne division


Cool under "Fire" during a 7-year Navy career, Carter served on the Seawolf, this type of vessel

A (Nuclear) Submarine

Tennis is one of relatively few sports where you can get away with wearing this sleeveless item (Connors did)

A (Sleeveless) Vest

It was "fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon" Hester Prynne's gown

A (The Scarlet Letter)

Columnist Anna Quindlen wrote "A Short Guide to" one of these

A Happy Life

A craze for this flower developed in Holland in 1634 with single bulbs fetching high prices

A Tulip

In romantic ballets such as "La sylphide", it's traditional for this ballet skirt to be calf-length

A Tutu

It can be a division of a hospital or a town; it's also a political subdivision of a parish in Louisiana

A Ward

The largest living fish, it often grows to be 30 feet long but reportedly may reach twice that

A Whale Shark

Chevy's Camaro was GM's first car aerodynamically designed in one of these chambers

A Wind Tunnel (A Wind Chamber Accepted)

In the "Seinfeld" episode "The Diplomat's CLub", Kramer loses $3,200 betting on on-time arrivals of these


While Harvard has the Crimson, this university has the Crimson Tide


Tho Geo. Segal did the movie, this actor starred in "The Owl & The Pussycat" on Broadway, long before "M*A*S*H"

Alan Alda

This actor does bad good: Prof. Snape in the "Harry Potter" films & Hans Gruber in "Die Hard"

Alan Rickman

In October 1867 Gen. Rousseau took formal possession of this territory that the U.S. had bought in March


This state has the largest congressional district in area


The 2 states that border no other states

Alaska & Hawaii

Once part of Alcoa, this Canadian company with a 5-letter name is a giant in world aluminum manufacturing


The only requirement for membership in this group founded in 1935 is a desire to stop drinking

Alcoholics Anonymous

Powered up in Lombardy 1745, shocked world with battery 1800, lost power 1827

Alessandro Volta

In 1876 he was granted a patent for "The Method of, and Apparatus for Transmitting Vocal or Other Sounds"

Alexander Graham Bell

Pennyworth is the last name of this loyal servant of Batman


The Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions were passed in opposition to these 1798 acts

Alien & Sedition Acts

Brittle exterior covering for a yolk & albumen

An Eggshell

In 2004 the Stratocaster, one of these, turned 50

An Electric Guitar

A mahout is the traditional term for a driver of one of these

An Elephant

A sudden violent discharge from Vesuvius

An Eruption

One who implements a will

An Executor

At Malmo, the Oresund Bridge joins Denmark & Sweden for the 1st time since 7,000 years ago during one of these ages

An Ice Age

Before it was a Broadway musical, "Aida" was one of these, composed by Giuseppe Verdi

An Opera

In 1956 Ingrid Bergman played this possible Romanov


Though some remains were found in 1991, the fate of this Russian grand duchess remains a mystery


Civilization that produced the first known calendar with 365 days

Ancient Egypt

In March 1814 this general defeated the Creeks at Horseshoe Bend, in what is now Alabama

Andrew Jackson

A sponge cake without egg yolks or butter, it's fat free, pure white, &, as its name implies, a little piece of heaven

Angel Food Cake

And here's to you Mrs. Robinson, & this actress who'll always be remembered for playing her

Anne Bancroft

Learn to play poker like a pro from this pro in DVDs like "Advanced Texas Hold 'Em Secrets"

Annie Duke

"Anything You Can Do" is a song from this popular musical

Annie Get Your Gun

Dr. Jerri Nielsen was forced to treat herself for breast cancer while she was stuck at this remote location


Meaning "before the flood", this word refers to something or someone very old


Etymologically, the name of this Greek goddess may mean "foam-risen"


Amateur Night at this former Harlem theater was the brainchild of showman Ralph Cooper Sr.


"Heat Of The Moment"




This dam holds back the water in Lake Nasser

Aswan High Dam

On Form I-589, "Application for" this, explain who would hurt you if you returned to your home country


You're no longer at attention, & are now permitted to scratch yourself

At Ease

Found on Absecon Island, it's famous for its Boardwalk (& Park Place)

Atlantic City

In 1990 this playwright won his second Pulitzer Prize, for "The Piano Lesson"

August Wilson

Cooloola & Goongarrie


Vegemite, a trademarked vegetable extract used as a sandwich spread, is from this country


One of these mammals barged into my front yard


This traditional French dish consists of meat braised in red wine & garnished with mushrooms & onions

Beef Bourguignon

These "that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails."


Dutch Elm Disease is spread by a fungus carried by these insects, yeah, yeah, yeah


North Dakota


In a 1962 hit, Neil Sedaka said this "is hard to do"

Breaking Up

Earning the "In the Pink" badge helps raise awareness of this disease in adult women

Breast Cancer

She's wearing her white dress, about to be married... Oh no! No D, & she's now a soft white cheese

Bride & Brie

Boston's Emerson College has satellite campuses in Kasteel Well, Holland, and in this Belgian capital


Future heavyweight Muhammad Ali was born in Louisville Jan, 17, 1942 & named this

Cassius (Marcellus) Clay

Zeus rewarded these twin brothers by placing them in the stars as Gemini

Castor & Pollux

Carried by roughly 40% of Israelis, they were popularized by a 2.5-cents-a-minute offer in 1994

Cell Phones

Intoned, like a monk (7)


CDG, the international code for this Paris airport, stands for the name of a former French president

Charles De Gaulle

Spencer Johnson: "Who Moved My ____?"


If a program locks up, try hitting this combination of 3 keys at the same time to open the task manager

Ctrl + Alt + Delete

Copper, boron

Cub (Cu-B)

It's little known that fake plans for this invasion were posted at 060644/overlord/ index.html


A knight's wife; there's "Nothing Like" one


On New Year's Eve 1999, Queen Elizabeth awarded her this title


This prophet was thrown into a den of lions by Darius


This "metallic" woman had 3 bestsellers in the top 10 for 1997: "The Ghost", "The Ranch" & "Special Delivery"

Danielle Steel

Completed in 1849, the chain bridge over this river linked the cities of Buda and Pest


In a famous court case, Daniel Webster defended this college against government intervention


In Michelangelo's marble sculpture of him, this biblical hero holds a slingshot


It's the term for mail the Postal Service can't deliver

Dead Letter

They were that funny comedy team of Crocetti & Levitch

Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis

Traditionally, Nobel Prize winners are presented their awards on the tenth of this month


In refraction, radiation passes from one medium into another; this is when radiation bends around an obstacle's edge


Sophocles' plays were 1st performed on the Acropolis in the theater named for this god


This Dublin native entered Paris as the commander of the victorious British troops in July 1815

Duke Of Wellington

In "Macbeth", Malcolm & Donalbain are sons of this king of Scotland


"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer" is an axiom used by Bene Gesserit witches in this '65 Herbert novel


Fishing & pleasure boats were part of the flotilla used in the May-June 1940 evacuation from this port


1970's "Little Big Man"

Dustin Hoffman

"Do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day"

Dylan Thomas

"Fern Hill" poet who won the 1929 Nobel Prize after writing "Death in Venice"

Dylan Thomas Mann

Critics love this 10-letter adjective to describe music resembling "Lay Lady Lay" or "Like A Rolling Stone"


Ford's cameo in this 1982 Spielberg film, written by his now-wife Melissa Mathison, got cut


The "cheese primer" calls these 2 classics from the Netherlands "two of the most unexciting cheeses imaginable"

Edam & Gouda

Ladies of Edenton, N.C. held an event called this on Oct. 25, 1774, 10 months after a more famous one in Boston

Edenton Tea Party

In 1827 he enlisted in the Army under the pseudonym Edgar A. Perry

Edgar Allan Poe

She died before completing her last novel, "The Buccaneers", set in the 1870s like "The Age of Innocence"

Edith Wharton

In 1705 he announced that the comets of 1531, 1607, & 1682 were the same comet

Edmond Halley

This "Giant" novelist tried to burn her first novel, "Dawn O'Hara"; luckily, her mom stopped her

Edna Ferber

In 2003 this Georgian strongman was toppled & Nino Burjanadze replaced him as president

Eduard Shevardnadze

Norwegian whose painting "The Cry", or "The Scream", has been called "an icon of existential anguish"

Edvard Munch

He proved being inoculated with cowpox matter would prevent people from catching smallpox

Edward Jenner

This Hungarian-American physicist was the principal architect of the hydrogen bomb

Edward Teller

Our current tenth month held this position on the old Roman calendar


3-letter abbreviation for the ICU machine seen here

Ekg (Electrocardiogram)

This Castilian military leader & national hero is also known as "El Campeador"

El Cid

Middle name of civil rights leader Leroy Cleaver


Delonghi's Perfecta is a line of $1,000-plus machines for making cappuccino & this


Abbreviated Est., this former Soviet republic was est. (established) as an independent country in 1991


This Baltic republic's coat of arms features 3 blue lions on a gold shield


It's the most prevalent "Eurocurrency"


His wife Zelda was in a sanitarium when he took up with gossip columnist Sheilah Graham

F. Scott Fitzgerald

This dance was brought by the gypsies to Andalusia in Spain; castanets were not traditionally used in the dance


Strains of this respiratory viral infection are named for their places of origin, like Asia & Hong Kong


The Battle of Marengo, Italy, 1800


The Quadruple Alliance began in 1813 against this country; in 1818 it let this country in & became the Quintuple Alliance


The official dog of this nation's army, the briard was once rare because so many were lost in World War I


As a verb, this first name means to send mail free of charge


1979: Same as Remington & Chopin


From a word meaning "green hollow", it's Scotland's largest city & it's on both banks of the Clyde


Flute, tumbler, shot


Causing abnormal pressure in the eye, it accounts for about 1/8 of the cases of blindness in the U.S.


In an Irish battle cry, these 2 words follow "Erin"

Go Bragh

It's a form of Authors for kids; playing it you may ask another player, "Do you have any twos?"

Go Fish

Mike Richter, Dominik Hasek, Ron Hextall

Goaltender (In Hockey)

A sailor may be a tar or this, also a mass or a lump


Up until his altercation with David, this big man from Gath had an excellent record


Tim Curry & Daryl Hannah were "altogether ooky" as this morbid TV duo in a direct-to-video "reunion" film

Gomez & Morticia Addams

This novel ends, "I'll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day"

Gone With The Wind

We'll give you $200, not $1,000, for this five letter word meaning stately or majestic


The Pilgrim Monument in Provincetown is the tallest structure in the U.S. made entirely of this


At the opening ceremony, athletes from this country march into the stadium first


The U.S. team almost arrived late to the 1896 Olympics because this host country still used the old style calendar


Marques Haynes, the former dribbling wizard of this team, was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame

Harlem Globetrotters

He wrote "Tea Party" & "The Birthday Party" -- what a party animal!

Harold Pinter

In a 1964 book by Louise Fitzhugh, this 6th grader spies on people & writes down her thoughts in a notebook

Harriet The Spy

Students at the Alabama Institute for the Deaf & Blind know that this woman is on their state quarter

Helen Keller

Christian is not the brother of this "Legend of Billie Jean" co-star; in fact, he had a crush on her

Helen Slater

With 6 children, this poet was well-equipped to write "The Children's Hour"

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Several of Harriet Beecher Stowe's brothers were preachers; this one wrote "Life of Jesus the Christ"

Henry Ward Beecher

This reputed "Nature of Man" author was born on the Greek island of Cos around 460 B.C.


Buddhists celebrate 3 anniversaries of Buddha: the day of his birth, the day of his death, & the day of this

His Enlightenment

Konrad Adenauer defined this subject as "the sum total of things that could have been avoided"


In a common scientific classification of Neanderthal man, Neanderthalensis follows these 2 words

Homo Sapiens

Often following "head", this term for someone in charge comes from the Japanese for "squad leader"


This word for boss or head is from a Japanese word meaning squad leader


This Eagles classic begins, "On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair"

Hotel California

On Aug. 4, 1956 this hit song by Elvis debuted in the Top 40

Hound Dog

The red marking on a black widow is described as this shape


James M. Barrie called life "a long lesson in" this


A Gospel & a book of the Old Testament each start with these same 3 words

In The Beginning

Carroll O' Connor stars as chief Bill Gillespie in this NBC series based on 1967's "Best Picture"

In The Heat Of The Night

One of the simple machines of physics, one type is added to buildings for handicap access

Inclined Plane

The parents of this R&B songstress named her in tribute to Mahatma Gandhi -- she was due on his birthday

India Arie

Because they were too inexperienced or low in rank for the cavalry, foot soldiers came to be called this


Of a bird, a fish or an insect, what a water boatman is


This specialty deals with the diagnosis & nonsurgical treatment of organ systems

Internal Medicine

You're very busy if you have too many bars of this element, Fe, in the fire


In 1705 this Brit became the first scientist to be knighted for his work; you could say he had some "pull"

Isaac Newton

In 1997 this "Singled Out" hostess published her auto biography, "Jen-X"

Jenny Mccarthy

This writer & performer of “Big Bad John†is now a sausage entrepreneur

Jimmy Dean

"One short sleep past, we wake eternally, / And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die"

John Donne

"The 42nd Parallel" begins one of his trilogies; "Adventures of A Young Man" begins another

John Dos Passos

"'Mister Sam' Rayburn is gone. Neither this house nor the nation is the same without him"

John F. Kennedy

This senator announced he was running for the presidency January 2, 1960

John F. Kennedy

In 1979 this Watergate judge wrote a book about his experiences titled "To Set The Record Straight"

John Sirica

In 1936 the San Francisco News sent this man to investigate living conditions among migrant workers

John Steinbeck

It's a newspaper like the one for Wall Street or a magazine like the one for ladies' homes


If you're a British secret agent, you may have a license to kill, but you spell license this way


This Athenian school founded by Aristotle in 335 B.C. was the last word of the 1992 competition


Famous in literature for its windmills, this dry region is in Spain's Ciudad Real province

La Mancha

They make a dandy pressed duck at this restaurant called "La Tour" for short

La Tour D'argent

Fire departments have 3 main types of truck: pumper, rescue & this kind


In Genesis 28, Jacob dreams of one of these reaching to heaven


This actress' twin sister Leslie played her double in "Terminator 2"

Linda Hamilton

In the 1930s surgeon Alexis Carrel worked on designing an artificial heart with this aviator


Sublimation is the direct change from solid to gas without passing through this stage


Alanis Morissette's "Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie" is on Maverick, this Material Girl's label


Unlike her "Sex" book, her "English Roses" series was written for children


In 1762 6-year old Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart & his sister performed for this Holy Roman Empress

Maria Theresa

This French queen led a fashion revolution in 1783 by wearing a strikingly simple white muslin dress

Marie Antoinette

2-time Nobel Prize winner who was born in Warsaw in 1867 & died in France in 1934

Marie Curie

"Goodfellas" & "The Age of Innocence"

Martin Scorsese

This philosopher & partner of Engels took up residence in London after being expelled from Prussia in 1849


At Khone Falls on the Cambodia-Laos border, this river is 6 1/2 miles wide


Singer Rosa Ponselle's parents hopefully gave her this middle name, the last name of singer Dame Nellie


In 1893 Springfield produced this USA's 1st gasoline-powered car; in 1901, the USA's 1st factory for these 2-wheelers


"If You Give a ____ a Cookie"


Christopher Hewett now plays this character first played in 3 movies by Clifton Webb

Mr. Belvedere

What MTV plays 24 hours a day

Music Videos

This Rupert Murdoch company owns the L.A. Dodgers, the New York Post & Fox Studios

News Corporation

A big quake shook Turkey Aug. 17, 1949, the day this Minnesota pol was born; Al Franken shook him out of the Senate

Norm Coleman

According to this homicidal film character, "A boy's best friend is his mother"

Norman Bates

Long headquartered in San Francisco, Bank of America has moved to this Southern state

North Carolina

Making a plankton net & drawing a trench & seamount are 2 steps to your Boy Scout merit badge in this


A fest-ive month: "CTBR"


U2's second album


Shakespeare's Puck: If we have" done this, "think but this, and all is mended"


2006 House Majority Leader John Boehner


Ransom Eli Olds should have felt at home driving these two cars; both were named for him

Oldsmobile And Reo Speedwagon

If you can't get enough of these Nabisco sandwich cookies, you can play the cookie factory game they inspired


Divisions of pipes on this instrument include great, swell, positive & pedal


Walt Disney won a record 14 of these statuettes now given out in March


Club O is the frequent buyers program of this online closeout retailer founded by Dr. Patrick Byrne


This element accounts for about 47% of the Earth's crust


"Deafening silence", for example


Having more zinc per serving than any other food may be why these shellfish are said to improve one's love life


After a not-so-"short" 17-year reign, this 1st king of the Frankish Carolingian Dynasty died on Sept. 24, 768

Pepin Iii (The Short)

To stop a leak or publicize a product


The New Horizons mission was launched to explore this planet before it was downgraded to a dwarf


This prince was president of the exhibition commission

Prince Albert

In football's shotgun formation, this player stands several yards behind the center to take the snap


Self-employed? If so, you may have to file estimated tax forms this often


At her 1953 coronation, she wore special gold bracelets representing sincerity & wisdom

Queen Elizabeth Ii

This billionaire fashion designer introduced Polo jeans in 1996

Ralph Lauren

In 1971 this consumer advocate founded Public Citizen

Ralph Nader

To increase your efforts--specifically twofold


On March 5, 1936 screenwriter Dudley Nichols did this; it didn't happen again until an actor did it April 15, 1971

Refused His Oscar

This battle cry may have come from a cartoon that appeared in the Washington Post on April 3, 1898

Remember The Maine

He thought, in math the last letters should stand for unknowns & the first letters for known quantities--therefore it was

Renã© Descartes

Uh Oh! You've been court-ordered to stay at least 150 feet away from someone; you've been hit with one of these

Restraining Order

Honest, hardworking cops usually get gunned down 3 days before they're due for this event


1962: "Mail Back Towards The Dispatcher"

Return To Sender

This river rises in the Black Forest & flows easterly about 1,770 miles, where it empties into the Black Sea


It wasn't Providence that gave this state 2 differently elected & feuding governors at one time in 1842

Rhode Island

He was captain of the debating team at Whittier College in California

Richard Nixon

This colony sponsored by Sir Walter Raleigh was founded in July 1587 but all the colonists had vanished by 1590


"My little horse must think it queer to stop without a farmhouse near"

Robert Frost

This American engineer patented 214 inventions in the rocketry field

Robert Goddard

A Martian named Valentine Michael Smith is the main character in this man's "Stranger in a Strange Land"

Robert Heinlein

Bourride, rond de jambe, asopao de pollo

Rond De Jambe

"What's in a name? That which we call" one of these "by any other name would smell as sweet"


This 3-word doctrine stems from the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson & was extended in Gong Lum v. Rice

Separate But Equal

This Russian composer's "The Love for Three Oranges" is an opera within an opera about a melancholy prince

Sergei Prokofiev

In this process, a clear film is wound around an object, then heated to tighten it


Chang & Eng, born in May 1811 & died in January 1874, were known as this pair

Siamese Twins

This Finn's only opera, "The Maiden in the Tower", had a libretto in Swedish


The allies began the invasion of Italy on July 10, 1943 by landing on this island


More than 1/4 of the Earth's crust is this element, symbol Si


Pop artist Andy Warhol created many of his pictures by using this stencil process


Add a letter to "smile" & you get this figure of speech


In days of old, this knight was bold, in the 17th c. scene / On muddy ground, his cloak was found / Like his head in 1618

Sir Walter Raleigh

With its Old World architecture, this California city is "The Danish Capital of America"


Boer generals Louis Botha & Jan Smuts were the first 2 prime ministers of this country

South Africa

During the Boer War, Doyle manned a field hospital in Bloemfontein in what's now this country

South Africa

This country's Park Ju-sun lost his job in connection with the believed government cover-up of "Furgate"

South Korea

This successful, no-frills airline is headquartered at Love Field in Dallas

Southwest Airlines

A German court convicted her father of failing to pay taxes of $7.4 million on tennis earnings

Steffi Graf

This discount chain with a red & white bullseye logo was founded in 1962


In a 1914 book he says, "My mother was an ape...she couldn't tell me much about it. I never knew who my father was"


Many friendly, warm-hearted people, like Carol Burnett & Jay Leno, are born under this "bullish" sign


His home state


He's the Muppet vampire on "Sesame Street"

The Count

It's the illustration facing the title page of a book

The Frontispiece

Toronto pro team

The Raptors

The rise to power of the ruthless Julian Sorel is the subject of this colorful Stendhal book

The Red And The Black

It's the sea in the line from Exodus "The sea covered them, they sank as lead in the mighty waters"

The Red Sea

There are 2 kinds of true sequoia trees in North America: the giant sequoia & this one

The Redwood

German poet Max Schneckenburger was famous for his 1840 poem about a watch on this river

The Rhine

Tom Wolfe's award-winning book about our first astronauts, or what he proved he had by penning it

The Right Stuff

AKA "Mad Max 2"

The Road Warrior

In 1935 Gillett's Seedlings was renamed this for the Ohio township where it was developed, not for an Italian city

The Rome Beauty

The Opry house stage has a circle of wood from this older Opry home, "the mother church of country music"

The Ryman Auditorium

This territory, known for its coal mines, voted to become part of Germany in 1935

The Saar

It borders Oman

The United Arab Emirates

In "The Natural History of Nonsense", Bergen Evans wrote that "there is no freedom of" this "without doubt"


To ruin carefully laid plans is to do this

To Upset The Apple Cart

Theatrical term meaning to draw attention to oneself at the expense of another

To Upstage

This "Spider-Man" star's real first name is Tobias

Tobey Maguire

This "avian" skateboarding legend has produced several high-flying video games for Activision

Tony Hawk

In a Puccini opera, this prima donna is pursued by the evil Scarpia, chief of the Roman police


To mix a salad or flip a coin


In 1998 a drug scandal caused 93 of 189 riders to drop out of this European bike race

Tour De France

Unless he fires them, this Forbes list perennial is grooming his son & daughter Ivanka to take over his real estate empire


The flowers seen here are called "the Angels' version of" this instrument


In 1892 Dr. Washington Sheffield first sold his cream dentifrice in a collapsible one of these


Universalist Charles, who wanted to put "a light on the hill" in Medford, Massachusetts


In 1711, trumpeter John Shore invented this two-pronged pitch setter

Tuning Fork

Mount Ararat


In "Animal Farm" Major is a prize boar whose "tushes had never been cut" (tushes being these)


The Whiskey Ring scandal & William Belknap, his Sec. of War, impeached? No wonder this Republican didn't get a third term!

Ulysses Grant

Driving the Confederates off Missionary Ridge near Chattanooga in Nov. 1863 made him a national hero

Ulysses S. Grant

Elihu Washburne, who sponsored a bill making this man a Civil War general, became his secretary of state

Ulysses S. Grant

It's un parapluie; literally, "against the rain"


In baseball one's behind home plate & one's behind each base


Impel or goad


Needed for good teeth & bones, sunlight brings out the best of it in you

Vitamin D

A biographer claimed he said, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."


On Jan. 16, 1969 Metroliner high-speed train service began between New York City & this city at the other end

Washington, D.C.

Experts say to drink 8 cups of this a day; that's about 5.3 cups of H & 2.7 cups of O


Little Miss Muffet could tell you this must be expelled from milk before you can make cheese


All classes of society wore these accessories; the poor wore vegetable fiber, while the rich got real hair


This British PM's daughter Sarah played Fred Astaire's love interest in the 1951 film "Royal Wedding"

Winston Churchill

In 2005 he catered his 11th Governors Ball for Academy Award winners & disappointees alike

Wolfgang Puck

Prior to the 1930s the borzoi was known in America as the Russian this


Though it's made of brass, as part of an orchestra the saxophone is classified as this


Allen, Hayes, Harrelson


"Shadows and Fog", "Deconstructing Harry", "Radio Days"

Woody Allen

Harry Hopkins directed the WPA, this program, before becoming commerce secretary in 1938

Works Progress Administration Or Work Projects Administration

Whether you're Coleridge or Newton-John, it's a place of great luxury


Some farmers specialize in raising pullets which are these

Young Hens

This 2-word term for ambitious men had its origins in the group that replaced Ottoman sultan Abdul Hamid in 1909

Young Turks

Don't kill that old guy in the chariot over a little road rage, Oedipus! He's really this relation!

Your Father

You're working on this if you're practicing your golf play around the green

Your Short Game

Albanians form the largest minority group in this Balkan republic whose capital is Belgrade

Yugoslavia (Or Serbia)

From a novelette in Dime Western Magazine, the "3:10 To" this place was a train


Tanzania’s capital was founded by the sultan of this island that’s now part of the country


The 6th letter of the Greek alphabet, it corresponds to our 26th


He taught debate & public speaking at a Houston, Texas high school

Lyndon B. Johnson

Longfellow wrote, "There was a little girl who had" one of these "right in the middle of her forehead"

A Curl

In the metric system, dkL stands for this unit

A Dekaliter

This retronym for a type of computer also means a screen with icons on it

A Desktop

Term for the line that cuts a square into 2 triangles

A Diagonal

This aboriginal instrument is traditionally made from a eucalyptus branch that is hollowed out by termites

A Didgeridoo

Nixon could have used "IANAC" -- "I am not" this

A Crook

(Hi, I'm Jason Sehorn of the New York Giants) If a referee calls a personal foul during a football game, the offending player's team is penalized this many yards


It's the last year a Naval Academy graduate was a major-party candidate for president


The Ministry of Love, also known as Miniluv, maintains law & order in this Orwell novel


In this 1983 hit, "I was dreamin' when I wrote this, so sue me if I go too fast": did I say 1983?


In the U.S., the difference between a million & a billion is this many zeros


In the DD/MM/YYYY format, it was the most recent date in which all 3 were even numbers


The number of points on a compass, or the number of permanent teeth in the normal adult mouth


On a square, it's the total number of degrees of the interior angles


In the Olympic 400-meter relay final, this many runners compete together as a team


Total number of voting members in the House of Representatives


Squares in the opening of "The Brady Bunch" filled by kids


The probability of throwing any number on a standard die is 1 in this many


(I'm Hall of Fame running back Tony Dorsett) In 1983 I set this record for the longest run from scrimmage & I don't think it'll ever be broken

99 Yards

If you get the "pointe", Darci Kistler found her fame as one of these performers

A Ballerina

Suffer a heavy financial loss & you take one of these; & there are no bubbles

A Bath

Both Roy Orbison & Linda Ronstadt sang about a "blue" one

A Bayou

When it's time to go to sleep, campers unroll these

A Bed Roll

The June bug, a type of this insect, is related to the Scarab of ancient Egypt

A Beetle

It's the term for the person entitled to get the proceeds of a policy upon the death of the insured

A Beneficiary

In golf, next in line: double eagle, eagle...

A Birdie

Someone who sells Waring liquid-mixing appliances

A Blender Vendor

Missouri: Not a redbird but this colorful creature

A Bluebird

Ladies wore this headgear that ties under the chin, like the tunnel vision-inducing "coal scuttle" type

A Bonnet

A supporter of a school, team or organization; he may find others & form a club

A Booster

Jim Stafford had a novelty song about "My Girl Bill" while Johnny Cash's biggest hit was about him

A Boy Named Sue

Maurice Chevalier sang, "Every little" one of these Plymouths "seems to whisper Louise"

A Breeze

This familiar phrase for a clumsy person calls to mind a big bovine in a porcelain boutique

A Bull In A China Shop

Fighting in the great arenas of Latin America, Sidney Frumkin was the first successful American one

A Bullfighter

Trademarked name for a fluted tube pan or the cake baked in it

A Bundt

This type of "cult" believes that a pilot named John Frum will arrive some day bearing a wealth of consumer goods

A Cargo Cult

French gave us this word for a set of tuned bells in a tower

A Carillon

A warning or caution, or a formal notice in law

A Caveat

Don't be afraid--this animal is a pollo

A Chicken

I'd have a band of just animals as my mates; singing lead, bonobo, called a pygmy one of these primates

A Chimpanzee

A small, flat fragment of rock, perhaps "off the old block"

A Chip

I'm this type of horse, famous for some TV ads; I originated in Scotland & can literally weigh a ton

A Clydesdale

It can be a sled or toboggan, someone riding in one, or a mat you put under a drink

A Coaster

A short mixed drink, the party at which it is served, or the large ring a woman might wear to such an occasion

A Cocktail Ring

Originally an adding machine maker, in 1944 IBM made its first steps toward one of these with the Harvard Mark I

A Computer

P: This French word for a highly successful & unexpected act

A Coup

You're such a grouch! For your June 25th birthday I'm serving you this, the symbol of your zodiac sign

A Crab

"Joy of Cooking" tells how to make relish & scones with this bog fruit, so let's all give thanks

A Cranberry

This Hawaiian dress was adapted from dresses originally distributed by missionaries

A Muumuu

In a 1924 work Respighi called for an actual recording of a bird, this famed singer

A Nightingale

There's a DVD special edition of "Revenge of the Nerds" titled this adolescent type of raid

A Panty Raid

The Cascade Mountains divide Washington east from west; North Cascades is one of these ways through them

A Pass

Whether baked, poached or eaten raw, the bosc type of this fruit is delicious

A Pear

Many cuckoo clocks have weights made into the shape of this reproductive part of a certain evergreen tree

A Pine Cone

If this U.S. marsupial keeps getting into my garbage, it won't just be playing dead

A Possum

A plum that's suffering from dehydration

A Prune

In Tipperary, you'll have to choose between historic St. Mary's Church & historic Corny's, one of these founded in 1742

A Pub

Move over Jack Palance! Yvan de Weber of Switzerland holds the world record for these, 120 in 1 minute, 1-handed

A Push-Up

The tapeti, or Brazilian this, is a nocturnal member of the Genus Sylvilagus, or cottontail

A Rabbit

Fortification with a parapet on top

A Rampart

A flowing gown for a judge or for you after getting out of the bath

A Robe

This gem is most prized when its color is pigeon's blood red

A Ruby

The sign "Careful. Nervous Mother Driving" was on this type of vehicle

A School Bus

Talking with a man in prison for stealing shoes, she said if he'd "stolen a railroad he could be" one of these 100 people

A Senator

If you have a bouncy ride, you might need to replace this 2-word suspension part created in the early 1900s

A Shock Absorber

Military Police System's AA12 is a new fully automatic 12-gauge type of this weapon

A Shotgun

It's a ring that contains a small seal, used to make an impression in wax on official documents

A Signet

This term for an eerie power of perception is so called because it goes beyond sight, hearing & their 3 pals

A Sixth Sense

It calls itself "the blanket with sleeves"

A Snuggie

A photograph made from a single frame of film

A Still Photograph

1914's version of this colorful story was the first big screen treatment of a Sherlock Holmes mystery

A Study In Scarlet

A person serving in place of another, perhaps as a teacher

A Substitute

Commodus was on the throne when this largest big cat started licking Cowardus, tragically scaring him to death

A Tiger

When a great idea hits you, protect yourself by getting a copyright, a patent or one of these registered product symbols

A Trademark

Toyota dropped this provocative name for its new Celica sports model days after a December 2004 natural disaster

A Tsunami

19th century "Birds of America" illustrator & naturalist John James...


The zero came about in part as a way to indicate the unused levels on this beaded device


Of Amos, Andy, Lum or Abner, the cousin of King Saul


A plentiful or overflowing quantity or supply


Built for Spanish trade with Asia, this Mexican city is now famous for the cliff divers of La Quebrada


Eisenhower didn't really send troops; by the time he left office in 1961 he'd sent in 900 personnel called these


For federal contracts, this 2-word employment term was first used in an order issued by JFK in 1961

Affirmative Action

This 2-word phrase for policies assisting minorities is found in a 1961 executive order

Affirmative Action

In 1804, 3 years after his son had been killed in a duel, this man was fatally shot on the same spot by Aaron Burr

Alexander Hamilton

This "Howl" poet's father was also a poet & the 2 would perform public readings together

Allen Ginsberg

Late black choreographer whose American Dance Theatre became multiracial in the 1960s

Alvin Ailey

Bright on the always side look

Always Look On The Bright Side

This disease is the most common cause of dementia & severe memory loss in people over 65


It's also called the belladonna lily or the naked lady


The name of this type of vehicle is a shortened version of the French for "walking hospital"


A 1944 Broadway musical fictionalized the life of this 19th C. feminist known for her scandalous pants

Amelia Bloomer

Bristol Palin made a cameo: "The Secret Life of the ____ ____"

American Teenager

(Hi, I'm Alyssa Milano) In 1999 Mary Jo Buttafuoco wrote a letter to the courts to release this girl whom I played in a 1993 TV movie

Amy Fisher

If you can't get to the voting booth on Election Day, you can vote early by mail using one of these ballots

An Absentee

It's not a takeoff--Guinness says David Huxley pulled a 206-ton one of these about 300 feet in 1 min. 27 sec.

An Airplane (A Boeing 747)

Meaning "in or at another place", you better have a good one for the night of the 16th, ya mug

An Alibi

The principal character in opposition to a novel's hero

An Antagonist

If you own 1 or more cichlids, we hope you keep them in one of these

An Aquarium

In TV, this ratio of the width of an image to its height can be 4 to 3

An Aspect Ratio

Oogenesis is the formation, development & maturation of one of these

An Egg

This New York fountain drink derived its name from the frothy top of the mixture of milk & seltzer

An Egg Cream

This "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" star attended Yale on a scholarship

Angela Bassett

In a Christopher Moore tale, Christmas is thrown into chaos by Raziel, "the stupidest" of these winged beings


Term for a person who fishes with a hook & line; you may be a "compleat" one


This state capital is home to one of the armed forces academies


One of Shakespeare's sisters had this name, the same as Will's wife


Washington growers of these complained in 2000 that the Chinese were flooding the U.S. market with their juice


2 of America's 3 manned space projects designed to eventually put a man on the moon

Apollo, Gemini &/Or Mercury

It's how the media referred to little Miss McClure, who, in 1987, fell down a well & was rescued 2 days later

Baby Jessica

Of bacon, bosom, or babushka, word censored from an ad by N.Y. paper The Jewish Week


Leeuwenhoek made the first drawings of these microorganisms, which he scraped off teeth


It can be a stroke of misfortune, or an unfortunate start to a game of pool

Bad Break

The eighth U.N. secretary-general who's an Oscar-winning song from "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

Ban Ki-Moon River

Rep. Delahunt said a 2005 bill making it harder to qualify for this "was written for and by the credit card industry"


James Boswell was Samuel Johnson's


Built in 1792, St. Joseph's Cathedral is the oldest church in this Louisiana capital

Baton Rouge

The original name of the Kellogg Company included the name of this city, its location

Battle Creek, Michigan

In 1971 this country's constitution set up 3 cultural regions: Flanders, Wallonia, & Brussels


It's found in Central America


One of the 2 Central American countries that do not have both a Pacific & an Atlantic coast

Belize & El Salvador

This plant's name may have come from its use by Italian Renaissance women to dilate pupils, which, they felt, augmented beauty


Joseph had 10 half-brothers & only 1 full brother, him


Millet seed, an important food for North Africans, is most often fed to these pets in the U.S.


1982: It's rainy all day in future L.A. as a cop looks for murderers & doubts his girl's humanity

Blade Runner

On June 26, 1948 the U.S. began flying tons of supplies into the western sector of this city in Operation Vittles


Franz Werfel's most famous novel is "The Song of" this young girl of Lourdes


Joni Mitchell in 1970 & 1975; Counting Crows in 2003

Big Yellow Taxi

Some coots have a shield, an extension of this up the forehead, purpose dubious


In 2008 people wondered whether this former president might add the title "First Man" to his resume

Bill Clinton

The Brits call this game housey-housey


When the War of the Pacific ended in 1884, this now landlocked country lost its only coastal territory to Chile


WWI sales of "Liberty" these, whose posters showed the statue, raised more than $15 billion


In Spanish it can mean "pretty" as well as a tuna-like fish


Vineyard Sound separates Martha's Vineyard from the southernmost part of this cape

Cape Cod

The title of a Burton & Taylor film based on a Tennessee Williams play, or the noise a cannon makes


In 1996 Renat Akchurin performed a 7-hour heart bypass operation on this Russian president

Boris Yeltsin

Around 1485 this Florentine painted "Mars and Venus" & "The Birth of Venus"


Jennifer Aniston no doubt approves of this pick for 1995

Brad Pitt

He said, "As Caesar loved me, I weep for him...but, as he was ambitious, I slew him"


Teddy Roosevelt had these American animal heads carved into the mantle in the state dining room


When this Cree folksinger appeared on "The Virginian", she insisted all Indian roles be played by Indians

Buffy Sainte-Marie

At Six Flags Over Texas, you must be 3'6" to ride in these, 4'6" to drive one

Bumper Cars

Designated in 1999, the tiger swallowtail is Delaware's official one of these insects


She was born Martha Jane Canary in Missouri; the original "calamity" in her life may have been her parents' death

Calamity Jane

A student of this university's Trinity College, Newton graduated in 1665 without honors or distinction


Sir Lionel is apparently killed during a joust in this musical, but Sir Lancelot miraculously revives him


This story of a courtesan who sacrifices her happiness for a lover's good was Dumas Fils' first novel


19,551-foot Mount Logan


These little yellow birds were once carried into coal mines because of their sensitivity to poisonous gas


This manager won fewer games than Leo Durocher or Walt Alston but was in the most World Series --10

Casey Stengel (Of The Yankees)

Judith Anderson played Big Mama Pollitt, the matriarch of a greedy Southern family, in this film

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

House Democrats call their party conferences these


This 19th C. British author is credited with making the turkey a popular choice for Christmas dinners

Charles Dickens

Zandonai's opera "Il Grillo del Focolare" is adapted from this author's "The Cricket on the Hearth"

Charles Dickens

Now a talk show host for CNBC, he was considered for the Richard Dreyfuss role in "Jaws"

Charles Grodin

In 1638 early Strawberry Banke settlers drew up a covenant & declared allegiance to this Stuart monarch

Charles I

In 1949 this aviator who flew the Atlantic solo in 1927 received the Wright Brothers Trophy from the N.A.A.

Charles Lindbergh

It's the animated movie in which the following words "magically" appear: humble, radiant, terrific & some pig

Charlotte's Web

This national chicken sandwich restaurant stays closed on Sundays so employees can focus on faith & family


"Free" whale that lives in Santiago

Chile Willy

In 325 A.D. this "Great" leader presided over the Religious Council of Nicaea


Winnie the Pooh pal moonlighting as Howard Stern's assistant

Christopher Robin Quivers

Human beings normally have 46 of these in most of their cells


Jeno Paulucci started selling his canned chicken chow mein under this label in 1945

Chun King

Act II of this 1948 fairy tale ballet choreographed by Frederick Ashton is set at a palace ball


As seen on TV, it's the 4-word slogan of "The Clapper" by Joseph Enterprises

Clap On, Clap Off

No, this one of the 3 major types of soil has not changed its name to Ali


Stacy Schiff wrote a much-lauded 2010 biography of this Egyptian queen


This seductive queen convinced Mark Anthony to execute her hostile younger sister, Arsinoe


Carl Stokes, the first black mayor of a major U.S. city, was mayor of this Ohio metropolis from 1967 to 1971


Literally, this orders soldiers to remove gaps in a fighting line; figuratively, it means a show of unity

Closing Rank

This 2008 flick depicts an alien invasion of NYC seen through the video camera eyes of several young characters


Rachel Blanchard as Cher is the way cool trendsetter at Bronson Alcott High on this comedy


For you, a group of eggs may be a dozen; for a chicken farmer, a group of eggs is called this


In 1947 Herbert Swope coined this 2-word phrase describing the political struggle between the U.S. & USSR

Cold War

Later chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, this African-American became National Security Advisor in 1987

Colin Powell



The northern border of this country is the southern border of Central America



Congo (Formerly Zaire)

Margaret Truman gave her first public Washington, D.C. concert at this famed hall built in 1929

Constitution Hall

We'll show you the money if you know this star's TD dance in "Jerry Maguire" was choreographed by Paula Abdul

Cuba Gooding, Jr.

From the Latin for "racecourse", it's the entire aggregate of courses offered by a college


In Copenhagen, these are called "Wienerbrod", though in Vienna they're "Kopenhagener"

Danish Pastry

E!'s show on "Celebrity Homes" has visited the Hollywood Hills nest of this actor who played Danny Partridge

Danny Bonaduce

Russell Simmons & Rick Rubin began this seminal hip-hop record company out of an NYU dorm room

Def Jam

The forerunner to the Internet known as the ARPANET was a 1960s network by this U.S. government dept.


Displacement, denial & rationalization are examples of these mechanisms


Ron Burgundy sang--but I won't--"a-uh-aa-aa-aa... afternoon" this


This room might be at the end of a house

Den (For End)

Ile du Diable is the French name for this place that was once a French penal colony

Devil's Island

This hostess of PBS' "Mystery!" series also stars in "The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries"

Diana Rigg

He first used the pseudonym Boz in the August 1834 issue of “The Monthly Magazineâ€


In terms of electricity, it flows steadily in one direction

Direct Current

This 1975 Al Pacino film was based in part on an actual bank robbery

Dog Day Afternoon

While writing "Crime and Punishment", he quickly penned "The Gambler" to meet a publisher's obligation


Perhaps the effort killed him--he died not long after completing his masterpiece "The Brothers Karamazov"


Although Delaware's capital since 1777, it wasn't incorporated as a city until 1929


Renoir's "Boudu Sauve Des Eaux", about a bum saved from drowning, was remade in 1986 as this Nick Nolte comedy

Down And Out In Beverly Hills

Endow once meant to provide with one of these, an old marriage custom


This man from Alliston, Ontario went with the best, Charles Best, to jointly discover insulin

Dr. Frederick Banting

This composer & conductor gave his last performance with the Marines in July 1892 & formed his own band in Sept.


An Act in the early 1900s unifed Cape Colony, Natal, Transvaal & Orange River to establish this country

South Africa

It's the only Central American nation that does not border the Caribbean

El Salvador

It's no surprise that she's a character in "King John"; she's his mother

Eleanor Of Aquitaine

She was First Lady for 12 years & 39 days

Eleanor Roosevelt

By an act of Congress, it falls on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November

Election Day

In buildings over 10 stories they're powered by electric traction systems & lifted by steel cables


When S.F.'s Palace Hotel opened in 1875, visitors were amazed by these devices that were then known as "rising rooms"


He held a 1794 patent for a device he invented in just 10 days, for cleaning greenseed cotton

Eli Whitney

This First Lady's efforts resulted in a 1914 law improving housing for African Americans in Washington, D.C.

Ellen Wilson

...discussed the 1964 political ramifications of the Labour party's Harold Wilson becoming this nation's PM (sure!)


This city is home to the University of Oregon


"There is no benefit in the gifts of a bad man", this playwright warned in "Medea"


Crunch! It's the scientific term for the hard outer shell of an insect or crustacean


Agrappes were armor fasteners of the hook-&-this type


Some women use a gel instead of a pencil to shape & contour these & hold them in place all day


Shortly after arriving in France in 1924, he completed "The Great Gatsby"

F. Scott Fitzgerald

This Socialist society was named for Roman general Fabius Cunctator, not for singer Forte

Fabian Society

In 1914 the Royal Navy won a major battle at these islands, where it fought again in 1982

Falkland Islands German lit if you can't recall that this Goethe title character messes with Mephistopheles


The sinking of the Titanic pushed the opening of this Boston ballpark off the front pages of Boston newspapers


Vets use antibiotics on fish suffering from "rot" of this, whether dorsal or caudal


In 2000 Tarja Halonen became the first woman president of this northern European nation seen here


29.57 ml., milliliters, equals 1 fl. oz., this

Fluid Ounce

In English, this nation's national anthem begins, "Arise children of the fatherland, the day of glory has arrived"


In 1932 he created the Taliesin fellowship for those wanting to learn organic architecture

Frank Lloyd Wright

On Sept. 7, 2008 the government announced a takeover of these 2 mortgage-backing companies

Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae

The first Prussian king of this name, who died in 1713, was pretty good; his grandson was "great"


During his 46-year reign, this 18th c. king doubled the size of Brandenburg-Prussia

Frederick The Great

Having decorative ruffles


If part of your body is literally frozen stiff, this condition, immerse it in water at about 110 degrees Fahrenheit


Ths underwear maker's logo contains fig leaves, an apple & different types of grapes

Fruit Of The Loom

Used chiefly in reference to Hitler, it's German for leader


"Ev'ry morning, ev'ry evening, ain't we got" this


In 1896 Woodrow Wilson published a book on this man who was president in 1796

George Washington

It's the 1970 documentary on the Rolling Stones' notorious Altamont concert

Gimme Shelter

On Nov. 23, 1973 Yvonne Braithwaite Burke became the first member of Congress to do this while in office

Give Birth

"Never" do this is the 3-word title of stroke-ridden Tedy Bruschi's book about his NFL comeback

Give Up

2000: "I may die tonight in this cell or in the arena tomorrow. I am a slave"


Ridley Scott's Maximus opus (9)


No wonder she wanted to take a "Midnight Train" back there--she was born in Atlanta in 1944

Gladys Knight

The blue field of Somalia's flag was influenced by the flag of this organization

The United Nations

During China's Sung Dynasty tea was cultivated & this powder was first used militarily


NASA astronaut Mr. Grissom gets to gamble, sing & dance as Nathan Detroit in this updated version

Gus And Dolls

He wasn't a scenery-chewing actor, he was the first "astrochimp" that the U.S. launched into space


In the book of Esther, he was hanged on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai


Depressed prince can't decide whether to kill nasty uncle until the end of Act V (should have done it sooner)


Alben Barkley was the 35th VP; he was the 34th

Harry Truman

I Chronicles 15 reports even King David was dancing when he brought this container into Jerusalem

The Ark Of The Covenant

To be authentic, a figurine such as the one seen here must bear the signature of this nun on whose art it was based


Helen Menken, Mary Philips, Mayo Methot & Lauren Bacall

Humphrey Bogart

This military transport is also a ride for the rich


May 21, 1927: Charles Lindbergh becomes the first man to fly solo across this body of water

The Atlantic Ocean

It's a ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect


From their size, about 2.5 cm. & how they crawl, caterpillars of the moth family Geometridae are often called this


Careful! You will say one word 4 times (not 5, not 3!) in the title of this zany 1963 road comedy

It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

Later in this movie, seen here, James Stewart takes over the role of George Bailey

It's A Wonderful Life

Fluency in this Romance language would be useful when visiting the Republic of San Marino


The Tripartite Pact of 1940 allied Germany, Japan & this country


Before he turned 23, Eliot created this poetic figure who asks, "Do I dare disturb the universe?"

J. Alfred Prufrock

Initially yours: in 1895 his syndicate bought all of a $62 million bond issue, ending a gold shortage in the U.S. treasury

J.P. Morgan

This French president's party is the Union for a Popular Movement, but what of the Unpopular Movement Party?

Jacques Chirac

2-word "bread-spread" term for an impromptu performance by jazz musicians

Jam Session

(Sofia of the Clue Crew at the United Nations) She was the first woman to sit here as U.S. ambassador to the U.N.

Jeanne Kirkpatrick

Sorrowful O.T. prophet, his name now refers to predictors of doom


He said, "I wasn't invited to shake hands with Hitler, but I wasn't invited to...shake hands with the president, either"

Jesse Owens

JCM is a Mexican root


In "Huckleberry Finn", Tom Sawyer says that he & Huck Finn "have knowed" this slave "all his life"


This ABC sportscaster won an Emmy for his coverage of the terrorism in Munich in 1972

Jim Mckay

In 2010, 40 years after he died, this "Purple Haze" rocker was back on the charts with "Valleys of Neptune"

Jimi Hendrix

1 of 3 actors who won Best Actor Oscar for playing an actor

Jimmy Cagney (For George M. Cohan), Ronald Colman, Or Richard Dreyfuss

This president commuted Patty Hearst's jail sentence & was instrumental in a Mideast peace treaty

Jimmy Carter

Between 1803 & 1848, he served as a U.S. senator, Sec. of State, president & congressman, in that order

John Quincy Adams

He played wacky bachelor Jack Tripper

John Ritter

This future king of Sweden received bricks, a trowel & a real yoke with 2 pails for his 5th birthday in 1951

King Carl Gustaf

(VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE): "(Hi, I'm Mike Piazza) I was the NL's '93 Rookie Of The Year. In '68 this Cincinnati Reds player became the 1st catcher to win the award"

Johnny Bench

In this 1864 Jules Verne novel, explorers descend into an Icelandic volcano & later surface on Stromboli Island

Journey To The Center Of The Earth

A staircase in Prague Castle was built wide & shallow for mounted knights to enter for this competition


He married a young actress named Eva Duarte

Juan Perã³N

"Be kind to animals and birds, and read all you can", Mr. Phillotson tells Jude in this novel

Jude The Obscure

This "obscure" guy marries Arabella but really wants to revisit Sue Bridehead

Jude The Obscure

7 years after "The Wizard Of Oz" Ray Bolger co-starred with her again, in "The Harvey Girls"

Judy Garland

The Wizard could tell you she was Frances Gumm

Judy Garland

In this dextrous hobby, a "cascade" moves balls or plates in a figure 8; a "shower" moves them in a circle


In Act I her nurse & mother discuss her upcoming 14th birthday


In late 1774, he declared, "The die is now cast; the colonies must either submit or triumph"

King George Iii

In 2010 this singer published his "100% Official" memoir, "First Step 2 Forever"

Justin Bieber

To protrude, like a jaw or a narrow strip of land out into a bay


Karen is just a Dutch form of this "Great" name


Eskimo boat


Chips Deluxe & Fudge Shoppe are cookies made by this "elfin" company


In 1963 this pres. said cynics would pay "those to whom they entrust the minds of their children" less than their plumbers


When he directed "King Lear" onstage in the early '90s, he cast Emma Thompson as the fool

Kenneth Branagh

Jim Beam, Jefferson Davis, Abraham Lincoln


The Jailer's Inn in Bardstown in this Bluegrass State was really a jail in the 1800s; hope they let you out


Cambodia's Angkor National Park was created to protect the ruins of this empire's former capital


The font seen here is named for this crime


1 of 3 duet partners with whom Kenny Rogers reached the Top 10 on the pop charts in the '80s

Kim Carnes, Sheena Easton Or Dolly Parton

Deborah Zerby is the real name of this actress who starred in "True Grit"

Kim Darby

According to legend, the first ever "peeping Tom" was looking at this wife of Leofric, Earl of Mercia

Lady Godiva

Bridges connect the 4 main islands on which this largest city in Nigeria is built


The new $92 million Rock and Roll Hall of Fame stands on the shores of this lake

Lake Erie

While with the Rockies, this outfielder became the first Canadian-born major leaguer to collect 2,000 hits

Larry Walker

Types of these devices include diode, solid state & gas


According to Leo Durocher, it's where "Nice Guys Finish"


A former school librarian, she helped organize the Texas Book Festival to raise money for local libraries

Laura Bush

(Sarah of the Clue Crew at the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit) In 1967 Dan Gurney & A.J. Foyt drove a Ford Mark IV like this one to win this 24-hour race

Le Mans

In 1823 James Fenimore Cooper wrote "The Pioneers", the first in the series of these "tales"

Leatherstocking Tales

To get a breeze indoors, I'll do this 4-word phrase, meaning be receptive to the possibility of changing my mind

Leave The Door Open

In a poem in this 1855 collection, the author introduced himself as "Walt Whitman, an American"

Leaves Of Grass

Walt Whitman lobbied hard for this 1855 work that he hoped would inspire people to action at a local level

Leaves Of Grassroots

Marshalsea is a debtor's prison that figures prominently in this "little" 1857 Dickens classic

Little Dorrit

This 2-word rhyming phrase is used to describe a highly skilled or clever lawyer

Legal Eagle

Traditionally, a squeeze of this makes a whiskey sour sour


In 1999 comic Eddie Izzard portrayed this comic in a London production of "Lenny"

Lenny Bruce

This Dodger manager was referring to the New York Giants when he reportedly said, "Nice guys finish last"

Leo Durocher

He was conductor of the New York City Symphony before taking over the New York Philharmonic in 1958

Leonard Bernstein

These depicted on stamps include ones at Sandy Hook, New Jersey & Cape Hatteras, North Carolina


This Palm Beach designer of bright prints got started when she needed clothes that hid fruit juice stains

Lilly Pulitzer

In "Reflections on Ice-Breaking", he wrote that "Candy is dandy but" this "is quicker"


She's the middle of the 3 "Simpsons" kids


Once part of Poland & Russia, this nation with Vilnius as its capital won independence in 1991


In this film E.G. Robinson uttered the dying words, "Mother of mercy, is this the end of Rico?"

Little Caesar

In the East Indies certain species of this reptile are called flying dragons because they can glide from tree to tree


This 2-letter exclamation can mean "look!" & is often paired with "and behold"


Maine & spiny are types of this; its shell turns vivid red only affer it's been cooked


Miguel called Ramon cool; I think he's this, as his therapist might suggest

Loco (From Cool)

I may be a trickster god, but I actually helped Thor get his hammer back after Thrym the frost giant stole it


12-year-old nymphet Dolores Haze


In an 1801 sea battle, he put a telescope in his blind eye to avoid seeing the signal to withdraw

Lord Nelson

In a 1986 "Circus of the Stars" this "Falcon Crest" hunk tamed some tigers, not South American camel relatives

Lorenzo Lamas

In 1872 physiology prof. Pierre Pachet said this Frenchman's theory of germs was "ridiculous fiction"

Louis Pasteur

On July 14, 1789 this French king wrote in his diary "Nothing"

Louis Xvi

Buried at the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord, Mass., she died 2 days after her father, Bronson

Louisa May Alcott

It's the only U.S. state named for a French king


Carl IX deposed his Catholic nephew Sigismund from Sweden's throne & affirmed this as Sweden's national religion


Noel, Alfred Lunt & this actress formed a menage a trois in Noel's controversial comedy "Design for Living"

Lynn Fontanne

U.N. commander in the Korean War General Douglas...


Fairy queen mentioned by Mercutio (3)


Much of Act V of this play is set at Dunsinane Castle


Hembrismo has been used as the feminine counterpart to this very masculine term


Cio-Cio-San, a Japanese woman; Lieutenant Pinkerton, USN; Suzuki, a servant

Madame Butterfly

This opera ends with the title madam committing hara-kiri

Madame Butterfly

This member of Clinton's cabinet was born in Prague

Madeleine Albright

She fended off attacking Indians in "River of No Return", with a little help from Robert Mitchum

Marilyn Monroe

In 1985, he won the NHL Calder Memorial Trophy as the Rookie of the Year

Mario Lemieux

In 1870, a year after he wrote "The Innocents Abroad", he married Olivia Langdon

Mark Twain

He appeared in the Henry James-inspired film "The Nightcomers" the same year he played "The Godfather"

Marlon Brando

His 1st stage hit was "I Remember Mama" but he's better remembered for shouting "Stella!"

Marlon Brando

Of planets in our solar system


Percival Lowell built an observatory in Flagstaff, Ariz. to study this planet's "canals"


We heard it through the grapevine that it's the largest island in Massachusetts

Martha's Vineyard

The National Civil Rights Museum is located on the Memphis site where he was assassinated in 1968

Martin Luther King Jr.

His extensive file noted in 1964 that Mrs. Leonard Farber of White Plains contacted his Atlanta office

Martin Luther King, Jr.

One of the 2 gospels in which the Beatitudes appear

Matthew Or Luke

Poli'ahu, the goddess of snow, lives on this highest Hawaiian mountain

Mauna Kea

This famous poet seen here was San Francisco's first female streetcar conductor

Maya Angelou

M (Shares its name with an Ancient Egyptian city)


This type of RNA transfers the genetic information

Messenger (Rna)

In reference to the hands & feet, this 4-letter prefix is found before carpal & tarsal


Here's a changeup; the 3 classes of rock are igneous, sedimentary & this


A figure of speech such as "He was a real snake"


This insurance company operates 2 full-time blimps, Snoopy One & Snoopy Two


President Felipe Calderon is the head honcho in this North American nation


The first concert that Justin Guarini went to was this artist & his family; on "Idol", Justin sang "P.Y.T."

Michael Jackson

This "King Of Pop" & a Saudi prince launched Kingdom Entertainment, a joint venture, in 1996

Michael Jackson

The website for this state's legislature says no bear "can match the vicious disposition... of the wolverine"


Texas statehood, North Dakota statehood, Michigan statehood

Michigan Statehood

Faye Dunaway in "Bonnie and Clyde" popularized this skirt that fell between mini & maxi

Midi Skirt

Give me this name of Chicago's 2nd busiest airport & I'll give you a famed WWII battle named for some Pacific islands


This word, before "Plaisance" in the name of the 1893 Chicago Expo site, came to refer to any carnival area


Gilbert Ryle tried to sort out the relation of the body & this, also the title of the venerable journal he edited


"Dynastic" architect I.M. Pei


In the 1500s Isaac Oliver found fame painting this kind of portrait named for its tiny size


According to a prayer, Jews light the menorah "Al Ha-Nissim", meaning "for" these wondrous events


This musical's "American Dream" ended on B'way after 4,097 performances--& a lot of helicopter flights

Miss Saigon

"Your mission, Jim, should you choose to accept it..."

Mission: Impossible

This minister's show appeared in Canada in a 15-minute format before premiering on PBS in 1968

Mister Rogers

A catcher's catcher


It's the largest landlocked country in the world


It's no longer news that this current "60 Minutes" correspondent hails from north of the border

Morley Safer

Welcome MCR, this alt-rock group, to "The Black Parade", its 2006 concept album

My Chemical Romance

"Wouldn't It Be Loverly" to name this musical

My Fair Lady

"My So-called Life", "My Mother the Car", "My Sister Sam"

My Mother The Car

This NBC sitcom starring Jason Lee was named Best New TV Comedy at the 2006 People's Choice Awards

My Name Is Earl

Other than the Olympics, this Romanian's only World Gymnastics Championship came in 1978 on the balance beam

Nadia Comaneci

Attempting to beat the fictional Phileas Fogg, this woman reporter went around the world in 72 days in 1889

Nellie Bly

In a 1900 book, he joins 3 others (& a dog) after noting his "life is simply unbearable without a bit of courage"

The Cowardly Lion

In 1890 Ohioan Caroline Harrison became the first president general of this org. that traces members' lineages to 1776

The D.A.R. (Daughters Of The American Revolution)

"The Last Battle" is the 1956 finale to "The Chronicles of" this kingdom


This Tennessee city began with the unmusical name of French Lick


German director Wim Wenders cast her in her 1st film, "The Wrong Move", & used her again in "Paris, Texas"

Nastassja Kinski

This settlement Columbus named for its Christmas founding wasn't "feliz" when all its men were killed


Willa Cather's "My Antonia", "O Pioneers!" & "A Lost Lady" are set on the frontier in this midwestern state


In 1942 he replaced Gandhi as leader of India's National Congress Party


What a record! Emanuel Azenberg has produced all of this writer's plays since 1972's "The Sunshine Boys"

Neil Simon

In 64 A.D. when Rome burned, this emperor was fiddling around at his house in Antioch


Roman emperor from 54 to 68 A.D., he had a claque of 5,000 professional clappers on his concert tours


This Roman Emperor appears to grow fatter on coins minted during his reign from 54 to 68 A.D.


In 1859 tightrope walker Charles Blondin crossed this watery wonder many times; later he did it on stilts

Niagara Falls

Amiable French port city (4)


Enjoy some of "The Fairly Oddparents" & some "Bubble Guppies"


California offered death row inmate Thomas Thompson these because of the prison's smoking ban

Nicotine Patches

Ibadan, Abuja & Ogbomosho are all cities in this African nation of over 125 million


The Peer Gynt ski area has been called this country's best place for cross-country skiing


When the giraffe invites all its taxonomic "family" to a party, this is the only animal that shows up


The Wichita Mountains are not in Kansas but in this state on its southern border


"A League of Their Own", "Renaissance Man", "Riding in Cars with Boys"

Penny Marshall

More shark attacks occur in the waters off this country than any other

The United States

"The Wizard of Oz" won 2 Oscars, one for Original Score & one for Best Song-- this one almost cut from the film

Over The Rainbow

This math term for a restricting factor comes from Greek words for "beside" & "measure"


Just because you have this pervasive suspicion of others, doesn't mean they're not out to get you


The seventh & eighth books of the New Testament are his epistles or letters to the Corinthians


Attorney General John Ashcroft is a prominent member of the Assemblies of God, part of this revivalist movement


After a last-second Colts FG in Super Bowl V, this team's Chuck Howley became the first MVP from a losing team

The Dallas Cowboys


Paul Newman

A new dad on "Mad About You", he talks about the real joys of fatherhood & infants in "Babyhood"

Paul Reiser

The "Silver Liberty Bowl", created by this man born in 1735, is in Boston's Museum of Fine Arts

Paul Revere

In a '70s song: "...She kissed me and I realized she probably was right, there must be 50 ways to leave your lover"

Paul Simon

Churchill's 2-finger salute meant "victory"; in the '60s, it meant this state that follows victory


In 1903 Pope Pius X wrote, "Where justice is lacking there can be no hope of" this, pax in Latin


(Jimmy of the Clue Crew at the Buckhorn Museum in San Antonio, Texas) It's the fancy type of handle on this revolver & on the gun used by Jesse James' killer


Her book "All Men Are Brothers" is actually a translation of a Chinese classic

Pearl S. Buck

Anjou & Bosc


In 408 A.D. the Visigoths attacked Rome & demanded 3,000 pounds of this spice, not salt, as part of the city's ransom


Genoa salami is traditionally studded with white these 3-syllable spices, while cotto gets the black type


The York Cone Co. was best known for ice cream cones before introducing these cool round treats in 1940

Peppermint Patties

Born aboard the Mayflower in the New World, he grew up to be a captain of militia--maybe a falconer too

Peregrine White

Russian for "rebuilding", this term was first used by Gorbachev in the mid-1980s


T.S. Eliot: "Macavity's a mystery cat: he's called the hidden paw--for he's the master criminal who can defy" this

The Law


Peter Gabriel

He was nominated for a Best Actor Oscar for "The Stunt Man"

Peter O'toole

Anna Ivanovna, empress of Russia from 1730 to 1740, was the niece of this great ruler

Peter The Great

The state gemstone of Washington: it's no longer wood but a stony replica

Petrified Wood

Ding-a-ling! Heloise hangs these books on wire coat hangers & stores them in the closet

Phone Books

Green olives are traditionally stuffed with these red veggies


This 1969 hit by The Who was the first of 3 from their rock opera album "Tommy"

Pinball Wizard

Color in the title of the movie theme heard here:

Pink (The Theme From "The Pink Panther")

Stromboli, a puppet-show proprietor (1940)


This Spanish member of the "Three Tenors" played the soldier Don Jose in a 1984 film version of "Carmen"

Plã¡Cido Domingo

The first film rated PG-13, its colorful title was used as the code name for a 2003 capture mission in Iraq

Red Dawn

NYC stockbrokers from Secaucus can carpool through this "presidential" structure that opened in 1937

The Lincoln Tunnel

He "was dreamin' when I wrote this, so sue me if I go 2 fast, but life is just a party, and parties weren't meant to last"


The Joffrey's 1993 ballet "Billboards" rocks with the music of this "Purple Rain"er


Glasgow residents call this transport the "Clockwork Orange", & you follow the "U" signs to get to it

The Underground (Or Subway)

By the end of his reign in 1786, Frederick the Great doubled this kingdom's area


Amoebas use temporary extensions called these to move or to surround & engulf food


In international message flags, a red one stands for danger; a yellow one means this


In 1707 her title changed to Queen of Great Britain & Ireland (it used to be Queen of England, Scotland & Ireland)

Queen Anne

In a Goldmark opera, King Solomon's favorite courtier falls for this Biblical queen

Queen Of Sheba

A Tchaikovsky opera about a card-playing countess, or the item seen here:

Queen Of Spades

In 2008, Middlebury College in Vermont won its 2nd straight championship in this sport introduced in a 1997 novel


Old British game that's the ancestor of horseshoes


Variations of these long-eared critters include the 28-pound Flemish giant & the 2-pound Netherland dwarf


In Genesis 29:11 "Jacob kissed" this formerly infertile mother of Joseph "and wept"


The Pied Piper was hired by Hamelin to rid the town of these pests


Ranked No. 22, this country's Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud is worth an estimated $13.3 billion

Saudi Arabia

Taylor's Steakhouse in L.A. serves a boneless version of this choice cut also known as a Spencer steak

Rib Eye

In 1940 he wrote "Japanische Festmusik" as a gesture of friendship between Germany & Japan

Richard Strauss

An iconic scene in "Apocalypse Now" features copters flying, blaring this Wagner piece

Ride Of The Valkyrie

The Duke of Mantua's "La donna e mobile" is from this opera


Doeg the Edomite was a henchman of this man, Israel's first king


2011 is the 100th anniv. of the birth of this bluesman, known for the "Crossroads" where some say he sold his soul

Robert Johnson

He played Dr. Malcolm Sayer, a character based on neurologist Oliver Sacks, in the film "Awakenings"

Robin Williams

During his 20-year career with the Brewers, he had 3,142 hits & a major league record 123 sacrifice flies

Robin Yount

In 1972 Gary Glitter hit the charts with this "Rock" song that has become a sports anthem

Rock And Roll Part 2

This hit song reached No. 2 twice, by Bobby Day in 1958 & by Michael Jackson in 1972

Rockin' Robin

Originally, Nickelodeon aired episodes of this Wallaby's "Modern Life"


His 1955 autobiography was titled "Four-Minute Mile"

Roger Bannister

This classic by Chuck Berry says to "tell Tchaikovsky the news"

Roll Over Beethoven

In I Samuel, David saved this king's life more than once


Term used to describe white Southerners who joined with carpetbaggers during Reconstruction


Tybalt, who shouldn't have mouthed off


The origins of this Shakespeare tragedy go back to Ovid's tale of Pyramus & Thisbe

Romeo & Juliet

1964: Acted on a Top-10 rated TV show; 1984: Directed "Splash"

Ron Howard

"It's morning again in America"

Ronald Reagan

By birth: Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy

Ronald Reagan

Caspar Weinberger

Ronald Reagan

Many a French meal ends with a dry red wine served with this blue-veined treat, the "cheese of kings and popes"


The berrylike fruit, or hip, of this thorny bush is an important source of vitamin C


In 2 revolutions around the sun Mercury does this only 3 times

Rotates On Its Axis

Tod Stiles & Buzz Murdock cruised America in a 1960 Corvette in this TV series

Route 66

In part two of the ballet "Jewels", the dancers dress like these red gems


Playwright Richard Sheridan's "The School for" this didn't cover Enron


Temperance workers used this liquor as a synonym for all spirits & prefaced it with "demon"


This cross-dressing diva plays the title role in the music video "Supermodel (You Better Work)"


He reportedly keeps his 2000 Best Actor Oscar in a chicken coop on his Australian ranch

Russell Crowe

These homophones are both 3 letters long; one refers to a grain, while the other means "bitterly amusing"


It takes some 4,000 purple autumn crocuses to get 1 ounce of this yellow dye


It's the sign of the Zodiac that's represented by an archer


It's not only the chinook; the sockeye species of this fish is endangered also


3 basic types of this ingredient are table, Kosher & sea


He used the strength of his mind when he proposed a riddle to the Philistines in Judges 14


Ron Gonzales of this Silicon Valley city is the first Latino mayor of a major California city since statehood

San Jose

Now a popular tourist attraction, El Morro Fortress was built by the Spaniards to guard this city's bay

San Juan

1959: Joe E. Brown discovers that "she" is really a guy

Some Like It Hot

It's your relationship to your mother's uncle's daughter's son

Second Cousin

When "General Hospital" began in 1963 it was set on this floor of the hospital, also the dial position of ABC in L.A. & NYC


After his 1616 death, his will stipulated that his "second best bed" go to his wife, Anne, which does beg a question...


Before St. Patrick, this plant was a symbol of the 3 aspects of the pagan Irish goddess Brigit


Someone who feigns innocence but has evil intentions is "A Wolf in" this odd attire

Sheep's Clothing

(Sofia of the Clue Crew works counter duty at a Starbucks in Seattle.) "Half-caf grande skinny toffee nut latte"--the "skinny" part means the drink is to be made with this

Skim Milk

Corning made glass tough enough for windows on these current vehicles to re-enter our atmosphere at 15,000 mph

Space Shuttles

The bold, extravagant churrigueresque style originated in this Iberian country during the Baroque era


It's not me in the 1968 photo seen here, but it is this victorious former Maryland governor & running mate

Spiro Agnew

Widely used by both sides, this rifle shares its name with the Massachusetts city where it was made


The Palmetto pigeon plant in Sumter, S.C. is the USA's largest farm for these young pigeons


"Cross and Sword", Florida's official state play, was created to reenact this city's founding in 1565

St. Augustine

This Florida city's 1565 founding is observed in September at the Mission of Nombre de Dios

St. Augustine

He wrote, "Praise to thee, my Lord, for all thy creatures, above all brother sun"

St. Francis Of Assisi

In the '90s the Postal Service launched a program aptly named do this to breast cancer

Stamp Out

Kids' lemonade vending place & to make good on a pledge

Stand And Deliver

"Positional" type of comedy being performed here


The rain leaked in & damaged your complete video collection of this sci-fi show that aired from Sept. 1966 to Sept. 1969

Star Trek

Picard was put to the test by Q in this show's finale; we also learned Jean-Luc wed & divorced Dr. Crusher

Star Trek: The Next Generation

John Philip Sousa sat down on Christmas 1896 & wrote this march, including the lyric "Hurrah for the flag of the free"

Stars And Stripes Forever

No. 15: This Pennsylvania town that's also known for some football, Nittany Lions style

State College

Bavaria & Brandenburg are 2 of Germany's 16 these


Its face was modeled after the features of Auguste-Charlotte Bartholdi

Statue Of Liberty

He was promoted to captain for burning the captured U.S. frigate Philadelphia in Tripoli Harbor

Stephen Decatur

The first teddy bears were marketed at about the same time by Ideal Toy Corp. & this German firm


If other plants are too exciting for you, try lithops, or living "this", seen here


He received his famous nickname when General Bee told his men to look at him "standing like a stone wall"

Stonewall Jackson

Powerful brakes enable you to accomplish this idiomatic phrase

Stop On A Dime

With a category 5 hurricane, you can expect one of these alliterative consequences 18 feet above normal tide

Storm Surge

Exodus: "I have been a stranger in a..."

Strange Land

Of stress, enlarged tonsils or wet feet, the one which experts say would most likely lead to a cold


A slow & careless motorist is sometimes referred to by this term, after a day of the week

Sunday Driver

The USSR's first man in space program was Vostok, "east"; its second was Voskhod, or this event in the east


While Starbuck said, "Moonlight Feels Right", John Denver preferred this

Sunshine On My Shoulder

These dark areas appear so because they are 4,000 degrees cooler than the rest of the Sun's visible surface


In 1993 Congress killed this Texas project that would have shown physicists subatomic impacts

Superconducting Super Collider

Radio Shack says its Monster XPMS speaker cable is perfect for this home video setup with stereo audio on all sides

Surround Sound

Found throughout North America, the whistling type of this has the most feathers of any bird, over 25,000


Kirsten, one the American Girl dolls, is a pioneer who immigrated to Minnesota from this country


The archbishop of Uppsala is the presiding bishop of the church of this country


The drive from Denmark to Malmo in this country includes a 5-mile stretch across the Oresund Bridge


Start your engines please & head to this Alabama city to visit the Motorsports Hall of Fame


"Kiss me, Kate, though you're a meanie; now go cook some spaghettini!"

Taming Of The Shrew

Her tell-all autobiography was not titled "Delta Dawn", but "Nickel Dreams", after a song by Mac McAnally

Tanya Tucker

Large hog-like mammal: I TRAP


Sierra Boggess played Christine in "Phantom" in Vegas before she swam onto B'way as this fish-tailed Disney heroine

The Little Mermaid (Ariel)

Cabbie Travis Bickle makes an unwise choice to see "Swedish Marriage Manual" with his date, Betsy, in this film

Taxi Driver

Floyd Holt ('06), Janice Gould ('02) & Jaime Escalante ('99) are in the Natl. this H.O.F.; we'd list them all if we could


This ex-pres.'s account of his African hunting trip appeared in Scribner's Magazine, netting him $50,000

Teddy Roosevelt

Around 1846 Sarah Bagley became the first female "operator" of this device


Vanishing in the ‘60s, it’s what YUkon, KLondike & VAlencia were examples of

Telephone Prefixes

The Davis Cup


18th C. artist Clodion sculpted nymphs & satyrs from this fired clay whose name is Italian for "baked earth"

Terra Cotta

Phrase for the year of a toddler's life that's full of tantrums, aggression & repetition

Terrible Twos

The only American-born troupe member, he's directed movies like "Brazil" & "The Fisher King"

Terry Gilliam

A mother of five is the heroine of "Mama" by this author who helped Stella get her groove back

Terry Mcmillan

In 1789 it became the first U.S. holiday designated by presidential proclamation

Thanksgiving Day

In the title of a favorite by S.E. Hinton, these 3 words precede "This Is Now"

That Was Then

The U.S. Army's 42nd division under Chief of Staff D. MacArthur had this colorful nickname

The "Rainbow Division"

For a dozen years, Bethlehem's Lehigh University has been home to this NFL team's summer training camp

The (Philadelphia) Eagles

"Nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself"

The 5Th Amendment

In 1927 Cedric Gibbons designed this award that he went on to win 11 times

The Academy Award (Oscar)

In 1969 the Fifth Dimension sang about "The Dawning Of" this & hit No. 1

The Age Of Aquarius

1/5 of the fresh water entering all oceans comes from this river that flows northeast to the equator

The Amazon

At the end of its almost 4,000 mile run, it's hard to tell it began in glacier fed lakes in Peru

The Amazon

In 1995 Roberta Cooper Ramo became the 1st female president of this legal association

The American Bar Association

A measure defeated in 1990 would have allowed states to prosecute persons who desecrated this

The American Flag

North American Protestant group featured in the movie "Witness"

The Amish

A Supreme Court ruling from 1841 said Africans from this ship should be free & not become Cuban slaves

The Amistad

The Temple of Artemis & the Statue of Zeus

The Ancient Wonders Of The World

Shortly after Eric Burdon joined the Alan Price Combo, the group changed its name to this

The Animals

Jack Lemmon has his ups & downs with elevator operator Shirley MacLaine in this Billy Wilder classic

The Apartment

This group was instrumental in the passage of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918

The Audubon Society

May 24, 1980: "'Rock Lobster' peaks at U.S. No. 56"

The B-52S

These singing & dancing animals hosted their own Saturday morning "Adventure Hour" from 1968 to 1970

The Banana Splits

The patriarch of this family was born Herbert Blythe in 1847; he took a stage name in 1872

The Barrymores

Barbara Stanwyck, Lee Majors & Linda Evans were big names on this big Western show

The Big Valley

Band formed by Joan Jett in 1980

The Blackhearts

It takes an hour for each man in this theatrical group to apply blue greasepaint to his head before shows

The Blue Man Group

This "colorful" house of worship in Istanbul was designed to compete with the Hagia Sophia opposite it

The Blue Mosque

At the start of this comedy classic, Elwood is picking up his brother Jake, who's getting out of prison

The Blues Brothers

In every year but 1 between 1959 & '69, the rest of the NBA was green with envy because this was your NBA championship team

The Boston Celtics

This ship left Tahiti April 4, 1789, apparently to the regret of many of the crew

The Bounty

"John Hughes lets the (5) kids challenge, taunt and confront each other as if this (film was) 'Twelve Angry Men' "

The Breakfast Club

At least 20 died & many suffered decompression sickness building this East River landmark that opened in 1883

The Brooklyn Bridge

Sciatica often leads to a pain in this body part

The Buttocks

1903 Jack London work in which a dog, half St. Bernard, half Scotch shepherd, survives the wilderness

The Call Of The Wild

European discoveries: Cape of Good Hope, Florida, Bering Strait

The Cape Of Good Hope, Florida And The Bering Strait

"Mama's Family", which starred Vicki Lawrence, was based on sketches first seen on this show

The Carol Burnett Show

This Dr. Seuss feline said, "I always pick up all my playthings, and so... I will show you another good trick that I know"

The Cat In The Hat

Its headquarters compound in Langley, Virginia is named for Former President George Bush

The Cia

It's at this "desk" that the local news is put together

The City Desk

"Reconstruction" was the 13-year period following this

The Civil War

In this novel by Alice Walker, Celie moves to Memphis, where she designs & sells unisex pants

The Color Purple

Hernando de Alarcon sailed up this river a few months before Cardenas made his "Grand" discovery

The Colorado River

In 1787-88 the Anti-Federalists opposed the ratification of this document

The Constitution

In the U.S. September 17 is this day that celebrates a certain signing

The Constitution (Day)

Plain old water is a common coolant for this part of a nuclear reactor you might call the "fission hole"

The Core

It says, "The history of the present king of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations"

The Declaration Of Independence

Jefferson's first draft of this used the word "inalienable"; the final draft used "unalienable"

The Declaration Of Independence

A 2010 Bild magazine survey showed that almost half of all Germans would like to forgo the euro to get this back

The Deutsch Mark

(1300s) "Turn, Beatrice! ...O turn thy saintly sight on this thy faithful one"

The Divine Comedy

1976: "...and the Dirtwater Fox"

The Duchess

Ronald Howes Sr. invented this toy after a salesman wondered if Kenner could make a toy version of a chestnut roaster

The E-Z Bake Oven

2 years before "Take It Easy" was released, they backed Linda Ronstadt on her "Silk Purse" LP in 1970

The Eagles

This iconic landmark near the Champ de Mars has 1,665 steps

The Eiffel Tower

The idea of these people who actually vote for president comes from the Holy Roman Empire

The Electors

In 1959 the Ohio Art toy company got the rights to l'Ecran magique, the Magic Writer, & renamed it this

The Etch A Sketch

Published in 1590, "The Legend of the Red Cross Knight" is the first of 6 books in this poetic epic

The Faerie Queene

1985: "....and the Snowman"

The Falcon

The scientific name of one type of this bird is Phoenicopterus ruber roseus

The Flamingo

Currency of Liechtenstein, Luxembourg & Andorra

The Franc

Its use dates back to 1360; on January 1, 2002 Belgium dropped it but Switzerland kept it

The Franc

Paine wrote "The Rights of Man" in support of this foreign upheaval

The French Revolution

1972 film re-released in 1997; its last line is "Don Corleone"

The Godfather

Yes, he did stuff his cheeks for this 1972 film; he wore a special mouthpiece, too

The Godfather

Proverbially, what's good for it is also good for the gander

The Goose

It's Venice, Italy's main waterway

The Grand Canal

A 2005 quake beneath Lake Tanganyika on this 3,500-mile-long "Great" African fault was felt 600 mi. away in Nairobi

The Great Rift Valley

This 1903 Edwin S. Porter classic wasn't filmed in the Wild West but in the wilds of New Jersey

The Great Train Robbery

To stop graffiti on the real thing, visitors can now sign a fake replica of this in the Juyongguan section

The Great Wall Of China

Its 3 parts are the ilium, ischium & pubis

The Hip Bone

It begins, "I swear by Apollo physician and Asclepius..."

The Hippocratic Oath

In one July week in 2009, this L.A. open-air venue presented Incubus & "Bravo Beethoven"

The Hollywood Bowl

On this revival Tom Bergeron explains that you have to get 3 stars in a row, across, up & down or diagonally

The Hollywood Squares

Sometimes referred to as a living fossil, this so-called crab has been around for about 500 million years

The Horseshoe Crab

It was the Dutch settlers' name for the Khoikhoi people of southern Africa

The Hottentots

John Grunsfeld, grandson of a planetarium designer, flew on the 1999 shuttle mission to repair this

The Hubble Space Telescope

After Mary Wickes died, Jane Withers helped complete her gargoyle dialogue for this 1996 film

The Hunchback Of Notre Dame

In this loopy film, Peter Falk involves dentist Alan Arkin in a possible CIA plot before their kids' wedding

The In-Laws

On Marvel's Superhero Island you may turn green when you ride the roller coaster named for him

The Incredible Hulk

1933: Claude Raines

The Invisible Man

Corfu & Ithaca are 2 of this smallish sea's "I"slands

The Ionian

"Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam", "To The Greater Glory Of God", is the motto of this Catholic teaching order

The Jesuits

They run Georgetown University

The Jesuits

Jean Vander Pyl, TV"s Wilma Flintstone, was also the voice of Rosie the Robot, the maid on this cartoon series

The Jetsons

"Ho, ho, ho!" This jolly guy has appeared in ads for vegetables since 1928; the company was named for him in 1950

The Jolly Green Giant

Rodgers & Hammerstein fans who speak German listen to "Der Konig und Ich", the Austrian cast CD of this musical

The King And I

The “Times’†Brooks Atkinson called it “an original & beautiful excursion into... the Far East

The King And I

Doug & Carrie Heffernan, Arthur Spooner

The King Of Queens

Amir & Hassan are boys who fly kites in Kabul in this film based on a novel

The Kite Runner

A female sports organization: the LPGA

The Ladies Professional Golf Association

Peter Bogdanovich directed the 1971 big screen version of this early Larry McMurtry bestseller

The Last Picture Show

Back in St. Paul, Charles Schulz had his heart broken by young Donna, who inspired this little "Peanuts" siren

The Little Red-Haired Girl (The Little Red-Head Girl Accepted)

An LFT tests the function of this organ

The Liver

The remarkable elasticity of yew led to this new weapon that made history at a 1346 battle

The Longbow

1987: Jason Patric & Kiefer Sutherland

The Lost Boys

It was the main cause of the 1803 jump in the national debt to $86.4 million

The Louisiana Purchase

The words "Semper Fidelis" appear on the flag of this armed services branch

The Marine Corps

"Listen, my children, and you shall hear of" this

The Midnight Ride Of Paul Revere

This dynasty that ruled China between 1368 & 1644 is known for its bright porcelain

The Ming Dynasty

Half-man, half-beast son of the Queen of Crete

The Minotaur

The Alps & the Andes were built up during this epoch 5 million to 23 million years ago

The Miocene

Tributaries of this Mississippi tributary include the Cheyenne, James & Platte

The Missouri

The last Abbasid Caliph was killed in 1258 when these Asian warriors sacked Baghdad

The Mongols

Maurice "The Rocket" Richard, 1942-60

The Montreal Canadiens

Breccia, formed by violent impact, is common in sites here, like the Taurus-Littrow Valley near the Sea of Serenity

The Moon


The Mystery Of Edwin Drood

NSA, the USA's largest intelligence agency, stands for this, though some say it's for "No Such Agency"

The National Security Agency

At the end of a domain name, .nl would mean this country

The Netherlands

Of the 6 current standard U.S. coin denominations, it's the one with 2 people on the front

The Sacajawea Dollar (Because It Has The Baby & The Papoose)

This 981-mile river forms Kentucky's northern border & empties into the Mississippi

The Ohio

In this 1948 film, Bob Hope played a dentist who marries "Calamity" Jane Russell

The Paleface

Princess' cruise from San Juan to Acapulco is named for this man-made waterway

The Panama Canal

The Ionian War was the last phase of this war in which Sparta finally conquered Athens in 404 B.C.

The Peloponnesian War

Burgess Meredith as this odd bird

The Penguin

This should never precede a lady into a room, even if it's Caleche or Diorissimo

The Perfume (The Scent)

Bandar-E Khomeini, Iran & Manama, Bahrain are chief ports on this gulf

The Persian Gulf

Emissions from the 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in this country cooled the planet for 2 years

The Philippines

This bird was said to embalm the ashes of its predecessor & then fly to Heliopolis

The Phoenix

Old writings from Hamelin say that in 1284 this traveling magician led 130 kids out of town

The Pied Piper

This fruit from the family Bromeliaceae is native to Brazil & Paraguay; it didn't reach Hawaii until the early 1500s

The Pineapple

In French this 1843 Edgar Allan Poe tale is "Le Puits et le Pendule"

The Pit & The Pendulum

"MMVENUSJ" is a mnemonic for the size of these, from smallest to largest (it recently lost its "P")

The Planets

The title of their 1983 "Synchronicity" album was inspired by the theories of Carl Jung

The Police

Upon this offspring's return in Luke 15, the fatted calf is killed

The Prodigal Son

After Sept. 11, the Defense of Freedom Medal was created, the civilian counterpart to this military medal

The Purple Heart

This mountain range extends along France's border with Spain

The Pyrenees

Portia: "Then must the Jew be merciful"; Shylock: "On what compulsion must I?..."; Portia: this famous line

The Quality Of Mercy Is Not Strain'd

What Brazilians call the "Selva"; conservationists are concerned because it's shrinking

The Rain Forest

A young man's overindulgence in wine & women lands him in an insane asylum in this series by William Hogarth

The Rake's Progress

In addition to protecting all of us from funny money, it protects the president

The Secret Service

1980: "Redrum!"

The Shining

This conflict began June 5, 1967 & ended shortly thereafter

The Six Days' War

On Dec. 14, 1911 a group of explorers planted the flag of Norway at this location for the first time

The South Pole

Between 1961 & 1983, this nation sent numerous Venera probes to Venus to study its atmosphere & chemical makeup

The Soviet Union

Things might be austere for this team from Michigan State University

The Spartans


The Star

Jake Barnes, Lady Brett & friends go to Spain; Lady Brett has an affair with a bullfighter, then returns to her fiance

The Sun Also Rises

Diana Ross

The Supremes

"The nearer the bone..."

The Sweeter The Meat

1608: Dutchman Hans Lippershey files for a patent for this new scientific instrument

The Telescope

A statue commemorating these lawmen stands in front of the state capitol in Austin

The Texas Rangers

In 1951 James Arness played this vegetable-like monster "from another world"

The Thing

1968: Millionaire bank robber Steve pulls off the perfect crime...almost!

The Thomas Crown Affair

This human gland important in the immune system takes its name in part from its resemblance to an herb

The Thymus Gland

In Greek mythology, this group of primeval gigantic beings includes Cronus & Rhea

The Titans

A witness is asked to tell this, the whole this & nothing but this

The Truth

From his birthplace, Elvis may have known that Nyssa is the botanical name for this tree

The Tupelo

In 1986, the Navy brought this battleship, on which Japan had surrendered 41 years before, back into service

The U.S.S. Missouri

(Sarah of the Clue Crew) In Germany BMW uses "Freude am fahren", or "Joy of Driving." In the U.S., it's used this slogan since the 1970s

The Ultimate Driving Machine

A Michael Jackson album title is "Off" this

The Wall

In 1896 the Dow Jones Industrial Average officially appeared in print for the first time in this newspaper

The Wall Street Journal

This series grew out of 1971's "The Homecoming: A Christmas Story"

The Waltons

2001: Bradley Whitford joshes around

The West Wing

When he meets Alice in Wonderland, he's carrying a pocket watch

The White Rabbit

This bird is known for its size (5 feet tall), its call (carries 2 miles) & its rarity; in 1941 there were only 21 in the wild

The Whooping Crane

This statue was probably an offering by the people of Rhodes in commemoration of a naval triumph in the100s B.C.

The Winged Victory Of Samothrace

The fates of this group go "Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived"

The Wives Of Henry Viii

The King, Sir Rodney, The Spirit

The Wizard Of Id

1939: "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore"

The Wizard Of Oz

It doesn’t have its distinct color yet when it emerges in Qinghai Province

The Yellow River

This Mexican peninsula lies between the Gulf of Mexico & the Caribbean Sea

The Yucatã¡N

A 1992 experiment using surface tension on polished silicon got water to defy physics by doing this

To Go Up



Stein's secretary (6)


The Nisei Week Festival is held every August in the section of Los Angeles known as "Little" this city


Among the jobs he had before meeting Roseanne Barr was as a meat packer at a Hormel plant

Tom Arnold

In 2005 on the "Today" show, this actor told Matt Lauer, "You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do"

Tom Cruise

Man from Sugarland, Texas known as "The Hammer" in the U.S. House of Representatives

Tom Delay

The 2 rockers whom Heather Locklear married

Tommy Lee & Richie Sambora

A south Pacific kingdom: Nuku'alofa


Quick! It was the first name of Tony's character on "Taxi"


The descendants of Noah erected it on the plain of Shinar

Tower Of Babel

From Old English for "fidelity", it's a 5-letter word for a ceasefire


Popular in the Middle East, Rahat Loukoum, or "rest for the throat", is better known as this "delight"

Turkish Delight

Ben Hirsch invented this liquid auto polish; the brand now includes car wash & chrome polish

Turtle Wax

A different band of brothers took to the air when Cuba Gooding Jr. & Laurence Fishburne starred in this TV movie

Tuskegee Airmen

The name of this 1837 collection of Hawthorne "Tales" probably comes from a line in Shakespeare's "King John"

Twice-Told Tales

In a poem by Ann & Jane Taylor, it's "Like a diamond in the sky"

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

The 2 beloveds Julia & Silvia

Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Kristin Scott Thomas had her first major movie role in this "Prince"ly epic from 1986

Under The Cherry Moon

One extra letter makes a "uniformed" person this, meaning very much out of the loop


In the January 11, 1946 headline "UNO Opened", UNO was short for these 3 words

United Nations Organization

On March 10, 1977 astronomers discovered this 7th planet from the sun also had rings


Scholar Jan Brunvand calls tales of fatal Pop Rocks candy & hook-handed molesters this kind of "legend"

Urban Legend

(Sarah gives the clue from Omaha Beach.) The amphibious assault on Normandy took place at five beaches. The British landed at Gold and Sword, the Canadians at Juno, and the Americans at Omaha Beach and this beach to the west


This fictional place was known as Sansculottia until a man named Utopos gave it a new name


Type of auto engine, or a tomato cocktail


"One Day At A Time" star who was the "I" in the TV film "I Was A Mail Order Bride"

Valerie Bertinelli

Richard Dreyfuss can be spotted (if you're attentive) in the 1967 version of this Jacqueline Susann book

Valley Of The Dolls

Morrison, Cliburn, Heflin


A World's Fair opened in this British Columbia city in May 1986 to great fanfare & a fainting spell by Princess Diana


On Christmas Day, 1497 this Portuguese navigator sighted & named Natal in South Africa

Vasco Da Gama

Seen here, he was born in Kiev in 1890 & died in London in 1950

Vaslav Nijinsky

Calvin & Grace Coolidge, on Oct. 4, 1905


In this 1958 Alfred Hitchcock film, James Stewart played a former police detective afraid of heights


"V" is for this Italian term, a technique or effect created by a violinist's shaking arm


We have a "hunch" you can visit this author's home at No. 6 Place des Vosges in Paris

Victor Hugo

The main falls of this African waterfall lie between Livingstone & Cataract Islands

Victoria Falls

In the '60s this British "founder of modern hairdressing" devised a new look with the "five point" haircut

Vidal Sassoon

The Volksgarden, a beautiful park in this Austrian capital, is famous for its rose trees


A dance in the 1786 opera "Una Cosa Rara" popularized this waltz style named for a city


The Chronicles of Mark Vincent led to a name change for this buff "Fast & Furious" movie star

Vin Diesel

This type of ring means you & your beloved are hitched, you've tied the knot

Wedding Ring

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is re-creating a lost 3,000-lb. gilt frame for this Emanuel Leutze river scene

Washington Crossing The Delaware

In 1980, at age 19, he became the youngest player in NHL history named MVP

Wayne Gretzky

Scooby parodies turn up in "Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back" & one of the endings to this 1992 Mike Myers film

Wayne's World

In our Constitution's preamble


Good times are Bruin in this district, home to UCLA, where John Wooden was a "wizard"


"I, Tina: My Life Story"

What's Love Got To Do With It

Great with chunky sauces, the pasta called ruote resemble these with spokes


This title is followed by the line "Sure, it's like the morn in spring"

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling

William Franklin Beedle, Jr. & Dorothy Dunaway in "Network"

William Holden & Faye Dunaway


William Inge

Smoke inundated this NYC complex' towers after a bomb exploded in its garage, February 26, 1993

World Trade Center

Actress Geraldine Fitzgerald made her exit from the cover when this began in 1939

World War Ii

The Carolina type, seen here, is one of the spiffier species of this small bird


Some colorless forms of this element with the chemical symbol Zr are known as matura diamonds


The 3 words that put some "zip" in ZIP code

Zone Improvement Plan

"Max et les Maximonstres" is the French title of this children's classic

\"Where The Wild Things Are\"

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Presenting to the Web Module Exam

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Florida State Licensing Exam Prep: Life & Health Insurance Agent #1-240

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Orion Series 65 Quick Quiz 3 & 4

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Introduction to geology and Basic archaeology

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