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Consumer Magazines

Magazines that are aimed at the general public

Business/Trade Magazines

Magazines that focus on topics related to a particular occupation, profession or industry

Potential Advertisers

Magazines use media kits to entice ____ _____


Most of the first printed books were ________

Artists Royalties

Most record labels deduct recording costs from _____


Need to attract advertisers, ads depend on this, increasingly specialized articles/magazines, industry evangelism

Printing Press

Newspapers did not exist before the invention of the _____ _____ in 1400s

News Hole

Number of pages left over and available for editorial matter


Particular areas of a conglomerate

Slotting Fees

Payments that ensure that certain products will be placed prominently at the front of magazine racks or at the checkout counters of supermarkets


Performs the physical activity of distributing the message


Presenting a fair, balanced and impartial representation of the events that took place by recording based on facts

Anderson's Long-Tail Theory

Theory that says you can have many people buying few copies of less popular titles while few titles make all the money

Format Clock

This chart divides one hour of airtime into different, timed program elements

Acquisitions Editor

A person who recruits and signs new authors and titles for the company's list of books

Adversarial Press

A press that has the ability to argue with government

Tabloid Form

A printing format that uses pages that are about half the size of a traditional newspaper page


A situation in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Media Interpersonal Communication

A specialized type of interpersonal communication that is assisted by a device, such as a pen or pencil, computer or telephone


A specific, long term assignment that covers a single topic area

Minstrel Shows

A touring show with performers dressed up in "black face" makeup who made jokes and sang songs about African American lifestyles and mimicked them


A worker who makes a living by accepting and completing creative assignments from a number of different newspapers

Radio Act of 1912

Act put in place because of the Titanic, it mandated that two radio operators be on all ships to maintain round-the-clock coverage


American journalists, novelists, and critics who in the early 1900s attempted to expose the abuses of business and the corruption in politics


An audio file delivered to a computer-like device from a website so that it can be heard while it is coming into the device but cannot be saved or stored

Wire Services

An organ that supplies newspapers with a continual stream of hard news and feature stories about international, national and state topics via phone/cable connections

Vertical Integration

An organization's control over a media product from production through distribution to exhibition


Areas located in ancient Greek libraries where books were copied by hand

Political Ideologies

Beliefs about who should hold the greatest power within a culture


Characteristics by which people are divided into particular social categories

CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions)

Determines how much space an advertisement buys

Industrial Nature

Distinguished mass communication from other communication, is involved in creating the message material

1) Identifying & discussing codes of acceptable behavior 2) Learning what & who counts in our world and why 3) Determining what others think of us and what people "like us" think of others

Mass Media Presents Idea of Culture in 3 Ways:

Social Currency

Media content used to coin in exchange in everyday interpersonal discussions

Funding Model

Model that blended government support, underwriting or sponsorship by companies and independent memberships

Yellow Journalism

Newspapers in 1890s that were characterized by irresponsible, unethical and sensational news gathering and exhibition

Adversarial Press

Press that has the ability to argue with the government


Process by which newspaper pages are composed and displayed as completed pages with pictures and graphics

Audience Segmentation

Process by which production and distribution are targeted to reach different types of people with message s tailored for them


Process by which the source translates the thoughts and ideas so that they can be perceived by the human senses

Licensing System

Put in place by King Henry, which only people with written authority from the crown could use a printing press

Market Research

Research that has its end goal, the gathering of info that will help an organization sell more products

Inverted Pyramid Style

Style in which they summarize main facts quickly at beginning of articles, used in news stories today


Use of features such as learning objectives, chapter recaps and questions for discussion, characteristic of books

Digital Platforms

Vehicle for receiving digital info, a computer, mobile phone and ipad are 3 digital platforms for downloading music


Ways of life that are passed on to members of a society through time and that keep society together

Alternative Weekly

Written for a young, urban audience with eye on political and cultural commentary


Young boys who sold newspapers on the streets and made 37 cents per 100 copies


______ have highest credibility out of media sources

Radio Act

1927, ____ ____ said broadcast licenses must operate in the public interest, convenience and necessity

Telecommunication Act

1996, the _______ _____ eliminated all restrictions on chain ownership

1) Disney 2) News Corp 3) Google

3 Main Companies:

1) Exploit a lot of synergy 2) Emphasize globalization 3) Adopt new distribution technologies

3 Main Strategies of Disney:

1) Improve global attractiveness 2) Expand advertising activities 3) Create competitor products

3 Main Strategies of Google:

1) Strengthen internet interest 2) Nurture diverse channels of distribution 3) Emphasize entertainment, news and sports

3 Main Strategies of News Corp:

1) Sony 2) Warner 3) EMI

3 Major Labels by Big Companies:

1) Reducing Commercial Time 2) HD Radio 3) Internet Radio

3 Responses of Radio to Hard Times:

1) Pre-Publication Research 2) Authors with positive track records 3) Advance on royalties

3 Strategies to Reduce Risk with Book Sales:

1) Enjoyment 2) Companionship 3) Surveillance 4) Interpretation

4 Ways People Use Media:

1) Consider Authorship 2) Evaluate the Audience 3) Determine the Institutional Purpose 4) Analyze the Content 5) Identify the Creative Techniques

5 Categories of Qs to ask to explore any Media Message:

1) Business/Trade 2) Consumer 3) Literary Reviews/Academic 4) Newsletters 5) Comic Books

5 Types of Magazine Publishing Categories:

1) Media Fragmentation 2) Audience Segmentation 3) Distribution of products across media boundaries 4) Globalization 5) Conglomeration 6) Digital Convergence

6 Trends in Mass Media:

1) Source 2) Encoding 3) Transmitter 4) Channels 5) Receiver 6) Decoding 7) Feedback 8) Noise

8 Elements Involved in Interaction:


A collection of stories, ads and poems

Mass Media Conglomerate

A company that holds several mass media firms in different media industries under its corporate umbrella


A company that owns a number of different companies in different industries

Media Kits

A database compiled by a magazine that tells potential advertisers attractive key facts about its readers

Audience Erosion

A decrease in the percentage of the population using a particular mass media or a specific media outlet


Executive in charge of all operation to fill news hole


Groups with habits that many people consider odd and unusual but not threatening to the more general way of life

Different, One

Horizontal Integration consists of owning parts in _____ industries, while Vertical Integration consists of owning all parts in ____ industry

Guglielmo Marconi

Inventor of wireless radio

Interpersonal Communication

Involves 2 or 3 individuals signaling to each other using their voices, facial and hand gestures and other signs to convey meanings


Large numbers of individuals, groups and organizations that live in the same general area and consider themselves connected to one another through the sharing of a culture


Licensing or renting to local stations or cable networks the right to air programs with a long network run

Literary Reviews/Academic Magazines

Magazines about related topics and scholarly topics, small circulation


Magazines that are composed and printed in simple style, small circulation, usually 4-8 pages long

Penny Press, actively, reporters, sections, inverted, advertisers

The ____ ____ was sold for 1 cent, it was a new approach to news that _____ sought out news, hired _____, introduced new ____ that appeal to different readers, had the ____ pyramid style of reporting and sold more space to ____

Media Literacy

The ability to apply critical thinking skills to the mass media, thereby becoming a more aware and responsible citizen in our media driven society

Few, Larger

The book industry is dominated by ____, but ____ companies


The bulk of book, newspaper, magazine, record music and radio revenue come from _____

Digital Convergence

The coming together of computer technologies as the basis for production, distribution and even exhibition in many media industries


The first manuscripts that began to take on the look of a book

A&R/Artist Repertoire

The function of screening new musical acts for a recording company and determining whether or not to sign these acts

Media Fragmentation

The increase in the number of mass media outlets that has been taking place over the past two decades

Mass Communication

The industrialized production and multiple distribution of messages through technological devices


The list of items that people in a society talk about


The movable type brought the revolution of ______


The new model of magazine ______ the print product all together


The originator of the message, which may be a person, several people or an organization

Paid Circulation

The overwhelming majority of consumer magazines are ____ _____

Horizontal Integration

The ownership of production, facilities, distribution channels, and/or exhibition outlets in a number of media industries and the integration of those elements so that each can profit from the expertise of others


The pathways through which the transmitter sends all features of the message

Media Practitioners

The people who select or create the material that a mass media firm produces, distributes, or exhibits


The person or organization that gets the message

Kind of music it plays, radio personalities

The personality of a radio station is organized around the _____________ and the __________ it hires

Parasocial Interaction

The physiological connections that some media users establish with celebrities who they learn about through the mass media


The process by which the receiver translates the source's thoughts and ideas so that they have meaning


The share of money paid to a songwriter or music composer out of the money that the production firm receives from the sale or exhibition of a work

Mass Media

The technological instruments though which mass communication takes place

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