jr. year 4
What does pariah mean?
An outcast.
What does proxy mean?
A person authorized to act for someone else.
What does misnomer mean?
An error in naming a person or place.
What does panacea mean?
Cure-all, elixir.
What does parley mean?
Discussion, usually between enemies.
What does raucous mean?
Harsh sounding, boisterous, disorderly.
What does clemency mean?
Merciful leniency, pardon.
What does toady mean?
One who flatters in the hope of gaining favors.
What does protean mean?
Readily assuming different forms or characters.
What does sanguine mean?
Ruddy, cheerfully optimistic.
What does arcane mean?
Secret, obscure, known only to a few.
What does complacence mean?
Self-satisfaction, lack of concern.
What does autonomous mean?
Separate, independent.
What does banality mean?
Something that is trite, commonplace, or predictable.
What does loquacious mean?
Talkative, babbling, garrulous.
What does circumvent mean?
To go around, avoid.
What does feign mean?
To pretend, to give a false appearance of.
What does relegate mean?
To send into exile, banish, assign.
What does denigrate mean?
To slur or blacken someone's reputation.
What does opulence mean?