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We're leaving Hot Girl Summer behind in favor of FERAL GIRL SUMMER.

"Hot Girl Summer" was sooo 2019. Already viral on Tik Tok, what chaotic update to "Hot Girl Summer" is 2022 receiving?

The US has redeployed 500 troops to Somalia to help fight AL-SHABAAB ["movement of striving youth"]. Donald Trump had ordered the withdrawal of American troops from Somalia in December 2020; afterwards, the number of al-Shabab attacks rose by 17%. The United Nations has described al-Shabab as al-Qaeda's most powerful and wealthy affiliate.

America has re-deployed 500 troops to Somalia to fight what militant Islamist group affiliated with al-Qaeda?

It's an extremely unoriginal name, but NEW ADMINISTRATIVE CAPITAL (NAC) will eventually replace Cairo as the, well, administrative capital of Egypt. Both Cairo and Jakarta are overcrowded and congested, which are big reasons for the moves.

As mentioned in a previous issue of YOK, Egypt will be moving its capital 40 miles outside of Cairo. What will it be called?

At this point, it looks like Russia's invasion of Ukraine is becoming a WAR OF ATTRITION, in which both sides attempt to wear down the other until one of them collapses. But who will prevail? Since mid-April, Russia's net gains in Ukraine amount to just 450 square kilometers, and around 58% of its pre-war strength has been reduced. Meanwhile, Western countries including the United States continue to supply Ukraine with weapons. Melitopol, a city in eastern Ukraine, has become the unofficial capital of the Ukrainian resistance.

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to drag on, the conflict is being considered a war of what type, in which a belligerent attempts to win by wearing down the enemy to the point of collapse?

So far I've heard mixed reviews about Baz Luhrmann's Elvis. But nevertheless, the soundtrack is bangin'. "Vegas," by DOJA CAT, uses a sick sample of Big Mama Thornton's 1953 version of "Hound Dog." In fact, it might be my favorite sample of the year. I'm really hoping that "Vegas" is to the Elvis soundtrack what "Lady Marmalade" was to the Moulin Rouge! soundtrack.

Baz Luhrmann's Elvis hits theaters this weekend. Tom Hanks plays Colonel Tom Parker and Austin Butler stars as Elvis. But of course, a Luhrmann movie isn't a Luhrmann moving without a bangin' soundtrack. "Vegas", one of the lead songs off the movie soundtrack, is by what rapper and singer?

Cameroon, Morocco, Tunisia, Ghana, and Senegal will be the five African nations participating in the FIFA WORLD CUP this winter. They will be representing the Confederation of African Football (CAF) in Qatar.

Cameroon, Morocco, Tunisia, Ghana, and Senegal represent the five African nations that will be participating in what November/December event this year?

FIJI will be the fourteenth country to join the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, part of President Biden's initiative to counter China's growing influence in the region.

China has signed a bilateral deal with Samoa; meanwhile, what South Pacific island nation will be joining Joe Biden's Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, meant to counter China's growing influence in the region?

Ciudad de la Paz (formerly known as Oyala) is intended to be the new capital of EQUATORIAL GUINEA. The current capital, Malabo, is located away from the mainland, where over 70% of the country lives. Ciudad de la Paz, built in the rainforest, would give the government closer access to the rest of the country. However, it seems the project has stalled due to financial reasons.

Ciudad de la Paz will replace Malabo as the new capital of what African country?

Drake's latest album is called HONESTLY, NEVERMIND.

Drake hit us with a surprise release last week. What is the title of his seventh studio album?

While Drake isn't doing it for us, BEYONCE most certainly is. "Break My Soul" is the surprise single off of her upcoming seventh album, Renaissance.

Drake wasn't the only one with a surprise drop. What pop star released "Break My Soul", a song that is being hailed as an anti-work anthem?

REBEL WILSON is one of us! Wilson showed a picture of her with her girlfriend Ramona Agruma.

Every Pride season, a celebrity comes out of the woodwork to announce they're out of the closet. In news that many found unexpected, what Pitch Perfect cast member came out by announcing her "Disney Princess" girlfriend?

Turkey would prefer that you call it TÜRKIYE (pronounced Tur-key-yay). The United Nations confirmed receipt of the formal letter, and from here on out, Turkey will be known as Türkiye in all international affairs.

Follow-up: Back in February, YOK reported that Turkey wanted everyone to call them by its name. Last week, Turkey formally applied to the United Nations to change its name to what?

The EU has chosen to enact a PARTIAL OIL BAN on gas supplies from Russia. Sberbank, Russia's largest bank, will also be cut off from the SWIFT cross-border payment system. The embargo bans the purchase of Russian crude oil by the end of the year, although a temporary exemption will be made for oil delivered through pipelines. The compromise was necessary to satisfy Hungary, which is both dependent on Russian oil and sympathetic to the Russian cause.

Follow-up: Russia is still earning billions of dollars each month through oil exports. What has the EU finally decided to do with regards to a Russian oil embargo?

Boris Johnson became the first UK Prime Minister to have (knowingly) broken the law while in office, after attending a series of Downing Street gatherings during the height of the pandemic. This scandal was known as PARTYGATE, and the reverberations of said scandal are still being felt. On June 6th, Johnson survived a vote of no confidence. But more than 40% of his own MPs voted against him, weakening his support in Parliament.

Follow-up: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was implicated earlier this year in a scandal known by what portmanteau name?

In early January, KAZAKHSTAN was rocked by protests in response to rising fuel prices. The government cracked down with force, and some 230 people were killed. On June 5th, Kazakhstan's citizens voted for a series of constitutional reforms put forth by current president Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev. They removed Nursultan Nazarbayev's name from the constitution, and stripped him of his powers and privileges, including immunity from prosecution.

Follow-up: What Central Asian nation was rocked by protests in early January, calling for former president Nursultan Nazarbayev to step away from politics? Citizens voted for a set of constitutional reforms on June 5th that would reduce his powers.

IMRAN KHAN will not go quietly. Khan continues to hold protests in the capital using long convoys of protesters and minibuses, intended as a display of street power. Khan claims that his ousting was a conspiracy between the opposition and the United States and that Sharif's administration is an "imported government." The US has denied his claims.

Follow-up: What former prime minister of Pakistan refuses to go peacefully? After being ousted by a vote of no confidence in April and replaced by Shehbaz Sharif, this man continues to lead "long marches" of protest through the capital.

A gender-neutral title that does not indicate gender in the same way Ms. and Mr. do is Mx (pronounced "Mix").

For people who don't want to call attention to their gender, what title can be used in place of Ms. or Mr.?

One of the big reasons African countries are hurting from a massive fuel shortage is because of the FUTURES MARKET. Usually, traders would hold their oil in tankers off the west coast of Africa and wait for higher prices at a future date. However, those same traders are now being incentivized and paid more to immediately deliver that oil to Asia via the Suez canal, by-passing Africa altogether. Many sub-Saharan countries do not hold an emergency fuel supply, and some countries, such as Kenya, are facing the worst fuel shortage in a decade.

From Kenya to Senegal to Burundi to Nigeria, African countries are hurting from the fuel shortage crisis. One reason is because oil is traded in what kind of auction market, in which participants buy a commodity for delivery at a later date?

The word in question is TRILL, which is a blend of "true" and "real." Being "too real" is also "trill."

Gen Z slang: what word, used in hip hop culture, is a blend between something that is "true" or "real" and refers to something authentic?

COLOMBIA held elections on May 29th, and the two candidates that won the largest share of the vote had a run off on June 19th, which Petro won with 50.44% of the vote. Petro is a leftist former guerrilla who once served as the mayor of Bogota; he is Colombia's first leftist president. Hernandez is a business magnate who has been called "Colombia's Trump" — an anti-establishment populist, Hernandez ran his campaign mostly from Tik Tok.

Gustavo Petro and Rodolfo Hernandez will face each other in a run-off for the presidency of what South American country on June 19th?

How did you do on the 2022 inflation rankings? I threw Turkey in there because they have far and away the worst inflation of any country. The rankings are: Turkey - 73.5% inflation rate United Kingdom - 9.1% (it has the highest inflation rate of any G7 country) United States - 8.6% China - 2.1%, doing surprising well

How much have you been paying to inflation news? Rank the following four countries in order from highest to lowest inflation rates: China, Turkey, United States, United Kingdom.

When Donald Trump took office, he immediately scuppered America's role in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). IPEF is Biden's attempt to create a new pact. The INDO-PACIFIC ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK includes 13 other nations, including Australia, India, South Korea, and Japan. IPEF's four pillars are trade promotion, supply chain resiliency, clean energy infrastructure investments, and anti-corruption.

IPEF is President Joe Biden's new trade pact for Asia. What does IPEF stand for?

"ENBY" is a phonetic pronunciation of "NB," which refers to a NON-BINARY PERSON. Enby folks don't identify their gender as either male or female. The acronyms AFAB and AMAB can also be applied to enby people — this means "assigned female at birth" or "assigned male at birth." The term "biological male/female" is considered inaccurate, since these genders were merely assigned to them at the time of their birth.

If someone says they are "ENBY", in what way do they identify?

BUNUELOS are fried dough fritters that can be found in Spain, Latin America, and Israel, but the Mexican version is flattened and served with cinnamon sugar. They are usually served around Christmas time. One of the finalists in this season made bunuelos for her finale dessert and it looked so elevated and delicious.

In Mexican cuisine, what fried dough dessert is often flattened into a disk and served with syrup or cinnamon sugar?

New Zealand passed a law that will tax COW AND SHEEP BURPS. Yep, you read that right. Methane emissions from cows contribute to 40% of global planet-warming gases, and most of those come from their burps (the gas is formed in cow's stomachs, which then get belched out). New Zealand is a country where there are seven times the number of cows and sheep than people.

In an effort to curb its carbon footprint, New Zealand has passed a law that will tax what specific livestock emission?

A New York gun law required residents who wanted to CONCEAL CARRY a gun to apply for a special license. However, SCOTUS overturned that law, citing the Constitution's protection of the right to bear arms. This decision makes it easier for people to carry concealed guns in public and challenges gun safety laws. In Congress, a significant bipartisan gun control bill passed the Senate. It now moves to the House for approval.

In another controversial Supreme Court ruling, SCOTUS released a 6-3 decision last Thursday regarding what kind of gun permits?

The GREATER FOOL THEORY states that money can be made by buying something overvalued and then re-selling it for an even higher price. In a speech last week, Bill Gates said NFTs and cryptocurrencies are "100% based on greater fool theory." He sarcastically joked that "expensive digital images of monkeys" would "improve the world immensely," a reference to the celebrity-backed Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection.

In finance, what theory suggests that one can make money by purchasing an overvalued asset and then re-selling it for an even higher price? In layman's terms, one buys something stupid and hopes that someone even dumber will buy the stupid thing that you purchased at a higher price.

The hotel industry loses about $100 million a year in last-minute cancellations and no-shows. In an effort to recoup that loss, the hospitality industry is turning cancelled rooms into NFTs. Platforms such as Pinktada are allowing travelers to buy NFTs at a lower rate than booking a refundable room; if a traveler needs to cancel their plans, they can then sell those NFTs. New York's NoMo SoHo became the first US hotel last month to offer NFT-based packages. This whole phenomenon is being known as CaaE or CRYPTO-AS-AN-EXPERIENCE.

In the latest example of the absurdity of our times, the hospitality industry is turning cancelled hotel rooms into what kind of tradable tokens?

In the world of polyamory, a METAMOUR is the partner of your partner who is not your partner. So for example, if Person A is dating Person B, and Person B is dating Person C, but person A and C are not dating, then A and C are metamours. Welcome to modern love!

In the polyamory community, what term is given to the partner of your partner who is not your partner?

QE2 celebrated her PLATINUM JUBILEE, marking 70 years on the throne. In royal family seating drama, Prince Harry and Meghan made a carefully choreographed appearance at St. Paul's Cathedral, and were then seated some distance away from the front, where Prince Charles and Prince William were placed. Queen Elizabeth II, now 96-years old, rocked an all-green outfit to wave at the masses.

It feels like Queen Elizabeth II is constantly breaking some new record for longest-time-on-the-throne. But just so YOK readers are up on the latest metal-tinged celebrations happening in England, 70 years on the throne marks what level jubilee?

Joel Kim Booster stars in FIRE ISLAND, a gay romantic comedy inspired by Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Queer Asian icons Margaret Cho and Bowen Yang also feature in the movie, which comes out on Hulu today.

It's Pride month hoes! Joel Kim Booster stars in what romantic comedy, set at a famous gay escape destination near the southern shore of Long Island?

IMANI VELLANI is Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel. "Ms. Marvel" follows an ordinary Pakistani-American teenager in New Jersey who suddenly acquires super powers through a family heirloom. Kamala Khan is Marvel's first Muslim superhero.

Kamala Khan is Ms. Marvel, the latest superhero to join Marvel's television universe. What Pakistani-Canadian actress plays Khan?

Harini Logan won the 2022 SCRIPPS NATIONAL SPELLING BEE after beating out Vikram Raju in a spell-off. The spell-off tested players on how many words they could spell correctly in 90 seconds; Logan spelled 21 out of 26 correctly while Raju managed 15 out of 19. This was Logan's fourth time participating in the bee, and her crowning achievement.

Last week, 14-year old Harini Logan won what annual event?

The song "MY MONEY DON'T JIGGLE, JIGGLE, IT FOLDS" has spawned a Tik Tok dance craze. Duke and Jones remixed a 22-year old Louis Theroux novelty rap, and some 1.2 million videos have blossomed over the platform of various people dancing to the song.

Louis Theroux, a BBC documentarian, recorded a rap about money back in the year 2000. Two decades later, a remix by Duke and Jones has gone Tik Tok viral. What DOESN'T Theroux's money repetitively do?

Nasi lemak is the national dish of MALAYSIA, and is considered an essential part of a Malay-style breakfast. It can also be found in other parts of southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Singapore, Southern Thailand, Brunei, and the Philippines. I am more familiar with the popular fried rice dish nasi goreng ... as it turns out, the word "nasi" means "cooked rice."

Nasi lemak ("fatty / creamy rice") is a dish consisting of fragrant rice cooked in coconut milk and wrapped in a pandan leaf. It is the national dish of what Asian country?

It may have a title reminiscent of Everything Everywhere ... but "SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE" is an HBO series about a Kansas woman who struggles to fit into her hometown. The show's description says that "finding your voice is possible. Anywhere. Somewhere." Everywhere? As Somebody? All at Once?!

Not to be confused with Everything Everywhere All At Once, what HBO series follows a Kansan who struggles to fit into her hometown?

The Supreme Court overturned ROE VS. WADE in a huge blow for abortion rights; protests erupted in cities across the country this weekend in response to the decision. Kentucky, Louisiana, and South Dakota had trigger bans that immediately went into effect upon Roe's reversal. Some 26 states are anticipated to limit or ban abortion following this ruling.

On June 24th, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision to overturn what landmark case protecting abortion rights?

LIGHTYEAR is Pixar's latest. It tells the origin story of the Toy Story astronaut as he embarks on an adventure to outer space. While Tim Allen voices Buzz Lightyear in the Toy Story movies, Chris Evans voices Buzz in Lightyear.

Pixar's latest film follows the adventures of what Toy Story character?

Proof is the anthology album from BTS, the world's reigning boy band. The 35-track album includes hits, unreleased tracks, and demos. "Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment)" received its own music video. I was shook to find out recently that the youngest member of BTS, Jungkook, is just 24 years old. The oldest member, Jin, is 29. Not even 30 and they've already got their own anthology.

Proof was released last week to much fanfare on the Interwebs. It is the anthology album for what group, not even 10 years old? On Wednesday, the group announced they would be going on hiatus to focus on solo projects.

BANGKOK will now be internationally recognized as Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok). Thailand would prefer for you to call its capital by its non-parenthetical name.

Review: Earlier this year, what Asian capital's official name was changed to Krung Thep Maha Nakhon?

BRITNEY GRINER of the Phoenix Mercury continues to be detained in Russia, ever since her arrest in March on trumped up charges. A Russian court extended her detention through July 2nd. The WNBA and other advocates have expressed growing outrage that Griner is being used as a political pawn against the West.

Review: What American basketball player of the Phoenix Mercury has been detained in Russia since the start of the war?

ADOPT ME! is Roblox's most popular game. Pets are hatched from eggs and grouped into five classes: common, uncommon, rare, ultra-rare, and legendary. Players must adopt and care for these pets, which eventually become full-grown. In-app purchases can be made using Robux, the platform's virtual currency. Sadly, since the average age of an Adopt Me! player is younger, there have been a high number of scams within the game.

Roblox is the online gaming platform the kids are addicted to. What pet-based game is the platform's most popular game?

The Bach Long bridge in VIETNAM is now the world's longest glass-bottomed bridge. The 2000 ft+ glass bridge takes visitors between two mountains.

Some news in the architecture world! The new Bach Long Bridge has set the Guinness World Record for longest glass-bottomed bridge. In what Asian country can you find it?

"RUNNING UP THAT HILL" by Kate Bush features in season 4 of "Stranger Things." The Duffer Brothers show is the most expensive season of television of all time, costing a whopping $30 million per episode. One of the characters, Max, has her life saved when Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill" [from her 1985 album Hounds of Love] gets played. Streams of the song increased by 9900% in the first week after season 4's release.

Thanks to its heavy usage in Stranger Things season 4, what 1985 Kate Bush song has re-emerged to take number 1 on the iTunes chart?

SIX: The Musical follows the six wives of KING HENRY VIII. Winning the Tony for Best Original Score, Six is a pop concert in which Henry's queens compete to see who suffered the most and should become the group's lead singer.

The Brits had a field day at the Tony's this year. SIX: The Musical picked up the Tony for Best Original Score. The show follows the wives of what historical king of England?

JUUL, the slick vaping brand that was a huge hit amongst the youth, has been ordered by the FDA to stop selling e-cigarettes in the US. However, a federal court appeal has put the ban on hold. Juul is a wildly popular vaping stick amongst members of Gen Z, and has been blamed for creating the youth vaping crisis. The FDA said that there was insufficient and conflicting data about potentially harmful chemicals that could leak out of Juul's e-liquid pods.

The FDA announced last Thursday that they plan on banning what vaping company's products?

IGA SWIATEK, who had previously won the French Open in 2020, easily took down American Coco Gauff to win her sixth title in a row. With her winning streak, Swiatek now ties Venus Williams' 21st century record. RAFAEL NADAL defeated Casper Ruud of Norway to claim his 14 French Open title and 22nd Grand Slam singles title, the most in history. His 81 consecutive wins on clais is the longest single-surface win streak in the Open Era.

The French Open concluded over the weekend. - The winner of the women's singles event is a Polish tennis player currently ranked No. 1 in the world. - The winner of the men's singles event also won the 2022 Australian Open earlier this year. Name both.

IT TAKES TWO won the 2021 award for Game of the Year. The game is designed to be multiplayer and does not offer a solo option. Hence, its title.

The Game Awards is an annual awards show honoring achievements in the video game industry. What Hazelight Studios game won the 2021 award for Game of the Year?

The Gupta brothers (Ajay, Atul, and Rajesh) pulled off one of history's largest corruption schemes in SOUTH AFRICA. Between 2009 and 2018, some $3.2 billion worth of public contracts were routed through consulting firms and shell companies linked to the brothers. All of this took place during the tenure of former South African president Jacob Zuma.

The Gupta brothers were arrested in Dubai on charges of corruption. The Gupta brothers are being accused of orchestrating one of the biggest instances of state capture in what country?

BENNIE THOMPSON, a Democrat from Mississippi, chairs the House committee investigating the January 6th Capitol riots. LIZ CHENEY, a Republican from Wyoming, serves as vice-chair. The committee began to reveal some of its findings — Donald Trump was allegedly told by members of his inner circle that there had been no electoral fraud. When former Vice President Mike Pence was being threatened with violence by the rioters, Trump allegedly said "maybe our supporters have the right idea."

The House committee created to investigate the January 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol began hearings last week. What Democrat from Mississippi serves as the committee's chairman and what Republican from Wyoming serves as vice-chair?

The National Unity Government claims to represent the people of MYANMAR (BURMA). The NUG operates as a shadow government in opposition to the military junta that seized power last year; it recently announced it would be forming its own police force.

The National Unity Government is the shadow government that operates in opposition against the military junta ruling over what Asian country?

Taiwan's SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRY produces the world's most advanced chips (used in computers, cars, and planes), and as a result, it is the "magic mountain that protects the nation." The reason it is considered so is because the Taiwanese semiconductor industry is an indispensable part of the global supply chain, and the US is heavily dependent on Taiwan's chips.

The Taiwanese have something called "huguo shenshan" or "the magic mountain that protects the nation." It's not an actual mountain, nor is it military might. Instead, the "magic mountain" is what $147 billion industry, equivalent to 15% of Taiwan's GDP?

The Tony Award for Best Play went to The Lehman Trilogy, about the rise and fall of the LEHMAN BROTHERS. Despite being an ode to New York City, the play was put on by a group of Brits. Director Sam Mendes won the Tony for Best Direction of a Play.

The Tony Award for Best Play went to a show about the rise and fall of what American investment firm, which collapsed during the 2008 financial crisis?

COMPANY won the Tony for Best Revival of a Musical. In the original Stephen Sondheim show, Bobby is a bachelor who is harassed by his married friends to settle down. In the revival, the lead character's gender is switched and Bobbie is played by a woman.

The Tony Award for Best Revival of a Musical went to what Stephen Sondheim show about a New Yorker in their mid-30s under pressure from their friends to find a partner?

Here's how the Triple Crown races shook out this year: - Rich Strike won this year's KENTUCKY DERBY in a huge upset. - Early Voting won this year's PREAKNESS STAKES in Pimlico, MD. - Mo Donegal won this year's BELMONT STAKES in Elmont, NY.

The Triple Crown races have concluded for 2022. Can you identify which horse won which race? Early Voting Rich Strike Mo Donegal

Move over, duck pout, this is the era of the DEAD FACE. "Dead Face" is the latest photo-taking trend in which influencers express their beauty ironically, giving the camera a blank expression with rolled eyes. The goal of "LOBOTOMY CHIC" is to look bored and detached; it has alternately been known as a "meta" selfie in a nihilistic era.

The duck pout was so last decade. What new trend, in which women look at the camera with a dissociative gaze, allows influencers to express beauty ironically?

ELDEN RING is all the rage and is currently the best-selling new release of 2022. The game takes place in the Lands Between after the Shattering destroys the titular Elden Ring. Shards of that ring now make up the Great Runes. The Tarnished is one of the exiles who gets called back to the Lands Between in the hopes of repairing the Elden Ring and becoming the next Elden Lord.

The video game that people can't stop talking about this year is what game directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki and made in collaboration with fantasy author George R.R. Martin?

SEVERODONETSK is now mostly under Russian control. Last week marked 100 days since the start of the war.

The war in Ukraine has shifted away from Mariupol and focused on Ukraine's Donbas region. What city, the most important in the Luhansk Oblast, has Russia seized control of?

Triangle of Sadness is the winner of the Palme d'Or at this year's Cannes film festival. It is directed by Swedish filmmaker RUBEN OSTLAND, who previously won the Palme d'Or in 2017 for The Square. Triangle of Sadness is a satirical film that follows a group that has been stranded on a desert island. Park Chan-Wook picked up the Best Director prize for the hotly anticipated Decision to Leave.

The winner of the Palme d'Or at this year's Cannes festival is Triangle of Sadness, the latest film from what Swedish filmmaker?

The name in question is MICHAEL JACKSON.

The writer of the musical mentioned in Question #1 won the Tony for Best Book. Meanwhile, Myles Frost won the Tony for Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical for playing a pop star. Both the pop star and the writer share the same first and last name. What is that name?

The latest in the Jurassic World series is JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION. Following the aftermath of the destruction of Isla Nublar, dinosaurs and humans co-exist. What I would really love is for the dinosaurs to consume Chris Pratt and just about everyone else but leave Laura Dern alone.

Those darn dinosaurs just keep coming back. What is the subtitle of the latest Jurassic World movie, coming to theaters this weekend?

Trinity Rodman happens to be DENNIS RODMAN'S daughter. But she doesn't just want to be known for her father, since Dennis was largely absent from Trinity's childhood (at one point during the divorce proceedings, Trinity, her mother and her brother were forced to live out of motels). Trinity, who plays for the Washington Spirit, is the highest paid player in the NWSL and is considered the "future of American soccer".

Trinity Rodman is being hailed as the "future of women's soccer" in the United States. At the age of 19, she is the highest-paid player in the NWSL. She also happens to be the daughter of what notorious NBA Hall of Famer?

The Netflix film in question, produced by Ryan Murphy, is THE BOYS IN THE BAND.

What 2020 Netflix film is an adaptation of the 1968 play of the same name? The film stars a cast of openly-gay actors, including Jim Parsons, Zachary Quinto, Matt Bomer, and more.

The BUCKET HAT is officially back. Bucket hats were HUGE in 2020, and only grew in popularity in 2021. As we enter another hot girl summer season, the bucket hat may be your answer to style and excellent UV ray protection.

What 90s style headwear has made a resurgence in the 2020s? Long deemed uncool, these hats are back in style and offer great sun protection.

JUBA, SOUTH SUDAN is the world's "newest" capital city, as South Sudan is the world's youngest country. However, South Sudan is already considering a move to replace Juba with RAMCIEL, a bit farther north. The proposed master plan to build Ramciel would cost the country 10 billion US dollars.

What African city is the world's "newest" capital city?

VILLAGE PEOPLE is known for such hits as "Macho Man," "In the Navy," and "Y.M.C.A." They are also extremely gay.

What American disco group is known for such hits as "Macho Man," "In the Navy," and "Y.M.C.A."?

JOEL KIM BOOSTER has arrived. Fire Island, a gay adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, was written by Booster and stars himself in the lead role. "Loot," an Apple TV+ show starring Maya Rudolph as a billionaire divorcee, features Booster as Rudolph's snooty assistant. And "Psychosexual" is Booster's Netflix stand-up special.

What Asian comedian and actor is having a bit of a break-out moment with the movie Fire Island, the Apple TV+ show "Loot," and the Netflix stand-up special "Psychosexual"?

INDONESIA will be moving its capital from Jakarta to NUSANTARA, which means "archipelago" in Javanese. While Jakarta lies on Java, Nusantara will be placed on the east coast of the island of Borneo. Construction is set to begin next month.

What Asian country announced in January 2022 that its new capital will be located at Nusantara?

SOUTH KOREA has plans to fully shift its capital from Seoul to Sejong by 2030. Sejong was founded in 2007 as the planned new capital of South Korea. The city was named in honor of King Sejong the Great, the creator of the Korean alphabet, Hangul.

What Asian country has plans to fully shift its capital to Sejong by 2030?

One of the world's biggest government welfare schemes is run in the PHILIPPINES. The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Programme, also known as the 4Ps, covers about 4 million households, or about 20% of the population. A recent report showed that Rodrigo Duterte's devastating war on drugs, in which suspected drug dealers were shot on sight, disproportionately affected 4Ps homes.

What Asian country runs one of the world's biggest and most successful welfare schemes: the Pantawid Pamilyang [_____] Programme?

What kind of city would give Stormy Daniels a key to the city? None other than WEST HOLLYWOOD of course!

What California city proclaimed May 23rd to be "Stormy Daniels Day" and gave the porn star a key to the city in honor of her legal battle against President Trump?

TENCENT is the Chinese tech firm that has risen precipitously over the last decade to rule the video game industry. Tencent owns Riot Games, which developed League of Legends, and a 40% stake in Epic Games, which developed Fortnite. Tencent's flagship mobile game PUGB (PlayerUnknown's Battleground) is also wildly popular.

What Chinese tech company, whose name means "galloping fast information" and does NOT refer to the use of dimes, is the world's biggest video game vendor?

CRIMES OF THE FUTURE is David Cronenberg's return to the body horror genre. Viggo Mortensen and Lea Seydoux play a performance art couple in a climate-ravaged future who remove mutating and growing organs from themselves onstage. Kristen Stewart plays an investigator who takes a particular interest in Mortensen's character.

What David Cronenberg film, also out this weekend, stars Lea Seydoux and Kristen Stewart in a climate-ravaged future?

The Golden State Warriors won the NBA Finals, easily dispatching the Boston Celtics in Game 6. STEPH CURRY finally has a Finals MVP trophy (the first three times the Warriors won, the Finals MVP went to Andre Igoudala, Lebron James, and Kevin Durant). Chef Curry with the shot, and now he's got the bling to prove it.

What Golden State Warrior won the NBA Finals MVP trophy this year?

PRIMA FACIE is the Latin expression meaning "at first sight." It is also the title of a one-woman play starring Jodie Comer on West End. Prima Facie has had a sold-out run, and the play follows Tessa, a lawyer who is at the top of her game. It was recently announced that Prima Facie, written by Suzie Miller,would transition over to Broadway next spring.

What Latin expression means "at first sight" or "upon first impression"? In civil and criminal law, the phrase is used to indicate that upon initial examination, sufficient evidence exists to corroborate a case.

The Russian exclave in question is KALININGRAD. Lithuania has stopped rail shipments of certain goods to Kaliningrad as part of the EU's sanctions on Russia.

What Russian exclave is sandwiched between Lithuania and Poland? A transit row has stoked fears that Russia could escalate its conflict against NATO.

One of this season's contestants made a HOPPIN' JOHN SALAD and I had to rewind the episode to catch the name because I had never heard of it before. Hoppin' John was originally a Lowcountry food before spreading to the wider South. It is traditional to eat Hoppin' John on New Year's Day for good luck; the next day, leftovers are known as "Skippin' Jenny." A variant of this dish is known as "Hoppin' Juan," which substitutes Cuban black beans for black-eyed peas.

What Southern salad, alternately known as Carolina peas and rice, is a dish made of cowpeas, rice, chopped onion, and bacon?

INDITEX is the Spanish multinational company that is the world's largest fast fashion group. Inditex owns ZARA, Berksha, and Massimo Dutti. Revenues have risen by 36% year on year, and net profit jumped 80% since shoppers have engaged in "revenge buying." H&M, Inditex's Swedish rival, has experienced a 120% year on year increase in net income. As folks emerge from the pandemic in need of new wardrobes, fast fashion is winning big.

What Spanish multinational clothing company is the biggest fast fashion group in the world? Fast fashion is currently experiencing the benefits of "revenge buying" as shoppers emerge from the pandemic in need of new wardrobes.

REAL MADRID are this year's winners of the most prestigious European football cup, winning their 14th championship on Sunday. CARLO ANCELOTTI becomes the most successful coach in the history of the UEFA Champions League.

What Spanish team won the 2022 UEFA Champions League, making them 14-time champions?

LIV GOLF is the controversial golf tour being sponsored by a Saudi backed wealth fund. LIV refers to the Roman numeral 54, which is the score one would get if every hole on a par-72 course were birdied. LIV is seen as an example of "sportswashing," a blatant attempt by Saudi Arabia to buy the sports world's affection and have people look past its human rights abuses. Tiger Woods reportedly declined a nearly $1 billion offer to join the LIV. Meanwhile, the PGA has cracked down on players who have jumped ship — 17 golfers have been suspended from the PGA for joining LIV Golf.

What controversial golf tour is being sponsored by a Saudi Arabian wealth fund? Superstar Phil Mickelson is being paid $200 million to join, more money than Tiger Woods has earned in his entire career.

TURKEY has been making a big diplomatic push into sub-Saharan Africa. Turkey has doubled its trade with sub-Saharan African countries in the last decade, and it recently signed military pacts with Senegal, Togo, and Nigeria. It seems that one of its main aims is to increase its sale of arms to sub-Saharan nations. Great. Just love all this proxy influence we got going on here.

What country is making a big diplomatic push in sub-Saharan Africa, trying to counter China's dominant influence? One example of their efforts is the Recep Tayyip Erdogan hospital in Mogadishu, Somalia.

ISRAEL once again finds itself facing elections. Yair Lapid will be the caretaker prime minister, taking over for Naftali Bennet after his eight-party coalition collapsed. Benjamin Netanyahu is already champing at the bit — last Monday, he declared that he would form a national government and return to power.

What country's eight-party coalition government collapsed last week, meaning the country will have to hold its fifth election in four years? Naftali Bennett only lasted a year as Prime Minister.

JULIAN CASTRO is the earnest former mayor of San Antonio, who also served a stint as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

What former mayor of San Antonio and Democratic Party presidential candidate served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Obama? He has also been an advocate for LGBTQ rights in Texas.

GUSTAVO PETRO will be Colombia's first leftist president. Francia Marquez will become Colombia's first Black vice president.

What man won election on June 19th in Colombia and will become the country's first leftist president?

"BORGEN" is the popular Danish television series that imagines Birgitte Nyborg (Sidse Babett Knudsen) as the first female prime minister of her country. Just a few years after the show premiered, Denmark got a real-life female prime minister in the form of Helle Thorning-Schmidt. "Borgen" is basically the Danish version of "The West Wing", but with more coalition politics involved. The fourth season takes place nine years after the third season ended, and one of the central plotlines involves oil deposits in Greenland.

What popular Danish television series, which follows the travails of fictional prime minister Birgitte Nyborg, is back after nine years away?

The DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO is now a part of East Africa, or at least its membership in the EAC seems to indicate so. The latest attacks from the M23 (March 23 Movement) rebel group have caused the Congolese government to blame Rwanda for inciting them. Meanwhile, Rwanda blames Congo for firing across the border with Rwanda.

What populous country officially joined the East African Community (EAC)? A spate of attacks from the M23 rebel group has the East African bloc concerned.

In the sapphic world, femmes (extremely girly girls) and butch (more masculine-presenting women) tend to sit on opposite ends of the aesthetic spectrum. The term FUTCH refers to a person in the middle, somewhat femme and somewhat butch.

What portmanteau term is given to a woman who presents herself somewhere between "femme" and "butch"?

BRITISH COLUMBIA announced it would be temporarily decriminalizing drugs such as cocaine, meth, and ecstasy in an effort to fight a growing drug abuse problem. British Columbia has been at the epicenter of Canada's overdose crisis. The temporary decriminalization is aimed at reducing the stigma around addiction and to make it easier to seek out help.

What province of Canada will be temporarily decriminalizing the possession of such drugs as cocaine, meth, and ecstasy?

HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST is the 2022 sequel to 2017's Horizon Zero Dawn. In Forbidden West, the protagonist Aloy leads a group into the frontier to uncover the source of a mysterious plague that kills all it infects (timely, no?). Hostile rogue machines roam the planet as the biosphere slowly degrades. A television series adaptation of Horizon Zero Dawn is currently in the works at Netflix.

What sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn, released earlier this year, is set in a post-apocalyptic version of the Western United States?

A STRANGE LOOP won the award for Best Musical. The title refers to a cognitive science term coined by Douglas Hofstadter wherein a person finds themselves back where they started. Usher, the protagonist, works as an actual usher for "The Lion King," and struggles to get through the world in a "fat, black, queer body."

What show won Best Musical [at the 2022 Tony Awards]? The story follows Usher, a queer black writer writing a musical about a queer black writer writing a musical about a queer black writer- okay you get the point.

Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, flow sista ... the song by Christina Aguilera et. al. is "LADY MARMALADE"

What song by Christina Aguilera, Mýa, Lil' Kim, Pink is featured on the Moulin Rouge! movie soundtrack?

ZIMBABWE is well remembered for its hyperinflation run from 2007 to 2009, when inflation peaked at a ridiculous 231,000,000%. Now, the country is once again facing inflationary pressures, and average Zimbabweans are betting against the Zimbabwe dollar. Gas stations and street vendors insist that customers only pay in US dollars. Inflation is already up 152%, with fears that the country may once again regress to a hyperinflationary period. Many average Zimbabweans are refusing to keep their pension funds in cash, instead investing in cattle as a surer bet.

What southern African nation, notorious for a spate of hyperinflation in the late 2000s, is once again facing inflationary pressures?

The first US city to earn the UNESCO City of Gastronomy distinction was ... TUSCON, ARIZONA. I was as shocked as you are when they revealed this information on the finale of this season's Top Chef. But when you think about it, Sonoran cuisine is extremely distinctive, and the indigenous and Mexican influence present in the southwest makes Tuscon a viable candidate for an American city of gastronomy. CHILTEPIN, the only chili native to North America, is used in dishes here.

What southwestern city was the first US city to earn UNESCO's City of Gastronomy distinction?

The COLORADO AVALANCHE won the Stanley Cup this year, dispatching the formidable Tampa Bay Lightning in the finals. This year's Stanley Cup play-offs was stunning for its high-scoring nature, with teams sometimes scoring as many as 8 or 9 goals in a game. If there's one player you should remember from the Avalanche, it would be NATHAN MACKINNON, one of their most critical players. For the Avalanche, this is their first Stanley Cup since 2001.

What team won the 2022 Stanley Cup Finals?

ESG investing has been all the rage in recent years as investors demand more socially responsible ways to compound their dollars. However, the practice of faking one's ESG credentials is known as "GREENWASHING."

What term is given to companies that have frauded their ESG (Economic, Social, and Governance) credentials? DWS, an asset-management subsidiary under Deutsche Bank, is under investigation for doing so.

FRIKADELLE are the Danish version of meatballs. The term itself is German, but the dish is associated with Danish and Scandinavian cuisine.

What term is given to flat, pan-fried meatballs that are the Danish version of meatballs?

MOROCCO and ALGERIA have a long history of beef; the land border between the two countries has been closed since 1994. Recently, Algeria closed a gas pipeline to Morocco in response to events in Western Sahara; Morocco, meanwhile, allegedly used Pegasus spyware to spy on the phones of Algerian politicians and generals. According to The Economist, "both sides seem geared up for conflict. Algeria and Morocco have the second- and third-largest armies in Africa."

What two north African countries, which have had tensions dating back to the 1963 Sand War, are once again escalating tensions between each other?

BIOMETRICS PAYMENTS allow people to pay using their eye patterns or palm prints. Mastercard recently launched a biometric payments card.

What type of payments system allows people to pay using just a "quick smile" into a camera or a "wave of your hand" over a scanner?

ALEX COOPER is the podcaster behind "CALL HER DADDY," a raunchy sex-and-dating show originally at Barstool Sports. The 27-year old recently signed a $60 million deal with Spotify, making her the highest-paid female podcaster. "Call Her Daddy" has been notable for its sexual explicitness, as well as the dramatic falling-out between its two original co-hosts (former co-founder Sofia Franklyn has started her own off-shoot "Sofia with an F"). Cooper's main audience is Millennial and Gen Z women — her listeners are known as "the Daddy Gang."

Who is the highest paid female podcaster? Her recently signed $60 million deal with Spotify will give her the second-highest salary for a podcaster, second only to Joe Rogan.

A person who is DEMISEXUAL only feels sexual attraction to someone after they've formed a strong emotional bond to them.

You've heard of bisexuals (attraction to men and women). You've heard of pansexuals (attraction to people of all genders). What does it mean if someone is demisexual?

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