Kahoot 4

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"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake." This warning came from A) George Washington's "Farewell Address." B) Alexander Hamilton's Report on Manufactures. C) John Taylor of Caroline's An Inquiry Into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States. D) John Adams's A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America.

George washington farewell address

James Oglethorpe received a charter to establish ________, the final English colony, as a refuge for honest people imprisoned for debt. A) Georgia B) Massachusetts C) Pennsylvania D) South Carolina


Manifest destiny might best be described as the belief that Americans were A) God's chosen people. B) a melting pot of immigrants. C) obligated to educate the Native Americans. D) destined to abolish slavery

God's chosen people

Under Jay's Treaty, ________ agreed to abandon its military posts in the American Northwest. A) France B) Holland C) Spain D) Great Britain

Great Britain

) The United States attempted to establish some control over a future canal across the isthmus of Central America by negotiating with --Great Britain.

Great Britain.

According to the map "Canals and Roads, 1820-1850," most American canals connected directly with the A) Great Lakes. B) St. Lawrence River. C) Mississippi River. D) Atlantic Ocean.

Great Lakes

The senator who pushed for renewal of the Bank of the United States charter in 1832 to provide himself a campaign issue against Jackson was A) Henry Clay. B) John C. Calhoun. C) Martin Van Buren. D) John Eaton

Henry Clay

The king who brought the Protestant Reformation to England by declaring himself head of the English Church in order to divorce his first wife was A) Charles V. B) Henry VIII. C) James I. D) Richard III.

Henry VIII

1) The winner of the presidential election of 1800 was chosen by the A) Senate. B) Electoral College. C) Supreme Court. D) House of Representatives.

House of Representatives

In the early 1790s General Anthony Wayne's decisive defeat of the Native Americans in Ohio in the Battle of ________ opened that territory to settlement. A) Tippecanoe B) Murfreesboro C) Fallen Timbers D) Cowpens

Fallen timbers

Which of the following happened in the election of 1860? --Douglas realized he would lose, rose above ambition, and appealed to voters, both North and South, to stand by the Union.

Douglas realized he would lose, rose above ambition, and appealed to voters, both North and South, to stand by the Union.

The Supreme Court ruled the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional in the ________ decision. --Dred Scott

Dred Scott

"An Act of Congress which deprives a person...of his liberty or property merely because he came himself or brought his property into a particular Territory...could hardly be dignified with the name of due process of law." This statement is from the --) Dred Scott decision.

Dred Scott decision.

When discussing the question of the terrible decimation of the Native American peoples after 1500, your text concludes that most deaths resulted from A) European diseases. B) intertribal warfare. C) modern weaponry. D) extermination of traditional game.

European diseases

Examining the debate over ratifying the Constitution, the text concludes that the A) Federalists generally were favored free choice over power and tended to resent those who sought and held power. B) Anti-Federalists were opposed to the Constitution for primarily economic reasons. C) Federalists used their superior political organization and persuasive abilities to great advantage. D) Anti-Federalists generally agreed on the need for a more energetic national government.

Federalists used their superior political organization and persuasive abilities to great advantage

The bold captain encouraged by Queen Elizabeth I to plunder Spanish merchant ships on the high seas was A) Martin Frobisher. B) Sir Walter Raleigh. C) Humphrey Gilbert. D) Francis Drake.

Francis Drake

During the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Douglas argued that territories could circumvent the Dred Scott decision by not enacting the laws necessary for slavery. This was called the --Freeport Doctrine.

Freeport Doctrine

________ traders were most likely to see Indians as essential trading partners. A) Dutch B) English C) French D) Spanish


In the 1670s thousands of Pueblo rebelled to drive the A) Spanish from New Mexico. B) Portuguese out of Brazil. C) Spanish from Florida. D) French out of Texas.

French out of Texas

Before the Civil War, the railroad that benefited most from federal support for line construction was the ________ Railroad. --) Illinois Central

Illinois Central

Which of the following called for the end of the executions of Salem's "witches" because "it were better that ten witches should escape, than that one innocent person should be condemned"? A) William Phips B) Mary Phips C) Increase Mather D) Cotton Mather

Increase Mather

________ servants agreed to work for a stated period in return for their transportation to America. A) Journeymen B) Foundling C) Headright D) Indentured


In Marbury v. Madison, Chief Justice John Marshall cleverly established the power of the Supreme Court to A) issue writs ordering governmental officials to perform certain duties. B) invalidate federal laws held to be in conflict with the Constitution. C) remove governmental officials who refused to perform their duties. D) award damages to governmental officials deprived of their jobs.

Invalidate federal laws held to be in conflict with the constitution

In the 1830s and 1840s, most of the thousands of poor and wretched immigrants who flooded into America came from A) Italy and Greece. B) Poland and Russia. C) Ireland and Germany. D) China and Japan.

Ireland and Germany

Which of the following statements about the "second great migration" of blacks is false? --) It affected an enormous number of blacks, but not nearly as many as were originally taken from Africa.

It affected an enormous number of blacks, but not nearly as many as were originally taken from Africa.

What was the effect of immigrant workers on the textile factory system in New England? --It caused a shift in the labor force, as immigrants replaced women as workers.

It caused a shift in the labor force, as immigrants replaced women as workers.

In 1619 the first African blacks brought to English North America were probably sold in A) Boston. B) Jamestown. C) Plymouth. D) Baltimore.


In the election of 1800, A) Jefferson's vice-presidential running mate was George Clinton. B) Jefferson was finally chosen president by the House of Representatives. C) Adams and Jefferson received the same number of electoral votes. D) Jefferson was finally chosen president by the Senate.

Jefferson was finally chosen president by the House of Representatives

) "If it is deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with the blood of...millions in this slave country whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments, I say, let it be done." This statement was made by whom? --John Brown

John Brown

) In May 1856, ________ slaughtered five unarmed, proslavery settlers at Pottawatomie Creek in "bleeding Kansas." -- John Brown

John Brown

The author of the South Carolina Exposition and Protest who, drawing on the works of John Locke, stated that it was within the authority of a state to nullify a law within its boundaries if a state convention found an act of Congress unconstitutional was A) Henry Clay. B) John C. Calhoun. C) Andrew Jackson. D) William H. Crawford.

John C Calhoun

The southern political thinker who most prominently justified southern resistance to the Tariff of 1828 was A) John Tyler. B) John C. Calhoun. C) Andrew Jackson. D) Henry Clay.

John C Calhoun

The Federalist Chief Justice who established the power of the Supreme Court to invalidate federal laws in Marbury v. Madison (1803) was A) John Marshall. B) Oliver Ellsworth. C) Samuel Chase. D) William Hubard.

John Marshall

The New York printer whose trial for seditious libel became one of the most celebrated tests of freedom of the press in the history of journalism was A) James Hamilton. B) John Peter Zenger. C) Benjamin Franklin. D) Jacob Leisler.

John Peter Zenger

The staunch states' rights advocate who became president when William Henry Harrison died was A) Martin Van Buren. B) James K. Polk. C) Zachary Taylor. D) John Tyler

John Tyler

The first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was A) Edward Winslow. B) William Bradford. C) John Smith. D) John Winthrop.

John Winthrop

The best-known political leader of the North in the early 1820s, who served brilliantly as Monroe's secretary of state, was A) Daniel Webster. B) James Madison. C) Alexander J. Dallas. D) John Quincy Adams.

John quincy adams

The president chosen in 1824 by the House of Representatives when no candidate received a majority of votes in the Electoral College was A) James Monroe. B) Andrew Jackson. C) John Quincy Adams. D) James Madison.

John quincy adams

The purpose of the ________ was to maintain Federalist control of the judicial branch against Jeffersonianism. A) Governmental Reorganization Act of 1799 B) Judiciary Act of 1801 C) Judicial Review Act of 1805 D) Federal Judiciary Act of 1789

Judiciary act of 1801

The "greatest single step" toward the American Civil War was the --Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Kansas-Nebraska Act.

The ________ party was most closely associated with Americanism, or nativism. --Know-Nothing


The three Force Acts (1870-1871) were an attempt by Congress to control groups like the --Ku Klux Klan.

Ku Klux Klan

The first modern road in the United States was built in the 1790s to connect Philadelphia and A) Boston, Massachusetts. B) Richmond, Virginia. C) Baltimore, Maryland. D) Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

The western expedition that explored the northwestern area of the Louisiana Purchase from 1804-1806 was led by A) Zebulon Pike. B) Stanley and Livingston. C) Thomas Freeman. D) Lewis and Clark.

Lewis and Clark

The effect of the Berlin and Milan decrees by France and the Orders in Council by Great Britain was to A) encourage trade with Great Britain and discourage trade with France. B) stop all American trade with both countries. C) promote American trade with both countries. D) make trade more difficult for neutral nations.

Make trade more difficult for neutral nations

The gregarious New York politician who never took a political position if he could avoid doing so and who led a political machine known as the Albany Regency was A) De Witt Clinton. B) Martin Van Buren. C) Thomas Hart Benton. D) William Harris Crawford.

Martin van buren

The colony founded as a religious refuge for Catholics was A) Rhode Island. B) New Jersey. C) Virginia. D) Maryland.


As a result of the Glorious Revolution in 1688, ________ became a royal colony in the early 1690s. A) Georgia B) Pennsylvania C) Virginia D) Massachusetts


The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the National Bank of the United States and also strengthened the implied powers of Congress and aided economic growth when it decided the case of A) Gibbons v. Ogden. B) McCulloch v. Maryland. C) Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge. D) Dartmouth College v. Woodward.

McCulloch v Maryland

In his first inaugural address, Jefferson stressed his desire to A) seek revenge on the Federalists for the Alien and Sedition Acts. B) minimize the differences between Federalists and Republicans. C) increase government spending to provide better services for citizens. D) negotiate a mutual defense alliance with Great Britain.

Minimize the differences between federalists and republicans

By 1830, the black population in ____________ exceeded the white population. --Mississippi


The natural highway for western commerce and communication in the early nineteenth century was the ________ River. A) Missouri B) Ohio C) Mississippi D) Tennessee


An economic cause of increasing sectional conflict on the eve of the Civil War was the decreasing importance of the --Mississippi River

Mississippi River

"We must either submit to degradation, and to the loss of property worth four billions, or we must secede." The source of this quote is -- Mississippi convention.

Mississippi convention

Kansas Territory was bordered on the east by proslavery --Missouri


One of the purposes of Lewis and Clark's expedition was to learn if the ________ River connected with a water route to the Pacific. A) Missouri B) Colorado C) Mississippi D) Columbia


The state admitted to the Union on the condition that, in the future, slavery was prohibited in the area of the Louisiana Purchase north of the 36° 30' line was A) Kansas. B) Ohio. C) Kentucky. D) Missouri.


Herman Melville's book which your text calls "one of the finest novels written by an American" is A) Typee. B) The House of the Seven Gables. C) Leaves of Grass. D) Moby Dick.

Moby Dick

According to "Mapping the Past," the map "Ratification of the Federal Constitution 1787-1790" neither totally confirms nor totally refutes the view that those who favored the Constitution tended to live in A) more prosperous coastal regions. B) less settled areas. C) backwoods regions. D) less prosperous areas.

More prosperous coastal regions

The leader who abandoned his plans for an empire in the New World and sold Louisiana to the United States was A) Louis XVI. B) Juan Carlos I. C) George III. D) Napoleon.


During the ratification of the Constitution, the bitter disputes in ________ led to the writing of the Federalist Papers. A) Maryland B) Virginia C) Massachusetts D) New York

New York

The map, "English Colonies on the Atlantic Seaboard," shows that the present state of Vermont was at one time claimed by both A) New York and New Hampshire. B) Maine and Massachusetts. C) France and England. D) England and the Netherlands.

New York and New Hampshire

By the middle of the nineteenth century much of the South's cotton trade was controlled by --New York capitalists.

New York capitalists.

In the spirit of the "Young America" movement, William Walker attempted repeatedly to gain control of - Nicaragua


Although Macon's Bill No. 2 temporarily removed all restrictions on trade, A) non-intercourse would be reapplied to either major power if the other ceased violating American neutral rights. B) Americans did not take advantage of the chance to trade with Great Britain. C) Americans preferred to trade with other neutral nations. D) the Embargo Act would be reapplied in December 1810 if war in Europe continued

Non intercourse would be reapplied to either major power if the other ceased violation american neutral rights

In 1771, frontier Regulators from ________, protesting their lack of representation in their colonial assembly, were defeated in a pitched battle with government troops. A) New York B) North Carolina C) Virginia D) Georgia

North Carolina

By the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), Spain had authority to exploit all of A) North and South America except Brazil. B) Africa and the Middle East except Egypt. C) South America except Colombia. D) North America and Central America, but not South America.

North and South America except Brazil

South Carolina's challenge to the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 is called the A) Cotton Controversy. B) Tariff War. C) Abomination Crisis. D) Nullification Crisis.

Nullification Crisis

One of the "fundamental tenets of Jacksonian Democracy" was that A) educated and virtuous people should be elected to office. B) long-term stability for government employees improved government services. C) expert knowledge was the key to a democratic government. D) ordinary Americans could do anything.

Ordinary Americans could do anything

Which statement about black resistance to slavery is true? A) There was little to no personal violence between blacks and whites because of the deterrent effects of harsh punishments. B) Most runaway slaves were field hands. C) Slaves with valuable skills were treated better and were less likely to run away. D) Organized slave rebellions were infrequent.

Organized slave rebellions were infrequent

Jackson's view of the presidency differed from his predecessor's primarily in his belief that the A) scope of federal authority should be expanded at the states' expense. B) president was the direct representative of all the people and the embodiment of national power. C) federal government should engage in a vigorous program of internal improvements. D) advice of experts was crucial to sound presidential decisions.

President was the direct representative of all the people and the embodiment of national power

As a result of the Compromise of 1877, --Reconstruction ended and a new political order took shape in the South.

Reconstruction ended and a new political order took shape in the South.

Rhode Island, distinguished for its religious freedom and rigid separation of church and state, was founded by A) Roger Williams. B) Thomas Hooker. C) William Bradford. D) John Winthrop.

Roger Williams

To whom was William Bradford referring to when he described someone possessed with "many precious parts, but very unsettled in judgment"? A) Ignatius Loyola B) John Winthrop C) Roger Williams D) Anne Hutchinson

Roger Williams

The model for many of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention was the A) British Parliament. B) French Estates General. C) Athenian democracy. D) Roman republic.

Roman Republic

The measure in which Great Britain and the United States agreed to set a limit on the number of armed vessels on the Great Lakes was the A) Rush-Bagot Agreement. B) Transcontinental Treaty. C) St. Lawrence Accord. D) Monroe Doctrine

Rush bagot agreement

The president, as a result of the Compromise of 1877, was --Rutherford B. Hayes

Rutherford B. Hayes

The leader of the Texas independence movement and first president of the Republic of Texas was A) Stephen F. Austin. B) William B. Travis. C) Davy Crockett. D) Sam Houston.

Sam Houston

The apparent winner of the election of 1876, with 203 electoral votes and a quarter of a million more popular votes than his opponent, was --Samuel J Tilden

Samuel J Tilden

The first American factory was developed by A) Samuel Slater to spin cotton thread. B) Francis Lowell to weave woolen cloth. C) Robert Fulton to build steamboats. D) Eli Whitney to manufacture cotton gins.

Samuel Slater to spin cotton thread

The map, "Spain's North American Frontier, c. 1750" shows the northernmost point of Spanish settlement on the Pacific coast was at A) San Francisco. B) Tucson. C) Monterrey. D) San Diego.

San Fransico

According to the map, "Ethnic Groups of Eastern North America, 1750," the group most likely to settle in the backcountry of Pennsylvania were the A) Welsh. B) French. C) Scots-Irish. D) English.


In the early eighteenth century, large numbers of ________ Presbyterians immigrated to backcountry Pennsylvania. A) Scots-Irish B) Swedish C) Welsh D) French


What was family life like for typical southern planters in the early nineteenth century? --) Slaveholding families were unlike northern families with similar status.

Slaveholding families were unlike northern families with similar status.

"The laws of the United States must be executed. I have no discretionary power on the subject...Those who told you that you might peaceably prevent their execution deceived you...Disunion by armed force is treason. Are you really ready to incur its guilt?" This was the response of Andrew Jackson to the actions of A) South Carolina. B) New York. C) Mississippi. D) Georgia.

South Carolina

Slave labor so dominated the rice plantations of ________ from its founding that by 1730 a majority of its population was black. A) Georgia B) Florida C) Virginia D) South Carolina

South Carolina

By far the most important indirect effect of industrialization occurred when the A) federal government constructed an efficient system of canals. B) South began to produce cotton to supply the new textile mills of New England and Great Britain. C) North was forced to locate new sources of liquid capital to fund the growing textile industry. D) federal government built a series of national roads.

South began to produce cotton to suppl the new textile mills of New England and Great Britain

) What happened to southern interest in abolishing slavery after Nat Turner's revolt in 1831? --Southern states made it increasingly difficult for masters to free their slaves.

Southern states made it increasingly difficult for masters to free their slaves.

The exploration and exploitation of the Americas in the sixteenth century was dominated by A) Holland. B) Spain. C) England. D) France.


American inventor Robert Fulton perfected the first commercially successful A) power loom. B) spinning jenny. C) steamboat. D) cotton gin.


The greatest naval hero of Jefferson's undeclared war with the Barbary pirates of Tripoli was A) Edward Preble. B) Oliver Hazard Perry. C) William Henry Harrison. D) Stephen Decatur.

Stephan decatur

Who was the "the Henry Clay of his generation," the man based his politics on expansion and popular sovereignty? --Stephen A. Douglas

Stephen A. Douglas

The most prominent spokesman of the "Young America" movement was -Stephen A. Douglas.

Stephen A. Douglas.

The Lecompton constitution caused a complete break between President Buchanan and his former political ally, --Stephen Douglas

Stephen Douglas

) "It matters not what way the Supreme Court may hereafter decide as to the abstract question...the people have the lawful means to introduce or exclude it as they please, for the reason that slavery cannot exist...unless it is supported by local police regulations." This statement is from Stephen Douglas's "Freeport Doctrine."

Stephen Douglas's "Freeport Doctrine."

Which of the following statements about slavery as an economic institution in the 1840s and 1850s is true? --The price of slaves rose dramatically from 1820.

The price of slaves rose dramatically from 1820.

What happened to the institution of slavery as slaves became more valuable and as northern opposition to slavery grew more vocal? -) The system of slavery hardened perceptibly

The system of slavery hardened perceptibly

Between 1820 and the Civil War, which of the following could be said about the trend toward general unionization? -There was no trend toward general unionization.

There was no trend toward general unionization.

The Transcontinental Treaty of 1819 A) gave the United States claim to the entire Texas area. B) settled American boundary disputes with Canada. C) established joint occupation of the Oregon country. D) transferred Florida to the United States for $5 million and settled the southern boundary of the Louisiana territory to the Pacific.

Transferred florida to the united states for 5 million and settled the southern boundary of the louisiana territory to the pacific

In the early 1800s, American settlers blamed frontier warfare on a scheme by A) General Harrison. B) the French. C) the Federalists. D) the British.

The british

In addition to the Lewis and Clark expedition, Jefferson dispatched ________ to explore the upper Mississippi Valley and the Colorado region. A) Zebulon Pike B) Thomas Freeman C) Francis Parkman D) Daniel Boone

Zebulon Pike

One consequence of American industrialization in the early nineteenth century was A) an increase in the need for foreign goods and thus in the business of merchants. B) a decline in commercial agriculture and thus in the speed of westward settlement. C) the rapid development of labor unions. D) a decline in the need for foreign goods and thus in the business of merchants.

a decline in the need for foreign goods and thus in the business of merchants

The greatest advantage which early canals offered was A) a direct link between western areas and the eastern seaboard. B) the low cost of their construction. C) their use of cheap, efficient steam engines as their means of power. D) a route by which ocean-going vessels could sail into the back country.

a direct link between westeren areas and the eastern seaboard

A basic characteristic of the colonial family, especially in New England, was A) large numbers of women never married because they worked full time. B) a family group which was both nuclear and patriarchal. C) much lower status of women than in Europe. D) almost total equality between men and women.

a family group which was both nuclear and patriarchal

Compared to the early colonists in the Chesapeake, those in colonial New England had A) undependable water supplies. B) a far healthier habitat. C) scattered and isolated settlements. D) many more deaths due to malaria.

a far healthier habitat

By 1820, the interstate slave trade in the South was A) totally and effectively outlawed by the states. B) a legal, well-organized, cruel, and shameful business. C) prohibited by the Constitution. D) outlawed by the Missouri Compromise

a legal well organized cruel and shameful business

Puritans objected to the way Queen Elizabeth I's bishops interpreted the Protestant doctrine of predestination because the bishops argued that A) the morality of individual behavior on earth had no effect on God's decision about a person's salvation. B) people who knew they were saved need not be bound by earthly laws. C) a person's efforts to lead a good life might cause God to change His mind and save a person who was previously damned. D) the correctness of an individual's religious beliefs had no effect on whether a person was saved or damned.

a persons efforts to lead a good life might cause God to change His mind and save a person who was previously damned

) Sam Houston famously screamed "Remember the Alamo!" at A) Goliad during a decisive American defeat over the Mexicans. B) Mexico City during diplomatic talks with the Mexicans. C) President Jackson's signing of the annexation of Texas. D) a routing of the Mexican army at the San Jacinto River.

a routing of the mexican army at the san jacinto river

The Mayflower Compact was an early example of the idea that A) a society should be based on a set of rules chosen by its members. B) a colony should treat the Native Americans honestly and fairly. C) the colonists needed to have a financial stake in their success. D) toleration of all religions is a foundation of American society.

a society should be based on a set of rules chosen by its members

Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel that brought home the evils of slavery to many in the North was -Uncle Tom's Cabin

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Southern white Republicans often controlled the black vote by the influence of the -Union League of America.

Union League of America.

Bacon's Rebellion occurred in A) Pennsylvania. B) Massachusetts. C) South Carolina. D) Virginia.


In 1864 congress rejected lincolns reconstrutction plan when they passed the -Wade Davis bill

Wade davis bill

"They were healthy in appearance, many of them remarkably so, and had the manners and deportment of young women . . . .The rooms in which they worked were as well ordered as themselves." So said English novelist Charles Dickens upon his encounter with the workers in the mills organized under the ________ System. A) Pennsylvania B) Waltham C) Rhode Island D) Auburn


The Boston Associates built textile mills in which young single New England women worked under relatively pleasant conditions. This was called the ________ System. A) Melville B) Concord C) Waltham D) Auburn


Which of the following committed the United States to be "friendly and impartial" in the wars that raged in Europe in the late 1800s? A) Jefferson's Embargo Declaration, 1807 B) the Treaty of Alliance between France and the United States, 1778 C) Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality, 1793 D) the Treaty between the United States and Prussia, 1785

Washingtons proclamation of neutrality 1793

Among the worst scandals of Grant's administration was the -- Whiskey Ring

Whiskey Ring

Upon sensing the expansionist sentiment of voters in the election of 1844, Henry Clay A) stuck firmly to his opposition to the annexation of Texas. B) backed off his firm opposition to the annexation of Texas. C) won the election because of his unyielding support of manifest destiny. D) pushed through a joint resolution making Texas a state.

backed off his firm opposition to the annexation of texas

In the election of 1848, supporters of Martin Van Buren who opposed Lewis Cass were nicknamed A) Mugwumps. B) Locofocos. C) Railsplitters. D) Barnburners.


The slave Isabella Van Wagenen --became a leading anti-slavery feminist and changed her name to Sojourner Truth.

became a leading anti-slavery feminist and changed her name to Sojourner Truth.

Which of the following statements about the life of women in Colonial New England is NOT true? A) Some were blacksmiths, butchers, and shopkeepers. B) Because of harshness of colonial conditions, most opted for small families. C) They were responsible for supervising servants. D) They functioned as the chief operating officer of the household.

because of harshness of colonial conditions, most opted for small families

According to the text, the major paradox of American society before the Civil War was that most Americans continued to --believe in egalitarian democracy, even though society was becoming more stratified and the economic and social distances between the top and bottom of society were growing.

believe in egalitarian democracy, even though society was becoming more stratified and the economic and social distances between the top and bottom of society were growing.

Jackson opposed John Marshall's rulings about the Cherokee Nation in Georgia because he A) was hoping to appease his southern supporters. B) believed no independent nation could be allowed to exist within the United States. C) was a strong advocate of states' rights. D) hated Native Americans and wanted to destroy them completely.

believed no independent nation could be allowed to exist within the united states

The Pilgrims left England primarily because they A) were expelled from England by the government. B) believed the Church of England was too corrupt to save. C) wanted to form a profitable trading company. D) wanted to establish a colony where everyone could have freedom of religion.

believed the Church of England was too corrupt to save

held two conventions and split into a northern and a southern faction. --border states of Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee.

border states of Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee.

In the end, Jefferson justified the purchase of Louisiana by A) reminding the country of the dangers presented by foreigners in North America. B) appealing to the "manifest destiny" of the United States to expand westward to the Pacific. C) amending the Constitution specifically to allow the addition of new territories. D) bowing to "the good sense of the country" which seemed to demand the acquisition despite constitutional difficulties.

bowing to the good sense of the country which seemed to demand the acquisition despite constitutional difficulties

The chief contribution of John Marshall to economic development was his A) rejection of state charters for corporations. B) strong states' rights philosophy. C) farsighted defense of consumer rights. D) broadly national view of economic affairs

broadly national view of economic affairs

California's possible admission as a free state caused such a furor because it A) forced slavery to be barred in all territories. B) repealed the Missouri Compromise. C) rejected the idea of "popular sovereignty." D) broke the balance of power in the Senate between slave and free states.

broke the balance of power in the senate between slave and free states

The most compelling argument for the success of the common schools was that they A) encouraged independent and critical thought among Americans of all social classes. B) promoted class consciousness among the industrial proletariat. C) brought Americans of different economic and ethnic backgrounds together in mutually beneficial contact. D) encouraged people to replace religion and superstition with science and reason.

brought americans of different economic and ethnic backgrounds together in mutually beneficial contact

In the controversy leading to the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, England's main goal was to A) acquire the timber. B) control the fishing rights. C) build a military road. D) create a secure Canadian border.

build a military road

In the nineteenth century, Congress A) built only one major road, the Old National Road. B) refused to allocate any funds for road building. C) justified its extensive road-building projects as a military necessity. D) did not even discuss the possibility of federal funding for roads.

built only one major road, the Old National Road

Most early "internal improvements" were built A) totally by state and local governments. B) by private businesses, without any financial aid from governments. C) by private businesses, with substantial aid from governments. D) by state governments, with substantial aid from the federal government.

by private businesses, with substantial aid from governments

One advantage which Northern blacks had over Southern blacks was their A) right to vote in local and national elections. B) ability to organize movements to protest their treatment. C) free access to public buildings and facilities. D) right to testify in court against whites.

ability to organize movements and protest their treatment

Jackson's most powerful weapon against the Bank of the United States was the A) power to remove Bank officers. B) ability to withdraw government revenues from the Bank. C) Specie Circular, which required the Bank to redeem its notes in gold. D) loyal backing of prominent National Republicans such as Daniel Webster.

ability to withdraw government revenues from the bank

The Thirteenth Amendment -Abolished Slavery

abolished slavery

No reform movement of the early nineteenth century was "more significant" and "more ambiguous" than A) temperance. B) prison reform. C) abolitionism. D) women's rights


) In the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Douglas set out to make Lincoln look like a(n) --abolitionist.


) The "Era of Good Feelings" was noted for the A) absence of organized political parties opposing each other. B) return to the political and economic philosophy of Jefferson. C) exceptionally strong leadership by Monroe as head of his party. D) absence of any divisive political and economic issues.

absence of organized political parties opposing each other

In The Impending Crisis of the South, Hinton R. Helper --alarmed Southerners when he argued that slavery was ruining the South's economy and social structure.

alarmed Southerners when he argued that slavery was ruining the South's economy and social structure.

About the removal of tribes, who wrote in Democracy in America about "the frightful sufferings that attend these forced migrations"? A) John C. Calhoun B) Black Hawk C) John Marshall D) Alexis de Tocqueville

alexis de tocqueville

The repressive measures which the Federalists passed primarily to smash their Republican opponents were the A) Judiciary Acts of 1801. B) Militia and Quartering Acts. C) Alien and Sedition Acts. D) Kentucky and Virginia Resolves.

alien and sedition acts

the use of steam --allowed for greater flexibility in locating factories

allowed for greater flexibility in locating factories

Slavery erupted as a divisive issue after the Mexican War over the question of A) restricting the domestic slave trade. B) continuing slave auctions in Washington, D.C. C) renewing the importation of slaves. D) allowing slavery in the territory conquered from Mexico

allowing slavery in the territory conquered from mexico

Throughout the colonial era, small-scale manufacturing in the southern colonies was A) more important than agriculture. B) almost nonexistent. C) comparable to that in the northern colonies. D) instrumental in promoting rapid urban growth.

almost nonexistant

Formal education for average children in the southern colonies was A) almost nonexistent in their rural society. B) highly developed, with public funding of primary, secondary, and college levels. C) patterned after the village system used in New England. D) not valued, even by the wealthy planter elite.

almost nonexistant in their rural society

One of the major reasons for American entry in the War of 1812 was the A) American belief that the Spanish were inspiring Native American resistance to American expansion. B) French attacks on American shipping. C) American belief that the French were inspiring Native American resistance to American expansion. D) American belief that the British were inspiring Native American resistance to American expansion.

american belief that the british were inspiring native american resistance to american expansion

During the Mexican War, what happened in the Southwest? A) American settlers seized Sonoma and established the Republic of California. B General Stephen Kearny's cavalry expedition from Fort Leavenworth was defeated and captured at the Battle of Santa Fe. C) A virtual civil war broke out between settlers favoring the United States and those supporting Mexico. D) The Mexican army easily defeated the initial efforts of a ragtag army of American settlers to create an independent California.

american settlelrs seized sonoma and established the republic of california

The problem of impressment was compounded by A) British captains insisting on thorough and lengthy investigations into which sailors were actually British citizens. B) America's loose immigration laws. C) Jefferson's refusal to allow the British to impress sailors on American ships who were British citizens. D) the fact that American trade in war materials made shipping vulnerable to British searches.

americas loose immigration laws

According to the Kentucky and Virginia Resolves, a law of Congress could be declared unconstitutional by A) the president. B) constitutional conventions in two-thirds of the states. C) one-third of the states acting in common. D) an individual state.

an individual state

Of the second Bank of the United States, who believed that it was making "the rich richer and the potent more powerful"? A) Nicholas Biddle B) Daniel Webster C) Henry Clay D) Andrew Jackson

andrew jackson

Of whom was he speaking when Alexis de Tocqueville said, "Far from wishing to extend Federal power, [he] belongs to the party that wishes to limit that power."? A) Thomas Jefferson B) John C. Calhoun C) Henry Clay D) Andrew Jackson

andrew jackson

Mexico's main grievance against the United States was based upon the A) large debts the United States owed Mexico. B) invasion of California by Fremont. C) intrigues of John Slidell. D) annexation of Texas.

annexation of texas

In the proprietary colony, the proprietor's income resulted primarily from A) profits gained from trading with the Native Americans. B) annual rents from lands granted to settlers. C) import and export duties paid by the colonists. D) payments from the monarchy.

annual rents from lands granted to settlers

As president, Thomas Jefferson A) appointed only Republicans to his Cabinet. B) followed Washington's example of dignified pomp and ceremony. C) escalated conflicts between himself and his opponents. D) followed Washington's example of a non-partisan, balanced Cabinet.

appointed only republicans to his cabinet

According to the maps accompanying the comparison between the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850, the __________ had the largest area of any free territory in 1850. A) Unorganized Territory B) Oregon Territory C) Utah Territory D) area freed by Missouri Compromise

area freed by missouri compromise

Thomas Jefferson was politically A) non-partisan. B) inept. C) astute. D) antagonistic.


The episode which immediately prompted the Embargo Act was the A) naval conflict between the Constitution and the Guerriere. B) French blockade of major American ports. C) British refusal to pay American tariffs. D) attack on the Chesapeake by the Leopard.

attack on the chesapeake by the leopard

After Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality in 1793, France A) and England each respected American shipping with the other. B) threatened to declare war unless America honored her treaty obligations. C) attacked American shipping, as did England, despite American neutrality. D) respected America's freedom to trade, but England attacked all American shipping.

attacked american shipping, as did england despite american neutrality

The fundamental cause of the South's lack of railroad construction was the --attitude of its leaders who were not interested in investing in commerce or industry.

attitude of its leaders who were not interested in investing in commerce or industry.

President Lincoln believed that Reconstruction should -avoid vindictiveness toward the south

avoid vindictiveness toward the south

The "headright" was commonly used in the southern colonies and some of the middle colonies to A) encourage the development of urban settlements. B) determine the eligibility of a settler for voting and holding office. C) award tracts of land to new arrivals in the colonies. D) provide land for churches. Answer: C

award tracts of land to new arrivals in the colonies

In the mid-nineteenth century, the strongest competition for the railroad came from --canals


New York was an English colony because the English A) planted a colony there before any other colonizing power. B) immigrants to the area gradually overwhelmed foreign interests. C) captured the area from the Dutch. D) defeated the French in the War of Spanish Succession.

captured the area from the Dutch

Slavery warped southern whites by --causing basically decent people to commit countless petty cruelties.

causing basically decent people to commit countless petty cruelties.

The Supreme Court decision that promoted economic development by rejecting the absolute sanctity of contracts when they conflicted with improvements for the good of the whole community was A) Dartmouth College v. Woodward. B) Gibbons v. Ogden. C) the Charles River Bridge case. D) McCulloch v. Maryland.

charles river bridge case

The president's veto power and the impeachment power of Congress are both examples of A) substantive due process. B) executive privilege. C) procedural due process. D) checks and balances.

checks and balances

The Native American nation forced to move from Georgia as a result of Jackson's policies was the A) Seminole. B) Cherokee. C) Sac. D) Choctaw.


Freedmen responded to the abolition of slavery by --) choosing not to work like slaves so as to have more leisure time.

choosing not to work like slaves so as to have more leisure time.

The essential question involved in the Missouri Compromise was whether or not Missouri would A) be allowed to import slaves from abroad. B) include present-day Kansas in its boundaries. C) come into the Union as a free or slave state. D) be forced to pay its share of the cost of the Louisiana Purchase.

come into the union as a free or slave state

) Prior to becoming president, Lincoln's position on slavery displayed his --compassion toward the slave owner but condemnation of slavery

compassion toward the slave owner but condemnation of slavery

At the center of the Puritans' plan for the proper ordering of society was the A) free marketplace economy. B) necessity for religious toleration. C) concept of the covenant. D) absolute separation of church and state.

concept of the covenant

"War exists." Polk said this to A) the Mexican diplomatic mission. B) General Mariano Paredes, the Mexican head of state. C) Thomas Slidell when authorizing further use of American armed forces. D) Congress when asking for a declaration of war.

congress when asking for a declaration of war

Prior to the "democratizing" of politics during the age of Jackson, presidential candidates were usually chosen by a A) national convention. B) state legislature. C) congressional caucus. D) national electoral commission

congressional caucus

Reconstruction was a period of --congressional supremacy.

congressional supremacy.

During the 1830s and 1840s the economic differences between the rich and the poor A) constituted a wide and growing gap, especially in the larger eastern cities. B) remained constant with only a small gap between the two groups. C) shrank dramatically due to the numerous economic opportunities of the growing economy. D) remained constant with a large gap between the two groups

constituted a wide and growing gap, especially in the larger eastern cities

Except possibly for the Spanish friars, most Europeans considered the Native Americans to be A) contemptable heathens B) their equals in every way. C) people who should be left alone and uncontaminated by European civilization. D) ideal converts to Christianity.

contemptable heathens

) Following the passage of the Second Reconstruction Act, white Southerners --continued to resist federal policy.

continued to resist federal policy.

49) Which of the following was domesticated by many tribes to form a staple of their diet and contributed enormously to the success of the English colonies? A) cattle B) corn C) rice D) wheat


The American crop which was easily cultivated, and in the form of liquor was easy to transport and to store, was A) potatoes. B) wheat. C) corn. D) pumpkins.


For a generation after 1815, the most expansive force in the American economy was A) shipbuilding. B) banking. C) international commerce. D) cotton.


As a result of the cotton gin, A) cotton production soared and the Southern economy boomed. B) Southern production of rice ceased. C) Northern merchants experienced severe economic losses. D) Northern manufacturing was underfunded as investment flowed to the South.

cotton production soared and the southern economy boomed

One negative by-product of railroad construction in the mid-1900s was --crooked practices by those more interested in making money than the development of the rail lines.

crooked practices by those more interested in making money than the development of the rail lines.

The eventual success of the Virginia settlement depended largely upon the A) overthrow of Captain John Smith's dictatorial leadership. B) negotiation of peace treaties with the Native Americans. C) voluntary withdrawal of the London merchants from involvement in the colony's affairs. D) cultivation of tobacco.

cultivation of tobacco

The map "European Voyages of Discovery," depicts the 1497-1499 journey around Africa by which of the following? A) da Gama B) Cabot C) Cartier D) Magellan

da Gama

The attempt to prohibit slavery from the territory gained by the Mexican War was identified with A) Lewis Cass. B) David Wilmot. C) Henry Clay. D) Zachary Taylor

david wilmot

The attempt to prohibit slavery from the territory gained by the Mexican War was identified with A) Lewis Cass. B) David Wilmot. C) Henry Clay. D) Zachary Taylor.

david wilmot

Grant's most serious weakness as president was his failure to --deal effectively with economic and social problems.

deal effectively with economic and social problems

During Reconstruction, the South's share of the national output of manufactured goods --declined sharply.

declined sharply.

Middle-class families in the 1830s had a(n) A) declining birthrate. B) decreasing divorce rate. C) stable birthrate. D) increasing birthrate.

declining birthrate

In Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), the Supreme Court and Justice Marshall A) exempted the Bank of the United States from taxation by the states. B) upheld the contract which gave Ogden his monopoly on ferry service. C) defined commerce in a very broad sense. D) ruled in favor of the good of the whole community over that of a particular company.

defined commerce in a very broad sense

The cotton boom in the early nineteenth century caused a A) rapid increase in the number of slaves freed by their masters. B) strict enforcement of laws against the interstate slave trade. C) demand for more labor which was met by a renewed growth of slavery. D) steady increase in support for the colonization movement and in the number of former slaves colonized in Africa

demand for more labor which was met by a renewed growth of slavery

The "Young America" movement argued that -democracy would triumph everywhere.

democracy would triumph everywhere.

Under the crop-lien system, both the sharecroppers and the landowners --depended on credit, often at high interest rates, from local merchants and bankers.

depended on credit, often at high interest rates, from local merchants and bankers.

The procedure specified for ratifying the Constitution A) depended upon approval of the Constitution by the legislatures of the various states. B) depended upon approval of the Constitution by special conventions in the various states. C) was immediately followed by all 13 states. D) required majority approval in the first national election.

depended upon approval of the constitution by special conventions in the various states

Among the causes of the War of 1812 was the A) demand from New England merchants that their shipping be protected. B) desire of Westerners to expand into Canada and Florida. C) British repeal of the Orders in Council. D) French blockade of American ports.

deseire of westerners to expand into canada and florida

Manufacturing in the antebellum South was --) developing on a small scale, but was discouraged by the temper of southern society

developing on a small scale, but was discouraged by the temper of southern society

The Freedmen's Bureau and the "black Republican" governments both --devoted much energy and money to public education for former slaves

devoted much energy and money to public education for former slaves

John C. Calhoun of South Carolina was A) a smooth political manipulator who avoided taking political positions whenever possible. B) a poorly educated, rough-and-tumble, frontier politician. C) possessed by all of the virtues and most of vices of the puritan, being suspicious both of himself and of others. D) devoted to the South, but known for his broad national view of political affairs.

devoted to the south but known for his broad national view of political affairs

The original Bank of the United States that Hamilton proposed A) was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1814. B) did not have its charter renewed when it expired in 1811. C) was strongly supported by southern planters. D) was unable to interest foreign investors in purchasing its stock.

did not have its charter renewed when it expired in 1811

The Quakers' religious beliefs were based on A) submission to governmental authority. B) a hierarchical society led by a hereditary nobility. C) an educated and ordained ministry. D) direct, mystical experience of religious truth.

direct, mystical experience of religious truth

For many Americans, the ultimate justification of manifest destiny and the Mexican War seemed to be the A) prohibition on slavery in the territory gained from Mexico. B) recognition by Europeans that America was also an imperial power. C) discovery of gold in California in 1848. D) guarantee of a transcontinental railroad route through the territory conquered from Mexico.

discovery of gold in california in 1848

The conflict between the president and Congress came to a head when Johnson --dismissed Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton

dismissed Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton

The attitude of most Native Americans toward their environment can be seen in the way they A) feared Satan's control of nature. B) obeyed God's command to dominate and subdue nature. C) diverted rivers, cleared fields, and built roads. D) allowed the wilderness to remain pristine.

diverted rivers, cleared fields, and built roads

Under the First Reconstruction Act of March, 1867, the former states of the Confederacy (excluding Tennessee) were -divided into five military districts.

divided into five military districts.

"[C]hained, naked, beaten with rods, and lashed into obedience," is the way which of the following described the deplorable conditions of insane asylums to Massachusetts state legislators? A) Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet B) Angelina Grimke C) Clara Barton D) Dorothea Dix

dorothea dix

By 1820 the American population and geographic area both A) remained constant. B) increased by half. C) doubled. D) tripled.


The peace treaty of 1783 with England granted the United States all the land A) drained by the St. Lawrence River. B) of the Oregon Territory. C) on the eastern bank of the St. Lawrence River. D) drained by rivers flowing into the Atlantic.

drained by rivers flowing into the atlantic

The Great Compromise settled the issue of representation in Congress by allowing A) each state two Senators and a number of Representatives that depended on its population. B) the large states to control the Senate and small states to control the House of Representatives. C) the state legislatures to choose both houses of Congress. D) the voters to elect both houses of Congress.

each state two senators and a number of representatives that depended on its population

One of the few points on which Jefferson agreed with Hamilton was the A) need to commercialize the nation. B) advantages of favoring the British in foreign policy. C) ease with which propertyless city dwellers could be corrupted by demagogues. D) necessity to restrict the power of government as much as possible.

ease with which propertyless city dwellers could be corrupted by demagogues

The California state constitution of 1849 banned slavery for primarily ________ reasons. A) economic B) moral C) religious D) political


The American writer whose works are filled with examples of wild imagination and fascination with mystery, fright, and the occult is A) Edgar Allan Poe. B) Ralph Waldo Emerson. C) John Greenleaf Whittier. D) Walt Whitman.

edgar allan poe

The most basic goal of the common school movement was A) sexual integration of public schools. B) education for democracy. C) racial integration of public schools. D) private financing of education.

education for democracy

The disputed electoral votes in the election of 1876 were decided by the --electoral commission created by Congress

electoral commission created by Congress

Part of the "democratizing" of politics during the age of Jackson was the A) direct election of U.S. senators. B) enfranchisement of women in western states. C) elimination of property qualifications for voting and holding office. D) direct election of the president and vice president.

elimination of property qualifications for voting and holding office

The Declaration of Sentiments from the Seneca Falls Convention states "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal." A primary author of this statement was A) Margaret Fuller. B) Dorothea Dix. C) Elizabeth Cady Stanton. D) Harriet Beecher Stowe.

elizabeth cady stanton

The co-organizer of the Seneca Falls Convention and author of its Declaration of Sentiments was A) Elizabeth Cady Stanton. B) William Lloyd Garrison. C) Susan B. Anthony. D) Margaret Fuller.

elizabeth cady stanton

) The Battle of New Orleans in 1815 resulted in the A) negotiation of the Treaty of Ghent on terms favorable to the United States. B) acquisition of the area through the Louisiana Purchase. C) emergence of Andrew Jackson as a military hero. D) writing of "The Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key.

emergence of andrew jackson as a military hero

Evangelist Charles Grandison Finney's success depended upon A) his defense of Catholicism. B) a rational approach to religion based on college educated ministers. C) his defense of Calvinism. D) emotional release through personal testimony of salvation

emotionl release through personal testimony of salvation

One of the most striking aspects of the various practical reform movements of the early nineteenth century was their A) total dependence on federal funding. B) unwillingness to try new approaches to old problems. C) emphasis on creating special facilities for dealing with social problems. D) hostility toward science.

emphasis on creating special facilities for dealing with social problems

The Underground Railroad --endangered slavery by its explicit challenge to the South.

endangered slavery by its explicit challenge to the South.

Railroad growth in the early part of the nineteenth century lagged due to --engineering problems.

engineering problems.

The die-hard Federalists who organized a scheme to break away from the Union and create a "northern confederacy" in 1804 were the A) Federal Constitutionalists. B) Essex Junto. C) Hartford Convention. D) War Hawks.

essex junto

One of the purposes of the Lewis and Clark expedition was to A) build military outposts to serve as trading centers with the Native American tribes. B) bring Protestantism to the Native Americans. C) drive the Spanish out of Oregon. D) establish official relations with Native American tribes.

establish official relations with native american tribes

The most important achievement of the Federalist era was the A) protection of freedom of speech. B) establishment and implementation of the Constitution. C) assertion of American rights aggressively against continuing British domination. D) respect of the rights of immigrants.

establishment and implementation of the Constitution

Lincoln was nominated for president in 1860 in part because of his --excellent team of convention managers.

excellent team of convention managers.

Between the mid-1840s and the mid-1850s, the American economy --experienced one of the most remarkable periods of growth in the history of the world.

experienced one of the most remarkable periods of growth in the history of the world.

Agents from Scotland and England who helped southern planters manage their crops and fill orders for manufactures were known as A) factors. B) headrights. C) masters. D) indenturers.


As the gap between owners and workers increased in the 1840s, American workers A) developed a class solidarity similar to that of European workers. B) felt increasingly trapped in the working class. C) failed to become a self-conscious working class. D) had limited opportunities for economic mobility.

failed to become self conscious working class

Republican attempts to impeach Federalist judges resulted in the A) removal of twelve judges, largely on the grounds of political disagreements. B) Supreme Court ruling that judges were not subject to impeachment. C) failure to remove their main target, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase. D) complete failure to remove any of the judges.

failure to remove their main target supreme ourt justice samuel chase

) In the final count, Tilden received no electoral votes from states in the -- far West

far west

What was the effect of the growth of the factory system and of cities on middle-class families? A) Children became more valuable as future economic assets. B) Mothers' power increased because they now worked at home. C) More families were able to place their children as apprentices. D) Fathers' power decreased because they were now absent from home so much.

father's power decreased because they were now absent from home so much

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall thought that manufacturing and business should be A) sharply regulated by the government. B) free from the ancient doctrine of the "sanctity" of contracts. C) neither favored nor regulated by the government but simply left to the laws of the marketplace. D) favored by the government since they promoted order and progress.

favored by the government since they promoted order and progress

Among the most basic justifications for the secession of the South were the --fears of the overpowering Northern economy.

fears of the overpowering Northern economy.

An important factor in encouraging the growth of the women's rights movement was the A) female abolitionists' recognition that, like the slaves, they were born into the caste system which destined them for menial roles in society. B) model of the successful women's rights movement in England which had already succeeded in winning the vote for women. C) increasing number of professional opportunities for college-educated women. D) female abolitionists' recognition that the discrimination they faced was unlike the oppression slaves experienced.

female abolitionists' recognition that, like the slavs, they were born into the caste system which destined them for menial roles in society

One inducement for the shift toward slave labor in the late 1600s was that A) slaves were considerably cheaper than indentured servants. B) indentured servitude was prohibited by Parliament. C) slaves proved to be immune to the diseases which afflicted white indentured servants. D) fewer indentured servants were arriving at the same time that it became easier to import slaves.

fewer indentured servants were arriving at the same time that it became easier to import slaves

Martin Van Buren's chief goal as president was to A) end the Panic of 1837 by active government intervention in the economy. B) find an acceptable substitute for the state banks as a place to keep federal funds. C) increase the tariff in order to protect New England's "infant industries." D) institute federal funding for a national transportation network.

find an accepable substitute for the state banks as a place to keep federal funds

Slavery of blacks in the British colonies was A) unique, since no other colonial nation had ever enslaved blacks. B) simply copied from the institution of slavery already existing in England. C) restricted to the southern colonies. D) firmly established by laws in Virginia and Maryland at least as early as 1660.

firmly established by laws in Virginia and Maryland at least as early as 1660

According to the map "Trails West," the Oregon Trail A) crossed New Mexico Territory before heading north. B) ran along the border between the United States and Canada for much of its route. C) followed a route similar to the Mormon Trail part of the way. D) ran perpendicular to the Old Spanish Trail.

followed a route similiar to the mormon trail part of the way

One example of the inadequacies of the Articles of Confederation was the inability of the United States to A) prevent English annexation of Florida. B) force England to withdraw its troops from American soil after the Revolutionary War. C) force England to abandon military posts it built beyond the boundaries of the original thirteen states. D) prohibit French settlers from claiming American land in the Ohio River Valley.

force england to withdraw its troops from american soil after the revolutionary war

According to your text, white women in the colonial Chesapeake region A) benefited from the healthy climate and the orderly society. B) greatly outnumbered men and found it difficult to marry. C) usually lived on luxurious plantations with the most modern conveniences. D) found it easy to remarry if they were widowed.

found it easy to remarry if they were widowed

The communitarian group which attempted to change society the least were the A) Owenites. B) Shakers. C) Mormons. D) Fourierists


The most influential black abolitionist was A) Theodore Dwight Weld. B) Elijah Lovejoy. C) Sojourner Truth. D) Frederick Douglass

frederick douglass

By the 1850s, the common school movement had succeeded in establishing A) free elementary schools and public institutions for teacher training in every state. B) laws requiring school attendance to the age of 16 in every state outside the South. C) free elementary and secondary schools in every state. D) free elementary schools and public institutions for teacher training in every state outside the South.

free elementary schools and public institutions for teacher training in every state outside the south

The Bill of Rights guaranteed that Congress would not interfere with the right(s) to A) freedom of speech, press, and religion. B) a two party political system. C) own slaves. D) vote for all adult males.

freedom of speech press and religion

In his autobiography and speeches, Frederick Douglass insisted that A) emancipation should be gradual. B) returning to Africa was the only hope for American blacks. C) full social, political, and economic equality for blacks was required. D) violent revolts were necessary for slaves to obtain their freedom

full social, political, and economic equality for blacks was required

Under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the United States A) promised to respect Mexican sovereignty in the future. B) gained Texas and Oklahoma. C) agreed to continue Mexico's prohibition of slavery in the Southwest. D) gained New Mexico and Upper California.

gained new mexico and upper california

Colonial regulations governing the behavior of blacks A) were forced on the colonies by the British. B) were part of each colony's basic constitution. C) allowed free blacks to vote and serve on juries. D) gave blacks no civil rights and had severe punishments.

gave blacks no civil rights and had severe punishments

) According to the map "Indian Removals," the Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, and Seminole were forcibly removed from A) Georgia, Virginia, Kentucky, Florida, South Carolina, and Alabama. B) Arkansas, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, and Kentucky. C) Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida. D) Louisiana, Georgia, Illinois, Ohio, South Carolina, and Florida.

georgia north carolina tennessee alabama mississippi and florida

Alexander Hamilton's Report on Public Credit presented a plan deliberately intended to A) give a special advantage to the rich and thus win their support. B) penalize speculation in government securities. C) aid veterans of the Revolution in financing land purchases. D) provide help to debtor farmers.

give a special advantage to the rich and thus win their support

James K. Polk might best be described as a A) promoter of high tariffs. B) national bank supporter. C) good Jacksonian. D) foe of expansion.

good jacksonian

By the 1850s the United States led the world in manufacturing --goods produced with precision instruments.

goods produced with precision instruments.

In 1846 the United States signed a treaty dividing the Oregon territory along the 49th parallel with A) Great Britain. B) Russia. C) France. D) Canada.

great britain

The racial beliefs of most white Americans in the last decades of the eighteenth century were characterized by their A) greater respect for white property rights than for black American's right to personal liberty. B) confidence that slaves were docile children who would never revolt. C) growing desire for the ending of slavery by voluntary manumission. D) continuing faith that slavery was a stagnant and declining institution.

greater respect for white property rights than for black American's right to personal liberty

The most accurate statement about tobacco during the seventeenth century is that it A) was immediately encouraged by both King James I and the London Company. B) grew on semicleared land, but required a lot of human labor. C) sold so poorly that there was little interest in growing it. D) was initially grown on large, well-manicured fields.

grew on semicleared land, but required a lot of human labor

One of Hawthorne's greatest works, The Scarlet Letter, is a(n) A) grim but sympathetic analysis of the consequences of adultery. B) account of his life with a tribe of cannibals. C) gripping account of the decay of an old New England family. D) collection of rambling, uneven, free verse that seemed shockingly commonplace.

grim but sympathetic analysis of the consequences of adultery

The South was particularly backward in railroad construction because it --had a scattered population

had a scattered population

) In Jacksonian America private colleges A) shared the vigorous growth of the common schools. B) expanded slowly and cautiously. C) had too few students for too many colleges. D) had too many students for too few colleges.

had too few students for too many colleges

Under the terms of the Halfway Covenant, A) unbaptized church members could receive communion but could not present their own children for baptism. B) only those who could give evidence of God's grace could become even halfway members of the church. C) halfway members of the church and their children could be baptized, but could not receive communion. D) churches and merchants agreed to meet each other halfway in their dispute over excess profits.

halfway members of the church and their children could be baptized, but could not receive communion

Immediately after Harrison's inauguration, A) Clay emerged as the power behind the throne, directing the naive and weak-willed Harrison. B) Harrison died, was succeeded by the doctrinaire John Tyler, and the political climate of the country changed dramatically. C) Harrison became a surprisingly strong chief executive, modeling himself on Jackson. D) Harrison died and was succeeded by John Tyler, who was easily manipulated by Webster and Clay.

harrison died, was succeeded by the doctrinaire john tyler, and the political climate of the country changed dramatically

According to your text, the answer to the question, "What is an American?" is that Americans A) were mostly Europeans whose institutions easily fit American conditions. B) have shared a common religious devotion. C) have had faith in democracy and freedom. D) have an identity deeply rooted in their history, but still incomplete and evolving.

have an identity deeply rooted in their history, but still incomplete and evolving

Before John Brown was executed by Virginia for treason, conspiracy, and murder, --he behaved with such enormous dignity that many Northerners saw him as a martyr.

he behaved with such enormous dignity that many Northerners saw him as a martyr.

President Madison reapplied the non-intercourse policy to Great Britain because A) his cabinet members strongly urged him to do so. B) the French threatened to attack American shipping unless he did so. C) he mistakenly believed that France was no longer seizing American ships. D) he had pledged to do so during his election campaign.

he mistakenly believed that france was no longer seizing american ships

How successful was Jefferson as president by 1805? A) He seemed to have led his fellow Americans into a golden age. B) He was very successful in all areas except domestic policy. C) He had one of the most disastrous first terms ever completed by a president who was re-elected. D) He was very successful in all areas except foreign policy.

he seemed to have led his fellow americans into a golden age

How well did Jefferson handle the foreign policy crisis presented by the impressment controversy? A) He was neither well-informed nor hardheaded. B) He displayed his diplomatic mastery; it was one of his finest moments. C) His handling of the foreign policy crisis went quite well at first until his initial success went to his head. D) His initial bumbling attempts were rectified by Secretary of State James Madison.

he was neither well informed nor hardheaded

In 1860, the Democratic party --held two conventions and split into a northern and a southern faction.

held two conventions and split into a northern and a southern faction.

) Daniel Webster's "Second Reply to Hayne" A) helped to prevent the formation of a West-South alliance. B) resulted in his impeachment as a senator. C) was a rousing defense of states' rights. D) made him a hero among those in the West.

helped prevent the formation of a west-south alliance

Initially, the Powhatan Native Americans reacted to the Virginia colonists by A) helping them survive. B) worshipping them as gods. C) eagerly accepting their religion. D) rapidly adopting their technology.

helping them survive

"You have got what is worth more than a thousand Wilmot Provisos...You have nature on your side." This statement is a defense of the Compromise of 1850 by whom? A) Daniel Webster B) Henry Clay C) Millard Fillmore D) Zachary Taylor

henry clay

The outstanding western leader of the 1820s, combining a charismatic personality with great skills at arranging political compromises, was A) John Quincy Adams. B) Martin Van Buren. C) John C. Calhoun. D) Henry Clay.

henry clay

The senator who initially organized the legislative program that became the Compromise of 1850 was A) David Wilmot. B) Daniel Webster. C) Henry Clay. D) John C. Calhoun.

henry clay

"When were the good and the brave ever in a majority?...If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." The author of these statements was A) Henry David Thoreau. B) Francis Wayland. C) Ralph Waldo Emerson. D) George Catlin.

henry david thoreau

The American transcendentalist who defended his refusal to pay taxes to support the Mexican War in his essay "Civil Disobedience" was A) Herman Melville. B) Nathaniel Hawthorne. C) Ralph Waldo Emerson. D) Henry David Thoreau.

henry david thoreau

The American population more than doubled between 1790 and 1820 primarily because of the A) Louisiana Purchase. B) market revolution. C) high birthrate. D) influx of immigrants.

high birthrate

When Columbus landed in America, the chief reason that he thought he had landed in "the Indies" was A) the ease with which the natives understood his language. B) his discovery of the place of the Grand Khan. C) his firm belief that he had sailed far enough westward to reach them. D) the plants there were similar to those in Asia.

his firm belief that he had sailed far enough westward to reach them

1) Columbus and other early explorers searched for a direct all-water route to Asia because they A) hoped to gain easier access to highly valued Asian goods. B) could help western Europe win the Crusades against the Muslims. C) could prove that the earth was round rather than flat. D) thought Japan and China were rich and not the poor countries Marco Polo described.

hoped to gain easier access to highly valued Asian goods

The Monroe Doctrine A) proclaimed President Monroe's intention of intervening actively in Europe. B) followed precisely a suggestion made earlier by the British government. C) hoped to isolate the United States from involvement in European affairs. D) asserted American claims to all of the Oregon country.

hoped to isolate the united states from involvement in european affairs

One source of problems between the Europeans and the Native Americans was the common European misunderstanding of the Native Americans' A) sharp division of labor between men's and women's work. B) common language and culture throughout the hemisphere. C) desire to preserve the environment in its purest state. D) idea of communal land tenure.

idea of communal land tenure

When the Whigs nominated Henry Clay for the presidency in 1844, their platform A) came out strongly for the annexation of Texas. B) ignored the question of Texas. C) supported the acquisition of Oregon. D) condemned all expansion.

ignored the question of texas

President Andrew Johnson was --impeached by the House, but not convicted by a two-thirds majority of the Senate.

impeached by the House, but not convicted by a two-thirds majority of the Senate.

"The Pretension advanced by Mr. Madison that the American Flag should protect every Individual sailing under it is too extravagant to require any serious Refutation." This statement by a British foreign secretary is about the American response to A) the international slave trade. B) impressment. C) illegal aliens. D) pirates.


The British practice of forcibly removing British deserters from American ships was called A) impressment. B) dragoonment. C) involuntary recruitment. D) de-naturalization.


Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal was noted for A) voyaging to the area of Brazil long before Columbus. B) sponsoring the slave trade which brought so much profit to his nation. C) discovering the southern tip of Africa. D) improving and codifying navigational knowledge in order to find a route to Asia.

improving and codifying the navigational knowledge in order to find a route to Asia

) According to the map "Railroads, 1860," there was a relative lack of railroads --in the South.

in the South

During the 1820s, Americans' per capita consumption of alcoholic beverages A) decreased dramatically with the religious revivals of the Second Great Awakening. B) increased to the highest point ever in American experience. C) decreased because of the high prices of corn and rye whiskey. D) increased, but to a rate only half as high as that for present-day Americans.

increassed to the highest point ever in american experience

) President Van Buren attempted to "divorce" the government from all banking activities through the A) "pet" banks network. B) Independent Treasury Act. C) Specie Circular. D) Third National Bank.

independent treasury act

Among middle-class families, children came to be seen increasingly as A) seething cauldrons of original sin. B) innocent and morally superior. C) perversely willful. D) future workers.

innocent and morally superior

A major cause of the disorder in Kansas was the --interference from outsiders from both the North and the South on the slavery issue.

interference from outsiders from both the North and the South on the slavery issue.

"Jersey negroes appear to be particularly adapted to this market...We have the right to calculate on large importations in the future, from the success which hitherto attended the sale." This quote from a Southern newspaper describes the A) international indentured servant trade. B) international slave trade. C) interstate indentured servant trade. D) interstate slave trade.

interstate slave trade

As a social institution, slavery in the United States --is difficult to generalize about because a key factor in the institution was the behavior of individual masters, which varied greatly.

is difficult to generalize about because a key factor in the institution was the behavior of individual masters, which varied greatly.

Which of the following statements about the case of Marbury v. Madison is NOT true? A) Marshall found that by right Marbury should have his commission. B) It established the concept of judicial review by declaring something unconstitutional for the first time. C) It bolstered the concept of checks and balances by providing an executive branch "check" on judicial power. D) It found that Congress did not have the power to authorize the Supreme Court to force Madison to give Marbury his commission.

it bolstered the concept of checks and balances by providing an executive branch check on judicial power

How does the text evaluate the Embargo Act of 1807? A) It was certainly a mistake. B) It showed that Jefferson sometimes chose practical results over moral principles. C) Strong Federalist support ensured its success. D) Even though it was unpopular, Jefferson had no other feasible options.

it was certainly a mistake

The most significant aspect of the election of 1800 was that A) Jefferson gained an overwhelming vote in the Electoral College. B) the Federalists defeated the Republicans so easily. C) it was not a revolution. D) Jefferson was elected by irregular, if not illegal, means.

it was not a revolution

Which of the following statements about Charleston in the early 1700s is true? A) It was unrivaled in its shipbuilding production. B) It was the South's only urban center of importance. C) It prospered because of its rejection of European middlemen. D) It succeeded despite the lack of a proper harbor.

it was the South's only urban center of importance

A main weakness in the plan to confiscate land from large plantations to give to freedmen was that --it would only provide land but no tools, seeds, or other necessities.

it would only provide land but no tools, seeds, or other necessities.

The Anglican Church was "established" in certain colonies, which meant that A) every citizen had to pay 10 percent of his or her income to the Anglican Church. B) all laws had to be approved by the church. C) it had the same legal status and privilege as any other religious group. D) its ministers were supported by public funds.

its ministers were supported by public funds

The earliest British colonies were initially financed by A) Elizabeth I. B) joint-stock companies. C) James I. D) Protestant dissenters.

joint-stock companies

Jackson's advisers who did not hold regular cabinet appointments were called the A) Locofocos. B) Tennessee Regulars. C) Old Hickories. D) Kitchen Cabinet

kitchen cabinet

In Commonwealth v. Hunt, Massachusetts courts first established the legality of --labor unions

labor unions

The main cause of southern rural poverty for both whites and blacks was the --lack of enough capital to finance the sharecropping system.

lack of enough capital to finance the sharecropping system.

A serious problem in the early years of Jamestown was the A) lack of pioneering skills among the settlers. B) religious strife between Protestants and Catholics. C) loss of life from constant Spanish raids. D) exclusive focus on public improvements and farming.

lack of pioneering skills among the settlers

Walt Whitman's book of poems in rambling free verse on commonplace topics in coarse language was A) The Waste Land. B) Songs of Innocence. C) New England Songs. D) Leaves of Grass.

leaves of grass

The original advocate of organizing new territories on the basis of "popular sovereignty" was A) Lewis Cass. B) Nicholas Trist. C) David Wilmot. D) Zachary Taylor.

lewis cass

The conduct of "Citizen" Genet was unacceptable to the American government because he was A) working to overthrow Washington's administration. B) licensing American vessels as privateers against British shipping. C) involved in political intrigues with Governor Clinton of New York. D) trying to enlist Americans to fight against Napoleon.

licensing american vessels as privateers against british shipping

Most of the industrial workers in the mid-nineteenth century --lived in the crowded, squalid slums springing up in major cities.

lived in the crowded, squalid slums springing up in major cities.

To secure approval for federal assumption of state debts, Alexander Hamilton promised to A) locate the nation's permanent capital on the Potomac River. B) repay the southern states which had already paid off much of their debt. C) withdraw his proposal for a Bank of the United States. D) support funds to promote southern manufacturing.

locate the nation's permanent capital on the potomac river

The Jacksonians who championed giving the "small man" his chance were the A) Locofocos. B) Know-Nothings. C) Barnburners. D) National Republicans.


The mutual improvement societies which conducted discussions, sponsored libraries, lobbied for better schools, and presented lectures on a variety of topics were called A) forums. B) lyceums. C) art-unions. D) mechanics' libraries


The first effective state law prohibiting the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages was passed by A) Massachusetts. B) Maine. C) Virginia. D) New York.


The most direct motive of the London Company in securing its charter was A) providing for religious freedom. B) spreading Christianity. C) relieving unemployment in England. D) making money

making money

Stating that nothing must interfere with the ability of Americans "to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions," New York journalist John L. O'Sullivan was describing the concept of A) economic determinism. B) transcendentalism. C) manifest destiny. D) progressivism.

manifest destiny

As a result of the new fugitive slave law from the Compromise of 1850, -many Northerners who were not abolitionists were outraged at the sight of people being forced to return to slavery.

many Northerners who were not abolitionists were outraged at the sight of people being forced to return to slavery.

Which of the following statements about Shays's Rebellion is true? A) Citizens of other states were generally indifferent to it. B) The central government effectively aided Massachusetts in quelling the rebellion. C) Many leaders, such as Washington, concluded that the central government must be strengthened. D) Most of the rebels were unemployed shipyard workers, frustrated by the depression of the 1780s.

many leaders such as washington concluded that the central government must be strengthened

One of the few advocates of women's rights who did not begin her career in the abolitionist movement and who made a frontal assault on all forms of sexual discrimination in Women in the Nineteenth Century was A) Lucretia Mott. B) Margaret Fuller. C) Sarah Grimke. D) Catherine Beecher

margaret fuller

The driving force of the colonial New England economy became A) small textile factories and their workers. B) maritime trade and those engaged in it. C) banking and financial services. D) fishing and whaling.

maritime trade and those who engaged in it

The ________ was an early nineteenth century development that constituted the combined solution to the problems of locating sufficient capital, transporting raw materials to factories and products to consumers, and supervising large numbers of workers. A) Lowell System B) industrial revolution C) "market revolution" D) Waltham System

market revolution

What was the public reaction to the Compromise of 1850? A) Violent antislavery riots condemned it in the North. B) Abolitionists were quite pleased with its steps towards gradual emancipation. C) Mass meetings throughout the country were held to support it. D) Defenders of slavery praised it for preserving the balance between free and slave states in the Senate.

mass meetings throughout the country were held to support it

Cyrus Hall McCormick played the leading role in perfecting the --mechanical reaper.

mechanical reaper.

According to your text, the organizing force in the effort to found English colonies came from A) Protestant reformers. B) Queen Elizabeth. C) political reformers. D) merchant capitalists.

merchant capitalists

Before Texas gained its independence in 1836, a major conflict between American settlers in Texas and the Mexican government was A) Mexico's abolition of slavery. B) Mexico's attempt to require Americans to speak Spanish. C) the effect of the Missouri Compromise on Mexico. D) the weakness of the Mexican central government.

mexicos abolition of slavery

Describing the dissemination of culture, the text observes that northern society was permeated by A) widespread indifference to standards of taste and high culture. B) lower-class attempts to unionize factory workers. C) upper-class desire to bring European culture to America. D) middle-class concern for being cultivated and refined.

middle class concern for being cultivated and refined

In arguing for royal assistance for English colonization, Richard Hakluyt stressed the A) military advantages of building forts to threaten Spanish treasure fleets. B) likelihood of settling religious dissenters and criminals in the New World. C) possibilities of jointly exploiting the New World with Spain. D) need to prevent Dutch expansion.

military advantages of building forts to threaten spanish treasure fleets

Zachary Taylor was chosen to run for president by the Whigs in 1848 because of his A) opposition to slavery. B) extensive legislative experience. C) proven ability to campaign. D) military career.

military career

When Zachary Taylor died, the politician who became president and was instrumental in achieving the Compromise of 1850 was A) Millard Fillmore. B) Franklin Pierce. C) James Buchanan. D) John Tyler.

millard fillmore

In "Debating the Past: How Many Indians Perished with European Settlement?" your text concludes that A) based on the latest scientific studies, at least 12 million Indians died. B) relatively few Indians died because there were fewer than one million in North America. C) millions of Indians probably died, although no numerical estimates are reliable. D) we have no basis for estimating the number.

millions of indians probably died, although no numerical estimates are reliable

As a result of the Missouri Compromise, which two states were admitted into the Union? A) Missouri and Maine B) Missouri and Massachusetts C) Arkansas and Kansas D) Rhode Island and Kentucky

missouri and maine

What "may be seen as the final stage in the evolution of American independence"? A) Louisiana Purchase B) Monroe Doctrine C) War of 1812 D) Battle of New Orleans

monroe doctrine

There was a tendency throughout the antebellum period for the ownership of slaves to become --more concentrated.

more concentrated.

In the 1830s, Nat Turner gained notoriety as the leader of the --most sensational slave uprising in the early nineteenth century.

most sensational slave uprising in the early nineteenth century.

The election of 1868 seemed to indicate that ---most white Americans opposed Radical Reconstruction.

most white Americans opposed Radical Reconstruction.

) How was slavery a sectional issue before 1820? A) Westerners tended to disagree with the South because their major markets were in the North. B) The cotton boom dampened southern support of slavery. C) Westerners tended to support the South because most Westerners owned slaves also. D) Most white Americans saw slavery as mainly a local issue.

most white americans saw slavery as mainly a local issue

The map "The War of 1812" depicts the British tactic in America of a(n) A) naval blockade of the American coast. B) amphibious attack on Boston. C) major offensive by Native Americans from west of the Mississippi. D) coordinated attack on the Mississippi River Valley from Canada and New Orleans.

naval blockade of the american coast

In the negotiations for what became the Louisiana Purchase, Jefferson originally commissioned Robert Livingston and James Monroe to purchase A) everything west of the Mississippi River. B) St. Louis and New Orleans. C) New Orleans and Florida. D) the rights to navigate the Mississippi River.

new orleans and florida

_____ was the chief clerk of the State Department who negotiated the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo against the orders of President Polk. A) George M. Dallas B) James G. Birney C) Abel P. Upshur D) Nicholas P. Trist

nicholas p trist

According to the _____________, trade with Great Britain and France was forbidden and could only resume by presidential proclamation when either power ceased violating the rights of Americans. A) Non-Intercourse Act B) Embargo Act C) Berlin Decree D) Milan Decree

non intercourse act

Harriet Beecher Stowe was --) not a professional writer but had been roused by the Fugitive Slave Act.

not a professional writer but had been roused by the Fugitive Slave Act.

The Illinois town founded by Mormon leader Joseph Smith as a semi-independent state within the federal Union was A) Mount Holyoke. B) Amana. C) Nauvoo. D) Salt Lake City.


The outcome of the Nullification Crisis convinced the radical South Carolina planters that A) Jackson could not be trusted to keep his promises. B) Calhoun was not firmly committed to nullification. C) nullification and secession could succeed only with the support of other states. D) the government of the United States was an absolute tyranny.

nullification and secession could succeed only with the support of other states

A typical theme of the Second Great Awakening was that A) God had predestined either salvation or damnation for everyone. B) people did not need to worry about judgment day. C) those who were saved were filled with God's grace and need not be bound by human laws. D) people could take their salvation into their own hands.

people could take their salvation into their own hands

President Lincoln's proposed plan for reconstructing the Union -permitted states to apply for readmission after 10 percent of the qualified voters took an oath of allegiance

permitted states to apply for readmission after 10 percent of the qualified voters took an oath of allegiance

Jackson's popularity and success were primarily the result of his A) expert knowledge of the issues. B) genius as an administrator. C) personality and leadership. D) open-mindedness to all sides of a question.

personality and leadership

In "Mapping the Past: The Making of the Working Class" your text uses maps to show how the economic growth of the early nineteenth century led to A) wealthier citizens living in the suburbs. B) shared residences for workers and masters. C) factory workers living in the inner city. D) physical separation of masters and workers.

physical separation of masters and workers

The British government's primary concern in establishing Georgia was A) gaining commercial profit through royal monopolies. B) allowing prisoners a fresh start in life. C) placing a buffer between South Carolina and Spanish Florida. D) creating a base for raids on Spanish shipping.

placing a buffer between South Carolina and Spanish Florida

The religious pamphlets and books distributed by the American Tract Society A) played down denominational differences in favor of a generalized evangelical Christianity. B) succeeded in converting many readers to Catholicism. C) were directed primarily at converting the various Native American tribes. D) stressed denominational differences because of the bitter disputes among various churches.

played down denominational differences in favor of a generalized evangical christianity

Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 with a --plurality of the popular vote.

plurality of the popular vote.

) Stephen Douglas staunchly believed that the slavery question in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska should be resolved by --popular sovereignty.

popular sovereignty

Spain's northern frontier of New Mexico and Texas was characterized by B) complete domination of Plains Indians by Spain's military outposts. C) a total and effective enslavement of the Indians. D) powerful Comanche resistance to the Spanish aided by their use of horses and guns.

powerful Comanche resistance to the Spanish aided by their use of horses and guns

The most drastic departure from past experience under the new constitution was the creation of a A) directly elected Senate. B) national legislature. C) powerful presidency. D) directly elected House of Representatives.

powerful presidency

The Puritan commonwealth of Massachusetts Bay was characterized by A) true and complete democracy. B) practical democracy. C) communal holding of land. D) toleration for all religions.

practical democracy

Like fellow Westerners, President Jackson A) did not favor internal improvements. B) preferred that local projects be left to the states. C) believed that the federal government should maintain all surpluses. D) thought congressional power should be interpreted broadly.

preferred that local projects be left to the states

) The election of 1824 was waged on mainly personal grounds because the A) Democrats were trying to destroy their political opponents. B) previous party system had collapsed. C) newspapers encouraged a mudslinging, negative campaign. D) Whigs were out to win at any price.

previous party system had collapsed

The Supreme Court's decision in Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819) upheld the A) right of a state to take over a private college. B) principle of the sanctity of contracts. C) right of a state to tax federal properties within its boundaries. D) principle of national supremacy over the states

principle of the sanctity of contracts

The Auburn system was a pioneering experiment in A) education for the blind. B) prison reform. C) communal living. D) education for the deaf.

prison reform

Before 1860, about three-fourths of all the money invested in railroads came from --private investors.

private investors.

In the War of 1812, the most effective American action against British shipping was by A) U.S. frigates. B) navies of the individual states. C) pirates in the Caribbean. D) privateering merchantmen.

privateering merchantmen

Clipper ships designed by Donald McKay were popular because they --provided fast oceanic transportation

provided fast oceanic transportation

Thomas Jefferson "prepared the country for democracy" by A) demonstrating that there was almost no difference between the parties. B) introducing legislation to abolish slavery. C) encouraging poor white males to vote. D) proving that a Democrat could establish and maintain a stable regime.

proving that a democrat could establish and maintain a stable regime

) Under Johnson's Reconstruction plan, southern voters -provoked the North by electing former Confederate leaders to serve in Congress.

provoked the North by electing former Confederate leaders to serve in Congress.

When the French indicated a willingness to reopen the negotiations that had been disrupted by the XYZ Affair, President Adams responded by A) demanding conquest of the remaining Spanish colonies in North and South America. B) pursuing a policy of international peace, despite Federalist demands for war. C) playing upon French fears by discussing an alliance with England. D) disregarding the French overtures because the Federalists had turned American hostility toward the French against the Republicans also.

pursuing a policy of internation peace despite federalist demands for war

In some colonies, landowners paid an annual tax called a ________, as a way for European nations to derive income from their colonies. A) headright B) deferential C) indenture D) quitrent


How did white Southerners react to northern criticisms of slavery? A) Whites in the "new" South of Mississippi and Alabama (outnumbered by slaves three to one) feared criticisms of slavery might lead to rebellion. B) A significant minority of pro-Unionist Southerners agreed with the criticisms. C) Most Southerners continued to view slaves as always docile, happy, and childlike. D) Radical South Carolinians were convinced that both the protective tariff and the agitation against slavery were examples of tyranny of the majority.

radical south carolinians were convinced that both the protective tariff and the agitation against slavery were examples of tyranny of the majority

The businesses which transformed the economy by encouraging regional concentration of industry and by employing large numbers of salaried managers and developing complex internal structures were the --railroads.


the most obvious change in the North in the decades before the Civil War was the --rapid expansion of industry.

rapid expansion of industry.

Stephen A. Douglas believed that Congress should be concerned primarily about --rapidly exploiting the continent.

rapidly exploiting the continent.

The main evidence presented against the accused witches in Salem Village was the A) sudden increase in birth deformities among livestock. B) frightening total solar eclipse of that year. C) recent and devastating typhoid fever epidemic. D) raving testimony of young girls

raving testimony of young girls

Western opinion on public land policy in the early nineteenth century generally favored A) increasing the price and the minimum size offered for sale. B) reducing the price, but increasing the minimum size offered for sale. C) reducing the price and the minimum size offered for sale. D) increasing the price, but reducing the minimum size offered for sale.

reducing the price and the minimum size offered for sale

) During the War of 1812, Federalists in New England A) refused to provide militia to aid in the fight. B) supplied the American army with goods at prices below their cost. C) purchased most of the government bonds to fund the war. D) tried to negotiate an unofficial peace with France.

refused to provide militia to aid in the fight

Martin Van Buren's response to the Panic of 1837 was to A) inflate the currency. B) reestablish the National Bank. C) push for federal funding of internal improvements in order to create jobs. D) reject government interference in the economy.

reject government interference in the economy

Until late in the eighteenth century, the Chesapeake Bay area was characterized by a A) surplus of women settlers. B) well-ordered, church-dominated society. C) remarkably high death rate. D) large number of unmarried widows.

remarkably high death rate

From 1825 to 1850 American industry was --remarkably receptive to technological change.

remarkably receptive to technological change.

Over what issue did Davy Crockett split with President Jackson, eventually costing him his congressional seat? A) the Second National Bank B) hunting rights on federal land C) removal of Indians from the South D) cheap land for frontier farmers

removal of indians from the south

Jackson's policy toward the Native Americans was to A) give them citizenship. B) respect their culture and traditional homelands. C) place them on reservations in each state. D) remove them to lands west of the Mississippi

remove them to lands west of the mississippi

James Madison believed that a A) decentralized republic would attract leaders of great ability. B) republican form of government could operate efficiently in a large country. C) decentralized republic would protect the country from the manipulations of special interest groups. D) large country would need a less powerful central government.

republican form of government could operate efficiently in a large country

Concerning the birth of political parties in America, which of the following is the correct connection? A) Republicans: George Washington B) Federalists: James Monroe C) Republicans: Alexander Hamilton D) Republicans: Thomas Jefferson

republicans thomas jefferson

The "Paxton Boys" revolt in Pennsylvania A) revealed western dissatisfaction with England. B) was led by German tradesmen. C) revealed western dissatisfaction with the state assembly. D) was led by Benjamin Franklin.

revealed western dissatisfaction with the state assembly

In 1624, the charter of the London Company was A) renewed. B) revoked. C) initiated. D) renegotiated.


Nicholas Biddle realized that he could use the Second National Bank as a A) rudimentary central bank. B) mechanism to undermine President Jackson. C) monopoly to enrich foreign investors. D) means to thwart the political ambitions of Henry Clay.

rudimentary central bank

The Whig party's strategy in the election of 1836 was to A) run several candidates in the hope that the House of Representatives would decide the election. B) nominate Henry Clay because of his strong opposition to Jacksonian policies. C) boycott the Electoral College and appeal to the voters. D) nominate William Henry Harrison because he could appeal to Jackson supporters.

run several candidates in the hope that the house of representativese would decide the election

Prior to the Louisiana Purchase, Napoleon launched an expedition against which former French colony, led by which black revolutionary? A) Saint Domingue; Toussaint Louverture B) Haiti; Maximilien Robespierre C) Cuba; Jose Marti D) Guadeloupe; Louis Delgres

saint dominge, toussaint louverture

) During Reconstruction, their opponents called southern white Republicans -- scalawags


For Jefferson, one of the most important reasons for the Louisiana Purchase was that it A) secured access to the mouth of the Mississippi River. B) supported American claims to gold deposits in the Midwest. C) opened new territory for the expansion of slavery. D) provided land which could be used to back up the new paper money issued by the National Bank.

secured access to the mouth of the Mississippi river

Susan B. Anthony played a prominent role in the women's rights movement because she was the first to A) give large sums of money. B) see the need for thorough organization. C) write a regular newspaper column on women's rights. D) advocate working with the abolitionists.

see the need for thorough organization

Your textbook describes Spain's American empire as A) treating the Indians as equals by establishing joint ventures with them. B) seeing the Americas as lands of opportunity and freedom, yet fearing other countries might introduce slavery. C) failing totally to transplant Spanish culture in the Americas. D) trying to implant Spanish civilization and introduce Christianity, but also committing unprovoked aggression.

seeing the Americas as lands of opportunity and freedom, yet fearing other countries might introduce slavery

Colonial women generally, and New England women particularly, were A) better educated than colonial men. B) seen by men as primarily mothers and wives. C) able to vote in town meetings and hold local office. D) routinely involved in civic and political affairs.

seen by men as primarily mothers and wives

John Brown's major goal in attacking Harpers Ferry was to --seize the federal arsenal and arm the slaves.

seize the federal arsenal and arm the slaves.

Between 1606 and 1622, the London Company, which established the Virginia Colony, A) was one of the most profitable trading companies ever established. B) sent out thousands of settlers, more than half of whom died. C) invested very little money in the project but guided it effectively. D) populated the colony with convicts and paupers.

sent out thousands of settlers, more than half of whom died

A direct consequence of the election of 1800 was the constitutional amendment stipulating A) a single electoral college ballot in which the candidate with the most votes became president and the runner-up became vice president. B) the organization of political parties. C) separate electoral college ballots for president and vice-president. D) qualifications of those who could vote for presidential electors.

separate electoral college ballots for president and vice president

) As a result of black demands for economic independence and the shortage of capital, the South developed the agricultural system known as --sharecropping.


The greatest opposition to the War of 1812 came from A) churches. B) Westerners. C) expansionists. D) shipowners


The Treaty of Ghent (1814) ending the War of 1812 A) required the British to stop the impressment of seamen. B) simply reestablished the status quo ante bellum. C) clearly defined the rights of neutral nations. D) was merely a temporary halt in the ongoing violent conflicts between the British and the Americans.

simply reestablished the status quo ante bellum

In the 1840s, American shipbuilders lost the advantages they had held in construction since colonial times because of the --superior British iron technology.

superior British iron technology.

Buchanan's reaction to the Lecompton constitution was to --support it despite the fraud perpetrated by the proslavery faction.

support it despite the fraud perpetrated by the proslavery faction.

During the election of 1852, both major political parties --supported the Compromise of 1850.

supported the Compromise of 1850.

) In 1872 Horace Greeley and the Liberal Republicans focused on the issue of --supporting civil service reform and low tariffs.

supporting civil service reform and low tariffs.

When confronted by the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794, Washington A) lacked the power to suppress it. B) suppressed it peacefully with a tremendous show of force. C) ignored it until it died out. D) met with the leaders to discuss their problems.

suppressed it peacefully with a tremendous show of force

An underlying principle commonly agreed upon by Jacksonians was A) increased government regulation of the economy. B) respect for professional experts in government. C) elimination of slavery and the slave trade. D) suspicion of special privileges and large business corporations.

suspicion of special privileges and large business corporations

The part of the Compromise of 1850 which seems to indicate unscrupulous activities was A) admitting California as a free state. B) taking over the debts of Texas. C) strengthening the fugitive slave law. D) abolishing the slave trade in the District of Columbia.

taking over the debts of texas

President Polk's plans to defeat Mexico included A) driving Santa Anna from power. B) invading Texas. C) establishing a naval blockade of Mexican ports. D) taking possession of California and New Mexico

taking posession of california and new mexico

Under the Articles of Confederation there was a failed attempt to raise revenue and pressure the British by a(n) A) tariff. B) income tax. C) quitrent. D) foreign property tax.


) The Tariff of 1828 was so high that in the South it was called the A) Tariff of No Return. B) Extravagant Tariff. C) Tariff of Abominations. D) Bloody Tariff.

tariff of abominations

The purpose of the ________ Amendment to the Constitution was to mollify those who feared the states would be destroyed by the new government. A) First B) Fourth C) Seventh D) Tenth


In the battle over the independence of Texas, the slaughters at Goliad and at ________, a former mission, made peaceful settlement of the dispute with Mexico almost impossible. A) the Alamo B) the Citadel C) Corpus Christi D) Santa Fe

the Alamo

According to your text, which of the following best describes the relative impact of Native American and European cultures on each other? A) Europeans profited extensively; Native Americans gained nothing. B) The influence of European culture was limited to those tribes in immediate contact with colonies. C) The Europeans and the Indians became interdependent. D) Native American culture had no impact on Europeans, whereas European culture totally transformed Native American societies.

the Europeans and Indians became interdependent

Because of their ethnic and religious heterogeneity, the colonies which possessed traits that later would be seen as distinctly "American" were A) the Middle Colonies. B) North and South Carolina. C) Virginia and Maryland. D) the New England colonies.

the Middle Colonies

The main responsibility for "bleeding Kansas" rests upon --the Pierce administration, which did not ensure honest elections because that might alienate the South

the Pierce administration, which did not ensure honest elections because that might alienate the South

Which of the following was at issue in the impeachment of Andrew Johnson? --the Tenure of Office Act

the Tenure of Office Act

Which of the following statements about the U.S. highway system in the nineteenth century is true? A) For military purposes, the U.S. government began the task of creating an integrated system of roads across the country. B) The U.S. government concentrated on building roads in mountainous areas and left the rest to privateers. C) The U.S. government had no comprehensive highway program in the nineteenth century. D) The construction of highways was the one subject where sectional rivalries did not surface

the US government had no comprehensive highway program in the nineteenth century

Attempts to build canals in ________ often resulted in financial disaster. A) the South B) the Tidewater C) the West D) New England

the West

Which of the following brought an end to Bacon's Rebellion? A) the trial of Nathaniel Bacon B) the execution of Sir William Berkeley C) massive Indian raids on several large plantations D) the arrival of an English naval squadron

the arrival of an English naval squadron

Other than Jackson's personal popularity, the main campaign issue in the presidential election of 1832 was A) nullification. B) Jackson's Indian removal policy. C) the spoils system. D) the Bank of the United States.

the bank of the united states

One of the major reasons the Protestant Reformation succeeded was that A) Italian merchants realized it made fewer financial demands on them than Catholicism. B) political figures could use its challenge to Rome's spiritual authority in order to increase their power. C) the Catholic church made many enemies by strongly attacking luxury and corruption. D) it encouraged democratic revolutions to overthrow monarchies throughout Europe.

the catholic church made many enemies by strongly attacking luxury and corruption

The XYZ Affair resulted in A) the creation of a Navy department and military appropriations to pursue the Federalist demands for war with France. B) France unilaterally ending the alliance of 1778 with America. C) France securing an alliance by bribing the American negotiators. D) the creation of a permanent standing army with military appropriations to pursue the Republican demands for war with England.

the creation of a navy department and military appropriations to pursue the federalist demands for war with france

"The formation of the moral and intellectual character of the young is committed mainly to the female hand...The mother forms the character of the future man." This statement supports the concept of A) the Cult of True Womanhood. B) benevolent hierarchy of skills. C) benevolent empire. D) deputy husband role.

the cult of true womanhood

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the success of the colony of Pennsylvania? A) the presence of settled colonies on all sides B) fertile soil C) William Penn's tireless promotion D) the democratic political system put in place by William Penn

the democratic political system put in place by William Penn

"Oregon fever" referred to A) a common malady of the nineteenth century. B) a deep-seated hate for the Native Americans. C) the desire to go to Oregon. D) Christian attempts to convert the Native Americans.

the desire to go to Oregon

According to the leaders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the inspiration for their organization stemmed from A) a proclamation by Queen Elizabeth I. B) the Mayflower Compact. C) a treaty with the natives. D) the divine.

the divine

The 1830 debate between Senators Daniel Webster and Robert Hayne focused on A) the doctrine of states' rights as opposed to national power. B) the constitutionality of the Second Bank of the United States. C) the "corrupt bargain" during the election of 1824. D) Jackson's policy of Indian removal.

the doctrine of states' rights as opposed to national power

Congress repealed ________ in 1809 because it harmed American commerce rather than that of the British and French. A) the Non-Intercourse Act B) the Milan Decree C) the Embargo Act D) Macon's Bill No. 2

the embargo act

The Louisiana Purchase furthered weakened the power of A) Napoleon. B) the Republicans. C) the Federalists. D) Thomas Jefferson

the federalists

Much Anti-Federalist opposition to the Constitution disappeared when A) the Federalists promised amendments to guarantee the civil liberties of the people. B) it became obvious that the constitution would be adopted over their objections. C) Alexander Hamilton threatened to impose an even stronger national government with the assistance of the army. D) it was agreed that an Anti-Federalist would be chosen vice-president.

the federalists promised amendments to guarantee the civil liberties of the people

The final form of the Constitution was decided by A) James Madison's unwillingness to compromise on any issues. B) the give-and-take of practical compromise. C) an alliance of the large, northern states. D) a small group of Southerners dedicated to protecting slavery.

the give and take of practical comprimise

In January 1815, which of the following gave states the right to assert their authority should "deliberate, dangerous and palpable infractions of the Constitution" be made? A) the Essex Junto B) the Hartford Convention C) the Federalist Papers D) the Kentucky and Virginia Resolves

the hartford convention

It was the intention of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention that A) the president would be elected directly by the citizenry. B) the House of Representatives would elect the president because of the effect of the cumbersome Electoral College method. C) members of the Electoral College would directly elect the president. D) the Senate would make nominations and that the House would choose and appoint the president.

the house of representatives would elect the president because of the effect of the cumbersome electoral college method

50) In the face of growing sectionalism, which of the following was NOT a unifying force among the American landscape? A) growth and prosperity B) patriotism C) the uniqueness of the American system of government D) the ideas of preeminent politicians, such as those found in Calhoun's Exposition and Protest

the ideas of preeminent politicians such as those found in calhouns exposition and protest

Which of the following caused panic in the country in the spring of 1837? A) the reelection of Andrew Jackson B) the inability of banks to make specie payments C) the rise of the radical Locofoco party D) the purchase of Florida from Spain

the inability of banks to make specie payments

During 1835 and 1836, as a result of the creation of the "pet" banks, A) economic stability and prosperity resumed. B) the money supply shrank dramatically and plunged the country into a depression. C) the Bank of the United States retained all government deposits. D) the money supply increased rapidly and fueled wild speculation in land.

the money supply increased rapidly and fueled wild speculation in land

) "The American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers." The source of this quote is A) the Embargo Act. B) the Transcontinental Treaty. C) Washington's Neutrality Proclamation. D) the Monroe Doctrine.

the monroe doctrine

The text describes the works of Walt Whitman as A) the most authentically American of any writer of the period. B) totally rejected by the reading public during his lifetime. C) quickly accepted by readers and reviewers. D) usually rather flowery in language, but disciplined

the most authentically american of any writer of the period

Northern objections to admitting Missouri as a slave state were based on A) the immorality of slavery. B) the overrepresentation they thought Missouri would have because of the Three-Fifths Compromise. C) the loss of revenue the federal treasury would suffer when plantations rather than homesteads were established. D) their fears that this would lead to resumption of the international slave trade.

the over representation they thought missouri would have because of the three fifths comprimise

In President Johnson's clash with Congress over Reconstruction policy, Johnson's worst enemy was --the president himself.

the president himself.

What happened in the Mexican War? A) The president led the nation into war without a formal declaration of war from Congress. B) American armed forces fought only inside the boundaries of the continental United States. C) Although the Mexican army was larger, better equipped, and well-led, American forces easily conquered Mexico. D) General Winfield Scott led a disastrous and poorly planned campaign against Mexico City.

the president led the nation into war without a formal declaration of war from congress

The vote in the House of Representatives on Tallmadge's amendment to the Missouri Enabling Act in 1819 demonstrated that A) the rapidly growing North controlled the House of Representatives. B) only a small minority of politicians favored restricting the expansion of slavery. C) the South retained the power to limit the actions of the House. D) the emerging West held the balance of power in the House.

the rapidly growing north controlled the house of representatives

The waning support of Northerners for Radical policy was due in part to -- the retirement of President Johnson.

the retirement of President Johnson.

The depression of 1819 was worsened by the policies of A) New England merchants. B) James Madison. C) the second Bank of the United States. D) the Treasury Department.

the second bank of the united states

The communitarian group whose members were celibate, held their property in common, valued simplicity and industriousness, stressed equality of labor, and practiced a joyful and fervent religion was A) Brook Farm. B) Oneida. C) the Shakers. D) the Mormons.

the shakers

The British changed their strategy against the United States in 1814 because A) they could expect the support of France and Spain at that time. B) the war in Europe, which had diverted their attention earlier, was now over. C) the American military effort had broken down completely. D) they had been soundly defeated in Europe.

the war in europe was now over

The reason the final Oregon Treaty between the United States and England was popular is that A) America got all it demanded. B) the war with Mexico had begun. C) the Democrats saw a chance to get even with the Whigs. D) slavery was forbidden in the area.

the war with mexico had begun

"Tippecanoe and Tyler too!" was the campaign slogan for General William Henry Harrison who was the nominee of what political party? A) the Democrats B) the Republicans C) the Jacksonians D) the Whigs

the whigs

In the new industrial slums of the 1850s, most factory workers were able to survive because --their wives and children also worked in the factories.

their wives and children also worked in the factories.

What effect did Jackson's economic policies have on the business cycle? A) They exaggerated the swings of the economic pendulum through the impact of their ill-considered policies on public thinking. B) They successfully stimulated the economy and ended the Panic of 1837. C) They were successful examples of the workings of the free marketplace and of the success of laissez-faire economics. D) The federal government was so weak that they had almost no effect.

they exaggerated the swings of the economic pendulum through the impact of their ill considered policies on public thinking

The pioneer in developing methods for educating deaf people who opened a school for deaf students in 1817 was A) Thomas Gallaudet. B) Lyman Beecher. C) Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe. D) Benjamin Lundy.

thomas gallaudet

One of the main differences between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton was that Hamilton A) believed that city-dwellers were easily corrupted by demagogues. B) was a Republican. C) thought commercialization and centralization was best for the country. D) opposed the Alien and Sedition Acts.

thought commercialization and centralization was best for the country

) The "Tariff of Abominations" was so-called by its detractors because it A) threatened to impoverish the South with its excessively high rates. B) established rates on raw materials which were too low to protect southern crops. C) seemed to be designed to promote the candidacy of John Quincy Adams. D) dramatically cut tariffs and flooded the South with cheap imported goods.

thretened to impoverish the south with its excessively high rates

In the early nineteenth century, businesses became corporations by obtaining a charter A) through the Interstate Commerce Commission. B) through a special act of a state legislature. C) from the governor in most states. D) through the U.S. Treasury Department.

through a special act of a state legislature

The "Burr Conspiracy" was an unsuccessful attempt A) to seize the presidency, which Aaron Burr thought was rightfully his. B) by Burr to assassinate Alexander Hamilton. C) to separate a part of the West from the United States. D) by Hamilton to assassinate Aaron Burr.

to separate a part of the west from the united states

The great staple of the Virginia colonial economy was A) cotton. B) tobacco. C) indigo. D) sugar cane.


Public aid for railroad financing before 1860 --took many forms including loans, investments, and special exemptions.

took many forms including loans, investments, and special exemptions.

The greatest expression of Romanticism in the United States was through A) Puritanism. B) Unitarianism. C) transcendentalism. D) pragmatism.


The Mexican War was ended by the A) Gadsden Purchase. B) Treaty of Vera Cruz. C) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. D) Treaty of San Juoaquin.

treaty of guadalupe hidalgo

In the 1790s and early 1800s, private companies built roads called A) byways. B) thoroughfares. C) highways. D) turnpikes.


It was difficult to amend the Articles of Confederation because amendments had to be approved by A) unanimous consent of members of Congress. B) legislatures in three-fourths of the states. C) specially elected conventions in nine of the thirteen states. D) unanimous consent of the states.

unanimous consent of the states

William Lloyd Garrison's views on slavery might best be described as A) designed to appeal to southern moderates. B) uncompromising. C) reflecting the northern viewpoint. D) moderate.


Jackson defended his veto of the charter of the Second National Bank on the grounds that it was A) too weak to help stabilize the economy. B) unable to attract foreign investors. C) dominated by speculators in western land. D) unconstitutional, despite the Supreme Court.

unconstitutional despite the supreme court

During the 1830s and 1840s, most white Americans thought William Lloyd Garrison's views were A) supported by scientific research. B) unconvincing and confrontational. C) consistent with the teachings of their churches. D) moderate and levelheaded.

unconvincing and confrontational

In 1840, California could be most accurately described as A) unmistakably Mexican, with only a handful of white American settlers. B) still almost entirely controlled and owned by a series of Catholic missions. C) one of the few areas where the Native Americans were guaranteed the same civil rights as whites. D) dominated by white Americans, with only a handful of Mexican settlers.

unmistakably Mexican with only a handful of white american settlers

In accordance with the joint resolution that annexed Texas, A) Texas became an independent territory. B) up to four new states could be created from its territory. C) the territory of Texas was required to remain consolidated. D) Texas had to wait ten years until it could be granted full statehood.

up to four new states could be created from its territory

) Individual reformers who tried to care for the physically and mentally disabled were A) usually more effective than the more colorful communitarian reformers. B) too unscientific to achieve anything. C) unable to make substantial progress because of the enormous scale of the problems to be corrected. D) usually less effective than the more pragmatic and less flamboyant communitarians

usually ore effective than the ore colorful communitarian reformers

After the Revolution, the American balance of exports and imports became A) very unfavorable as British merchants poured low-priced manufactured goods into America. B) quite unfavorable due to over-expansion and overproduction by American industry. C) distinctly favorable as the British West Indies were opened to American trade. D) very favorable as Americans who manufactured low-priced goods flooded the European economy.

very unfavorable as british merchants poured low priced manufactured goods into america

President Johnson alienated moderate Republicans when he A) vetoed the Freedmen's Bureau and Civil Rights bills

vetoed the Freedmen's Bureau and Civil Rights bills

Everyone in Tyler's cabinet except Daniel Webster resigned when Tyler opposed Henry Clay's plans and A) signed the bill creating a new National Bank. B) called for the annexation of Texas. C) vetoed the new National Bank. D) supported a large tariff increase

vetoed the new national bank

What your text labels "the third pillar of the emerging American middle class," alongside the family and church, which had neither colonial precedents nor European equivalents, was A) public education. B) consumer culture. C) civil service. D) voluntary associations.

voluntary associations

"I celebrate myself and sing myself. And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you." This was written by A) Nathaniel Hawthorne in The Scarlet Letter. B) Edgar Allan Poe in "The Purloined Letter." C) Herman Melville in Moby Dick. D) Walt Whitman in "Song of Myself."

walt whitman in song of myself

The War Hawks called for war against Great Britain because they A) agreed with the New England merchants' desire to stop impressment of their sailors. B) wanted to defend the national honor and save the republic from British domination. C) hoped to reopen European ports to US trade. D) were trying to divert public attention away from their immoral treatment of the Native Americans.

wanted to defend the national honor and save the republic from british domination

Southern whites reacted to free blacks by --wanting to be rid of them, but trying only half-heartedly to expel them.

wanting to be rid of them, but trying only half-heartedly to expel them.

According to your text, the cultural chasm between Europeans and Indians was most evident in the area of A) religion; because the language barrier prevented the "worthy" Indians from being properly converted to Christianity. B) material property; because Europeans could not understand why Indians were so devoted to amassing vast collections of personal property. C) warfare; because Europeans fought in large groups to destroy their enemies, whereas Indians fought more often to display their courage or avenge a wrong. D) gender relations; because Europeans were angered by the fact that Indian women refused to work in the fields.


Immediately after the Erie Canal was completed, it A) faced severe competition from a rapidly developing railroad network. B) was a financial success. C) became a source of bitter political wrangling in New York. D) was taken over by the federal government

was a financial success

1) The consumer revolution of the early nineteenth century A) encouraged plain and simple living. B) was accompanied by the emulation of aristocratic manners. C) came at a time of economic stagnation and complacency. D) led to the violent rejection of anything that seemed cosmopolitan or luxurious.

was accompanied by the emulation of aristocratic manners.

As president, John Quincy Adams A) was an inept politician. B) eloquently aroused public support for his programs. C) was extraordinarily sensitive to the mood of public opinion. D) strongly opposed federal support for internal improvements.

was an inept politician

As president, George Washington A) aggressively led the Federalist party in election campaigns. B) used his "State of the Union" addresses to advocate legislation. C) was careful not to exceed the powers given him by the Constitution. D) was not concerned about establishing precedents.

was careful not to exceed the powers given him by the constitution

Many Northerners believed that the Panic of 1857 --was caused by the southern-dominated Congress.

was caused by the southern-dominated Congress.

One significant aspect of life on the westward trail in the 1840s was that it A) was actually safer for children than remaining at home. B) was easier for women than for men. C) strongly reinforced the family pattern of "separate spheres." D) was especially taxing for women.

was especially taxing for women

The Republic of Liberia in western Africa A) was a prime example of black political independence in the nineteenth century. B) was founded by the American Colonization Society and was the eventual home to 12,000 American blacks. C) received approximately a million immigrants from the United States prior to 1850. D) was founded by free blacks from the United States.

was fonded by the american colonization society and was the eventual home to 12000 american blacks

The South Carolina cash crop of indigo A) could be grown side by side with rice in the paddies along the seacoast. B) was resisted by the British woolens industry, which sought to prohibit its production. C) displaced tobacco, which had been an earlier cash crop of the colony. D) was introduced by plantation owner Eliza Lucas.

was introduced by plantation owner Eliza Lucas

The colonization of Sierra Leone in the nineteenth century A) was wildly successful. B) had moderate success due to the support of many important white Southerners. C) was mostly unsuccessful. D) was the springboard for the colonization of several other African nations by emigrating black Americans

was mostly unsuccessful

The average settler in Kansas --was not strongly interested in the slavery question.

was not strongly interested in the slavery question.

James Buchanan received the Democratic presidential nomination in 1856 mainly because he --was overseas during the bitter debate over Kansas.

was overseas during the bitter debate over Kansas.

The Embargo Act of 1807 A) won public acclaim for Jefferson because "he kept us out of war." B) was resented and resisted by large numbers of Americans. C) easily accomplished its purpose. D) was not supported initially by many Americans, but they eventually saw the wisdom of Jefferson's policy.

was resented and resisted by large numbers of americans

A disadvantage of upland or "green-seed" cotton was that it A) required the same type of land as indigo. B) was very difficult to separate the seeds from the lint. C) required the same type of land as rice. D) could only be grown in the mild, humid lowlands near the coast.

was very difficult to separate the seeds from the lint

The major U.S. city sacked and burned by the British in 1814 was A) Washington. B) New Orleans. C) Baltimore. D) Philadelphia.


The organization of reformed drunkards which focused on reclaiming alcoholics from the gutter was the A) Cold Water Society. B) Women's Christian Temperance Union. C) Prohibition Party. D) Washingtonians.


The ________ Treaty settled the disputed boundary between Maine and New Brunswick and demonstrated the growing Anglo-American economic dependence. A) Transcontinental B) Clayton-Bulwer C) Webster-Ashburton D) Gadsden


The main supporters of Virginia's royal governor, Sir William Berkeley, during Bacon's Rebellion were the A) Virginia Regulators. B) well-established, powerful planters. C) landless freemen. D) western frontier planters.

well-established, powerful planters

The Puritans justified laws requiring church attendance and establishing the death penalty for blaspheming a parent on the grounds that they A) followed the early Christian practices described in the New Testament. B) were based on government's role as a civil covenant designed to police and maintain social order. C) were intended to create a society which promoted individual religious liberty. D) needed to restore order because of the rampant crime in the colony.

were based on governments role as a civil covenant designed to police and maintain social order

Both Leisler's Rebellion and the "Paxton Boys" uprising A) successfully overthrew existing colonial governments. B) challenged the traditional authority of masters over their slaves. C) led to more women assuming public authority. D) were challenges by outsiders to those who traditionally had power in colonial governments.

were challenges by outsiders to those who traditionally had power in colonial governments

After the Compromise of 1877, the former slaves --were condemned to poverty and indignity in the interests of sectional harmony.

were condemned to poverty and indignity in the interests of sectional harmony.

As a result of the War of 1812, the Federalists A) increased their popularity in all regions. B) were discredited as a political party. C) lost popularity in the South. D) regained the presidency in the election of 1816.

were discredited as a political party

) Both Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren A) were unwilling to annex Texas. B) attempted to annex Texas. C) refused to recognize Texas. D) warned Mexico to leave Texas alone

were unwilling to annex Texas.

The group which consistently favored low prices and easy credit for western lands was A) westerner settlers. B) northern manufacturers. C) southern planters. D) northern farmers.

westerner settlers

From 1830 to 1860, New Bedford was the center of American -- whaling


The United States is the only place in the Western Hemisphere --where the slave population grew by natural increase.

where the slave population grew by natural increase

When Lincoln spoke of a "pernicious abstraction" he was referring to -whether the south had indeed left the union

whether the south had indeed left the union

The new political coalition which emerged to challenge Democratic control in the 1830s was called the A) Federalists. B) Republicans. C) Bull Moose party. D) Whigs.


The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution became embroiled in a debate between black rights and the rights of - white northern women

white northern women

Studies of "black Republican" governments during Radical Reconstruction reveal that --white scalawags and carpetbaggers were really in charge.

white scalawags and carpetbaggers were really in charge.

The French Revolution and the ensuing war between France and Great Britain tended to A) widen the split between American political parties. B) unite all political parties to oppose the principles of the French Revolution. C) undermine America's close relationship with England. D) unite all political parties to support the principles of the French Revolution.

widen the split between american political parties

The growth of American unions in the antebellum era was retarded by --widespread employment of women and children in unskilled jobs.

widespread employment of women and children in unskilled jobs.

American settlement in the Oregon region was centered in the A) Columbia River Valley. B) Willamette Valley. C) Walla Walla River Valley. D) Cascade Mountains.

willamette valley

In the election of 1840 the Whig's presidential nominee, who was a former military hero whose political opinions were largely unknown, was A) William Henry Harrison. B) Martin Van Buren. C) James K. Polk. D) Zachary Taylor.

william henry harrison

"As an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the Republic of Mexico...neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory." This is from the A) Compromise of 1850. B) Webster-Ashburton Treaty. C) Wilmot Proviso. D) Tallmadge Amendment.

william proviso

The campaign against Mexico City was commanded by General A) Zachary Taylor. B) Stephen Kearny. C) Winfield Scott. D) Thomas Hart Benton.

winfield scott

George Washington's Cabinet was chosen A) without consulting John Adams, his vice president. B) from persons to whom Washington owed political favors. C) without regard to political affiliation or personal agreement with him. D) from Washington's personal friends in Virginia.

without regard to political affiliation or personal agreement with him

Most workers in the earliest textile factories were A) women and children. B) former hand spinners and hand weavers. C) immigrants. D) displaced farmers.

women and children

The average Northerner lost interest in Reconstruction once it became reasonably certain that the former slaves --would not be re-enslaved.

would not be re-enslaved.

The French demand in 1797-1798 for a bribe as a precondition to negotiations with America was called the A) Lyon-Griswold Tangle. B) Berlin Decree. C) XYZ Affair. D) ABC Affair.

xyz affair

Under the Waltham System, A) laborers performed the work in their own homes. B) laborers often fell heavily in debt to the company store because of easy credit. C) each laborer was responsible for training his own apprentice. D) young farm women worked and lived under strictly supervised conditions.

young farm women worked and lived under strictly supervised conditions

The ________ Amendment to the Constitution broadly defined American citizenship and "reduced the power of all the states." -- 14


The ________ Amendment prohibited states from denying black men the right to vote --- 15


On the eve of the Civil War, the South produced less than ________ of the total manufactured goods in the United States. -15%


On the eve of the Civil War, about ________ of white southern families owned at least one slave. --25%


The principle of the Three-Fifths Compromise was that A) amendments could be made in the Constitution with the consent of three-fifths of the states. B) three-fifths of the members of the House and of the Senate needed to approve all important bills in Congress. C) treaties could be ratified only by a three-fifths majority of the Senators. D) three-fifths of the slaves would be counted in determining each state's representation and share of direct federal taxes.

3/5 of the slaves would be counted in determining each state's representation and share of direct federal taxes

Thaddeus Stevens was the most prominent congressional advocate of a plan to give every adult male ex-slave -- 40 acres and a mule

40 acres and a mule

The Republican who caused Jefferson the most trouble by conspiring with General James Wilkinson and flirting with treason was A) Thomas Pinckney. B) Aaron Burr. C) John Randolph. D) Robert Livingston.

Aaron Burr

) Who does the text describe as "the symbol for a new democratically oriented generation"? A) Martin Van Buren B) Henry Clay C) Andrew Jackson D) John C. Calhoun

Andrew Jackson

During John Quincy Adams' presidency, the politician who prepared for the next election by relying on his military reputation and portraying himself as losing the presidency in 1824 due to the "corrupt bargain" was A) Henry Clay. B) William Henry Harrison. C) John C. Calhoun. D) Andrew Jackson.

Andrew Jackson

The American general who pursued the Seminole Native A) negotiation of the Treaty of Ghent on terms favorable to the United States. B) acquisition of the area through the Louisiana Purchase. C) emergence of Andrew Jackson as a military hero. D) writing of "The Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key. Answer: C (p. 204-205) Topic: The Battle of New Orleans and the End of the War Skill: Conceptual 20) The measure in which Great Britain and the United States agreed to set a limit on the number of armed vessels on the Great Lakes was the A) Rush-Bagot Agreement. B) Transcontinental Treaty. C) St. Lawrence Accord. D) Monroe Doctrine. Answer: A (p. 206) Topic: Anglo-American Rapprochement Skill: Factual 21) The American general who pursued the Seminole Native Americans into Florida and seized two Spanish forts was A) Henry Dearborn. B) William Henry Harrison. C) Oliver Hazard Perry. D) Andrew Jackson.

Andrew Jackson

In the election of 1828, A) Andrew Jackson defeated John Quincy Adams in a contest disgraced by character assassination on both sides. B) Henry Clay was chosen president when the election was thrown into the House of Representatives. C) Andrew Jackson lost because of the "corrupt bargain" between Clay and Adams. D) the negative political campaigns depressed voter turnout.

Andrew Jackson defeated John Quincy Adams in a contest disgraced by character assassination on both sides

The Unionist Democrat placed on the Lincoln ticket to assure victory in 1864 was -Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson

________ was a leading enemy of the Second National Bank of the United States. A) Daniel Webster B) Nicholas Biddle C) Henry Clay D) Andrew Jackson

Andrew jackson

Many Puritans left England around 1630 to settle in Massachusetts Bay because A) Jamestown and Plymouth were economically successful. B) Anglican cleric William Laud was removing ministers with Puritan sympathies and tightening his centralized control of the church. C) they read about the amazing fertility of the land and decided they would gain great wealth overnight. D) Anglican cleric William Laud ordered them to forfeit their property or leave.

Anglican cleric William Laud was removing ministers with Puritan sympathiese and tightening his centralized control of the church

She was banished from Massachusetts for claiming that she regularly received divine insights. A) Betty Sewall B) Anne Bradstreet C) Eliza Pinckney D) Anne Hutchinson

Anne Hutchinson

Northern feelings seemed to reach a boiling point on the Fugitive Slave Law with the arrest and return of --Anthony Burns.

Anthony Burns

The first railroad to begin operating in the United States was the ________ Railroad. --Baltimore and Ohio

Baltimore and Ohio

]During his first term, Jefferson fought a small naval war, attempting to resist the blackmail of the A) Haitian pirates. B) English. C) French. D) Barbary pirates.

Barbary pirates

In 1818 the first regularly scheduled passenger and freight service between New York and England was opened by the A) Columbia Line. B) McKay Brothers Company. C) Black Ball Line. D) Great Atlantic Shipping Company

Black Ball Line

The measures that, among other things, restricted former slaves to working in farming and domestic service were the -Black Codes

Black Codes

Which of the following most accurately describes southern agriculture after the Civil War? --Both output and productivity declined dramatically.

Both output and productivity declined dramatically.

The most effective preacher of the Second Great Awakening was A) Charles Grandison Finney. B) William Ellery Channing. C) Jonathan Edwards. D) George Whitfield.

Charles Grandison Finney

) Senator ________ was beaten unconscious by a member of the House of Representatives after he gave his "The Crime Against Kansas" speech. --Charles Sumner

Charles Sumner

Which of the following made this remark about the natives of San Salvador: "These people are very unskilled in arms...with fifty men they could all be subjected and made to do all that one wished."? A) Vasco Nuñez Balboa B) Ferdinand Magellan C) Francisco Pizarro D) Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

In April, 1866, for the first time in American history, a major piece of legislation became law over a presidential veto. It was the --Civil Rights Act.

Civil Rights Act.

The expansionist mood of "Young America" best explains --Commodore Perry's expedition to Japan.

Commodore Perry's expedition to Japan

According to "Mapping the Past: The Politics of Reconstruction," the --Compromise of 1877 allowed white Democrats to oust black Republicans from the House.

Compromise of 1877 allowed white Democrats to oust black Republicans from the House.

James Madison responded to the Alien and Sedition Acts by A) condemning them because they assumed that elected officials were the masters rather than the servants of the people. B) vigorously prosecuting alien critics of the government. C) intentionally violating the Sedition Act to test its constitutionality before the Supreme Court. D) organizing Republicans in Congress to block any Federalist measures until these acts were repealed.

Condemning them because they assumed that elected officials were the masters rather than the servants of the people

In the War of 1812, Captain Isaac Hull commanded the frigate ________ to a brilliant victory over the H.M.S. Guerriere. A) Chesapeake B) Constitution C) Leopard D) United States


In the election of 1860, the ________ party nominated John Bell for president and ignored the conflicts rending the nation. -Constitutional Union

Constitutional Union

A major improvement in the transportation network in the 1820s and 1830s was the construction of A) turnpikes. B) railroads. C) flatboats. D) canals.


The colony whose charter was a grandiose plan, written with the help of political philosopher John Locke and designed to recreate a hereditary nobility and feudal society was A) New York. B) Maryland. C) New Jersey. D) Carolina.


In discussing the debate about whether Thomas Jefferson fathered a child with his slave, Sally Hemmings, your text notes that A) DNA evidence supports the contention that Thomas Jefferson was most likely the father of at least one of Sally Hemmings's children. B) most historians agree with Jefferson's biographer Dumas Malone that these accusations have no foundation. C) Jefferson's significance as a statesman would be greatly diminished if this accusation were proven to be true. D) DNA evidence disproves the contention that Thomas Jefferson was the father of at least one of Sally Hemmings's children.

DNA evidence supports the contention that thomas jefferson was most likely the father of at least one of sally hemmings children

) In response to the espousal of the states' rights doctrine on the Senate floor by South Carolinian Robert Hayne, which of the following argued that the Constitution was a compact of the people and that the Union was indissoluble? A) John C. Calhoun B) John Tyler C) Thomas Jefferson D) Daniel Webster

Daniel Webster

The mayor of New York City who organized information and political influence to convince the state legislature to construct the Erie Canal was A) DeWitt Clinton. B) Thurlow Weed. C) Robert Morris. D) Martin Van Buren.

DeWitt Clinton

Tecumseh's brother, Tenskwatawa (or "The Prophet") A) called upon Native Americans to farm and copy the ways of whites. B) was a spy for General William Henry Harrison. C) declared Native Americans should reject white ways, clothes, and liquor. D) was paid by the French to disrupt American settlement of the Ohio River Valley.

Declared Native Americans should reject white ways, clothes, and liquor

The "ultra" Radical Republicans --demanded immediate civil and political equality for blacks

Demanded immediate civil and political equality for blacks

The famous book in which Alexis de Tocqueville analyzed American society was A) The American Commonwealth. B) Democracy in America. C) Life on the Mississippi. D) Domestic Life of the Americans.

Democracy in america

The former slave who preached resistance to slavery and planned a major slave uprising in Charleston was --Denmark Vesey.

Denmark Vesey.

The modern method of organizing large enterprises, the corporation, was A) eagerly embraced by most American businesses. B) the basis of most manufacturing by 1830. C) an idea which had not yet occurred to investors in the 1820s. D) developing slowly before 1860.

Developing slowly before 1860

The author of the Report on Manufactures, which was a bold call for national economic planning, was A) Thomas Jefferson. B) James Madison. C) Alexander Hamilton. D) Patrick Henry.

Alexander Hamilton

When the Annapolis meeting of 1786, which was called to discuss commercial problems, seemed about to fail, ________ proposed a convention in Philadelphia to deal with constitutional reform. A) James Madison B) Alexander Hamilton C) George Washington D) Thomas Jefferson

Alexander Hamilton

________ advocated a "loose" interpretation of the "necessary and proper" clause to support the creation of a national bank. A) Thomas Jefferson B) Patrick Henry C) James Madison D) Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton

) Andrew Johnson's fundamental goal was to -Assist poor whites with free homesteads and public education

Assist poor whites with free homesteads and public education

In his "Farewell Address," George Washington indicated his A) support of northern commercial interests. B) belief that political parties were harmful and divisive. C) willingness to run for a third term if nominated. D) support for a military alliance with England.

Belief that political parties were harmful and divisive

After secession began in 1860, the proposed constitutional amendment which would have guaranteed the future existence of slavery south of the old Missouri Compromise line was the --Crittenden Compromise.

Crittenden Compromise

The Ostend Manifesto was an American statement that America should buy or seize - Cuba


The Ostend Manifesto was an American statement that America should buy or seize -- Cuba


Spain could no longer block English entry into the New World because of the A) Treaty of Castile with Philip II of Spain. B) success of Walter Raleigh's colony at Roanoke Island. C) English destruction of the invading Spanish Armada. D) collapse of Spanish settlements in what became New England.

English destruction of the invading Spanish Armada

"As an organ of communication between the Hudson, the Mississippi, the St. Lawrence, the great lakes of the north and west, and their tributary rivers, [the canal] will create the greatest inland trade ever witnessed. The most fertile and extensive regions of America will avail themselves of its facilities for a market." This was a defense of the A) Erie Canal. B) National Canal. C) Wabash Canal. D) Delaware and Hudson Canal.

Eerie Canal

The inventor of a cotton gin, which removed seeds from upland cotton, was A) Nathanael Greene. B) Samuel Slater. C) Eli Whitney. D) Francis Cabot Lowell

Eli Whitney

Under ________, exports were totally prohibited and only foreign vessels were allowed to import goods to America. A) the Non-Intercourse Act B) the Embargo Act C) Macon's Bill Number Two D) the Berlin and Milan Decrees

Embargo Act

The merchant who headed the Boston Associates, owner of the innovative Waltham mills, was A) Francis Cabot Lowell. B) Paul Moody. C) Samuel Slater. D) James Hargreaves.

Francis Cabot Lowell

A successful and bloody slave revolt led to the creation in 1804 of the black republic of A) Grenada. B) Cuba. C) Haiti. D) Guadeloupe.


In Aaron Burr's trial for treason, A) Burr readily admitted his guilt. B) Hamilton antagonized Burr so much that they fought a duel in which Hamilton was killed. C) neither President Jefferson nor Chief Justice Marshall acted impartially. D) Chief Justice Marshall displayed great impartiality in

Hamilton antagonized Burr so much that they fought a duel in which hamilton was killed

The duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr resulted from A) Hamilton's campaigning against Burr when he ran for governor of New York and then continuing to cast aspersions on Burr's character. B) Burr's opposition to Hamilton's financial program. C) Burr's refusal to withdraw from the election of 1800, which forced Hamilton to support Jefferson against his better judgment. D) Burr's accusations that Hamilton had an affair with his wife.

Hamiltons campaigning against Burr when he ran for governor of new york and then continuing to cast aspersions on burrs character

In 1636 the Massachusetts General Court appropriated funds for the first college in America, which was later named A) Columbia. B) Yale. C) William and Mary. D) Harvard.


When the states of the lower South seceded --Lincoln thought secession a bluff and announced no plans to deal with it before assuming office.

Lincoln thought secession a bluff and announced no plans to deal with it before assuming office.

Which of the following was fearful of the Constitution believing that it "squints toward monarchy"? A) John Jay B) Gouverneur Morris C) Patrick Henry D) Samuel Adams

Patrick Henry

The religious dissenters who established Plymouth colony were the A) Ranters. B) Quakers. C) Puritans. D) Pilgrims.


Which of the following statements is a true depiction of this era? --Plantations produced most of their own clothing and food.

Plantations produced most of their own clothing and food.

In 1786 Massachusetts debtor farmers rebelled against the state government and were defeated in battle. This was ________ Rebellion. A) Bacon's B) Leisler's C) Paxton's D) Shays's


The Shawnee chief who tried to bind all of the tribes east of the Mississippi into a great confederation in the early 1800s was A) Little Turtle. B) Chief Joseph. C) Osceola. D) Tecumseh.


"Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle. We are all Republicans-we are all Federalists." This was written by A) John Adams. B) Alexander Hamilton. C) Thomas Jefferson. D) George Washington.

Thomas Jefferson

The politician who sought to preserve America as a nation of minimal government and small, independent farmers was A) John Adams. B) Alexander Hamilton. C) Thomas Jefferson. D) Henry Clay.

Thomas Jefferson

Congress will "take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible to any definition" if the "necessary and proper clause" is not literally interpreted. This was the sentiment of A) Alexander Hamilton, favoring the Bill of Rights. B) Thomas Jefferson, opposing the National Bank. C) Alexander Hamilton, favoring the National Bank. D) Thomas Jefferson, opposing the Bill of Rights.

Thomas Jefferson opposing the national bank

In the election of 1796, when John Adams was chosen president, ________ was elected as his vice president. A) Thomas Pinckney B) Thomas Jefferson C) Alexander Hamilton D) John Jay

Thomas jefferson

The president known for his "pell-mell" style of plain dress and informal entertaining was A) George Washington. B) John Adams. C) Thomas Jefferson. D) James Madison.

Thomas jefferson

"A little rebellion" is "medicine necessary for the sound health of government." This statement was made by A) George Washington on the Revolutionary War. B) Alexander Hamilton on the Whiskey Rebellion. C) Thomas Jefferson on Shays's Rebellion. D) James Monroe on the XYZ Affair.

Thomas jefferson on shays rebellion

Which of the following was an effect of indentured servitude on southern society? A) Most indentured servants were unable to become landowners. B) Those with capital were doubly rewarded with land and labor for the price of labor alone. C) Small farms became more prosperous than large plantations. D) Headrights given directly to servants upon indenture created tremendous prosperity among that social class.

Those with capital were doubly rewarded with land and labor for the price of labor alone

) In the 1820s, the most prominent southern leader, the highly successful secretary of the treasury under Monroe, was A) John C. Calhoun. B) Henry Clay. C) William Henry Harrison. D) William H. Crawford.

William H crawford

The proprietor of the colony founded as a haven for Quakers was A) Lord Baltimore. B) William Penn. C) John Oriole. D) Sir John Colleton.

William Penn

The basic concept underlying the "spoils system" was that A) candidates must campaign viciously to "spoil" the chances of their opponents. B) party workers must be rewarded with political office after a successful campaign. C) there was no need to take into account the wishes of the average voter. D) government positions should not be "spoiled" by turning them into political plums.

party workers must be rewarded with political office after a successful campaign

The conflict between Jackson and Calhoun was sharpened by their strong disagreement over the A) Peggy Eaton controversy. B) Maysville Road. C) Second National Bank. D) Webster-Hayne debate

peggy eaton controversey

Catholic immigrants from Germany and Ireland often A) participated in the Second Great Awakening. B) supported the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions. C) objected to demands for prohibition of all alcohol. D) became leaders in the temperance movement

objected demands for prohibition of all alcohol

) Both Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau A) worked actively in abolitionist organizations. B) sought truth through scientific research. C) engaged in civil disobedience to protest the Mexican War. D) objected to many of society's restrictions on the individual.

objected to many of society's restrictions on the individual

Jackson's attitude toward nullification was to A) oppose it because John C. Calhoun supported it. B) support it because it was a Southern doctrine and he was a Southerner. C) oppose it because of his devotion to the Union. D) oppose it as being divisive in practice, but support it as being correct in principle.

oppose it because of his devotion to the union

During the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Lincoln --opposed both slavery and social and political equality for blacks.

opposed both slavery and social and political equality for blacks.

During the bitter days of Reconstruction, most Northerners --opposed true equality for blacks.

opposed true equality for blacks.

The unifying principle of the Whig party was A) support of Henry Clay as a political leader. B) opposition to "King Andrew" Jackson. C) desire to return to property qualifications for voting and holding office. D) rejection of strong government.

opposition to king andrew jackson

By the 1830s, non-agricultural work increasingly took place A) outside the home. B) on the farm. C) in the family household. D) in maritime trades.

outside the home

16) The primary economic problem for Virginia in the late seventeenth century was A) over-production of tobacco. B) the triangular trade. C) unemployed laborers. D) high cost of slaves.

over-production of tobacco

The religion of Maryland's colonists was A) partly Protestant, but a large majority were Catholic. B) almost entirely Puritan. C) partly Catholic, but a large majority were Protestant. D) almost entirely Catholic

partly Catholic, but a large majority were Protestant

The existence of what southern institution explains why the South had few cities and little industry? -- slavery


In the debates over the Compromise of 1850, Henry Clay's most famous argument was that A) because God's "higher law" prohibited any cooperation with the evils of slavery, the North should refuse to compromise. B) the North should yield completely on every point, ceasing even to discuss slavery. C) fugitive slaves who escaped to the North should be guaranteed their freedom. D) slavery did not need to be prohibited by a Wilmot Proviso because the facts of geography and climate prevented its establishment in the Southwest.

slavery did not need to be prohibited by a wilmot proviso because the facts of geography and climate prevented its establishment in the southwest

A major implication of the Dred Scott decision was that --slavery was a nationwide institution, excluded only where states specifically abolished it.

slavery was a nationwide institution, excluded only where states specifically abolished it.

The Erie Canal A) was constructed by a group of New York merchants. B) was a financial disaster. C) solidly established New York City's importance in commerce. D) benefited New England through the feeder canals.

solidly established New York City's importance in commerce

The nation which caused a major problem for the new government of the Articles of Confederation when it closed the lower Mississippi River to American commerce was A) Spain. B) France. C) Great Britain. D) England.


The Monroe Doctrine's warning against European interference in America came because ________ colonies rebelled to gain their independence. A) France's B) Spain's C) Portugal's D) England's


Andrew Johnson has been described as - specializing in opposition and alienating members of his own party

specializing in opposition and alienating members of his own party

) President Jackson issued the ________ in 1836 to require purchase of public land in gold or silver. A) Homestead Circular B) Public Domain Act C) Specie Circular D) Hard Currency Order

specie circular

In 1849 approximately 80,000 Americans migrated to California because of the A) completion of the Santa Fe Trail. B) start of the gold rush. C) end of the Mexican War. D) severe unemployment in the East.

start of the gold rush

Developed by John Deere, the first tool that helped to ease the labor shortage in the Mississippi Valley was the --steel plowshare.

steel plowshare.

Between 1803 and 1806, the main effect upon America of the war between France and England was to A) stimulate the economy dramatically, especially in re-exporting foreign products. B) deepen domestic political divisions between the Republicans and the Federalists. C) disrupt and almost destroy American foreign trade. D) stimulate greatly increased defense spending in preparation for war.

stimulate the economy dramatically especially in reexporting foreign products

Alexander Hamilton believed that the United States needed a A) completely unregulated economy. B) strong national government. C) political democracy with no restrictions on voting and office holding. D) weak national government.

strong national government

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