Categorical Imperative v. Hypothetical Imperative
"Hypothetical imperatives declare a possible action to be practically necessary as a means to the attainment of something else that one wants. A categorical imperative is one that represents an action as itself objectively necessary, without regard to any further end." -Hypothetical, concerned with the means -Categorical, one that represents an action as objectively necessary and always has to be done
"It is precisely in this that the worth of character begins to show - a moral worth, and incomparably the highest - namely, that he does good, not out of inclination, but out of duty." "duty is the necessity of an act done out of respect for the law." DUTY IS DONE OF RESPECT FOR THE LAW
Good Will: "
"There is no possibility of thinking of anything at all in the world, or even out of it, which can be regarded as good without qualification - except a good will." ONLY A GOOD WILL IS GOOD
By "maxim," Kant means a rule or principle that gives reason for your action. He is saying, in effect, that one ought to act only on principles that one could universalize without contradiction. RULES THAT CAN BE UNIVERSALIZED AND ALWAYS FOLLOWED.
Kant and Happiness
Depends on events in the natural world
The Moral Law
Distinguished from laws of nature in defining what ought to be, dictated to each person from their own moral reason, the law is the law of reason, it cannot be known through experience -KNOWN A-PRIORI
The Problem of Evil
Emerges from the assumption that virtue and happiness ought to be systematically connected. The World shows no connection between Virtue and Happiness
The Three Practical Necessities
GOD, FREEDOM, IMMORTALITY, all three are practical necessities
Phenomena v. Noumena:
Phenomena refers to the world of "becoming"; that is the world of everyday life. PHENOMENA = BECOMING Noumena refers to the world of "Being"; that is the "world" that makes the world of phenomena possible. NOUMENA = BEING
The Human Being and EVIL
Reversing the moral order of his incentives in incorporating them into his Maxim
Self Conceit
Satisfaction of oneself, the moral law of pure practical reason strikes down self-conceit. Self-conceit makes one treat oneself as providing reasons for the actions of others, to take one's desires as sources of value to which they should defer. Self-Conceit, my LAWS should be the conduct of others, they should defer to my interests.
The sum of all inclinations
Self-Love (Solipsismus). Different kinds of self-regard, self-regard of love (selbstilebe), self-regard of benevolence (philautia), satisfaction with oneself (eigenliebe), self-conceit (eigendunken) Pure practical reason interferes with self-love but STRIKES down self-conceit
Tendency to treat one's inclinations as objectively good reasons for one's actions. Self-Love is lawgiving and self-love justifies itself to others.
The Diagnosis of the Problem for Kant
The Dualism between the human being and the world, human beings have purposes and the world does not. DUALISM BETWEEN HUMANS AND THE WORLD IS A PROBLEM AT THE HEART OF EXISTENCE
Kant and the Universe
The Universe is a Rational Place, physical laws organize the world of phenomena, a place where human beings make their home. THE UNIVERSE IS RATIONAL, WHERE HUMANS MAKE THEIR HOMES
The Gap between OUGHT and IS
They are permanently torn. The desire to fill the gap between OUGHT and IS is to PLAY GOD. This leads to Human Dissatisfaction, when we say that bad things that happen to good people shouldn't happen, then do we mean that virtue and happiness are connected?
Virtue and Happiness and what of their matters
Kant and Virtue
Virtue v. Happiness:
Virtue refers to action based on the moral law; happiness to the subjective experience and objective circumstances that derive from acting on virtue. VIRTUE IS ACTION BASED ON MORAL LAW, HAPPINESS IS BASED ON SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE AND OBJECTIVE CIRCUMSTANCES DERIVING FROM VIRTUE, HAPPINESS IS A SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE FROM THE OBJECTIVITY OF ACTING ON VIRTUE
Justice and Kant
We believe that those who help others should be rewarded while those who harm others should be punished. Kant holds this at the bottom of every moral critique.