Kerala, India
Give reasons on how the birth rate is controlled?
- Education has to be paid for by the parents, therefore this encourages them to have less children (2-3) rather than 6-7 like the rest of India. - emancipation of women - encourages them to be more career driven (children stay in education for at least 10 years which allows them to have a good job) - Advances in health care - less people die from major illnesses which means that women will have less children because they're more certain that their child will survive birth etc.
Complete the sentence 'Women's healthcare and education are...'
... the best in India
When on average do women get married and have children?
4 years later than the average in India, 5 years later than the average in India
What is its literacy rate compared to the rest of India
91% compared to 61% in India
How long to children stay in education for?
At least 10 years
What is important about it?
One of the most densely populated states in India, however it has a sustainable approach to population control - education and healthcare is focused upon.
Where is Kerala?
Southern Indian State
What to 'Food programmes' prioritise?
They focus on Women and children - they provide ration cards and free school lunches to ensure they're looked after.