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There are a variety of Scandinavian folk and partner dances, such as Hambo, Schottis, and Polska. They are now also performed in the Midwestern United States, where many people of Scandinavian descent live. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

Scandinavian folk and partner dances such as Hambo, Schottis, and Polska are now also performed in the Midwestern United States, where many people of Scandinavian descent live.

Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was a leader in her own right. She was heavily involved in social and humanitarian issues. Because of this involvement, the FBI suspected that she might be participating in communist activities. Which choice most effectively combines the underlined sentences?

She was heavily involved in social and humanitarian issues, leading the FBI to suspect that she might be participating in communist activities.

A mythical octopus-like creature, The Kraken appears in many places and is derived from Scandinavian lore. The creature can be found anywhere from the poetry of Alfred Lord Tennyson to the fiction of H. P. Lovecraft. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

A mythical octopus-like creature derived from Scandinavian lore, the Kraken can be found anywhere from the poetry of Alfred Lord Tennyson to the fiction of H.P. Lovecraft.

Alfred Wegener was a twentieth-century scientist who first proposed the geological theory of plate tectonics. He thought that scientists must always be prepared to modify their conclusions based on new discoveries, because the field of science is continually evolving. Which choice most effectively combines these sentences?

According to Alfred Wegener, a twentieth-century scientist who first proposed the geological theory of plate tectonics, the field of science is continually evolving: he thought that scientists must always be prepared to modify their conclusions based on new discoveries.

According to some health-conscious activists, products filled with unhealthy ingredients, including things like high fructose corn syrup, should be called "faux foods." They should also come with a warning label. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

According to some health-conscious activists, products made with unhealthy ingredients like high fructose corn syrup should be called "faux foods" and come with a warning label.

Many ancient Greek lyric poems have been preserved only in fragments. This might seem unfortunate. Sometimes, though, the fragmentary nature of a poem complements its content. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?

Although this might seem unfortunate, sometimes the fragmentary nature of a poem complements its content.

Apples that fall from trees instead of being picked are called windfall apples. They may seem tempting, but they can contain insects and dirt, and are usually fed to livestock. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

Although windfall apples-which fall from trees instead of being picked-may seem tempting, they can contain insects and dirt, and are usually fed to livestock.

Archaeologists have discovered that some Vikings deliberately carved grooves into their teeth. The reasons behind this dental decision remain unclear. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

Archaeologists have discovered that some Vikings deliberately carved grooves into their teeth, but the reasons behind this dental decision remain unclear.

Lars Kristofferson is the CEO of Kristoff Markets. He recently announced his plan to open a small chain of affordable health food stores. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

As the CEO of Kristoff Markets, Lars Kristofferson made a recent proclamation: he recently announced his plan to open a small chain of affordable health food stores.

Between 1872 and 1900, mongooses were introduced into most Caribbean islands. They were introduced in order to protect sugar cane fields from pit vipers. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

Between 1872 and 1900, mongooses were introduced into most Caribbean islands in order to protect sugar cane fields from pit vipers.

Football player Pelé was born with the name Edson Arantes do Nascimento. He is regarded as a Brazilian national hero and is the only football player to have won three FIFA World Cups. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

Born with the name Edson Arantes do Nascimento, Pelé is regarded as a Brazilian national hero; he is the only football player to have won three FIFA World Cups.

Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, is well-known for its European-style architecture and its cultural sophistication. Because of these reasons, Buenos Aires is often called the "Paris of South America." Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, is well-known for its European-style architecture and cultural sophistication; for these reasons, it is often called the "Paris of South America."

Capitalism is a controversial economic system. The argument that capitalism rewards innovation and hard work has been made by some people, while others believe it encourages greed. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

Capitalism is a controversial economic system: some argue that it rewards innovation and hard work, while others believe it encourages greed.

Due to their ability to resist wind, round tents called "yurts" are common living accommodations on the Eurasian steppe. The steppe is a dry, flat grassland that experiences extreme gales. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

Due to their ability to resist wind, round tents called "yurts" are common living accommodations on the Eurasian steppe—a dry, flat grassland that experiences extreme gales.

Fans were very excited to see the final installment of the Royal Battleground trilogy. Hundreds of eager viewers lined up outside the movie theater days in advance. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences at the underlined portion?

Fans were so excited to see the final installment of the Royal Battleground trilogy that hundreds of eager viewers lined up outside the movie theater days in advance.

For the title of his novel, Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe borrowed part of a line from W.B. Yeats' poem "The Second Coming." Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold." Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

For the title of his novel, Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe borrowed part of a line from W.B. Yeats' poem "The Second Coming": "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold."

The United Nations, formed in response to World War II, had the original mission of ending armed conflict. Subsequently, it expanded this mission to include advancing social progress, and to this end it supports global economic development and promotes human rights. Which choice most effectively combines these sentences?

Formed in response to World War II, the United Nations has subsequently expanded its mission from ending armed conflict to advancing social progress; to this end, the organization supports global economic development and promotes human rights.

Albert Camus was a French-Algerian novelist. He is a controversial figure because while he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957, he was opposed to Algerian independence from France. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

French-Algerian novelist Albert Camus is a controversial figure; while he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957, he was opposed to Algerian independence from France.

Songlines, ancient oral archives, are an element of Indigenous Australian culture that can be used as a kind of sonic map of Australia. Hearkening back 50,000 years, songlines are sacred cultural documents that chart not just the religious history of Australia, but its literal topography. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences at the underlined portion?

Hearkening back 50,000 years, songlines are ancient, sacred oral archives from Indigenous Australian culture that chart not just the religious history of Australia, but its literal topography: they can be used as a kind of sonic map of the country.

In 1962, Michael Murphy and Dick Price founded the Esalen Institute. The Big Sur, California location was one of the first homes of the Western New Age movement. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences at the underlined portion?

In 1962, Michael Murphy and Dick Price founded the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, one of the first homes of the Western New Age movement.

In Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, the Supreme Court avoided hearing the case by arguing that the Cherokee belonged to a domestic dependent nation, not a sovereign one. As a domestic dependent nation, they would have no legal right to sue. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

In Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, the Supreme Court avoided a ruling by arguing that the Cherokee belonged to a domestic dependent nation, not a sovereign one, which meant they had no legal right to sue.

In his 1961 inaugural address, President John F. Kennedy uttered one of the most memorable lines in US political history. He said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

In his 1961 inaugural address, President John F. Kennedy uttered one of the most memorable lines in US political history: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but you can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

In the late 19th century, large-scale New York department stores muscled out many independent tailors. Macy & Co., Lord & Taylor, and Brooks Brothers were a few members of the burgeoning department store scene. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

In the late 19th century, large-scale New York department stores muscled out many independent tailors: Macy & Co., Lord & Taylor, and Brooks Brothers formed part of the burgeoning fashion scene.

Mangroves are the amphibians of the plant world. They straddle the land and sea, with roots that extend into salt water and house a variety of wildlife. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

Mangroves are the amphibians of the plant world; they straddle the land and sea, with roots that extend into salt water and house a variety of wildlife.

Many gourmet chefs do not require their employees to have completed formal culinary training. Those who have kitchen experience but haven't gone to culinary school can still find jobs in high-end restaurants. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

Many chefs in high-end restaurants do not require their employees to attend culinary school; those who have kitchen experience can still find those jobs.

Mrs. Wall announced three keys to success in her physics class. Those keys were attending lectures, completing homework assignments, and asking for help. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

Mrs. Wall announced three keys to success in her physics class: attending lectures, completing homework assignments, and asking for help.

Niccolo Machiavelli's book The Prince provides commentary on a ruler's actions in the political sphere. It also provides commentary on the importance of surrounding oneself with trusted and smart advisers. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

Niccolo Machiavelli's book The Prince provides commentary not just on a ruler's actions in the political sphere, but also on the importance of surrounding oneself with trusted and smart advisers.

Pablo Picasso's painting "The Pigeon with Green Peas" was stolen in 2010, and remains missing to this day. The thief claimed that, afraid of being caught, he threw the painting in a dumpster. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

Pablo Picasso's painting "The Pigeon with Green Peas" was stolen in 2010; the thief claimed that he threw the painting in a dumpster, but it remains missing to this day.

It's often called the "City of Light." Paris buzzes with a special radiance day and night. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

Paris, often called the "City of Light," buzzes with a special radiance day and night.

In 1972, President Nixon visited Beijing. This was the first step towards the normalization of relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

President Nixon's 1972 visit to Beijing was the first step towards the normalization of relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China.

Qiu Zhu was a female painter in China's 16th century Ming Dynasty. Zhu used refined brushwork in ink to paint landscapes and portraits on hanging scrolls. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

Qiu Zhu, a female painter in the Ming Dynasty of 16th century China, used refined brushwork in ink to paint landscapes and portraits on hanging scrolls.

Rachelle and Lydia did not know what to expect on their first catamaran trip to the Channel Islands. Therefore, they were surprised and thrilled to see dolphins leaping out of the water. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

Rachelle and Lydia did not know what to expect on their first catamaran trip to the Channel Islands, so they were surprised and thrilled to see dolphins leaping out of the water.

Recognized as the national bird of the United States, the bald eagle is a powerful predator. Records from previous centuries indicate that the diet of these creatures once ranged from lambs to seabirds, even though their current diet consists primarily of fish. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

Recognized as the national bird of the United States, the bald eagle is a powerful predator: although they now eat primarily fish, records from previous centuries indicate that the bald eagle's diet once ranged from lambs to seabirds.

Since the 1990s, fishermen in Panama have been clearing mangrove trees for firewood and lumber. Mangrove deforestation threatens pygmy sloths that depend on mangroves for their food and habitat. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

Since the 1990s, fishermen in Panama have been clearing mangrove trees for firewood and lumber, threatening pygmy sloths that depend on mangroves for their food and habitat.

The Chinese philosopher Kong Fuzi codified a framework for behavior based around rituals that upheld the morals of the day. Kong Fuzi, who lived in the 5th and 6th centuries BCE, is better known in the West as Confucius. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

The 5th and 6th-century BCE Chinese philosopher Kong Fuzi, better known in the West as Confucius, codified a framework for behavior based around rituals that upheld the morals of the day.

The Bridge Foundation awarded the Early Childhood Center a grant. The one condition of the grant was that the Center would be required to report back quarterly with parent and teacher surveys. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

The Bridge Foundation awarded the Early Childhood Center a grant on the condition that the Center would be required to report back quarterly with parent and teacher surveys.

The British filmmaker and actor Charlie Chaplin was best known for his silent films. However, the impassioned appeal to universal brotherhood made by Chaplin in the 1940 sound film The Great Dictator is considered one of the greatest monologues in cinema history. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

The British filmmaker and actor Charlie Chaplin was best known for his silent films; however, Chaplin's impassioned appeal to universal brotherhood in the 1940 sound film The Great Dictator is considered one of the greatest monologues in cinema history.

The French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre was one of two people in history to decline the Nobel Prize. Sartre refused the Nobel Prize and all other official honors as a matter of principle. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

The French Philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre was one of two people in history to decline the Nobel prize, Sartre refused all official honors being refused by him as matter of principle.

László Moholy-Nagy was a Hungarian artist. He used unconventional angles in his photography to create novel perspectives for viewers. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences at the underlined portion?

The Hungarian artist László Moholy-Nagy used unconventional angles in his photography to create novel perspectives for viewers.

The Louisiana Purchase was negotiated in 1803. This negotiation, which doubled the size of the republic, involved a number of key historical figures, including Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Napoleon Bonaparte. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

The Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the republic, was negotiated in 1803 by a number of key historical figures, including Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Napoleon Bonaparte.

The Transcontinental Railroad transformed American industry in the 1800s. Before the railroad was built, it cost $1000 to cross the country; afterwards, it cost $150. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

The Transcontinental Railroad transformed American industry in the 1800s, reducing the cost of cross-country travel from $1000 to $150.

The bolero is a love ballad originating in Cuba in the late 1800s. It regained popularity at the turn of the 21st century through international stars like Luis Miguel. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

The bolero, a love ballad genre originating in Cuba in the late 1800s, regained popularity at the turn of the 21st century through international stars like Luis Miguel.

The largest waterfall in the world might surprise you: it's underwater. It drops 11,500 feet from the Greenland Sea into the Sea of Irminger, and it's called the Denmark Strait cataract. Which choice most effectively combines the underlined sentences?

The largest waterfall in the world might surprise you: it's underwater; called the Denmark Strait cataract, it drops 11,500 feet from the Greenland Sea into the Sea of Irminger.

The sport of skateboarding was originally called "sidewalk surfing." It was invented by Los Angeles surfers who wanted something to do when the waves were flat. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

The sport of Skateboarding, originally called "sidewalk surfing," was invented by Los Angeles surfers who wanted something to do when the waves were flat.

The Oarfish, a serpentine deep-sea fish, has long been featured in Japanese folklore as a predictor of earthquakes. Their predictive power comes from living close to the ocean floor. With that proximity to the sea bottom, Oarfish can pick up the sensitive vibrations of tectonic plate movement. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?

Their predictive power comes from living close to the ocean floor, where they can pick up the sensitive vibrations of tectonic plate movement.

Urban environments and metropolitan areas are making gradual advances into natural wildlife habitats. These gradual advances have negative consequences: some animals are perishing from habitat loss. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

Urban environments and metropolitan areas are making gradual advances into natural wildlife habitats, resulting in negative consequences: some animals are perishing from habitat loss.

When someone delivers a speech without visual cues, it can be difficult to communicate a complex idea successfully. The difference between successful and unsuccessful communication is often found in auditory cues like pacing, inflection, and an emphasis on important words. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

When someone delivers a speech without visual cues, communicating complex ideas can be difficult; success often depends on auditory cues like pacing, inflection, and emphasis on important words.

While Mark Twain penned many witticisms, some of his most "famous" commentaries are actually misattributions. There is no evidence that Twain ever said, "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

While Mark Twain penned many witticisms, some of his most "famous" commentaries are actually misattributions; for example, there is no evidence that Twain ever said, "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."

Much of ancient Sub-Saharan African art was made of wood. However, the Nok people in Nigeria made terracotta sculptures featuring human figures. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

While much of ancient Sub-Saharan African art was made of wood, the Nok people in Nigeria made terracotta sculptures featuring human figures.

The Dave Brubeck Quartet's "Take Five" was written primarily as a solo vehicle for drummer Joe Morello. The song ended up becoming one of the group's biggest hits. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences?

Written primarily as a solo vehicle for drummer Joe Morello, The Dave Brubeck Quartet's "Take Five" ended up becoming one of the group's biggest hits.

Yesterday, I drove to work past the lemon tree. It was, as is usual, covered with fruit. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences?

Yesterday, I drove to work past the lemon tree; as usual, it was covered with fruit.

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