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Anita White and Jay Coakley findings from young people taken into account to participate or not?

- Ideas about connections between participation/interests and goals in their lives - Memories of past experiences - Desire to develop/display competence so they can gain recognition/respect from others - Social support - Images/meanings that were part of their social world.


"On-site" data collection, usually focused on a particular social world


- Discovery: Identify and track themes in written documents or audio media content - Deconstruction: analyze narratives and images in documents or media content to make clear the underlying meanings and assumptions

Pleasure and Participation Sports

- Emphasis on connections between people - Ethic of expression, enjoyment, concern, and health - Body = source of pleasure - Inclusion and accommodation of differences - Democratic structures - Compete with others

Personal Theories

Experience-based theories that are summaries of ideas/explanations of social life and the contexts they occur.

Cultural Theories

Explain what we know about the way people think & express their values, ideas, and beliefs as they live together. (Help examine narratives or the way people talk about experiences used in connections w/sports).

Social interaction model leads researchers to assume humans?

Learn values/norms and develop as individuals as they interact with others.

When the definition of sports emphasizes rules, competition, and high performance?

Many people will be excluded from participation.

Dominant Gender Ideologies beliefs and ideas?

Men are physically stronger and more rational than women, Humans are either male or female, Heterosexuality is nature's foundations for human reproduction.

Nance Theberge wanted to know what happens in sports by?

Understanding relationships/interaction which socialization occurs among athletes.

Informal deviance

Unwritten/customs, shared understanding a person is expected to think, act, and appear in a social world.

Culture theories utilize concepts such as?

Values, norms, beliefs, ideology, symbols and language associated w/sports.

Formal deviance

Violation of official rules and laws that are punishable by administrative officials w/ authority.

Identify a conclusion based on the social class ideology in the U.S.

Wealth and power are earned by hardworking people of good character


The shared ways of life and shared understandings that people develop as they live together.

Gender as organization

The way that positions, roles, and responsibilities are structured around gender.


occurs when a person's ideas, traits, or actions are perceived by others to fall outside the normal range of acceptance in a society


- Laboratory-based: measure actions of participants exposed to a particular treatment in a highly controlled setting; compare them with actions of participants who were not exposed to the treatment - Field-based: do the same in a natural setting

To understand one's position in a complex team sport, a player must do three things:

- Mentally visualize the ever-changing locations of all teammates and opponents over the entire field. - Assess the spacial relationships between all players relative to the ball. - Synthesize this information to determine where one's position should be.


- Non-participant: researcher is an outside observer who notes what is seen and heard - Participant: researcher is a full participant in a social world and notes what is seen and heard)


- Questionnaires: written questions are answered by checking boxes or providing brief written responses - Interviews: brief or in-depth oral questions answered face-to-face or in phone conversation

Power and Performance Sports

- Use power to push limits in pursuit of victories - Excellence proved through winning - Body = tool and weapon - Competence-based inclusion/exclusion - Hierarchical structures - Opponents = enemies

Peter Donnely and Kevin Young 4 phase process of being accepted as an athlete.

-Acquiring knowledge of sport -Interacting w/people involved -Learning about participation & what people expect -Becoming recognized/accepted as an athlete in sports culture

Messner 5 steps for producing knowledge in the sociology of sport/science:

-Develop research questions -Select appropriate theory and research methods -Collect/analyze data -Use findings to produce conclusions -Publish results so others can assess validity/reliability

The goal of society is to?

Describe and explain social worlds

Sociology of sport knowledge can help us?

Detect bias & validity problems in our personal theories.

Factors not taken into account when studying delinquency rates?

Deviance among high school athletes may be obscured by a "façade of conformity", Athletes may receive preferential treatment to avoid being labeled delinquent, Students who have a history of deviance are less likely to try out for sports teams.

Ableist Ideology

Disabled people are inferior, people can be classified as normal or disabled, disability exists when physical or mental impairments interfere with a persons ability to function normally in everyday life.

The war on doping

Doping is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport.

Research in the sociology of sport, unlike personal reasearch answer questions about?

Dynamics/organizations of social life.

Negative socialization

Effects are most likely when playing sports constricts or limits a person's identities, relationships, and experiences.

Positive socialization

Effects are most likely when playing sports expands or diversifies a person's identities, relationships, and experiences

Personal Internalization Model

Emphasize that social learning occurs when people internalize the rules of society as they grow in families, attend school, interact w/peers, and receive messages through media.

Institutional corruption

Established, widespread, and taken advantage of processes that if publicly known, would be seen immoral, unethical, or illegal to the point of destroying trust in an organization and its leaders.

In the context of the great sports myth, sociologists often try to?

Expose the invalidity of the great sports myth.

Goal of sociologists w/observational research is to?

Extend or challenge our knowledge of familiar groups and social worlds.

Patti & Peter Adler studies on young basketball player in learning to be a hero show?

Learned to set goals to succeed in basketball.

Social Theories

Logically interrelated explanations of the actions and relationships of humans and the organization/dynamics of social worlds.

Disadvantages to absolutist approach?

Makes people defensive about their attitudes/actions, undermines creativity/change, creates resistance to rules.

The women's movement that stimulated growth for girls sports programs began when?

Mid 1970's


Social condition that exists when widespread conformity creates unlimited obedience to norms or commands of leaders in the context to the Constructionist approach to deviance.


Social condition that exists when widespread unconformity creates general lawlessness.

Good research in the sociology of sports always inspires critical approaches to the?

Social conditions that affect human lives.

Viewing sports as ____ may cause some people to be defensive because they resist the idea that we can or ever should change sports.

Social constructions

Quantitative methods used when?

Social realities can be explained/understood by creating an overall view.

Meaning of sport experiences vary from one person to another b/c?

Social relationships are influenced by social definitions (age, gender, economic status, ethnicity, skin color).

Interactionist Theories use concepts such as?

Socialization, role models, significant others, self-concept, identifying, labeling, deviance, and stereotyping.

The Great Sports Myth

Sport is essentially pure & good, and its purity and goodness are transferred to anyone who plays, consumes, or sponsors sports THEREFORE, There is no need to study and evaluate sports for the purpose of transforming or making them better because they are already what they should be

Sport Experiances

Sports are social locations rich in potential for providing memorable/meaning experiences.

Wacquant studies show?

Studies of social worlds help understand the contexts which athletes and others connected w/sports to form identities.

Sociology of sports

Studies sports as a social phenomenon.

Social Structure

The established patterns of relationships and social arrangements that take shape as people live, work, and play together.

Gender as performance

The fact that people "do" gender as they interact w/others.

Why do athletes use performance-enhancing drugs?

They are part of a sport system which therapies and supplements are needed to recover from intense training, they uncritically accept and over conform to norms of the sport ethic.

Structural theories

They explain what we know about forms of social organization that influence actions and relationships. - These theories helped him study the ways that relationships are organized and how they influence people's access to power, authority, material resources, economic opportunities, and other resources.


pride-driven arrogance and an inflated sense of self-importance that leads one to feel separate from and superior to others.

Primary studies that deal with off-field deviance?

Academic cheating and alcohol use among high school/college athletes, felony rates among athletes, delinquency and sports participation among high school athletes.

Dominant Social class Ideology

All people have opportunities to achieve economic success, The U.S. is a meritocracy, Income and wealth inequality is normal and inevitable.

General norms around the sports ethic?

Athletes strive for distinction, they are dedicated to "the game" over everything, they accept risks and play through pain.


Athletes that go overboard and do whatever it takes to have success on the field.

Factors associated w/decisions to get out of sports & on with life.

-Realistic judgements about ones skill set & chances of a career -Need to obtain a job to support oneself.

Issues that sociologists in sport understand by using research/theories?

-The social/culture contexts in which sports exist -The connections between social contexts/sports -The social worlds people create as they participate in sports.

Three part questions about health related problems caused by lack of exercise?

-Who plays sports over time -Who plays and drops out -Who never plays

Performance Ethic

A set ideas and beliefs emphasizing that the quality of the sport experience can be measured in terms of improved skills, especially in relation to the skills of others. - Fun = becoming better - Common in private programs - Tied to parent notions of "investing in their children's future"


A shared interpretive framework that people use to make sense of and evaluate themselves, others, and events in their social worlds.


A social element woven into the fabric of social worlds as meaning, performance, and organization

Alternative or Action Sports

Children develop skills w/out coaches (skateboarding)

Researchers use a combination of cultural theories and text analysis to study socialization as a ?

Community and cultural process.


Concrete representations of the values, beliefs, and moral principles around which people organize their lives.

Messner's 3 theories:

Cultural Interactionist Structural

It is important to study ____ as immediate contexts which sport participation is initiated and nurtured?



Fieldwork that involves observations and interviews.

Tom Farrey said children under 8 shouldn't play?

Highly organized sports.

According to the absolutist approach, all norms represent particular___?


Gender as a meaning

In a particular culture people learn to identify certain colors, names, and objects as masculine or feminine.

Trends in youth sports today

Increase in private training facilities dedicated to produce elite athletes Organized programs emphasizes the "performance ethic"


Individualism & material success are highly valued and public funded programs are being replaced by private.

Hybrid Sports forms

Informal games which adults provide subtle guidance for children and organized sports teams which parents and coaches encourage un or semi-structured play

What reflects change in structure/culture of childhood over the past two generations?

Informal player-sports have been replaced by organized sports.

Ethics in context to sports deviance

Interrelated set of norms or standards used to guide/evaluate ideas, traits, and actions.

Social Research

Investigations in which we seek answers to questions about social worlds by systematically gathering data.


Is a process of learning and social development which occurs as one interacts w/others and becomes familiar w/social worlds.

Knowledge in the sociology of sports?

Is about social worlds is never complete & solves current problems does't mean solution will be free of challenges and problems.

Personal expression

Is maximized when games are organized to allow creativity and experimentation.

Deviant over conformity is ignored by the media b/c?

It challenges the popular acceptance of the great sports myth.

Constructionist approach

Norms are socially constructed as people interact with each other and determine what's acceptable and what isn't, Deviance is socially constructed as people negotiate the boundaries of their acceptance, Power dynamics influence this negotiation, Most ideas, traits, and actions fall into a normally accepted range

Social changes in the U.S. as a result of growth & current status of organized youth sports.

Number of families increasing Major cultural shift in what it means to be a "good parent"

Goal of in-depth interviews/field observations are?

Obtain detailed descriptions of sports experience & analyze the processes which people make decisions about sports participation.

Jay Coakley found burnout in sports linked to?

Organization & authority structure of high-performance sports.

The sociology of sports tells one about?

Organizations and dynamics of relationships in society

Problems in youth sports identified by the Citizenship Through Sports Alliance panel?

Overuse injuries and hyper competitive culture in sports Inadequately trained and under appreciated youth coaches.

Researchers use ____ to view sports participation in the overall context which it occurs?

Participant observation & Interviews.

Ableist Ideology

People can be ranked from high to low on a particular ability in a particular situation or specific task.

Social Interaction

People taking each other into account and in the process influence each others feelings, thoughts, and actions.

Includes all forms of movement and physical abilities that people in social worlds create, sustain, and regularly include in their collective lives?

Physical culture

In the 1960's sport programs were meant to?

Prepare youth athletes to participate productively in a competitive economy.


Process of maintaining leadership & control by gaining the consent & approval of other groups, including those who are being led or controlled. (Can be maintained in a social world).

As organized sports have spread around the world, so has the myth that sports are?

Pure and good

Physical literacy emphasizes ?

Quality coach education.

___ Ideology consists of interrelated ideas and beliefs that are widely used to classify human beings into categories, assumed to be biological and related to attributes such as intelligence, temperament, and physical abilities?


In organized sports ____ is the central in the lives of children?

Reaffirming friendships

Donnelly & Young found that staying involved in sports depend on?

Receiving social support for the formation of an athlete identity.

Participant Observer

Record the actions, feelings, & comments of self/others in a social world.

Outside Observer

Record what is seen/heard.

Performance ethic

Set of ideas/beliefs emphasizing quality of experience measured by improved skill and competitive success.

Parts of the social world that are created by people as they interact with one another under particular social, political, and economic conditions are?

Social Constructions

Interactionist theories

They explain what we know about the origins, dynamics, and consequences of social interaction among people in particular social worlds. - These theories helped him study sites (identifiable social contexts, where people learn what it means to be a man or woman, how to perform masculinity or femininity as they interact with others, and the ways that ideas and beliefs about gender are integrated into the organization of social worlds)

Cultural theories

They explain what we know about the ways that people think and express their values, ideas, and beliefs as they live together and create social worlds. - These theories use narrative (the ways that people represent and talk about objects, people, and experiences that are used in connection with sports)

When can elite training become a form of child labor?

When the livelihoods of coaches depend on performances of child athletes.

Sharan Wheelers reasearch shows process of staying involved in sports tied with?

Which sports participation is sponsored.

Sports-related issues important when making decisions?

Who plays & under what conditions, the meaning, purpose, and organization of sports, how sports will be sponsored/controlled.

Gramesi found revolutions had not yet occurred b/c?

Widely accepted ideas about organizing society were actually supported by the powerful people.

Ideologies are important because they

embody culturally shared perspectives, principals, and viewpoints.

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