Kine 374 - Exam 2 Review Questions

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**The normal ratio/range of glenohumeral to scapular movement in upward rotation may be as large as what? The differences in rhythm can be found in what?

1:1 or 6:1 throwers children/elderly fatigue/load movement conditions/task constraints

**What's the ratio for glenohumeral to scapular movement in upward rotation?

2:1 (2 shoulder elevation/flex/scaption/ABD, 1 upward rotation)

If you expect to have 180* of total shoulder complex elevation... How many degrees are from scapular upward rotation? How many degrees are from GJH elevation?

60 120

The __________ is the primary elbow flexor during supinated barbell curls. a. Biceps brachii b. Brachioradialis c. Brachialis d. Supinator


Which of the following contracts eccentrically to control motion into forearm supination? a. pronator quadratus b. abductor digiti minimi c. extensor digitorum d. flexor carpi radialis e. palmaris longus f. rhomboid major


Which of these muscles will be agonists during the bench press? a. Triceps brachii b. Biceps brachii c. Extensor digitorum d. Abductor digiti minimi


Which of the following flexes the MCP joints? (can be more than 1) a. FDP b. FDS c. EPL d. Pectoralis Minor e. Infraspiantus f. Coracobrachialis


Which of the following abducts the GHJ? (can be more than 1) a. Middle deltoid b. Anterior deltoid c. Posterior deltoid d. Latissimus dorsi e. EPB f. Triceps brachii g. supraspinatus


Which of the following flexes the radiocarpal joint? (can be more than 1) a. FDP b. FDS c. EPL d. Pectoralis Minor e. Infraspiantus f. Coracobrachialis


Which of the following flexes the PIP & DIP joints? (can be more than 1) a. FDP b. FDS c. EPL d. Pectoralis Minor e. Infraspiantus f. Coracobrachialis


Eccentric contraction of the serratus anterior is most closely related to which of the following osteokinematic movements? a. Scapular Protraction b. Scapular Retraction c. Scapular upward rotation d. Scapular depression


Name two muscles that produce extension, adduction, and medial rotation at the glenohumeral joint: a. Teres Major and Teres minor b. Latissimus dorsi and Teres major c. Coracobrachilalis and acromial part of deltoid d. Spinal part of the deltoid and Serratus Anterior


Which of the following internally rotates the GHJ? (can be more than 1) a. Middle deltoid b. Anterior deltoid c. Posterior deltoid d. Latissimus dorsi e. EPB f. Triceps brachii


A small object is held between a flexed thumb and the middle phalange of the 2nd digit. This grip is called a _________ grip. a. Pinch b. Hook c. Key d. Death


All of the following are true of the Flexor Retinaculum, except: a. It serves as the anterior wall of the carpal tunnel b. It serves to restrain the flexor tendons to the wrist c. It serves as a ligament to resist wrist flexion d. It serves as an attachment point for hand intrinsic muscles


An athlete experiences a distal avulsion (separated tendon from bone) to his flexor digitorum profundis muscle. Which of these actions will he NOT be able to do actively or against resistance? a. Extend his DIP joints b. Flex involved PIP joints c. Flex involved DIP joint d. Abduct his MCP joints


Which of the following extends & radially deviates the wrist? (can be more than 1) a. FDP b. FDS c. EPL d. Pectoralis Minor e. Infraspiantus f. Coracobrachialis


Which of the following externally rotates the GHJ? (can be more than 1) a. Middle deltoid b. Anterior deltoid c. Posterior deltoid d. Latissimus dorsi e. EPB f. Triceps brachii


Which of the following is an antagonist to radiocarpal flexion? (can be more than 1) a. pronator quadratus b. abductor digiti minimi c. extensor digitorum d. flexor carpi radialis e. palmaris longus f. rhomboid major


Which of the following muscles concentrically contracts to cause abduction at the saddle joint of the first digit? a. Extensor pollicis longus b. Adductor pollicis c. Abductor pollicis longus and brevis d. Opponens pollicis


Which of the following extends the GHJ? (can be more than 1) a. Middle deltoid b. Anterior deltoid c. Posterior deltoid d. Latissimus dorsi e. EPB f. Triceps brachii


A pinch grip is used to pick up a jelly bean. All of the following may be agonists, except: a. Flexor digitorum profundus b. Adductor pollicis c. Opponens pollicis d. extensor pollicis longus


All of the following are agonists of making an aggressive / tight (power grip) fist, except: a. Flexor digitorum superficialis b. Adductor pollicics c. Flexor digitorum profundus d. Lumbricals


Concentric contraction of which muscle will cause abduction of the 2nd MCP joint? a. 1st palmar interosseous b. 4rd dorsal interosseous c. 2nd palmar interosseous d. 1st dorsal interosseous


The _________ will cause flexion of the MCP joints and extension of the 2nd-5th PIP and DIP joints. a. Flexor digiti minimi brevis b. Opponens digiti minimi c. Extensor indicis d. Lumbricals


The ____________ will be an agonist in this exercise (Wrist Flexion). a. Extensor carpi radialis b. Extensor carpi ulnaris c. Abductor digiti minimi d. Flexor digitorum profundus


This exercise will best stretch the: Pulling fingers back w/ the opposite hand a. Extensor digitorum b. Pronator quadratus c. Abductor pollicus longus d. Flexor digitorum superficialis


Which of the following downwardly rotates & depresses the scapula? (can be more than 1) a. FDP b. FDS c. EPL d. Pectoralis Minor e. Infraspiantus f. Coracobrachialis


Which of the following muscles has a proximal attachment at the distal lateral humerus (specifically lateral epicondyle via common extensor tendon)? a. Flexor carpi radialis b. Palmaris longus c. Flexor carpi ulnaris d. Extensor carpi radialis brevis


Which of the following flexes the wrist? (can be more than 1) a. pronator quadratus b. abductor digiti minimi c. extensor digitorum d. flexor carpi radialis e. palmaris longus f. rhomboid major


Which of the following extends the CMC & MCP #1? (can be more than 1) a. Middle deltoid b. Anterior deltoid c. Posterior deltoid d. Latissimus dorsi e. EPB f. Triceps brachii


Which of the following externally rotates & horizontally abducts the GHJ? (can be more than 1) a. FDP b. FDS c. EPL d. Pectoralis Minor e. Infraspiantus f. Coracobrachialis


T/F: Eccentric action of the coracobrachialis is most directly related to the joint movement of glenohumeral flexion.


T/F: Key pinch is an example of a power grip.


T/F: The palmar interossei are agonists of spreading fingers apart.


T/F: To effectively load the Right infraspinatus as an external rotator of the glenohumeral joint holding a dumbbell as resistance (gravity), one may assume the position of Right (ipsilateral) sidelying.


Which of the following downwardly rotates, retracts & elevates the scapula? (can be more than 1) a. pronator quadratus b. abductor digiti minimi c. extensor digitorum d. flexor carpi radialis e. palmaris longus f. rhomboid major


Which of the following flexes the glenohumeral joint? (can be more than 1) a. FDP b. FDS c. EPL d. Pectoralis Minor e. Infraspiantus f. Coracobrachialis


T/F: Concentric contraction of the flexor pollicus longus will cause flexion of the 1st MCP and IP joints, as well as CMC 1 Opposition.


T/F: The abductor pollicus longus contracts concentrically to cause radial deviation.


T/F: The brachioradialis contracts concentrically to cause elbow supination and flexion when the forearm is fully pronated.


T/F: The pronator teres muscle is located superior (or proximal) to the pronator quadratus.


A mountaineer must perform combined flexion and ulnar-deviation of her wrist to pull herself up a rope. Which of the following muscles are agonists of this combined movement? a. Flexor digitorum profundus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor carpi ulnaris b. Extensor carpi ulnaris, flexor digiti minimi, flexor pollicis longus c. Prontator teres, pronator quadratus d. flexor carpi radialis, abductor pollcis longus, palmaris longus


All of the following attach at the lateral aspect of the humerus (at greater tubercle), except: a. subscapularis b. teres minor c. infraspinatus d. supraspinatus


All of the following muscles attach to the lateral part of the humerus (at greater tubercle), except: a. subscapularis b. Infraspinatus c. Teres minor d. supraspinatus


An individual lies supine with shoulder at his side, elbow in extension, and forearm in full supination. The brachioradialis muscle contracts concentrically in isolation ("on its own"-- with no other muscles). - Select the best description of the anticipated change in elbow and forearm positions. a. Elbow flexion, forearm pronates to semi-pronated (neutral position) b. Elbow flexes, forearm remains supinated. c. Elbow flexes, forearm pronates maximally d. Elbow extends and wrist flexes


Based on your knowledge of muscle attachments, which rotator cuff muscle is considered to be the "anterior cuff"? a. subscapularis b. infraspinatus c. serratus anterior d. teres minor


Glenohumeral abduction is coupled with scapular upward rotation at a typical ratio of: a. 2 degrees abduction for every 1 degree upward rotation b. 1 degree abduction to every 3 degrees upward rotation c. 1 degree ER to every 1 degree Scapular retraction d. 6 degrees abduction to every 1 degree upward rotation


Lowering a weight in the frontal plane requires eccentric supraspinatus contraction (and eccentric lateral (acromial) deltoid contraction. - This activity corresponds with which of the following glenohumeral joint movements? a. glenohumeral adduction b. glenohumeral abduction c. scapular plane flexion d. scapular plane extension


Name the muscle with the following attachments: - Proximal Attachment at the posterior scapula (on spine of the scapula). - Distal Attachment at the lateral humerus (on deltoid tuberosity). a. Posterior (spinal) deltoid b. Middle (acromial) deltoid c. Teres Major d. Anterior (clavicular) deltoid


What type of joint is the glenohumeral joint? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


What type of joint is the humeroradial joint? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


When the rotator cuff muscles serve to prevent or minimize undesirable glenohumeral joint motion or dislocation, the rotator cuff muscles are acting as: a. True Synergists b. Helper Synergists c. Centrationers d. Agonists


Which of the following muscles has an attachment at the costal surface of the scapula? a. Serratus Anterior b. Anterior (clavicular) deltoid c. Levator scapulae d. Coracobrachilalis


**What ligament holds together the proximal radioulnar joint?

annular ligament

All of the following are hinge joints, except: a. Distal interphalangeal joint (DIP) b. Humeroradial joint c. Humeroulnar joint d. Proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP)


Identify a muscle that contracts concentrically to cause glenohumeral joint external rotation. a. Latissimus dorsi b. Infraspinatus c. Teres major d. Subscapularis


Identify the muscles of the scapular upward rotation force couple (Scapulothoracic Joint upward rotation agonists). a. Middle Trapezius, Minor and Major Rhomboids, Posterior Deltoid b. Trapezius (upper fibers), Serratus Anterior, Trapezius (lower fibers) c. levator scapula, Rhomboids Major and Minor, Pectoralis Minor d. Deltoid (Anterior/Acromial), Coracobrachials, Clavicular head of Pectoralis Major


Name an antagonist of distal interphalangeal extension. a. Extensor digitorum b. Flexor digitorum profundus c. Lumbricals d. Abductor digiti minimi


Opposition, a transverse plane movement, at carpometacarpal joint 1 (CMC 1) requires which of the following joint movements to occur at the saddle-type joint? a. dislocation b. distraction & rotation c. scaption d. transplantation


Thumb abduction occurs in a plane ___________________ . a. parallel to the frontal plane b. approximately parallel to the plane of the thumbnail in anatomical position ("oblique") c. within the frontal plane d. at 90 degrees (perpendicular) to the frontal plane


What type of joint is the carpal metacarpal joint of digit 1? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


What type of joint is the sternoclavicular joint? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


Which of the following muscles are agonists of forearm pronation from a starting position of 70 degrees pronation? a. pronator teres, pronator quadratus, and brachioradialis b. pronator quadratus and pronator teres c. supinator, biceps brachii d. extensor carpi radialis longus


Which of these muscles are agonists in scapular retraction? a. Serratus Anterior, Pectoralis Minor b. Trapezius (middle fibers), Rhomboids Major and Minor c. Rhomboids Major and Minor, Pectoralis Minor, Levator Scapula d. Deltoid (spinal part/ posterior), Middle Trapezius, Infraspinatus


All of the following muscles have proximal attachments at the distal lateral humerus (lateral epicondyle), except: a. Extensor carpi ulnaris b. Extensor carpi radialis brevis c. Flexor carip ulnaris d. Extensor digitorum


An individual presents with a significant downwardly rotated scapula position. Muscular tightness (limited flexibility) is a contributing factor. - Which of the following muscles are most likely to be tight? **Hint: another way to understand a "tight" muscles is by thinking of the muscles as 'holding tension' or holding a partial concentric contraction (shortened). a. Upper Trapezius and serratus anterior b. Pectoralis major and Latissimus dorsi c. Pectoralis minor and Rhomboids (minor and major) d. Upper Trapezius and Triceps Brachii


Concentric contraction of the Infraspinatus and Teres Minor causes all of the following osteokinematic actions except: a. Glenohumeral Horizontal Abduction b. Glenohumeral External Rotation c. Scapular Retraction


During glenohumeral abduction, supraspinatus acts as an agonist. The other rotator cuff muscles contract to stabilize the glenohumeral joint, acting as _____________. a. Centrator b. Helper synergist c. True synergists d. Antagonist


Identify the best (most comprehensive) stretch for the anterior (clavicular) head of the deltoid: a. Glenohumeral extension, Internal rotation and Adduction b. Glenohumeral Flexion, Internal rotation and Adduction c. Glenohumeral extension, external rotation, and abduction d. Hanging from a pull up bar


The 'band pull-apart' exercise (resisted horizontal abduction) effectively trains which of the following muscles? a. subscapularis, latissimus dorsi b. serratus anterior, biceps brachii, supinator c. infraspinatus, teres minor, posterior (spinal) deltoid d. pectoralis major, pectoralis minor


What type of joint is the acromioclavicular joint? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


What type of joint is the intercarpal joint? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


Which of the following muscles are Antagonists of Scapular Depression? a. Lower Trapezius, Pectoralis minor b. Serratus anterior, Infraspinatus c. Levator scapula, Rhomboids (major and minor), Upper Trapezius d. Middle Trapezius, Latissimus dorsi


Which of the following muscles are agonists of thumb extension at the MCP joint? a. abductor pollicis longus and brevis b. flexor pollicis longus and brevis c. Extensor pollicis longus and brevis d. lumbrical #1


Which of the following muscles contracts concentrically to cause glenohumeral horizontal abduction? a. Subscapularis b. Latissimus dorsi, Teres Major c. Infraspinatus d. Supraspinatus


Within the first row of carpal bones (proximal row), which carpal bone lies immediately medial (toward ulnar aspect of upper extremity) to the scaphoid? a. Trapezium b. Hamate c. Lunate d. Capitate


A Long Thoracic Nerve injury may result in one or more of the following, except: a. Weakness of scapular protraction b. Decrased scapular upward rotation against resistance (i.e. during an overhead press) c. Winged scapula d. Significant deltoid region atrophy


All of the following osteokinematic motions occur in the same plane of motion, except: a. elbow flexion (humeroulnar) b. glenohumeral flexion c. Proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) 1 extension d. Thumb carpometacarpal Joint (CMC 1) flexion


Concentric contraction of lumbricals, palmar interossei, and dorsal interossei cause metacarpophalangeal (MCP) flexion, proximal interphalangeal (PIP) extension, and distal interphalangeal (DIP) extension. All of these muscles attach to the ___________________. a. palmar apponeurosis b. Tenodesis grip c. Volar Hood d. Extensor Mechanism


The proximal attachment of the Rhomboid major are __________ to the proximal attachment of the Rhomboid minor. a. Superior b. Deep c. Lateral d. Inferior


What type of joint is the DIP joint? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


What type of joint is the PIP joint? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


What type of joint is the humeroulnar joint? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


Which of the following contracts concentrically to cause shoulder (glenohumeral) abduction? a. Subscapularis b. Pectoralis Major c. Pectoralis Minor d. Middle (acromial) deltoid


Which of the following is an antagonist to glenohumeral external rotation? a. teres minor b. supraspinatus c. serratus anterior d. subscapularis


All of the following muscles contract concentrically to flex the glenohumeral joint, except: a. Anterior (clavicular) deltoid b. biceps brachii short head c. coracobrachialis d. pectoralis major e. triceps brachii long head


Identify the position(s) of the glenohumeral joint that would tend to stretch teres minor and infraspinatus. a. maximum horizontal adduction b. maximium horizontal abduction c. maximum internal rotation d. maximum external rotation e. Two of the above f. Three of the above


What type of joint is the distal radioulnar joint? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


What type of joint is the proximal radioulnar joint? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


Which of the following muscles produce horizontal adduction of the shoulder (glenohumeral joint)? a. Coracobrachialis b. Anterior (clavicular) deltoid c. Pectoralis major d. Two of the above e. All of the above


Which of the following is an expected finding of a longstanding Radial Nerve Injury? a. Atrophy of the triceps brachii and weakness of elbow extension b. Anterior arm atrophy and profound elbow flexion weakness c. Winging scapula d. Thumb extension weakness; difficulty giving the 'thumbs up sign" e. two of the above f. three of the above g. all of the above

e (a & d)

What type of joint is the carpal metacarpal joint of digits 2-5? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


What type of joint is the metacarpophalangeal joint? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


What type of joint is the radiocarpal joint? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


What type of joint is the scapulothoracic joint? a. ball & socket b. saddle c. glide d. hinge e. pivot f. condyloid g. not a synovial joint


What nerve goes through carpal tunnel?

median nerve

What is dyskinesia?

observable alterations in position of scapula & patterns of scapular motion in relation to thoracic cage (dysrhythmia (probs w/ scap. rhythm, not normal) OR winging (long thoracic nerve injury = serratus anterior weakness))

What's Varus stress?

opens lateral part of joint (bow legs)

What's Valgus stress?

opens medial part of joint (knees go in)

What are the types of precision grips?

pinch (tip to tip, index & thumb) key (thumb to side of index)

What are the types of power grips?

power (proper, cylindrical, thumb involved) hook (cylindrical but no thumb involvement)

What is the order of the carpal bones from radial to ulnar side?

scaphoid lunate triquetrum pisiform trapezium trapezoid capitate hamate

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