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All of the following circumstances put the 1924 Paris Olympics in doubt of being held, EXCEPT _______

-French troops were lined up on the border of Germany -The mandates of the Treaty of Versailles were not being upheld -The French were not paying Germany the war reparations owed (Other way around; Germany didn't pay France their reparations) -France and Germany were on the brink of another war

The first Olympic Games that included women competitors was _____.

1900 Games

Which of the following centuries would be most accurate to mark the time the ancient olympics were abolished

4th century ad

What was the name of the woman who started the FSFI (Women's sport organization in France)

Alice Milliat

The Games of 1916 were cancelled due to WWI, but Coubertin kept the numbering system to note that they were still considered the VI Olympiad, where were these games supposed to be held


Who was the 2nd president of the IOC


The Games staged in Athens in 1906, were called

Intercalated Games

Which of the following was NOT introduced by Coubertin at the 1920 Olympics

Olympic Flag Releasing of the Peace Doves Olympic Oath Torch Relay

Which city was originally scheduled to host the 1908 Olympics


Which of the following is the reason the ancient games stopped being held

emperor theodosius I felt that the games were pagan rituals

The ancient games was held for about 1200 years, how often did they hold the games

every 4 years

The five Olympic rings were adopted for the Modern Olympic Games after an ancient 3000 year old carving was discovered in a rock at Delphi, Greece.


The original olympic games consisted of only one contest, which was _____

stadion foot race

The period of time of safe passage to the ancient games leading up to the event and directly following was known as what

truce of zeus

Which of the following is not true about the Winter Olympics of 1924

-They were not originally called an Olympic Games -They featured 6 sports -They were held in Chamonix, France -They lasted two months because they were part of a Winter Fair celebration

Which of the following is NOT true about the Olympic Games of 1932

-Travel arrangements for Europeans were made a huge discount -The Games were presided over by the Vice-President -The # of spectators was low b/c of the Great Depression; -The Games did not include football

Which of the following is NOT true about WWI

-US got involved in 1917 -Germany supported Austria-Hungary -Britain supported Belgium -France formed an alliance with Germany -Russia supported Serbia

Which Olympics brought about the need for officials to be from countries other than just the host country

1908 London

What year were the Inter-Allied Games played


The first Olympic Games to feature the Olympic Rings symbol were the ____ Olympic Games


The Olympics of 1904 were originally scheduled to take place in which of the following cities


Despite the push for the Olympics of 1924 to be held somewhere "neutral", why did the Games end up going to Paris

Coubertin was retiring

Coubertin traveled to Much Wenlock to talk to _____ about the Games that were held there every year.

Dr. William Penny Brookes

Who were the British fighting in the Boer Wars in South Africa


The first athlete to be banned from competition and not allowed to compete in 1912 because he was considered a professional was

Francis Beaurepaire (PE teacher)

Jim Thorpe had his medals stripped because he

Had taken money to play baseball

Following WWI, the ________ Games were held and included all of the WWI allied powers. These Games were similar in format to the Olympic Games and established the entanglement of politics of sports

Inter-Allied Games

The first Winter Olympics did not get their official title until 2 years after they were held. What was the original name of this event

International Sports Week 1924

These were a group of individuals in the IOC that were pushing to have the Olympics hosted at a neutral site after WWI. What was the name of this group

League of Neutrals

In which of the following Olympics did many athletes compete and not even know that they had competed in the Olympics

Paris 1900

Which of the following Olympics did women first get the chance to compete

Paris 1900

Many of the "major players" in WWI, had ties to which following person

Queen Victoria

The Olympic motto, "Citius, Altius, Fortius," in English means:

Swifter, Higher, Stronger

Why did Coubertin move the headquarters of the IOC to Lausanne

Switzerland was neutral during the war

According to the Scots, Coubertin created the Olympics because he had witnessed an exhibition of these games in Paris.

The Highland Games

The Scandinavian Countries were reluctant to join the Olympic movement when it came to the Winter Olympics b/c they were already staging their own winter contests. What was the name of these

The Nordic Games

The 5 rings of the Olympics represent which of the following?

The continents of participating athletes

Coubertin had planned on having the first Olympics of the Modern Era staged in Paris. This did not happen, so which of the following best describes what happened to his plans?

The delegates liked the idea of the Modern Olympics that they moved them up 4 years

The Olympic Marathon was first contested in the 1896 Games. What does this run commemorate

The run of Pheidippides after the battle of Marathon

After the death of which Queen did the British Empire start to decline


What was the occupation of the first ever Marathon winner?

Water delivery man

Which of the following did NOT influence Coubertin to revive the Olympics?

World War I

After WWI there were a lot of countries that were not invited to the 1920 Olympics, which of the following WAS invited

Yugoslavia Austria Germany Hungary

What is the name of the 16 year old girl who won the first ever track and field Gold Medal

betty robinson

Allowing only athletes with amateur status was used to:

keep the upper class in the games and exclude the lower class

What was the prize for winning in the ancient games

olive wreath

_______ seeks to create a way of life based on the joy in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental principles


The event in the ancient games that most resembles the ufc or mma style fighting today is called _____


Some athletes in the ancient games would rather die than lose, but how did those that did quit signal their defeat to the judges

raising index finger

Who was charged with enforcing the safe passage period of the athletes and spectator to and from the ancient games


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