Kines 330 exam 2 quiz

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To determine the effects of fatigue from a particular type of exercise, keeping the temperature and humidity constant would be considered what types of variables because they may influence the outcome of the study.

control variables

The qualitative researcher typically

studies a small number of participants

In evaluating the methods section of a research report, which is a very important question to keep in mind?

Did the author provide enough information that the study could be repeated?

An important principle regarding human subjects research is the right of informed consent which states that the researcher is obligated to

explain the major features of the study to the participants before the beginning of the study so that they have the opportunity to decline to take part

A limitation of some large epidemiological cohort studies is

the inability to experimentally establish cause and effect

A research hypothesis

is directly testable

An important advantage of the qualitative method is that

it is more likely than other methods to lead to new insights about the problem

In comparison to surveys, qualitative interviews tend to be

less structured

Which of the following were limitations of the study?

-Homogeneous population -Multiple components in intervention 'package' -Small sample size

Individuals performing well merely because they are being observed (and not necessarily because of any effect of treatment) are considered to be under the influence of the

Hawthorne effect

This study is an example of which type of epidemiological study design?

a randomized control trial

A researcher thinks that there will be a inverse relationship between functional movement scores and number of injuries. This is an example of a

a research hypothesis

Of the surveys frequently used for measuring physical activity in epidemiological research, the shortest (one to four items) is the

global questionnaire

Prevalence of disease differs from incidence of disease in that prevalence refers to the number of

people who presently have a disease, whereas incidence relates to new cases

The interpretation of data in qualitative research always involves some form of

sorting and categorizing

In describing participants in the methods section of a research report, which of the following should be included?

-number of participants -pertinent descriptive characteristics of participants

Which of the following statements would appear in the procedures part of the methods section of a research report?

Participants in the experimental group exercised three days per week for 30 minutes per day for 10 weeks.

It can be advantageous to carry out a pilot study prior to the actual research study because

it permits a thorough check of the planned data collection and analysis procedures

A dose-response relationship is one where you would expect to see the risk or an outcome changing with greater exposure to a risk factor or protective factor.


Meta-analyses follow strict inclusion and exclusion criteria to minimize potential bias.


The null hypothesis states that there is no difference among treatments or relationship among variables.


The data utilized by this meta-analysis came from studies using which epidemiologic study design?

Cohort studies

The internal validity of an experimental design is concerned with what question?

Did the independent variable really produce a change in the dependent variable?

A study limitation is an observable phenomenon that enables the researcher to test if the predicted outcomes can be supported.


Which of the following terms is used in connection with intensity of exercise and refers to the ratio of metabolic rate during exercise to the rate while resting?


A strength of this study was the use of an accelerometer to assess physical activity before and after the intervention. This allowed for...

Objective and continuous measurements of physical activity

The part of the methods section of the research paper that describes the activities of each treatment group is called the


Studies have shown that physical activity after a cancer diagnosis improves outcomes with regards to mortality, quality of life, and recurrence of some cancers. Physical activity is an example of a...?

Protective factor

The researchers found that individuals who engaged in the equivalent of 300 minutes/week of moderate-intensity physical activity had a 20% lower risk of CHD than those reporting no leisure-time physical activity. Which of the following relative risks (risk ratios) reflects this finding?

RR = 0.80

Which of the following was not a primary finding of this study?

This intervention increases long-term physical activity adoption and adherence among cancer survivors

The researchers found that individuals who engaged in the equivalent of 150 minutes/week of moderate-intensity physical activity had a relative risk (or risk ratio) = 0.86 [95% CI: 0.77-0.96] compared to those with no leisure-time physical activity. An individual who met this level of activity would have...

a 14% lower risk of CHD than someone with no leisure-time physical activity

Defining a specific volleyball skill as a score on a volleyball skill test is an example of:

an operational definition

For confidentiality, the researcher should

both of these statements are important

The type of sport a person participates in would be a

categorical variable

A double-blind experiment is one in which

neither the researcher nor the participants know which participants receive the experimental treatment

The term that denotes using ideas, writings, or drawings of others as your own is called


Determinants of disease are often called

risk factors

A type of study that matches individuals with and without disease on factors such as age is an example of a

case-control study

Additional factors that can obscure the relationship between physical activity and blood cholesterol, such as smoking, body fat, and so on, are called

confounding factors

In a research study in which the treatment involved intense physical training, 40% of the participants in the treatment group dropped out as compared with 5% of the control group. This threat to internal validity is called

experimental mortality (attrition)

"To what populations, settings, treatment variables, and measurement variables can this effect be generalized?" might most appropriately be asked in relation to

external validity

A qualitative research technique involves interviews of small numbers of participants in a group setting. These groups are called

focus groups

A study design uses, for example, two groups of people representing a disease-free population who are then classified as exercisers and nonexercisers. After a period of time, the mortality rates of each group are compared. This design is called a(n)

prospective cohort study

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