Kinesiology exam 2

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Explain the five major types of static and dynamic muscle actions, and give an example of each.

(Isometric action) is a muscle contraction without motion an example would be holding a dumbbell in a constant/static position rather than actively raising or lowering. (Concentric action) is one in which muscle is able to overcome a load and shortens as it goes through the range of motion; this is usually termed flexion an example would be the flexion of biceps. (Eccentric action) occurs when a muscle cannot develop sufficient tension and is overcome by an external load, and thus it progressively lengthens during movements; this is usually termed extension an example would be the extension of the biceps. (Isokinetic action) the neuromuscular system works at a constant speed during each phase of movement against a preset high resistance, independent of the amount of muscular force generated by the involved muscles an example would be lowering yourself during a sit-up. (Plyometric action) is a sudden eccentric loading and stretching of muscles followed by a strong concentric contraction an example would be skipping.

Exercise in the Heat

- Inability to lose heat >Higher core temperature >Risk of hyperthermia and heat injury - Higher sweat rate >May be as high as 4-5 L/hour >Risk of dehydration

Capillary Supply

-increase number of capillaries supplying each fiber -may be key factor in increase VO2max

Immediate Energy: Phosphagen System characteristics

1.Large amounts energy produced in a short time 2.Fast recovery •Requires sufficient local supply of CP •Small and depleted rapidly •Rest and recovery needed quickly •7-12s @ very high intensity •15-30s @ moderate intensity

Trained athlete

10% deficit

Untrained individuals

20-35% deficit

Distinguish between static and dynamic muscle actions in terms of muscle movement and work done.

A (static) or isometric action is one in which there is no visible change in muscle length, such as when you push against a door frame. The action is against a load that is beyond the capability of the muscles to move, and therefore, no external movement of the load occurs. No work is performed during an isometric muscle action; nonetheless, a relatively high amount of muscle tension is developed and energy is used. An isometric action is not defined by work but by the rate of tension developed and by the duration over which the tension lasts. (Dynamic) The neuromuscular system works dynamically if internal and external forces are unbalanced. Dynamic action involves movement. When the external force is smaller than the internal force generated by the athlete, the latter will be able to resist, and the result will be movement.

energy for the cross bridge binding

ATP molecule breakdown provides

maximal voluntary muscular contraction

Ability to perform _____________ in order to overcome powerful external resistance

Differentiate between absolute and relative strength and give examples of each.

Absolute strength is the maximum amount of force a person can produce in a single effort an example would be someone who can squat 200 pounds is most likely to perform better than someone who can squat 100 pounds. Relative strength is the relationship between maximal strength and body mass an example would be gymnastic movements involving only the client's body weight.

I band

Actin filaments

I band:

Actin filaments

Sliding Filament Theory part 4

Actin filaments move and sarcomere shortens

70% of mans strength

Average woman =


Carry blood away from the heart


Carry blood towards the heart

activity duration and intensity

Contribution of each energy system depends on the _______________

Sliding Filament Theory part 3

Cross bridges move similar to stroking of the oars

At any given level of work, the rate of lactic acid accumulation is decreased in the endurance-trained individual, which means the anaerobic threshold is higher and the individual can work at a higher rate of activity before the accumulation of lactic acid begins. During high-intensity exercise, the rate of lactic acid buildup can be decreased by decreasing the intensity of the activity or by increasing the ability to handle the lactic acid.

Define anaerobic threshold. Is the anaerobic threshold high or low in endurance-trained individuals?

The Krebs cycle is a metabolic process where pyruvate is metabolized, along with other fuel sources such as carbohydrates, protein, and fat. The electron transport chain is the final step in the oxidative system where large amounts of ATP are produced.

Describe two major metabolic pathways of oxidative phosphorylation.

The three systems are designated as aerobic or anaerobic, depending on whether or not oxygen is needed to produce energy. While oxygen is not required by either the phosphagen or glycolytic systems, the oxidative system depends on oxygen to produce energy. The two anaerobic systems can be separated on the basis of whether or not lactic acid is produced during energy production: lactic acid is produced with the glycolytic system, but no lactic acid is produced by the phosphagen system.

Discuss how the three energy systems can be distinguished in terms of both oxygen use and lactic acid production.

The three energy systems coexist and overlap in various combinations depending on the intensity and duration of the activity. It is clear that the phosphagen and glycolytic systems are more important for short-term, high-intensity activities like diving, sprinting, and jumping and throwing events in track and field, whereas the oxidative system is predominant for longer-lasting, less-intensive endurance activities like marathon running and triathlon.

Explain how the three energy systems work together to fuel all our activities.

Muscle movement is controlled by the motor nerve impulses transmitted from the CNS and spinal cord out to the motor unit, which when activated causes the muscle fibers to contract. Whether or not a motor unit actiavtes upon the arrival of an impulse depends upon the so-called all-or-none principal. This principal requires an impulse of a certain magnitude to cause the inneravted fibers to contract. This principle is analogous to flipping a light switch. Once a sufficient amount of pressure is applied, the light turns on or off completely; flipping the switch on harder or faster does not make the light any brighter it is an all-or-none response.

Explain the all-or-none principle of muscle activation.

Energy is liberated for muscular work when the chemical bond between ATP and its phosphate subgroup is broken through hydrolysis( the chemical breakdown of a compound by the addition of water). Muscle cells are able to continually resynthesize ATP by the recombination of ADP with free phosphate. ATP is a renewable resource that can be regenerated provided sufficient chemical energy is supplied via metabolic pathways. This process is called ATP resynthesis.

Explain the hydrolysis and resynthesis of ATP. Why is ATP resynthesis so important?

During the contraction of a muscle, it is the sliding of the thin actin filaments over the thick myosin filaments that causes shortening of the muscle to create movement.

Explain the sliding filament theory.

•Joint Angle •Muscle Cross-Sectional Area •Speed of Movement •Muscle Fibre Type •Age •Sex

Factors Influencing Muscle Action?

joint angle, muscle area, speed of movement, fibre type, age and sex

Factors affecting muscle force ad power include

List the factors that influence muscle action. Provide an example of each.

Factors that can affect force and power output include joint angle, muscle-cross sectional area(larger = more absolute strength), speed of movement(max strength, power max strength, and endurance max strength), muscle fiber type(fast = greater force, speed, fatigue. slow = less force, speed, more endurance), age(lose fast twitch as you age because of muscle atrophy from less activity and less testosterone), and sex(women are 70% as strong as men).

Which major muscle fiber type is further divided into two other fiber types? What are the differences between the two subtypes?

Fast twitch( FT or Type II) and slow twitch (ST or Type 1). FT fibers are more anaerobic, larger, fatigue faster, and have a faster contraction speed than ST fibers. This makes these fibers ideal for actions that are short and require quick bursts of power and energy, such as sprinting or jumping.

greater strength

Greater body mass =

1 repetition maximum (RM)

Highest load lifted in one muscle contraction

During muscle contraction, skeletal muscles shorten, and as a result of the tendinous attachments to bone, function to move the various parts of the skeleton with respect to one another (at joints) to allow changes in the position of one skeletal segment in relation to another.

How do skeletal muscles and tendons work together to cause movement?

The primary fuel source for these activities is the phosphagen system. Under these conditions, creatine phosphate can be broken down to produce phosphate and creatine. The free phosphate then bonds with ADP to reform ATP. Since there is only a small amount of ATP and CP stored within each muscle fiber, and because this system produces energy at a very high rate, this system can provide immediate energy for muscle contractions only in the initial 7 to 12 seconds of high-intensity activity.

Identify the fuel sources of the three energy systems

Phosphagen System

Immediate Energy

•maximal / absolute strength

Inter- and intramuscle coordination, anatomical structure, and muscle elasticity =


Iso =

Static Action


90-100 degrees

Joint angle optimal angle

•Maximal strength •Power •Muscular endurance

Linked to the main components of strength:

Oxidative System

Long-term Energy

Relative strength

Maximal strength / Body mass =

medium to high resistance

Maximal strength important when overcoming ___________


Metric =

Sliding Filament Theory part 1

Motor nerve activates muscle fibre

static or dynamic, and eccentric, concentric, and isometric

Muscle contraction can be classified as

Sliding Filament Theory

Muscle contraction occurs due to actin sliding over myosin

Briefly discuss the relationship between maximal strength and power.

Muscle fibres increase in diameter in response to high resistance training, you increase the size by increasing actin and myosin, and maximal strength training can be beneficial to power development. The more internal force an athlete can generate to overcome external resistance, the more movement acceleration increases.

joint angle

Muscle force production depends on

Explain how muscles work in synchrony

Muscles work in the perfect symphony when one muscle contracts(draws together) to move a bone, and the other relaxes, allowing the bone to move

Strength Endurance

Muscular Endurance or

A band:

Myosin filaments

Sliding Filament Theory part 2

Myosin head attaches to actin; cross bride formation

per muscle fibre type

One motor unit per


Peripheral nervous system

Relative stregth

Proportion of maximal strength relative to body mass

M line:

Proteins anchoring thick filaments

Z line:

Proteins anchoring thin filaments


Pump blood to the body

Glycolytic System

Short-term Energy


Small vessels that branch from arteries


Small vessels that branch from veins

lean body mass volume

Strength is determined by

Discuss the differences between strength, power, and endurance sporting activities.

Strength is the ability to maintain shape under the application of force, power is the ability of an athlete to overcome external resistance by developing a high rate of muscular contraction, and endurance is the ability of an athlete to resist fatigue in strength performance of a longer duration.

Explain why muscle cross-section influences the amount of force a muscle can generate.

The more myofibrils there are in a muscle cross-section, the more sarcomere there are, which allows greater force to be generated.

What are the roles of synergists and fixators? Give an example of each.

The muscles surrounding the joint being moved and supporting it in the action are called synergists( complementing the action of a prime mover). Other muscle groups called fixators will steady joints closer to the body's axis so that the desired action can occur. For example, if you want to climb a rope hand over hand, the muscles holding your shoulder girdle tightly to your rib cage are fixators, enabling you to use the muscles acting over the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and finger joints to perform their job and pull you up the rope. An example of a synergist is contracting to complement flexion: deltoid anterior.

Briefly discuss the relationship between maximal strength and muscular endurance.

The number of repetitions that can be done against a high resistance is dependent on maximal strength. The greater a person's maximal strength, the greater the muscular endurance at a particular load.

Blood Volume

The total amount of blood circulating within the body

Cardiac Output

The volume of blood ejected from the left side of the heart in one minute.

Do strength differences exist between men and women? Provide two examples which support your argument.

There are differences but it might not be what you expect because the average woman is 70 percent as strong as a man of the same size. However, differences between the sexes may not be as great as is commonly thought. In fact, in some cases, the differences may not be at all what is typically assumed. Women are able to perform challenging tasks requiring high levels of strength.

What happens to muscular strength as one ages? Why does this occur?

There is a selective loss of fast twitch fibers, mainly fast twitch glycolytic, with aging. As people age, they become less active, which results in muscle atrophy.

Motor nerves:

Transmit information from CNS to skeletal muscles

Sensory nerves:

Transmit information from sensory receptors to CNS

It can produce very large amounts of energy in a really short amount of time and its rate of recovery is relatively rapid. The system can supply energy only until the intramuscular stores of ATP are exhausted, and thereafter, for as long as there is a sufficient local supply of creatine phosphate to resynthesize ATP from ADP. However, the total muscle stores of ATP are very small and are depleted after only a few seconds of high-intensity work. Since the store of creatine phosphate in muscle is also small, it too is depleted rapidly during high-intensity work.

What are the advantages and limitations of the three energy systems?

Skeletal muscle is made up of numerous cylinder-shaped cells called muscle fibers, and each fiber is made up of a number of myofilaments. Each cell (fiber) is surrounded by a connective tissue sheath called the sarcolemma, and a variable number of fibers are enclosed together by a thicker connective tissue sheath to form a bundle of fibers. A large number of individual thread-like fibers known as myofibrils run lengthwise and parallel to one another within a muscle fiber.

What are the structures that make up skeletal muscle?

Endurance-trained individuals are able to remove lactic acid faster from exercising muscles. Faster lactic acid removal will allow people to continue to exercise at higher intensities for longer periods of time. Factors that can lead to an increased rate of lactic acid removal include (a) an increased rate of lactic acid diffusion from active muscle fibers into the circulatory system; (b) an increased muscle blood flow; (c) an increased ability to metabolize lactate in the heart, liver, and nonworking muscle fibers.

What factors can increase the rate of lactic acid removal? Why is this important?

The myosin filaments produce a dark band known as the A band. In the A band region of each sarcomere, two additional bands are present: the H zone that represents the space between the ends of the two sets of thin filaments in each sarcomere and the narrow, dark band in the center of the H zone, known as the M line. The M line is made up of proteins that link together the central region of the thick filaments. The light I band lies between the ends of the A bands of two adjacent sacromeres. It is bisected by the Z line, which anchors the thin filamenets.

What is the A band? What are the two regions of the A band?

During each step of glycolysis, a specific enzyme breaks down the chemical bonds of stored glycogen or blood glucose in the absence of oxygen. The final product in the complex series of breakdowns is termed pyruvic acid, which proceeds in one of two directions. It can be converted into lactic acid if the rate of pyruvic acid production is high or it can be converted to pyruvate and shuffled into the mitochondria, the specialized cellular organelles where the reactions of aerobic metabolism occur

What is the end product of glycolysis, and what happens to this end product?

All energy from the body is derived from the breakdown of three complex nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The end result of the breakdown of these substances is the production of various amounts of the molecule ATP, the body's energy currency.

What is the energy currency of the body, and where does it come from?

brain, spinal cords

What makes up the Central nervous system?

Muscle attached to the skeleton to make it move is known as skeletal muscle. It is also known as voluntary or striated muscle. Skeletal muscle is considered striated because of the alternating light and dark bands that appear when viewed under a light microscope. It's description as voluntary comes from the fact that we can contract skeletal muscle when we want to, voluntarily.

Why is skeletal muscle described as being striated and voluntary?

Muscle Cross-Sectional Area

Women < men More Type 1 / ST fibres (muscle endurance) Less Type 2 / FT fibres (muscle mass and strength)

Lean body mass

Women = men Same strength produced by single muscle fibre


__________ is the ability to overcome resistance with high rate of muscular contraction


__________ is the ability to resist muscle fatigue


__________ is the highest load one can lift

Oxidative system

_____________ is the most important as it supports a broad range of activities

Concentric action

a contraction during which the muscle shortens

maximal / absolute strength

active muscle mass =

Endurance training:

anaerobic threshold goes up •Muscle "burn" felt at higher intensity •Faster removal of lactic acid: • muscle blood flow (capillaries, cardiac output) • flow of lactic acid from muscles to blood • metabolism of lactate



Nervous system

brain, spinal cord, nerves


clot-forming component

Eccentric action

contraction of the same speed over the entire range of motion


contracts to complement flexion: deltoid anterior

Prime mover / agonist

contracts to flex shoulder: pectoralis major


contracts to steady scapula closer to body: serratus anterior

Prima mover / agonist

contracts: biceps

Muscle force deficit

difference between assisted (e.g., hypnosis) and voluntarily generated maximal force

Plyometric action

fast eccentric muscle action followed by explosive concentric action

Conduction zone

filters, humidifies and adjusts air to body's temperature

Respiratory zone

gas exchange

White blood cells

infection fighting cells


inspiration and expiration


is a term used to describe glucose synthesis from noncarbohydrate sources such as lactate, protein, and fat.

Absolute strength

is the maximum amount of force a person can produce in a single effort

oxidative phosphorylation

is used to resynthesize ATP


it is usually linked to bone by bundles of collagen fibers

less repetitions possible

more force required =

more acceleration

more strength =


movement of air in and out of the lungs

Dynamic Action

muscle contraction with movement



Red blood cells

oxygen-carrying cells


programmed cell death


relaxes: triceps

H zone

space between thin filaments


speed-strength =

Skeletal muscle

striated muscle =


the ability to maintain shape under the application of force

Biomechanics of human movement

the assessment of the movement and the sequential pattern of muscle activation acting through joints to move body segments


the loss of muscle mass, strength, and function that comes with aging

VO2 max

the maximal rate of oxygen that can be consumed to produce energy in the muscle

repetition maximum (RM)

the maximum amount of resistance that can be moved a specified number of times


transport fluid

Total body mass

women < men less muscle and more and more adipose tissue

Skeletal Muscles

work together in synchrony to produce a desired movement

Fast twitch muscle fibres

• FT or Type II • Appear white • Fast contraction • Anaerobic • Fatigue fast • Large fibres

Plyometric Action

•A sudden eccentric loading and muscle stretching followed by a strong concentric contraction

Muscle Biopsy

•A tiny piece of muscle is removed and analyzed under a microscope

ATP resynthesis

•ADP + P --------ATP •Energy from breakdown of carbohydrates, protein and fat


•ATP --- Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) + free phosphate (P) •Energy liberated for muscle contraction

O2 extraction

•Ability of tissues to extract O2 •Bohr effect: O2 released from Hb under high CO2 •Affected by mitochondria number and enzyme efficiency

resist fatigue (endurance)

•Ability to ________ in strength performance of longer duration

high rate of muscular contraction

•Ability to overcome external resistance by developing a ___________

Long-Term Energy: Oxidative System

•Aerobic System •Oxidative phosphorylation •Carbohydrate, protein, fat à many ATP •Muscle mitochondria •w enzymes and coenzymes •Most important, broad range of activities •Low and moderate intensities •< anaerobic threshold •Low lactic acid levels •Requirements: 1.Enough muscle mitochondria 2.Sufficient O2 supply 3.Enzymes and intermediate by-products under control

All-or-None Principle

•All muscle fibres that make up a single motor unit will contract maximally if the magnitude is reached

Stroke Volume

•Amount of blood (ml) pumped out of left ventricle per heartbeat •Resting: 70 ml

Cardiac output

•Amount of blood pumped by the heart •Determines O2 volume delivered to tissues

All-or-None Principle

•An impulse of a certain magnitude is required to cause fibres to contract

All-or-None Principle

•An impulse of smaller magnitude will not cause a muscle contraction


•Anabolic hormone •Responsible for muscle growth •Women 20-30% < men

Immediate Energy: Phosphagen System

•Anaerobic Alactic System •Creatine phosphate (CP) •Broken down to P •Combines with ADP •1 ATP •Small amounts of muscle CP and ADP stored •Short duration, very high intensity activities •E.g., shot put, sprint, weightlifting

Short-Term Energy: Glycolytic System

•Anaerobic Lactic System •Glycolysis •Glucose breakdown to 2 ATPs •w enzymes •w/o oxygen 1.High rate: pyruvic acid à lactic acid (anaerobic) 2.Low rate: pyruvic acid à pyruvate (aerobic) •Carbohydrates •Primary source of blood glucose •From pasta, breads, fruits, vegetables, etc

a chemical reaction

•At the endplate electrical current triggers

Oxygen utilization

•At the tissues •Cellular respiration


•Attaches muscle belly to bone

Gas exchange

•Between air and blood •Between blood and other tissue

During exercise

•Body heat must be released by additional means •80% of energy released as heat

Exercise in the Cold

•Body less capable to adapt to prolonged cold vs. heat exposure •Hypothermia (significant decreasein body core temperature) •Shivering (involuntary skeletal muscle twitching) increased body's metabolic rate and heat production

Sinus node

•Bundle of nerve fibres that control heart rate •Located inside right atrium wall •Generate a nerve impulse (action potential) •Cause muscle walls to contract •Atria 1st,ventricles 2nd

diffuse into the actin-myosin overlap zone

•Calcium ions are released and

Intramuscle Coordination

•Capacity to activate different motor units simultaneously


•Concentration of red blood cells •Determines amount of O2 per a volume of blood


•Connective tissue sheath •Wraps each muscle fibre

Peripheral Circulatory System

•Consists of blood vessels made up of layers of tissue •Smooth muscle cell layer allow vessels to contact •This regulates blood flow throughout the body


•Contractile units •Organized longitudinally in series (end to end)

Muscle fibre

•Cylinder-shaped muscle cell •Contains contractile machinery and organelles for cell respiration

Respiratory system

•Delivers oxygenated air to blood •Removes CO2 from blood •Regulates acid-base balance

Right atrium

•Deoxygenated blood •From body •Via superior/inferior vena cava

Right ventricle

•Deoxygenated blood •To lungs •Via pulmonary artery

Partial pressure of O2 (PO2)

•Determines hemoglobin-oxygen binding •High (e.g., lungs): O2 binds •Low (e.g., muscle): O2 unbinds

Diastolic B

•During heart relaxation (diastole) •Indicates peripheral BP (outside the heart) •Ease with which blood flows from arterioles to capillaries •Normal: 70-80 mm Hg

Systolic BP

•During ventricular contraction (systole) •How hard heart works •Strain against arterial walls during contraction •Normal: 120 mm Hg

Long-Term Energy: Oxidative System characteristics

•Efficient lactic acid removal after intense activity •Liver and Type I oxidative muscles •Efficient breakdown of fuels to produce high ATP yields •Especially fats •Limitations: 1.Adequate O2 supply 2.Slow rate of ATP of production

Motor end plate

•End of a motor neuron •Transmits neural impulses to a muscle fibre

phosphagen, glycolytic, and oxidative

•Energy is produced with 3 energy systems:

Intensity of work

•Estimated by measuring heart rate via carotid or radial pulse •Palpate with middle 2-3 fingers and count # beats per 10 sec x 6

Eccentric Action

•Example: Extension of biceps •Muscle is overcome by a load •Lengthens

Concentric Action

•Example: Flexion of biceps •Muscle overcomes a load •Shortens

Trained athletes

•Exploit a larger number of muscle fibres •Larger muscle mass •More limited in further strength gains

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)

•Fuels all biochemical processes •Body's energy currency

•Motor unit

•Group of fibres activated via the same nerve •Basic functional entity of muscular activity

Plyometrics training includes

•Leaping •Bounding •Depth jumping

Endocardium (innermost)

•Lines heart chambers •Allows smooth blood flow

Muscle belly

•Made up of muscle fibre bundles

Long-lasting, low to moderate intensity activities

•Mainly oxidative system •Marathon, triathlon

Short-term, high intensity activities

•Mainly phosphagen and glycolytic system •Jumping, throwing, sprinting


•Make up muscle fibre •Contain contractile machinery: sarcomeres and myofilaments

Heart contracts in a constant rhythm

•May speed up or slow down •Depending on the body's blood and oxygen need


•Muscle work requires energy which is supplied in


•Muscles contract •Cavity and lungs expands •Lung pressure ¯ •Air flows in


•Muscles relax •Cavity and lungs shrinks •Lung pressure •Air flows out

is not capable of exciting muscle fibres

•Nerve's electric current (action potential)

Isokinetic Action

•Neuromuscular system works •At a constant speed •During each movement phase •Against a preset high resistance •Independent of muscle force generated •Effective for strengthening muscles uniformly at all angles of motion •Requires specialized equipment

causing excitation of the sarcolemma

•Neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) is released and diffuses across the neuromuscular junction


•New RBCs with more hemoglobin •Produced in bone marrow •Tightly controlled with a hormone erythropoietin (EPO)


•Number of capillaries in tissue •Affects the ability of cardiovascular system to place RBCs close to the working tissues

Muscle Fibre Bundle

•Numerous muscle fibres wrapped by a thick connective tissue

Movement of air gases in and out lungs

•O2 •CO2 •Nitrogen

Atrioventricular valves

•Open when atria contract to direct blood flow into ventricles 1.Tricuspid valve: right atrium ----- right ventricle 2.Bicuspid / mitral valve: left atrium ----- left ventricle •Close when atria relax to prevent backflow

Semilunar valves

•Open when ventricles contract to direct blood flow into arteries 1.Pulmonary valve: right ventricle ---- pulmonary artery 2.Aortic valve: left ventricle ---- aorta •Close when ventricles relax to prevent backflow


•Open with blood flowing towards heart •Close with blood flowing away from heart

Long-Term Energy: Oxidative System

•Oxygen transport •Lungs ------ circulation ------- muscle • ATP need = O2 delivery (linear): • ventilation • O2 blood uptake • O2 muscle uptake •Maximal aerobic power (VO2max) •Maximal rate of O2 that can be consumed Additional energy produced anaerobicaly

•Left atrium

•Oxygenated blood •From lungs •Via pulmonary vein

Left ventricle

•Oxygenated blood •To body •Via aorta

Biological adaptation

•Performance improvements through strength training •Reflected in increased strength


•Protective sac •Loosely surrounds heart


•Protein and iron molecule inside RBCs that binds to up to four O2


•Pump blood into ventricles


•Pumps blood through the human body

Arterial-venous oxygen difference (a-v O2

•Rest: 4-5 ml O2 /decilitres blood •Exercise: 15 ml O2 /decilitres blood

Heart rate

•Rhythmical contraction of the heart walls (beats per minute, bpm) •Resting: 40-70 bpm •Maximum: 220 - age (years)

Slow twitch muscle fibres

•ST or Type I •Appear red •Slow contraction •Aerobic •Fatigue resistant •Small fibres

Optimal joint angle

•Sarcomeres at optimal distance •Optimal number of cross bridges •Maximal force developed

Small joint angle

•Sarcomeres too close together •Cross bridges interfere •Smaller force developed

Large joint angle

•Sarcomeres too far apart •Fewer cross bridges •Smaller force developed

Plyometric Action

•Sets off the Golgi tendon organ reflex •Protects muscle overstretching •Causes concentric contraction

Cardiovascular system

•Supplies muscles and organs with O2 •Removes metabolic by-products from tissues •Critical for performance

Short-Term Energy: Glycolytic System characteristics

•Supports high intensity activities •Lactic acid = painful and fatiguing by-product •Converts to lactate and hydrogen ions •Hydrogen ions cause muscle "burn" and diminish contraction Lactate metabolised in heart, liver, and muscles

Intermuscle Coordination

•The capacity to activate different muscles to produce a movement

Myocardium (middle)

•Thick and muscular •Pumps blood

Epicardium (outer)

•Thin •Protection


•Thin filaments with actin proteins •Thick filaments with myosin proteins


•Tiny vessels that branch from arterioles •Composed only of endothelial cells •O2, nutrient, by-products exchange

expose the active sites on the actin molecule to the myosin

•Troponin and tropomyosin change shape and position and

•Blood flow against gravity

•Valves close to prevent back flow •Venous smooth muscle cells contract •Skeletal muscles contract


•contraction in which there is No visible change in muscle length •Load > muscle force •No work, high tension and energy •Defined by: •Rate of tension •Duration

Trainable factors

•fibre diameter, intra- and inter-muscle coordination, nerve impulse frequency, muscle and tendon elasticity, energy stores, capillary density

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