Kinesiology Final Exam

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Which of the following levers would be best to use to move a specific object if your only objective was a slight movement of the object: A: a first-class lever with a resistance arm of 10 and a force arms of 10 B: a second class-lever with a resistance arm of 10 and a force arm of 20 C: a third class lever with a resistance arm of 20 and a force arm of 10 D: each lever would be just as effective as the others


Which of the following muscles is innervated by the spinal accessory nerve and all branches of C3 and C4: A: rhomboid major and minor B: trapezius C: serratus anterior D: pectoralis minor


Which of the following muscles performs adduction of the wrist: A: palmaris longus B: flexor carpi ulnaris C: extensor carpi radialis longus D: Flexor pollicis longus


In the human body when the triceps applies a force to the olecranon in extending the nonsupported forearm at the elbow, it exemplifies: A: first-class lever B: second-class lever C: third-class lever D: non of the answers is correct


Muscle tissue has all of the following properties except ________. A: secretion B: contractibility C: extensibility D: elasticity


Radioulnar supination is performed by all of the following muscles except the: A: anconeus B: biceps brachii C: supinator D: brachioradialis


Spindle-shaped muscles with a central belly that tapers to tendons on each end are: A: fusiform B: radiate C: sphincter D: strap


Stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa is a primary action of the ____________: A: subscapularis B: coracobrachialis C: teres major D: Latissimus dorsi


The chief function of the __________________ is to pull the synovial membrane of the elbow joint out of the way of the advancing olecranon process during extension of the elbow: A: anconeus B: triceps brachii C: pronator teres D: supinator


The part of a neuron that conducts impulses away from its cell body is called a(n) ________. A: axon B: dendrite C: neurolemma d: schwann cell


The radial nerve innervates all of the following muscles except: A: pronator teres B: triceps brachii C: brachioradialis D: anconeus


The transverse place divides the body into ___________: A: superior and inferior halves B: anterior and posterior halves C: right and left halves D: medial and lateral halves


Which of the following actions is performed by the serratus anterior A: upward rotation B: downward rotation C: flexion D: extension


Which of the following statements is true about velocity: A: it is the distance an object travels in a specific amount of time B: it is the rate at which an object changes its position C: it is independent of the rate of displacement D: it is inversely proportional to how fast an object is moving


Which of the following would be recruited last in muscle stimulation when contraction stimulus strength increases? A: smaller motor units B: large motor units C: medium-sized motor units


Which term describes the following movement: the angle between the femur and leg decrease because the heel is moving toward the buttocks? A: knee extension B: knee flexion C: knee internal rotation D: knee external rotation


Which term describes the following movement: the femur moves straight posteriorly away from the pelvis: A: hip flexion B: hip extension C: hip abduction D hip adduction


While performing a biceps curl, the action of lowering the weight back down towards the hips involves the actions of an agonist and antagonist muscle pair. The ___________ acts as the agonist and the _____________ acts as the antagonist in this example: A: biceps brachii... triceps brachii B: triceps brachii... biceps brachii... C: triceps brachii... latissiumus dorsi D: biceps brachii... deltoid


Which of the following correctly identifies the origin and insertion of the teres minor: A: origin - lateral border of the posterior scapula; insertion - greater tubercle B: origin - lateral border of the posterior scapula; insertion - posterior aspect of the distal humerus C: origin - medial border of the posterior scapula; insertion - deltoid tuberosity D: origin - subscapular fossa; insertion - deltoid tuberosity


Which of the following exemplifies a second-class lever in the human body: A: plantar flexion of the ankle to raise the body on the toes B: when the iliopsoas is used to flex the thigh at the hip C: the biceps brachii D: when the hamstrings contract to flex the leg at the knee in a standing position


Which of the following is a posterior upper extremity muscle: A: Anconeus B: pronator quadratus C: biceps femoris D: pronator teres


Which of the following is a primary action of the latissimus dorsi: A: extension of the glenohumeral joint B: external rotation of the glenohumeral joint C: flexion of the glenohumeral joint D: diagonal abduction of the glenohumeral joint


Which of the following is an action of the biceps brachii: A: horizontal adduction of the shoulder joint B: pronation of the forearm at the elbow from a supinated position to neutral C: weak extension of the shoulder joint D: diagonal abduction of the shoulder joint during internal rotation


Which of the following is an action of the middle fibers of the deltoid: A: abduction and horizontal abduction B: extension C: flexion D: adduction and horizontal adduction


Provide a strengthening activity for the following muscles: A: deltoid B: serratus anterior C: trapezius D: latissimus dorsi

A: side arm dumbbell raises B: rope climbs C: shoulder shrugs D: lat pulls

Identify Newton's law of acceleration: A: for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction B: a body in motion tends to remain in motion at the same speed in a straight line unless acted on by a force C: a change in the acceleration of a body occurs in the same direction as the force that caused it D: none of the answers is correct


A defined area of skin supplied by the dorsal or sensory root fibers of a single spinal nerve is known as a(n): A: deep tendon reflex B: dermatome C: interneuron D: myotome


In the context of radioulnar joint movements, which of the following terms refers to the external rotary movement of the radius on the ulna that results in the hand moving from the palm-down to the palm-up position: A: flexion B: extension C: supination D: pronation


In the context of shoulder girdle movements, which of the following terms refers to the movement of the scapula medially toward the spinal column, as in pinching the shoulder blades together: A: abduction (protraction) B: elevation C: adduction (retraction) D: depression


A person with a lateral curvature of the spine has a condition known as: A: kyphosis B: scoliosis C: lordosis D: retroversion


Which of the following DOES NOT describe a way in which machines function: A: by balancing multiple forces B: by enhancing force in an attempt to increase total force needed to overcome a resistance C: by enhancing range of motion and speed of movement so that resistance can be moved farther and faster than an applied force D: by altering the resulting direction of an applied force


Which of the following elbow flexors acts in "true flexion of the elbow": A: biceps brachii B: brachialis C: brachioradialis D: pronator quadratus


Which of the following is a primary purpose of wheels and axles in the musculoskeletal system? A: to increase force B: to enhance range of motion C: to decrease speed of movement D: to decrease range of motion


Which of the following is not an action of the pectoralis major A: internal rotation B: pronation C: flexion D: abduction


Which of the following is the insertion of the flexor digitorum profundus: A: The base of the fifth metacarpal on the dorsal surface B: the base of the distal phalanges of the four fingers C: the base of the third metacarpal on the dorsal surface D: the base of the second metacarpal on the dorsal surface


Which of the following is the primary function of the extensor pollicis longus: A: flexion of the thumb B: extension of the thumb C: extension of the little finger D: flexion of the index finger


Scapular upward rotation occurs about the _________ axis: A: longitudinal B: frontal C: sagittal D: vertical


Shoulder abduction occurs about the __________ axis: A: longitudinal B: frontal C: sagittal D: vertical


The pectoralis minor is innervated by the: A: long thoracid nerve originating from C5, C6, and C7 B: spinal accessory nerve and from branches of C3 and C4 C: medial pectoral nerve arising from C8 and T1 D: dorsal scapular nerve originating from C5


The shoulder girdle motion that usually accompanies glenohumeral adduction is: A: abduction (protraction) B: adduction (retraction) C: downward rotation D: upward rotation


The tibia is _________ to the fibula: A: distal B: inferior C: medial D: proximal


Which of the following actions is performed by the levator scapulae: A: abduction (protraction) B: upward rotation C: elevation D: extension


Which of the following is a type of friction: A: static B: kinetic C: both static and kinetic D: none of the answers is correct


Which of the following is not an anterior muscle of the shoulder joint: A: pectoralis major B: coracobrachialis C: supraspinatus D: subscapularis


Which of the following is the insertion for the extensor carpi radialis brevis: A: The base of the fifth metacarpal on the dorsal surface B: the base of the distal phalanges of the four fingers C: the base of the third metacarpal on the dorsal surface D: the base of the second metacarpal on the dorsal surface


Which of the following lever would be best to use to move a specific object if your only objective was speed of the object's movement? A: a first-class lever with a resistance arm of 10 and a force arms of 10 B: a second class-lever with a resistance arm of 10 and a force arm of 20 C: a third class lever with a resistance arm of 20 and a force arm of 10 D: each lever would be just as effective as the others


Which of the following muscles if most commonly affected by scapular winging: A: trapezius B: rhomboid major and minor C: serratus anterior D: levator scapulae


Which of the following muscles inserts on the four tendons to the bases of middle and distal phalanges of the four fingers on the dorsal surface: A: extensor indicis B: extensor pollicis longus C: extensor digitorum D: abductor pollicis longus


Which of the following muscles is involved in both pronation and supination: A: biceps brachii B: brachialis C: brachioradialis D: supinator


Which of the following muscles originates on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus: A: extensor indicis B: extensor pollicis longus C: extensor digitorum D: abductor pollicis longus


Which of the following muscles performs flexion of the thumb: A: palmaris longus B: flexor carpi ulnaris C: flexor pollicis longus D: extensor carpi radialis


Which muscle below does not perform flexion of the elbow: A: biceps brachii B: brachialis C: brachioradialis D: pronator quadratus


Which of the following actions is associated with the middle fibers of the trapezius: A: abduction (protraction), horizontal adduction, and flexion B: internal rotation, extension, and adduction (retraction) C: horizontal adduction, depression, and abduction (protraction) D: upward rotation, adduction (retraction), and elevation


Which of the following could be done to reduce the amount of force needed to move a lever? A: move the resistance closer to an axis B: apply the force farther from an axis C: decrease the amount of resistance D: all of the answers are correct


Which of the following is considered to be an extrinsic glenohumeral muscle: A: deltoid B: coracobrachialis C: teres major D: latissimus dorsi


Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system: A: support B: storage of minerals C: production of blood cells D: communication


Which of the following is not an origin of the latissimus dorsi: A: posterior crest of the ilium B: back of the sacrum C: spinous processes of the lumbar and lower six thoracic vertebrae D: medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus


Which of the following is the "pointing muscle" that originates between middle and distal one-third of the posterior ulna: A: abductor pollicis longus B: palmaris longus C: extensor digitorum D: extensor indicis


Which of the following is the insertion of the extensor carpi radialis longus: A: The base of the fifth metacarpal on the dorsal surface B: the base of the distal phalanges of the four fingers C: the base of the third metacarpal on the dorsal surface D: the base of the second metacarpal on the dorsal surface


Which of the following is the most often injured rotator cuff muscle: A: subscapularis B: infraspinatus C: teres minor D: supraspinatus


Which of the following is the origin of the flexor carpi radialis muscle: A: proximal three-fourths of the anterior and medial ulna B: middle anterior surface of the radius C: posterior aspect of the proximal ulna D: medial epicondyle of the humerus


Which of the following is the origin of the palmaris longus: A: proximal three-fourths of the anterior and medial ulna B: middle anterior surface of the radius C: posterior aspect of the proximal ulna D: medial epicondyle of the humerus


Which of the following joints or joint types do not have a motion in the sagittal place? A: condyloid B: ball-and-socket C: hinge D: pivot


Which of the following movements involves moving the inferior angle superiorly and laterally away from the spinal column to assist in raising the arm out to the side: A: abduction B: adduction C: elevation D: upward rotation


Which of the following muscles does not perform wrist extension: A: extensor indicis B: extensor pollicis longus C: extensor digitorum D: flexor pollicis longus


Which of the following muscles performs abduction of the thumb: A: extensor indicis B: exensor pollicis longus C: extensor digitorum D: abductor pollicis longus


Which of the following muscles performs abduction of the wrist: A: palmaris longus B: flexor carpi ulnaris C: extensor digitorum D: extensor carpi radialis longus


Which of the following muscles performs action in the frontal plane: A: extensor indicis B: extensor pollicis longus C: extensor digitorum D: abductor pollicis longus


Slight variations in the location of a force and a resistance have no effect in determining the mechanical advantage (MA) and effective force of a muscle True or False


The elbow is a hinge-type joint that allows only internal and external rotations True or False


The insertion of the brachialis muscle is on the coracoid process of the radius True or False


The insertion of the brachioradialis is on the styloid process of the ulna True or False


The lateral supracondylar ridge is an anatomical landmark located on the ulna True or False


The origin of the levator scapulae is the spinous processes of the seventh cervical and first five thoracic vertebrae True or False


The origin of the pectoralis major is the anterior surfaces of the third to fifth ribs True or False


The origin of the serratus anterior is the surface of the upper seven ribs at the side of the chest True or False


The scapulothoracic joint is a true synovial joint, and its movements is independent of the sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joints True or False


While in anatomical position the radius is medial with respect to the ulna True or False


the insertion of the coracobrachialis is on the coracoid process of the scapula True or False


Names the four rotator cuff muscles

Subscapular, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor

A resistance arm is defined as the distance between an axis and the point of resistance application True or False


An alpha motor neuron and all the muscle fibers that it stimulates are referred to as a motor unit True or False


As the elbow reaches full extension, the olecranon process of the ulna is received by the olecranon fossa of the humerus, and this provides increased joint stability True or False


Biomechanics is the study of mechanics related to the functional and and anatomical analysis of biological systems True or False


Bone markings can be divided into two categories: processes and cavities, and exist to enhance the functional relationship with joints, muscles, tendons, nerves, and blood vessels True or False


Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition in which there is an increased pressure in the carpal tunnel, which interferes with the normal function of the median nerve True or False


During an isometric muscle action, tension is developed within a muscle but joint angle remains constant True or False


Glenohumeral joint stability is enhanced slightly by the glenoid labrum True or False


Hip internal rotation occurs in the transverse plane and around the vertical axis True or False


In the context of wrist and hand movements, opposition refers to the movement of the thumb across the palmar aspect to oppose any or all of the phalanges True or False


One head of the biceps brachii muscle originates from the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula True or False


Positioning the forearm in pronation decreases the effectiveness of the biceps brachii True or False


The action performed by the subscapularis is ipposite to the action performed by the infraspinatus True or False


The clavicular head of the pectoralis major is innervated by the lateral pectoral nerve arising from C5, c6, and C7 True or False


The coracobrachialis is innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve arising from the C5, C6, and C7 True or False


The deltoid is innervated by the axillary nerve arising from C5 and C6 True or False


The dorsal scapular nerve (C5) branch innervates the rhomboid muscles True or False


The elbow is a hinge-type joint that allows for flexion and extension True or False


The extensor carpi ulnaris and the flexor carpi ulnaris are the only muscles involved in ulnar deviation (adduction) True or False


The extensor digiti minimi is innervated by the radial nerve (C6-C8) True or False


The extensor digitorum is the oonly muscle involved in extension of all four fingers True or False


The flexor digitorum superficialis and the flexor digitorum profundus are finger flexors, and the flexor pollicis longus is a thumb flexor True or False


The flexor pollicis longus inserts on the base of the distal phalanx of the thumb on the palmar surface True or False


The glenohumeral joint is paired with the shoulder girdle to accomplish the total shoulder range of motion True or False


The insertion of the biceps brachii muscle is on the radial tuberosity True or False


The insertion of the pectoralis major is on the flat tendon 2 or 3 inches wide to the lateral lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus True or False


The insertion of the serratus anterior is on the anterior aspect of the whole length of the medial border of the scapula True or False


The levator scapulae inserts on the medial border of the scapula from the superior angle to the scapular spine True or False


The long thoracic nerve originates from the C5, C6, and C7 and innervates the serratus anterior muscle True or False


The most palpable shoulder girdle muscle is the trapezius muscle True or False


The pronator teres is innervated by the median nerve (C6, C7) True or False


The pronator teres originates from the distal part of the medial supracondylar ridge of the humerus and the medial side of the proximal ulna True or False


The serratus anterior performs abduction in a transverse plane fo motion True or False


The shoulder joint agonists that perform flexion are the anterior deltoid, the upper pectoralis major, and the coracobrachialis muscles True or False


The three wrist flexors, from medial to lateral, are the flexor carpi ulnaris, palmaris longus, and flexor carpi radialis True or False


The triceps brachii muscle inserts on the olecranon process of the ulna True or False


The ulnar collateral ligament is critical to providing medial support to prevent the elbow from abducting when stressed in physical activity True or False


The wrist flexor muscles have their origin on the medial epicondyle of the humerus True or False


To stretch the flexor carpi ulnaris, the elbow must be fully extended with the forearm supinated while a partner passively extends and abducts the wrist True or False


Wrist joint actions include flexion, extension, abduction (radial flexion), and adduction (ulnar flexion) True or False


the origin of the deltoid includes the anterior lateral third of the clavicle and the lateral aspect of the acromion True or False


Name the fiver major categories of bone and provide an example of each

long - humerus short - carpals irregular - vertebrae flat - scapula sesamoid - patella

Golgi tendon organs are proprioceptors found within the tendon that are sensitive to ________________. When activated, Golgi tendon organs initiate the _________________ reflex.

muscles tension/active contractions; inverse stretch

A change in position or location of an object from its original point of reference is ___________.


Provide a strengthening activity for the triceps brachii


List all eight carpal bones

scaphoid, lunate, traquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate

Provide a strengthening activity for the flexor digitorum superficialis or flexor digitorum profundus

squeezing a ball

Muscle spindles are proprioceptors found within the muscle belly that are sensitive to ____________. When activated, muscle spindles initiate the ______________ stretch.

stretch/rate of stretch; myotatic

If the goal of a wheel and axle system is to move a larger resistance with a less force, should the force be applied to the axle or the wheel?


Provide a strengthening activity for the flexor carpi radialis or flexor carpi ulnaris

wrist flexion against resistance

Footprints left in the sand are an example of which Newton's Law of Motion? A: law of reaction B: law of inertia C: law of acceleration D: law of sand


Describe three factors that can be applied to enhance equilibrium, maximize stability, and ultimately achieve balance

1 - have a shorter height - or squat lower 2 - weigh more 3 - spread feet farther apart

Which of the following is an important application of the trapezius muscle: A: it is always used in preventing the glenoid fossa from being pulled down during the lifting of objects with the arms B: it rotates the medial border of the scapula down and back toward the spinal column when chinning movement begins C: it is always used in movements drawing the scapula forward with light upward rotation, such as throwing a baseball D: it has a significant role in protecting and stabilizing the sternoclavicular joint during upper extremity movements


Which of the following is the insertion of the extensor carpi ulnaris: A: The base of the fifth metacarpal on the dorsal surface B: the base of the distal phalanges of the four fingers C: the base of the third metacarpal on the dorsal surface D: the base of the second metacarpal on the dorsal surface


Which of the following is the only muscle that flexes the finger distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints: A: flexor digitorum profundus B: flexor carpi radialis C: flexor digitorum superficialis D: flexor carpi ulnaris


Which of the following is the origin of the flexor digitorum profundus: A: proximal three-fourths of the anterior and medial ulna B: middle anterior surface of the radius C: posterior aspect of the proximal ulna D: medial epicondyle of the humerus


Which of the following is the primary function of the extensor digiti minimi: A: extension of the little finger at the metacarpophalangeal joint B: extension of the index finger at the metacarpophalangeal joint C: flexion of the thumb D: flexion of the index finger


Which of the following muscles inserts on the triangular space at the base of the scapular spine: A: trapezius B: rhomboid major and minor C: serratus anterior D: lavator scapulae


Which of the following muscles works effectively with the latissimus dorsi and is said to be the latissimus dorsi's "little helper": A: teres major B: pectoralis major C: coracobrachialis D: deltoid


Which of the following statements is true about kinetic friction? A: it is the friction between two objects that are sliding along each other B: it is the amount of friction between two objects that are currently stationary C: it is always greater than static friction D: it is much less than rolling friction


Which term describes the following movement: the movement of the top of the ankle and foot toward the anterior tibia? A: dorsiflexion B: plantar flexion C: eversion D: inversion


_______________ occurs when all the applied and inertial forces acting on a moving body are in balance, resulting in movement with unchanging speed or direction: A: dynamic equilibrium B: acceleration C: treppe D: static equilibrium


An action common to the latissimus dorsi, teres major, and lower pectoralis major is: A: abduction B: extension C: external rotation D: flexion


Articulations permitting only slight degrees of movement are structurally classified as ______________: A: fibrous B: cartilaginous C: synovial D: sutures


Flexion of the elbow occurs in the ___________ plane of motion, and supination of the forearm occurs in the __________ plane fo motion: A: vertical; sagittal B: sagittal; transverse C: frontal; vertical D: sagittal; frontal


Newton's law of inertia states that: A: for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction B: a body in motion tends to remain in motion at the same speed in a straight line unless acted on by a force C: a change in the acceleration of a body occurs in the same direction as the force that caused it D: none of the answers is correct


Plyometric (ballistic, jumping) training utilizes which neuromuscular concept? A: treppe phenomenon B: stretch-shortening cycle C: force-velocity relationship D: tetanus


Radioulnar pronation is performed by all the following muscles except the: A: brachioradialis B: brachialis C: pronator teres D: pronator quadratus


The growth plate at each end of a long bone is known as the _________ plate. A: endosteal B: epiphyseal C: epiphysis D: medullary


The long head of the triceps brachii originates from the: A: supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula B: infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula C: upper half of the posterior surface of the humerus D: distal two-thirds of the posterior surface of the humerus


What cover(s) the articulating surfaces of long bones in joints? A: bursae B: articular cartilage C: ligaments D: tendons


Describe anatomical position

Body erect; feet flat, facing forward; eyes facing forward; arms to the side, palms facing forward with thumbs pointing out.

Abduction takes place around which axis? A: oblique B: frontal C: sagittal D: vertical


An action common to the latissiumus dorsi, teres major, subscapularis, and pectoralis major muscles is: A: abduction B: adduction C: internal rotation D: extension


An action common to the teres minor and infraspinatus muscles is A: abduction B: adduction C: external rotation D: internal rotation


__________ fiber arrangements generally produce a greater range of motion, while ____________ fiber arrangements generally increase the muscle's force production capability: A: pennate... parallel B: oblique... parallel C: parallel... pennate D: oblique... pennate


Flexion of the elbow and supination of the forearm occur in the _______ and _______ plane, respectively: A: frontal, sagittal B: sagittal, frontal C: transverse, sagittal D: sagittal, transverse


Muscle fibers running obliquely from a tendon on one side only are: A: flat B: bipennate C: strap D: unipennate


Shoulder horizontal adduction occurs about the _________ axis: A: longitudinal B: sagittal C: frontal D: vertical


The ___________ is the point at which all the body's mass and weight is equally balanced or equally distributed in all directions: A: balance point B: point of equilibrium C: axis D: center of gravity


The actions of the brachioradialis muscle include all of the following except: A: flexion of the elbow B: pronation from a supination position to neutral C: supination from a pronation position to neutral D: weak flexion of the shoulder joint


The pronator teres inserts on the: A: infraglenoid tubercle below the inferior lip of the glenoid fossa of the scapula B: upper half of the posterior surface of the humerus C: distal two-thirds of the posterior surface of the humerus D: middle third of the lateral surface of the radius


The subconscious mechanism by which the body is able to regulate posture and movement is _____: A: kinesthesis B: pathogenesis C: reflex D: proprioception


The supinator originates from the: A: medial epicondyle of the humerus and neighboring posterior part of the ulna B: medial epicondyle of the humerus and neighboring posterior part of the radius C: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus and neighboring posterior part of the ulna D: lateral epicondyle of the humerus and neighboring posterior part of the radius


The trapezius lower fibers are involved in all of the following except: A: upward rotation B: depression C: adduction (retraction) D: elevation


Momentum, or the quality of motion, is equal to the product of force and time True or False


Posterior dislocations occur frequently at the glenohumeral joint True or False


A movement of the forearm away from the shoulder is best described by the term "flexion" True or False


During an eccentric muscle action, the force developed by the muscle is greater than that of the resistance True or False


Each finger has three interphalangeal joints, whereas the thumb has only two True or False


In the context of wrist and hand movement, radial flexion (abduction) refers to the movement of the thumb side of the hand toward the medial aspect or ulnar side of the forearm True or False


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