Krok 2 Therapy 3

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A 45-year-old female patient complains of frequent liquid stools with a lot of mucus, pus and blood; pain across the abdomen, loss of 7 kg within 6 months. She has a 1-year history of non-specific ulcerative colitis. What group of drugs should be preferred for this patient?


A 43-year-old female patient was delivered to the hospital in grave condition. She has a history of Addison's disease. The patient had been regularly taking prednisolone but a week before she stopped taking this drug. Objectively: sopor, skin and visible mucous membranes are pigmented, skin and muscle turgor is decreased. Heart sounds are muffled, rapid. AP- 60/40 mm Hg, heart rate - 96/min. In blood: Na - 120 millimole/l, K - 5,8 millimole/l. Development of this complication is primarily caused by the deficit of the following hormone:


A 30-year-old male patient complains of inertness, low-grade fever, bleeding gums, frequent quinsies, aching bones. Objectively: the patient has pale skin and mucous membranes, sternalgia, +2 cm liver, +5 cm painless spleen. Blood test results: RBC - 2,7x1012/l, Нb - 80 g/l, WBC - 3x109/l, eosinophils - 4%, basophils - 5%, blasts - 4%, stab neutrophils - 2%, segmented neutrophils - 17%, lymphocytes - 29%, myelocytes - 25%, promyelocytes - 12%, monocytes - 2%, platelets - 80x109/l, ESR - 57 mm/h. What test should be performed to verify the diagnosis?

Sternal puncture

A 38-year-old male works within the range of ionizing radiation. At a routine medical examination he presents no problems. In blood: RBCs - 4,5x1012/l, Hb- 80 g/l, WBCs - 2,8x109/l, thrombocytes - 30x109/l. Decide if this person can work with sources of ionizing radiation:

Working with radioactive substances and other sources of ionizing radiation is contraindicated

A 57-year-old male patient had an attack of retrosternal pain that lasted more than 1,5 hours. Objectively: the patient is inert, adynamic, has pale skin, cold extremities, poor volume pulse, heart rate - 120/min, AP - 70/40 mm Hg. ECG shows ST elevation in II, III, aVF leads. What condition are these changes typical for?

Cardiogenic shock

A 67-year-old male complains of dyspnea on exertion, attacks of retrosternal pain, dizziness. He has no history of rheumatism. Objectively: pale skin, acrocyanosis. There are rales in the lower parts of lungs. There is systolic thrill in the II intercostal space on the right, coarse systolic murmur conducted to the vessels of neck. AP- 130/90 mm Hg, heart rate - 90/min, regular rhythm. The liver extends 5 cm under the edge of costal arch, shin edemata are present. Specify the assumed valvular defect:

Aortic stenosis

A 42-year-old female lives in the basement, is unemployed, undernourished. She complains of having general weakness, hair loss, brittle nails for six months, likes to eat chalk. Objectively: the patient is emaciated, pale, has dry skin. Peripheral lymph nodes are not enlarged. Liver is +1,5 cm. In blood: RBCs - 1,8x1012/l, Hb- 62 g/l, colour index - 0,78, reticulocytes - 0,5 o/oo, ESR- 18 mm/h. Leukogram exhibits no pathology. What is a provisional diagnosis?

Nutritional iron deficiency anaemia

A 20-year-old patient complains of breath shortness, continuous dull heart pain, irritability. Objectively: general condition is satisfactory, the pulse is labile, AP- 130/60 mm Hg. ECG shows repolarization disorder. The patient has been diagnosed with cardiac-type neurocirculatory dystonia. The patient should receive treatment under the following conditions:

Outpatient treatment

A 48-year-old male patient complains of constant pain in the upper abdomen, mostly on the left, that is getting worse after taking meals; diarrhea, weight loss. The patient is an alcohol abuser. 2 years ago he had acute pancreatitis. Blood amylase is 4 g/h*l. Coprogram shows steatorrhea, creatorrhea. Blood glucose is 6,0 mmol/l. What treatment is indicated for this patient?

Panzinorm forte

A 12-year-old boy periodically has short episodes (10-15 seconds) of a brief loss of awareness with a dazed look and eyes stare in an upright position, blank expression of face, absence of motions and subsequent amnesia. Specify the described state:

Absence seizure

Against the background of angina a patient has developed pain in tubular bones. Examination revealed generalized enlargement of lymph nodes, hepatolienal syndrome, sternalgia. In blood: RBCs - 3,6x1012/l, Hb- 87 g/l, thrombocytes - 45x109/l, WBCs - 13x109/l, blasts - 87%, stab neutrophils - 1%, segmented neutrophils - 7%, lymphocytes - 5%, ESR - 55 mm/h. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Acute leukemia

A 63-year-old male patient with persistent atrial fibrillation complains of moderate dyspnea. Objectively: peripheral edemata are absent, vesicular breathing is present, heart rate - 72/min, AP - 140/90 mm Hg. What combination of drugs will be most effective for the secondary prevention of heart failure?

Beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors

A 24-year-old patient complains about putting on weight, limosis. Objectively: the patient's constitution is of hypersthenic type, body weight index is 33,2 kg/m2, waist circumference is 100 cm. Correlation of waist circumference to the thigh circumference is 0,95. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Alimentary constitutional obesity of the I stage, abdominal type

A survey radiograph of a miner (24 years of service record, the dust concentration in the workplace is at the rate of 260-280 mg/m3 with 15% of free silica) shows lung changes that are typical for pneumoconiosis. What type of pneumoconiosis is it?


A patient's condition is getting worse towards evening: she becomes excited, complains of "internal anxiety", "a weight on her heart", foreboding of evil - "something evil will happen to me or my family". The patient is sad, melancholic, has poor appetite and sleep disorders. Specify the kind of mental disorder:

Anxious depression

A 54-year-old patient complains of weakness, weight loss despite the unchanged appetite, frequent urination, skin itch for six months. Some time ago the patient underwent treatment for furunculosis. She hasn't been examined recently. Objectively: malnutrition, dry skin with signs of scratching. Small lymph nodes can be palpated in the axillary regions. Changes in the internal organs are absenr. What testing must be administered in the first place?

Blood sugar test on an empty stomach

In the morning a patient had nausea, abdominal discomfort, single vomiting, dry mouth. In the evening, the patient presented with the increasing general weakness, double vision, difficult swallowing of solid food. Objectively: ptosis, mydriasis, anisocoria, absence of gag and pharyngeal reflex, dry mucous membranes. The previous evening the patient had dinner with canned food and alcohol. What is the presumptive diagnosis?


A 30-year-old patient was delivered to the admission ward of the infectious disease department. The disease had started acutely on the background of normal temperature with the appearance of frequent, liquid, profuse stool without pathological impurities. Diarrhea was not accompanied by abdominal pain. 12 hours later there appeared recurrent profuse vomiting. The patient rapidly developed dehydration. What is the most likely diagnosis?


A 38-year-old patient complains of inertness, subfebrile temperature, enlargement of lymph nodes, nasal haemorrhages, bone pain. Objectively: the patient's skin and mucous membranes are pale, palpation revealed enlarged painless lymph nodes; sternalgia; liver was enlarged by 2 cm, spleen - by 5 cm, painless. In blood: erythrocytes - 2,7x1012/l, Hb- 84 g/l, leukocytes - 58x109/l, eosinophils - 1%, stab neutrophils - 2%, segmented neutrophils - 12%, lymphocytes - 83%, lymphoblasts - 2%, smudge cells; ESR- 57 mm/h. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Chronic lymphatic leukemia

A 50-year-old locksmith has a long-term record of work under the effect of mercury vapors with concentration exceeding MPC by 5-10 times. Clinical examination revealed the lability of vasomotors of skin, pulse and arterial pressure; total hyperhydrosis; asymmetric innervation of facial and lingual muscles, positive subcortical reflexes, intention tremor. Against the background of increased emotional excitability the patient presents with lack of self-confidence, shyness. A dentist found him to have parodontosis, chronic stomatitis. What disease can be suspected?

Chronic mercury intoxication

A 25-year-old female patient complains of marked weakness, sleepiness, blackouts, dizziness, taste disorder. The patient has a history of menorrhagia. Objectively: the patient has marked weakness, pale skin, cracks in the corners of mouth, peeling nails, systolic apical murmur. Blood test results: RBC - 3,4x1012/l, Hb - 70 g/l, color index - 0,75, platelets - 140x109/l, WBC - 6,2x109/l. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Chronic posthemorrhagic anemia

Gastric juice analysis of a 42-year-old male patient revealed absence of free hydrochloric acid at all stages. Endoscopy revealed pallor, thinning of gastric mucosa, smoothed folds. Microscopically the atrophy of glands with intestinal metaplasia was found. What disease is this situation typical for?

Chronic type A gastritis

An 18-year-old patient since childhood suffers from bleeding disorder after minor injuries. His younger brother also has bleeding disorders with occasional haemarthrosis. Which laboratory test will be informative for diagnosis verification?

Clotting time

Several hours before, a 28-year-old patient suddenly developed acute headache and repeated vomiting, then lost consciousness. Objectively: focal neurological symptoms were not found. Pronounced meningeal symptoms were revealed. AP - 120/80 mm Hg. According to clinical and liquorological findings the patient was diagnosed with subarachnoid haemorrhage. After administration of dehydrants the patient's condition somewhat improved. What is the main component of further emergency care?


A 58-year-old patient complains of a headache in the occipital region, nausea, choking, opplotentes. The presentations appeared after a physical exertion. Objectively: the patient is excited. Face is hyperemic. Skin is pale. Heart sounds are regular, the 2nd aortic sound is accentuated. AP- 240/120 mm Hg, HR- 92/min. Auscultation reveals some fine moist rales in the lower parts of the lungs. Liver is not enlarged. ECG shows signs of hypertrophy and left ventricular overload. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Complicated hypertensic crisis, pulmonary edema

A 14-year-old patient with signs of internal haemorrhage has been taken to a hospital after a fight. He has had haemophilia A since childhood. He has been diagnosed with retroperitoneal hematoma. What should be administered in the first place?


A 43-year-old alcohol abuser had not consumed alcohol for the last two days. In the evening he claimed to see rats and feel like they bite his feet. The patient is disoriented, agitated, all the time attempts to run somewhere. Specify the psychopathological syndrome:


A 40-year-old patient is registered in a narcological dispensary. Somatically: skin is dramatically hyperemic, sclera are injected, hyperhidrosis is present. AP- 140/100 mm Hg, heart rate - 100/min. Mental state: autopsychic orientation is intact, allopsychic orientation is distorted. The patient presents with motor anxiety. There is a look of fear on his face. He refuses to talk about his problems and asks to release him immediately, because he "may be killed." This state developed a day after a regular drinking bout. What is your provisional diagnosis?

Delirium tremens

A 76-year-old male consulted a therapist about slow discharge of urine with a small jet. The patient reported no cardiac problems. Examination revealed atrial fibrillation with a heart rate of 72/min and without pulse deficit. There are no signs of heart failure. ECG confirms the presence of atrial fibrillation. From history we know that the arrhythmia was detected three years ago. What tactics for the treatment of atrial fibrillation in the patient should be chosen?

Does not require treatment

Medical examination of a 19-year-old worker revealed generalized lymphadenopathy mainly affecting the posterior cervical, axillary and ulnar lymph nodes. There are multiple injection marks on the elbow bend skin. The man denies taking drugs, the presence of injection marks ascribes to influenza treatment. Blood count: RBCs- 3,2x1012/l, Hb- 100 g/l, WBCs- 3,1x109/l, moderate lymphopenia. What study is required in the first place?


A patient complains of retrosternal pain, difficult swallowing, over 10 kg weight loss within three months, general weakness. In blood: hypochromic anaemia, neutrophilic leukocytosis. In feces: weakly positive Gregersen's reaction. On esophagram a filling defect with ill-defined serrated edges shows up along a large portion of the esophagus. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Esophageal carcinoma

Examination of an electric welder with 15 years of service record revealed dry rales in the lower lung fields. Radiograph shows diffuse nodules sized 3-4 mm in the middle and lower lung fields. What disease can be suspected?

Heavy-metal coniosis

A 47-year-old male patient has been lately complaining of compressing chest pain that occurs when he walks a distane of 700-800 m. Once a week, he drinks 2 liters of beer. Rise in arterial pressure has been observed for the last 7 years. Objectively: Ps - 74/min, AP - 120/80 mm Hg. The bicycle ergometry performed at workload of 75 watts shows 2 mm ST-segment depression in V4-V6 leads. What is the most likely diagnosis ?

Exertional stenocardia, II functional class

A 28-year-old male patient complains of sour regurgitation, cough and heartburn that occurs every day after having meals, when bending forward or lying down. These problems have been observed for 4 years. Objective status and laboratory values are normal. FEGDS revealed endoesophagitis. What is the leading factor in the development of this disease?

Failure of the lower esophageal sphincter

A 40-year-old female patient has been hospitalized for attacks of asphyxia, cough with phlegm. She has a 4-year history of the disease. The first attack of asphyxia occurred during her stay in the countryside. Further attacks occurred while cleaning the room. After 3 days of inpatient treatment the patient's condition has significantly improved. What is the most likely etiological factor?

Household allergens

A 29-year-old female patient complains of dyspnea, heaviness and chest pain on the right, body temperature rise up to 37,2oC. The disease is associated with a chest trauma received 4 days ago. Objectively: skin is pale and moist. Ps- 90 bpm, regular. Palpation reveals a dull sound on the right, auscultation reveals significantly weakened vesicular breathing. In blood: RBCs - 2,8x1012/l, colour index - 0,9, Hb- 100 g/l, WBCs - 8,0x109/l, ESR - 17 mm/h. What results of diagnostic puncture of the pleural cavity can be expected?

Haemorrhagic punctate

A 49-year-old female patient with schizophrenia is all the time listening to something, insists that "there is a phone in her head" as she hears the voice of her brother who tells her to go home. The patient is anxious, suspicious, looks around all the time. Specify the psychopathological syndrome:


A 36-year-old female has a 7-year history of pollen allergy. Over the last 2 years in August and September (during ragweed flowering), the patient has had 2-3 asthma attacks that could be treated with one dose of salbutamol. Objectively: body temperature - 36,5oC, respiratory rate - 18/min, Ps - 78/min, AP - 115/70 mm Hg. There is vesicular breathing above the lungs. Cardiac sounds are sonorous, of regular rhythm. What drug would be most effective to prevent asthma attacks during the critical season for the patient?

Intalum inhalation

A 27-year-old patient has a severe headache, nausea and vomiting. Objectively: body temperature is 38,9oC, there is a haemorrhagic stellate rash on the legs. The patient takes meningeal pose in bed. Meningeal symptoms are strongly positive. Deep reflexes are brisk, uniform. Pathological reflexes are absent. It has been suspected that the patient has epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. Which of additional tests should be performed in the first place to verify the diagnosis?

Lumbar puncture

A 43-year-old male patient undergoing treatment for peptic ulcer complains of weakness, dizziness, coffee-ground vomiting, melena. After administration of haemostatics the patient's condition has not improved, fresh blood has shown up in the vomit, skin bruises of different sizes have appeared. In blood: thrombocytes - 50x109/l, Lee-White clotting time - 35 minutes, APTT - 80 seconds. In this case it is most rational to administer the following preparation:

Fresh frozen plasma

A 35-year-old patient complains of heartburn, sour eructation, burning, compressing retrosternal pain and pain along the esophagus rising during forward bending of body. The patient hasn't been examined, takes Almagel on his own initiative, claims to feel better after its taking. Make a provisional diagnosis:

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

A 19-year-old male patient complains of intense pain in the left knee joint. Objectively: the left knee joint is enlarged, the overlying skin is hyperemic, the joint is painful on palpation. Blood test results: RBC - 3,8x1012/l, Hb - 122 g/l, lymphocytes - 7,4x109/l, platelets - 183x109/l. ESR - 10 mm/h. Duke bleeding time is 4 minutes, Lee-White clotting time - 24 minutes. A-PTT is 89 s. Rheumatoid factor is negative. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Hemophilia, hemarthrosis

An emergency doctor has diagnosed a 32-year-old woman with generalized convulsive status epilepticus. The deterioration in the patient's condition is caused by a sudden gap in the epilepsy treatment. Specify the doctor's further tactics:

Hospitalization in the intensive care unit

A 47-year-old male patient complains of compressive chest pain that occurs both at rest and during light physical activity; irregular heartbeat. These problems arose 3 months ago. The patient's brother died suddenly at the age of 30. Objectively: Ps - 84/min, arrhythmic, AP - 130/80 mm Hg. ECG confirms signs of left ventricular hypertrophy, abnormal Q-waves in V4-V6 leads. EchoCG reveals that interventricular septum is 1,7 cm, left ventricular wall thickness is 1,2 cm. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

A 43-year-old female complains of significant weakness, sore throat, occurrence of multiple unexplained bruises on her skin. These symptoms have been present for a week, the disease is associated with quinsy which she had some time before. Objectively: body temperature - 38,9oC, respiratory rate - 24/min, Ps - 110/min, AP - 100/65 mm Hg. The patient has pale skin, petechial rash on the extremities, enlarged lymph nodes. Blood test results: Hb - 80 g/l, RBC - 2,2x1012/l; WBC - 3,5x109/l; blasts - 52%; eosinophils - 2%; stab neutrophils - 3%; segmented neutrophils - 19%; lymphocytes - 13%; monocytes - 1%; platelets - 35x109/l. ESR - 47 mm/h. What test is required to specify the diagnosis?


A 30-year-old male patient had been admitted to the TB hospital because of the following changes detected by fluorography: an ill-defined shadow of low intensity up to 1 cm in diameter in the S1 of the right lung. CT scan showed a destruction area in the center of the shadow. Sputum analysis revealed MTB. The patient was diagnosed with focal tuberculosis. What phases of tuberculosis are the identified changes typical for?

Infiltration and disintegration

A 43 y.o. male complains of stomach pain, which relieves with defecation, and is accompanied by abdominal winds, rumbling, the feeling of incomplete evacuation or urgent need for bowel movement, constipation or diarrhea in alternation. These symptoms have lasted for over 3 months. No changes in laboratory tests. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Irritable bowel syndrome

A 72-year-old male had had a moderate headache. Two days later, he developed the progressing speech disorders and weakness in the right extremities. The patient has a history of myocardial infarction, arrhythmia. Study of the neurologic status revealed elements of motor aphasia, central paresis of the VII I XII cranial nerves on the right, central hemiparesis on the same side and hyperaesthesia. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Ischemic stroke

3 hours before, a 68-year-old male patient got a searing chest pain radiating to the neck and left forearm, escalating dyspnea. Nitroglycerin failed to relieve pain but somewhat reduced dyspnea. Objectively: there is crimson cyanosis of face. Respiratory rate is 28/min. The patient has vesicular breathing with isolated sibilant rales. Heart sounds are muffled, with a gallop rhythm. Ps - 100/min, AP - 100/65 mmHg. ECG shows negative T-wave in V2-V6 leads. What drug can reduce the heart's need for oxygen without aggravating the disease?

Isosorbide dinitrate

As a result of lifting a load a 62-year-old female felt acute pain in the lumbar region, in a buttock, posterolateral surface of her right thigh, external surface of the right shin and dorsal surface of foot. Objectively: weakness of the anterior tibial muscle, long extensor muscle of the right toes, short extensor muscle of the right toes. Low Achilles reflex on the right. Positive Lasegue's sign. What examination method would be the most effective for specification of the diagnosis of discogenic compression of L5 root?

Magnetic resonance scan

A 45-year-old man has been exhibiting high activity for the last 2 weeks, he became talkative, euphoric, had little sleep, claimed being able "to save the humanity" and solve the problem of cancer and AIDS, gave money the starangers. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Maniacal onset

Examination of a 35-year-old patient with rheumatism revealed that the right heart border was 1 cm displaced outwards from the right parasternal line, the upper border was on the level with inferior margin of the 1st rib, the left border was 1 cm in from the left midclavicular line. Auscultation revealed atrial fibrillation, loud apical first sound, diastolic shock above the pulmonary artery. Echocardiocopy revealed abnormal pattern of the mitral valve motion. What heart disease is characterized by these symptoms?

Mitral stenosis

A 23-year-old female patient has a mental disease since the age of 18, the course of disease has no remission periods. At a hospital the patient mostly presents with non-purposeful foolish excitation: she makes stereotypic grimaces, exposed, masturbating in front of a loud laugh, repeating the stereotypical abusive shouts. The patient should be assigned:


A 24-year-old female teacher complains of dizziness and heart pain irradiating to the left nipple. Pain is not associated with physical activity and cannot be relieved by nitroglycerin, it abates after taking Valocordin and lasts an hour or more. The patient has a nearly 2-year history of this disease. Objectively: Ps- 76 bpm. AP- 110/70 mm Hg. Heart borders are normal, heart sounds are clear. The ECG shows respiratory arrhythmia. Radiograph of the cervicothoracic spine shows no pathology. Lungs, abdomen are unremarkable. What changes in blood formula can be expected?

No changes

A 51-year-old female is a weaving factory worker with 15 years of service record. During a regular preventive examination she complained of frequent headaches, poor sleep, tingling in the heart, irritability, rapid fatigability, hearing impairment. For years, the noise level has exceeded the maximum allowable concentration by 10-15 dB. A year ago, the patient underwent a course of treatment for essential hypertension. Specify the most likely diagnosis:

Noise disease

A 51-year-old female patient complains of frequent defecation and liquid blood-streaked stools with mucus admixtures, diffuse pain in the inferolateral abdomen, 6 kg weight loss over the previous month. Objectively: body temperature - 37,4oC, malnutrition, skin is pale and dry. Abdomen is soft, sigmoid is painful and spasmodic, makes a rumbling sound. Liver is dense, painful, extends 3 cm below the costal margin. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Non-specific ulcerative colitis

In a cold weather, the emergency room admitted a patient pulled out of the open water. There was no respiratory contact with the water. The patient is excited, pale, complains of pain, numbness of hands and feet, cold shiver. Respiratory rate is 22/min, AP - 120/90 mm Hg, Ps - 110/min, rectal temperature is 34,5oC. What kind of warming is indicated for this patient?

Passive warming

A 32-year-old female complains of dizziness, headache, palpitation, tremor. For the last several months she has been under outpatient observation for the increased arterial pressure. Since recently such attacks have become more frequent and severe. Objectively: skin is covered with clammy sweat, tremor of the extremities is present. HR- 110/min, AP- 220/140 mm Hg. Heart sounds are muffled. Blood test results: WBCs - 9,8x109/l, ESR - 22 mm/h. Blood glucose - 9,8 millimole/l. What disease is the most likely cause of this crisis?


An electro-gas welding operator working at a machine workshop performs welding and cutting of metal, which is accompanied by intense UV-radiation. His welding station is equipped with effective mechanical ventilation. What occupational disease is most likely to develop in an electro-gas welding operator?

Photoelectric ophthalmia

During the preventive examination a 17-year-old young man reports no health problems. Objectively: the patient is undernourished, asthenic; blood pressure is 110/70 mm Hg, Ps - 80/min. Heart borders are within normal range. Auscultation reveals three apical heart sounds, murmurs are absent. ECG shows no pathological changes, PCG registers the S3 occurring 0,15 seconds after the S2. How can you interpret these changes?

Physiologic S3

Routine examination of a 16-year-old boy revealed the presence of three heart sounds on auscultation. The third sound is low and occurs in early diastole, there is no additional murmur. In history: pneumonia six months ago. The patient presents no problems. Examination revealed hyposthenia, underdevelopment of muscles. Laboratory and instrumental studies reveald no peculiarities. What is the origin of the additional heart sound?

Physiological III sound

A 58-year-old female patient complains of spontaneous bruises, weakness, bleeding gums, dizziness. Objectively: the mucous membranes and skin are pale with numerous hemorrhages of various time of origin. Lymph nodes are not enlarged. Ps is 100/min, AP - 110/70 mm Hg. There are no changes of internal organs. Blood test results: RBC - 3,0x1012/l, Нb - 92 g/l, colour index - 0,9, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, WBC - 10x109/l, eosinophils - 2%, stab neutrophils - 12%, segmented neutrophils - 68%, lymphocytes - 11%, monocytes - 7%, ESR - 12 mm/h. What laboratory test is to be determined next for making a diagnosis?


A 63-year-old female complains of general weakness, a feeling of heaviness, compression in the epigastrium, postprandial fullness, nausea, belching after meals. These symptoms have been observed for about 15 years. Objectively: body temperature is 36,4oC, respiratory rate - 20/min, Ps - 88/min, blood pressure - 115/75 mm Hg. Skin and mucous membranes are pale. Blood test results: RBC - 2,0x1012/l, Hb - 100 g/l. Tests revealed parietal-cell antibodies. What is the most likely reason for the development of anemia in this patient?

Production of antibodies to intrinsic factor

A 54-year-old drowned man was rescued from the water and delivered to the shore. Objectively: the man is unconscious, pale, breathing cannot be auscultated, pulse is thready. Resuscitation measures allowed to save the patient. What complications may develop in the near future?

Pulmonary edema

A 55-year-old male had been treated at the surgical department for acute lower-extremity thrombophlebitis. On the 7th day of treatment he suddenly developed pain in the left part of chest, dyspnea and cough. Body temperature was 36,1oC, respiratory rate - 36/min. The patient was also found to have diminished breath sounds without wheezing. Ps- 140/min, thready. AP- 70/50 mm Hg. The ECG shows QІІІ-S1 syndrome. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Pulmonary embolism

A 60-year-old patient complains of nearly permanent sensation of heaviness and fullness in the epigastrium, that increases after eating, foul-smelling eructation, occasional vomiting with food consumed 1-2 days ago, weight loss. 12 years ago he was found to have an ulcer of pyloric channel. The patient has taken ranitidine for periodic hunger pain. The patient's condition has been deteriorating over the last 3 months. Objectively: splashing sound in the epigastrium is present. What kind of complication is it?

Pyloric stenosis

A 64-year-old patient complains of severe pain in the right side of chest, dyspnea, dry cough which appeared suddenly on exertion. Objectively: the right side of the chest lags behind in the act of breathing. Percussion reveals tympanic sound. Auscultation reveals pronouncedly diminished breath sounds on the right. Ps- 100/min, weak, arrhythmic. AP- 100/50 mm Hg. Cardiac sounds are decreased. What disease can be suspected in this patient?

Right-sided pneumothorax

A patient is being prepared for the operation on account of varix dilatation of lower extremities veins. Examination of the patient's soles revealed flour-like desquamation along the skin folds. All the toenails are greyish-yellow, thickened and partially decayed. What dermatosis should be suspected?


A patient had four generalized convulsive seizures within a day. Between the seizures the patient did not come to waking consciousness (was in a coma or stupor). Specify his state:

Status epilepticus

A 22-year-old vegetarian patient with signs of malnutrition consulted a doctor about smell and taste distortion, angular stomatitis. Objectively: expressively blue sclerae. The patient was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. What is the dominating clinical syndrome?


Survey radiograph of a 52-year-old worker of an agglomeration plant (28 years of experience, the concentration of metal dust is 22-37 mg/m3) shows mildly pronounced interstitial fibrosis with diffused contrast well-defined small nodular shadows. The patient has no complaints. Pulmonary function is not compromised. What is the provisional diagnosis?


A 35-year-old female reports heart pain (aching and drilling) occurring mainly in the morning in autumn and spring and irradiating to the neck, back and abdomen; rapid heartbeat; low vitality. Occurrence of this condition is not associated with physical activity. In the evening, the patient's condition improves. Study of somatic and neurological status, and ECG reveal no pathology. What pathology is most likely to have caused these clinical presentations?

Somatization depression

Explosion of a tank with benzene at a chemical plant has killed and wounded a large number of people. There are over 50 victims with burns, mechanical injuries and intoxication. Specify the main elements of medical care and evacuation of population in this situation:

Sorting, medical assistance, evacuation

A 52-year-old patient works as a secretary and has 30 year record of service. She complains of spasms in her right hand during working and inability to type and write. Up to 80% of her work involves hand load. The patient has been presenting with these symptoms for 2 years. Objectively: the right hand is tense, there is an increase in muscle tone, attempts to write cause spasms. Examination revealed no pathological changes of CNS. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Spastic form of coordination neurosis

A 58-year-old patient complains about sensation of numbness, sudden paleness of II-IV fingers, muscle rigidness, intermittent pulse. The patient presents also with polyarthralgia, dysphagia, constipations. The patient's face is masklike, solid edema of hands is present. The heart is enlarged; auscultation revealed dry rales in lungs. In blood: ESR- 20 mm/h, crude protein - 85/l, γ-globulines - 25%. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Systemic scleroderma

A painter working at a motorcar plant has been diagnosed with moderately severe intoxication with amide compounds of benzene. The in-patient treatment resulted in a considerable health improvement. What expert decision should be made in this case?

The patient should be issued a sick list for out-patient treatment

A 54-year-old male patient works as an engineer. At the age of 35, he got infected with syphilis and treated it with "traditional remedies". About 5 years ago, he became forgetful, unable to cope with work, told cynical jokes, bought useless things, collected cigarette butts in the street. Objectively: the patient is indifferent, has slow speech, dysarthria, can make only primitive judgments, is unabe to perform simple arithmetic operations or explain simple metaphors. The patient is untidy, takes no interest in anything, passive. Considers himself to be completely healthy. Qualify mental condition of the patient:

Total dementia

A 45-year-old female patient complaining of general weakness, nausea and vomiting hass been delivered to a hospital by the ambulance. Recently there has been a lack of appetite, weight loss. Objectively: hyperpigmentation of skin, blood pressure at the rate of 70/45 mm Hg, bradycardia. Additional studies revealed the reduced concentration of aldosterone and cortisol in blood, decreased excretion of 17-ketosteroids and 17-oxyketosteroids in the urine, hyponatremia, chloropenia, hypokalemia. What therapeutic measures are required?

To administer glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and a diet with a high content of cooking salt

A 7-year-old boy had complained of headache, nausea, fatigue for 3 weeks. His condition gradually deteriorated, headache and general weakness progressed. The boy had bronchitis at the age of 3. His father has a history of pulmonary tuberculosis. Objectively: body temperature 37,5oC, conscious, lies supine, with the hip and knee flexed to 90 degrees, nuchal rigidity +6 cm, partial ptosis of the right eyelid, the dilated right pupil. General hyperalgesia is present. Liquor: transparent, pressure - 400 mm of water column, protein - 1,5%, cytosis - 610/3 with predominant lymphocytes, sugar - 1,22 mmol/l, chlorides - 500 mmol/l. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Tuberculous meningitis

A patient who undergoes treatment at a tuberculosis clinic has complained of having progressing headache for the last 3 weeks. Neurological examination reveals rigidity of occipital muscles, no focal symptoms. What is your provisional diagnosis?

Tuberculous meningitis

A 37-year-old patient complains of pain in the lumbar spine that is getting stronger during walking; restricted mobility, edema of the right side of abdomen. He has a history of focal tuberculosis. X-ray picture shows the destruction of the adjacent surfaces of the 1-2 vertebral bodies of the lumbar spine, vertebral body height is decreased, intervertebral foramen is undetectable. Abdominal ultrasound reveals a 15x20 cm formation in the retroperitoneal space, there are echo signals of fluid presence. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Tuberculous spondylitis of the lumbar spine

A patient with chronic suppurative otitis has developed severe headache, vomiting, body temperature rise. The meningeal symptoms are present. There are no focal neurological symptoms. The further tactics of a doctor should be:

Urgent hospitalization and diagnostic lumbar puncture

A 45-year-old male patient complains of acute pain in his right side irradiating to the right thigh and crotch. The patient claims also to have frequent urination with urine which resembles a meat slops. The patient has no previous history of this condition. There is costovertebral angle tenderness on the right (positive Pasternatsky's symptom). What is the most likely diagnosis?


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