L4 Christianity

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What is a 'convenant'?

A relationship with God

Who is Richard Dawkins?

A scientist who doesn't believe in God

What is an attribute?

A characteristic of someone/something

What do Christians believe hell actually is?

A place completely absent of God, with no love, beauty or truth

What is 'the fall'?

Adam and Eve turned away from God

What is the devil/Satan, according to Christians?

An Angel who turned away from God

What is the traditional idea of what 'sin' is?

An action which is not completely loving, or good

What does 'Christ'/'Messiah' mean?

Anointed one

What is purgatory?

Being purified

What does 'salvation' mean?

Being saved

What does transcendent mean?

Beyond/above human experience(s)

An attribute humans DO have


What does Ex nihilo mean?

Created out of nothing

An attribute of God


What does 'incarnation' mean?

God becoming human/ in flesh

What does 'incarnation' NOT mean?

God in spirit form

What does omnibenevolence mean?

God is all-loving

What is a word we can use to describe God that shows how the 'incarnation' may be wrong

God is immutable

What does ineffable mean?

God is indescribable as he's transcendent

How did God create the Universe according to fundamentalist Christians?

God made the sun, the moon and the stars in six days

How did God create the Universe according to the majority of Christians?

God made the world ex nihilo and he used the big bang as his tool, so God set up the physical laws of nature

Some people misinterpret 'sin' as being what?

God stopping us doing anything fun or enjoyable

What does the Holy Trinity mean?

God the Father, the son, the holy spirit/ghost

In what language was the new Testament written in?


How did Jesus NOT fulfill the prophecies about the Messiah?

He didn't become a great political leader

What don't Christians believe about God?

He is a man in the sky who punishes us when he wants to

What do Christians believe about God?

He is love, beauty, truth and goodness

In what language was the old Testament written?


What do Christians NOT believe about hell?

It's a place with devils who have horns and people suffer for eternity

What does atonement mean?

Making amends for a wrong doing/action

Whats an Atheist?

Someone who disbelieves in God

What does 'Logos' mean?

The word of God before the incarnation

An attribute humans do NOT have


What happens during the process of judgement for Christians?

Where you gain full knowledge of what you have done in your life so you can see if it was truely good or bad

Name two words Christians would use to describe God

omnipotent, omniscient

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