La France Packet
What percent of religions in France are Buddhist?(P)
What percent of religions in France are Jewish?(P)
What age do French students learn their third language at?(L)
13 years old
What's France world ranking in tourism?(E)
What percent of religions in France are Protestant?(P)
What percent of ethnic groups are immigrants?(P)
How many regions are there?(G)
How long does it take between Paris and London?(T)
3 hours
How many members does the Senate have and how many years are in a term?(G)
331 members and 6 year term
What percent of religions in France are unaffiliated?(P)
How many years are in a term for the Président?(G)
How many members does the national assembly have and how many years are in a term?(G)
557 members and 5 year term
What number republic is France in? (G)
What is the population of France?(P)
What percent of religions in France are Muslim?(P)
What is the percent of energy from nuclear power?(E)
What percent of ethnic groups are French?(P)
What percent of religions in France are Roman Catholic?(P)
What age do French students learn their second language at?(L)
9 years old
How many departments are there?(G)
What shape is France referred to?(L.C)
A hexagon, l'Hexagone
What is mostly printed on Euros?(E)
Artist and Writers
What are the bordering bodies of water surrounding France?(L.C)
Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, English Channel
What month do most businesses close?(R)
What is France's national holiday?(R)
Bastille day
What is the highest court in France?(G)
Who is the current président?(G)
Emmanuel Macron
What are the common foreign languages?(L)
English, Spanish, and German
What is the basic unit of currency in France?(E)
What is the most popular sport?(R)
What are the 5 immigrant groups?(P)
Italians, Portuguese, Spaniards, Poles, and Immigrants from former French colonies.
What is the name of the national anthem?(G.I)
La Marseillaise
What is the official name in french?(G.I)
La République Française
What are the major rivers in France?(M.R)
La Seine, La Loire, Le Rhône, La Garonne, Le Rhin
What are the major mountain ranges in France?(M)
Les Pyrenées, Les Alpes, Les Vosges, Le Jura, Le Massif Central
What is the national motto?(G.I)
Liberté, Egalite, Fraternité (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity)
What is the subway system in France called?(T)
What is the capital of France? (G.I)
What are the major industries?(E)
Steel, Motor Vehicles, Aircraft, Textile, Chemicals, Food Processing
What U.S. State is France compared to and is it bigger or smaller and by how much?(L.C)
Texas, smaller, 211,208
What is the national symbol(s)?(G.I)
The Gallic Rooster, Le Coq, Marianne
What are the agricultural products?(E)
Wheat, Barley, Cheese, Butter, Milk, and Wine
What are the colors on the flag?(G.I)
bleu, blanc, rouge (blue, white, red)
How is Germany spelled in French?(L.C)
How is Andorra spelled in French?(L.C)
How is Spain spelled in French?(L.C)
How is Italy spelled in French?(L.C)
How is Belgium spelled in French?(L.C)
la Belgique
How is Switzerland spelled in French?(L.C)
la Suisse
How is Monaco spelled in French?(L.C)
le Monaco
What is the official language?(G.I)
le français
How is Luxembourg spelled in French?(L.C)
le luxembourg
Prime minister and President have ____ powers? (G)
What is the train called and how fast does it go?(T)
train à grande vitesse and it goes 300km/h