LAB 12: urinalysis lab (urine characteristics and abnormal urinary constitutes)

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the normal range for urine pH is? with an average pH of? slightly acidic or basic? what may alter pH? increase or decrease?

-4.5-8.0 -6; slightly acidic -Diet (high protein or whole wheat products decrease pH, vegetarian diets increase pH) and bacterial infections which raise pH

What is the odor of urine? what gives urine an ammonia-like odor when standing? urine from a person with ___________ ___________ smells fruity or like acetone. (ex. ________ __________)

-slightly aromatic -bacterial action -elevated ketones (Ex. Diabetes Mellitus)

what measures the relative weight of a specific volume of liquid compared with an equal volume of distilled water? the ________ ____________(answer to first question) of distilled water is? since urine contains solutes, it weighs (more/less) and its _________ __________ range is?

-specific gravity -specific gravity, 1.000 -more, specific gravity range from 1.001-1.030.

RBCs are too small/large to pass through the glomerular membrane? presence of RBCs in the urine is called? this condition indicates? causes include?

-too large -hematuria -urinary tract pathology -irritation of urinary tract tissue by kidney stones, bacterial infections, and physical trauma to kidneys.

urine normally not ________________ (cloudy) this can be due to the presence of ___________ from _________ _____________, __________(phosphates or urate), _______, or _______________ __________. does/does not indicate a pathological condition.

-turbid. -mucin, from mucous membranes, crystals, pus, or epithelial cells. DOES NOT

_______________________ this is produced in intestines from bilirubin and gives feces its brown color. some is ______________ (reabsorbed or secreted?) into blood and is picked up by liver again or is excreted by _____________? complete ______________ of urobilirubin in urine may indicated? _______________ levels may indicate?

-urobilinogen -reabsorbed; kidneys -absence; renal disease or obstruction of bile flow in liver -hepatitis A, cirrhosis, liver damage, or excessive RBC destruction

The presence of ______________________ and _______________________ in the urine is a positive indication of urinary tract infection.

Leukocytes and hematuria

refers to the specific presence of albumin in the urine. This condition indicates increased permeability of the glomerular filtration membrane and is associated with many conditions, such as hypertension,excessive exercise, pregnancy, excessive protein intake, heavy metal poisoning,bacterial toxins and kidney infections such as glomerulonephritis.


____________________ is a pigment produced as a result of hemoglobin breakdown. In the liver, this compound is secreted into bile.


the pigment hat is responsible for the yellow color of urine is?


____________________ refers to the presence of bilirubin in the urine and is associated with liver damage


True or false. cloudy, turbid urine always indicates a pathological problem?


____________________ refers to the presence of glucose in the urine and is associated with excessive carbohydrate intake or diabetes mellitus.


____________________ refers to the presence of hemoglobin in the urine. It is associated with hemolytic anemias, transfusion reactions, severe burns or renal disease


dilute urine results when a person...?

-drinks excessive amounts of water, take diuretics, or suffers from diabetes inispidus or chronic renal failure.

glucose in the urine is called? which indicates what in the blood? normal BGLs range from..? (at this level ALL glucose in filtrate is reabsorbed). this condition may result from?

-glucosuria -hyperglycemia -range between 70-110mg/100 ml blood -results from excessive carbohydrate diets or uncontrolled diabetes mellitus

what are the intermediate products of fat metabolism that appear in urine in small amounts? ____________ may result in ketoacidosis or acidosis of the blood. causes are?

-ketones -ketonuria -starvation, low carb diets, diabetes mellitus

Nitrates are not normally present in urine. presence of nitrates (______________), may indicate? therefore, nitrates are valuable for early detection of?

-nitruria; bacterial infection -bladder infection

____________________ refers to the presence of WBCs in the urine. It is associated with inflammation of the urinary tract


Large amounts of urobilinogen in the urine may indicate excessive ___________ ________________________ or liver problems.

RBC destruction

what is the yellow pigment formed during heme breakdown? what is indicated by a yellow foam when the urine sample is shaken? indicates?

-bilirubin -bilirubinuria -liver pathology (ex: hepatitis or cirrhosis)

what are hardened cell fragments, which form in the DCT and collecting ducts?


what is the color of urine? this is due to the pigment __________, a product of _________________________. abnormal color may be due to?

-clear and pale yellow to amber -Urochrome; hemoglobin breakdown -certain foods(beets, carrots), drugs, bile, or blood

inflammation of the urinary tract results in the presence of what in urine? this condition is called?

-WBCs (leukocytes) or the us constituents -Pyuria

hemoglobin is normally?(present or absent?) when present ________________. this is due to hemolysis of RBCs. may indicate:

-absent -hemoglobinuria -hemolytic anemias, burns, transfusion reactions or renal disease

what is the main plasma protein in maintaining the osmotic pressure of blood? when this appears in urine, the condition is? this is normally too large or small to be filtered? is an indication of? causes include?

-albumin -Albuminuria -too large -abnormally increased permeability of the glomerular filtration membrane. -excessive exertion,pregnancy, overabundant protein intake, kidney trauma/infection, bacterial toxins, ingestion of heavy metals, or hypertension.

concentrated urine results from..? excessively concentrated urine may form..?

-dehydration, fever, or kidney infection -kidney stones ( substances begin to crystallize)

what does the volume of urine depend on?

H2O intake, external temperatures, secretion of ADH or aldosterone, kidney function, or intake of diuretics (ethanol)

____________________ refers to the presence of RBCs in the urine and is associated with kidney stones, kidney trauma or bacterial infections.


____________________ refers to the presence of ketone bodies in the urine and is associated with starvation, low carbohydrate intake and diabetes mellitus.


____________________ refers to the presence of nitrites in the urine. Nitrites In the urine are usually (but not always) produced by bacteria.


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