Lab Quiz 3 - Mammalogy 459 w/ Rentz

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Order Lagomorpha information

lagomorpha == "hare-shaped" probably the sister taxa to rodentia paleocene origin in Asia mostly terrestrial but some are semifossorial almost entirely herbivorous and most coprophagous 2 fams -Leporidae -Ochotonidae

Order Lagomorpha distinguishing characteristics

large, rodent like first upper incisor with small second upper incisor ("peg teeth" hypsodont, rootless, and evergrowing cheek teeth fenestrated maxillia forefeet are digitigrade and the hindfeet are plantigrade

Order Dermoptera - Fam Cynocephalidae

2 genera and 2 spp philippine flying lemur sunda flying lemur

Order Pholidota - Fam Manidae

3 genera and 7 spp

Superorder Xenartha - Order Pilosa - True Anteaters - Fam Myrmecophagidae

3 spp in 2 genera

Superorder Xenartha - Order Cingulata - Armadillos - Fam Chlamyphoridae

8 genera and 13 spp

Superorder Xenartha - Order Cingulata - Armadillos - Fam Dasypodidae

9 general and 21 spp

Order Primates - Suborder Haplorhini - Infraorder Simiiformes - Parvorder Platyrrhini

== "new world monkeys" diverged from Catrrhini ~43 mya somehow moved from Africa to SA across Atlantic arboreal, prehensile tails (the ONLY primates that are) outward facing nostrils 3-5 fams -19 genera with 199 spp

Superorder Xenartha - Order Cingulata


Bat Genera in IA - Eptesicus - Eptesicus fuscus

Big brown bat fuscus == "brown" widely distributed, found in almost every habitat hardy, one of the last bats to fly in the fall hibernation: commonly use caves longevity: up to 18-20 yrs flight: one of the fastest - up to 40 mph foraging: catch and eat most food on the wing diet: beetles to identify: --size: large --fur: long and soft, shiny brown --patagia: naked and dark --calcar: keeled

Bat Genera in IA - Myotis - Myotis lucifugus

little brown bat lucifagus == "light flee-er" one of the most common spp in NA widespread and common in bldgs during the summer hibernates in caves and mines in large groups or attics diet: mayflies, mosquitos, other insects prefer to roost near water to identify --no striking characteristics, may be confused with other spp --tail: about as long as outstretched leg --fur: long, soft, often wavy on back --wings: no fur --toe hairs: log and dense

Order Primates - Suborder Haplorhini - Infraorder Simiiformes - Parvorder Catarrhini - Fam Hylobatidae

Gibbons 14 spp

Order Primates - Suborder Haplorhini - Infraorder Simiiformes - Parvorder Catarrhini - Fam Hominidae

Great apes 4 genera with 8 spp -Genera Pongo -Genera Gorilla -Genera Pan -Genera Homo

Bat Genera in IA - Lasiurus - Lasiurus cinereus

Hoary bat cinereus == "ash-colored" habitat: roosts alone on trees, hidden among foliage. occasionally roosts in caves, but not attracted to houses or human structures foraging: hunts over open areas/lakes diet: mainly moths migrates in groups to identify: --size: large --fur: dark and grizzled, frosted with white --tail: fur extends across uropatagium

Bat Genera in IA - Myotis - Myotis sodalis

Indiana bat sodalis == "companion" habitat: hardwood forests (nursery roosts under tree bark) hibernates in caves and mines, sometimes in large colonies -only a few caves exist with the necessary conditions for they hibernate in large groups diet: prefer moths federally endangered spp to identify: --similar to other myotis spp --toe hairs: sparser, shorter than M. lucifugus --calcar: slight keel --nose/lips: pinkish

Groups of Bats in IA

Lasiurine Bats mouse-eared bats others

Bat Genera in IA

Myots Lasionycteris Lasiurus Nycticeius Perimyotis Eptesicus

Bat Genera in IA - Myotis - Myotis septentrionalis

Northern Myotis/Northern long-eared myotis septentrionalis == means northers habitat == woodlands (prefer conifer forests) roosts under loose tree bark or in bldgs migrates to caves for hibernation foraging == surface gleaner long ears for ability to find stationary insects diet: moths to identify --size: small - more agility in dense vegetation --fur: dull brown above, yellowish below --ears: long, with a long, sharply pointed tragus

Bat Identification

Size fur coloration ear shape sound frequencies --Bat detectors presence and size of tragus Calcar == cartilaginous process projecting from ankle joint toward tail --gives partial support to free edge of tail membrane -----KEELED == obvious extension of membrane beyond calcar -----NOT KEELED == calcar lies on very edge of tail membrane

Order Primates - Suborder Haplorhini - Infraorder Simiiformes - Parvorder Catarrhini - Fam Hominidae - Genera Pongo

orangutan 3 spp

Superorder Xenartha - Order Pilosa - Sloths

order pilosa (suborder Folivora) arboreal -long limbs, syndactylous toes, and large curved claws folivores (eat buds, tender shoots and leaves) --incisors and canines absent; -cheek teeth are cylindrical, homodont, ever-growing very low metabolic rates 2 fams -Bradypodidae -Megalongychidae

Order Primates - Suborder Strepsirrhini

origin remains an enigma oldest fossils were from the early Miocene of Kenya and Uganda more ancient fossils unearthed in Egypt suggest they arose by the middle Eocene in Afro-Arabia molec. data suggests a split happened 68 mya into the ancestors of Lorisiformes and the ancestors of Lemuriformes and chiromyiformes 3 infraorders within it -aye-aye -lemuriformes -lorises and galagos

Order Pholidota - information

pholidota == "scaly ones" pangolins (Scaly Anteaters) == "something that rolls up" only mammals with large keratin scales covering skin native to tropical regions of southern Africa and SE asia insectivorous -mostly termites well developed sense of smell lack teeth tongue longer than body and head 1 fam -Manidae

Primates - Phylogenetic relationships


Order Lagomorpha - Family Ochtonidae

pikas 1 genus with 30 spp previously (Miocene) more widespread and diverse, have shrunk back since then 2 spp in NA more widespread and spp rice in EU and Asia inhabit talus slopes do not hibernate --build hay piles for food storage

Order Lagomorpha - Family Leporidae

rabbits and hares 11 genera with 61 spp hares in genus lepus very wide ecological range --tundra, mountain peaks, forests, deserts, urban/suburban areas -----in Duluth, eastern cottontails in town, snowshoe hares just outside town in forests invasive spp in Oceania high reproductive potential "breed like rabbits" a "universal prey" --very high mortality, lots of predators some studies: 1 yr survival at ~10% --most rabbits in a population are born within the year rabbits are born altricial (==hatched or born in an undeveloped state and requiring care and feeding by the parents) hares are born precocial (==hatched or born in an advanced state and able to feed itself almost immediately) in either case mothers do not exhibit much maternal care

Order Lagomorpha

rabbits, hares, and pikas

Superorder Xenartha - Order Pilosa - Sloths - Fam Bradypodidae

Three-toed sloths 4 spp

Superorder Xenartha

True anteaters, armadilos, sloths

Bat Genera in IA - Lasionycteris - Lasionycteris noctivagans

silver haired bat noctivagans == "night wanderer" most common bats in forested areas of US migratory: flies great distances, in large groups hibernate in forested areas one of the slowest bats in NA strong swimmer for short distances diet: beetles to identify: --fur: "beautiful" dark brown or black. frosted hair on back, "silver wings" --ears: short and round w/out fur --tragus: blunt and curved forward; short

Order Primates - Suborder Haplorhini - Infraorder Simiiformes - Parvorder Catarrhini - Fam Hominidae - Genera Pan

chimps and bonobos 2 spp

Order Cetartiodactyla

contains 2 infaorders -Order Cetacea (whales and dolphins) -Order Artiodactyla (ungulates)

Order Lagomorpha - Family Leporidae - IA spp: Sylvilagus floridanus

eastern cottontail they generally burrow in the winter can run up to 18 mph

Order Chiroptera - Adaptions for Flight

elongation of hand and arm bones flight is slow BUT highly maneuverable patagia == the flight membranes Patagia made up of: -Dactylpatagium -Plagiopatagium -Propatagium -Uropatagium -Calcar

Superorder Xenartha Information

formerly in order Edentata Xenartha == "strange joints" -vertebral joins have extra articulation unlike any other mammals Lower body heat than most mammals 3 main lineages -armadilos == order cingulata -true anteaters == order pilosa -sloths == order pilosa

Order Primates - Suborder Haplorhini - Infraorder Simiiformes - Parvorder Catarrhini - Fam Hominidae - Genera Gorilla

gorillas 2 spp likely to be subdivided soon

Order Tublidentata


Superorder Xenartha - Order Pilosa

True Anteaters and Sloths

Superorder Xenartha - Order Pilosa - Sloths - Fam Megalongychidae

two-toed sloths 2 spp

Order Tublidentata - information

1 living spp == Orycteropus afer nocturnal low metabolic rate digits end in claw/hooves excellent diggers --their burrows are important habitat for other animals --also have a symbiotic squash, the "aarvark cucumber" insectivorous have long, extensible tongues for feeding on termites and other insects teeth -canines and incisors absent in adults -cheek teeth ever-growing, oval or 8-shaped, flat-topped, columnar structure; lack enamel

Superorder Xenartha - Order Pilosa - True Anteaters - fam Cyclopidae

1 spp == Silky Anteater arboreal, squirrel sized

Order Primates - Suborder Haplorhini - Infraorder Simiiformes - Parvorder Catarrhini

"Old world Monkeys" downward facing nostrils 3 fams -Cercopithecidae -Hylobatidae -Hominidae

Order Chiroptera - Suborder Microchiroptera - Fam Vespertilionidae

"common bats" "evening bats" live all around the world largest fam of bats worldwide (~320 spp) only fam represented in IA (6 genera and 9 spp) diversity of habitats -on every continent except Antarctica usually small many spp hibernate, others migrate in the winter roost in varying microhabitats some spp are colonial (roost in groups). However, some colonial spp do segregate

Order Chiroptera - Suborder Microchiroptera

"insectivorous bats", "echolocating bats", "small bats", "true bats" ALL use echolocation Have a tragus (== small flap of skin at the base of the external ear for echolocation) most eat insects --some eat birds, lizards, frogs, fish --some eat the blood of large mammals (vampire bats) 17 fams with 136 genera

Order Chiroptera - Suborder Megachiroptera

"megabats", "old world fruit bats", "fruit bats", "flying foxes" eat fruit or nectar large eyes for low-light vision excellent sense of smell do NOT use echolocation (EXCEPT 1 genus does) -lack a tragus -have good sense of smell instead "chiropterophily" == mutualism b/t bats and plants good pollinators strong immune systems, leading them to be carriers of disease in other spp 1 fam (186 spp) -Pteropodidae

Order Dermoptera

Colugos "flying lemurs" --don't fly --aren't lemurs dermoptera == "skin winged ones" extensive patagia (skin flap that allows gliding) can glide up to 70m with little loss of height the only gliding mammals with membranes extending completely around the body now believed to be one of the oldest orders live in tropical forests of SE asia nocturnal arboreal -clumsy climbers -large curved claws for moving and hanging herbivorous -eat leaves, buds, and fruits marsupial-like breeding habits --young spend first 6 months clinging to mother's belly --mother curls tail up to fold gliding membrane into a "pouch" to protect and transport the young 1 fam -Cynocephalidae

"aardvark cucumber"

Cucumis humifructus kind of cucumber from southern Africa, tropical Africa, and Madagascar which fruits underground. It is reliant on the aardvark to eat the fruit in order to spread and re-bury the seeds of the plant.

Bat Genera in IA - Lasiurus - Lasiurus borealis

Eastern Red Bat borealis == "northern" habitat: roosts among leaves in branches of hardwood trees winter: may crawl under leaf litter on ground and use tail as a blanked on cold days flight: narrow, pointed wings can maneuver with agility in small areas. level flight flocked at 40 mph diet: mainly moths, but also beetles and flies to identify: --distinctive looking bat with mottled reddish-orange fur --tail: furred --skull: small projection "lacrimal shelf" at back of skull

Former order Edentata

Edentata == "ones without teeth" do not have front incisor teeth or molars, or have poorly-developed molars included mammals currently classified in: -Order Pilosa (anteaters and sloths) -order cingulata (armadillos) -order pholidota (pangolins) -order tubulidentat (aardvarks)

primate origins

Euprimates (primates of modern aspect): -grasping hands and feet -digits with nails -enlarged orbits and orbital convergence -postorbital bar -enlarged brain -adaptions for arboreal leaping

Bat Genera in IA - Nycticeius - Nycticeius humeralis

Evening bat humeralis == pertaining to the humerus common in bldgs and other human structures one of the few bats that don't use caves migrates south to overwinter instead of hibernating --new evidence shows some may be non-migratory diet: mainly beetles, but also moths and flies to identify: --similar to big brown bat, but smaller --fur: thick, moderately long; reddish to dark brown above, somewhat paler below --patagia: thick, almost naked; black wings/red forearm --plagiopatigium: reaches base of toes --tail: bone extends obviously beyond uropatagium --ears: very small

Groups of Bats in IA - Lasiurine Bats

Genera Lasionycteris and Lasiurus migratory common thru US in spring and fall widely distributed across NA in summer tend to be solitary often roost in trees and foliage tail-membranes all or partially furred

Groups of Bats in IA - Others

Genera Perimyotis, Eptesicus, Nycticeius

Groups of Bats in IA - Mouse-eared Bats

Genus Myotis diverse group of small-bodied bats among the most common spp in NA all insectivorous most roost in colonies (size from dozens to thousands) upper parts generally brownish, underparts somewhat paler tragus pointed, longer than 6 mm

Superorder Xenartha - Order Pilosa - True Anteaters

Order Pilosa (suborder Vermilingua) native to central and south America primary food source == ants and termites have elongated snouts and long, narrow tongues no teeth; crush insects against palate use the formic acid in insects to digest them large foreclaws 2 fams -Myrmecophagidae -Cyclopidae

Order Pholidota


Order Primates

Pre-KPG origins -- this is assumed: oldest fossils are 57 myo. molecular studies say it's older ~450 spp cheek teeth are bunodont and brachyodont refined hands and digits --increased mobility of digits --nails replaced claws --sensitive pads on digits increased vision, decreased olfaction - affects brain shape and size shortened muzzle region as a result of better vision and decreased olfaction reproduction occurs at slower rate, sexual maturity is delayed, and longer life spans omnivorous diet most arboreal complex social and mating systems 2 suborders (to know) -Strepsirhini (7 fams) -Haplorhini (3 infaorders and 9 fams)

Order Primates - Suborder Haplorhini - Infraorder Simiiformes - Parvorder Catarrhini - Fam Cercopithecidae

all spp of asian and african monkey arboreal and terrestrial spp 2 sub fams -Cercopthinae: 73 spp -Colobinae: 59 spp

Order Cetartiodactyla - Order Cetacea - Parvorder Mysticeti

baleen whales Mysticeti == "Mystic whale" 4 fams, 6 genera, 13 spp lack teeth in upper and lower jaws 130-400 baleen plates are suspended from each side of upper jaw most are migratory includes the blue whale, right whales, gray whale, rorquals, humpback wale, and pygmy right whale.

Order Chiroptera

bats chiroptera == "hand-winged ones" only mammals with forelimbs modified as wings only mammals capable of powered flight 70% insectivorous, most others are frugivorous or nectarivorous nocturnal 18 fams with 1100 spp 2nd largest order of mammals 2 suborders -Megachioptera -Microchiroptera

Order Cetartiodactyla - Order Cetacea

cetacea == "whale" ~89 spp fully aquatic fusiform bodies and tails with horizontal flukes most have a dorsal fin posterior limbs absent externally anterior limb == flipper nostrils == blowholes (located on dorsal surface of head) 2 parvorders -Mysticeti -Odontoceti

Order Primates - Suborder Haplorhini - Infraorder Simiiformes - Parvorder Catarrhini - Fam Hominidae - Genera Homo

humans 1 spp

Superorder Xenartha - Order Cingulata - Armadillos

superorder Xenartha, Order Cingulata armadillos == "little armored one" in spanish carapace over much of body most terrestrial to fossorial --prolific diggers with sharp claws diet == most insectivorous, others omnivorous teeth -no incisors or canines -cheek teeth are cylindrical, homodont, ever-growing 9-banded Armadillo is the only spp in US other spp in south and central america often give birth to identical quadruplets females can store sperm 2 fams -Dasypodidae -Chlamyphoridae

Order Cetartiodactyla - Order Cetacea - Parvorder Odontoceti

toothed whales, dolphins, and porpoises odontoceti == "tooth whales" 7 fams, 34 genera, and 69 spp teeth always present, baleen always absent teeth are single-rooted, unicuspid, usually conical and homodont --up to 220 teeth in La Plata dolphin olfaction probably nonexistent hearing is extremely well-developed! --communicate with sound; echolocation includes freshwater dolphins, killer whales, dolphins, porpoises, narwhal, beluga, beaked whales, and sperm whales

Bat Genera in IA - Perimyotis - Permyotis subflavus

tri-colored bat subflavus == yellowish belly variety of habitats, specially open pasture hangs with hunched posture when sleeping swarm in late summer/early autumn, seeking mates before entering hibernating caves longevity: 10-15 yrs flight ~11 mph "butteryfly bat" moth like fly pattern to identify --size: small --fur: fluffy yellowish to grayish brown (tri colored), paler belly --fur: each strand distinctly tricolored --patagia: dark brown

Order Lagomorpha - Family Leporidae - IA spp: Lepus townsendii

white-tailed jackrabbit can run up to 35 mph they do not provide a nest or other maternal care besides milk

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