last set for chapter 12 . circuits
parallel after discharge circuit
a single presynaptic cell stimulates a group of neurons each of which synapses with a common postsynaptic cell.
birth of new neurons from undifferentiated stem cells
capability to change based on experience
wallerian degeneration
degeneration of the distal portion of the axon and myelin sheath
neural circuits
functional groups of neurons that process specific types of information
regeneration tubes
guides and stimulates regrowth of axons
diverging circuit
nerve impulses from a single presynaptic neuron causes the stimulation of increasing numbers of cell along the circuit
nissl bodies breaking up into fine granular masses in response to injury of a peripheral neuron
permits one presynaptic neuron to influence several postsynaptic neurons at the same time
converging circuit
postsynaptic neuron receives nerve impulses from several different sources
simple series circuit
presynaptic neuron stimulates a single postsynaptic neuron
several presynaptic neurons synapse with a single postsynaptic neuron
reverberating circuit
stimulation of the presynaptic cell causes the postsynaptic cell to transmit a series of nerve impulses