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The periodic process of adjusting of social benefits or wages to account for increases in the cost of living refers to


2. Which of the following terms describes an effort to forestall war by giving in to the demands of a hostile power? (p. 448) a) appeasement b) deterrence c) détente d) containment e) "Minuteman" theory of defense


7. Which of the following statements about the United Nations is not true? (p. 459) a) It has a powerful army to implement its decisions. b) It gives every country one vote in the General Assembly. c) The five permanent members of the UN Security Council are China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. d) It was designed to be a channel for negotiation and a means of settling international disputes peaceably. e) Important issues require a two-thirds majority vote.


8. Which of the following are examples of in-kind benefits? (p. 419) a) Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program b) Social Security and the Troubled Assets Relief Program c) Medicare and unemployment compensation d) the GI Bill of Rights and the Equal Rights Amendment e) the Earned Income Tax Credit and No Child Left Behind


9. Cultural programs that send American actors, athletes, and musicians around the world in order to promote a positive view of the United States are examples of the use of (p. 463) a) soft power. b) star power. c) arbitration. d) détente. e) hard power.


1. Which of the following terms best describes the American posture toward the world prior to the twentieth century? (p. 447) a) interventionist b) isolationist c) appeasement d) humanitarian e) internationalist


12. Which three government programs provide assistance to the working poor? (p. 434) a) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicare, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program b) the Affordable Care Act, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program c) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Social Security, and the Earned Income Tax Credit d) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act e) Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare


6. Which of the following is an example of a contributory program? (p. 418) a) Medicaid b) Medicare c) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families d) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program e) Aid to Families with Dependent Children


4. The Bush Doctrine refers to (p. 454) a) the idea that the United States should not allow foreign powers to meddle in the Western Hemisphere. b) the idea that the United States should avoid future wars by giving in to the demands of hostile foreign powers. c) the idea that the United States should take preemptive action against threats to its national security. d) the idea that the United States should never take preemptive action against threats to its national security. e) the idea that the United States should always secure international approval before taking any military action.


4. The Bush Doctrine refers to (p. 454) a) the idea that the United States should not allow foreign powers to meddle in the Western Hemisphere. b) the idea that the United States should avoid future wars by giving in to the demands of hostile foreign powers. c) the idea that the United States should take preemptive action against threats to its national security. d) the idea that the United States should never take preemptive action against threats to its national security. e) the idea that the United States should always secure international approval before taking any military action. Ginsberg, Benjamin. We the People (Essentials Twelfth Edition) (p. 471). W. W. Norton & Company. Kindle Edition.


5. An agreement made between the president and another country that has the force of a treaty but does not require the Senate's "advice and consent" is called (p. 454) a) an executive order. b) an executive privilege. c) an executive agreement. d) a diplomatic decree. e) arbitration.


7. Means testing requires that applicants for welfare benefits show (p. 419) a) that they are capable of getting to and from their workplace. b) that they have the ability to store and prepare food. c) a financial need for assistance. d) that they have the time and resources to take full advantage of federal educational opportunities. e) that they are natural-born citizens who have never been convicted of a felony.


8. Which of the following were founded during the 1940s in order to create a new international monetary structure for the postwar world? (p. 460) a) the Federal Reserve System and the Council of Economic Advisors b) the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization c) the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank d) the International Court of Justice and the Warsaw Pact e) the Office of Management and Budget and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade


10. Which of the following was not part of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001? (p. 424) a) a provision allowing parents whose child is attending a failing school to transfer the child to a better school b) a requirement that states failing to meet national standards improve student performance by providing supplemental tutoring, longer school days, and additional summer school c) a requirement that schools show positive results for all subcategories of students and not just positive overall averages d) a requirement that a national test be used to evaluate every student around the country e) a requirement that every child in grades 3 through 8 be tested yearly for proficiency in math and reading


2. The most powerful institution in determining America's monetary policy is (p. 413) a) the Department of Commerce. b) the Department of the Treasury. c) the federal judiciary. d) the Federal Reserve Board. e) the president.


3. Government attempts to manipulate the economy by using its taxing and spending powers are called (p. 414) a) antitrust policies. b) expropriation policies. c) monetary policies. d) fiscal policies. e) redistributive policies.


3. The World Trade Organization is (p. 451) a) an agency in the federal executive branch that analyzes trade deficits. b) an American interest group that lobbies Congress for the passage of agricultural and manufacturing tariffs. c) an American interest group that lobbies Congress for the passage of so-called Fair Trade laws. d) an international organization composed of Western European countries that oppose free trade. e) an international organization promoting free trade that grew out of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.


5. The United States' welfare state was constructed initially in response to (p. 416) a) the Civil War. b) World War II. c) political reforms of the Progressive era. d) the Great Depression. e) the growth of the military-industrial complex.


9. What event prompted the federal government to enter the field of elementary education? (p. 423) a) the Civil War b) the Great Depression c) World War II d) the Soviet Union's launching of Sputnik e) the civil rights movement


10. In 2015 the United States entered into an international agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions called the (p. 468) a) Kyoto Protocol. b) Doha Amendment. c) Trans-Pacific Partnership. d) Montreal Protocol. e) Paris Agreement.


11. Who are the chief beneficiaries of the "shadow welfare state"? (p. 434) a) children b) the elderly c) the nonworking poor d) the working poor e) the middle class


6. The Constitution assigns the power to declare war to (p. 456) a) the National Security Council. b) the president. c) the chief justice of the United States. d) the secretary of defense. e) Congress.


9. Cultural programs that send American actors, athletes, and musicians around the world in order to promote a positive view of the United States are examples of the use of (p. 463) a) soft power. b) star power. c) arbitration. d) détente. e) hard power. Ginsberg, Benjamin. We the People (Essentials Twelfth Edition) (p. 471). W. W. Norton & Company. Kindle Edition.


The largest single category of expansion among noncontributory public assistance programs came with the establishment of


The biggest single expansion in contributory programs since 1935 was the establishment in 1965 of __________, which provides substantial medical services to elderly persons.


The poverty rate among the elderly has declined substantially in the past 75 years because of

Social Security.

Confiscation of property with or without compensation for public use is

an expropriation.

The ability to deduct mortgage-interest payments from your taxable income is known as

a tax expenditure.

Government regulation of broadcasting on a particular frequency or channel is a form of

administrative regulation.

1. Monetary policy seeks to influence the economy through (p. 413) a) taxing and spending. b) privatizing and nationalizing selected industries. c) the availability of credit and money. d) foreign exchange of currency. e) administrative regulation.


The government's power to set conditions on companies seeking to sell goods or services to government agencies is known as __________ power.


Social security is an example of which type of program?


4. A policy whose objective is to tax or spend in such a way as to reduce the disparities of wealth between the highest and lowest income brackets is called (p. 414) a) antitrust policy. b) deregulation. c) discretionary spending. d) equalization. e) redistribution.


The welfare state supplies equality of opportunity as well as a measure of

economic security.

The government's use of taxing and spending powers to manipulate the economy is known as

fiscal policy

The federal funds rate is the

interest rate that member banks of the Federal Reserve System charge each other.

The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states that the government cannot exercise eminent domain without

just compensation.

Monetary policy refers to

managing the supply of money and credit in the economy.

Some public assistance programs require the verification of income or other factors for eligibility. This is known as

means testing.

"In-kind benefits" refers to

noncash goods and services.

A law, a rule, a statute, or an edict that expresses the government's goals and provides for rewards and punishments to promote those goals' attainment is a

public policy.

Promotional policies include

subsidies and contracts.

) Which of the following groups receives the largest share of federal social benefit dollars?

the elderly

The Earned Income Tax Credit primarily benefits

the working poor.

Social Security redistributes wealth from

young workers to elderly retirees.

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