Latin 1 chapter 14/15 study guide

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The gender number and case of quae is

A) feminine nominative singular B) neuter accusative plural C) neuter nominative plural

Pyramus and Thisbe decide to meet


With whose friends were you walking in the villa?" is best rendered into Latin as

Cum cūius amīcīs in vīllā ambulābās?

What does Seneca's villa seem to be saying to him according to this passage?

Ecce senectus tua!"

The third person plural future tense form of esse is


A relative pronoun always takes the same case as its antecedent.


People especially like things which they call "odious."


The English word "procrastinate" is based on the Latin word for "yesterday."


The future equivalent of sunt is erant


The preposition inter takes the dative case.


Thisbe loved Perseus.


In this passage, an old man comes to the door of the villa. Who is the old man?


Seneca senectūtem suam convenit," p. 254: The sentence est mihi domus rūstica is best translated as

I have a rustic house.

mūtābor is best translated

I will be changed

parābor is best translated

I will be prepared

The best translation of amābō tē, nārrā mihi fābulam is

I will love you, tell me a story.

Tē . . . hāc nocte vidēbō is best translated

I will see you tonight

The best translation of Omnia vincit amor is

Love conquers all things.

In the sentence, corpusne meum cadet sicut vīllae meae saxa, what case is saxa?


The author of this story is


"Dē Pȳramō et Thisbē," p. 240: Pyramus and Thisbe are separated by


The sentence, "The girls with whom we will walk will be friends?" is best rendered into Latin as

Puellae, quibuscum ambulābimus, erunt amīcae.

Which friends will be seen by you?" is best rendered into Latin as

Quae amīcae ā tē vidēbuntur?

Which farmers will give me the fields?" is best rendered into Latin as

Quī agricolae agrōs mihi dabunt?

The sentence vīlicus dīcit sē dēbēre multa in vīllā reparāre is best translated

The steward says that he has to repair many things in the villa

Pyramus grieves because

Thisbē nōn vidētur vīvere

According to mythology, the mulberry tree originally had white berries.


First and second conjugation verbs form the future tense in the same manner.


Ovid was exiled by the emperor Augustus


The verbs sum and possum have no passive voice.


The sentence, "The man whose son will speak will not be able to hear him," is best rendered into Latin as

Vir cūius fīlius

vidēmur is best translated

We seem

In the sentence, quae dōna dare dēbēmus?, quae is what case?


In the sentence, vīlicus dīcit sē dēbēre multa in vīllā reparāre, what case is multa


In the sentence, vīlicus dīcit sē dēbēre multa in vīllā reparāre, what case is sē?


The future passive form of crēdēbant is


The correct form to complete the sentence, pariēs, ___Pȳramus verba dīcit, respondēre nōn potest, is


The imperfect and future forms of datur are

dabātur, dabitur

In the sentence, cui dabō librum, cui is in what case?


The gender number and case of cui is

dative masculine singular

The imperfect and futures forms of dēbēmus are

dēbēbāmus dēbēbimus

The future active form of es is


The form petam is

first person future active

Seneca tells Lucilius that

his steward is not keeping up with the work at his villa

In the sentence, quibus puellīs librōs dabās?, quibus is a/an

interrogative adjective

In the sentence, cūius amīcus est?, cūius is a/an

interrogative pronoun

The form lūdētur is best translated

it will be played

The best translation of cadet is

it will fall

When Thisbē videt Pȳramum in terrā mortuum iacēre, she

kills herself

You will be changed" is best rendered into Latin as


In the sentence cupiō omnia quae cupis, quae is

neuter accusative plural

The future passive of nārrat is


Pyramus and Thisbe could not be together because

odium erat inter eōrum parentēs

The first person plural future tense form of posse is


The future active form of potes is


The correct form to complete the sentence, puella, ____Pȳramus amat, est bona, is


In the sentence, "The hatred which the enemies have for each other must be forgotten," which is best rendered into Latin as


In the sentence, "The friends whom I see every day are my best friends," whom is rendered into Latin as


In the sentence, Puellea, quibus librōs dabam, erant amīcae, quibus is a/an

relative pronoun

In the sentence, nam terram rūsticam amābant, in quā erat tranquillitās, quā is a/an

relative pronoun

In the sentence, quem vidēbis?, quem is a/an

relative pronoun

The future active of respondet is


To what does eam refer in this section of the reading: senectūs ad nōs omnēs veniet etiam imparātōs. itaque eam exspectāre dēbēmus.


The future of stās is


The imperfect and future forms of tangō are

tangēbam, tangam

In the sentence, nam terram rūsticam amābant, in quā erat tranquillitās, quā refers to


The form petentur is best translated as

they will be sought

appropinquābunt is

third person plural future active

The form scrībunt is

third plural future active

Although the wall separated Pyramus and Thisbe, it allowed them

verba mittere

"You will be seen" is rendered into Latin as


The future tense of vidēbātur is


Lucili is what case in the clause, id tibi dīcam, Lūcilī?


Thisbe loses the


The transformation that takes place in this story is that the

white berries become red

In the sentence, iubēbāris mīlitēs līberāre, iubēbāris is best translated

you were ordered

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