Lazarus and Folkman's Transactional Model of Stress and Coping

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Types or appraisal

1. Primary appraisal 2. Secondary appraisal

Various stressors/types used to deal and cope

1. Problem-focused coping 2. emotion-focused coping


Internal-(strength/determination) External- (money, family support)


We determine the extent to which additional resources are needed to cope with the situation.

Problem-focused coping

involves efforts to manage or change the cause or source of the problem. Reappraising. obtaining more info.

Emotion-focused coping

involves strategies to attend to our emotional responses to the stress. Denial, distancing, avoiding.


process of constantly changing cognitive and behavioural efforts to manage specific internal or external stressors that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of a person.

Primary appraisal

we evaluate or judge the significance of the situation. E.g "is this something I have to deal with?"

Secondary appraisal

we evaluate our coping options, resources and options for dealing with the stressful situation.

Lazarus and Folkman's Transactional Model of Stress and Coping

proposes that stress involves an encounter between an individual and their environment-stress response depends on the individuals interpretation of the stress and their judgement of their ability to cope with it.

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