Leadership, chapter 4
Entrepreneurs typically have a visionary perspective as reflected in seeing opportunities others have missed.
Leadership effectiveness is typically measured by either objective data about results or subjective data about the perceptions of a leader.
Participative decision making is one way of giving group members emotional support.
The teamwork approach is built into the participative leadership style.
A(n) ____ type of leader is most likely to play the role of the Good Samaritan.
According to the Leadership Grid system, the most effective leadership style is
contribute and commit.
If hands-on guidance is carried to the extreme, it can result in
The generally accepted leadership style in the modern organization is the
participative style in general
Without appropriate ____, the leader can rarely influence the actions of group members.
performance feedback
When workers are aligned, they tend to
pull together for a higher purpose
A large study of the relative effectiveness of men and women leaders found that women score lower on scales measuring orientation toward production and obtaining results.
A leader scoring high on the dimension of consideration would typically be authoritarian and impersonal in relationships with subordinates.
A manager implements the 360-degree feedback survey by evaluating everybody in his or her circle of influence.
A recommended strategy for getting the most out of workers is to focus on patching their weaknesses rather than capitalizing on their strengths.
A study with Norwegian workers indicated that they prosper under laissez-faire leadership because their culture emphasizes being treated as equals.
An advantage of the participative leadership styles is that they substantially reduce the amount of time spent in committee meetings.
An example of a tough question by a leader/manager would be "Do you agree that you are the dumbest person who ever held this job?"
Making connections with people is part of the leadership dimension of initiating structure.
Part of being a servant leader is to make group members self-reliant in obtaining the tools they need to accomplish their work.
Team leader Jeff practices management openness so he discusses most of his personal weaknesses with his subordinates.
The purpose of alignment is to get all the group members thinking just like the leader.
Corporate leaders can sometimes use values to guide an organization out of trouble.
A key part of 360-degree feedback is for leaders to
receive feedback from those who work with and for them
As a leader, department management Anna is highly concerned about results, and has little concern for people. Her Managerial Grid style is labeled
9 , 1 Controlling
A large research study about sex differences in effectiveness between men and women leaders found that
both sexes were perceived about the same in overall effectiveness
Division manager Cassandra wants to get the most out of her direct reports. A. good strategy would be for her to
concentrate on the strengths of her direct reports.
A consultative leader
confers with the group before making a decision
The consideration dimension of leadership behavior includes how well the leader creates an environment of
emotional support, friendliness, and trust
A leader who scored high on initiating structure would
emphasize work scheduling assigning tasks.
The statement "Shelia Sanchez is a highly ethical leader" illustrates the concept of leadership style.
A nondirective leadership style has the advantage of allowing for more freedom of discussion which defuses conflict.
A problem noted with the leader providing hands-on guidance is that it can lead to poor delegation.
A study of 3,000 executives found that those who obtain the best results are likely to shift their leadership style frequently.
An important way of inspiring people is to
satisfy their higher-level needs
A pronounced characteristic of an entrepreneurial leader is
sensible risk taking
A study with 3,000 executives revealed that leaders who obtain the best results typically use
several different styles in one week
The purpose of a tough question by a leader is to help the person or group
stop and think about why they are doing or not doing something
An entrepreneurial leader is least likely to
thrive on hierarchy and routine.
A large research study about sex differences in effectiveness between men and women leaders found that
women were rated higher on relationship-oriented leadership skills.
Suggestions for making better use of 360-degree feedback do not include which one of the following?
Encourage workers to give and receive feedback anyway they choose
A large study of the relative effectiveness of men and women leaders found that men were more likely to maintain a low-key style through the control of emotional expression.
Authentic leaders are said to lead with their hearts as well as their heads.
Relationship behaviors for inspiring people include the simple acts of being visible and available.
Relationship-oriented attitudes and behaviors are the basis for effective interpersonal skills.
A top leader is supposed to help promote values and principles that
contribute to the welfare of individuals and the organization
An entrepreneurial leader is most likely to
have high enthusiasm and creativity.
Former business executive Larry Bossidy believes that execution
is the most important part of a leader's job
In the Pygmalion effect, group members
live up to expectations set for them
An analysis of many studies indicates that initiating structure on the part of the leader can contribute to both satisfaction and performance.