leadership exam 1
"i remain calm in pressure situations" corresponds with which of the ocean dimensions
Concern for people and concern for production
The Leadership Grid used the two leader behaviors which were called:
individual vs. community
a dr realizing a patient is suffering from a highly contagious disease that is likely to pose a threat on the city, however is uncertain about sharing this info in order to protect his patient's privacy. which ethical dilemma is this?
expert power
a function of the amount of knowledge one possess relative to the rest of the members of a group
teacher-mentor archetype
a manager that cares about developing the skills of her teammates and work beside them as a role model. which of the five fundamental archetypes of leadership is this
according to goleman's conceptualization of emotional intelligence (eg), the "change of catalyst" attribute most likely corresponds to the ___ dimension of the ocean model
is concerned with the considerations leaders prefer when making decisions
according to myers and myers's basic preference dimensions in which people can differ, the thinking-feeling dimension
according to particia o'connell's webs of belief, which of the following webs of belief is associated with respecting and caring for all creation, and honoring the needs and identities of everyone in every culture?
exemplary followers
according to robert kelley's basic styles of followership, who among the following presents a consistent picture to both leaders and coworkers of being independent, innovative, and willing to stand up to superiors
the ability to produce work that is both novel and useful
according to sterber's triarchic theory of intelligence, creative intelligence is
be big-picture thinkers
according to the ffm or ocean model of personality, leaders who score high on openness to experience tend to
concerned with how people react to stress, change, failure, or personal criticism
according to the ffm or ocean model of personality, the dimension of neuroticism is most likely
according to the ocean model, individuals who appear as insensitive, socially clueless, pessimistic, cold, and grumpy are likely to score low in
they represent a wealth of lore and wisdom
according to zemke's four generations of workers, which of the following statements is most likely true of the Veterans?
have a realistic self-perception
an authentic leader will most likely
Leadership Opinion Questionnaire (LOQ)
asked leaders to indicate the extent to which they believed different consideration and initiating behaviors were important to leadership success
engaging a critical mass to take action to achieve a specific outcome or set of outcomes
followers are highly likely to use this power to change their leader's behavior if they have a relatively high amount of referent power with their fellow coworkers
giving cookies to your mom before asking permission to go on a trip
goal emphasis and work facilitation are ___ dimensions of leadership behavior
were highly likely to be in their lower-achieving group
hall and donnell reported findings of five seperate studies involving over 12,000 managers that explored the relationship between managerial achievement and attitudes toward subordinates. overall, they found that managers that strongly subscribes to theory x beliefs
they are skills and behaviors concerned with building teams and getting results
identify a true statement about leadership skills according to hogan and warrenfelz's four major categories of skills and behaviors found in virtually every organizational competency model
they require constant direction because they lack initiative and a sense of responsibility
identify a true statement about passive followers according to robert kelley's basic styles of followership
women helped subordinates develop commitment to broader goals than their own self-interest
in survey research by judith rosener that identified several differences in how men and women described their leadership experiences, it was found that
communication needs to be two-way
in the context of choosing an appropriate context and medium, oral communication is ideal when
in the context of perception, which of the following terms is best described as the explanations people develop for the characteristics, behaviors, or actions to which they attend
tend to be quick learners and do well in school
in the context of sterberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, leaders and followers who possess high levels of analytical intelligence
the meeting should end by arranging a follow-up meeting to review progress
in the context of the first day on the job, identify a true statement about the first meeting of the new leaders with their new bosses
they should schedule one-on-one meetings with all their peers' offices
in the context of the new leader onboarding road map, which of the following statements is true of new leaders in the first two weeks
upward ethical leadership
leadership behavior enacted by individuals who take action to maintain ethical standards in the face of questionable moral behaviors by higher-ups
action, observation, and reflection
leadership development is enhance when an experience involves three processes, which are
make requests based on their position or authority
legitimizing tactics most likely occur when agents
the heroic theory
most early research on leadership was based on the assumption that leadership is a general personal trait expressed independently of the situatioin in which leadership is manifested. this view is commonly known as
most often associated with the word "management"
accept a hierarchical order in which everybody has a place and that needs no further justification
people in societies exhibiting a large degree of power distance
actor/observer difference
people who are observing an action are much more likely to make the fundamental attribution error
stereotype threat
situations in which people feel themselves at risk at being judged by others holding negative images of them
superiors and followers with good relationships tend to experience less conflict
statement most likely true about followers having a good working relationship with their superiors
just world hypothesis
states that if one simply works hard and achieves superior results, then good things will happen
this will improve the odds of good recommendations being made
task forces that are formed to work on key change initiatives should be staffed by stars because
euphemistic labeling
terrorists may call themselves "freedom fighters," and firing someone may be referred to as "letting him or her go"; both examples of:
coercive power
the ability to control others through the fear of punishment or the loss of valued outcomes is known as
communication effectiveness
the degree to which someone tells others something and ensures that they understand what was said is called
followers, leaders, and situations
the interactional framework for analyzing leadership includes
the leadership compentency of helping a group or community recognize and define its opportunities and issues in ways that result in an effective action is known as
case studies
these describe leadership situations and are used as vehicles for leadership discussions
self-fulfilling prophecy
this occurs when people's expectations or predictions play a causal role in bringing about the events they predict
seek the aid or support of others to influence their targets
unlike consultation, coalition tactics are most likely used when agents
vision, empathy, consistency, and integrity
what are the four qualities of leadership that engender trust according to bennis and goldsmith?
the goals quadrant of the GAPs analysis
when building a development plan, one's career objective comes directly from
a leadership versatility approach
where superiors, peers and direct reports provide ratings on the extent to which target individuals demonstrate too much, just the right amount, or too little strategic, operations, enabling, or forcing leadership behavior for a particular position
acknowledge common interests and goals
which is one of the best ways to establish and maintain good peer relationships?
justifying immoral behavior by claiming it was caused by someone else's actions
which of the following best describes attribution of blame?
principles of right conduct
which of the following best describes ethics?
the gen xers
which of the following generation of workers tends to be tech savy, independent, and skeptical of institutions and heirarchy?
documenting ideas for future speeches
which of the following is most likely a benefit of keeping a journal?
triggering event, your self-talk, feelings and behaviors
which of the following is the correct sequence of events that take place in stress management according to the A-B-C model?
it means that a leader has authority bc he or she has been assigned a particular role in an organization
which of the following is true of legitimate power?
influence tactics
which of the following refers to one person's actual behaviors designed to change another person's attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors
it occurs when someone feels threatened
which of the following statements is most likely true about defensiveness?
they take responsibility for what they say
which of the following statements is true about assertive people?
it is used as a tool for identifying the key elements affecting a problem solution
which of the following statements is true about force field analysis?
they have a high level of trust and high level of expertise
which of the following statements is true about leaders who are in the first quadrant of the credibility matrix?
it take place whenever a leader helps followers to change their behaviors
which of the following statements is true of informal coaching
followers are generally more satisfied with them rather than leaders with average levels of technical compentence
which of the following statements is true of leaders with high levels of technical competence
single-loop learning
which of the following terms describes a kind of learning between an individual and the environment in which learners seek relatively little feedback that may significantly confront their fundamental ideas or actions?
which of the following terms is best described as avoiding interpersonal entirely either by giving up and giving in or by expressing one's needs in an apologetic, self-effacing way?
reduced job perfomance
which of the following would most likely result in too much stress?
which term refers to how friendly and supportive a leader is toward subordinates
technical expertise plays a key role in supervisors' performance appraisal ratings of subordinates
why do followers most likely need to have a high level of technical competence?
acquiring and allocating resources
work facilitation behaviors are concerned with