Leadership Exam 3

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reliability, dependability, and obligation to accomplish work at an acceptable level

The employee is given highly detailed exact instructions to complete the task

A charge nurse is delegating to a LPN/LVN. What would be considered IMPROPER delegation for the charge nurse to delegate?

Determine whether the task is within the scope of UAP

A charge nurse is preparing to delegate tasks to UAP. What is the first action the nurse should do before delegating.

Right communication Right task Right circumstance Right person Right level of supervision

A new nurse leader has the opportunity to delegate to a member of the staff. What criteria should the nurse leader be sure are followed before doing this?


A nurse can have his or her license revoked if he or she is physically or mentally impaired related to age

Train the person delegating an important task. What steps should the manager take in the delegation process?

A nurse manager is considering delegating an important task. What steps should the manager take in the delegation process?


A nurse would be considered liable if he or she fails to report a witnessed violation of the nurse practice act

Age discrimination and Employment Act

Cannot discriminate against someone solely based on age


Motivating factors


Motivation enhanced by the job environment or external rewards, organization can afford it

Levels of supervision with delegation

Never delegated Unsupervised Periodic inspection Continuous supervision

The nurse delegator

The nurse delegates a task to an incompetent individual. Who is held accountable for the outcome of the task


Nurse is legally liable for his or her actions and is answerable for the overall nursing care of his or her pts


Nurse leaders are responsible for licensing nurses

Equal Pay Act 1963

men and women doing equal jobs must make equal pay. If there is equal skill, equal effort, equal responsibility, and similar working conditions

It's important for managers to work with employees by being able to see collective bargaining and employee laws by four different perspectives.

The organization The work Historical/social Personal

What parts of the nursing process may not be delegated?

All, assess, analysis, planning, evaluation

External locus

Depend on fate, luck, or chance

Prioritization 2nd



The nurse leader should respond to resistance of authority in a calm but firm fashion

Internal locus

You decide

Sexual harassment

"Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individuals employment, unreasonably interferes with an individuals work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment."


3 basic needs Achievements Affiliation Power

The nurse retains....

Accountability for the delegation

Affirmative Action vs Equal Opportunity

Actively seeking to feel job vacancy's with groups who are underemployment. Ex Women, minorities, and disabled

Union shop

Closed shop; all employees are required to join the union and pay dues.

6 cultural phenomena r/t delegation

Communication Space Social organization Time Environmental control Biological variation


Delegation by a liscensed professional such as the registered nurse to an unliscensed professional can assist with time management if the delegation has been correctly accomplished.

Union membership decreases

During economic recessions and layoffs


Expectancy Theory, a persons expectations about his or her environment will influence their behavior


Family and friends is more important

Rehabilitation Act 1973

Fit for duty: in order to hold a job you have to be able to perform certain tasks. So if their disability does not allow them to do their tasks it is not discrimination. Can not discriminate if the disability is not related to the physical criteria of the job.

3 reasons to delegate

Free RN to do more skilled tasks Someone may be better at it To stretch and grow subordinates

Union member ship and activity increases sharply during times of?

High employment

State practice act

Influences your practice as a nurse


Internal drive to do or be something; within you, something your organization can't bring you


It is not imperative for nurse leaders to understand how to delegate to a diverse workforce because all health care workers receive similar training


It is the charge nurses responsibility to effectively delegate and provide the right direction and communication for the delegated task for the staff nurses

Delegation includes

Knowledge Practical skills Decision making, critical thinking, prioritization Ability to handle situations

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

Labor board formed to implement the Wagner Act. It's two major functions are to determine who should be the official bargaining unit when a new unit is formed and who should be in the unit and adjudicate unfair labor charges.

State practice act

Legal restrictions r/t delegation

Prioritization 1st

Life threatening

Any part of the nursing process...

May not be delegated


Nurses should be concerned with the various laws and statutes that govern health care

Agency shop

Open shop; meaning employees are not required to join the union

Prioritization 3rd

Part of plan of care


People who are power oriented is motivated by power that can be gained as a result of a specific action


Perception on the part of a union member that management has failed in some way to meet the terms of the labor agreement

Maslows hierarchy of needs

Physiological, safety, social, esteem, self actualization

Civil Rights Act

Prohibits discrimination based on factors unrelated to job qualifications; promote employment based on ability and merit

Pregnancy Discrimination Ac

Protected by law to no discrimination because someone is pregnant

Collective bargaining

Relations between employees, acting through their management representatives and organized labor

SBN Disciplinary actions

Reprimand Suspend Revocation

5 rights of delegation

Right task, circumstances, person, direction/communication, supervision/evaluation

LPN is allowed to teach from a....

Standard care plan


Stretching and participation


Terminal step in grievance procedure where a 3rd party reviews the grievance, completes fact finding and reaches a decision. Always indicates involvement of a 3rd party. May be voluntary on the part of management and labor or imposed by the gov.


The force within the individual that influences or directs behavior


The fourth phase of management process; "Doing" phase.


The nurse leader understands when delegating, subordinate resistance should never occur among staff members


Theory X and Theory Y.


Transferring to a competent individual that authority to perform a selected nursing task in a selected situation

RNS must do initial teaching


Indirect delegation

Uses approval list of tasks that have been established in policies and procedures of organizations; assumes Rn knows competency level of subordinates

Direct delegation

Verbal direction by RN delegator an activity or task; RN actively decides what to delegate


What is the organizations most valuable asset

Peter Principle

When employees seek promotions they usually make a commitment to do well in that new position and they do do well! When managers push employees they lack commitment

Failure to provide adequate directions Failure to delegate Failure to release control of task Failure to provide clear directions Failure to follow up

Which of the following are delegation errors made by the nurse


Work in improving


You should never delegate with step by step instructions

Primary concern of SBN

approving school of nursing Granting and revoking license Regulating the practice of nursing


behavior modification

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