Lean Six Sigma Midterm

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12. The output can change even when the process doesn't. This sentence is explaining

(Common Cause Variation?)

42. A normal, in-control process will generate __ of its occurrences beyond +/- 3 standard deviations.


53. Spaghetti diagrams

A spaghetti plot is a method of viewing data to visualize possible flows through systems. Flows depicted in this manner appear like noodles, hence the coining of this term.

45. What is the hidden factory?

Activities that reduce the quality or efficiency of a manufacturing operation or business process, but are not initially known to managers or others seeking to improve the process

17. Voice of the customer is part of what six sigma phase

All parts DMAIC

59. What's the value added test in manufacturing?

An activity which changes the form, fit, or function of the product. Everything else is non-value added (NVA)

35. CTQ stand for __ and is primarily associated with __

Critical to Quality, VOC

75. What does the D in DMAIC stand for?


25. FMEA is

Failure mode effects analysis

23. Lean six sigma projects require expensive statistical and process modeling software.


31. NVA steps should not be executed.


56. One person on an elevator is single piece flow


64. 20 people on an elevator is single piece flow


Data points trending up (or down) is always special cause variation


68. There are many acceptable calculations of the whisker tips in a box and whisker graphs

False sits is only the max and min

14. A histogram and a control chart are built with the same data.


58. What tool is associated with brainstorming


76. Go to the means you need to watch the work happening in the workplace.


20. Piloting a new process is part of which six sigma phase?

Improvement Implementation, Monitor

7. IQR is an acronym that relates to:

Inter Quartile Range?

4. What's wrong with this SMART goal? Reduce lab result turnaround times to an acceptable number by two months after the end of the project.

It is not MEASURABLE. ("acceptable amount" is not measurable)

74. There are only two hard rules in process mapping:

It must be clear, You must have a purpose for it

61. What's wrong with this goal statement: By March 2011, Clark's goal is to find a new route to work which is not patrolled by police and that adds no more than 1.5 miles to the one-way route.

It's not a goal; it's a solution

44. A kanban is a

Kanban is one method to achieve JIT. The system takes its name from the cards that track production within a factory.

72. The three categories of a CTQ tree, in order, are

Need, Driver, CTQ

22. Separating the vital few from the trivial many summarizes the purpose of

Pareto Charts?

21. QFD is primarily a part of product design

Quality Function Deployment is a structured approach to defining customer needs or requirements and translating them into specific plans to produce products to meet those needs.

41. The formula for short term variation is

Sigma st = r/1.128

33. SMED is an acronym that relates to the concept of

Single-minute Digit exchange of die is one of the many lean production methods for reducing waste in a manufacturing process. It provides a rapid and efficient way of converting a manufacturing process from running the current product to running the next product.

66. A process with 3.4 defects per million opportunities has what?

Six Sigma levels of variation

This equation is √((x_i-x ̅ )^2/(n-1))

Standard Deviation

40. In Six Sigma for Dummies the principle of leverage is best explained by

The ability to apply effort toward the critical few (x's) that have the greatest impact on your desired Y.

6. Median is a measure of

The median is the value separating the higher half from the lower half of a data sample

15. Which of the following ISN'T a synonym for common cause variation?

These are Synonyms • Common Cause Variation • Random Variation • Natural Variation • Noise

1. 20 people on an escalator is single piece flow


29. A value stream map is a type of a process map


32. Catching defects earlier is a benefit of single piece flow.


39. 100% process ownership means controlling everything you need to complete the process. "Everything," in this sense includes the talent, equipment, space, materials, and authority.


11. In six sigma, we say "Variation is the enemy!"

True (Enemy)

19. The six Ms of special cause variation are material, machine, man, method, measurement, and mother nature


52. University of Utah Health Care's value summary is a version of the A3.


60. 100% process ownership means controlling everything you need to complete the process. "Everything," in this sense includes the talent, equipment, space, materials, and authority.


26. Interpreting noise as signal can lead to

Type 1 Error. Leads to inappropriate action

18. Discarding signal as noise can lead to

Type 2 Error. Leads to inaction when action is needed

28. WIIFM stands for

Whats in it for me?

73. Can a segmented sample also be random?


67. Attempting to reduce common cause variation is pointless.

You can reduce common cause variation

16. Why do we ask for SMART goals but only SM-RT problems?

You've already Attained your problems

49. A run is

a sequence of consecutive observation that are each increasingly larger or smaller than the previous observation.

63. What process mapping symbol is often used to represent wait time?

block D

48. The seven wastes are

defects, wait, over-processing, over-production, travel, motion, inventory

24. When process mapping, you should

define the beginning and end points very specifically

36. Range is a measure of

dispersion and is the difference between the lowest and highest values in a dataset

54. Every data set contains ___; only some contain ___.

noise, signal

30. What's wrong with this problem statement: Clark received four speeding tickets on the way to work in 2010 totaling $628 in fines.


55. The horizontal lanes on a process map are called

ownership lanes (or swim lanes)

37. Just in time material management means the material is in the right __ at the right __, in the right __, __ free. The four missing words are:

place, time, quantity, defect

43. Which variety of process map do you want to avoid?

should be

34. What does SMART stand for?

specific measurable attainable relevant time-bound

10. PDSA is ___

the scientific method applied to process improvement

9. Scatter plots are used to

to investigate the relationship of two characteristics

27. PDSA: Enlightened ___ succeeds over the planning of the lone genius.

trial and error

46. One person on an escalator is single piece flow


47. The diamond on a process map is used

where a meaningful distinction impacts the process

13. If the following graph were used in a conversation about flow, what would X and Y be?

x - Capacity Utilization y-wait times

50. Which of the following ISN'T a synonym for special cause variation?

• Assignable Cause Variation • Systematic Variation • Signal

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