Lesson 12: Female Reproductive System

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How many Oocytes will mature in each ovarian cycle? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 8

(A) 1 Only one oocyte matures and is released per menstrual cycle.

A Primary Oocyte completely undergoes Meiosis. How many Oocytes will result? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 8

(A) 1 With each division, one daughter cell receives all the Cytoplasm and organelles while the other daughter cell becomes a lifeless polar body.

What does the dominant follicle (the one that releases its egg) become right after ovulation? (A) Corpus Luteum (B) Primary Follicle (C) Pre-Antral Follicle (D) Early Antral Follicle

(A) Corpus Luteum The follicle turns into the corpus luteum after ovulation.

Put the events in order if fertilization does not occur and there is no implantation. I. Corpus Luteum Atrophy II. Progesterone/Estrogen decrease III. Luteinizing hormone/Follicule Stimulating Hormone Decrease IV. Menstruation (A) III > I > II > IV (B) I > II > III > IV (C) II > III> I > IV (D) III > II > I > IV

(A) III > I > II > IV The increased amount of progesterone/estrogen causes a decrease in LH and FSH. This then causes the Corpus Luteum to atrophy Progesterone/estrogen decrease. And finally the endometrial lining is shed during menstruation.

What releases Relaxin? (A) Placenta (B) Breasts (C) Adrenal Gland (D) Follicle

(A) Placenta Relaxin is released by the placenta in order to aid in the birth of the baby by loosening the pubic symphysis joint and dilate the cervix.

Which of the following is NOT one of the three main stages of labor or parturition? (A) Relaxin Release (B) Expulsion (C) Afterbirth (D) Cervical Dilation

(A) Relaxin Release The 3 stages of parturition are Cervical Dilation (to about 10cm), Expulsion and Afterbirth.

How long is the average trimester in a human pregnancy? (A) 12 weeks (B) 13 weeks (C) 14 weeks (D) None of the above

(B) 13 weeks The average pregnancy is about 38.5 weeks, so the average trimester is about 13 weeks.

*CRB* Which enzyme is sometimes called Estrogen Synthase, and can convert Androgens into Estrogens in both males and females? (A) CYP490 (B) Aromatase (C) Cytochrome 150 (D) Dioxygenase

(B) Aromatase Aromatase, which is a member of the Cytochrome P450 family of proteins, is sometimes called Estrogen Synthase, and can convert Androgens into Estrogens in both males and females.

Which of the following best describes the onset of Menopause, when there are no more ovarian cycles or eggs to release? (A) There is a rapid onset, usually a month or two between standard ovarian cycles and the onset. (B) As the number of eggs decreases, cycles will become less regular, ending in Menopause. (C) Ovarian Cycles never fully stop, but rather become so elongated that they appear to have stopped. (D) None of the above.

(B) As the number of eggs decreases, cycles will become less regular, ending in Menopause.

Which of the following hormones do Granulosa cells NOT release? (A) Estrogen (B) FSH (C) Progesterone (D) Inhibin

(B) FSH Granulosa Cells can release Estrogen, Progesterone and Inhibin.

Which of the following are key roles that Progesterone, a Pro-Gestation hormone, has? I. Decrease Contractility of the Uterus. II. Stimulates the development of Spiral Arteries. III. Increase the Secretions of special glands in the ovary. (A) III only (B) I and II only (C) II and III only (D) I, II and III

(B) I and II only Each of the following are roles that Progesterone has: I. Decrease Contractility of the Uterus. II. Stimulates the development of Spiral Arteries. III. Increase the Secretions of special glands in the uterine lining.

Which of the following are names for the small contractions that are NOT associated with the actual labor contractions? I. False Labor Contractions II. Braxton Hick Contractions III. Tidal Contractions (A) III only (B) I and II only (C) I and III only (D) I, II and III

(B) I and II only The small contractions not associated with Labor are often called False Labor Contractions or Braxton Hick Contractions.

Which of the following would you consider the proliferative phase(s) for the Uterine Cycle? I. Follicular Phase II. Luteal Phase III. Ovulatory Phase (A) II only (B) I and III only (C) II and III only (D) I, II and III

(B) I and III only Each of the following are Proliferative Phases of the Uterine Cycle: I. Follicular Phase III. Ovulatory Phase (Ovulation)

Which hormone directly triggers ovulation? (A) Estrogen (B) LH (C) FSH (D) Progesterone

(B) LH LH pushes the development of the follicle to trigger ovulation.

If a blastocyst undergoes implantation, it creates human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to keep the corpus luteum alive. hCG mimics which hormone? (A) Estrogen (B) Luteinizing hormone (C) Progesterone (D) Inhibin

(B) Luteinizing hormone hCG mimics LH to keep the corpus luteum alive to be able to allow estrogen/progesterone to keep the endometrial lining for pregnancy.

Through which of the following is milk ejected during breastfeeding? (A) Areolae (B) Nipple Pores (C) Both A and B (D) Neither A nor B

(B) Nipple Pores Milk is ejected through Nipple Pores during breastfeeding. Areolae release Lipoid fluid to protect the breasts during breastfeeding from mechanical stresses.

Which of the following terms best describes the creation of the egg cells in the female fetus? (A) Oogonia (B) Oogenesis (C) Spermiogenesis (D) Oogiogenesis

(B) Oogenesis Oogenesis is the process in which the female fetus creates her egg cells.

The zona pellucida starts forming in which stage of the ovarian cycle? (A) Corpus Luteum (B) Primary Follicle (C) Pre-Antral Follicle (D) Early Antral Follicle

(B) Primary Follicle In the primary follicle stage is when the zona pellucida starts to form.

Which of the following is the best description of afterbirth? (A) The uterus continues to contract until Oxytocin Levels decrease. (B) The uterus continues to contract until the Placenta is also ejected. (C) The uterus stops contracting after 5-10 minutes, during which time amniotic fluid is expelled. (D) None of the above.

(B) The uterus continues to contract until the Placenta is also ejected.

What is the average weight gain for a pregnant woman? (A) 7-10 pounds (B) 10-20 pounds (C) 25-35 pounds (D) 40-50 pounds

(C) 25-35 pounds The average weight gain for a pregnant woman is 25-35 pounds!

Which hormone stimulates granulosa cells to proliferate in days 0 through 14 of the ovarian cycle? (A) Estrogen (B) Luteinizing hormone (C) Follicle stimulating hormone (D) Inhibin

(C) Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) FSH released by the anterior pituitary stimulates the proliferation of granulosa cells.

Which of the following statements properly describe the role of the Zona Pellucida? I. The Zona Pellucida separates the oocyte from the granulosa cells. II. The Zona Pellucida forms a tight barrier around the oocyte, similar to the blood-testis barrier. III. The Zona Pellucida can still be seen right before the oocyte is released from the ovary. (A) II only (B) I and II only (C) I and III only (D) I, II and III

(C) I and III only Each of the following statements about the Zona Pellucida are true: I. The Zona Pellucida separates the oocyte from the granulosa cells. II. The Zona Pellucida has gap junctions connecting the granulosa cells and the oocyte to help nourish the oocyte. III. The Zona Pellucida can still be seen right before the oocyte is released from the ovary.

*CRB* There are shunts that the fetus has in place to prevent bloodflow to certain key organs as they develop. Which of the following are organs that have fetal blood shunted away from them? I. Kidney II. Liver III. Lungs (A) I only (B) I and II only (C) II and III only (D) I, II and III

(C) II and III only There are shunts in the fetal circulation to prevent bloodflow to the Liver and Lungs as they develop.

Theca cells starts forming and granulosa cells divide in which stage of the ovarian cycle? (A) Corpus Luteum (B) Primary Follicle (C) Pre-Antral Follicle (D) Early Antral Follicle

(C) Pre-Antral Follicle Theca cells starts forming and granulosa cells divide in the pre-antral follicle.

Which is the main hormone that stimulates the uterine lining to prepare for implantation? (A) Estrogen (B) Luteinizing hormone (C) Progesterone (D) Inhibin

(C) Progesterone Progesterone is the main hormone stimulating the uterine lining to prepare for implantation.

Which of the following best describes the uterine phase that lines up with the Luteal Phase of the Ovarian Cycle? (A) Menses (B) Proliferative Phase (C) Secretory Phase (D) It overlaps with more than one of the above.

(C) Secretory Phase The Luteal Phase of the Ovarian Cycle lines up with the Secretory Phase of the Uterine Cycle.

*CRB* Which Uterine Phase is the longest, lasting 14 days out of 28 days? (A) Menses (B) Proliferative Phase (C) Secretory Phase (D) None of the above

(C) Secretory Phase The Secretory Phase is the longest of the Uterine Phases, lasting 14 of the 28 days.

*CRB* Where would fertilization occur? (A) The Ovary (B) The Uterus (C) The Ampulla (D) The Midpiece

(C) The Ampulla The Ampulla, an area in the Fallopian Tube, is where fertilization occurs.

What happens to all of the other follicles that had been developing during that ovarian cycle? (A) These follicles will de-differentiate and become primary follicles again. (B) These follicles will stay at whatever stage of development they were at, waiting for the next ovarian cycle. (C) These follicles will degenerate in Atresia. (D) None of the above.

(C) These follicles will degenerate in Atresia.

If a female is only maturing and releasing twelve eggs per year, what happens to the majority of the eggs that are in the ovary? (A) These eggs are actually polar bodies. (B) These eggs start undergo meiosis, then undergo apoptosis. (C) While still in meiotic arrest, these eggs die. (D) None of the above.

(C) While still in meiotic arrest, these eggs die. The mechanism behind this is more of a medical-school level topic, but know that for every one egg that matures and is released a month, hundreds more will die.

In women, estrogen: (A) slows bone remodeling. (B) increases bone breaking (C) slows bone breaking. (D) increases bone remodeling.

(C) slows bone breaking. A woman, in her later parts of life when estrogen levels are low, will be more prone to brittle bones called osteoporosis.

Which of the following is NOT an effect of Estrogen? (A) Maturation of Sperm (B) Patterns of Fat Deposition in the female (C) Stimulating external genitalia growth and breast growth. (D) A, B and C are all effects of Estrogen.

(D) A, B and C are all effects of Estrogen. Each of the following are effects of Estrogen: (A) Maturation of Sperm (B) Patterns of Fat Deposition in the female (C) Stimulating external genitalia growth and breast growth.

*CRB* Which of the following are diseases that can cross the placental barrier and infect the fetus? (A) Herpes and HIV (B) Syphilis and Toxoplamsa gonil (C) Rubella and Cytomegalovirus (D) All of the above

(D) All of the above Each of the following are pathogens that can pass the Placental Barrier and infect the fetus: (A) Herpes and HIV (B) Syphilis and Toxoplamsa gonil (C) Rubella and Cytomegalovirus

*CRB* What is the proper term for pregnancies where implantation doesn't occur in the endometrium, as it should? (A) Extramenstrual Implnantation (B) Extrametrial Implantation (C) Extrametrial Pregnancy (D) Ectopic Pregnancy

(D) Ectopic Pregnancy An Ectopic Pregnancy is when the trophoblast doesn't implant in the endometrium as it should.

Fill in the blanks: Egg cells are produced during ____________ and will mature in the_______________ once the female reaches puberty. (A) Puberty, Fallopian Tube (B) Puberty, Ovaries (C) Gestation, Fallopian Tube (D) Gestation, Ovaries

(D) Gestation, Ovaries Egg cells are produced during Gestation and will mature in the Ovaries once the female reaches puberty.

What makes up a follicle? I. Primary Oocyte II. Zygote III. Granulosa Cells (A) I Only (B) II Only (C) I and II Only (D) I and III Only

(D) I and III Only A follicle is made up of a primary oocyte and surrounded by granulosa cells.

Which of the following are also known as eggs? I. Ovum II. Zygote III. Oocyte (A) I Only (B) II Only (C) I and II Only (D) I and III Only

(D) I and III Only Ovum and Oocyte are also names for a females eggs. Oocyte refers to an egg in development before Fertilization. Ovum refers to the egg once it has been fertilized. Zygote refers to the combination and fusion of the egg and sperm.

After implantation in the uterine lining, many changes happen. Which of the following accurately describe the uterus of a pregnant woman? I. The Uterus is a vascularized and muscular organ. II. The fetus is enveloped in a sac filled with Amniotic Fluid. III. The Placenta connects the mother to the fetus to support the developing fetus. (A) I only (B) I and III only (C) II and III only (D) I, II and III

(D) I, II and III Each of the following statements are true: I. The Uterus is a vascularized and muscular organ. II. The fetus is enveloped in a sac filled with Amniotic Fluid. III. The Placenta connects the mother to the fetus to support the developing fetus.

Which of the following produce estrogen in females? I. Ovaries/Placenta II. Breasts III. Adrenal Gland (A) I Only (B) I and II Only (C) II and III Only (D) I, II, and III

(D) I, II, and III The Ovaries/Placenta, Breasts, and Adrenal Gland can all produce estrogen. Fat cells can also produce a little bit of estrogen.

Which of the following occur in response to the increased amount of estrogen during pregnancy? I. Suppress of FSH & LH II. Growth of fetal organs III. Maternal tissue growth (A) I only (B) II and III only (C) I and II only (D) I, II, and III only

(D) I, II, and III only Estrogen during pregnancy allows for: - suppression of FSH and LH - growth of fetal organs - maternal tissue growth

Fill in the blanks: The first meiotic division occurs _____________, whereas the second meiotic division occurs _______________. (A) In the ovary, In the Ovary (B) In the ovary, In the Uterus (C) In the ovary, Right before Fertilization (D) In the ovary, After Fertilization.

(D) In the ovary, After Fertilization. The first meiotic division occurs in the ovary, whereas the second meiotic division occurs after fertilization.

Which hormone inhibits follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)? (A) Estrogen (B) Luteinizing hormone (C) Progesterone (D) Inhibin

(D) Inhibin Inhibin inhibits the release of FSH.

Which of the following will supply the endometrial lining with bloodflow during the secretory phase, and will be degraded in menses if implantation does not occur? (A) Basal Arteries (B) Epithelial Arteries (C) Superior Arteries (D) None of the Above

(D) None of the Above The Spiral Arteries supply the endometrial lining with bloodflow during the secretory phase, and will be degraded in menses if implantation does not occur.

At which point is a Primary Oocyte stimulated to finish Meiosis I? Meiosis II?

A Primary Oocyte stimulated to finish Meiosis I during ovulation and Meiosis II during Fertilization.

*CRB* Estrogen is able to cross the cell membrane, and with the help of a carrier protein, can enter the nucleus and act as a Transcription Factor. Would this make Estrogen a Steroid Hormone or a Protein Hormone?

Based on the mechanism of action described, Estrogen is a Steroid Hormone. Note you could also figure this out by knowing its precursor is an androgen, which is also a Steroid Hormone.

*CRB* Recall that fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen than the mother's hemoglobin, accounting for why the oxygen is transferred from the mother to the fetus. Would this shift in binding affinity for oxygen be a left- or right-shift?

Because this is a change that increases the affinity, it is a left-shift.

In which position, vertex presentation or breech, will the birthing process require a C-section?

Breech position, which means the feet are pointing towards the birthing canal instead of the head.

The high levels of estrogen near Ovulation actually have a positive feedback effect on LH and FSH production and secretion. Why is there a less pronounced increase in FSH than LH?

FSH has Inhibin inhibiting its secretion, whereas there is no inhibition for LH.

True or False? For the fetus to obtain oxygen, the mom's red blood cells come in contact with baby's red blood cells and exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide.

False. Mom's red blood cells do not come in contact with the baby's red blood cells. This exchange happens across the "placental barrier." Within the baby's trophoblast cells, there are little blood vessels and through diffusion, the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs.

True or False? During pregnancy, the anterior pituitary decreases in size a little, thus releasing Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH).

False. During pregnancy, the anterior pituitary INCREASES in size a little thus releasing Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH).

True or False? Only females have mammary glands.

False. Mammary glands are present in both males and females, but in males they don't get developed.

True or False? The corpus luteum produces progesterone for the entire length of pregnancy.

False. The corpus luteum produces progesterone for about 2-3 months of pregnancy, and then the placenta takes over.

True or false? The increase in stomach size can lead to Stretch marks (called Striae) , decreased stroke volume and Gastric Reflux.

False. The increase in stomach size can lead to Stretch marks (called Striae) , decreased Tidal volume (lungs, not heart!) and Gastric Reflux.

True or False? The umbilical cord is made up of two veins and one artery all enclosed in Wharton's Jelly, connecting the fetus to the placenta.

False. The umbilical cord is made up of ONE vein and TWO arteries all enclosed in Wharton's Jelly, connecting the fetus to the placenta.

Lesson 12: Female Reproductive System

Lesson 12: Female Reproductive System

The suckling of a baby at mom's breast stimulates lactation. This tells the hypothalamus to either turn off or on certain hormones. How will the production of Oxytocin and Prolactin be affected by this suckling?

Oxytocin production in the Posterior Pituitary is turned on. Prolactin inhibiting hormone in the anterior pituitary is turned off, allowing for the production of prolactin.

What is the role of prolactin and oxytocin in lactation?

Prolactin causes the mammary glands to produce milk. Oxytocin stimulates myoepthelial cells to eject milk.

Compare the roles of Prolactin and Oxytocin in breastfeeding. Which "orders the next meal", and which "delivers the current meal"?

Prolactin will increase milk production, and is like ordering the baby's next meal. Oxytocin will stimulate the myoepithelial cells to contract and eject milk, like delivering the current milk.

Explain why you need to keep the endometrial lining intact for pregnancy.

The Endometrial Lining is where the blastocyst implants!

The Basal Plate is what the uterine arteries and veins pool into, and are where the uterine vein and arteries can exchange material with the uterine blood vessels. Does the basal plate belong to the baby or to the mom?

The basal plate is part of the mom.

If fertilization does not occur, what happens to the corpus luteum?

The corpus Luteum undergoes apoptosis.

If fertilization does occur, why is it important for the corpus luteum to stay?

The corpus luteum keeps supplying estrogen and progesterone to prepare and protect the endometrium for implantation.

Is the egg cell a primary or secondary oocyte when it is able to be fertilized? When does the transition to secondary oocyte occur?

The egg cell is a secondary oocyte when it is able to be fused with sperm. In the ovary, the primary oocyte that escape meiotic arrest will divide into a secondary oocyte and another polar body

Do the umbilical vein or umbilical arteries provide the fetus with oxygenated blood from the placenta?

The umbilical vein provides the fetus with oxygenated blood. The umbilical artery carries deoxygenated blood out of the fetus.

How do theca cells help increase the amount of estrogen?

Theca cells respond to the Luteinizing hormone (LH) produced and released by the anterior pituitary. LH and Theca cells then work together to form androstendione. Androstendione then stimulates granulosa cells to produce estrogen.

Briefly explain how the blood pressure and pulse are different when a woman is pregnant compared to when she is not.

There is an increased amount of blood volume (1-2 liters) when a woman is pregnant. This causes an increase in the blood pressure and pulse rate.

When in the womb, a baby girl's Oogonia divide and divide until their are between 2 to 4 million Oogonia. These Oogonia then begin to undergo Meiosis. At which point do they undergo "Meiotic Arrest"? What does that mean?

They will undergo Meiotic Arrest during Meiosis I. This basically means that the primary Oocytes are stuck in Meiosis I.

Why is it important to increase the amount of Thyroid hormones during pregnancy?

Thyroid Hormones will increase the mother's metabolic rate and encourage her to eat more food ("eat for two" as they say).

True or False? Around 37 weeks of pregnancy, progesterone starts to decrease. However there is still a really high amount of estrogen. This difference in ratio between estrogen and progesterone makes the body more sensitive to oxytocin which stimulates uterine contractions.

True. Around 37 weeks of pregnancy, progesterone starts to decrease. However there is still a really high amount of estrogen. This difference in ratio between estrogen and progesterone makes the body more sensitive to oxytocin which stimulates uterine contractions.

True or false? Chorionic Villi are almost like villi in the small intestine for the fetus in the basal plate, since they protrude into the basal plate, increase the surface area and facilitate the exchange of gases and nutrients.

True. Chorionic Villi are almost like villi in the small intestine for the fetus in the basal plate, since the protrude into the basal plate, increase the surface area and facilitate the exchange of gases and nutrients.

True or False? In women, estrogen increases the amount of HDL and lowers the amount of LDL.

True. In women, estrogen increases the amount of HDL and lowers the amount of LDL.

*CRB* True or false? Osteoporosis is more precisely caused by a prolonged deficiency in the estrogen levels, explaining why women are more likely to suffer from Ostoeporosis than men.

True. Osteoporosis is more precisely caused by a prolonged deficiency in the estrogen levels, explaining why women are more likely to suffer from Ostoeporosis than men. Men have very consistent, low levels of estrogen, so they would not be deficient.

True or false? Parturition is a classic example of positive feedback, and is ended by expulsion of the baby.

True. Parturition is a classic example of positive feedback, and is ended by expulsion of the baby.

True or False? The high levels of estrogen in the late follicular phase cause a high level of Luteinizing Hormone (LH), causing the Luteal Surge, which then allows the egg to be released during ovulation.

True. The high levels of estrogen in the late follicular phase cause a high level of Luteinizing Hormone (LH), causing the Luteal Surge which then allows the egg to be released during ovulation.

True or False? The hypothalamus and anterior pituitary can detect if there is a lot of Progesterone. If they do, they will start to release less Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH).

True. The hypothalamus and anterior pituitary can detect if there is a lot of Progesterone. If they do, they will start to release less Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH).

True or false? The mature follicle is able to release its egg because it releases enzymes that can break down the wall of the ovary and its own follicular wall.

True. The mature follicle is able to release its egg because it releases enzymes that can break down the wall of the ovary and its own follicular wall.

True or false? There are key antibodies transmitted in breastfeeding to the infant that cannot be produced by the infant yet.

True. There are key antibodies transmitted in breastfeeding to the infant that cannot be produced by the infant yet.

True or False? While in her mother's womb, a baby girl will produce all the Oocytes she needs for the rest of her life.

True. While in her mother's womb, a baby girl will produce all the Oocytes she needs for the rest of her life.

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