Lesson 6 1-5

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Software Requirements:

Acquire three main types of software to perform desktop publishing: Painting Programs Use to create or scan and modify bitmap images (pictures). Drawing Programs Use to create complex outlined and colored objects. Page Layout programs Use to create multi-page documents and accept objects from other programs.

Presentation Software:

Aside from e-mail and word processing software, presentation software is probably the most commonly used program in your office. Learn this software well and become an indispensable asset to your boss and colleagues.

Bar Code:

Bar code use increases your productivity and improves your accuracy. Use a bar code reader or scanner, equipment, and software to translate printed lines into data.

Computer Storage: Computer Hardware: Storage Devices:

CD-R & CD-RW, Hard-Drive,Flash Drive


Cathode-ray tube (CRT) monitors are pretty much things of the past. Most people these days use thin, flat monitors with a liquid crystal display (LCD). LCD monitors have many advantages over CRT monitors. They are less bulky. A normal, 15-inch CRT monitor is usually about a foot deep, whereas the same size LCD monitor is only three or four inches deep. Also, LCDs do not suffer from flicker problems and have higher resolution, even on smaller screens. Lastly, LCDs do not use nearly as much power as CRTs.

Computer Processing:

Computer processing is the heart of your system. The primary components working together include your motherboard, central processing unit, memory, and expansion boards.

Digital Camera:

Connect a digital camera to your computer to transfer pictures or movies. You may need an adapter to connect your camera.


Connect a keyboard to the back of your computer. Keyboards, powered by a circuit board, are similar in appearance and follow a general standard. At one time there were PC, AT, and 101-key enhanced keyboards. The 101 key-enhanced keyboard is now the standard type. At one time, computers had difficulty keeping up with fast typists. New technology allows you to type faster.

Your operating system performs these services for applications programs:

Determines the run sequence for applications and how much time must be allowed before you may use another application. Manages sharing of internal memory among multiple applications. Handles input and output to and from attached hardware devices, such as hard drives and printers. Sends messages to each application or interactive user about the status of operation and errors that may have occurred. Offloads the execution and running of batch jobs (for example printing your word processing document) so that you can return and use your word processing program while your document is printing.

Other Computer Hardware to Considerations: Network Card:

Equip your computer with a network card to connect to a network. Pass information between computers about 1000 times faster than by a modem connection.

Expansion Boards:

Expansion boards are used for a variety of purposes. Expansion boards have plugs at one end, called ports, for attaching devices. Plug them into your motherboard expansion slots to add a device, such as a sound card.

Flash Drives:

Flash drives are a wonderful convenience. They tend to physically imitate conventional hard drives in size, shape, and interface. Flash drives come in all colors and sizes and hold gigabytes of data.


Format pages of your spreadsheet to make it easier to read. Change row height, column width, text typeface, and fractions as decimals or numbers as integers.

Computer Software:

In addition to keyboard strokes and mouse clicks, software programs tell your computer what to do.

Relational Database:

It is likely that you'll be using relational database management software to create tables, input data, perform analysis, and locate information. A relational database is a set of tables containing data fitted into predefined categories. Each table contains one or more data categories in columns. Each row contains unique data for categories defined by the columns. For example, a typical order entry database includes tables describing customers with columns for names, addresses and phone numbers; and orders with columns for products, customers, dates, and sales prices. Use this database to obtain a report on all customers that bought products after a certain date or for accounts that need to be paid.

Portable Computers:

Laptop Computer, Smart Phone

Laptop Computer:

Laptop computers often have just as much computing power as desktops and don't take up as much space. Take a laptop with you to do your computing or make present

Power Supply:

Laptops use a rechargeable battery (lithium, nickel-cadmium, or nickel-metal hydride).

Operating Systems Software:

MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) was the first version of a widely installed operating system in personal computers. The first Microsoft Windows operating system was really an application that ran on top of the MS-DOS operating system. Today, Windows operating systems continue to support DOS (or a similar system) for special purposes by emulating an operating system.


Manipulate rows and columns, make calculations and evaluate algebraic formulas. Automatically recalculate and update data in several files at one time and make graphical charts with input data. Obtain downloads from large computer servers (including mainframes) and use your spreadsheet software to create customized solutions to problems.

Output Devices:

Monitor, Plotter, Printer

What components are not included in your computer's processing activities?

Motherboard, Memory, Expansion boards.


New computers come standard with a CD-ROM drive. Your CD-ROM drive reads data from a CD that looks similar to a music CD, except it holds data rather than music. CD-ROM drives deliver huge software programs and reference materials that otherwise would require hundreds of floppy disks. Consider CDs that can be written to and read from multiple times (called CD-RW). Once written, these CDs can be read by any CD ROM drive.

Hardware Requirements:

Obtain a postscript laser printer for general output and proofing and a scanner for bringing in outside graphics into your system.Gard drives are measured in gigabytes. What do gigabytes represent?

What Software programs have the shortest Learning Curve?

Presentation Software. It is relatively easy to get.


Select either an ink-jet printer or laser printer. Ink-jets are available in color and black and white and turn out acceptable output, including graphics, at a lower cost than laser printers. Ink-jet printers squirt little droplets of ink onto the paper. Ink dries almost instantly and quality is almost as good as a laser printer. Use ink-jet printers for economical color printing. Use a laser printer to produce the best quality print. Laser printers are the most expensive and complex of all printers. They cost more to buy and maintain, but because they offer such good quality, they are usually the top choice of large organizations or operations with high output. If your office has a large network laser printer, consider using an ink-jet printer for local color printing (and as a back-up) and a laser printer for general work.

Computer Hardware (part1) How your overall system works...

Signals, information, and functions travel through your computer's microprocessor, which is also called the Central Processing Unit (CPU) or the brain. Your CPU depends on other components to perform many specialized functions. For instance, it uses random access memory (RAM) as temporary storage space to hold current programs and files. Your CPU also uses a hard drive, CDs, or flash drives for permanent data storage, a keyboard for data entry, and a monitor to display the data.

What is the primary factor in determining a computer's operating system?

The type of computer used. IBM-type PCs use Windows or Linux; and Macintosh and iMac use Apple's operating system.

What are characteristics of Smart Phones in an office environment?

They perform synching through the internet or through the Cloud.

Select a laptop with one of the following options:

Trackball : Move your cursor by rotating a ball. Trackpoint: Push your finger over a point to move your cursor. Touchpad : Slide your finger across a pointing device surface and move your cursor. Mouse : Connect a standard mouse to your computer.

Smart Phones:

Use Smart Phones to make phone calls, send or receive e-mail, work with numbers, play music, and download information from the Internet. All Smart Phones have one thing in common—they're designed to complement your desktop or laptop computer. Smart Phones combine two technologies, basic cell phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs). Smart Phones make the information in your main computer portable. Communication between a Smart Phone and a PC is referred to as data synchronization or syncing and is typically done through the USB port on your Smart Phone. Regardless of the type of Smart Phone you use, they all have a microprocessor, operating system, solid-state memory, batteries, display, input device (buttons in combination with touch-screen or keyboard), input/output ports, and desktop PC software.


Use a scanner to digitize (change into computer codes) and copy photographs, artwork, and documents directly into your computer. Display digitized images as originals on a monitor, reproduce them on a printer, or merge them into other documents. There are three basic types of scanners: hand scanners, page scanners, and flatbed scanners. Hold a hand scanner and drag across the page being scanned. Use a page scanner to feed paper through a unit similar to a printer. Use a flatbed scanner as you would a copy machine.

Computer Hardware (part2)

You'll need a place to store your information. Your choices are a hard drive, CD-ROM, flash drives, or external hard drive. Also, you may want to work at home or when you travel. Select a laptop computer or tablet computer.

Peripheral devices, including...

a monitor, mouse, keyboard, disk drives, and printer, work together to create your computer system.

Inside your computer, the A data travels to...

a temporary memory buffer where it is processed.

After being initially loaded into your computer by an automatic program (called a boot program ), an operating system (sometimes abbreviated as OS ) manages...

all applications programs.

How do you choose an operating system?

based on the type of computer you are using. Use Windows or Linux for IBM-type personal computers and use Apple's operating system for Macintosh and iMac.

Your CPU also uses a hard drive, CDs, or flash drives for permanent...

data storage, a keyboard for data entry, and a monitor to display the data.

Docking Station:

docking station makes your laptop computer more convenient for desktop use. Use your laptop as a standard computer by connecting a full-size computer monitor, full-size keyboard, mouse, disk drives, and printer connected to a docking station.

As an administrative assistant, you spend a high percentage of your day...

inputting and storing data; retrieving and analyzing information; and producing presentations, newsletters, numerical reports, graphs, and charts. Powerful, user-friendly computer hardware and software help you greatly with these activities.

Your CPU depends on other components to perform many specialized functions. For instance,

it uses random access memory (RAM) as temporary storage space to hold current programs and files.

Your computer system is not very useful unless you provide instructions. Use input devices, including your...

mouse, keyboard, scanner, digital camera, bar code, and voice recognition software to create recognizable directions for your computer.

Open your word processing software and press the letter A key on your keyboard. Your microprocessor picks up a...

signal, translates it into machine language, and transmits it using a cable connected to the back of your computer.

Use your word processing software and save your letter A image. The information is sent to a buffer, and the...

software, which is temporarily stored in memory, sends data back to your CPU. Data is processed and passed to your hard drive where information is magnetically stored.

Signals, information, and functions travel through your computer's microprocessor, which is also called...

the Central Processing Unit (CPU) or the brain.


The motherboard (also called a system board or circuit board) is the most important part of your system. As the foundation, the motherboard supplies all of the electrical connections among various components of your computer. Everything inside your computer is connected to the motherboard.

Benefits and Cautions:

The primary benefits of spreadsheet software include time-savings, simulation (answering what if questions), data accuracy and creating charts and graphs. Common mistakes and misconceptions include forgetting to highlight cells you want to format and how to develop formulas.

Voice Recognition:

Use voice recognition software and create text files without typing. Speak through a microphone and watch how software translates your voice into written words.


Use your arrow keys, your mouse, or special function keys to navigate through your spreadsheet.

A pure computer system consists of...

input and output devices, processing devices, storage capabilities, and software programs.

Database Management Software:

A database is an organized collection of data. The problem of data handling is the same: record-keeping. Solve this problem with effective use of database management software. In the past, people stored data on cards, tapes, and disk files. A better way to manage data is to use a database management system (DBMS). A DBMS is a computer program or set of programs that keep track of databases. A DBMS gives you a standard method for creating, updating, and using data.

Other Computer Hardware to Considerations: Modem:

A modem is an expansion card that is plugged into a telephone jack to enable communications between your computer and other computers. Use a modem to connect to other computers at work, at your bank, or the World Wide Web. The speed of modems is measured in bits per second (bps). Use a special type of modem such as a cable modem to communicate at much higher data rates.


A mouse is a hand-controlled input device usually connected to the back of your main unit or to your keyboard. The wireless mouse has no cord and transmits radio signals to a receiver inside the CPU. Select a mouse that is comfortable. Comfort is probably the most important feature. Some mice have two buttons and some have three (for advanced processing) or small wheels to move up and down the page. Standard types are optical or mechanical, and PS2 and USB.

External Hard Drive:

An external hard drive is mainly used for backing up all of the files on your main hard drive. It can store an exact copy of another hard drive and it is extremely quick and easy to restore the saved data. It is simply connected to your desktop or laptop computer and the necessary files can be dragged from one drive to another.

Desktop Publishing Software:

An increasing number of organizations use desktop publishing to produce a large number of documents. Use your computer, special software, and high-resolution output devices to combine text and graphics into documents such as newsletters, reports, brochures, and manuals.

Hard Drive:

Hard drives are located inside your computer and are a permanent place to store software and data. Because the disks are rigid, they are positioned very carefully and precisely. Your hard drive is where most of your programs will be stored. Your hard drive is measured in gigabytes (GB). A gigabyte is a tremendous amount of storage, equal to roughly 10,000 World Wide Web pages. The number of gigabytes identifies how much disk space you have. Every software package requires a certain amount of disk space to run. Without sufficient space, software will either not run or will run slowly and with many problems. If you have important information on your hard drive, make a back-up copy onto an external hard drive, CD, or flash drive.


Laptops have an LCD screen that are black and white or color, passive or active matrix, and reflective or backlit. Use an active matrix display for sharper images and improved readability. Select a backlit screen for low-level room lighting conditions.

Tablet Computer:

Tablet computers, also called tablet PCs, are portable and lightweight. They have a touch screen or a stylus pen instead of an external keyboard or mouse for processing information.

Design Requirements:

The most important aspect of any DBMS is the classification of its data. In designing a non-computer filing system, an analyst typically creates a number of filing categories and files. He or she decides what kinds of things the file is to hold and makes rules about data format. An analyst must make these same kinds of design decisions during the planning of a database. A database design is the complete set of rules for the structure of data in a database. Database administrators are usually responsible for creating and maintaining the database designs


Use design templates and various media to create slide shows. Combine photographs, clip-art, moving images, video clips, sound, graphs, charts, fonts, backgrounds, animation, color, shading, and original art to effectively communicate your message. Compared to other software, the learning curve for presentation software is very short. Make it a priority to master this software and become the local expert.

Information vs. Art:

Use presentation software to reveal your artistic side. However, make sure you strike a balance between information and art. Presentation software makes it so simple to customize your slides that it's easy to overdo it by adding graphics and other effects. Subtlety often works best.

Spreadsheet Software:

Use spreadsheet software, an electronic sheet of ruled paper divided into rows and columns, to organize data, track budgets, and calculate numbers. Although different programs use different methods, columns are usually labeled with alpha characters and rows with numbers. Each cell has its own unique address within a spreadsheet. For example, A5 is the cell reference for the fifth row in the first column. In addition to the basic sheet, spreadsheets are similar to word processing software, as they have control bars with icons and command menus.

Central Processing Unit:

Your CPU includes a control unit, which determines what your computer can do; and an arithmetic logic unit, which calculates data. A CPU executes the instructions you give and processes everything from clicking on an icon to giving a command to access large databases. CPUs are measured by how many instructions they can process in a second. Megahertz (MHz) is the measurement used to measure the speed of the CPU. Your CPU is the most difficult and expensive part of your computer to upgrade. Most of the other components can be easily upgraded. Consider your CPU choices carefully. Buy a CPU one step behind the latest technology to obtain the best value for your money. The newest technology is frequently the most expensive. When a new model comes out, the previous model always drops in price. Don't buy a CPU more than two steps behind the latest technology. Technology changes quickly. You don't want to have a computer that will soon become outdated.


Your CPU includes a control unit, which determines what your computer can do; and an arithmetic logic unit, which calculates data. A CPU executes the instructions you give and processes everything from clicking on an icon to giving a command to access large databases. CPUs are measured by how many instructions they can process in a second. Megahertz (MHz) is the measurement used to measure the speed of the CPU. Your CPU is the most difficult and expensive part of your computer to upgrade. Most of the other components can be easily upgraded. Consider your CPU choices carefully. Buy a CPU one step behind the latest technology to obtain the best value for your money. The newest technology is frequently the most expensive. When a new model comes out, the previous model always drops in price. Don't buy a CPU more than two steps behind the latest technology. Technology changes quickly. You don't want to have a computer that will soon become outdated. Memory Remember these acronyms: RAM and ROM . RAM stands for random access memory and is measured in gigabytes (GB). RAM is temporary memory. Everything you do with your computer is stored in RAM until you save your work to a disk. If your computer loses power, all your work is lost (unless you saved it)! RAM provides working space for open software applications. Your CPU uses RAM to access instructions and data. To a large extent, the amount of RAM determines how many and what types of programs can be open at one time. Insufficient RAM, or the wrong type, can slow down even the fastest CPU. ROM: This stands for read only memory. ROM contains the commands your computer needs to become activated. Instructions in ROM let your computer start when you turn the power on, and, unlike RAM, its contents are retained after you turn the power off. Memory modules are placed in slots on your motherboard. Memory modules are small printed circuit boards with memory chips on them and are usually either SIMMs (Single Inline Memory Modules) or DIMMs (Dual Inline Memory Modules). Add SIMMs and DIMMs to increase RAM and improve the performance of your computer.

Output devices are the parts of your computer that let you...

see what you're doing. When you work with your computer, much of your attention is focused on the results of your work. Use output devices, such as a monitor, printer, or pen plotter to translate your computer's signals into recognizable output.

Your CPU translates the signal using a...

video adapter card that passes the information to your monitor, where an image is formed by tiny dots called pixels.

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