Let 2 Questions-JLAB

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What is the command given during a formation to execute a salute?

"Present, arms"

In military jargon, what does "reporting" mean, as in "reporting for duty"?

"Reporting" means presenting oneself to a parson of senior rank.

When was the Pledge of Allegiance written?

1892. Congress officially recongnized the pledge in 1942

A typical American diet contains _______ percent fat intake per day.

35 to 40%

Any change in group process must be approved by __________ percent of a group


What is an atlas

A collection of geographic maps of regions, countries, continents, or the world

What are "ruffles and flourishes"?

A drum and bugle salute, usually used to honor military or civilian officials

What is a "mess" in military jargon?

A group of persons in the military who eat meals together, or the place where such meals are served

What is a map?

A line drawing of a portion of the earth's surface, as seen from above

What is sensory gating?

A neuron spike point that regulates transmission of stimuli to the brain.

Define terrain

A region or tract or land; the character (or topography) of a tract of land

What is a reflex response?

A response that does not require thought but rather one that occurs without consciousness.

What is a bivouac?

A temporary camp or shelter

Define discrimination

Actions or practices carried out by members of dominant groups, or their representative, that have differential or harmful impact on members of subordinate groups

How many times my a issue be discussed in meetings unless the grouped agrees to extend the discussion?

An issue can only be discussed in a total of four meetings

What eating disorder is characterized by an aversion to food and an extreme prolonged loss of appetite

Anorexia Nervosa

Inserts on sheet maps that examine small sections of the map in more detail are found ____________.

Around the margin or on the reverse side of the map sheet

How are warrant officers addressed?

As "Mister" or "Miss"

What is the appropriate action for a group to take if a member becomes angry or emotional?

Ask that he or she leave the group for a cooling off period of 5 to 15 minutes and the return to the group to participate

The number of calories burned when a body is at complete rest is the______

Basal Metabolic Rate (or BMR)

The ability of the brain to transmit data from one hemisphere to another is called__________.

Bi-lateral transfer

Those with a positive self-image are tolerant and accepting of others, while those with a negative self image are __________

Bigoted or prejudiced

Name three methods for disinfecting water

Boiling it for 5-10 minutes, adding iodine tablets, or treating it with chlorine

How is elevation normally indicated on a topographic map?

By vertical contour lines

During an indoor ceremony, cadets do not salute a flag unless that are under arms. Define the tern under arms

Carrying a weapon or equipment pertaining to a weapon, such as a pistol belt or pistol holster

When examined from the top, the brain is composed of two interconnected lobes or spheres called______.

Cerebral hemisphere

What are the three most common types of maps?

City or state road maps; geographic maps or atlases; and topographic maps

____________ power is power that relies on force or threats or creating fear as a form of control


_______________ is defined as the mental process of knowing


The bundle of fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the brain is the ___________

Corpus callosum, or white matter

When in the field, what material of undergarments should be worn because of their absorbency and abilities to keep skin dry?


Skin color is genetic while ______ is learned


What is Ground Rule #1 in the You the People educational series?

Each meeting will start the stop on time and group members will be punctual

Name three physical results of bulimia

Esophageal inflammation, erosion of tooth enamel, electrolyte inbalances

T or F: Atlases are generally the most accurate of maps


T or F: Maps are standardized; therefore, the marginal information for one map will help you read all maps

False, Not all maps are the same

T or F: Research has proven that engaging only one side of the brain causes surprising gains in learning among students

False. Learning occurs best when both sides of the brain are engaged

T or F: All prejudices are negative

False. Prejudices may be either favorable or unfavorable.

T or F: Secretaries of the Army, Air Fore, and Navy, and Generals of the Army and Air Force are honored with a 21- gun salute.

False. They receive a 19-gun salute.

T or F: U.S. flags may only fly from sunrise to sunset

False.All-weather flags may be flown at all times if they are properly lit at night

What ingredient is found in 2/3 of the U.S. water supply and is critical to tooth and bone formation?


Where does the phrase "separation of church and state" come from?

From private letters of President Thomas Jefferson and the Baptist Assoiation of Danbury, Connecticut

_______ maps show an overall view of the mapped area in relation to climate, population, relief, and/or vegetation.

Geographic maps

The science that deals with maintaining good health and the prevention of infection and disease is __________


Recite the Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

_____________ treatment of others is treatment that is absent prejudice and that treats or affects all equally


Explain the history of the hand salute

In ancient times, a salute indicated that you were not holding a weapon in your hand

What is dysentery?

Intestinal disorders caused by infection which causes stomach pain and diarrhea with the passage of mucous and blood.

What does it mean when a cannon is said to be self-propelled?

It has the ability within itself to move

What is the proper way to raise and lower a U.S. flag?

It should be raised briskly and lowered ceremoniously

A person's _____ is a way a person gathers and processes information

Learning style

Small, wingless parasitic insects that live on warm-blooded animals, especially in the hair, are called_________


The part of the brain responsible for emotions and for transmitting incoming messages to either the R-complex or the neocortex is called the

Limbic Systems

What is an axon of a neuron?

Long fibers that send electrical impluses and release neuron transmittters

Instructions on a map are also known as _________________

Marginal information

Define a "simple majority."

More than half of the votes are in favor of a certain option

The part of the brain where higher order and abstract thoughts are believed to be processed is called_____________.

Neocortex (or cerebral cortex)

Where on a map is marginal information located?

On the outer edge of the map

When should a "veto" be used in Citizen Action Group process?

Only when a decision is reached with obvious and blatant disregard for the seven citizenship skills

What does it mean to "uncase" the Colors?

Removing the case or covering from the Colors that are attached to a staff.

_____ power is power that relies on giving people something of value in return for cooperation


Why can excess salt in a diet cause high blood pressure?

Salt absorbs water in the body, causing a larger volume of water the heart must pass through the system, thereby elevating blood pressure.

________ is how one sees one's self and one's situation in life.

Self concept

What is sensory flooding?

Sensory overload that occurs when too much data is getting through to the brain.

Name the two types of of Citizen Action Group meetings

Small group meetings and representative group sessions

Name three learned behaviors that are considered cultural

Spoken language,body language, facial expressions, and color consciousness

A _________ is a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, affective attitude, or uncritical judgment.


A _____________ is a belieft that a person, group, event, or issue typifies or confroms to an unvarying pattern or manner.


An oversimplified opinion, belief or viewpoint is also called a _________


Another name for the fat reserve on the body is_________

Storage fat

Name five pieces of information commonly found on city maps.

Street names, important buildings, route numbers, distance, recreational areas, historical areas, etc.

What part of the brain is highly developed and capable of the deliberation and associations necessary for complex thinking and problem solving?

The Cortex

What formation in the brain is the seat of consciouness that is responsible for mental alertness and connects the conscious and the subconscious minds

The Reticular Formation (or Reticular Activating System)

What is neural plasticity?

The ability of neural circuitry to acquire nearly an function if given the appropriate training

What two parts of the brain are responsible for transforming short-term memory into long-term memory?

The amygdala and the hippocampus

What are the responsibilities of a driver who is not in uniform on a military base when the driver hears the national anthem?

The driver must step our of the vehicle and put hand over heart and take off hat

What are the responsibilities of a driver who is in uniform on a military base when the driver hears the national anthem

The driver must top the vehicle, step out of the vehicle, face the flag or the music, stand at attention, and sulte until the last note is played

IN Ground Rule #2 of You the People, who conducts a group meeting?

The group leader, which is a rotating position

Define legitimate power

The power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization

Define sanitation

The promotion of hygine and prevention of disease by keeping a clean and healthy enviornment

What is a culture?

The total of the learned behaviors of a group of people that are generally considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation

How are maps named?

They are named after the most prominent cultural or geographic feature in the area

What is the primary purpose of a hand salute?

To indicate respect for those in positions of authority

Name two reasons why you should bury your waste when you are in a bivouac area

To prevent flies from spreading germs from the waste to food; to keep unwanted animals out of your camping area

What type of map is generally the most accurate?


What type of map is most commonly used in the military


____________ maps show terrain and land forms in a way which can be measured.


T OR F: Each group member must be allowed to speak or publicly choose not to speak according to You the People ground rules


T or F: Both types of Citizen Action Group meetings use the seven citizenship skills


T or F: Consensus is often more of a feeling than an action.


T or F: In the You the People ground rules, discussions within a group are confidential unless the grouped votes to approve the sharing of topics


T or F: Most nerve cells in the brain that humans use are produced by the time we are born


T or F: One way to overcome prejucie is by learning the facts and applying sound reasoning process


T or F: Right side and left side brain dominance is present at birth


T or F: Some essential fats are nessary to maintain body function.


T or F: The key to consensus is "consent" and it can be passive rather than active.


T or F: The most important single factor affecting people's communication with others is their self-concept- how they see themselves and their situations.


T or F: The position of honor dictates that those of lower rank walk, sit, or ride to the left of the those with senior rank


T or F: Topographic maps show the horizontal positions and elevations of terrain and landforms


T or F: Values affect daily interactions of individuals, and a good leader must understand his or her values in order to understand others


T or F: Every member of a Citizen Action Group can use a veto.

True, but it should be used only when necessary

T or F: Evaluation of the group process and of individual performance in a grouped is a intrinsic part of effective group participation

True. It is Ground Rule #4 in You the People

How many types of citizens action group meetings are there?

Two. Small group meetings are representative group session

Give two examples of inclusionary language that helps combat prejudice and discrimination

Use "we" and"us" rather than "they" and "them" and avoid using "isms"

What type of exercise helps ensure bone density?

Weight-bearing exercise

What is meant by the phrase"to scale," as in a map being drawn "to scale"

With each set measurement on the scale representing a set amount of the earths surface

Galvanized containers are known to cause what kind of food poisoning?


What is consensus?

general agreement

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