Life of Muhammad

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only child of Muhammad and khadijah who lived to adulthood. She married Ali and they had two sons, Hasan and Husayn. She is respected by all Muslims


plural of salat and is an invocation Muslims make by saying a specifc phrase to compliment Muhammad and his family

Battle of Qadisiyya 636

It was a decisive battle in which the Arab Muslim army defeated the Sassanid empire during the era of Muslim expansion under the Rashidun caliphate. resulted in the conquest of Persia and led to the conquest of Iraq.

Al Ashara al Mubashshara

Its an Sunni Muslim hadith listing 10 companions of Muhammad who were promised paradise. list included the names of the 4 righteous caliphs.


isnad is a list of authorities who have transmitted a report in order to determine the validity of the hadith or prophetic saying. Authentic hadith can be traced back to Muhammad vis a vis the transmission. These hadiths were spread by Muhammad's early Companions and they are mentioned in the isnad.


means companions of Muhammad. Muslims respected them very much because they had the blessing of spending so much time with Muhammad

ahl al-Bayt

means people of the house. reference to Muhammad's family but the specifics of which depends on the Shi'i and Sunni perspective. in general, it was a term of respect for Muhammad's family and was believed the family was holy due to being Muhammad's descendants.


means storyteller.

Āmina bt. Wahb

mother of Muhammad and wife of Abdullah b. Muttalib. Died in 576, after the death of Abdullah. After Muhammad's birth, Amina sent Muhammad to live with a foster family in the desert

Tariq b. Ziyad

He was a Muslim commander who led the Umayyad conquest of Spain. He led a large army across the strait of gibraltar (spanish name for mountain of tariq)


10th day of the month of Muharram, special day, betrayal of Husayn, day moses parted the red seas, noah leaving the ark, and Muhammads arrival in medina there is a fast on this day


A Syriac monk who foretold that Muhammad, a child, would grow up to be a prophet. Muhammad met him while traveling with a Meccan caravan with his uncle. Bahira noticed a cloud followed the caravan protecting them from the sun, but realized after inviting inviting the caravan for dinner that the cloud was following Muhammad and not the rest of the caravan

Abbas b. Abdulmuttalib

Abbas was a paternal uncle and companion of Muhammad. He was a wealthy merchant, and protected Muhammad during the early days of Muhammad's message. He converted after the Battle of Badr.


Abraha was an Auximite army general. He built a cathedral to rival the Kabba, and attacked the Kabba with an army which included elephants. the year Abraha attacked the Kabba with elephants is known as the Year of the Elephant and Muhammad was said to be born the same year

Year of the Elephant

Abraha was an Auximite army general. He built a cathedral to rival the Kabba, and attacked the Kabba with an army which included elephants. the year Abraha attacked the Kabba with elephants is known as the Year of the Elephant and Muhammad was said to be born the same year

Abu Bakr

Abu Bakr was one of Muhammad's closet companions and advisor. He was, also, one of the earliest believers in Muhammad. Muhammad married Abu Bakr's daughter, Aisha, strengthening the relationship between the two. Muhammad chose Abu Bakr to join him on his journey to Medina (hijra). Abu Bakr was the first of the righteous Caliphs.

Abu Jahl

Abu Jahl was one of the Meccan polytheist pagan Qurayshi leaders known for his opposition of Muhammad. He belonged to a different Qurayshi clan than Muhammad. He died fighting against Muhammad in the Battle of Badr. He is mentioned by name in the Qur'an and a fierce defender of polytheism. Muhammad claimed he was "the Pharaoh of this Ummah"

Abu Sufyan

Abu Sufayn was the leader of the Quraysh of Mecca and was a fierce opponent of Muhammad and Islam. While Muhammad and Muslims were in Medina, Abu Sufayn and the Quraysh clan stole property and goods of Muslims in Mecca. Abu Sufayn organized a caravan to sell the stolen goods in Syria, but Muhammad organized an army of Muslims to ambush the caravan and reclaim their stolen goods. Abu Sufyan learned of Muhammad's plot and informed the Quraysh in Mecca, and the resulted in the Battle of Badr. Abu Sufyan led the Meccan campaigns against Muhammad and the Muslims in Medina, but could not defeat Muhammad. This resulted in the Treaty of Hudaybiyaah in 628.


Aisha was one of Muhammads wives and was the daughter of Abu Bakr, one of the Companions of Muhammad. Muhammad died in her tent

Ali b. Abi Talib

Ali was the cousin and son-in law of Muhammad, and was the son of Abu Talib, the paternal uncle who raised Muhammad. He was one of the first followers of Muhammad and was the fourth caliph. Shi'i Muslims believe that Ali is the first Imam of Shi'ism. Ali was in charge of Muhammad's affairs in Mecca after Muhammad left Mecca for Medina (hijra)

Three Major Battles against the Meccans

Battle of Badr near Madina, Muslims win a major victory against the Meccans.Battle of Uhud, a mountain near Madina, a stalemate and Muhammad's uncle Hanza died.Battle of Khandaq (the trench), defensive battle against the Meccans, massacre of Banu Qurayza after the battle .

Battle of Uarmuk 636 AD

Battle of Uarmuk was a major battle between the Byzantine Empire and the Muslim Arab forces of the Rashidun caliphate. The battle was located near the Yarmouk River, and was a major victory for the Muslim forces. It ended the Byzantine rule in Syria.

Mawlid al-Nabi

Birth of the prophet, celebrated during the days of the Rashidun Caliphs, most Muslims approve of this celebration except for a few including wahhabi


Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib was a paternal uncle of Muhammad and was part of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. Hamza heard that Abu Jahl insulted Muhammad, and attacked Abu Jahl in the Kabba, then Hamza declared himself a Muslim. The Quraysh tribe recognized Muhammad gained strength once Hamza converted. Hamza fought at the Battle of Badr with Zayd.


During the Medieval era, Christian and European writers associated Saracens with Ishmaelites and the twelve Arab tribes and possessed a negative connotation. John of Damascus described Saracens as followers of a false prophet and "forerunners to the Antichrist"


Extremely important in Islam as Muhammad was born there in the year 540, year of the elephant, Muhammad received his first revelation near Mecca, and Muhammad changed the Qibla to the Qabba in Mecca


Grandfather of Muhammad. He was a leader of the Hashim clan which was a subgroup of the Quraysh tribe of Mecca

Umayyad Dynasty

He was the second of the four Caliphates established after the death of Muhammad. Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan, governor of Syria, established the Umayyad dynasty as empire ruled by the Ummayad clan, which went against the agreement he made with Hasan (Ali's son) to not establish a dynasty.

Abu Lahab

He was the son of Abdul Muttalib and was a paternal uncle of Muhammad. He was an enemy of Muhammad throughout his life.

Ibn Kisham (833)

Ibn Hisham, from Egypt, edited Ibn Ishaq's biography on Muhammad, which is lost and is mostly known through the recensions of Ibn Hisham and al-Tabari's biography on Muhammad.

Ibn Ishaq (768)

Ibn Ishaq, a Meccan, collected oral traditions that formed the basis of an important biography on Muhammad.


Located in the Hejaz, Yathrib is the ancient name for the city now known as Medina and is one of the holiest cities in Islam. Muhammad conquered Medina then defended it from the Meccans. Three major battles occurred there, and after each Muhammad banished a different Jewish tribe

Migration to Abyssinia (615)

Muhammad allows some of his weak followers to leave for Abyssinia under constant pressure from the Meccans, they come back the next year


Muhammad described people who outwardly acted as Muslims but inwardly disbelieved and undermined the Muslim community as Muniafiqun (hypocrits) in the Qur'an


Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina) in order to escape persecution. Muhammad emigrated with his companions to Medina, which included Abu Bakr. Muhammad requested Ali remain behind to pay of his debts in Mecca.

Constitution of Medina

Muhammad was invited by the clans in Yathrib (Medina) to settle tribal warfare plaguing Medina. After Muhammad's hijra to Medina, Muhammad created a 'constitution' which established Muhammad as the mediator of the tribal conflicts in Medina and formed alliance between the Medinian tribes and the Muslim emigrants from Mecca. This constitution was the basis of a multi-religious Islamic state that incorporated Muslims, Jews, and Pagans.

Farewell Pilgrimage

Muhammad's farewell pilgrimage was the last and only Hajj Muhammad was apart of in 632. Muhammad gave his followers a final sermon which addressed issues such as abolishing usury and treating women with respect

ʿAbdullāh b. ʿAbdulmuṭṭalib

Muhammad's father, son of Abdul Muttalib, and was a member of the Quraysh tribe. Died soon after the birth of Muhammad


Muhammad's first wife and follower. She was a widow and a successful merchant. She was older than Muhammad when they married.


Muhammad's grandfather, Abdul mutalib, was the head of the Hashem clan which was a part of the Quraysh tribe which controlled Mecca and the Kabba. The Quraysh opposed Muhammad until converting to Islam in 630.


Mushrikun is a term that translates to polytheists/associationists. Pre-Islamic Arabian people practiced idolatry and believed in a myriad of gods and one all-encompassing God. While in Mecca, Muhammad revealed a myriad of verses rejecting polytheism and idolatry because of its prevalence in Mecca.

Ridda Wars

These were known as the Wars of Apostasy and was launched by Caliph Abu Bakr, after the passing of Muhammad, against rebel Arabian tribes in 632 and 633. They felt they only owed allegiance to Muhammad as a prophet of God, but owed nothing to Abu Bakr. These rebellious tribes were defeated and rejoined the caliphate. Khaild ibn Walid was instrumental in defeating the Arabian tribes.

Abbasid Dynasty

Third caliphate after Muhammad. Comes from the descendants of Muhammad's uncle, Abbas.


Though originally hostile to Muhammad and Islam, Umar became a companion of Muhammad and eventually the second righteous Caliph. Umar converted to Islam after plotting to assassinate Muhammad and realizing that his sister had become a Muslim. After Umar's conversion, Muslims began praying openly at the Masjid al Haram in Mecca.

Uthman b. Affan

Uthman was a companion of Muhammad and became the third righteous caliph. Uthman married Ruqayyah then, after her death, married Kulthum. Both of them were Muhammad's duaghters. He was botn in Ta'if. Abu Bakr, Uthman's friend, discussed Muhammad's message with Uthman. Shortly after he converted.

John of Damascus 749

Wrote one of the first polemics against Muhammad. His writings depicted Muhammad as a false prophet.


Younger brother of Hasan, son of Ali, and grandson of Muhammad. Muaqiyah gave the control of Muslim empire to his son instead of returning it to Husayn. Husayn refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid, and YAzids troops killed Husayn at the battle of Karabala on the 10th of Muharram.


Zayd was a companion of Muhammad and was considered an adoptive son of Muhammad. Zayd was a slave given to Khadijah as a present by her nephew. Khadijah gifted Zayd to Muhammad as a wedding present, and Muhammad became attached to him and gave Zayd the name "Zayd ibn Muhammad" which freed Zayd from slavery and made Zayd legally and socially his son.

zaynab bt. Jahsh

Zaynab was Muhammad's wife and cousin. She was a member of the Hashim clan and the Quraysh tribe and lived in Mecca. Before becoming Muhammad's wife, she was married Zayn first. Zayn and Zaynab divorced, then Muhammad married Zaynab. Muhammad recieved criticism for allowing them to divorce and marrying his adopted son's wife because it was considered taboo.


al-Sira are the traditional Muslim biographies of Muhammad which most historical information about Muhammad's life and the early period of Islam is derived from, in addition to the Qur'an and trustable Hadiths.

Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari (923)

al-tabari was a Persian scholar and historian. His writings possess excerpts from Ibn Ishaq's original biography of Muhammad

Ode of Burda

an ode of praise for Muhammad written by Imam al Busri, after Muhammad cured him of paralysis by coming to him in a dream and wrapping his cloak around him


battle of karbala


form of Arabic poetry with three parts, an opening about pursuing a loved ones caravan and missing it, a section on travel, and the final message of the poem

Khalid b. Walid

he was a companion of Muhammad. He was famous for his military tactics. Before converting to Islam, he was instrumental in ensuring a Meccan victory in the Battle of Uhud for the Quraysh. He converted to Islam after his brother, a Muslim, wrote him letters persuading him to convert

Amr b. al As

he was an Arab military commander who helped Muslims conquer Egypt. He was a member of the Quraysh tribe and rejected Muhammad at first. He commanded a Quraysh contingent at the battle of Uhud. He road with Khalid ibn al Walid from Mecca to Medina to convert to Islam. And was a military commander under Abu Bakr and Umar. Conquered egypt under Umar.


sunni/shi are sects of Islam. the divide resulted from disagreements over succession after the four righteous caliphs, shias focus on the importance of Muhammad's family and believe Ali was the rightful successor after Muhammad. Sunnis believe abu bakr was. Shias believe that descendants of Muhammads family are the leaders of Muslims and are known as the imams.


the Muslim siege of taif took place in 630. Muhammad brought catapults to capture Ta'if but failed. Muhammad vowed to conquer it after the sacred months in which fighting was forbidden. The people of taif asked Muhammad to allow them to continue praying to Al-lat, but Muhammad refused and only accepted their surrender if they adopted Islam and allow the Muslims to destroy their temples. The people of Taif accepted this.


the oldest son of Ali, he was the 5th caliph until he was assassinated by the kharijite. Muawaiyah became caliph after and established the Ummayid dynasty


those who saw the companions of the prophet. they were held in high esteem because they were close to the companions who were with Muhammad


verbally transmitted records of Muhammad's teaching and deeds. Muhammad was the perfect example, so Muslims would pray and act in accordance with the Sunnah. possess a line of transmission that comes from the companions of Muhammad.

Abū Ṭālib b. ʿAbdulmuṭṭalib

was the leader of the Banu Hashim, a clan of the Qurayshi in Mecca, and was Muhammad's paternal uncle who raised him after the passing of Abdulmuttalib. also the father of Ali

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