Life Skills midterm

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Andrea wants to change jobs. She has been working at a frozen yogurt store for about a year and thinks she might want to get a job at a law firm because she is now interested in becoming a lawyer. What challenge is she MOST likely to have when trying to change career paths?

Her previous work experience does not relate directly.

Hans has just learned that his mother has cancer and will likely not live long. This has upset his whole family, and they are trying to figure out how to support her and each other in this difficult time. What is the BEST advice for Hans?

His family should seek support from their community.

Which statement is TRUE about collaborating with other people?

It is a skill that is learned through practice.

What advantage does the MyPlate approach have over earlier nutritional models?

It is simpler because it is based on proportion.

Isaac is considering an apprenticeship in construction. Which statement BEST explains the advantages of apprenticeship?

It provides real world practical experience.

Which BEST explains why it is important that you own your mistakes when there is tension in a relationship?

It shows respect for yourself and the relationship.

Andre is trying to find a career. Although his grades are fine, he has never really liked school and thinks that going to a four-year college seems like a lot of work. He discovers that he is a kinesthetic learner, which makes sense because he has always enjoyed working with his hands over reading or listening to lectures. How might this information shape his career choices?

It suggests he would do well to go into a trade or job that is more physical.

Juan is not sure what he wants to do. Sometimes going to college seems like a good idea, other times it seems like just getting a job in a field that interests him is the best way to go. If he goes to college, he cannot decide if a state school or a community college would be better. Why might taking a gap year be a good idea?

It would give him time to test his options and make an informed choice.

Lily is 16 and just found out she is pregnant. She has no idea how she is going to finish school and get a job so that she can support the baby. Her parents will help, but they are not happy about the fact that they will have to help raise another child. What impact does this stress MOST likely have on Lily?

Lily is likely to become depressed, particularly once hormonal changes start.

Omar was a few minutes late to work. He texted his boss the night before and let him know that he would be about 15-minutes late but would make up the time at the end of the day. His boss said that was fine. When he walks into the office, a coworker tells him that if he keeps being late all the time, he will get fired. Is this constructive criticism?

No, his coworker does not know the full situation.

Lily likes to work independently. She does good work, so her boss asked her to lead a team to complete a project. Lily looked at the project requirements and realized that she could do most of it herself. She decided that she would delegate some of the smaller pieces but take care of most of it. Is she being a strong leader?

No, she is not giving others an opportunity to do their jobs

Why are compliments a useful way to figure out what you are good at?

Other people can often see our strengths better than we can.

Trevor has decided to pay more attention to nutrition. This works well when he plans his meals in advance and has healthy foods on hand, but he struggles when he has hectic days and has to grab food on the run. He is finding that a lot of convenient foods are not as healthy as he thought that they were. What is the BEST way to address this?

Pay a lot of attention to nutrition labels when he has to eat out.

Sheba is a very fact-oriented person. She has a great analytical mind, but sometimes her people skills are not where they need to be. Her advisor tells her that she would do better working with groups if she were more benevolent. What does this mean?

She should be a little more kind.

Alicia is not sure if her friendship with Becca is a good one. She used to really enjoy Becca's company, but now she notices that Becca does most of the talking when they get together and does not seem interested in Alicia's life. Becca is also pointing out that she is much more popular than Alicia. What is the BEST advice for Alicia?

She should spend less time with Becca and focus on her other friendships.

Maurice has heard great things about the person who was recently hired as his new boss. He is excited to go to lunch with him and learn more about him and his vision for the company. At the lunch, his boss tells Maurice how incompetent and annoying the employees at his last company were. He hopes that Maurice is not like that. What does this indicate about his boss?

Strong leaders do not put others down, so Maurice should be concerned.

Reading facts over and over often leads to mental overload, passivity, and boredom.


Bettina is working as a server at a restaurant while she goes to community college. She is tired of doing this kind of work and wants a better job, but she is not really sure what kind of job. Which question would be the MOST helpful for her to ask herself?

What is a good entry-level position for my career?

Esme never got along well with her parents. They fought a lot and home generally was not a good place to be. Now she is an adult and living with a romantic partner. She has a group of close friends that she spends holidays and other special events with, and she has not seen her parents in years. Does Esme have a family?

Yes, family is a group of people who care for and are committed to each other.

Biyu has been friends with Amelia since kindergarten. Lately, Biyu is having a hard time because Amelia only talks about herself. Rather than enjoying her company, Biyu feels drained after spending time with Amelia. She has tried telling Amelia how she feels, but it does not make a difference. Under these circumstances, should Biyu end the friendship?

Yes, the friendship is no longer working for Biyu.

Christian has been fighting with his best friend, Pedro, ever since they started high school. Pedro's personality seems to have changed and Christian feels like he is not the same person. A friend lets him know that the school has a conflict resolution program that might be able to help them. Would such a program help in this situation?

Yes, the point of conflict resolution is to provide a peaceful resolution to any issue.

Olga has been assigned to create an event for her company. She decides to hold a picnic at a local park with games and a petting zoo. This will be held on a Saturday. Does this benefit families if the parent does not generally work on Saturdays?

Yes, there are benefits to spending relaxing time with co-workers.

Nolan does not have children, but he is the caretaker for his aging mother who has a lot of health problems. Can he take advantage of family-friendly policies at his workplace?

Yes, they generally apply to all caretakers.

Mika has always loved animals. Even as a young child, he was picking up stray kittens and taking care of them. Something about him seemed to calm them when they were stressed or upset. Can this skill help determine his future career?

Yes, this experience gives important information about his skills.

Lettie's guidance counselor recommended that she take a personality test to help her think about her future goals. Lettie already knows that she wants to be a nurse and has found a good local nursing program that she can apply to. Should she take the test anyway?

Yes, understanding her personality can help in many aspects of life.

Mateo is trying to buy a house and applied for a mortgage. He received a notice that the bank had turned him down for a loan. He wonders if there is some mistake because he has been saving up him money and he knows that he can afford the house. Does the potential lender have to tell him why he was turned down?

Yes, usually within 60 days if he requests this information.

There are many different paths to follow after high school. Which statement is true regardless of which path a person chooses?

You should but your best effort into whatever you attempt.

Juanita has found that if she gets up early and goes for a run, she is much less stressed throughout the day. What is this behavior an example of?

a coping skill

Gene is looking for a loan so that he can buy a car. There are a few different banks where he can apply for a loan. What should he be looking for in a loan?

a low interest rate

It is impossible to have a satisfying career while still meeting your obligations at home.


Manny tends to like to do things on his own. However, his guidance counselor suggests that he join a team or activity where everyone is working together toward a common goal. Manny explains that he plays golf, so he is already doing this. What benefit might Manny get from joining a team or group that he would not from golf?

He would become a better collaborator by working with others.

Federico is trying to decide whether or not to go to college. He does most of his homework, but he is not sure if there is a point. He prefers watching online videos over participating in afterschool activities. He is setting what kind of expectations for himself?

His expectations for himself are pretty low.

The professional landscape is always changing thanks to developments in technology and cultural changes. While you cannot say for certain what skills will be needed 20 years from now, which statement BEST describes what you can do to make sure you are prepared for whatever the future holds?

Keep your core skills sharp and be willing to lean new ones.

Taking responsibility for errors is an important part of working in a team. How could the leader encourage this since most people are reluctant to admit that they are wrong?

Lead by example and openly admit errors to the group.

Mason is very smart and capable, but he is having a hard time finding a job. His friend points out that he has been late for a few job interviews and showed up in clothing that was pretty casual. Why might this prevent him for getting a job?

Mason is not showing any professionalism.

Johan wants to inspire his team. He goes to their meetings and tells them that they are doing a great job. However, he got feedback that his team was frustrated because while they appreciated the project, they were not sure what the overall goal was. Which statement BEST explains this situation?

People have a hard time getting invested if they do not know the end goal.

Nico has a hard time asserting himself. He often goes along with his friends even if he does not want to do what they suggest. This has been going on for so long that now they do not even ask him what he wants to do when they are making plan. What principle does this example illustrate?

People will treat you however you let them.

Beatrice is studying early childhood education because she wants to be a preschool teacher. She knows that she will have to get very young children to listen to her, and that will be a challenge. What will be a good way for her to encourage children to do what she says?

Praise them a lot when they follow directions.

Yasmine is working on a team. She is getting increasingly frustrated because other members on the team are not doing their share. Several members have asked her to help them out, and now she is overwhelmed. What is the BEST way for Yasmine to approach this?

Talk to her team members, and let them know she is struggling.

Marcus is frustrated because his boss does not handle bad news well. There are concerns about the direction of the company, but the boss often fires people whose reports show downward trends. Marcus is afraid that his boss is not in touch with reality. Why is it important that his boss knows what is really going on?

The boss cannot respond appropriately if he does not know what is going on.

Ezra wants to go into a career where he helps people and is thinking about teaching or nursing. Juanita is more interested in business because she has always wanted to lead a company one day. What does this show about Ezra and Juanita's values?

They both have strong values, but their values are different.

How should those looking for work BEST use online job sites?

They should create a profile to attract employers.

Sophia was invited to two different events on the same day at the same time. One was a hike with some friends in the local mountains and the other was a hanging out with some friends she had not seen in a long time. She decided to go on the hike. However, when she was about an hour into the hike, she began to regret her decision and wonder if her other friends were having a better time. According to decision-making principles, what should Sophia do now?

Understand that regret is part of making choices and learn from it.

Which BEST explains why low unemployment numbers are good for developing family-friendly policies?

When employers have to compete for good employees, benefits get better.

Core skills are a really important part of being prepared for the 21st-century workforce. Is traditional education still important?

Yes, a combination of academic and core skills will give you the best options.

Lana just got a promotion so she will have a little extra money, and she wants to think about investing. Her friend tells her that she should start paying attention to economic trends so that she can invest her money wisely. Is Lana's friend right?

Yes, paying some attention to economic trends is part of financial literacy.

Talia has been offered a great job that will mean moving to a new city. It will be a significant pay raise, but her husband will have to leave his job and her children would have to go to a different school. Should Talia discuss this with her family?

Yes, the change will impact everyone except Talia.

Nora is waiting for her friends so that they can go to the movies. They show up late but tell Nora it is fine because they will only miss the previews, which are boring. Nora tells them that she prefers to be on time because she likes the previews. What kind of behavior is Nora demonstrating here?


Huan is thinking of breaking up with her partner. The longer they are together, the more she realizes that they do not have much in common. She thought it was great when they were first going out, but now she finds herself making excuses not to hang out. Her friends don't think she should break up with such a nice person. Are they right?

No, a relationship needs to work well for both involved.

What is the BEST interpretation of "knowing when to walk away" in a conflict situation?

Sometimes stepping away from the relationship is the right answer.

Lupe is interested in getting to know herself better. She wants to take a course at the community college to help her do this. Which class would likely be the BEST to help Lupe work on her personal development?

Stress Management and Self-Care

Raising your personal standards can be as simple as keeping the promises you make, communicating with thoughtful intention, or even dressing with care.


Which is a good example of differentiated instruction?

assigning a project but letting students complete it any way that they want

Which BEST explains what it means to act with integrity?

being honest and maintaining moral principles

Which answer puts the stages of human development in the CORRECT order?

childhood, puberty, adolescence, adulthood

Mario has been working in construction for several years. He has decided that he would like to move into management and a college degree would make this much easier, so he is going back to school. He has found a program that will give him credit if he passes exams that demonstrate he has already acquired certain skills, which will help him get his degree much faster. What kind of instruction is this?


Decisions can impact those around you, especially poor choices. Which is the BEST example of how a bad decision can impact more than just the individual who makes it?

drinking and driving and harming someone else

Thinking about times when you felt overwhelmed and incapable builds confidence and enthusiasm.


Victor, a single parent of two young children, just landed his dream job after months of challenging job interviews. While Victor is very excited about his new career, he is quickly realizing that a whole new set of challenges have emerged. Based on this information, which challenge is Victor MOST likely to experience?

finding a balance between his personal and professional life

Delilah wants to create a budget. What information should she gather up so that she can get it right?

her monthly income and expenses

Penelope is interested in becoming a leader in her profession but she isn't quite sure how to go about it. Which would be the BEST source of information for Penelope on this topic?


Which actions would be the MOST helpful to find the peace and quiet that you need to reconnect with yourself?

taking a break from social media

Some people are naturally more ambitious and determined than others.


Why does mindful eating help improve your eating habits?


Which is an example of critical thinking?

using information to determine the most likely outcome

There are many ways to be a good leader, and everyone has to figure out what they bring to a role. When trying to figure out what kind of leader to be, where is the best place to focus your efforts?

your personal strengths and abilities

Kiren has a long-term goal of becoming an engineer. However, she is going to have to work her way through college, so she plans to take a few classes at a local community college and eventually transfer to a four-year college. Which is the BEST short-term goal that would help her reach her long-term goal?

researching how to register for community college next semester

What does it mean to manifest your dreams?

share them with others

Which is an example of a person who is ambitious?

someone who prioritizes professional advancement close

Alejandro has good ideas, but he is never sure if they are going to work out the way he thinks. His teacher let him know that she thinks he could be a great leader if he worked on his confidence. What does she MOST likely mean?

Alejandro needs to believe in himself and trust that he has good ideas.

Izzy tried to pay for groceries, but her debit card was declined. She checked her account online and saw that it was overdrawn. How could Izzy have avoided this situation?

Check her account balance before spending money.

Kinesthetic learners work better while observing or listening.


Which BEST explains the difference between an intimate relationship and a casual relationship?

Intimate relationships include more knowledge and understanding than casual.

What does the phrase "success is a choice" mean?

Success depends on the decisions that you make.

Mindful eating includes which behavior?

paying attention to the textures of your food

What problem was the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCA) designed to solve?

Consumers needed to know what was on credit reports and how data was collected.

Which of the following BEST describes how your personality changes throughout your life?

Core elements remain the same but there are definitely changes.

Which scenario BEST describes a successful collaboration?

David respects the contributions of all team members.

Caleb has discovered that if he records lectures and listens to them later as he is walking he remembers a lot more of the information. This indicates that he is MOST LIKELY what kind of learner?


Under what circumstances does the structure of your family shape the way that you view relationships?

Family will impact how you see relationships in all circumstances.

Why does mindful eating help improve your eating habits?

It makes the eating process slower and more intentional so you eat less.

Which BEST explains why many argue that collaboration will be the most important skill of the 21st century?

There are a lot of challenges on the horizon that will need innovative solutions.

Which of these is true of professional skills?

Anyone can acquire them with attention and practice.

Which is the BEST example of political forces impacting an individual's life?

An immigration ban means that family members can no longer enter the country.

Which BEST explains why a crisis is so difficult for people to manage?

A crisis is unexpected and challenges emotional limits.

What determines whether or not a person who tries alcohol or drugs will become addicted?

It is very individual, so it is hard to say who will become an addict.

Mabel has been skipping a lot of school and generally getting into trouble. She was caught shoplifting and put in a program for young offenders. This program required her to attend all of her classes and seek tutoring for any classes where her grades were low. By the end of the program, her grades were much better, and she realized that if she tried, her life could be very different. Which statement BEST explains this change?

Mabel raised her personal standards and realized the benefits.

Flora does not believe in discipline. She thinks that children need positive enforcement, and that is enough to show them the way. Parents today are often too strict, and she thinks that she can do better. Is Flora's approach likely to work?

No, children need some discipline.

Jun is brainstorming to come up with an idea for her science project. When she looks at her list of potential projects, she realizes that several are not practical and will need to be scratched off the list. Did she waste her time with these ideas?

No, the purpose of brainstorming is to consider all ideas.

Jamar's parents want him to do well. They insist that he take advanced classes and expect his grades to be excellent. If he gets less than an "A," they get him a tutor. Jamar find this all to be very stressful, but he understands that his parents want him to succeed. Is their method likely to work well?

No, too much pressure can have the opposite of the intended effect.

Why is understanding serving size an important part of building good nutritional habits?

Serving size shapes many elements of nutrition.

Monique was at a party when a guy grabbed her and started groping her. She was eventually able to push him away and get out the situation, but she is really shaken up because she felt very threatened. Monique is not sure if what happened was a crime or just a bad experience. What should she do?

Talk to someone knowledgeable, like a sexual assault hotline.

Which statement BEST describes a situation where elaboration would be a valuable skill?

There is a basic idea that would be good if it had more detail.

Why is digital literacy important for those who are in non-tech jobs?

They are likely to use a lot of technology at work.

To be a good parent, you need to know how to make your children feel safe, valued, and appreciated while still teaching them the importance of right and wrong.


What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats?

Unsaturated fats do not clog arteries like saturated fats.

Jerome is trying a new recipe and invites several of his friends over to taste it. Rachel tells him that it is good but it has too much salt. Is this constructive criticism?

Yes, Rachel's feedback was specific and sincere.

Gerardo is worried about his weight. He constantly diets even though his friends tell him he does not need to lose weight. He also spends as much time as he can at the gym so that he will build muscles. His parents are getting concerned because he no longer eats normal meals but creates very small rations of health food for himself. What is Gerado MOST likely struggling with?

an eating disorder

Mercedes has decided that she wants to be an electrician. She discovers that her local power company has a program where she can get on-the-job experience and go to school. This will eventually get her the background she needs to be an electrician. What kind of program is this?


The teen pregnancy rate in the United States is substantially lower than other industrialized nations.


Kelvin grew up with a family that made decisions as a group. Whether it was where to go for dinner or if they should take a vacation, they discussed it as a family. In his friend Alex's family, the father makes all of the decisions and the family goes along with them. Which term BEST describes these differences?

family culture

Which of these is MOST important to having a successful marriage or long-term relationship?

good relationship skills

Simone and Keisha have been attending ice skating classes for a few weeks. They chat on breaks and text during the week. Simone asks Keisha if she wants to get together this weekend and do something. What stage is this friendship MOST likely in?

growing closer

Fiona moved to the city five years ago. She has noticed that her expenses have been slowly going up even though she has stayed in the same apartment and has not changed anything about her lifestyle. What is the MOST likely cause of this cost increase?


Riley wants to put money aside on a regular basis to ensure that she spends less than she makes. She wants to do this on her own without much complication. What is the simplest way for Riley to do this?

open a savings account

Monty generally does very well when he starts a project. However, he does not do as well once they are up and running and tends to struggle to keep the momentum going. The quality of his work is fine, but he has a hard time getting it done. What quality does he need to work on?


Great leaders do not just get results because they are strong and professional—they also get them because they make others feel capable of performing well.


Intimacy is about being open, honest, and sincere with the person you care about, all of which requires us to be vulnerable at certain times.


Which BEST describes when should a person begin estate planning?

when they have acquired some money and property

Fluency is often associated with language-based skills. However, it can apply to much more than that. Which of these is the BEST example of another area where fluency would be useful?

when using a computer program in a new way

If people do not have a good relationship before a crisis, will the crisis make the relationships better?

A crisis can bring people together, but it may also make strained relationships worse.

In previous eras, it was almost impossible for women and minorities in the United States to get loans from banks and other financial institutions. Which of these was created to help eliminate this discrimination?

Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA)

If something comes easily or seems obvious, it's not a valuable commodity to someone else.


Starting at a four-year university is the only way to get through college.


When a crisis or trauma occurs, it is impossible for family to hold everyone together.


Which would be the BEST way to help you build flexibility?

Imagine three different schedules for the same event.

Hiram is new to his workplace and finds himself leading a team where some members have a lot of experience and others have very little. What is the BEST way for Hiram to manage this difference?

Make sure those with little experience are comfortable speaking up.

Jamal has been asked to help his company launch a new product. Part of his job is to anticipate what could go wrong with the launch and figure out how to avoid that issue. What professional skill is this?

Problem solving

Aida has a house and some money in retirement accounts. She is getting married and wants to make sure that her estate is in order. What can she expect to do when she meets with an estate planner?

Review what she owns and how to best transfer it to her family.

Which career would be the likely be the BEST fit for a logical learner?


Lizette's teacher pulled her aside and let her know that she noticed Lizette is often frustrated with schoolwork and her friends. Her teacher thinks this is because Lizette does not communicate well. Which statement BEST explains the skill that Lizette is lacking?

She has trouble sharing what she means with others.

Imagine that you are working with a group of classmates with different learning styles. Only one of you can do the actual presentation. Which kind of learner would be the BEST choice for this task?


Mental health is as important as physical healthy. Which of these is an indication that a person is doing a good job prioritizing mental health?

They have built strong, supportive relationships.

Domino has always loved to draw. She sketches constantly and follows several artists she admires on social media. Her father suggests that she might want to look into a career in graphic design but Domino says that art is just a hobby and not a career. She reasons that it is not that hard and if she can do it, anyone can. What would be the BEST way for her father to respond to Domino?

What comes easily to you is a talent and is likely worth developing.

Inez has decided that she wants to go into air conditioning repair. What kind of critical thinking questions should she ask to start working on this goal?

What kind of training is required, where is it offered, and what is the cost?

Axel is a terrible artist but loves to draw. His mother tells him everyone in the family has hated art, so there is likely no hope. However, Axel's friends say that he could get better if he just took lessons. Are they correct?

Yes, he could improve though he may never be a professional artist.

Ingrid concentrates better with music on and always sits where she can hear the teacher clearly. She is MOST LIKELY which kind of learner?


Which is the BEST example of showing agency in one's education?

actively looking for new opportunities to build skills

Everyone in Jorge's family loves sports. His parents insist that they all go to baseball and soccer games together even though Jorge would rather stay home and do something he enjoys. However, his parent insist that they are a family, and this is what they do. What is Jorge's family expecting from him in this example?


Tyra is good at taking academic exams, and science is her favorite subject. Given this information, what type of skills is she MOST likely strong in?

critical thinking

William's girlfriend lets him know that she is frustrated with him. While she really likes him, he does not seem to be very self-aware when it comes to his feelings. For example, she tells him that she is worried about him because he is clearly not sleeping well and he just shrugs. What quality does she likely feel that William is lacking?

emotional engagement

The best decisions are made suddenly and in the moment.


Chloe is a planner and she likes when things go exactly the way she imagined. She is very organized and starts the day with a clear sense of what she is going accomplish. She gets very frustrated when things turn out differently than she expected. Chloe would probably benefit from further developing which skill?


Joe is responsible for escorting some visiting clients around town. They are here for an important meeting, and his boss wants him to take them out for a nice dinner and to a basketball game. However, their flight was delayed and the schedule Joe made is now several hours off. What skill will BEST help him make the evening work?


Programming and accounting are examples of what kind of skills?


Annette is trying to decide what her major will be in college. She knows that requires gathering information. What kind of facts should she consider?

her strengths and interests, as well as potential careers

Mai is getting married. She is excited and knows that she has a strong relationship. But she also knows that most people who get married think that this is the case. What will determine whether her marriage remains strong?

if Mai and her partner are able to work together through life's changes

Malik teaches in education program for students with special needs. Because of this, his students learn at very different paces. While they have their strengths, some will need a lot of time of repetition to master a concept. What kind of instruction would work BEST in this situation?


Allison has decided that she needs to work on self-care because she is often stressed and overwhelmed. She is going to reduce her activities to free up more time for herself. Which would be the BEST use of her new-found time?

making sure that she exercises and prepares healthy meals

Like all skills, which ones a person has depends on several factors. When it comes to soft skills, which factor BEST determines the soft skills a person has?

personality and social abilities

Julia is a motived worker, and she is caring, considerate and cooperative most times. These are just a few of her positive ________.

personality traits

Liu slept until noon on Saturday even though her friend was counting on her to help with her history project that morning. Liu enjoyed sleeping in and didn't consider the consequences. Her actions may be BEST described by which principle?

pleasure principle.

Liza knows that she needs to keep debt to a minimum if she wants a stable financial future. What is the BEST way to avoid debt?

Try not to borrow money.

Should you give personal identifying information to your employer?

Yes, they will need it to withhold taxes.

Maria has decided that she is going really focus on her leadership skills at work. If there is an opportunity to help out coworkers or take on additional responsibility, she is going to do it. If she keeps this up, what result can she anticipate?

professional advancement

Which is an example of how technology can distract from educational goals?

spending time you do not have on social media or video games

Which BEST explains the nature of a personality?

It is your characteristics and traits.

Which is the BEST reason to have a checking and savings account?

It makes it easier for you to manage and save your money.

Anna and Austin have been dating for several months. They've talked and decided they are ready to have sex. They agree on birth control and make a plan. On the night they intend to have sex, however, Austin becomes uncomfortable. Can he change his mind?

Yes, anyone can stop sexual activity at any point.

Tyler is very good at math and plans to study accounting after high school. Does he need to build his speaking and writing skills?

Yes, he will need to explain his work and write reports.

Which is an example of a purchase usually made with installment credit?

a house

Which is an example of public policy?

a school lunch program for children who could not afford lunch otherwise

Alice is a great employee. She is on time, polite, and prepared. She is also very willing to pitch in when big deadlines arise. Which quality is Alice demonstrating?


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