Lifespan Chpt. 8 and 9

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Adolescents develop ____ reasoning, which allows them to find weaknesses in arguments. a. heuristic b. logical c. egocentric d. inflative


As a typical young teen, Maurice would be best at detecting ____ flaws in arguments. a. heuristic b. logical c. post operational d. egocentric


Which theorist first linked identity with career choices? a. Erikson b. Freud c. Super d. Holland


While in the ____ identity status stage, a person is examining numerous alternatives but finds none totally satisfactory. a. diffusion b. moratorium c. foreclosure d. achievement


A key physical component of puberty is the ____ gland, which regulates pubertal changes by signaling other glands to secrete hormones. a. thyroid b. adrenal c. pituitary d. pineal


A sex difference during puberty involves the fact that ____ is greater for girls than boys. a. muscle development b. body fat c. lung capacity d. heart capacity


About ____ percent of male and female teenagers identify themselves as gay or lesbian. a. one b. five c. 15 d. 20


About one in ____ adolescent American girls becomes pregnant each year. a. three b. four c. five d. six


According to Erikson, the key adolescent crisis involves a. generativity versus stagnation. b. intimacy versus isolation. c. identity versus role confusion. d. integrity versus despair.


According to Holland, who is best matched with their career type? a. Scientist Ralph, who has a realistic personality b. Poet Norton, who has an investigative personality c. Real estate agent Alice, who has an enterprising personality d. Social worker Trixie, who has an artistic personality


According to Kohlberg's original theory, there are ____ levels of moral reasoning, each containing ____ stages. a. two; two b. three; two c. two; three d. three; three


According to Kohlberg, a. there is only one correct response to any moral dilemma. b. religious arguments concerning moral issues are the strongest. c. the reason underlying a moral decision is more important than the action taken. d. moral reasoning is too complex to be accurately assessed.


According to Super's theory, what is the correct order of the phases of career development? a. specification, crystallization, implementation b. crystallization, specification, implementation c. implementation, specification, crystallization d. crystallization, implementation, specification


After exploring a number of career options, Antonio chooses to become an accountant. According to Marcia, what level of identity status is Antonio exhibiting? a. diffusion b. moratorium c. foreclosure d. achievement


Antismoking interventions in schools reduce teenage smoking by more than ____. a. one-fourth b. one-third c. one-half d. two-thirds


Carrie exhibits anorexia nervosa. When she looks in a mirror, she is most likely thinking, a. "I'm really starting to get thin!" b. "I'm so fat!" c. "I'm beautiful compared to those ugly women on television!" d. "I'm going to have to start eating a little more!"


Concerning hemoglobin levels, during the teen years, a. boys need more and girls need less. b. girls need more and boys need less. c. both boys and girls need more. d. both boys and girls need less.


Concerning weight, the abbreviation BMI stands for a. base metabolic indices. b. body metabolic indices. c. base mass index. d. body mass index.


Cross-cultural studies of adolescent self-perception indicate that a. most teenagers feel good about themselves. b. teenagers in industrialized nations have the highest rate of self-dissatisfaction. c. females feel significantly better about themselves than males. d. most teenagers feel bad about themselves.


Crystallization involves using one's emerging identity as the basis for assessing a. intelligence. b. risk for mental illness. c. self-esteem. d. possible careers.


Currently, in the United States, about one in ____ adolescents is overweight. a. three b. five c. six d. nine


How many of the following adolescents are experiencing a change in primary sex characteristics: Larry, who has acquired the ability to ejaculate; Curly, who is producing sperm; and Moe, who is experiencing growth of his scrotum? a. none b. one c. two d. three


How many of the following are considered secondary sex characteristics: growth of facial hair in boys, development of a functional uterus in girls, voice change in boys, and broadening of shoulders in girls? a. one b. two c. three d. four


How many of the following are risk factors for teenagers developing either bulimia or anorexia: history of being a picky eater, negative self-image, history of dieting, frequently watching television shows with overweight characters? a. one b. two c. three d. four


During the implementation phase of career development, a person a. first begins to think about career options. b. selects the career of their parents. c. becomes more educated about career options. d. takes a job and learns firsthand about a career.


Why is part-time work among teens associated with misleading sense of affluence? a. They typically spend money immediately and do not learn how to allocate income well. b. The high pay they receive at these jobs sets up unrealistic expectations about "real" pay. c. They tend to save significantly more during these times than after they get a full-time job. d. The money that teens make today is worth less than the same amount will be in the future.


Erikson hypothesized that adolescents achieve an identity by a. doing only what their parents tell them to do. b. testing a few identities to see which one fits them best. c. unconsciously relying on their genetic makeup d. simply progressing naturally from their preteen years.


Gilligan's original complaint against Kohlberg's theory was that it a. didn't accurately reflect the moral development of women. b. had too many stages. c. was too Piagetian. d. had no practical applications.


Your text indicates that many teenagers who smoke are convinced that cigarette smoking is harmless for healthy adolescents. Which concept does the best job of explaining this phenomenon? a. crystallization b. depression c. illusion of invulnerability d. imaginary audience


____ is best defined as physical changes that mark the transition from childhood to young adulthood. a. Puberty b. Menopause c. Primary circular reactions d. Secondary circular reactions


Heuristics tend to be very a. sophisticated. b. fast. c. accurate. d. analytical.


Menarche is best described as the onset of a. puberty. b. public hair. c. menstruation. d. body growth.


If asked to identify where the hormone that causes the maturation of the genitals in females comes from, you should say, a. "the pituitary gland." b. "the ovaries." c. "the fallopian tube." d. "the adrenal gland."


In the ____ stage of identity status, an individual is overwhelmed yet does little to accomplish the task of identity formation. a. diffusion b. moratorium c. foreclosure d. achievement


Individuals operating at a postconventional level of moral development are more likely to be compelled to moral action when ____. a. external forces favor it. b. it is the compassionate decision. c. the law dictates it. d. it is supported by their friends.


Jinfa was born in the United States. His father is African and his mother is Japanese. If he is in the third state of ethnic identity development, he would most likely consider himself as an a. American. b. African American. c. Japanese. d. American with roots in both Africa and Japan.


Juvenile delinquency involves acts that are a. illegal and destructive. b. legal and nondestructive. c. illegal and nondestructive. d. legal and destructive.


Karen thinks she should go out with Blane, an unattractive, social misfit, because "If I don't go out with him, people will think I'm really mean." Karen is most likely in Kohlberg's ____ level of moral reasoning. a. preconventional b. conventional c. postconventional d. unconventional


Kohlberg's emphasis on ____ has not been supported by cross-cultural research. a. individual rights and justice as the basis for moral reasoning b. the biological nature of morality c. racial differences in morality d. IQ scores as a predictor of moral thinking


Learning about one's culture and heritage sets the foundation for a person's ____ identity. a. ethnic b. crystallized c. index d. imaginary


Life-course persistent antisocial acts a. emerge early in life and fade in later life. b. emerge early in life and continue throughout development. c. emerge in midlife and fade in later life. d. emerge in midlife and continue throughout development.


Myelination of the brain begins in earnest during adolescence. a. True b. False


Nicholas and Alexandra are typical American teenagers. How would their descriptions concerning their first sexual experience most likely differ? a. Nicholas would be more likely to describe his first partner as someone that he loves. b. Nicholas would be more likely to feel guilty about his first sexual experience. c. Alexandra's peers would be more likely to express some disapproval concerning her behavior. d. Alexandra would be more likely to view the experience in terms of recreation rather than romance.


The main assumption of Holland's theory is that people a. develop career goals at different rates. b. will be happiest in work environments that match their personalities. c. should take tests to determine which career is best for them. d. should choose a career based on economic needs and not in order to fulfill their lifelong goals.


The main purpose of the Families for Safe Dates program is to reduce a. homosexual behavior. b. teen pregnancy. c. dating abuse. d. drunk driving.


Overweight teens are most at risk for developing ____ later in life. a. osteoporosis b. sickle-cell disease c. Huntington's disease d. diabetes


Parents may contribute to the likelihood of their children becoming obese by a. encouraging them to get 9-10 hours of sleep each night. b. encouraging them to be more physically active. c. encouraging them to finish everything on their plates. d. encouraging them to rely on internal cues to eat.


Postconventional moral thinking is characterized by judgments made according to a(n) a. personal code of behavior. b. set of society's laws. c. list of parental "do's and dont's." d. egocentric self-schema.


Preconventional moral reasoning is based on ____ forces. a. internal b. biological c. innate d. external


Primary sex characteristic changes are those directly impacting a. reproduction. b. height. c. intelligence. d. personality.


Programs to prevent adolescent violence and antisocial behavior target a. character development in elementary-school children. b. academic and social skills in elementary-school children. c. academic and social skills in middle-school children. d. character development in middle-school children.


The most effective pregnancy prevention programs focus a. exclusively on abstinence. b. exclusively on teaching about biological reproduction. c. exclusively on teaching about responsible sexual behavior. d. on abstinence, reproductive education, and sexual responsibility.


Rape prevention guidelines suggest that in order to reduce the risk of rape, one should a. struggle, but not scream, when threatened or attacked. b. keep one's sexual desires private. c. avoid using drugs with someone you are not interested in. d. not dress up or try to look nice when going out.


Research has indicated that when a high school student begins to work over ____ hours a week at a part-time job during the school year, academic problems may arise. a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 20


Research on differences between the moral reasoning of males and females has shown that a. there are significant differences between the moral reasoning of men and women. b. although there are small differences between men and women in some areas, the overall moral reasoning of males and females is very similar. c. significant sex differences are found in cultures that emphasize justice but not in those that emphasize care. d. no differences in moral reasoning have been identified between the sexes.


Research suggests that adolescents involved with ____ are positively influenced in moral reasoning and moral behavior. a. after school sports b. religious youth groups c. part-time work d. domestic chores


Several tests can be used to describe a person's work-related personality and the jobs for which he or she is suited. One of these types of tests is called the a. Strong Interest Inventory. b. Super Occupation Inventory. c. Adolescent Work Interest Inventory. d. Occupational Path Inventory.


Sixteen-year-old Paris's motto is, "It's all about me!" This belief fits well with the concept of adolescent a. egocentrism. b. learned helplessness. c. secular growth. d. foreclosure.


Some teenagers experience negative life events and do not become depressed. Which teenager is least likely to become depressed when she experiences a negative life event? a. Crystal, who does not regulate her emotions effectively b. Cameron, who tends to blame herself when things go wrong c. Celia, whose parents are distant and uninvolved with her d. Carmine, who has high levels of certain neurotransmitters


Support for Kohlberg's theory of moral development includes data indicating that a. external forces have a greater impact on the moral behavior of those operating at the lower stages of moral reasoning. b. females are superior on moral dilemmas that focus on nurturing. c. older individuals tend to regress to lower levels of moral thinking. d. the development of moral reasoning does not follow any specific sequence.


The Fast Track program for preventing violent behavior a. uses aversive conditioning techniques and the "scared straight technique." b. attempts to nip the problem in the elementary years. c. encourages children to consider the "imaginary audience" that they are attacking. d. argues that aggressive play can be an effective substitute for reducing real violence.


The attitudes, behaviors, and values that we believe make us unique individuals are called our a. self-esteem. b. self-recognition. c. self-efficacy. d. self-concept.


The belief that misfortunes only happen to others is referred to as the illusion of a. foreclosure. b. helplessness. c. crystallization. d. invulnerability.


The defining characteristic of bulimia nervosa involves a. a binge-purge eating pattern. b. weight loss. c. a distorted body image. d. an irrational fear of obesity.


The defining feature of the personal fable is a feeling of a. superiority. b. uniqueness. c. helplessness. d. diffusion.


The drop in self-esteem often found when children first enter middle school appears to be due to a. the acquisition of concrete operational thinking. b. peer comparisons. c. changes in ethnic identity. d. the illusion of invulnerability.


The emphasis in the second phase of ethnic identity formation is on a. exploring one's heritage. b. moving away from one's heritage. c. finding a new heritage. d. developing a distinct ethnic self-concept.


The phenomenon whereby an individual believes that he or she is like an actor on a stage, who is under constant watch by others, is referred to as a. the personal fable. b. the imaginary audience. c. learned helplessness. d. diffusion status.


The text characterized the notion of adolescence being a time of great "storm and stress" as a a. trend. b. fact. c. myth. d. certainty.


The two general types of physical development associated with puberty include a. lower self-esteem and bodily changes. b. bodily changes and sexual maturation. c. sexual maturation and formal operational thinking. d. formal operational thinking and lower self-esteem.


Why do Asian-American and Latino-American teens tend to begin dating at a later age than European-American teens? a. fewer available partners b. stronger family ties c. less disposable income d. greater need for social isolation


What is the least common warning sign of suicide? a. change in eating habits b. increased levels of activity c. persistent feelings of helplessness d. gifting one's valued possessions


What percentage of youth meet the criteria for life-course persistent antisocial behavior? a. one b. five c. eight d. ten


What technique did Kohlberg use to assess moral thinking? a. He presented participants with moral dilemmas. b. He observed moral behavior in laboratory experiments. c. He observed moral behavior in real-life experiments. d. He reviewed newspaper accounts on acts of bravery and acts of violence.


When Molly hears that several people in her geometry class think she's great, it is likely to a. increase her self-esteem. b. decrease her self-esteem. c. have no effect on her self-esteem. d. alter her ethnic identity.


When asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" ten-year-old Sanjay says, "My dad says I should be a doctor, so I guess that's what I'll be." According to Marcia, Sanjay is best thought of as being in a state of identity a. diffusion. b. moratorium. c. foreclosure. d. achievement.


When considering the Heinz dilemma, Jefferson says, "You cannot justify theft, because if you do, it will lead to social anarchy." This statement best matches the logic of someone at Kohlberg's ____ level of moral development. a. preconventional b. conventional c. postconventional d. unconventional


When considering the Heinz dilemma, Tony says that he would not steal the drug because his mommy told him that stealing was wrong, and people who steal get into trouble. This consideration indicates that Tony is most likely in Kohlberg's ____ stage of moral development. a. first b. second c. third d. fourth


Which STD is most prevalent in the United States? a. HIV b. genital herpes c. gonorrhea d. chlamydia


Which best describes the early menstrual cycles of a typical teenage female? a. Regular and with ovulation b. Regular and without ovulation c. Irregular and with ovulation d. Irregular and without ovulation


Which concept describes the development of processing speed between ages 8 and 18? a. Time needed to respond decreases at a consistent rate. b. Time needed to respond decreases for the first years and then levels off. c. Time needed to respond is constant for the first years and then decreases significantly. d. Time needed to respond increases at a consistent rate.


Which concept is best associated with increased content knowledge? a. Increased expertise b. Increased memory capacity c. Increased processing speed d. Increased metacognitive skills


Which drug do high school seniors use most? a. marijuana b. cocaine c. alcohol d. LSD


Which factor is thought to increase the risk of a male or female perpetrating dating violence? a. having a brother b. having parents whose discipline is harsh or inconsistent c. being depression d. being popular among same-age peers


Which factor seems to be most involved in timing of menarche in many industrialized nations over the past 150 years? a. Parenting skills b. Nutrition c. Education d. Genetics


Which of Kohlberg's levels places the greatest emphasis on morality as a function of the expectations others hold toward you? a. Preconventional b. Conventional c. Postconventional d. Unconventional


Which parental behavior is least likely to encourage aggressive and antisocial behavior? a. Disciplining adolescents in a harsh manner b. Intermittent monitoring of adolescents' behavior c. Seeing parental conflict and stress d. Enforcing many rules with supporting reasons


Which parents are most likely to raise a teenager with high achievement status? a. Kate and Allie, who encourage autonomy in their children b. Ward and June, who encourage conformity in their children c. Ozzie and Harriet, who discourage experimentation in their children d. George and Jane, who continue to strictly enforce childhood rules


Which statement concerning cigarette smoking is true? a. Compared with the rest of the world, American teens are heavy smokers. b. Most teens begin to smoke when they are in tenth or eleventh grade. c. Authoritative parenting tends to increase the risk of teen smoking. d. Teens will tend to start smoking if they believe that it is okay to smoke.


Which statement concerning cognitive development in adolescence is true? a. Working memory and processing speed are more childlike than adultlike. b. Working memory becomes adultlike, but processing speed remains childlike. c. Processing speed becomes adultlike, but working memory remains childlike. d. Working memory and processing speed are more adultlike than childlike.

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