LifeSpan Human Development Final

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18. By the age of 13 months, research suggests that babies have a receptive language store of about how many words?


25. Approximately what percentage of people worldwide is left-handed?


13. An infant's sleep/wake cycle lasts approximately how long?

2 hours

33. Bicycle accidents account for about ____ of all cases of traumatic brain injury.


95. What would be the most likely age of a child who said, "My cat died, but if I get her some medicine, she will feel better tomorrow?"


35. Between the ages of 6 and 12, children add roughly how many words per year to their vocabulary?

5,000 to 10,000

68. Approximately what percentage of children in the United States lives with one or more of their grandparents?


80. Which of the following is the best definition of Alzheimer's disease?

A severe form of dementia for which the cause is unknown

63. An increase in life expectancy has caused one aspect of family life to change. Which of the following best illustrates this change?

Adults are likely to spend more years caring for both younger and older generations in their family.

89. What is the term used for living in a noninstitutional environment to which appropriate modifications have been made for the elderly individual?

Aging in place

45. Among teenagers, what is the most commonly used substance?


91. Bertie is pretty spry and she likes her independence, which is considerable for a 94-year-old. Still, she is not able to cook for herself anymore and has some difficulty with certain activities of daily living. Miss Bertie might be a good candidate for living in which of the following?

An assisted living facility

51. Locus of control is best defined by which of the following?

An individual's beliefs about the causes of events

23. All-in-all, what seems to be the most important factor in cognitive development in children?

Appropriate levels of stimulation

32. Which parenting style has the most consistently positive outcomes?


29. The preschool years, from age two to age six, include which two of Erikson's stages of development?

Autonomy versus shame and doubt and initiative versus guilt

10. Mrs. Lincoln is receiving information and advice about prenatal care from her health care team. With regard to alcohol, what advice will they most likely give Mrs. Lincoln?

Avoid alcohol entirely.

19. What is the most widely used test that attempts to measure the intelligence of infants?

Bayley Scales

21. _________ is most associated with the view that infants are biologically predisposed to form emotional bonds with caregivers and that the characteristics of those bonds shape later social and personality development.


86. Which of the following describes the component of successful aging that involves a willingness to learn new things?

Cognitive adventurousness

100. What has research shown to help widows and widowers manage grief?

Developing a coherent personal narrative of events surrounding the spouse's death

82. How did Erikson characterize the developmental task of late adulthood?

Ego integrity versus despair

81. Which of the following is true regarding the risk factors for depression among the elderly?

Elders living in poverty are at a higher risk for depression than others.

94. In which country did hospice care originate?


47. Which theorist saw the issues of identity and role confusion as critical to adolescent development?

Erik Erikson

59. Which of the following theorists viewed the issues of generativity and stagnation as critical issues that most middle-aged adults must deal with?

Erik Erikson

46. What is Piaget's stage of cognitive development that emerges between ages 12 and 16?

Formal operations

41. Which of the following seems to be the most important factor in selection of friends among 6- to 12-year-olds?


30. When 4-year-old Mariella thinks of activities, behaviors, or personal characteristics as being "for mommy" or "for daddy," she is using which of the following?

Gender schema

60. What is the term that Erikson uses to describe a desire to establish and guide the next generations?


9. Which of the following correctly lists the stages of prenatal development in order of progression?

Germinal, embryonic, fetal

14. If two-month-old Andrew has colic, which of the following characteristics will be most noticeable to his parents?

His intense crying

93. Which of the following is an approach to caring for the terminally ill that focuses on individual and family control over the process of dying?

Hospice care

87. Which of the following is an effect of volunteerism upon older adults?

Improved life satisfaction

50. When does a woman's fertility begin to decline?

In her early 30s

48. Which of the following statements is true regarding teenagers as they progress through adolescence?

Increasingly define themselves in terms of enduring traits, beliefs, moral standards or personal philosophies

37. What is the crisis of middle childhood according to Erikson?

Industry versus inferiority

52. According to Erikson, what is the central crisis of early adulthood?

Intimacy versus isolation

66. The Fowler family lives in a duplex. Grandma Fowler lives in one half and Mr. and Mrs. Fowler and their children live in the other half. Every day when the children get off of the school bus, Grandma meets them and prepares their afternoon snack. She helps them with their homework until their parents get home from work. What kind of relationship does Grandma Fowler have with her grandchildren?


12. What does your text suggest about the persistence of the Moro reflex or the Babinski reflex beyond six months of age?

It may signal the existence of some type of neurological problem.

44. What is the term for the onset of the first menstrual cycle?


64. What does the term "sandwich generation" refer to?

Middle-aged adults who provide assistance to both their children and their aging parents

39. According to Piaget's ideas about children's moral development, a child who insists that the rules of a game cannot be changed because they come from authorities such as parents or religious figures is demonstrating moral development at which stage?

Moral realism

75. Ninety-year-old Mrs. Gonzalez is no longer able to manage tasks such as bathing or using the toilet by herself. A gerontologist most likely would determine that Mrs. Gonzalez needs help with which of the following?

Only her activities of daily living

49. Researchers have identified two different types of aging. What are they?

Primary and secondary

42. Which of the following terms is used by psychologists to describe children who are disliked and avoided by their peers?


88. Which of the following is the tendency to turn to religious beliefs and institutions for support in times of difficulty?

Religious coping

62. The person who is forced to take on responsibilities that are in constant competition with each other is experiencing which of the following?

Role conflict

61. When a person is confronted with a task that they are compelled to perform, but for which they are ill-prepared, which of the following are they likely to experience?

Role strain

4. According to Bandura, which of the following terms best describes the expectancies we acquire about what we can and cannot do?


15. What is the leading cause of death in the United States among infants between the ages of one month and one year?

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

7. The embryonic stage of gestation covers what time period?

The first 2 to 8 weeks

8. Carmelita has smoked an average of one pack of cigarettes per day throughout her pregnancy. How is this likely to affect her fetus?

The infant may weigh less than normal at birth

69. What is stereotypically one of the most maligned relationships in U.S. culture?

The relationship between a woman and her mother-in-law

99. What is thanatology?

The scientific study of death and dying

70. Which of the following best describes the nature of friendship in middle adulthood?

The social circle is smaller, but the friendships are as intimate and close as at earlier ages

43. Which of the following best defines adolescence?

The transitional period between childhood and adulthood

78. Which of the following is statistically true of older drivers?

They have more accidents per miles driven than younger drivers.

77. Grandpa Ezra complains that he frequently hears ringing or buzzing sounds in his ears. What is Ezra experiencing?


20. What is the crisis of Erikson's first stage of psychosocial development?

Trust vs. Mistrust

65. What does the term "Peter Pandemonium" refer to?

Young adults who don't want to grow up

26. What is the major cause of death of preschool and school-age children in the United States?


84. When you visit a former co-worker who recently retired, you are astonished at his list of activities and projects, and he says, "Staying busy keeps me young!" Your former co-worker's philosophy is most consistent with which of the following perspectives on aging?

activity theory

98. Jerilyn is in the early stages of an inoperable cancer. She has prepared a signed and witnessed written document directing her family not to allow any artificial or heroic steps to be taken in the event that she is unable to make her wishes known at the appropriate time. What is this document called?

advance directive

71. Many potential employers believe that middle-aged workers are less able to learn new computer skills than their young-adult counterparts. This is an example of which of the following?


73. If you are a centenarian, you _______________.

are at least 100 years old

92. Which form of death has occurred in circumstances where there is no electrical activity in the brain and the person no longer has reflexes or responds to vigorous external stimuli?

brain death

76. Mr. Cooper has great difficulty seeing now because the lenses inside his eyes have become clouded over. What is the name of this condition?


54. Lani and Paul have been married for eight years. They describe their marriage as intimate, passionate, and committed. How would Sternberg most likely describe this love relationship?


16. The "visual cliff" is used to measure which of the following?

depth perception

85. When you contact a retired neighbor to ask if she is interested in participating in a charity fundraiser, she tells you that she is no longer interested in activities such as this, and she is content to do as little as possible since she retired. Your neighbor's perspective is most consistent with which of the following views on aging?


2. The three broad categories that are used to classify changes over the lifespan are called ___________________.

domains of development

83. At 83 years old, Claudette happily recalls life when she was younger. She also enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and their children. According to Erikson, what has Claudette achieved?

ego integrity

24. Holding a pencil to write or draw requires which of the following?

fine motor skills

72. The scientific study of aging is known as ______________.


74. What is the single largest factor that determines the trajectory of an adult's physical or mental status beyond age 65?


53. John is looking for a wife. He wants a partner who has a similar background in matters like education and religious upbringing. Which of the following mate selection strategies is John using?


1. The field of __________________ is the scientific study of age-related changes in behavior, thinking, emotion, and personality.

human development

57. Hepatitis B virus is closely linked to which of the following?

liver cancer

97. For most adults, which of the following is the most significant meaning of death?


55. Which of the following is a condition of primary aging characterized by loss of bone mass and brittle, porous bones?


90. An independent living community is one in which all residents are ___________________.

over a certain age

34. Children whose BMIs are between the 85th and 95thpercentiles are classified as ___________.


31. The parenting style that is high in nurturance and low in maturity demands, control, and communication is ____________.


58. Overall physical health and cognitive performance in middle adulthood are most closely linked to ______________.

physical exercise

27. In the United States, most cases of child abuse involve which of the following?

physical injuries

11. Your brain has the ability to change in response to experience. This ability is known as ______________.


3. Freud is to psychosexual as Erikson is to ________.


67. When grandparents seldom see their grandchildren, your text calls it a ____________.

remote relationship

79. Mr. Garrett often overeats, complaining that he feels hungry all the time. His doctor has suggested that this problem is due to a malfunction in the sensation associated with blood sugar levels known as _________________.


38. Which of the following refers to children's global self-evaluation, which includes factors such as how well they like themselves or how happy they are?


17. What is Piaget's first stage of cognitive development?


56. Which of the following is a risk factor for both heart disease and cancer?


40. Developmentalists have suggested that differences in the expectations parents have for boys and girls may be responsible for ___________.

stronger standards of behavior for girls in later developmental periods

28. According to Piaget, at about age two, children begin to use which of the following in their thinking?


22. The emotional and behavioral predispositions present at birth are thought to be the foundation of personality. These predispositions are collectively referred to as ___________.


96. Which of the following most accurately characterizes what a child younger than five years of age would understand or believe about death?

that death is reversible

36. If Doreen understands class inclusion, then she understands __________.

that dogs are mammals and that mammals are animals

6. Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory of human development places primary emphasis on_________________.

the interactions among the contexts in which children live and develop

5. Five-year-old Elena can tie her shoes, but she needs her mother's help to untie them. She also needs her mother's help to button her sweater. Vygotsky would suggest that this situation illustrates Elena's ________.

zone of proximal development

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