Lifestyle disease & Risk factors (Sheltered)
3) Risk factors
Anything that increases the chance of injury, disease, or other health problems.
8) Lifestyle diseases
Diseases that happen because of the choices, habits, and behaviors a person makes during their life. You cannot catch these diseases from another person. (not infectious)
2) Life span
How long a person lives from birth and death.
1) Life expectancy
The average number of years an individual can be expected to live.
5) Examples for uncontrollable risk factors
age, ethnicity (race), gender (at birth), heredity (family history of diseases).
9) Examples of lifestyle diseases
diabetes, heart disease, cancer. (These diseases cause the most deaths)
7) Examples of controllable risk factors
physical activity (exercise), smoking, your weight, your diet (what you eat), exposure to the sun, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, driving too fast, unprotected sex
6) Controllable risk factors
risk factors that you can do something about (control)
4) Uncontrollable risk factors
risk factors you can't control or change