lifetime fitness chapter 9

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what are some individual sports?

badminton, bowling, golf, gymnastics, rowing, skiing, snow boarding

what are some team sports?

baseball, softball, basketball, football, soccer, volleyball

what are some sports that require fast sprinting?

baseball, softball, soccer

what are some sports that require vigorous jumping?

basketball, high jump, soccer

what are some outdoor/challenge/extreme sports?

canoeing, BMX cycling, horseback riding, mountain climbing, sailing, surfing, waterskiing

what is a sport?

competitive physical activities

what are some sports that require physical contact?

football, wrestling, ice hockey

what are some dual/partner sports?

handball, racquetball, martial arts, table tennis

what is heredity?

inherited traits

what is practice?

learned skills for sports, games and other activities

which sport is the best for building skill?

martial arts

what are some sports that require sudden starts and stops?

racquetball, track,basketball

what are some sports that have a danger of falling?

skiing, skating, judo

what is the principle of specificity?

skill for one sport may not help your skill in another sport

what are the two categories of physical fitness?

skill related and health related

what are some sports that have a danger of overstretching your muscles?

tennis, football

what is active sport?

vigorous sports

which sport is the worst for building skill?


is basketball a team sport?


are there any team sports that are in the top 10 most popular sports?

yes, only basketball

what is a lifetime sport?

a sport you play that requires fewer people that you can play easily

what is skill?

ability to do something

what types of activities mainly make up the top 10 most popular sp0rts?

active aerobics and lifetime activities

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