Linear Algebra: 2.3 Invertible Matrices

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A =nxn is invertible if and only if...

A is row equivalent to I_n Any sequence of elementary row operations reducing A ~ I_n also transforms I_n ~ A^(-1)

If A is an invertible nxn matrix, then for each b in R^n...

Ax = b has the unique solution x = A^(-1)b

An nxn matrix A is said to be invertible if there is an nxn matrix C such that...

CA = I and AC = I

If C is 6x6 and the equation Cx=v is consistent for every v in R^6​, is it possible that for some v​, the equation Cx=v has more than one​ solution? Why or why​ not?

It is not possible. According to the Invertible Matrix Theorem that makes the matrix invertible. Since it is​ invertible, it has a unique solution.

The algorithm to find A^(-1) for a square matrix

Reduce the system [A I] ~ [I A^(-1)]

If an nxn matrix K cannot be row reduced to I_n​, what can you say about the columns of​ K? Why?

The columns of the matrix are linearly dependent and the columns do not span R^n.

Elementary matrix

a matrix obtained by performing a single elementary row operation on an identity matrix

The determinant of A is written as...

det A = ad - bc

The product of nxn invertible matrices is...


If ad - bc = 0 then A is...

not invertible

The inverse of AB is the product of the inverses of A and B in ________ order.


The inverse is _______ and denoted ______.

unique, A^(-1)

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