Lippincott Upper Limb

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12 A 23-year-old medical student complains of loss of sensation in the skin on the medial edge of her left hand, including the entire fifth digit. The associated motor deficit probably involves weakness in which of the following? (A) Pronation (B) Abduction of the wrist (C) Extension of the wrist (D) Abduction of the index fi nger (E) Flexion of the interphalangeal joints of the index fi nger


41 Following a radical mastectomy procedure, a surgeon plans to conduct a breast reconstruction utilizing a latissimus dorsi muscle flap. What nerve will the surgeon need to keep intact during the surgical dissection of the chest wall to prevent atrophy of the muscle flap? (A) Long thoracic nerve (B) Intercostobrachial nerve (C) Medial pectoral nerve (D) Thoracodorsal nerve (E) Axillary nerve


43 As part of a physical examination to evaluate intrinsic hand muscle function, a physician asks the patient to assume the Z-position (seen in photo) with his hand, which involves flexion of the metacarpophalangeal joints and extension of the interphalangeal joints of the fingers. Which of the following nerves is being tested in assuming this position? (A) Deep branch of radial nerve (B) Superficial branch of radial nerve (C) Recurrent branch of median nerve (D) Deep branch of ulnar nerve (E) Superficial branch of ulnar nerve


7 A 17-year-old boy comes to the emergency room after a hard fall onto the lateral aspect of his left shoulder during a high school basketball game. He complains of generalized pain during shoulder motion. On physical examination, the distal end of the clavicle is prominent and distinctly palpable. Radiological findings confirm the diagnosis of a severe (grade 3) shoulder separation. Which of the following features is a component of this condition? (A) Dislocated head of the humerus (B) Torn coracoclavicular ligament (C) Fractured clavicle (D) Dislocated sternal end of the clavicle (E) Torn anterior glenohumeral (GH) ligament

The answer is B:

9 On his downswing, an amateur golfer strikes the hard earth with his club and feels pain in his right wrist. During a subsequent physical examination, he complains of wrist pain that is exacerbated by gripping, displays point tenderness in his medial wrist, and complains of numbness and weakness in his pinky finger (fifth digit). What carpal bone is most likely fractured in this patient? (A) Capitate (B) Hamate (C) Lunate (D) Pisiform (E) Scaphoid

The answer is B:

25 The pectoralis minor muscle is an important landmark in identifying and describing neighboring structures in the chest and axillary regions. Which of the following relationships of the pectoralis minor is correct? (A) The lateral cord of the brachial plexus lies lateral to the muscle (B) The clavipectoral triangle lies lateral to the muscle (C) The anterior axillary lymph nodes lie along the medial border of the muscle (D) The lateral wall of the axillary fossa includes the muscle (E) The second part of the axillary artery lies deep to the muscle

The answer is E:

26 Lateral rotation of the arm is an important mechanical component of "bringing the arm back" when preparing to throw an object. What muscle acts to produce lateral rotation of the arm? (A) Supraspinatus (B) Teres major (C) Latissimus dorsi (D) Subscapularis (E) Teres minor

The answer is E:

31 In both the upper and lower limbs, the superficial veins begin in a dorsal cutaneous arch that drains into medial and lateral cutaneous veins aligned mainly along the first and fifth digit sides of the limb. Which of the following veins in the upper limb is the equivalent of the great saphenous vein in the lower limb? (A) Radial vein (B) Ulnar vein (C) Brachial vein (D) Basilic vein (E) Cephalic vein

The answer is E:

33 During an attempted suicide, a depressed young woman slashes the front of her wrist with a razor blade. However, she cuts only to the depth of the superficial aspect of the flexor retinaculum before passing out at the sight of her own blood. Which of the following muscle tendons may be severed? (A) Flexor digitorum superficialis (B) Brachioradialis (C) Flexor pollicis longus (D) Abductor pollicis longus (E) Flexor carpi radialis

The answer is E:

34 A 17-year-old man has pain and moderate swelling over the dorsomedial aspect and in the hypothenar area of his right hand after punching a locker over a dispute with his girlfriend. What is the most likely finding on an X-ray of his hand? (A) Dislocation of the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint (B) Fracture of the triquetral bone (C) Fracture of the proximal phalanx of the ring finger (D) Fracture of the proximal phalanx of the little finger (E) Fracture of the fifth metacarpal bone

The answer is E:

37 As part of a physical examination to evaluate intrinsic hand muscle function, a physician holds three fingers in the extended position, and instructs the patient to flex the proximal interphalangeal joint of the free finger, as shown. Which of the following muscles is the doctor specifically testing? (A) Flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) (B) Extensor digitorum (C) Second lumbrical (D) Dorsal interosseous (E) Flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS)

The answer is E:

48 A 37-year-old factory worker fractures multiple bones distal to the elbow when his hand and forearm are crushed by equipment dropped by a faulty hydraulic lift. Which of the following bones, if fractured, would most likely develop avascular necrosis? (A) Distal radius (B) Midshaft ulna (C) Fifth metacarpal (D) Lunate (E) Scaphoid

The answer is E:

5 During an attempted suicide, a depressed young woman slashes her wrist with a straight razor. She cuts just proximal to the pisiform bone to the depth of the superficial aspect of the flexor retinaculum before passing out at the sight of her own blood. As a result of this wound, she may suffer a neuromuscular deficit that results in which of the following? (A) Weakness in pronation (B) Inability to abduct the thumb (C) Weakness in flexion of the thumb (D) Weakness in opposition of the thumb (E) Inability to adduct the thumb

The answer is E:

51 A 3-year-old girl is brought to the emergency room holding her right arm with the elbow flexed and the forearm pronated. She refuses to move her arm and complains her elbow "hurts a lot." Her mother reports they were holding hands and running in the park when the child tripped. The mother pulled on the child's hand to prevent her from hitting the ground. Given the nature of this injury and the age of the patient, what structure is most likely damaged? (A) Interosseous membrane of forearm (B) Quadrate ligament (C) Radial collateral ligament of elbow (D) Ulnar collateral ligament of elbow (E) Anular ligament of radius

The answer is E:

49 As part of a physical examination to evaluate muscle function in the hand, a physician holds the four fingers (digits 2 through 5) and asks the patient to spread their fingers. What muscle(s) is/are the doctor testing? (A) Lumbrical muscles (B) Palmar interosseous muscles (C) Dorsal interosseous muscles (D) Flexor digitorum superficialis (E) Flexor digitorum profundus

49 The answer is C:

50 A 52-year-old retired professional cyclist, who still rides his bike 400 miles per week, comes to his physician complaining of hand problems. The physician notes hyperextension of the ring and little fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joints and flexion at the interphalangeal joints within the same fingers (see photo). During examination, the patient has no weakness in flexion or adduction of the wrist. What nerve is compressed at what location? (A) Ulnar nerve in the elbow (B) Ulnar nerve in the wrist (C) Median nerve in the wrist (D) Median nerve in the elbow (E) Median nerve in the axilla

50 The answer is B:

13 A dermatologist performed a biopsy on a suspicious mole on the right side of the posterior neck of a 57-year-old male construction worker. Pathology confirmed a malignant melanoma, so the physician excised a substantial amount of tissue surrounding the mole. After the procedure, the patient experienced difficulty elevating his right shoulder and lifting his right arm over his head. No sensory deficits were seen. What nerve was most likely damaged in this patient? (A) Accessory nerve (B) Axillary nerve (C) Dorsal scapular nerve (D) Long thoracic nerve (E) Thoracodorsal nerve


42 An 80-year-old woman comes to the physician because of a lump in her right breast. Physical examination shows a 2-cm mass in the right breast with dimpling of the overlying skin and peau d'orange (edema of the breast with the skin assuming the appearance of an orange peel). Examination of a biopsy specimen confi rms a diagnosis of carcinoma. Involvement of what structure is the most likely cause of this patient's skin dimpling? (A) Clavipectoral fascia (B) Suspensory ligaments (C) Lactiferous ducts (D) Retromammary space (E) Pectoralis major


40 The lateral thoracic artery provides the main blood supply to the lateral side of the chest wall, including much of the breast. To deter excessive blood loss during a surgical procedure involving the breast, a surgeon can clamp the lateral thoracic artery near its origin. Which of the following arteries gives rise to this artery? A) First part of the axillary artery (B) Second part of the axillary artery (C) Third part of the axillary artery (D) Third part of the subclavian artery (E) First part of the brachial artery

The answer is B:

45 A 48-year-old woman is diagnosed with a malignant tumor in the superolateral quadrant of the right breast, including the axillary tail. If it metastasizes, this cancer will most likely spread first to which of the following locations? (A) Lateral axillary lymph nodes (B) Anterior axillary lymph nodes (C) Deep cervical lymph nodes (D) Parasternal lymph nodes (E) Contralateral breast lymph nodes

The answer is B:

18 A physician tests the myotatic biceps reflex. A normal response of involuntary contraction of the biceps brachii muscle is noted. This reflex confirms the integrity of what nerve? (A) Axillary nerve (B) Median nerve (C) Ulnar nerve (D) Radial nerve (E) Musculocutaneous nerve

The answer is E:

17 A 17-year-old male football player suffers a shoulder injury and arrives at the ER 2 hours after the injury. The physician diagnoses a shoulder dislocation, and after administration of a local anesthetic solution, the doctor repositions the head of the humerus into the glenoid cavity of the scapula (reduction). No fractures are seen on X-rays. However, the patient displays weakness in abduction and external rotation at the shoulder. A loss of sensation is also noted at the superior and lateral aspects of the arm. What nerve was most likely damaged in this injury? (A) Axillary nerve (B) Median nerve (C) Ulnar nerve (D) Radial nerve (E) Musculocutaneous nerve

The answer is A:

2 A 50-year old man falls off a ladder while cleaning his windows, landing on the ground as seen in the given drawing. He does not seek medical aid, believing his general soreness will go away with time. However, after several months, he develops a postural deformity of his left upper limb that includes an adducted, medially rotated, and extended shoulder, extended elbow, and pronated forearm. The injury and subsequent condition reflect damage to what structure? (A) Upper trunk of the brachial plexus (B) Lower roots of the brachial plexus (C) Posterior divisions of the brachial plexus (D) Medial cord of the brachial plexus (E) Lateral root of the median nerve

The answer is A:

32 In a fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus, what artery is most likely damaged? (A) Posterior circumflex humeral artery (B) Brachial artery (C) Deep brachial (profunda brachii) artery (D) Subscapular artery (E) Superior ulnar collateral artery

The answer is A:

36 A 56-year-old woman was stopped at a light when her car was rear-ended by another car. She had her right arm on the steering wheel, and the impact caused forced flexion at her elbow. Several months later, she comes to her physician complaining of numbness and a "pins and needles" sensation in her right little finger when she talks on the phone, rests her head on her right hand at work, or spends most of her day typing at work. She also notices the quality of her typing and her ability to play the violin have diminished. Which nerve is compressed at what location? (A) Ulnar nerve in the elbow (B) Ulnar nerve in the wrist (C) Median nerve in the wrist (D) Median nerve in the elbow (E) Median nerve in the axilla

The answer is A:

39 The traditional radical mastectomy includes removal of the pectoralis major muscle. Which of the following movements is most affected postoperatively by this surgical procedure? (A) Adduction of the arm (B) Abduction of the arm (C) Extension of the arm (D) Lateral rotation of the arm (E) Depression of the arm

The answer is A:

4 As a result of chronic stress associated with an intense high school weight-lifting program, a 15-year-old boy suffers an avulsion fracture of the greater tubercle of the humerus. In the ER, he displays difficulty initiating abduction of the upper limb. Which of the following muscles was involved in this fracture? (A) Supraspinatus (B) Long head of biceps brachii (C) Long head of triceps (D) Subscapularis (E) Infraspinatus

The answer is A:

47 Organization of the axillary lymph nodes into Levels I, II, and III for breast cancer treatment is based on the location of the nodes relative to which of the following muscles? (A) Pectoralis minor (B) Pectoralis major (C) Latissimus dorsi (D) Serratus anterior (E) Subscapularis

The answer is A:

6 As part of a physical examination to evaluate muscle function in the hand, a physician holds the proximal interphalangeal joint of his patient's index finger in the extended position and instructs him to try to flex the distal interphalangeal joint. Which of the following muscles is the doctor testing? (A) Flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) (B) Extensor indicis (C) First lumbrical (D) First dorsal interosseous (E) Flexor digitorum superfi cialis (FDS)

The answer is A:

1 Physical examination of a 40-year-old man injured in an automobile accident indicates that he has suffered nerve damage affecting his left upper limb. The patient exhibits significant weakness when pronating his left forearm and fl exing his left wrist. What nerve is most likely damaged? (A) Median nerve (B) Ulnar nerve (C) Superficial branch of the radial nerve (D) Deep branch of the radial nerve (E) Musculocutaneous nerve

The answer is A: Median nerve.

14 A 19-year-old man arrives at his campus health clinic complaining of soreness in his right wrist. He explains he landed on an outstretched hand when he was tackled in a rugby match. He indicates that the pain worsens with movement and is minimized by stabilization of the wrist. There are no sensory defi cits in his hand nor does he have trouble grasping or holding objects. Pressure applied to the anatomic snuffbox between the extensor pollicis brevis and extensor pollicis longus tendons produces no pain. Radiographic studies show no fractures but reveal an anterior dislocation of a bone in the proximal row of carpal bones. What carpal bone is most likely dislocated in this patient? (A) Scaphoid (B) Lunate (C) Capitate (D) Triquetrum (E) Trapezium

The answer is B:

20 A 50-year female equestrian is thrown from a startled horse and dragged by the reins, which were wrapped around her left wrist, for some distance. At the ER, she is experiencing pain and paresthesia in the axilla and medial aspect of her upper limb. Despite being left-handed, she has marked weakness in the movements of her dominant hand, especially abduction and adduction of the fingers. What structure was most likely damaged in this woman? (A) Upper trunk of the brachial plexus (B) Lower trunk of the brachial plexus (C) Posterior cord of the brachial plexus (D) Lateral cord of the brachial plexus (E) Long thoracic nerve

The answer is B:

23 A 65-year-old man is brought to the emergency room after being attacked in his office by a disgruntled co-worker. The attacker reportedly used a long, narrow-bladed letter-opener to inflict multiple stab wounds to the man's back. Physical examination shows a puncture wound in the posterior axillary fold. The patient presents with weakness in extension, adduction, and medial rotation of his arm. Which of the following muscles is most likely cut in this injury? (A) Pectoralis minor (B) Latissimus dorsi (C) Levator scapulae (D) Serratus anterior (E) Teres minor

The answer is B:

27 The lateral cord of the brachial plexus is named because it lies immediately lateral to which of the following structures? (A) Long head of the biceps brachii muscle (B) Axillary artery (C) Subclavian vein (D) Surgical neck of the humerus (E) Pectoralis minor muscle

The answer is B:

28 "Pronator teres syndrome" is a condition in which one of the following nerves is excessively compressed where it passes between the two heads of the pronator teres muscle. Which of the following nerves is entrapped? (A) Deep branch of radial nerve (B) Median Nerve (C) Deep branch of ulnar nerve (D) Superfi cial branch of ulnar nerve (E) Musculocutaneous nerve

The answer is B:

3 A 21-year-old man goes to his college campus health clinic complaining of soreness in his left wrist after falling on an outstretched hand during a basketball game the previous day. He is supporting his left wrist and indicates that the pain worsens with movement and is minimized with inactivity. There is no loss of feeling in his hand, nor does he have trouble grasping or holding objects. The physician exacerbates the wrist pain by applying pressure to the base of the thumb in the anatomical snuffbox Radiographic imaging will confirm a break of which carpal bone? (A) Capitate (B) Scaphoid (C) Hamate (D) Trapezium (E) Pisiform

The answer is B:

35 A right-handed 21-year-old college student visits his physician because of pain in his right shoulder that developed after starting a summer job on a construction crew 2 weeks ago. He explains that on his job site he regularly lifts heavy construction materials over his head. During physical examination, the patient experiences sharp pain in the range of 80 to 150 degrees of abduction at the glenohumeral joint. What is the most likely diagnosis? (A) Infraspinatus tendonitis (B) Supraspinatus tendonitis (C) Acromioclavicular (AC) joint arthritis (D) Degenerative arthritis of the shoulder (E) Broken clavicle

The answer is B:

11 A 23-year-old man was injured in a motor vehicle accident and X-rays confirmed a displaced distal radius fracture in his left forearm. Upon examination, the patient exhibits weakened pronation, weakened flexion of the index and middle fingers at the distal interphalangeal joints, and weakened flexion of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb. When asked to make the "okay" sign (make a circle with the thumb and index finger), the patient is unable to make a round circle, producing a "collapsed circle" on the affected hand (see photo). No areas of sensory loss are detected. Which nerve is most likely damaged? (A) Deep branch of the radial nerve (B) Superficial branch of the radial nerve (C) Anterior interosseous nerve (D) Median nerve, proximal to the carpal tunnel (E) Recurrent branch of the median nerve

The answer is C:

29 The pulse of the radial artery is readily palpable where the vessel passes which of the following structures? (A) Across the anterior aspect of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus (B) Between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi ulnaris (C) Lateral to the tendon of the fl exor carpi radialis (D) Superfi cial to the tendons of the extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus (E) Superficial to the carpal tunnel

The answer is C:

38 Because of repeated bad needle sticks, a heroin addict develops an infected abscess in the fl oor of the cubital fossa. Which of the following structures is the abscess most likely to invade first? (A) Brachioradialis muscle (B) Pronator teres muscle (C) Brachialis muscle (D) Head of the radius (E) Olecranon fossa of the humerus

The answer is C:

44 A 10-year-old boy was running across a parking lot when he tripped and received lacerations on the base of his thumb from a broken glass bottle. On examination, his thumb was unable to oppose to his fingers, and the thumb also showed weakness when abducting and flexing. No sensory deficits were reported. What nerve was most likely severed? (A) Deep branch of radial nerve (B) Superfi cial branch of radial nerve (C) Recurrent branch of median nerve (D) Deep branch of ulnar nerve (E) Superfi cial branch of ulnar nerve

The answer is C:

8 An 18-year-old boy is cut severely on the lateral wall of his right chest during a knife fight. Following healing, the medial border of his scapula moves away from the thoracic wall when he leans on his right hand. Which of the following nerves is likely damaged? (A) Axillary nerve (B) Thoracodorsal nerve (C) Long thoracic nerve (D) Dorsal scapular nerve (E) Suprascapular nerve

The answer is C:

16 An anesthesiologist administers an anesthetic solution into the axillary sheath of a 19-year-old college baseball player in preparation for repair of the ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow. After 5 minutes, the patient experiences numbness and paresthesia distal to the middle aspect of the arm; however, the medial aspect of the arm and elbow remain sensitive to pain. What nerve provides sensory innervation to the sensitive area and was not blocked by the anesthetic solution? (A) Long thoracic nerve (B) Median nerve (C) Medial cutaneous nerve of the arm (D) Intercostobrachial nerve (E) Ulnar nerve

The answer is D:

19 A 21-year-old male college student reports to the student health clinic on Monday morning, the day after the Super Bowl. He explains that he was intoxicated and lost consciousness with his upper limbs draped over the back of a couch. He complains of numbness and paresthesia over the dorsum of his hand on the radial side and is unable to support the weight of his left hand when the hand is placed in a pronated position (see photo). What nerve was most likely damaged in this individual? (A) Axillary nerve (B) Median nerve (C) Ulnar nerve (D) Radial nerve (E) Musculocutaneous nerve

The answer is D:

21 A child is born to a young woman who had utilized thalidomideto help relieve her morning sickness early in her pregnancy. The infant is missing the proximal segments of both upper and lower limbs. The hands and feet that are present are attached to the trunk of the body and resemble small seal's flippers. Which of the following is the correct term for this malformation? (A) A dysplasia (B) A duplication defect (C) Micromelia (D) Meromelia (E) Amelia

The answer is D:

22 A 23-year-old competitive weight lifter goes to his physician complaining of pain in his proximal forearm. During his examination, the pain is exacerbated by flexion of the elbow and supination of the forearm against resistance. A lateral radiograph shows chronic microtrauma to the proximal radius at the point of the radial tuberosity. Which of the following muscles attaches to, and most likely damaged, this osteological process? (A) Supinator (B) Brachialis (C) Pronator teres (D) Biceps brachii (E) Brachioradialis

The answer is D:

24 Physical examination of a 45-year-old man who had been stabbed in the back of the shoulder shows a deep wound penetrating into the quadrangular space of the shoulder, causing bleeding from the severed blood vessels there. Which of the following neural structures is most likely damaged as well? (A) Musculocutaneous nerve (B) Lateral cord of the brachial plexus (C) Radial nerve (D) Axillary nerve (E) Medial cutaneous nerve of the arm

The answer is D:

30 A 74-year-old man complains of pain in his right hand and fingers when he works with his hands for a while. Thorough testing reveals insufficient blood flow into the deep palmar arch. Occlusion of which of the following arteries is the most likely cause of this condition? (A) Posterior interosseous artery (B) Ulnar artery (C) Anterior interosseous artery (D) Radial artery (E) Inferior ulnar collateral artery

The answer is D:

15 A 36-year-old man broke a window with his fi st to rescue his child from a house fi re. The man sustained a laceration to the lateral aspect of his right forearm, but he only showed a sensory defi cit (numbness and paresthesia) to the dorsolateral aspect of his hand (as denoted by the shaded area within the given photo). What nerve was most likely damaged? (A) Dorsal cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve (B) Lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm (C) Posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm (D) Deep branch of the radial nerve (E) Superfi cial branch of the radial nerve

The answer is E:

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