Listening Midterm Ch. 1-5

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As soon as these heighten, neither individual is listening effectively.

Intrapersonal communication

A listening context. A covert, mental activity that occurs when an individual communicates with him- or herself. Information processing takes place at this level; the individual is aware of his or her reflection and self-talk, which serves a variety of functions.


Listening purpose. to enjoy

Ethical listening

Related to trust. Touches all aspects of human communication.


Sapir and Whorf proposed that this exerts a tremendous influence over how we think and what we think about. The implications for this are profound.

7 seconds

Some statistics suggest that our attention span is only this.


You can only focus on a ____ stimuli at one time.

Vocalized listening technique

A method recommended to overcome distractions resulting from the though-speech differential. A form of self-talk.

Rehearsal listening

Being skilled in a particular type of listening.


Characteristic of Sound. Listeners attend more readily to a sound that is repeated than to one that occurs only once. After hearing a sound once, one consciously waits for it to be repeated in order to confirm the impression.

Auditory association

During information processing, the new stimulus is matched to previously learned sounds.


Listeners often look to the context of the situation for additional ___ to make sense of what they hear.


Listening begins with ____. You communicate with yourself when you think, when you make decisions, and when you engage in any type of communication activity.

managerial practice, health care, the military, sales, marketing, and others.

Listening is a key role in highly effective work organizations like;


Listening takes...

150 words

Most people can learn to accurately track a verbal message at rates up to ____ words per minute.

Dichotic listening

Occurs when you receive two messages simultaneously- one in one ear and one in the other ear. Have a sense of the entire situation and are particularly effective as child care providers.


Only when you can ______ perceive what is said can you focus on the critical matter of assigning meaning to the speaker's words.


Organizations concerned with ____ listen to employees and to customers as part of their overall competitive strategy; they listen to improve their products and adapt to new market demands.

1. provides information to your partner regarding one's understanding of what they said 2. allows your partner to modify or further clarify their original intent.

Perception checking is a specific response that......... It is particularly useful when accuracy is essential.

shared meanings

Precise and concrete language facilitates this. One's meaning for a word may not be the same in someone else's mind.

Relational communication

The broadest system that focuses on face-to-face human interaction where listening and speaking functions occur simultaneously. Not all listening occurs in face-to-face settings.

How to be an effective speaker

The emphasis in school was almost entirely on this:

Communication effectiveness

The extent to which the interpretations of the receiver match the intentions of the sender.

the increase in our dependence on technology as a communication media.

The first significant change in the turn of the century is..

1. Taking a sincere interest in people and ideas 2. Listen to difficult material

These two suggestions help one identify attitudes that may be blocking one's ability to concentrate.

Prolonged repetition

This causes one to become indifferent and tune out the stimulus.


Understanding the principles of logic and reasoning, and recognizing bias, stereotyping, propaganda, and other factors that may influence the conclusions you draw, is essential.

Selective attention

What you choose to hear from a wide range of possibilities


You cannot completely control the _____ you make on another person.

conversational sensitivity

by Daly, Vangelista, Daughton. The degree to which people attend to and interpret what occurs in conversations.

Applying the HURIER model

1. Assess your current performance in each of the 6 skill areas 2. Set personal goals by identifying the component(s) you would like to improve 3. Learn relevant principles 4. Acquire specific skills by practicing your new listening behaviors 5. Be assessed on exactly what you have learned and practiced

How to enhance one's ability to listen appreciatively.

1. Identifying the specific things that give one listening pleasure. 2. Deliberately searching for ways to expand the focus of one's appreciative listening. 3. Developing a positive attitude and willingness to spend time listening appreciatively.

Rules of constructive feedback.

1. Is descriptive, not evaluative. 2. Helpful comments focus on those aspects of behavior that people can change and that are relevant to the situation at hand. 3. Own your opinions by phrasing them appropriately. 4. Feedback must be given as soon after the behavior occurs as possible. Provide immediately after observation. 5. Information is more readily acknowledged and acted on if it is seen as useful.

Assessment concerns of measuring listening abilities

1. Lack of clarity regarding the constructs of listening 2. Lack of correspondence between behaviors being assessed and those being taught. 3. Use of written measures to assess behavioral dimensions. 4. Difficulties in skill transfer. 5. Role of motivation and listening improvement.

Letting the speaker finish

1. Monitor your behavior 2. Listen to understand, not to refute 3. Solicit help from your friends


A change of focus from one sound to another. Characteristics of the sound override one's voluntary selection. Occurs because there are 3 different "levels" of hearing.


A selective process that controls our awareness of events in the environment. Determines which auditory or visual stimuli are processed.

Inner speech

A specialized form of self-talk. An internal conversation with ourselves. Serves a variety of functions in the listening process and has been used to develop a theoretical perspective to explain how we assign or generate meanings while listening.


A summary in your own words of the important ideas presented by the speaker. When you sense a logical break in the material, you write down the essential information. Like a verbal paraphrase.

The effectiveness of communicators (those individuals responsible for the selection, transmission, and reception of information across time and space)

A vital factor in the success of globalization is

listening effectiveness

By developing ________, you also influence the "listening environment."


Characteristic of Sound. A significant element in securing attention. Speakers use vocal variety to command attention and provide emphasis.


Characteristic of Sound. Although most adults attend to messages in 8-15 second intervals, this may extend the focus of attention. If a communicator does the unexpected, they is likely to hold attention better than if a listener correctly anticipates the speaker's behavior. When speakers raise our interest and curiosity, they also increase our attention.


Deliberate _______ guides you in monitoring those mental listening processes that are inaccessible to others and enables you to select appropriate strategies as you pursue a specific listening goal.


Establishing this over the listening situation is an important goal for anyone interested in improving their hearing.

physical, mental

Focused concentration requires a certain ___ as well as __ readiness.

Relational communication

Focuses on meanings rather than messages and proposes that listening and speaking occur simultaneously. Listening, not speaking, becomes the central feature of effective face-to-face communication.

Listener anxiety

Has a significant impact on one's concentration. Can be caused in a variety of ways. Results in further reduction of listening abilities.

Tertiary level

Having little or no control over what one hears. The CNS is not involved in processing the stimuli. The autonomic system responds to a sound simply because of its intensity.

Primary level of hearing

Hearing is voluntary. One selects the information they want to concentrate on.


Help increase understanding. Are helpful when you don't feel you are getting adequate information to understand your partner's point of view thoroughly. Is asking the speaker to expand on a particular issue.

Stimulus and response

In early models of communication, encounters were viewed in terms of this. like sender, receiver, noise, feedback, channel, mand message.

Visual, auditory

In humans, this is usually dominant over this.

1. the relational level in which you communicate with another person 2. the individual level where the listener functions as an independent system

In our study of listening, we are concerned with understanding systems at 2 levels:

Organizations are this

Intricate webs of interrelationships


Is critical to language development and to your appreciation of the world around you.


Listening may deteriorate during the communication event as one realizes that the material is _____. Can create additional anxiety and mental blocking.


Other sounds that your attention isn't focused on and is then perceived more dimly and remains here.

Scopic listener

The inquisitive, curious person who asks a lot of questions is this.


The response a receiver makes to the sender's message. Can be verbal or nonverbal, direct or indirect, intentional or unintentional.

The hammer, stirrup, and anvil

These 3 small bones on the other side of the drum amplify the vibrations of sound waves.


These are used both for clarification and to obtain additional information from your partner. These let your partner know how your background compares with their assumptions about your level of knowledge. They prevent you from making inaccurate assumptions when you try to act on incomplete information.

Generative cultures

These foster trust and personal development for all employees.

Leading questions

These types of questions are for when your partner can tell from the way you ask a question what you expect their answer to be.

Probing questions

These types of questions encourage your partner to elaborate on a particular topic.

outer ear

This catches the sound waves and channels them through the auditory canal to the eardrum. The sound waves then cause the drum membrane to vibrate.

HURIER model

This model was created as the result of a consulting project.

True understanding

This often requires listening over time; you need to make a personal commitment and investment of energy. Listening connects you to other people.


Those specific factors that influence which stimuli you select.

Constructive feedback

Through this, you facilitate listening improvement by providing information to your partner in a thoughtful, planned, and straightforward manner.


Visual and auditory processing use different ____ pathways, and therefore interference from one mode is not as distracting as if the two messages were present in the same medium.


What you ___ is meaningful only to the extent that you perceive some structure and stability in the situation. Once you have accumulated a reservoir of past experiences, you have a basis on which to "make sense" of new information.

Auditory discrimination

When perceiving a sound accurately, one knows more than just the fact that they heard something- one knows what that sound was.

high priority

You need to make listening this. You need to choose to listen.


Your partner makes judgments regarding the quality of your listening based largely on the nature of your response. The HURIER approach suggests that effective listeners analyze the communication situation and purpose, and then choose an appropriate response from among the alternatives.


_______ are not meaningful apart from the specific content of the interaction as perceived by the participants in the relational approach.

Chronic mindfulness

A state in which individuals rely so heavily on preconceived notions that they fail to be mindful or to hear what is really going on.

Emotional intelligence

An important competence. Listening to music improves this and helps relieve tension and foster a more positive mental state when nervous or stressed.

Open questions

Ask these types of questions to allow your partner alternatives in how they respond. There is more than 1 way of answering.

Closed questions

Ask these types of questions when you want a short, direct, and specific response.


Characteristic of Sound. This commands attention because it is perceived at the tertiary level; you respond automatically.

Elusive goal

Complete understanding between two individuals is this. Not only are meanings personal and unique, but there is also the possibility that senders are purposely unclear or receivers purposely misunderstand what is said to them.

Attentive behaviors

Eye contact, forward trunk lean, physical proximity, and verbal following. Using these will improve one's concentration.

1. Muscle relaxation 2. Imagery and fantasy 3. Mental rehearsal 4. Deep breathing

Four physical and mental exercises that help one sustain attention.

1. reception of sound waves 2. perception of sound in the brain 3. auditory association

Hearing involves what 3 interrelated stages?


Involves organizing information visually so that the relationships among ideas become apparent. Main ideas are recorded in the center of a page, leaving room on the sides for supporting information.

Perpetual set (readiness)

Is the likelihood that one will hear what they are prepared to hear and doesn't hear much of other sounds.

1. Egocentric 2. Silent 3. Compressed syntax 4. Semantic embeddedness

Johnson proposed 4 characteristics of inner speech, which are...


Listening purpose. to distinguish and identify sounds


Listening purpose. to evaluate and judge


Listening purpose. to identify feelings and to empathize


Listening purpose. to understand and learn

meaningful perspective

Making decisions, setting priorities, and establishing long and short-range goals are all difficult if you can't put information into this.


Occurs when you repeat a continuous verbal message as you hear it.


Of all the dimensions of the listening process, hearing is the most _______.


Once the sound waves reach the inner ear, the ____, a snail-shaped structure filled with liquid, takes over. Has hair-like nerve cells that change pressure vibrations to nerve impulses. These are then transmitted to the auditory nerve and then to the brain. This is sound.

Order of Importance or Order of Complexity

Pattern of organization. Ideas are arranged according to some order that emerges from the information itself.


Pattern of organization. One of the easiest patterns. Presenting the main ideas in a time sequence.


Pattern of organization. Organizes descriptive material around location or relative positions.


Pattern of organization. When identifying a problem and then going on to propose a recommendation(s) for resolving the situation.


Pattern of organization. When main ideas are relatively equal in importance and can be listed in any order.

profound impact

Perceptual factors have a ______ on your listening; yet because they are internal, they are also difficult to recognize.

Cornell Note-Taking System

Principles that help listeners better understand what they hear. 1. Preparation- drawing a line, label Record Column and Reduce Column. 2. Note taking- writing down facts and ideas in the Record Column. 3. Use of notes- Review in Record Column and summarize each point of information in the Reduce Column.


Processed the information and depending upon their interpretations, provided feedback. The individual(s) who receive the speaker's message.

Leadership development

Self-listening has recently emerged as a topic in this. "Knowing self" is the very top of the priority list.


Sound travels in waves as it moves through the air. These then bump into air molecules and create either positive or negative pressure.

Secondary level of hearing

The involuntary or autonomic nervous system is at work. One may focus on one task but still be conscious of another.

Word recognition

This is a prerequisite to listening comprehension. One must be able to form tentative images from the sound cues one hears. Each person imposes their own internal meaning on what they hear.

Concept-Versus-Fact Method

This method focuses your attention on the main points of the message. Writing down main points in left column, supporting evidence, examples, and other information in the right column.


This method of auditory association, can flag suspicious travel activity or assist doctors in identifying cancerous cells.

Outline Method

This method serves as an effective note-taking system because it makes the relationship of ideas readily apparent. Noted in phrases or 1-word reminders. Then evidence/support is indicated by capital letters, numbers, and small letters. Appropriate when the speaker's presentation is well-planned and logically organized.

Concerns about which variables should be included in Listening.

Three major concerns remain: 1. Lack of a theoretical framework. A recurring criticism of listening research has been its lack of a theoretical framework. Listening can be examined as a multifaceted, integrated process in HURIER. 2. Covert nature of the listening process. Conclusions about listening competence must often be based on observable indicators of unobservable processes. Researchers have consequently begun to develop more behaviorally anchored paradigms, like HURIER. 3. Lack of information sharing across disciplinary boundaries. Listening becomes the elephant around which scholars from many disciplines gather, each grasping a different part of the whole and believing that what they have discovered represents the entire animal.


To isolate and identify sounds. Is based on your past experiences and familiarity with the specific sounds one has heard. Is developmental and experiential. Improves with age.

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Two researchers presented this theory of language. Based on studies of individuals from different cultures. The language people use to describe their world is directly related to their patterns of thought about that world. Language not only develops as a result of cultural needs, but it also determines the way in which a group of people perceives their environment.

Perception check

Using appropriate questions to request clarification, to probe, or to control the direction of the conversation. Some of the most productive types of questions are those that are used to confirm that one's understanding of the partner's message is correct.

air molecules, 760

When ________ are pushed together, positive pressure is created. Sound waves may then pass through the air at up to ____ m/hr, which is what you hear.

Shifting the focus

When some people interrupt out of a need for recognition, to let others know what they think.

Semantic reactions

When some people react so strongly to words that they have difficulty distinguishing between what is real-in the environment- and the mental images elicited by words used to describe these objects and events.

Connotative meaning.

Words derive their impact from the past associations and expectations they elicit. No word is without this. Song lyrics is a good example because they take on special significance due to the experiences one associates with them.


______ of inner speech will help you monitor your listening behavior and understand the process of listening comprehension so that you can better select and implement specific strategies to accomplish your listening goals.

Internal stimuli

internal noise that distracts oneself.

Developing one's vocabulary

1. Keep a dictionary handy 2. Write down new words 3. Use new words


1. Listening is a system comprised of 6 interrelated processes. Different purposes and types of listening require emphasis on different listening processes and behaviors. 2. Listening involves both hearing and seeing. Aspects of voice or paralanguage and nonverbal cues influence the way a perceptive listener interprets meanings. 3. Listening is broad enough to include situations in which individuals listen to the media, to music, to themselves, and to a variety of messages and sounds where others may or may not be present. 4. Listening always require conscious effort. Effective listening is active and mindful. 5. A response is a necessary component of listening. People judge the quality of the exchange based largely on the listener's response. 6. Listening isn't always purposeful. It isn't always intentional and planned. A lot of it is spontaneous and unplanned.

Factors that influence listening

1. Some people are born good listeners and some aren't. Characteristics of a good listener would be a patient, reflective person. Open-minded and interested in a wide variety of subjects.Tend to have a positive attitude. 2. Listening competence is linked to intelligence. Intelligence as a listening variable interacts with a number of other factors such as personality, motivation, attitude, and interest in the subject. Emotional intelligence. 3. Anxiety and stress have a profound effect on one's ability to listen well. Attitudes toward communicating also affect overall listening ability. 4. Willingness to listen 5. It's said that females perform better on tasks that involve verbal ability, while men perform best when visual skills are involved. Women are more sensitive to nonverbal cues. Some differences are related to biological links. 6. An individual's culture, background, role, and other variables determine his unique perspective. Taking multiple perspectives into account will enrich your communication and decision making, ignoring them will create conflict and misunderstandings. 7. The clarity of the organization has a significant impact on your ability to comprehend and recall the information you hear. Speakers who use clear organizational strategies are easier to follow than those who present ideas randomly. 8. One listens differently to mediated communication than to a live speaker.

1. Chronological 2. Topical 3. Spatial 4. Order of Importance or Order of Complexity 5. Problem-solution

5 common patterns of organization are...

A listening strategy

5 listening goals 1. discriminative 2. comprehensive 3. therapeutic 4. critical 5. appreciative

personalized memory file

A listener compares incoming information to previous knowledge, forms relationships between new and old ideas, and creates this.

Interpersonal communication

A listening context. Characterized as an interaction that takes place between 2 or 3 people who are in relatively close proximity. Participants are physically oriented toward one another and nonverbal cues play an important role in the accurate interpretation of meanings. Can be either formal or informal.

Mediated communication

A listening context. Communication that takes place through some form of technology. Individual communicators may not be in physical proximity but may be separated by hundreds or thousands of miles. Fewer cues are available to understand and accurately interpret messages.

Public communication

A listening context. Presentational, More formal than either interpersonal or small group and is often referred to as one way. The individual designated as the speaker is often physically distant, and always distinct from his or her listeners. The message is created in advance. Listeners continuously provide nonverbal cues in response to the speaker's message.

Small group communication

A listening context. When 4-8 individuals interact face-to-face, they are generally designated as a small group. All parties readily can see one another and are aware of one another's verbal and nonverbal behavior. In a face-to-face setting.


A major advantage of using the HURIER model is that when listening is presented as separate but interrelated skill areas, you have a clear method of assessing and improving your listening on an _________ basis


A person can speak between ______-______ words a minute.


A person can understand up to ___-____ words a minute.

systems view

A ______ of human communication is one of the most useful approaches for examining both the role of listening in the communication process as well as the interrelationships among the 6 components of the HURIER model. This perspective implies that elements of a process are interrelated and interdependent.

Knowledge economy

A direct result of the revolution in communication technologies. Has a profound impact on you as a listener.

International Listening Association

A group of scholars from this met with the goal of reaching consensus on a single definition of listening. It was "the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages.

one-way communication

Although these situations may tempt you to assume the stimulus-response perspective, the relational view encourages you to always think like a listener.

Self-Monitoring Scale

An 18-item true-false inventory that measures the following: 1. Concern for social appropriateness 2. Expensive self-control 3. Other-directed self-presentation 4. Cross-situational variety of behavior

Relational approach

Communication does not always take place to accomplish a specific purpose, and accurate understanding is not always a necessary outcome of the encounter. Communicators may intentionally distort messages. It's greatest practical application is to interpersonal, face-to-face situations. Emphasizes mental and physical activity.


Created and delivered messages. subsequently used the feedback to adjust their messages. The person who originates and transmits a message.

unique framework

Each of us has a ________ for viewing the world and a special set of crayons to color our visions. This uniqueness becomes apparent in many simple ways every day.

Listener-defined activity

Effective communication becomes a ________.; that is, a message means whatever you, the listener, think it means.


Effective listeners strive to ____ their partner's response by recognizing the impact of perceptual differences and the significance of both what is said and the context in which it occurs.


Effective listening enables you to connect with a wide range of people and create a network of relationships. The practice of sincere and consistent listening contributes to the development of a unique atmosphere or climate that makes further information sharing possible. Allows for greater risk-taking.

Negotiating meanings

Emphasizes the role listening plays as you come to better understand other people and to align your behavior based on a process of constant listening and subsequent adjustment. This is what scholars mean when they say that reality is "socially constructed."

First, Your behavior either contributes to or hinders the accomplishment of your task. Second, your relationship with the other person is either strengthened or diminished.

Every time you communicate, two things happen....?

what could be spoken, heard, and remembered

For most of human history, the amount of information shared among individuals was determined by

The Hurier Approach to Listening

Four goals direct our journey into listening: 1. To recognize the importance and pervasiveness of listening so that you will be highly motivated to listen well. 2. To learn the principles of effective listening so that you know what to do to improve your effectiveness. 3. To acquire a range of listening skills so that you can practice effective listening behavior. 4. To analyze each listening situation so that you can choose the most appropriate listening strategies for your particular purpose and context.

1. Attention 2. Perception 3. Interpretation 4. Memory 5. Response 6. Spoken sounds 7. Visual cues

Glenn analyzed 50 definitions of listening. Similarities and differences among various approaches depended largely on the presence or absence of these 7 independent dimensions.


He suggests that awareness of your own thinking process is a prerequisite to changing or improving behavior.


If you are really interested in improving your listening behavior, clear and direct _____ is essential.

60%, 80%, 30%

In one study, it suggested that over ____ percent of errors made in business can be attributed to poor listening. ___ percent of executives rated listening as the most vital skill for accomplishing tasks in the workplace, and nearly ___ percent also admitted that listening skills were most lacking.


Increased the number of messages and the speed with which they are delivered, requiring listeners to confront a constantly changing and increasingly complex listening environment.

internal and external

The HURIER model also recognizes that you are constantly influenced by both _________ factors that color your perceptions and subsequent interpretations. The nature of these personal filters, and the degree of impact each has on your listening, varies from one situation to the next.

most effective listeners

The ____________ not only listen to themselves, but are also sensitive to how their behavior affects others. 2 of the most potent ways in which your learning in this course can be facilitated is through A) continuous self-monitoring and B) obtaining constructive feedback from your classmates and instructor.

High self-monitoring

The ability to assess a situation accurately, determine an appropriate response, and then modify your behavior in light of that knowledge- has been suggest as a prerequisite to effective communication. Concerned with social appropriateness and to the expressions and self-presentations of others (emotional intelligence).


The activity of choosing words and other symbols to express the ideas that the sender wants to convey.


The importance of listening in building strong relationships is nowhere better expressed than here. Our music, movies, literature, and art suggest that building relationships is a fundamental need.

The more likely

The more effective your listening-the more you pay attention to the other person- _________ you are to reach your goal of shared meanings.

Anticipate/Defining the situation

The process of predicting how another person will respond to a given idea or event. If you accurately define the situation, your behavior is more likely to be appropriate because you have figured out how the other person expects you to respond.


The receiver interprets or assigns meaning to the words and symbols in the sender's message.


The verbal and/or nonverbal symbols that convey the sender's intentions and that are transmitted to a receiver.


These are individuals who inspire their peers to follow them, who engender trust and facilitate collaborative efforts to get things done. Does not need to have a title of CEO or president.


These are strongly influenced both by the communicator's past experiences and by the specific communication context. This context is the communication framework.

Relational models

These emphasize what goes on between people communicating rather than on the process of creating and sending messages. Focus is not on the speaker's content and delivery, but on the way in which listeners' minds construct meanings from what a speaker has said. The listener plays the central role.

Excellent leaders

These enable self-knowledge in their team members by creating what has been called generative cultures.

Shared meanings

These may be cultural as well as personal.

Predictable, unpredictable

These people tend to be better liked than ____ ones.

Communication technologies

These revolutionize the way that organizations operate because they facilitate all global business activities.


They often approach a communication situation with a particular goal in mind. It may be to relax, provide support, or build a stronger relationship.

Low self-monitors

They rely more heavily on their own values and feelings as guides in managing their behavior. Their communication is relatively consistent from one person or one situation to the next. May have difficulty recognizing others' viewpoints and collaborating with those from different cultural orientations.

Knowledge and how effectively and ethically it is used

This determines the quality of our futures.

Individual listener

While our first view captured both of the communication partners, our second lens, the one with which we are most concerned frames the __________ as an independent system so that we can examine what goes on both mentally and physically during the listening process.

nature, quality

While your ability to listen is influenced by these situational variables, the ____ and _____ of your listening also has an impact on the listening environment; that is, while contextual features beyond your control contribute to shaping your listening response, you are not simply a pawn in the process.

Creative process

You control the type and amount of information you receive and you may even hear things that were never said.


You do 2 things when evaluating messages. 1. take into account the total communication context so that you are better able to understand the meaning of what is said from the speaker's point of view. Your ability to empathize requires that you pay attention to emotional meaning and to the communication context. 2. Effective listeners let their partners know that they have been understood.


You may be communicating even if you are not responding; meanings are produced in the listener's mind as soon as there is even the assumption of intent on the part of the listener. They are elicited as listeners perceive and interpret what they hear.

Enjoyment, appreciate listening.

You often listen for this....It's also known as this.


was anything that interfered with the communication process and could be overcome through modifications to the message, the setting, the channel, or the sender's behavior.


Whenever you hear a message, you're not ___ taking in information, but, rather, you are actively participating in a creative process.


Speaking and listening functions are integrated; cues from your environment are ______ being processed as you work to share meanings with your partner.

Hearing Understanding Remembering Interpreting Evaluating Responding

The 6 component HURIER listening model

Think like a listener

When you begin to ___________ instead of a speaker, you'll seek out listening opportunities and recognize how essential they are to both your personal and professional development.


Involves the accurate reception of sounds. Must focus attention on the speaker, discriminate among sounds, and concentrate.


Is essential if you intend to apply what you have heard in future situations.

Communication framework

Is the larger image of a situation that you use to make sense of what is going on. "framing" is dynamic and often has such a strong influence on the way you perceive the world that your interpretations of what you hear become severely limited.


It is a special kind of social sensitivity. It refers to your awareness of how your behavior affects another person within the context of a specific interaction, and the degree to which you choose to modify your response based on that knowledge.

content and context or framework

Meanings are the product of both ____ and _____, which can lead to assumptions.

too much attention

Others warn that _________on internal monologues can inhibit effective interaction. Listening well to others may require quieting our inner as well as your outer voice.


This has made possible unprecedented convenience, flexibility, and choice with regard to the information that we seek.

Lifelong learning

This has now become a necessity. The more you know, the better prepared you will be to understand accurately new ideas and adjust to the changes around you.


This influences all other relationships. The process of listening to oneself is integrally linked to the process of listening to others. This involves listening to our self-images as well as our thoughts and feelings. Only when we listen well to ourselves and recognize our values, beliefs, prejudices, and needs can we listen to others with insight and sensitivity.

Sperry Rand

This manufacturing company was one of the first to promote itself as a "listening organization" Listening training was provided at all organizational levels.


This person draws attention to the link between listening to self and individual well-being, explaining that those who practice self-listening are healthier and less anxious than their less-reflective peers.

Listening well allows

To ask good questions, make better decisions, and communicate more clearly because you understand the other person's point of view.


To understand what you hear- listening comprehension- improves with practice. A lot are intrapersonal (in your head).

Nonverbal cues

Voice quality, body posture, touch, and the use of space play an important role in shaping the high self-monitor's impressions. High self-monitors adjust their own responses and nonverbal behaviors according to the demands of the particular situation.

High self-monitors

When they are uncertain about the appropriateness of their emotional reactions, they look to the behavior of others for guidance.

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