Lists in python (Codecademy - Python 3)
creates a new list from the sorted items in the original_list
Nested list
a list which also has another list as an element in it
Output of :- language = ['p','y','t','h','o','n'] print(my_list[4.0])
Error (only integer value can be used for indexing)
Can a list be added to another list using the append() , insert() , extend() method ? (Yes/No)
output of :- list = [1 , 2 , 2] list.remove(2) print(list)
[ 1 , 2 ]
output of :- list = [1 , 2 , 3 , 4] list.append(9) print(list)
[1 , 2 , 3 ,4,9]
output of :- n_list = ["Happy",[2,0,1,5]] print(n_list[0][1])
Way to create list in python
a list is created by placing all the elements inside a square bracket [ ] , separated by commas.
by this method one element or list at a time can be added at the end of the list
Output of :- language = ['p','y','t','h','o','n'] print(my_list[3])
Which in - built function is used to determine the length of the list in python
A _______ ________ is the position at which any element is present in the list. Index in the list starts from 0, so if a list has 5 elements the index will start from 0 and go on till 4. In order to access an element in a list we need to use index operator [].
list index
list is a sequence of value of any data type (integer, float, string, Boolean etc.)
list that can't be changed
In this type of indexing the last element/ item is referred to as -1 and the first item is referred to as -n ( n is the total number of elements)
negative indexing
returns the length of the list
this operation is used to print a specific range of elements from the list
sorts elements in list