Lord of the Flies Ch 7-12 Study Guide

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72. Who does Jack order his tribe to capture and tie up in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock"?


54. Which boy interrupts Jack when he is talking about the beast appearing in disguise to say, "But didn't we, didn't we--?" in Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses"?


55. What word is used in Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses" to mean pertaining to the study of religious truth or divinity?


1. In the beginning of Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees," Ralph wishes that he had a pair of scissors to do what?

cut his hair

45. What happens to the body of the boy who is killed during the ritual in Chapter 9: "A View to a Death"?

its washed away by the ocean

71. What lies on the ground behind Jack and his hunters when they emerge from the forest toward Ralph, Piggy, and the twins, in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock,"?

A Pigs Head

49. In Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses," Ralph claims that what happened during the ritual was murder. What does Piggy desperately claim it was instead?

An Accident

25. How are the hunters able to find the wounded sow in Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness"?

By the drops of her blood

32. What is impaled on the stick that is referred as "The Lord of the Flies" in Chapter 9: "A View to a Death"?

the pig head

2. What word does Ralph use in referring to a bath in the beginning of Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees"?


10. Who suggests that the boys need a drum after the pig-killing ritual in Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees"?


27. In the reenactment of the pig killing in Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness," who portrays the sow?


7. Who acts as Ralph's witness that he hit the boar with the spear in Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees," saying "I saw you. Right bang on his snout—Wheee!"?


30. Which of the boys pick up and carry the pig after the kill in Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness"?

Maurice and Robert

57. Which of the boys volunteer to go along with Jack to steal fire from the other camp that night in Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses"?

Maurice and Roger

20. What suggestion does Simon make when he takes the shell at the meeting in Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness"?

climb the mountain

23. Who lights the new fire in Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness"?


74. How many feet down does Piggy fall when he is hit by the rock in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock"?

Piggy falls 40 feet

58. Piggy says as they relight the fire in Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses," "If only we could make a" what?


87. In the end of Chapter 12: "Cry of the Hunters," Ralph is said to weep for "the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart," and for the death of what "true, wise friend"?

Ralph weeps for Piggy.

46. Where does the narrator say a great scab had formed on Ralph in the opening of Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses"?

Right Knee

13. Who cuts his knee quite badly as the boys move along the rocks of the shoreline in Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees"?


51. Who stops Roger as he approaches the Castle Rock, saying "Halt! Who goes there?" in Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses"?


70. Who responds when Ralph asks where Jack is in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock," saying "He's hunting. And he said we weren't to let you in"?


77. When Ralph looks back to Castle Rock from the forest in the beginning of Chapter 12: "Cry of the Hunters," who does he see "sitting on guard at the top of the cliff" with "a spear in his left hand and tossing up a pebble and catching it again with the right"?


9. When the boys reenact the battle for the boar in Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees," which of the boys portrays the boar?


28. In the reenactment of the killing of the pig in Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness," who portrays the killer?


29. Who asks Jack as he disembowels the pig, "How can we make a fire?" in Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness"?


41. Who portrays the pig in the ritual dance after the feast in Chapter 9: "A View to a Death"?


69. Who calls to Ralph and the others as they approach Jack's fortress in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock," saying "Halt! Who goes there?"


75. Who pulls the lever that drops the boulder, killing Piggy, in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock"?


81. Sam and Eric tell Ralph in Chapter 12: "Cry of the Hunters" that Jack and who plant to hunt him tomorrow?


37. When Ralph and Piggy arrive at the feast in Chapter 9: "A View to a Death," which of the boys, "thinking that Ralph had turned to him accusingly, put down his gnawed bone with a nervous giggle"?


62. Who says at the suggestion of going to Castle Rock to talk to Jack about Piggy's glasses, "We ought to take spears," in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock"?


65. Ralph says to the boys in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock" that when they approach Jack's camp "we won't be painted because we aren't" what?


59. By what name does Ralph refer to Jack's followers in Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses"?

Savages; Reds

68. In Chapter 11: "Castle Rock," the narrator says, "There was no sign left of the storm, and the beach was swept clean like a blade that has been scoured." What literary technique is used in this sentence?


15. Who agrees to go back through the forest to the shelters and the littluns as the other boys head toward the mountain in Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees"?


44. Which of the boys is killed during the ritual in Chapter 9: "A View to a Death"?


22. The narrator states in Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness," "The greatest ideas are the" what?


3. What does the imagery surrounding the vast sea symbolize in Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees"?

Symbolizes the hopelessness and despair because the boys have no way to navigate home.

16. Jack tells his hunters at the meeting in the beginning of Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness" that Ralph said they are all what?

Tells his hunters that Ralph said they are no good and are cowards.

78. What symbolic object in the novel was destroyed when Piggy died?

The Conch

40. What does Jack say "doesn't count at this end of the island" in Chapter 9: "A View to a Death"?

The conch

82. What is the first tactic that Jack's tribe uses to flush Ralph from the thicket in Chapter 12: "Cry of the Hunters"?

The first tactic is that they hurl boulders into it.

83. What is the second tactic used by Jack's tribe to flush Ralph from the thicket in Chapter 12: "Cry of the Hunters"?

The second tactic used is lighting the thicket on fire.

88. In the ending of Chapter 12: "Cry of the Hunters," the narrator notes that when the children all begin weeping, "The officer, surrounded by these noises, was moved and a little" what?

The sentence ends with embarrassed.

89. What does the officer say drew his crew to the island in Chapter 12: "Cry of the Hunters"?

The smoke from the fire drew him to the island.

79. What word used in Chapter 12: "Cry of the Hunters" means a kiss of peace?

The word pax

67. As Ralph's remaining tribe heads toward Jack's fortress in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock," the narrator says, "Behind [Ralph] came the twins, worried now for a while but full of" what?

Unquenchable vitality

50. Ralph tells Piggy in Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses," "I'm frightened. Of" what?

Us and what they can do to each other.

38. The narrator notes when the feast begins to die down in Chapter 9: "A View to a Death," "Evening was come, not with calm beauty but with" what?


53. What colors of face paint is Jack described as wearing in Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses"?

White and Red

52. It is revealed to Roger in Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses" that Jack got angry at what boy and had him tied up so that he can be beaten?


86. The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean was written by what Scottish author?

Written by R.M. Ballantyne

63. Who does Piggy say was murdered in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock"?

Young Simon

36. What does Ralph tell Piggy is "the only thing to do" in Chapter 9: "A View to a Death"?


84. What is the name of the littlun that first approaches the naval officer in Chapter 12: "Cry of the Hunters"?

His name is Percival

73. Piggy asks the crowd of boys during the showdown in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock," "Which is better—to have rules and agree, or" what?

Hunt and Kill

60. As Ralph drifts to sleep in Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses," he imagines to himself, "Supposing they could be transported home by jet, then before morning they would land at that big airfield" where?

In Wiltshire

66. What does the word "propitiate" mean, as used in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock"?

win or regain in favor of

5. What does Simon whisper to Ralph as Ralph sits engulfed in staring at the sea in Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees"?

you'll get back to where you came from

19. How many of the boys raise their hands when Jack demands of them, "Who thinks Ralph oughtn't to be chief?" in Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness"?


12. What word from Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees" means rich abundance or lushness?


35. What does Simon discover "the beast" to actually be in Chapter 9: "A View to a Death"?

man with the parachute

4. What word used in Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees" refers to the quality of being dulled or rounded at the extremity?


21. Piggy suggests to the boys that they rebuild the fire where, in Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness"?

on the rocks on the bathing pool

14. Who is back at the shelters with the littluns as the other boys are on the hunt for the beast in Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees"?


17. Jack claims at the meeting in the beginning of Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness" that Ralph "says things like" whom?


33. What does Simon say when he first speaks aloud in the jungle in Chapter 9: "A View to a Death"?

"What else is there to do"

56. Who asks Jack in Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses," "What'll we use for lighting the fire"?


18. What word does Jack use in Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness" that refers to a person appointed to a position of command or authority?


90. Which of the following is one of the central themes in Lord of the Flies?

Civilization Vs. Savagery is one of the themes, along with morality.

47. What does Piggy say Sam and Eric are doing when Ralph arrives at the camp in the beginning of Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses"?

Collecting Wood

76. What is Ralph said to be laying in at the beginning of Chapter 12: "Cry of the Hunters"?


42. What word used Chapter 9: "A View to a Death" means crazy or insane?


6. In Ralph's memory in Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees," he recalls following his father from Chatham to where?


64. Who suggests that the boys use their socks like caps in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock"?


31. What ailment does Simon seemingly suffer from in Lord of the Flies?


43. After the ritual in Chapter 9: "A View to a Death," the narrator says, "Along the shoreward edge of the shallows the advancing clearness was full of strange, moonbeam-bodied creatures with" what?

Fiery Eyes

24. What do the twins and Piggy bring back to Ralph from the forest in Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness"?


48. What word from Chapter 10: "The Shell and the Glasses" means to make gestures in an excited manner?


80. What does Ralph find in the forest to use as a weapon in Chapter 12: "Cry of the Hunters"?

He finds a stick sharpened at both ends.

39. Who obeys when Jack orders "Give me a drink" after he's eaten at the feast in Chapter 9: "A View to a Death"?


11. Who says that the boys can't go start a fire on the mountain because they don't have the spectacles in Chapter 7: "Shadows and Tall Trees"?


26. Who cuts the sow's neck with a knife in Chapter 8: "Gift for the Darkness"?


85. What is Jack described as wearing at his waist in the end of Chapter 12: "Cry of the Hunters"? .

Jack is described as wearing the remains of broken spectacles

61. What does the word "myopia" mean, as used in Chapter 11: "Castle Rock"?


34. What part of his body gives Simon frequent pain as he makes his way through the jungle in Chapter 9: "A View to a Death"?

his tongue

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